Author Topic: No looking back  (Read 15112 times)

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Offline wastepanel

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Re: No looking back
« Reply #210 on: July 15, 2016, 06:48:00 PM »
'oh yeah'

Love ya you basterd!
In the end I Surrender, I and I alone accept that I have and always will have a Nicotene ADDICTION. It is my choice to quit, but I can't do it alone. I get to go down this path one time, I want to do it right. I recognize that my word, my integrety to you is on the line and is only as good as my actions. Caving is not an option in this plan-Eafman 7/11

I am not cured. I will quit one day at a time. I will continue to do what works. Posting roll everyday. To do otherwise would be foolish on my part. You can do this-Ready 12/11

To overcome your addiction you must comprehend what it means to fail-Razd 3/12

Theres a lot of people that come here, especially vets, that WANT to be reminded that they are addicts.-Tarpon 6/12

Just as a building starts with architectural drawings. Your daily quit begins with a promise.-Scowick 2/13

Here and now, focused on today, minute by minute, whatever it takes, I promise to all my bros and myself not to become a negative stat and stay quit!-krok 1/15

I want everyone to be quit. Even the assholes.-Probe1957 1/18

Ignoring history or erasing history fixes nothing and leads you inevitably down the same path.-69franx 04/30/2021

Offline ChickDip

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Re: No looking back
« Reply #209 on: July 15, 2016, 06:26:00 PM »
Congrats on 5 years my PNW brother!
July 2015 Jackals - House of WUPP
"....the load doesn't weigh me down at all, he ain't heavy he's my brother"
Try to believe that you are worth more than you think, and others are worth more than you think.
"If you haven't... Quit now......If you have... Stay that way " ~AppleJack
"Make It Through Today" WarE2013 (Rest Easy)
"I am quit... for today... with you... but not FOR you" ~LBP
"Endeavor to Persevere!" Lone Waite

my intro / my HOF speech / my comma club
Building a Strong Quit / My HOF Day

Offline copingwithoutcopen

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Re: No looking back
« Reply #208 on: April 07, 2016, 06:11:00 AM »
Quote from: brettlees
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: mogul
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: MonsterEMT
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: Luby
Many of you don't know me, I haven't been real active on this site for awhile. I post roll everyday, and I do mean everyday in October '11. I posted 1725 today and I am proud to call myself a "basterd". Quick bio, I am a camera operator for live sporting events, if you are watching a game on TV some guy like me, or maybe even me is standing behind a camera to get you the shot, my job is very seasonal. Fall its football, college game every saturday night, winter is my down time, I don't travel as much as the rest of the year, I do a lot of hoops around where I live. It's great time at home with wife and more importantly dog, time to hit the gym on regular basis, no stress, no mess its great. It also leads me to question why I still post roll everyday, when I am chill at home I damn near forget to post, and when I forget I question why I bother to even do it. Do i NEED it anymore? I've been quit for years I barely even think about dipping, ever.

Then it is Spring, Spring means baseball. I worked 3 college games over the weekend and trust me I was probably the only guy there without a tin, I was talking to a players dad and he pulled a tin of Skoal mint (my poison of choice for 20 years) out of his pocket and packed one and I was ashamed at how bad I craved at that moment. I've gotta lot of MLB ahead of me and I know I will re-live that same moment time and again as the season goes on. So I post roll. It's nice to be able to actually feel complacent about my quit sometimes, hell I earned that through everyday I have quit, but its also nice to be reminded I am an addict. I will never be cured, I am stronger for it, and I have the tools to win the fight each day.
It is amazing how we are healed mentally until one trigger causes that pause where the thought of "just one more"; I am proud to say I do know you Peepers.

Thanks for pointing this out, I hope newbies that are "healed" read this.
This is badass. Proud to have met you and proud to be quit with you.

New quitters take note, here. This is why we post roll. You're never cured.
My Pac NW brother!

This is it. Right here.
Wow, thank you Luby. I needed that.
I'm not quite a newbie but my quit is stronger after reading this. Thanks for still being here Luby. I agree with AJ. PNW rules!
Luby this is gold. Thanks. Helps to have your thoughts from that far out in the land of freedom.

Offline brettlees

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Re: No looking back
« Reply #207 on: April 06, 2016, 03:14:00 PM »
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: mogul
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: MonsterEMT
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: Luby
Many of you don't know me, I haven't been real active on this site for awhile. I post roll everyday, and I do mean everyday in October '11. I posted 1725 today and I am proud to call myself a "basterd". Quick bio, I am a camera operator for live sporting events, if you are watching a game on TV some guy like me, or maybe even me is standing behind a camera to get you the shot, my job is very seasonal. Fall its football, college game every saturday night, winter is my down time, I don't travel as much as the rest of the year, I do a lot of hoops around where I live. It's great time at home with wife and more importantly dog, time to hit the gym on regular basis, no stress, no mess its great. It also leads me to question why I still post roll everyday, when I am chill at home I damn near forget to post, and when I forget I question why I bother to even do it. Do i NEED it anymore? I've been quit for years I barely even think about dipping, ever.

Then it is Spring, Spring means baseball. I worked 3 college games over the weekend and trust me I was probably the only guy there without a tin, I was talking to a players dad and he pulled a tin of Skoal mint (my poison of choice for 20 years) out of his pocket and packed one and I was ashamed at how bad I craved at that moment. I've gotta lot of MLB ahead of me and I know I will re-live that same moment time and again as the season goes on. So I post roll. It's nice to be able to actually feel complacent about my quit sometimes, hell I earned that through everyday I have quit, but its also nice to be reminded I am an addict. I will never be cured, I am stronger for it, and I have the tools to win the fight each day.
It is amazing how we are healed mentally until one trigger causes that pause where the thought of "just one more"; I am proud to say I do know you Peepers.

Thanks for pointing this out, I hope newbies that are "healed" read this.
This is badass. Proud to have met you and proud to be quit with you.

New quitters take note, here. This is why we post roll. You're never cured.
My Pac NW brother!

This is it. Right here.
Wow, thank you Luby. I needed that.
I'm not quite a newbie but my quit is stronger after reading this. Thanks for still being here Luby. I agree with AJ. PNW rules!
Luby this is gold. Thanks. Helps to have your thoughts from that far out in the land of freedom.
This info helped me early on, and still does today:

Quitters I’ve met so far: Ihatecope, >Pinched<, T-Cell, grizzlyhasclaws, Canvasback, BaseballPlayer, Cbird65, ERDVM, BradleyGuy, Ted, Zeno, AppleJack, Bronc, Knockout, MookieBlaylock, Rdad, 2mch2lv4, MN_Ben, Natro, Lippizaner, Amquash, ChristopherJ, GDubya, SRohde  -- always eager to meet more!

Offline rdad

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Re: No looking back
« Reply #206 on: April 05, 2016, 11:31:00 PM »
Quote from: mogul
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: MonsterEMT
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: Luby
Many of you don't know me, I haven't been real active on this site for awhile. I post roll everyday, and I do mean everyday in October '11. I posted 1725 today and I am proud to call myself a "basterd". Quick bio, I am a camera operator for live sporting events, if you are watching a game on TV some guy like me, or maybe even me is standing behind a camera to get you the shot, my job is very seasonal. Fall its football, college game every saturday night, winter is my down time, I don't travel as much as the rest of the year, I do a lot of hoops around where I live. It's great time at home with wife and more importantly dog, time to hit the gym on regular basis, no stress, no mess its great. It also leads me to question why I still post roll everyday, when I am chill at home I damn near forget to post, and when I forget I question why I bother to even do it. Do i NEED it anymore? I've been quit for years I barely even think about dipping, ever.

Then it is Spring, Spring means baseball. I worked 3 college games over the weekend and trust me I was probably the only guy there without a tin, I was talking to a players dad and he pulled a tin of Skoal mint (my poison of choice for 20 years) out of his pocket and packed one and I was ashamed at how bad I craved at that moment. I've gotta lot of MLB ahead of me and I know I will re-live that same moment time and again as the season goes on. So I post roll. It's nice to be able to actually feel complacent about my quit sometimes, hell I earned that through everyday I have quit, but its also nice to be reminded I am an addict. I will never be cured, I am stronger for it, and I have the tools to win the fight each day.
It is amazing how we are healed mentally until one trigger causes that pause where the thought of "just one more"; I am proud to say I do know you Peepers.

Thanks for pointing this out, I hope newbies that are "healed" read this.
This is badass. Proud to have met you and proud to be quit with you.

New quitters take note, here. This is why we post roll. You're never cured.
My Pac NW brother!

This is it. Right here.
Wow, thank you Luby. I needed that.
I'm not quite a newbie but my quit is stronger after reading this. Thanks for still being here Luby. I agree with AJ. PNW rules!

Offline Mogul

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Re: No looking back
« Reply #205 on: April 05, 2016, 07:28:00 PM »
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: MonsterEMT
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: Luby
Many of you don't know me, I haven't been real active on this site for awhile. I post roll everyday, and I do mean everyday in October '11. I posted 1725 today and I am proud to call myself a "basterd". Quick bio, I am a camera operator for live sporting events, if you are watching a game on TV some guy like me, or maybe even me is standing behind a camera to get you the shot, my job is very seasonal. Fall its football, college game every saturday night, winter is my down time, I don't travel as much as the rest of the year, I do a lot of hoops around where I live. It's great time at home with wife and more importantly dog, time to hit the gym on regular basis, no stress, no mess its great. It also leads me to question why I still post roll everyday, when I am chill at home I damn near forget to post, and when I forget I question why I bother to even do it. Do i NEED it anymore? I've been quit for years I barely even think about dipping, ever.

Then it is Spring, Spring means baseball. I worked 3 college games over the weekend and trust me I was probably the only guy there without a tin, I was talking to a players dad and he pulled a tin of Skoal mint (my poison of choice for 20 years) out of his pocket and packed one and I was ashamed at how bad I craved at that moment. I've gotta lot of MLB ahead of me and I know I will re-live that same moment time and again as the season goes on. So I post roll. It's nice to be able to actually feel complacent about my quit sometimes, hell I earned that through everyday I have quit, but its also nice to be reminded I am an addict. I will never be cured, I am stronger for it, and I have the tools to win the fight each day.
It is amazing how we are healed mentally until one trigger causes that pause where the thought of "just one more"; I am proud to say I do know you Peepers.

Thanks for pointing this out, I hope newbies that are "healed" read this.
This is badass. Proud to have met you and proud to be quit with you.

New quitters take note, here. This is why we post roll. You're never cured.
My Pac NW brother!

This is it. Right here.
Wow, thank you Luby. I needed that.

Offline AppleJack

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Re: No looking back
« Reply #204 on: April 05, 2016, 06:19:00 PM »
Quote from: MonsterEMT
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: Luby
Many of you don't know me, I haven't been real active on this site for awhile. I post roll everyday, and I do mean everyday in October '11. I posted 1725 today and I am proud to call myself a "basterd". Quick bio, I am a camera operator for live sporting events, if you are watching a game on TV some guy like me, or maybe even me is standing behind a camera to get you the shot, my job is very seasonal. Fall its football, college game every saturday night, winter is my down time, I don't travel as much as the rest of the year, I do a lot of hoops around where I live. It's great time at home with wife and more importantly dog, time to hit the gym on regular basis, no stress, no mess its great. It also leads me to question why I still post roll everyday, when I am chill at home I damn near forget to post, and when I forget I question why I bother to even do it. Do i NEED it anymore? I've been quit for years I barely even think about dipping, ever.

Then it is Spring, Spring means baseball. I worked 3 college games over the weekend and trust me I was probably the only guy there without a tin, I was talking to a players dad and he pulled a tin of Skoal mint (my poison of choice for 20 years) out of his pocket and packed one and I was ashamed at how bad I craved at that moment. I've gotta lot of MLB ahead of me and I know I will re-live that same moment time and again as the season goes on. So I post roll. It's nice to be able to actually feel complacent about my quit sometimes, hell I earned that through everyday I have quit, but its also nice to be reminded I am an addict. I will never be cured, I am stronger for it, and I have the tools to win the fight each day.
It is amazing how we are healed mentally until one trigger causes that pause where the thought of "just one more"; I am proud to say I do know you Peepers.

Thanks for pointing this out, I hope newbies that are "healed" read this.
This is badass. Proud to have met you and proud to be quit with you.

New quitters take note, here. This is why we post roll. You're never cured.
My Pac NW brother!

This is it. Right here.
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

Offline MonsterMedic

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Re: No looking back
« Reply #203 on: April 05, 2016, 04:25:00 PM »
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: Luby
Many of you don't know me, I haven't been real active on this site for awhile. I post roll everyday, and I do mean everyday in October '11. I posted 1725 today and I am proud to call myself a "basterd". Quick bio, I am a camera operator for live sporting events, if you are watching a game on TV some guy like me, or maybe even me is standing behind a camera to get you the shot, my job is very seasonal. Fall its football, college game every saturday night, winter is my down time, I don't travel as much as the rest of the year, I do a lot of hoops around where I live. It's great time at home with wife and more importantly dog, time to hit the gym on regular basis, no stress, no mess its great. It also leads me to question why I still post roll everyday, when I am chill at home I damn near forget to post, and when I forget I question why I bother to even do it. Do i NEED it anymore? I've been quit for years I barely even think about dipping, ever.

Then it is Spring, Spring means baseball. I worked 3 college games over the weekend and trust me I was probably the only guy there without a tin, I was talking to a players dad and he pulled a tin of Skoal mint (my poison of choice for 20 years) out of his pocket and packed one and I was ashamed at how bad I craved at that moment. I've gotta lot of MLB ahead of me and I know I will re-live that same moment time and again as the season goes on. So I post roll. It's nice to be able to actually feel complacent about my quit sometimes, hell I earned that through everyday I have quit, but its also nice to be reminded I am an addict. I will never be cured, I am stronger for it, and I have the tools to win the fight each day.
It is amazing how we are healed mentally until one trigger causes that pause where the thought of "just one more"; I am proud to say I do know you Peepers.

Thanks for pointing this out, I hope newbies that are "healed" read this.
This is badass. Proud to have met you and proud to be quit with you.

New quitters take note, here. This is why we post roll. You're never cured.
"Frank Pierce: Saving someone's life is like falling in love. The best drug in the world." - Bringing Out The Dead

Quit Date: 03-02-2014
HOF: 06-09-2014
3K and counting

Offline Pinched

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Re: No looking back
« Reply #202 on: April 05, 2016, 10:36:00 AM »
Quote from: Luby
Many of you don't know me, I haven't been real active on this site for awhile. I post roll everyday, and I do mean everyday in October '11. I posted 1725 today and I am proud to call myself a "basterd". Quick bio, I am a camera operator for live sporting events, if you are watching a game on TV some guy like me, or maybe even me is standing behind a camera to get you the shot, my job is very seasonal. Fall its football, college game every saturday night, winter is my down time, I don't travel as much as the rest of the year, I do a lot of hoops around where I live. It's great time at home with wife and more importantly dog, time to hit the gym on regular basis, no stress, no mess its great. It also leads me to question why I still post roll everyday, when I am chill at home I damn near forget to post, and when I forget I question why I bother to even do it. Do i NEED it anymore? I've been quit for years I barely even think about dipping, ever.

Then it is Spring, Spring means baseball. I worked 3 college games over the weekend and trust me I was probably the only guy there without a tin, I was talking to a players dad and he pulled a tin of Skoal mint (my poison of choice for 20 years) out of his pocket and packed one and I was ashamed at how bad I craved at that moment. I've gotta lot of MLB ahead of me and I know I will re-live that same moment time and again as the season goes on. So I post roll. It's nice to be able to actually feel complacent about my quit sometimes, hell I earned that through everyday I have quit, but its also nice to be reminded I am an addict. I will never be cured, I am stronger for it, and I have the tools to win the fight each day.
It is amazing how we are healed mentally until one trigger causes that pause where the thought of "just one more"; I am proud to say I do know you Peepers.

Thanks for pointing this out, I hope newbies that are "healed" read this.
"If you want to quit then stop talking and just QUIT. If you want to kill yourself a bullet is cheaper and faster than a tin, plus it eliminates my hearing you whine and cry like a bitch."

Best thing I have read on KTC...Submitted by tgafish on 7/3/14

Former Skoal Straight and Cope Longcut user that started at the age of 12. QUIT on 7/15/13

Offline luby

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Re: No looking back
« Reply #201 on: April 04, 2016, 07:55:00 PM »
Many of you don't know me, I haven't been real active on this site for awhile. I post roll everyday, and I do mean everyday in October '11. I posted 1725 today and I am proud to call myself a "basterd". Quick bio, I am a camera operator for live sporting events, if you are watching a game on TV some guy like me, or maybe even me is standing behind a camera to get you the shot, my job is very seasonal. Fall its football, college game every saturday night, winter is my down time, I don't travel as much as the rest of the year, I do a lot of hoops around where I live. It's great time at home with wife and more importantly dog, time to hit the gym on regular basis, no stress, no mess its great. It also leads me to question why I still post roll everyday, when I am chill at home I damn near forget to post, and when I forget I question why I bother to even do it. Do i NEED it anymore? I've been quit for years I barely even think about dipping, ever.

Then it is Spring, Spring means baseball. I worked 3 college games over the weekend and trust me I was probably the only guy there without a tin, I was talking to a players dad and he pulled a tin of Skoal mint (my poison of choice for 20 years) out of his pocket and packed one and I was ashamed at how bad I craved at that moment. I've gotta lot of MLB ahead of me and I know I will re-live that same moment time and again as the season goes on. So I post roll. It's nice to be able to actually feel complacent about my quit sometimes, hell I earned that through everyday I have quit, but its also nice to be reminded I am an addict. I will never be cured, I am stronger for it, and I have the tools to win the fight each day.

Offline wastepanel

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Re: No looking back
« Reply #200 on: August 05, 2015, 08:22:00 PM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: Luby
Holy crap is it crazy to see all the new names, all the new quitters, on intros and elsewhere as I make the occasional tour around this community. I post roll everyday in my group, October '11 and follow and post in the crossfit discussion thread but other than that I am not around this community as much anymore, but I occasionally spend some time reading intros.

I have zero to say about my quit but that I still post roll everyday, without fail, and it is still important to me. This site is still important to me, my friends I have made on this site are some of the most important people to me. Without this community I am not the person I am today, I would be a slave to the can of shame, I would be justifying an addiction like I always did, I would be the same dishonest pile of monkey shit I was before I found this place, I would lie to everyone and most importantly I would lie to myself, as I justified continuing being owned by nicotine. So all these new quitters that I have had no interaction with just know you are in the right place, know that there are quitters that you have never even heard of still posting roll, still reading, still here. We may not be as visible or active as we once were but we are here, we are here for our friends, we are here for each other, we are here for everyone that makes this community as valuable as it is. The cost of admission is to be a man of your word and promise not to use nicotine today. A price for the intoxication of freedom I am willing to pay first thing every morning.

Not today, mother fucker, not today.
Brotha, I'm with you man.
In the end I Surrender, I and I alone accept that I have and always will have a Nicotene ADDICTION. It is my choice to quit, but I can't do it alone. I get to go down this path one time, I want to do it right. I recognize that my word, my integrety to you is on the line and is only as good as my actions. Caving is not an option in this plan-Eafman 7/11

I am not cured. I will quit one day at a time. I will continue to do what works. Posting roll everyday. To do otherwise would be foolish on my part. You can do this-Ready 12/11

To overcome your addiction you must comprehend what it means to fail-Razd 3/12

Theres a lot of people that come here, especially vets, that WANT to be reminded that they are addicts.-Tarpon 6/12

Just as a building starts with architectural drawings. Your daily quit begins with a promise.-Scowick 2/13

Here and now, focused on today, minute by minute, whatever it takes, I promise to all my bros and myself not to become a negative stat and stay quit!-krok 1/15

I want everyone to be quit. Even the assholes.-Probe1957 1/18

Ignoring history or erasing history fixes nothing and leads you inevitably down the same path.-69franx 04/30/2021

Offline Scowick65

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Re: No looking back
« Reply #199 on: August 05, 2015, 02:45:00 PM »
Quote from: Luby
Holy crap is it crazy to see all the new names, all the new quitters, on intros and elsewhere as I make the occasional tour around this community. I post roll everyday in my group, October '11 and follow and post in the crossfit discussion thread but other than that I am not around this community as much anymore, but I occasionally spend some time reading intros.

I have zero to say about my quit but that I still post roll everyday, without fail, and it is still important to me. This site is still important to me, my friends I have made on this site are some of the most important people to me. Without this community I am not the person I am today, I would be a slave to the can of shame, I would be justifying an addiction like I always did, I would be the same dishonest pile of monkey shit I was before I found this place, I would lie to everyone and most importantly I would lie to myself, as I justified continuing being owned by nicotine. So all these new quitters that I have had no interaction with just know you are in the right place, know that there are quitters that you have never even heard of still posting roll, still reading, still here. We may not be as visible or active as we once were but we are here, we are here for our friends, we are here for each other, we are here for everyone that makes this community as valuable as it is. The cost of admission is to be a man of your word and promise not to use nicotine today. A price for the intoxication of freedom I am willing to pay first thing every morning.

Not today, mother fucker, not today.

Offline luby

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Re: No looking back
« Reply #198 on: August 04, 2015, 07:31:00 PM »
Holy crap is it crazy to see all the new names, all the new quitters, on intros and elsewhere as I make the occasional tour around this community. I post roll everyday in my group, October '11 and follow and post in the crossfit discussion thread but other than that I am not around this community as much anymore, but I occasionally spend some time reading intros.

I have zero to say about my quit but that I still post roll everyday, without fail, and it is still important to me. This site is still important to me, my friends I have made on this site are some of the most important people to me. Without this community I am not the person I am today, I would be a slave to the can of shame, I would be justifying an addiction like I always did, I would be the same dishonest pile of monkey shit I was before I found this place, I would lie to everyone and most importantly I would lie to myself, as I justified continuing being owned by nicotine. So all these new quitters that I have had no interaction with just know you are in the right place, know that there are quitters that you have never even heard of still posting roll, still reading, still here. We may not be as visible or active as we once were but we are here, we are here for our friends, we are here for each other, we are here for everyone that makes this community as valuable as it is. The cost of admission is to be a man of your word and promise not to use nicotine today. A price for the intoxication of freedom I am willing to pay first thing every morning.

Not today, mother fucker, not today.

Offline ChickDip

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Re: No looking back
« Reply #197 on: July 16, 2015, 01:58:00 PM »
Congrats on 4 years Luby!!!
July 2015 Jackals - House of WUPP
"....the load doesn't weigh me down at all, he ain't heavy he's my brother"
Try to believe that you are worth more than you think, and others are worth more than you think.
"If you haven't... Quit now......If you have... Stay that way " ~AppleJack
"Make It Through Today" WarE2013 (Rest Easy)
"I am quit... for today... with you... but not FOR you" ~LBP
"Endeavor to Persevere!" Lone Waite

my intro / my HOF speech / my comma club
Building a Strong Quit / My HOF Day

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Re: No looking back
« Reply #196 on: July 13, 2015, 08:21:00 AM »
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: Luby
Found my Intro on page 22, wow times have changed.

I'm still here. Most of you probably don't even know me.

I post roll every day, haven't missed one yet, proud of that? Not really, its just what I do. I still love this community and its the only thing that ever worked for me so if it ain't broke, don't fix it. So yeah I post roll everyday. Do I pay it forward anymore like I should? Not really, am I disappointed about that? Yeah I am. So many quitters helped me along the way, the fact that I have been on the sidelines for so long.... well yeah, I owe this site more than daily roll, and my ramblings in the CrossFit discussion board.

A lot of the time, I really considering fading away even more, just not posting roll and checking in every now and then. The friends I have made here will be friends for the rest of my life, I don't need to post roll for them to know I am just a text away from a bullshit session or to help. My support is in place I don't really NEED to be here anymore, but I am not leaving. This community is a part of me now, do I still crave a dip? Occasionally, sadly yes I do, but I am an addict, thats the way it works its never gonna go away. Do I need roll to get me through that anymore? No, no I don't but it sure as shit doesn't hurt so why not just post roll.

Plus where else would I sit down and ramble like this! Just wanted to say, I'm still here.
You are solid, you have paid it forward more than you can ever think.

Just keep up what you are doing my friend. You are living your life the right way, free of any nicotine (and getting those damn good pictures in all those sports stadiums.....).

thanks and be good.
Proud of you brother. I cant believe we're at 4 years, and I wouldn't be here without you. Thanks for all you do just by showing up.
Well brother you have always been just a text away from me since the first month in my quit. I am glad you are here.
"If you want to quit then stop talking and just QUIT. If you want to kill yourself a bullet is cheaper and faster than a tin, plus it eliminates my hearing you whine and cry like a bitch."

Best thing I have read on KTC...Submitted by tgafish on 7/3/14

Former Skoal Straight and Cope Longcut user that started at the age of 12. QUIT on 7/15/13