Author Topic: Just Getting Started  (Read 10341 times)

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Offline Souliman

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Re: Just Getting Started
« Reply #119 on: June 28, 2012, 10:05:00 PM »
God dammit Per. God fucking dammit.

You know this place. You know what is here. How the fucking christ can you ignore the folks around you? How the hell did you not ask any of those steel balled fuckers in your group for help? Did you send a text? Did you send a message? Did you ask anyone for help? Do you want this? You know how I work. Say that shit out loud. "I QUIT". Do you believe it when you say it? I need to hear some fucking resolve.

Offline per034

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Re: Just Getting Started
« Reply #118 on: June 28, 2012, 09:54:00 PM »
Quote from: Steve1357
Quote from: Bruce317
Or we can start with posting day 1 in October
Agreed, where is your day 1 at? Or you getting one last fix in now?

Come on Per you know the drill.

"Your plan to quit is as realistic as my plan to win the lottery". Does that sound familiar?
I am quit right now, but I won't disrespect this site by posting day one on a day that I've dipped. I dipped this morning. I never understood how you could dip in the morning and post Day 1 in the afternoon. I want to keep this clean.
The love you get here is conditional. The condition is that you are quit.

"Every time you bump someone and dont fix it, a kitten dies" - Jost2Brown

Offline per034

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Re: Just Getting Started
« Reply #117 on: June 28, 2012, 09:52:00 PM »
Quote from: Greg5280
Quote from: mikegooch
Quote from: per034
I am a failure. I've failed myself, my loved ones, and my quit brothers and sisters. I am ashamed of what I've done and there is no excuse for my betrayal - because that's what it is, a betrayal. I've betrayed the trust of the good people on this site - people who gave me support and guidance and incredible insight. I will never be able to make up for what I've done. I know that there's a shit storm coming, and I deserve to be standing in the middle of it without an umbrella.

My story is no different than any other failed quit. I had it licked. It was gone. I was master of my own destiny. I didn't need this place anymore. Coming here made me think of it every day, so I stopped coming here. And that's when my failure started. My quit failed on June 10, 2012. I remember the date distinctly. There was no reason. I drove past my usual pusher and instead of continuing to drive by like I had done for 14 months prior, I stopped. I can have one dip. I wasn't addicted anymore. So I bought a tin. And that first dip - well, I'm ashamed to say it was great. But the second one wasn't. It took me three days to get through that can. None of those dips were satisfying save the first. Then I bought another one. then another. before I knew it, within a week, I was back to a can a day. For the past week it's been bad.

No apology from me will ever make up for this betrayal, but understand that I am very sorry for letting you all down. I dipped this morning, so today will not be day one. My day one will start tomorrow.

Invariably, the question will be "how will this be different?" And my answer is not profound - this time it will be different because I say it will. I will use the tools on this site and lean on the expertise available here. I know how and why the program works and I know where and how I failed. Complacency got the best of me. My sin is arrogance. It won't happen again. I know those are hollow words from a cowardly man, but I will not let this take over my life yet again.

Please forgive me. Give me what I deserve. I may be a coward, but I'm man enough to take my medicine.

I'm sorry Dante, DChogs, KTK, Closer, LL, Nico, Dforbes, Parry, Sayrah and all of the Quitheads.
I've been an on and off closet dipper for 10 years. I honestly can't stand it anymore. I'm up to 2 cans a day and my gums are so cut it it's pathetic. I've decided that I'm going to quit tomorrow. I've done this once or twice before and i've hated it every time. I'm at that terrible place where I can't stand dipping anymore, but I don't want to quit either. Anyhow, I know that I have to, and I'm going to, but I'm going to need your help because they only times in the past I was successful and lasted a long time (over a year) off the can was when i used these forums. Anyhow, I'm packing my gums full of the crap today in order to say "goodbye" so that I can begin this journey again tomorrow. Please wish me luck and be there for me when I'm going nuts. Thanks.
You're only a failure if you completely give up! I am 18 days quit today.. Post roll and join up again.. this is what support is suppose to be about.. helping each other out in the heat of the battle.. NOT FUCKING SHOOTING OUR OWN FUCKING BROTHERS WHEN THEY ARE WOUNDED AND DOWN!!! I AM SICK AND FUCKING TIRED OF ALL THESE FUCKING COCKSUCKER ASSHOLES FIRING ON BROTHERS WHEN THEY ARE HAVING A BAD FUCKING DAY!!! WE ARE ALL FUCKING ADDICTS HERE NO ONE IS BETTER THAN THE OTHER.. WE ARE ALL ONE FUCKING STOP AWAY FROM FULL BLOWN ADDICTION AGAIN!!! If I catch backlash with you man... fuck it.. i quit with you pal... day 1 for you is better than giving up.. I don't know you.. but i love you and i quit with you!!! Gooch
Your story is so familar. I have seen it hundreds of times here. You know this is not a game, it is a fight for your life. If you learned nothing else here you should have learned the power of posting roll. A year plus tossed away... for what? I am glad you are back, it takes balls to come back and get your ass kicked which tells me you really do want to quit. Now lets see what you have....

I like your passion, a little mis-directed but I like it anyway. You have to understand there is no acceptable reason to cave. None, nothing, nada, EVER. People get ripped and so they should. Other quitters get pissed and so they should. Nobody forced any of the cavers to do what they did. It was a choice they made; A choice to piss on the word they gave their brothers and the other people fighting this addiction daily.

We are all addicts and on that we can both agree. Where we will have to disagree is when you say people who keep their word are no better than those that don't.

It was tossed away for nothing. For a spur of the moment decision that I'd avoided for so long. I'm sorry I let you down. And I agree - I appreciate Gooch's sentiment, but it's not something I agree with. I would have been the first to shout down a caver and I don't believe I deserve any different treatment. This site needs people like Gooch to keep it level. Thanks to you both.
The love you get here is conditional. The condition is that you are quit.

"Every time you bump someone and dont fix it, a kitten dies" - Jost2Brown

Offline steve1357

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Re: Just Getting Started
« Reply #116 on: June 28, 2012, 09:50:00 PM »
Quote from: Bruce317
Or we can start with posting day 1 in October
Agreed, where is your day 1 at? Or you getting one last fix in now?

Come on Per you know the drill.

"Your plan to quit is as realistic as my plan to win the lottery". Does that sound familiar?

Offline per034

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Re: Just Getting Started
« Reply #115 on: June 28, 2012, 09:49:00 PM »
Quote from: Bruce317
Quote from: per034
I am a failure. I've failed myself, my loved ones, and my quit brothers and sisters. I am ashamed of what I've done and there is no excuse for my betrayal - because that's what it is, a betrayal. I've betrayed the trust of the good people on this site - people who gave me support and guidance and incredible insight. I will never be able to make up for what I've done. I know that there's a shit storm coming, and I deserve to be standing in the middle of it without an umbrella.

My story is no different than any other failed quit. I had it licked. It was gone. I was master of my own destiny. I didn't need this place anymore. Coming here made me think of it every day, so I stopped coming here. And that's when my failure started. My quit failed on June 10, 2012. I remember the date distinctly. There was no reason. I drove past my usual pusher and instead of continuing to drive by like I had done for 14 months prior, I stopped. I can have one dip. I wasn't addicted anymore. So I bought a tin. And that first dip - well, I'm ashamed to say it was great. But the second one wasn't. It took me three days to get through that can. None of those dips were satisfying save the first. Then I bought another one. then another. before I knew it, within a week, I was back to a can a day. For the past week it's been bad.

No apology from me will ever make up for this betrayal, but understand that I am very sorry for letting you all down. I dipped this morning, so today will not be day one. My day one will start tomorrow.

Invariably, the question will be "how will this be different?" And my answer is not profound - this time it will be different because I say it will. I will use the tools on this site and lean on the expertise available here. I know how and why the program works and I know where and how I failed. Complacency got the best of me. My sin is arrogance. It won't happen again. I know those are hollow words from a cowardly man, but I will not let this take over my life yet again.

Please forgive me. Give me what I deserve. I may be a coward, but I'm man enough to take my medicine.

I'm sorry Dante, DChogs, KTK, Closer, LL, Nico, Dforbes, Parry, Sayrah and all of the Quitheads.
Fuckin pathetic

"My promise is stronger then my addiction" so maybe It's safe enough to say you drifted? So maybe you add that to what you should do differently. Or maybe tryin growing some balls and not buying a Fuckin can next time. Maybe you try using the tools ktc taught you when you feel weak. Maybe you understand that caving isn't an option, losing isn't somethin we condone here brother. So maybe you try that "what I'm doin differently"....well, differently
You're right Bruce. I'm fucking pathetic and I have no balls. I will post day 1 tomororw.

And I thought I deleted that tagline before I posted. I will delete it now because I know that it's disrpectful to everything this site stands for. I never would have intentionally left that there.
The love you get here is conditional. The condition is that you are quit.

"Every time you bump someone and dont fix it, a kitten dies" - Jost2Brown

Offline Bruce

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Re: Just Getting Started
« Reply #114 on: June 28, 2012, 09:45:00 PM »
Or we can start with posting day 1 in October
Quit date: 11/21/11
HOF date: 2/28/12
Comma date: 8/16/14
It's a freedom thing

Caving is NOT an option

-"Now I can walk through walls and my quit can talk to god. That's right. Crazy voodoo magic quit" Souliman

-'Stop being a pussy and quit' Tarpon17

-"this is the gheyest place on earth, if you say it in here it might become someones signature" Bigwhitebeast

- "We Quit Like Fuck" - Coach Steve

Offline Bruce

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Re: Just Getting Started
« Reply #113 on: June 28, 2012, 09:39:00 PM »
Quote from: per034
I am a failure. I've failed myself, my loved ones, and my quit brothers and sisters. I am ashamed of what I've done and there is no excuse for my betrayal - because that's what it is, a betrayal. I've betrayed the trust of the good people on this site - people who gave me support and guidance and incredible insight. I will never be able to make up for what I've done. I know that there's a shit storm coming, and I deserve to be standing in the middle of it without an umbrella.

My story is no different than any other failed quit. I had it licked. It was gone. I was master of my own destiny. I didn't need this place anymore. Coming here made me think of it every day, so I stopped coming here. And that's when my failure started. My quit failed on June 10, 2012. I remember the date distinctly. There was no reason. I drove past my usual pusher and instead of continuing to drive by like I had done for 14 months prior, I stopped. I can have one dip. I wasn't addicted anymore. So I bought a tin. And that first dip - well, I'm ashamed to say it was great. But the second one wasn't. It took me three days to get through that can. None of those dips were satisfying save the first. Then I bought another one. then another. before I knew it, within a week, I was back to a can a day. For the past week it's been bad.

No apology from me will ever make up for this betrayal, but understand that I am very sorry for letting you all down. I dipped this morning, so today will not be day one. My day one will start tomorrow.

Invariably, the question will be "how will this be different?" And my answer is not profound - this time it will be different because I say it will. I will use the tools on this site and lean on the expertise available here. I know how and why the program works and I know where and how I failed. Complacency got the best of me. My sin is arrogance. It won't happen again. I know those are hollow words from a cowardly man, but I will not let this take over my life yet again.

Please forgive me. Give me what I deserve. I may be a coward, but I'm man enough to take my medicine.

I'm sorry Dante, DChogs, KTK, Closer, LL, Nico, Dforbes, Parry, Sayrah and all of the Quitheads.
Fuckin pathetic

"My promise is stronger then my addiction" so maybe It's safe enough to say you drifted? So maybe you add that to what you should do differently. Or maybe tryin growing some balls and not buying a Fuckin can next time. Maybe you try using the tools ktc taught you when you feel weak. Maybe you understand that caving isn't an option, losing isn't somethin we condone here brother. So maybe you try that "what I'm doin differently"....well, differently
Quit date: 11/21/11
HOF date: 2/28/12
Comma date: 8/16/14
It's a freedom thing

Caving is NOT an option

-"Now I can walk through walls and my quit can talk to god. That's right. Crazy voodoo magic quit" Souliman

-'Stop being a pussy and quit' Tarpon17

-"this is the gheyest place on earth, if you say it in here it might become someones signature" Bigwhitebeast

- "We Quit Like Fuck" - Coach Steve

Offline per034

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Re: Just Getting Started
« Reply #112 on: June 28, 2012, 09:35:00 PM »
Quote from: Steve1357
Quote from: per034
I am a failure. I've failed myself, my loved ones, and my quit brothers and sisters. I am ashamed of what I've done and there is no excuse for my betrayal - because that's what it is, a betrayal. I've betrayed the trust of the good people on this site - people who gave me support and guidance and incredible insight. I will never be able to make up for what I've done. I know that there's a shit storm coming, and I deserve to be standing in the middle of it without an umbrella.

My story is no different than any other failed quit. I had it licked. It was gone. I was master of my own destiny. I didn't need this place anymore. Coming here made me think of it every day, so I stopped coming here. And that's when my failure started. My quit failed on June 10, 2012. I remember the date distinctly. There was no reason. I drove past my usual pusher and instead of continuing to drive by like I had done for 14 months prior, I stopped. I can have one dip. I wasn't addicted anymore. So I bought a tin. And that first dip - well, I'm ashamed to say it was great. But the second one wasn't. It took me three days to get through that can. None of those dips were satisfying save the first. Then I bought another one. then another. before I knew it, within a week, I was back to a can a day. For the past week it's been bad.

No apology from me will ever make up for this betrayal, but understand that I am very sorry for letting you all down. I dipped this morning, so today will not be day one. My day one will start tomorrow.

Invariably, the question will be "how will this be different?" And my answer is not profound - this time it will be different because I say it will. I will use the tools on this site and lean on the expertise available here. I know how and why the program works and I know where and how I failed. Complacency got the best of me. My sin is arrogance. It won't happen again. I know those are hollow words from a cowardly man, but I will not let this take over my life yet again.

Please forgive me. Give me what I deserve. I may be a coward, but I'm man enough to take my medicine.

I'm sorry Dante, DChogs, KTK, Closer, LL, Nico, Dforbes, Parry, Sayrah and all of the Quitheads.
Damn man.

My first few months here, I considered you one of the stronger quiters of this site. You shared a lot of wisdom; I have reread this thread multiple times. Hell I had one of your quotes in my signature for over 200 days. I just dont understand how you could turn your back on this site. Not everyone understands and fully grasp the concepts of KTC. Reading this thread, it sure felt like you "got it". How you could walk away from this site so quickly baffles me and how you forgot everything so quickly is mindblowing.

I think I get most cavers. They came to this site and they went through the motions, but they never truely grasped the core principals of KTC. But not you. You saw how powerful this site. You knew what it took to be a successful quitter. And you turned your back on KTC.

Shame on you.
You're right. I got this site. I was here. I was hardcore. I was a douchebag to cavers. And now I'm one of them. Shame on me indeed. I've been reading my own intro thread for the past hour now and I have such incredible shame for turning my back on all the beliefs and feelings I've had. I will get back to that point. The worst part of this cave is that I know I had an impact on other people's quits, and now I return with my tail between my legs and everything I posted means dick. I made all those quits weaker with my selfish act. I didn't think of other quitters with my actions. But I still believe it all. I will go back to the person I was. I'm sorry. Sorry doesn't mean shit - but I am sorry.
The love you get here is conditional. The condition is that you are quit.

"Every time you bump someone and dont fix it, a kitten dies" - Jost2Brown

Offline Greg5280

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Re: Just Getting Started
« Reply #111 on: June 28, 2012, 09:35:00 PM »
Quote from: mikegooch
Quote from: per034
I am a failure. I've failed myself, my loved ones, and my quit brothers and sisters. I am ashamed of what I've done and there is no excuse for my betrayal - because that's what it is, a betrayal. I've betrayed the trust of the good people on this site - people who gave me support and guidance and incredible insight. I will never be able to make up for what I've done. I know that there's a shit storm coming, and I deserve to be standing in the middle of it without an umbrella.

My story is no different than any other failed quit. I had it licked. It was gone. I was master of my own destiny. I didn't need this place anymore. Coming here made me think of it every day, so I stopped coming here. And that's when my failure started. My quit failed on June 10, 2012. I remember the date distinctly. There was no reason. I drove past my usual pusher and instead of continuing to drive by like I had done for 14 months prior, I stopped. I can have one dip. I wasn't addicted anymore. So I bought a tin. And that first dip - well, I'm ashamed to say it was great. But the second one wasn't. It took me three days to get through that can. None of those dips were satisfying save the first. Then I bought another one. then another. before I knew it, within a week, I was back to a can a day. For the past week it's been bad.

No apology from me will ever make up for this betrayal, but understand that I am very sorry for letting you all down. I dipped this morning, so today will not be day one. My day one will start tomorrow.

Invariably, the question will be "how will this be different?" And my answer is not profound - this time it will be different because I say it will. I will use the tools on this site and lean on the expertise available here. I know how and why the program works and I know where and how I failed. Complacency got the best of me. My sin is arrogance. It won't happen again. I know those are hollow words from a cowardly man, but I will not let this take over my life yet again.

Please forgive me. Give me what I deserve. I may be a coward, but I'm man enough to take my medicine.

I'm sorry Dante, DChogs, KTK, Closer, LL, Nico, Dforbes, Parry, Sayrah and all of the Quitheads.
I've been an on and off closet dipper for 10 years. I honestly can't stand it anymore. I'm up to 2 cans a day and my gums are so cut it it's pathetic. I've decided that I'm going to quit tomorrow. I've done this once or twice before and i've hated it every time. I'm at that terrible place where I can't stand dipping anymore, but I don't want to quit either. Anyhow, I know that I have to, and I'm going to, but I'm going to need your help because they only times in the past I was successful and lasted a long time (over a year) off the can was when i used these forums. Anyhow, I'm packing my gums full of the crap today in order to say "goodbye" so that I can begin this journey again tomorrow. Please wish me luck and be there for me when I'm going nuts. Thanks.
You're only a failure if you completely give up! I am 18 days quit today.. Post roll and join up again.. this is what support is suppose to be about.. helping each other out in the heat of the battle.. NOT FUCKING SHOOTING OUR OWN FUCKING BROTHERS WHEN THEY ARE WOUNDED AND DOWN!!! I AM SICK AND FUCKING TIRED OF ALL THESE FUCKING COCKSUCKER ASSHOLES FIRING ON BROTHERS WHEN THEY ARE HAVING A BAD FUCKING DAY!!! WE ARE ALL FUCKING ADDICTS HERE NO ONE IS BETTER THAN THE OTHER.. WE ARE ALL ONE FUCKING STOP AWAY FROM FULL BLOWN ADDICTION AGAIN!!! If I catch backlash with you man... fuck it.. i quit with you pal... day 1 for you is better than giving up.. I don't know you.. but i love you and i quit with you!!! Gooch
Your story is so familar. I have seen it hundreds of times here. You know this is not a game, it is a fight for your life. If you learned nothing else here you should have learned the power of posting roll. A year plus tossed away... for what? I am glad you are back, it takes balls to come back and get your ass kicked which tells me you really do want to quit. Now lets see what you have....

I like your passion, a little mis-directed but I like it anyway. You have to understand there is no acceptable reason to cave. None, nothing, nada, EVER. People get ripped and so they should. Other quitters get pissed and so they should. Nobody forced any of the cavers to do what they did. It was a choice they made; A choice to piss on the word they gave their brothers and the other people fighting this addiction daily.

We are all addicts and on that we can both agree. Where we will have to disagree is when you say people who keep their word are no better than those that don't.


Offline steve1357

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Re: Just Getting Started
« Reply #110 on: June 28, 2012, 09:29:00 PM »
Quote from: per034
I am a failure. I've failed myself, my loved ones, and my quit brothers and sisters. I am ashamed of what I've done and there is no excuse for my betrayal - because that's what it is, a betrayal. I've betrayed the trust of the good people on this site - people who gave me support and guidance and incredible insight. I will never be able to make up for what I've done. I know that there's a shit storm coming, and I deserve to be standing in the middle of it without an umbrella.

My story is no different than any other failed quit. I had it licked. It was gone. I was master of my own destiny. I didn't need this place anymore. Coming here made me think of it every day, so I stopped coming here. And that's when my failure started. My quit failed on June 10, 2012. I remember the date distinctly. There was no reason. I drove past my usual pusher and instead of continuing to drive by like I had done for 14 months prior, I stopped. I can have one dip. I wasn't addicted anymore. So I bought a tin. And that first dip - well, I'm ashamed to say it was great. But the second one wasn't. It took me three days to get through that can. None of those dips were satisfying save the first. Then I bought another one. then another. before I knew it, within a week, I was back to a can a day. For the past week it's been bad.

No apology from me will ever make up for this betrayal, but understand that I am very sorry for letting you all down. I dipped this morning, so today will not be day one. My day one will start tomorrow.

Invariably, the question will be "how will this be different?" And my answer is not profound - this time it will be different because I say it will. I will use the tools on this site and lean on the expertise available here. I know how and why the program works and I know where and how I failed. Complacency got the best of me. My sin is arrogance. It won't happen again. I know those are hollow words from a cowardly man, but I will not let this take over my life yet again.

Please forgive me. Give me what I deserve. I may be a coward, but I'm man enough to take my medicine.

I'm sorry Dante, DChogs, KTK, Closer, LL, Nico, Dforbes, Parry, Sayrah and all of the Quitheads.
Damn man.

My first few months here, I considered you one of the stronger quiters of this site. You shared a lot of wisdom; I have reread this thread multiple times. Hell I had one of your quotes in my signature for over 200 days. I just dont understand how you could turn your back on this site. Not everyone understands and fully grasp the concepts of KTC. Reading this thread, it sure felt like you "got it". How you could walk away from this site so quickly baffles me and how you forgot everything so quickly is mindblowing.

I think I get most cavers. They came to this site and they went through the motions, but they never truely grasped the core principals of KTC. But not you. You saw how powerful this site. You knew what it took to be a successful quitter. And you turned your back on KTC.

Shame on you.

Offline mikegooch

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Re: Just Getting Started
« Reply #109 on: June 28, 2012, 09:07:00 PM »
Quote from: per034
I am a failure. I've failed myself, my loved ones, and my quit brothers and sisters. I am ashamed of what I've done and there is no excuse for my betrayal - because that's what it is, a betrayal. I've betrayed the trust of the good people on this site - people who gave me support and guidance and incredible insight. I will never be able to make up for what I've done. I know that there's a shit storm coming, and I deserve to be standing in the middle of it without an umbrella.

My story is no different than any other failed quit. I had it licked. It was gone. I was master of my own destiny. I didn't need this place anymore. Coming here made me think of it every day, so I stopped coming here. And that's when my failure started. My quit failed on June 10, 2012. I remember the date distinctly. There was no reason. I drove past my usual pusher and instead of continuing to drive by like I had done for 14 months prior, I stopped. I can have one dip. I wasn't addicted anymore. So I bought a tin. And that first dip - well, I'm ashamed to say it was great. But the second one wasn't. It took me three days to get through that can. None of those dips were satisfying save the first. Then I bought another one. then another. before I knew it, within a week, I was back to a can a day. For the past week it's been bad.

No apology from me will ever make up for this betrayal, but understand that I am very sorry for letting you all down. I dipped this morning, so today will not be day one. My day one will start tomorrow.

Invariably, the question will be "how will this be different?" And my answer is not profound - this time it will be different because I say it will. I will use the tools on this site and lean on the expertise available here. I know how and why the program works and I know where and how I failed. Complacency got the best of me. My sin is arrogance. It won't happen again. I know those are hollow words from a cowardly man, but I will not let this take over my life yet again.

Please forgive me. Give me what I deserve. I may be a coward, but I'm man enough to take my medicine.

I'm sorry Dante, DChogs, KTK, Closer, LL, Nico, Dforbes, Parry, Sayrah and all of the Quitheads.
I've been an on and off closet dipper for 10 years. I honestly can't stand it anymore. I'm up to 2 cans a day and my gums are so cut it it's pathetic. I've decided that I'm going to quit tomorrow. I've done this once or twice before and i've hated it every time. I'm at that terrible place where I can't stand dipping anymore, but I don't want to quit either. Anyhow, I know that I have to, and I'm going to, but I'm going to need your help because they only times in the past I was successful and lasted a long time (over a year) off the can was when i used these forums. Anyhow, I'm packing my gums full of the crap today in order to say "goodbye" so that I can begin this journey again tomorrow. Please wish me luck and be there for me when I'm going nuts. Thanks.
You're only a failure if you completely give up! I am 18 days quit today.. Post roll and join up again.. this is what support is suppose to be about.. helping each other out in the heat of the battle.. NOT FUCKING SHOOTING OUR OWN FUCKING BROTHERS WHEN THEY ARE WOUNDED AND DOWN!!! I AM SICK AND FUCKING TIRED OF ALL THESE FUCKING COCKSUCKER ASSHOLES FIRING ON BROTHERS WHEN THEY ARE HAVING A BAD FUCKING DAY!!! WE ARE ALL FUCKING ADDICTS HERE NO ONE IS BETTER THAN THE OTHER.. WE ARE ALL ONE FUCKING STOP AWAY FROM FULL BLOWN ADDICTION AGAIN!!! If I catch backlash with you man... fuck it.. i quit with you pal... day 1 for you is better than giving up.. I don't know you.. but i love you and i quit with you!!! Gooch

Offline per034

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Re: Just Getting Started
« Reply #108 on: June 28, 2012, 08:47:00 PM »
I am a failure. I've failed myself, my loved ones, and my quit brothers and sisters. I am ashamed of what I've done and there is no excuse for my betrayal - because that's what it is, a betrayal. I've betrayed the trust of the good people on this site - people who gave me support and guidance and incredible insight. I will never be able to make up for what I've done. I know that there's a shit storm coming, and I deserve to be standing in the middle of it without an umbrella.

My story is no different than any other failed quit. I had it licked. It was gone. I was master of my own destiny. I didn't need this place anymore. Coming here made me think of it every day, so I stopped coming here. And that's when my failure started. My quit failed on June 10, 2012. I remember the date distinctly. There was no reason. I drove past my usual pusher and instead of continuing to drive by like I had done for 14 months prior, I stopped. I can have one dip. I wasn't addicted anymore. So I bought a tin. And that first dip - well, I'm ashamed to say it was great. But the second one wasn't. It took me three days to get through that can. None of those dips were satisfying save the first. Then I bought another one. then another. before I knew it, within a week, I was back to a can a day. For the past week it's been bad.

No apology from me will ever make up for this betrayal, but understand that I am very sorry for letting you all down. I dipped this morning, so today will not be day one. My day one will start tomorrow.

Invariably, the question will be "how will this be different?" And my answer is not profound - this time it will be different because I say it will. I will use the tools on this site and lean on the expertise available here. I know how and why the program works and I know where and how I failed. Complacency got the best of me. My sin is arrogance. It won't happen again. I know those are hollow words from a cowardly man, but I will not let this take over my life yet again.

Please forgive me. Give me what I deserve. I may be a coward, but I'm man enough to take my medicine.

I'm sorry Dante, DChogs, KTK, Closer, LL, Nico, Dforbes, Parry, Sayrah and all of the Quitheads.
The love you get here is conditional. The condition is that you are quit.

"Every time you bump someone and dont fix it, a kitten dies" - Jost2Brown

Offline Scowick65

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Re: Just Getting Started
« Reply #107 on: April 26, 2012, 07:45:00 AM »
Quote from: Souliman
An epic year my friend.


Offline Souliman

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Re: Just Getting Started
« Reply #106 on: April 26, 2012, 07:13:00 AM »
An epic year my friend.


Offline luby

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Re: Just Getting Started
« Reply #105 on: January 14, 2012, 12:56:00 PM »
Quote from: Ready
Quote from: per034
Dear Quit,

You are a fucking joke. You are full of complacency. You are arrogant and self-righteous. I used to love you. You were my best friend. Now you're like that guy in the John Cusack movies that nobody likes. You think your shit don't stink and nothing can ever stop you.

The problem with those Cusack movies is that the douchebag always loses in the end. This post is a warning to you, my quit. Stop being a douchebag. You used to be cool. You used to be humble. You used to care about yourself and take pride in what you did every day. Now you're arrogant. You come and go as you please with no real committment to anything. You're a disappointment.

I stumbled across an article today about CU banning dip on campus and it made me think of you. What happened to us? We were so good together. Now you think your too cool for anyone. I went back and read this entire intro - from beginning to end. Goddam I was proud of you. I cried - ACTUALLY CRIED - as I read this intro today. I cried because of all the amazing support you received along the way. I also cried, I think, because I feel like you're dying. Dying of a disease called compacency. You tried to stop it in October, but nothing ever came of it.

Please, Quit, remember where you came from. Stop being arrogant. Just because you made it this far doesn't mean you'll make it until tomorrow. I still love you, quit. But I loved you a lot more when I thought you loved yourself.

Find the balance friend. It is there.

You can do this.
If your quit needs anymore inspiration make him go read the advice you guys gave me in my Intro thread. You and your quit helped save my life. I have every confidence you will get your quit right back where you want it.
I am proud to quit with you today.