Author Topic: Really... NEED HELP  (Read 3363 times)

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Offline Souliman

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Re: Really... NEED HELP
« Reply #55 on: October 09, 2011, 11:23:00 AM »
Quote from: J-Dawg
At least he admitted it.  He could have never told us.  Not quit your sulking and  come back stronger than ever.  Never do it again.  These guys might give up on you.  I won't.  Toss your can, apologize to our quit group and do it.  You're definitely taking for granted getting an extra strike.  You never know if that next one will be your last.
JD in the end, he's the one quitting. Does my quit get impacted by this spineless gutless nameless caving piece of shit? No. Does it impact the whole bunch of us swimming in the quit pool? I think it does. My analogy is "swimming through a warm patch". No one wants to swim through a warm patch in the public quit pool and this turd just dropped his pants and pissed in the pool. I haven't spoken to this child but I will venture that the probability that he DID NOT reach out for help is 100%. He does not want to quit. That does not belong in the pool in this place. WANT is a requisite for this approach. Why you may ask? Because attempts are lame, trying is ghey and hope is a fat chick from high school. There is quit and there is not quit. First you want it. Then you fight for it. Then you protect it. And we all do this each day. One day at a time.

With respect to "admitting it", his integrity is already jeopardized. He quit that day. He gave his word to his quit brothers/sisters, the supporters and you. And he chose not to honor it. Not to mention he has to get up the next morning, look in the mirror and say "I chose death. This is not what I want." That's the painful part. As much as he belongs to a community this could all be some incredible massive super computer simulating the personalities of all of us (most likely developed by LOOT). This may not be real. Who knows. So I guess the only thing you can count on being real is your integrity because of what it means to yourself.

Offline Scowick65

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Re: Really... NEED HELP
« Reply #54 on: October 09, 2011, 09:53:00 AM »
Quote from: canslave
:o Tomorrow is my first day to quit. Here some things that will make it easier to quit that i've researched on. These things are helpful and that you might have not thought about. Im gona do my best to do these things

Avoid junk food and eat healthy- it will help with your attitude and mood
No baseball watching- For me personally, this can be a big trigger as i see all the ball players dipping

Avoid Boredom at all costs
Take deep breaths, meditate, close your eyes and think of something awesome when you are craving
Listen to music that pumps you up for stuff. Use it as motivation to quit
Watch the stupid youtube dippers. They will make you feel better about your quit knowing they look like idiots and you don't
Gas station visits should be done with purpose and should be quick. IN and OUT
If you got a girlfriend or wife.... this would be a good time to spend a lot more time with them. they hate us dipping so if your around them more well you will be better off.
Understand that you will be a badass mofo if you can make it to 100 days like many of the legends on this site. That you can endure anything after this. It will make you a stronger MAN!
If you alone and your craving, its ok to yell and sceam or punch an object occasionaly. LET THE RAGE OUT!! don't hold it in all the time
Retrain your brain
Look in the mirrow day after day, looking at the improvement of your mouth and how your becoming a healthier you

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Re: Really... NEED HELP
« Reply #53 on: October 09, 2011, 02:05:00 AM »
At least he admitted it. He could have never told us. Not quit your sulking and come back stronger than ever. Never do it again. These guys might give up on you. I won't. Toss your can, apologize to our quit group and do it. You're definitely taking for granted getting an extra strike. You never know if that next one will be your last.

Quit Date: 10/4/2011--HOF Date: 1/11/2012--2nd Floor: 4/20/2012--3rd Floor: 7/29/2012

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Re: Really... NEED HELP
« Reply #52 on: October 08, 2011, 08:24:00 PM »
I can't believe I wasted time offering support in here. Grow up, sir.

Offline seagems

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Re: Really... NEED HELP
« Reply #51 on: October 08, 2011, 05:12:00 PM »
Quote from: wo1miles
Listen, this shit is not fuckin easy. You will have days when you want to literally die. It WILL happen. I'm having that type of day myself, and I'm on Day 39. Do you know why I'm still on day 39? It's because as soon as I feel my quit slip just a little, I come here. These people in here are going through all the same shit you are. Some probably worse. You are not special. Your problems are not unique. Your craves are not worse than other peoples. BEFORE you fuckin cave, you need to enlist some help. I got that help today, and it saved my quit. The best thing you can do for yourself is to come clean and wipe the slate clean. Post Day 1 and learn from your failure. You CANNOT CAVE WITHOUT PERMISSION. If you are going to go off and do your own thing without consulting anyone here first, then fucking leave. Don't come back.
Proud to quit with you Miles. Canslave, don't waste our time unless you are ready to quit. I suggest you think long and hard before taking your next chew - the nic pull doesn't fully have you yet, but it will very soon. If you don't want to stress about dying from cancer the rest of your life, you should look at some cancer pics, read the Kerney story, and throw your can out now. Remember these words 10 years from now when you are stressing about the white spots in your mouth or your upcoming dentist visit - you could've stopped before any of that shit came into play. Don't fuck around with this, quitting only gets harder as you get older, and the risks only get greater.

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Re: Really... NEED HELP
« Reply #50 on: October 08, 2011, 04:57:00 PM »
Quote from: canslave
Screwed up last night and bought a can..... greatttttt. Sorry fellow quitters I gave in, im a bitch for it
Wow, that is the weakest ass explanation I've seen yet. Who are you fucking kidding? You're a fucking child. Come back when you are serious about quitting. Many of the people on this site dipped for more years than you've been alive and you come in here with lame ass shit like that, oopsy, I just screwed up and bought a can. Please. Put on your big boy pants and fucking be a man.

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Re: Really... NEED HELP
« Reply #49 on: October 08, 2011, 04:46:00 PM »

"Uncommon Knowledge on HOW TO QUIT!" - title of this thread

'crackup' 'crackup' 'crackup'

Looks like you're full of shit, doesn't it.

Offline Souliman

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Re: Really... NEED HELP
« Reply #48 on: October 08, 2011, 04:24:00 PM »
Quote from: canslave
Screwed up last night and bought a can..... greatttttt. Sorry fellow quitters I gave in, im a bitch for it
Screwed up? You fucking kidding me?

Did you get on the site before you bought that can?
Did you get into chat before you bought that can?
Did you text a fellow quitter before you bought that can?
Did you call a fellow quitter before you bought that can?

What exactly were your steps to fight? Tell me. Don't jerk us around fuckstick. This is your damn life. If you want to live, fight and use the tools. If you do not, go fly your flag somewhere else bitch. This is not acceptable. This is fucking lame.

Offline wo1miles

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Re: Really... NEED HELP
« Reply #47 on: October 08, 2011, 04:24:00 PM »
Listen, this shit is not fuckin easy. You will have days when you want to literally die. It WILL happen. I'm having that type of day myself, and I'm on Day 39. Do you know why I'm still on day 39? It's because as soon as I feel my quit slip just a little, I come here. These people in here are going through all the same shit you are. Some probably worse. You are not special. Your problems are not unique. Your craves are not worse than other peoples. BEFORE you fuckin cave, you need to enlist some help. I got that help today, and it saved my quit. The best thing you can do for yourself is to come clean and wipe the slate clean. Post Day 1 and learn from your failure. You CANNOT CAVE WITHOUT PERMISSION. If you are going to go off and do your own thing without consulting anyone here first, then fucking leave. Don't come back.
Your mind is a lying, cheating, stealing whore. Your body is a saint. Now, who are YOU going to listen to?

Offline steve1357

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Re: Really... NEED HELP
« Reply #46 on: October 08, 2011, 04:23:00 PM »
Quote from: canslave
who else caved
Go to your quit group and find out.

Why does it matter to you, so you can justify to yourself that its ok to be weak and cave?

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Re: Really... NEED HELP
« Reply #45 on: October 08, 2011, 04:18:00 PM »
who else caved
Gota do it... got to

Offline steve1357

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Re: Really... NEED HELP
« Reply #44 on: October 08, 2011, 04:17:00 PM »
Quote from: canslave
Screwed up last night and bought a can..... greatttttt. Sorry fellow quitters I gave in, im a bitch for it
Wow, two cavers in the past 30 minutes. Why did you buy a can, your word means nothing? You promised your group that you would not use nicotine, and you just spit in January's face.

You need to go to your group, apolgize, and post day one. Dump your can and start over. Tell us what you did wrong and what you are going to do different.

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Re: Really... NEED HELP
« Reply #43 on: October 08, 2011, 04:09:00 PM »
Screwed up last night and bought a can..... greatttttt. Sorry fellow quitters I gave in, im a bitch for it
Gota do it... got to

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Re: Really... NEED HELP
« Reply #42 on: October 08, 2011, 05:43:00 AM »
Quote from: seagems
Quote from: gmann
I had the same thought.  I'll quit after school.  That turned into I won't dip at my office or during working hours.  I think that lasted a day or two.  Next up was that I would quit upon marriage.  I got married, but didn't quit. Then my daughter was on the way and I declared to myself (not to my wife or anyone else, because down deep I knew I'd never quit) that I'd quit before she was born.  I left wife and baby in the hospital to go hide and dip.  My family would all wonder where I had been, but the lies were "necessary" because I needed a fix.   

Don't listen to your brain right now.  It's all fucked up with addict thinking and nicotine trying to convince you to have just one.  If you've spent more than five hours reading on this site, you know there is no such thing as "just one."  Folks who have been quit for 8 and 15 years are in here posting roll (TODAY) and having to endure this bullshit again because of "just one." 

If I could cram what I know into your 19 year old head, nic wouldn't have a chance with you today.  You'd get laid a whole bunch, too, of course. 

Seriously, you not only CAN do NEED to do this.  Don't waste another second letting that shit control your life, take your money and be the doosh bag friend who won't leave.

Let's get it done.  Yell if you need anything.
Gmann is so right. There are a ton of 40 year-old guys on here like myself who had the same conversation with themselves at 19. There are a ton of 40 year-old guys on here who weren't strong enough back then and chewed more and more for the next 20 years. There are a ton of 40 year-old guys who will wonder for the rest of their lives if cancer is going to do them in. There are a ton of 40 year-old guys on KTC who would give almost anything to turn back the clock and quit at 19 instead of 40 so that they would have avoided all the past and future stress associated with that dirty addiction. If you are into the quit now and you are 19, do your 40 year-old self a favor and stay quit. Stay strong. Don't be a guy 20 years later, if you make it that far, wondering what could have been. The worst is over, take it one day at a time and you will get through this. I chewed for 20 years and never thought I could do it. Now, after taking it one day at a time for 63 days, I rarely even think about it. You will be no different, just be strong, post roll every day, and you will get past it too. We are here for you.
Isn't that the truth. Me, I started at 18 and now at 39 I only wish I would have found the tools many years back to know what harm I was doing to myself. Literally didn't even get it in my head that I wanted to quit until about the age of 30 but by then I was so far gone that there was no way I could quit - UNTIL I found this place. Do yourself a favor, kick it NOW.

Offline seagems

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Re: Really... NEED HELP
« Reply #41 on: October 07, 2011, 10:39:00 PM »
Quote from: gmann
I had the same thought. I'll quit after school. That turned into I won't dip at my office or during working hours. I think that lasted a day or two. Next up was that I would quit upon marriage. I got married, but didn't quit. Then my daughter was on the way and I declared to myself (not to my wife or anyone else, because down deep I knew I'd never quit) that I'd quit before she was born. I left wife and baby in the hospital to go hide and dip. My family would all wonder where I had been, but the lies were "necessary" because I needed a fix.

Don't listen to your brain right now. It's all fucked up with addict thinking and nicotine trying to convince you to have just one. If you've spent more than five hours reading on this site, you know there is no such thing as "just one." Folks who have been quit for 8 and 15 years are in here posting roll (TODAY) and having to endure this bullshit again because of "just one."

If I could cram what I know into your 19 year old head, nic wouldn't have a chance with you today. You'd get laid a whole bunch, too, of course.

Seriously, you not only CAN do NEED to do this. Don't waste another second letting that shit control your life, take your money and be the doosh bag friend who won't leave.

Let's get it done. Yell if you need anything.
Gmann is so right. There are a ton of 40 year-old guys on here like myself who had the same conversation with themselves at 19. There are a ton of 40 year-old guys on here who weren't strong enough back then and chewed more and more for the next 20 years. There are a ton of 40 year-old guys who will wonder for the rest of their lives if cancer is going to do them in. There are a ton of 40 year-old guys on KTC who would give almost anything to turn back the clock and quit at 19 instead of 40 so that they would have avoided all the past and future stress associated with that dirty addiction. If you are into the quit now and you are 19, do your 40 year-old self a favor and stay quit. Stay strong. Don't be a guy 20 years later, if you make it that far, wondering what could have been. The worst is over, take it one day at a time and you will get through this. I chewed for 20 years and never thought I could do it. Now, after taking it one day at a time for 63 days, I rarely even think about it. You will be no different, just be strong, post roll every day, and you will get past it too. We are here for you.