Author Topic: Really... NEED HELP  (Read 2462 times)

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Offline canslave

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Re: Really... NEED HELP
« Reply #25 on: October 07, 2011, 01:27:00 AM »
Zach56- Bro, Lets Do This! No more man i'm climbing on board. I want freedom! I'll make sure to contact you or anyone else if things get to rough for me today
Gota do it... got to

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Re: Really... NEED HELP
« Reply #24 on: October 07, 2011, 01:12:00 AM »
Quote from: canslave
I found this site last year and thought about quitting. Instead i've dipped this whole past year and have not quit. I've come to a crisis now as my urge to quit is at its strongest to date. Im very tired of sore throats, bad breath, horrible gums, stained teeth etc. I started dipping 2 years ago at the age of 17 not knowing just how addictive this drug really is. I've thrown cans away and quit for half a day.. then just went and bought another can!!! I guess I would just like to know... what does it feel like to be off dip and how great is the feeling?? I cant even remember what it feels like not to be a slave to the can! So anybody out there, Just tell me how awesome it is and the benefits you noticed right after quitting. Need further motivation sadly, I guess i'm that addicted! Thank you
Well man I'm 20 and I've was dippin for four year and I've stopped dippin 4 days ago now I'm not gonna lie to you it sucks tremendously but once you get past the first three four days it seems the craving are not there as much but when you crave you really really crave now everyone in here including me believes in you to do this why not start young rather then waiting till its to late now don't do this for anyone do this for yourself you got this buddy it all starts with flushin your cans in the toilet if ya need anything a number or anything let me know
Last dip- Feb./19/2012
Quit date- Feb/20/2012
The only job where you start at the top, is digging a hole.

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Re: Really... NEED HELP
« Reply #23 on: October 06, 2011, 11:17:00 PM »
Quote from: canslave
Notdeadyet- Im very pumped for this... and really fuckin scared lol
It's okay. We were all scared. One day at a time. We are all proof that it can be done. 110% and never give up. Get up early and post your day 2 promise and then stick close to this site and continue reading. Lean on us to help you. Yell if you need anything.

Offline canslave

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Re: Really... NEED HELP
« Reply #22 on: October 06, 2011, 11:07:00 PM »
Notdeadyet- Im very pumped for this... and really fuckin scared lol
Gota do it... got to

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Re: Really... NEED HELP
« Reply #21 on: October 06, 2011, 11:02:00 PM »
Quote from: canslave
I'm on the roll call now
That sir, is some kick-ass advice on how to quit!
38 yr slave
Dumbass No More 8/31/2011

Anyone can stop, but can you quit? A "Stopper" versus a "Quitter"

Dumbass No More - A Quitter's Tale Of Ending Stupid Behavior

Offline canslave

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Re: Really... NEED HELP
« Reply #20 on: October 06, 2011, 11:00:00 PM »
I'm on the roll call now
Gota do it... got to

Offline Souliman

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Re: Really... NEED HELP
« Reply #19 on: October 06, 2011, 10:24:00 PM »
Wow. That's some great preparedness. You've got your diet all laid out. Sounds like a real life style change. Congratulations...WAIT hold on...something is wrong...

OH RIGHT. You haven't quit yet. You might take to drinking yak piss and plunging your head in a toilet to keep the nic bitch off you but until you quit, you're still killing yourself. Dump that turd from your lip, flush you can and quit. Then do me a favor and check your undies for balls or not. I need to know.

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Re: Really... NEED HELP
« Reply #18 on: October 06, 2011, 10:21:00 PM »
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Quote from: canslave
:o Tomorrow is my first day to quit.  Here some things that will make it easier to quit that i've researched on.  These things are helpful and that you might have not thought about.  Im gona do my best to do these things

Avoid junk food and eat healthy- it will help with your attitude and mood
No baseball watching- For me personally, this can be a big trigger as i see all the ball players dipping

Avoid Boredom at all costs
Take deep breaths, meditate, close your eyes and think of something awesome when you are craving
Listen to music that pumps you up for stuff.  Use it as motivation to quit
Watch the stupid youtube dippers.  They will make you feel better about your quit knowing they look like idiots and you don't
Gas station visits should be done with purpose and should be quick. IN and OUT
If you got a girlfriend or wife.... this would be a good time to spend a lot more time with them.  they hate us dipping so if your around them more well you will be better off.
Understand that you will be a badass mofo if you can make it to 100 days like many of the legends on this site.  That you can endure anything after this.  It will make you a stronger MAN!
If you alone and your craving, its ok to yell and sceam or punch an object occasionaly. LET THE RAGE OUT!! don't hold it in all the time
Retrain your brain
Look in the mirrow day after day, looking at the improvement of your mouth and how your becoming a healthier you
30yrAddict...a fairly new quitter here...236 days quit today- my longest- and final quit...want to know how I did it? I did what the vets with thousands of days under their belt did:

1. Post Roll first thing each day- This is a promise not to use nicotine for just one day...anybody can quit for just one day!

2. Honor that promise

two steps repeated each's that simple. you can do this- you just need to decide that you are quit and join us in beating this one day at a time.

First things first-

Quit. Post roll call promising not to use.

Then maybe I will read your advice on how to quit.

Quit first, lecture later.

Offline Scowick65

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Re: Really... NEED HELP
« Reply #17 on: October 06, 2011, 10:21:00 PM »
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Quote from: canslave
:o Tomorrow is my first day to quit.  Here some things that will make it easier to quit that i've researched on.  These things are helpful and that you might have not thought about.  Im gona do my best to do these things

Avoid junk food and eat healthy- it will help with your attitude and mood
No baseball watching- For me personally, this can be a big trigger as i see all the ball players dipping

Avoid Boredom at all costs
Take deep breaths, meditate, close your eyes and think of something awesome when you are craving
Listen to music that pumps you up for stuff.  Use it as motivation to quit
Watch the stupid youtube dippers.  They will make you feel better about your quit knowing they look like idiots and you don't
Gas station visits should be done with purpose and should be quick. IN and OUT
If you got a girlfriend or wife.... this would be a good time to spend a lot more time with them.  they hate us dipping so if your around them more well you will be better off.
Understand that you will be a badass mofo if you can make it to 100 days like many of the legends on this site.  That you can endure anything after this.  It will make you a stronger MAN!
If you alone and your craving, its ok to yell and sceam or punch an object occasionaly. LET THE RAGE OUT!! don't hold it in all the time
Retrain your brain
Look in the mirrow day after day, looking at the improvement of your mouth and how your becoming a healthier you
30yrAddict...a fairly new quitter here...236 days quit today- my longest- and final quit...want to know how I did it? I did what the vets with thousands of days under their belt did:

1. Post Roll first thing each day- This is a promise not to use nicotine for just one day...anybody can quit for just one day!

2. Honor that promise

two steps repeated each's that simple. you can do this- you just need to decide that you are quit and join us in beating this one day at a time.

30 is right. Reading this site helped me as well.

Offline gladitsnotheroine

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Re: Really... NEED HELP
« Reply #16 on: October 06, 2011, 10:20:00 PM »
Why do you keep on with this tomorrow stuff. Go post roll now, Day 1. Tomorrow can be day 2. Dump your stash and get with the program.
Reading KTC and Rocking to DBT!

Quit date 08/05/2011

Offline 30yraddict

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Re: Really... NEED HELP
« Reply #15 on: October 06, 2011, 10:18:00 PM »
Quote from: canslave
:o Tomorrow is my first day to quit. Here some things that will make it easier to quit that i've researched on. These things are helpful and that you might have not thought about. Im gona do my best to do these things

Avoid junk food and eat healthy- it will help with your attitude and mood
No baseball watching- For me personally, this can be a big trigger as i see all the ball players dipping

Avoid Boredom at all costs
Take deep breaths, meditate, close your eyes and think of something awesome when you are craving
Listen to music that pumps you up for stuff. Use it as motivation to quit
Watch the stupid youtube dippers. They will make you feel better about your quit knowing they look like idiots and you don't
Gas station visits should be done with purpose and should be quick. IN and OUT
If you got a girlfriend or wife.... this would be a good time to spend a lot more time with them. they hate us dipping so if your around them more well you will be better off.
Understand that you will be a badass mofo if you can make it to 100 days like many of the legends on this site. That you can endure anything after this. It will make you a stronger MAN!
If you alone and your craving, its ok to yell and sceam or punch an object occasionaly. LET THE RAGE OUT!! don't hold it in all the time
Retrain your brain
Look in the mirrow day after day, looking at the improvement of your mouth and how your becoming a healthier you
30yrAddict...a fairly new quitter here...236 days quit today- my longest- and final quit...want to know how I did it? I did what the vets with thousands of days under their belt did:

1. Post Roll first thing each day- This is a promise not to use nicotine for just one day...anybody can quit for just one day!

2. Honor that promise

two steps repeated each's that simple. you can do this- you just need to decide that you are quit and join us in beating this one day at a time.


Offline canslave

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Re: Really... NEED HELP
« Reply #14 on: October 06, 2011, 10:11:00 PM »
:o Tomorrow is my first day to quit. Here some things that will make it easier to quit that i've researched on. These things are helpful and that you might have not thought about. Im gona do my best to do these things

Avoid junk food and eat healthy- it will help with your attitude and mood
No baseball watching- For me personally, this can be a big trigger as i see all the ball players dipping

Avoid Boredom at all costs
Take deep breaths, meditate, close your eyes and think of something awesome when you are craving
Listen to music that pumps you up for stuff. Use it as motivation to quit
Watch the stupid youtube dippers. They will make you feel better about your quit knowing they look like idiots and you don't
Gas station visits should be done with purpose and should be quick. IN and OUT
If you got a girlfriend or wife.... this would be a good time to spend a lot more time with them. they hate us dipping so if your around them more well you will be better off.
Understand that you will be a badass mofo if you can make it to 100 days like many of the legends on this site. That you can endure anything after this. It will make you a stronger MAN!
If you alone and your craving, its ok to yell and sceam or punch an object occasionaly. LET THE RAGE OUT!! don't hold it in all the time
Retrain your brain
Look in the mirrow day after day, looking at the improvement of your mouth and how your becoming a healthier you
Gota do it... got to

Offline Souliman

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Re: Really... NEED HELP
« Reply #13 on: October 06, 2011, 07:42:00 PM »
What the hell are you waiting for?

You want to know what's on the other? What if I told you easy women with beer flavored nipples? Would that motivate you? No? Okay how about knowing you aren't killing yourself consciously? How about knowing you not longer paying to put poison in your body? How about free will? How about good breath? How about clean teeth? How about being able to taste food again? How about keeping your jaw?

More incentive

Offline TennTex

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Re: Really... NEED HELP
« Reply #12 on: October 06, 2011, 05:26:00 PM »
Come on canslave, you wouldn't be here if you didn't want to quit. 6 days for me and they have all been hard, but these guys in here have been there and they will help you through. It took me 18 years to figure it out. Do yourself a favor and start right now and don't ever do it again.

Offline gladitsnotheroine

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Re: Really... NEED HELP
« Reply #11 on: October 06, 2011, 05:09:00 PM »
Fuck tomorrow, go post roll right now. That dip you take tonight could be the one that makes your jaw rot off. Go flush whatever fruity flavored dip you use and post roll. Everything will be awesome, except for the fact it sucks to quit. Quit now, or quit when you die of cancer. Its your decision. Show all those other "cool" 19 year olds how to quit. Show them that your balls have dropped and that you are man enough to take control over the nic bitch. Ill be looking for you in January's quit group tonight! Post roll and ill help you anyway that I can. You've got to take the first step and mae that promise though.
Reading KTC and Rocking to DBT!

Quit date 08/05/2011