Author Topic: New Here  (Read 3072 times)

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Offline GlennFtheKodiak

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Re: New Here
« Reply #21 on: November 17, 2010, 04:26:00 PM »
Oh Poor little Notre Dame dude.

You don't think we've seen your kind come before? You don't think you are not the first to set a future quit date and get hammered for it?

There are usually two responses to this kind of treatment.

1. you cry like a little bitch and say this may not be the right place for you and go away. Yes, we have seen that many times.

2 you man up and quit today. we have seen that too. we love those guys.

you don't think we all went to bachelor parties? you don't think we all hung around with asshole drinking and dippin buddies? there is NOTHING new to your story.


the reason we sound like aholes is because we are you and we want you to quit.

you want to leave, bye bye, makes no difference to me, but i'd like you quit.

BTW, fuck your doctor he's a dooooshhhhhhhhhhhh.
football rules, soccer drools

HOF: July 7th, 2009

Offline NDvictory88

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Re: New Here
« Reply #20 on: November 17, 2010, 04:07:00 PM »
Wow dude, how can you tell me my intentions are bullshit after I post 2 paragraphs on here. You don't know what I did before I came to this site. Because actually two days ago I went and saw my doctor and came up with a quit plan. It is based on my doctors recommendations that I set the date after the bachelor party because alcohol is such a big trigger for me. Also, he recommended that my quit date be the start of a regular week for me, regarding work, house chores, etc ... If I was not serious about this I wouldn't have gone to the doctor and worked with him to get help and figure out the best way to do this, let alone come here, register, and post on a support group. Also, you don't know what kind of relationship my friends and I have. They could care less whether I dip or not. If I did not dip in front of them they wouldn't look at me like a pussy. The problem lies in their offering me one everytime they took one. Which would be constantly with the amount of people who dip on the trip. I came here for support man. Perhaps I've come to the wrong place for that, if this is the way I am going to get talked to when I post on here.

Do you know what "nemesis" means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by an horrible cunt... thats me.

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Offline MikeA

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Re: New Here
« Reply #19 on: November 17, 2010, 03:24:00 PM »
Quote from: NDvictory88
I set a Monday quit date (rather than today), because tomorrow I am leaving for a 3 day long bachelor party weekend with nothing but dippers. And I don't want to spend my first "hell" days, drunk around people dipping constantly. I don't feel like thats an environment that will provide anything but failure.
That is such fucking bull shit dude. Come back when your serious. There will always be parties, fishing trips, super bowls, dip buddies to hang around. You will have to face each of these and you will have to stay quit.
Fucking man up and live rather than being afraid of looking like a pussy in front of your buddies. If you are quit then it is them that are the pussies. Maybe you can even talk one or all of them into quitting with you.

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Re: New Here
« Reply #18 on: November 17, 2010, 03:19:00 PM »
Quote from: NDvictory88
I set a Monday quit date (rather than today), because tomorrow I am leaving for a 3 day long bachelor party weekend with nothing but dippers. And I don't want to spend my first "hell" days, drunk around people dipping constantly. I don't feel like thats an environment that will provide anything but failure.
And continuing to chew isn't failure????

mmm... 3 days of packing your face full of tobaccy with your buddies. Drooling brown shit and filling beer cans with your own spit, sounds like a blast. Should be real easy to quit on Monday, with an overload of nicotene coursing thru your veins. And all those memories of your good times chewing with your buddies will be fresh in your mind... Sounds like a you're setting yourself up for an immediate cave-in. If you're lucky, maybe all those pinches of horse shit you pack in your face over the weekend won't be the once that give you cancer, but why chance it?

Prove to your buddies that your a real man and quit the shit right now. Here's an idea... You quit now, and print off the pics of mouth cancer and give it to your buddies, and get them all (or at least one, there must be one with some sense) to quit with you. Don't worry about the 3 days without chew. Focus on one day, or one hour if you have to, but keep the shit out of your face. Maybe you might have to stay sober to keep from chewing? Is it worth it, to be the odd man out? At least you wouldn't be the guy 10 years from now with 1/2 his jaw missing.
Experience is a hard teacher.  She gives the test first, and the lesson afterwards.

Day #3000 - 1/27/19
31st floor    - 5/7/19
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Offline NDvictory88

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Re: New Here
« Reply #17 on: November 17, 2010, 01:55:00 PM »
I set a Monday quit date (rather than today), because tomorrow I am leaving for a 3 day long bachelor party weekend with nothing but dippers. And I don't want to spend my first "hell" days, drunk around people dipping constantly. I don't feel like thats an environment that will provide anything but failure.

Do you know what "nemesis" means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by an horrible cunt... thats me.

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Offline DizzyDude

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Re: New Here
« Reply #16 on: November 17, 2010, 01:31:00 PM »
Quote from: CalNotKodiakBears
Quote from: MikeA
Quote from: CalNotKodiakBears
Welcome aboard NDVictory.

I see you have a quit planned for Monday.  I too have had MANY successful planned quits.  They were so successful that I decided to repeat the process a dozen times over the last 10 years until I found this site.

Sarcasm aside, I'm glad to see MikeA in here responding and doing what he does.  He may not know it, but he was instrumental in my quit.  On 3/19 I posted my intro, and the fact that I had a quit planned in the near future.  His response (and I paraphrase):

"I bet you have a busy weekend planned of dipping and watching March Madness.  Guess what, with or without dip, your brackets will still suck.  Man up and quit now."

Guess what.  Other than his knock on my brackets (which were perfect, BTW) he was spot on.  That's the thing about this site.  All of the vets have been here before, attempted multiple failed "planned quits".  I challenge you to find one HOFer that agrees with the planned quit method.  It doesn't work.

On 3/19, I scrapped my planned quit, took out the lip turd, dumped the can and I have been nic free ever since.  250 days +/-.

Quit now.  Post Day 1 in the Feb group, and embrace the suck.
Thanks Cal....once you have quit then you help others quit and hearing that you were able to help just 1 guy makes it worth it. I have been called an asshole 100+ times but being thanked once will keep me the asshole I am.
The Now question comes up a lot in here. This is how I answered it.

Quit Date : 9/2/10
HOF : 12/10/10

"Quit or Quit Not. There is no try."

Offline Sadjr111

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Re: New Here
« Reply #15 on: November 17, 2010, 01:29:00 PM »
ND, do it today man! I got on here 8 days ago with my stupid little "trying to quit" attitude. I was quickly informed that we don't TRY, we QUIT. Now I am 8 days Grizzly free! I was a can and a half a day dipper. You can do this man!
HOF 2-17-2011
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Offline CalNotKodiakBears

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Re: New Here
« Reply #14 on: November 17, 2010, 01:11:00 PM »
Quote from: MikeA
Quote from: CalNotKodiakBears
Welcome aboard NDVictory.

I see you have a quit planned for Monday.  I too have had MANY successful planned quits.  They were so successful that I decided to repeat the process a dozen times over the last 10 years until I found this site.

Sarcasm aside, I'm glad to see MikeA in here responding and doing what he does.  He may not know it, but he was instrumental in my quit.  On 3/19 I posted my intro, and the fact that I had a quit planned in the near future.  His response (and I paraphrase):

"I bet you have a busy weekend planned of dipping and watching March Madness.  Guess what, with or without dip, your brackets will still suck.  Man up and quit now."

Guess what.  Other than his knock on my brackets (which were perfect, BTW) he was spot on.  That's the thing about this site.  All of the vets have been here before, attempted multiple failed "planned quits".  I challenge you to find one HOFer that agrees with the planned quit method.  It doesn't work.

On 3/19, I scrapped my planned quit, took out the lip turd, dumped the can and I have been nic free ever since.  250 days +/-.

Quit now.  Post Day 1 in the Feb group, and embrace the suck.
Thanks Cal....once you have quit then you help others quit and hearing that you were able to help just 1 guy makes it worth it. I have been called an asshole 100+ times but being thanked once will keep me the asshole I am.
Quit Date: 03/20/10
HOF Date: 06/27/10
Comma: 12/13/12

"We are a way for the cosmos to know itself." -Carl Sagan

Offline MikeA

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Re: New Here
« Reply #13 on: November 17, 2010, 12:59:00 PM »
Quote from: CalNotKodiakBears
Welcome aboard NDVictory.

I see you have a quit planned for Monday. I too have had MANY successful planned quits. They were so successful that I decided to repeat the process a dozen times over the last 10 years until I found this site.

Sarcasm aside, I'm glad to see MikeA in here responding and doing what he does. He may not know it, but he was instrumental in my quit. On 3/19 I posted my intro, and the fact that I had a quit planned in the near future. His response (and I paraphrase):

"I bet you have a busy weekend planned of dipping and watching March Madness. Guess what, with or without dip, your brackets will still suck. Man up and quit now."

Guess what. Other than his knock on my brackets (which were perfect, BTW) he was spot on. That's the thing about this site. All of the vets have been here before, attempted multiple failed "planned quits". I challenge you to find one HOFer that agrees with the planned quit method. It doesn't work.

On 3/19, I scrapped my planned quit, took out the lip turd, dumped the can and I have been nic free ever since. 250 days +/-.

Quit now. Post Day 1 in the Feb group, and embrace the suck.
Thanks Cal....once you have quit then you help others quit and hearing that you were able to help just 1 guy makes it worth it. I have been called an asshole 100+ times but being thanked once will keep me the asshole I am.

Offline scooners

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Re: New Here
« Reply #12 on: November 17, 2010, 12:37:00 PM »
Quote from: CalNotKodiakBears
Quote from: scooners

Cancer and Death will not work on your timetable, why work on theirs?  Quit today!
This is a great fucking quote.

"Words of wisdom" worthy.
Thanks, I added it to my signature - kinda works.
Quit Date 10/09/2010; HOF 1/17/2011
Cancer and Death will not work on your Time Table, why work on Theirs - Quit Today.
If you fail to plan, plan to fail.
The older I get, the better I was - made an even bigger improvment the day I quit dip.
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Offline CalNotKodiakBears

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Re: New Here
« Reply #11 on: November 17, 2010, 12:36:00 PM »
Quit Date: 03/20/10
HOF Date: 06/27/10
Comma: 12/13/12

"We are a way for the cosmos to know itself." -Carl Sagan

Offline GlennFtheKodiak

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Re: New Here
« Reply #10 on: November 17, 2010, 11:30:00 AM »
QUIT TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
football rules, soccer drools

HOF: July 7th, 2009

Offline CalNotKodiakBears

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Re: New Here
« Reply #9 on: November 17, 2010, 11:05:00 AM »
Quote from: scooners

Cancer and Death will not work on your timetable, why work on theirs? Quit today!
This is a great fucking quote.

"Words of wisdom" worthy.
Quit Date: 03/20/10
HOF Date: 06/27/10
Comma: 12/13/12

"We are a way for the cosmos to know itself." -Carl Sagan

Offline redyota

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Re: New Here
« Reply #8 on: November 17, 2010, 10:44:00 AM »
Quote from: dukebamacubs
dipping is really dumb if you think about it.
"We shall not fail or falter; we shall not weaken or tire...Give us the tools and we will finish the job." - Sir Winston Churchill

"Not using gets much easier as time goes by, but the consequences of "just one" never lessen." - Me

Offline CalNotKodiakBears

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Re: New Here
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2010, 10:42:00 AM »
Welcome aboard NDVictory.

I see you have a quit planned for Monday. I too have had MANY successful planned quits. They were so successful that I decided to repeat the process a dozen times over the last 10 years until I found this site.

Sarcasm aside, I'm glad to see MikeA in here responding and doing what he does. He may not know it, but he was instrumental in my quit. On 3/19 I posted my intro, and the fact that I had a quit planned in the near future. His response (and I paraphrase):

"I bet you have a busy weekend planned of dipping and watching March Madness. Guess what, with or without dip, your brackets will still suck. Man up and quit now."

Guess what. Other than his knock on my brackets (which were perfect, BTW) he was spot on. That's the thing about this site. All of the vets have been here before, attempted multiple failed "planned quits". I challenge you to find one HOFer that agrees with the planned quit method. It doesn't work.

On 3/19, I scrapped my planned quit, took out the lip turd, dumped the can and I have been nic free ever since. 250 days +/-.

Quit now. Post Day 1 in the Feb group, and embrace the suck.
Quit Date: 03/20/10
HOF Date: 06/27/10
Comma: 12/13/12

"We are a way for the cosmos to know itself." -Carl Sagan