Author Topic: T minus one day  (Read 3337 times)

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Re: T minus one day
« Reply #54 on: December 19, 2009, 09:03:00 AM »
I read and reread my post and can't see where I accused you of using NRT. But I'm still not seeing where you've posted roll, so as far as I'm concerned you're on day nothing.

The only name calling I can see in this exchange between us is "short bus" and that was typed in by...hmm....let me see. Whatever, I've wasted enough of the life of this keyboard on this. Time for this thread to fade to nowhere again.
I've always wanted to save a life, so I started with mine.

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Re: T minus one day
« Reply #53 on: December 19, 2009, 08:48:00 AM »
Quote from: 11X4
First off, we give our word not to use tobacco in any form by posting roll call here before engaging in debate.  If you're gonna come to our house and try to tell us we're wrong, perhaps you could at least have enough courtesy to wipe the shit off your shoes on the way in. 

The debate over whether or not to use NRT will rage on here long after all of us have closed the door on our quit and passed the torch to others to help folks break their addiction.  But you coined a few phrases that are very common to folks who are using NRT as that little blue pill that is going to make quitting easy.
if you can't quit dip without NRT
"Can't" pfft. The fact of the matter is can or can't is in the attitude, not the means used to achieve it. If you say, you CAN quit tobacco whatever it takes, you will succeed. I'm quite sure of it. If you say you can't, no matter what it is that follows, you are right.
Short bus, read the thread. I used the NRT initially in my quit, not now. Also, while your focus on words makes for cutesy amateur psychology and might entertain some of your rapt subjects, such semantic quibbling doesn't merit a serious response. It is a substanceless critique, a pedantic trifle. Congratulations you know how to look up words in a dictionary.

Anyway, getting to the substantial argument: that's good if you could quit without the NRT. I'm glad. I tried dozens of times cold turkey and failed. This shit isn't hypothetical for me. I was dying and needed to quit. Then I tried to quit just once once with the NRT and it worked (no dip for 335 days, and no NRT since day 55 or so). So, in my particular case, which worked better? Can you answer that question please?

It is great reinforcment to see I made the right choice in my quit support network. Good to see that admin at this site belittles and quibbles with people's efforts to quit the dip. I hope nobody dies because of the attitudes displayed here toward people similar to me. For me quitting was not a joke not a luxury.

Keep circling the wagons, rally your troops. With the exception of a couple of rational responses, you have shown emotional overreactions, petty belitting, and name calling. Great site you have here.

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Re: T minus one day
« Reply #52 on: December 19, 2009, 08:42:00 AM »
Quote from: Smokeyg
quitnow - I'm curious...what means of support do you have going forward with your quit?  You obviously have an agenda here which has nothing to do with quitting.  No one rebuffed you.  You rebuffed yourself with your constant negativity.  Shit, you even responded to my efforts of support by saying, "I hope nobody dies because of the ignorance here".  If I had to put money down, I would wager you are nothing more than an internet troll looking for attention.  Maybe you did quit nicotine, but you coming to this community has nothing to do with nicotine cessation.  It all about attention and feeling important.  Trust me, you're not important. 

Let's end this shit and watch this thread slowly be buried under the real quitters.  Let quitnow move it back up. 
Did you actually read my first post here in this thread, and the initial responses? Perhaps English is your second language? If so, point out which parts are giving you trouble and I'll be glad to help.

On a serious note, I have used the Quit Smokeless Support Network (QSSN) site since I found it around day five. They are more flexible in how people achieve the goal of getting off the dip. I'm in the April 2009 quit group (this site) signed up as quitnow feel free to check it out. On January 18, 2010 it will be a year of quit.

My first post here was on January 17, the day before my quit. I was earnestly looking for help and asking if I could join even though I was using NRT.

But sure, smokeyg, you got me pegged, I'm a troll. Indeed, I still post roll every day at QSSN just to keep up appearances, and make it seem that my first post here was legitimate. Can't get anything by on you! You get to ride the front of the bus today! 'Remshot'

Offline 11X4

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Re: T minus one day
« Reply #51 on: December 19, 2009, 08:26:00 AM »
First off, we give our word not to use tobacco in any form by posting roll call here before engaging in debate. If you're gonna come to our house and try to tell us we're wrong, perhaps you could at least have enough courtesy to wipe the shit off your shoes on the way in.

The debate over whether or not to use NRT will rage on here long after all of us have closed the door on our quit and passed the torch to others to help folks break their addiction. But you coined a few phrases that are very common to folks who are using NRT as that little blue pill that is going to make quitting easy.
if you can't quit dip without NRT
"Can't" pfft. The fact of the matter is can or can't is in the attitude, not the means used to achieve it.  If you say, you CAN quit tobacco whatever it takes, you will succeed. I'm quite sure of it. If you say you can't, no matter what it is that follows, you are right.
help them in their attempts to quit the dip,
Perhaps you've never actually looked at the definition of "attempt". Here is MSN Encarta's dictionary version: ... ch=attempt Pay particular attenion to last part of that know.... the part that says "especially without much expectation of success". If someone is only "attempting" a quit, I don't care to have them around me because it is inevitable that all they will do is drag me and my friends down.

So I will reiterate that success or failure is simply in the attitude. There is no easy way to undo what we have done to ourselves when we chose to dip. A constant decision to not dip is really at the heart of what must be done, no matter what other means you put into the decision.
I've always wanted to save a life, so I started with mine.

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In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing-the worst thing you can do is nothing. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Re: T minus one day
« Reply #50 on: December 19, 2009, 07:55:00 AM »
Quote from: Skoal
I'll pay your game douschebag. By my math you have only been off Nicotine for 57 days. NRT is just an alternate delivery system for a nicotine habit.  You might as well say I used to be a fag and liked takin it in the pooper, but I'm not queer anymore cuz I only suck dicks. Cold turkey quitting while brutal has excellent long term success rates. While I agree this site is not for everyone, it is effective. I chewed nicorette at 16 trying to quit dip. I used the patch on two seperate occasions, and then nicorette again in my early 30's. I never could break the withdrawls. Four days of no nic and massive support of real quitters broke that cycle no prob.  You imply that quitting nicotine is a joke to those of us on this site? Then clearly you have underestimated the seriousness of both the site and its members. What's a joke is a tranny humping troll like you thinking you have quit nicotine when your still chewing nic gum or lozengers using the patch. While I congratulate you on your eventual 57 days of no nicotine, I have to warn you that you are in for a much rougher ride than you imagine. I wonder, are you familiar with the 70's not the decade dumbass. Anybody taught you about the funk yet?  When it hits will you reach for your little piece of gum?
        What you call bad information, is anecdotal (look it up retard) evidence from hundreds or perhaps 1000 quitters.Its gold, I can read their stories and learn from their victories and caves. I have read all the shit that you spout as gospel. American Cancer society, pfffth. Did you read recent evidence that there is a correlation between long term nic gum and lip cancer too ??? How's that make you feel. But you didn't use it longer than reccommended did you? hmmn, ok but dont go back to it. IDIOT, your comment about hoping nobody dies from misinformation about NRT is asinine. This site is about quitting NICOTINE , there are smokers here too. You can't be an alcoholic and say Im switching to light beer so now Im better. NO NICOTINE, no smokes, no cigars, no gum, no dip, no chew, no snus. Nothing. That is how you break free of the nic bitch.  There are other sites more in tune with your pathetic quitting strategy, go to QS LITE, you can hold hands with all the other polite gum chewing campfire song singing jackoffs, This is a QUIT SITE. WE ARE QUITTERS UP IN HERE, not nicotine cessation therapy. In the collective words of May 08 you sir are a dildo Douchetard.
I obviously touched a nerve, so let me explain a couple of things again to clear up your confusion. Take a deep breath. Skoal Monster, you might need to put on two thinking caps.

First, let me get this straight. I cite double blind research trials that show the probability of quitting is doubled using NRT (nic replacement therapy). You call such studies "anecdotes", and go on to cite your personal failure to quit using NRT in order to dismiss what I'm saying as anecdotal. You also seem compelled to employ homoerotic and gender identity allusions. Perhaps I'm missing the logic of your argument, and frankly am not interested in your sexual preferences or gender confusion.

Note for people who are actually serious and following this thread, they will see I never said it was a good idea to use NRT in the long term. As I already mentioned, it is known that long-term users of NRT typically fail in their quit, there are potential other health risks involved with nicotine use (though the cancer link is not established conclusively), in addition to the obvious chemical dependence. In other words, NRT has to be part of a rational quit plan, which includes getting off the NRT within three months.

The upshot is, if you can't quit dip without NRT, then quit with the NRT. This is a no brainer, and hopefully those of you that have more than a brain stem will see this.

NRT is much better for you than the dip. The worst carcinogen in dip are the tobacco-specific nitrosamines which tends to be very high in dip. Ask your doctor which is better: dipping or using NRT, what do you think she will say? This is just common sense, reading some of the crap here you'd think it was just as bad as the dip.

I hope nobody dies because of the ignorance, arrogance, and hostility toward alternative quit strategies people show on this site. There are alteratives such as QSSN, therapy, calling quit lines. You can use NRT, or not. It's up to you. People here have chosen one path, and some of them like to call it the only path, and are like religious fanatics about it. Hopefully someone will read this and it will help them in their attempts to quit the dip, the primary purpose of this site.

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Re: T minus one day
« Reply #49 on: June 25, 2009, 07:16:00 AM »
Who gives a you....ill do me
I've dipped enough to be satisfied for a life time, done with it... I killed the bear... hate that scumbag. 02/27/09@ 10pm was my last taste!!!!

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Re: T minus one day
« Reply #48 on: June 24, 2009, 08:46:00 PM »
Quote from: MikeCO
Quote from: Skoal
I'll pay your game douschebag. By my math you have only been off Nicotine for 57 days. NRT is just an alternate delivery system for a nicotine habit.  You might as well say I used to be a fag and liked takin it in the pooper, but I'm not queer anymore cuz I only suck dicks. Cold turkey quitting while brutal has excellent long term success rates. While I agree this site is not for everyone, it is effective. I chewed nicorette at 16 trying to quit dip. I used the patch on two seperate occasions, and then nicorette again in my early 30's. I never could break the withdrawls. Four days of no nic and massive support of real quitters broke that cycle no prob.  You imply that quitting nicotine is a joke to those of us on this site? Then clearly you have underestimated the seriousness of both the site and its members. What's a joke is a tranny humping troll like you thinking you have quit nicotine when your still chewing nic gum or lozengers using the patch. While I congratulate you on your eventual 57 days of no nicotine, I have to warn you that you are in for a much rougher ride than you imagine. I wonder, are you familiar with the 70's not the decade dumbass. Anybody taught you about the funk yet?  When it hits will you reach for your little piece of gum?
        What you call bad information, is anecdotal (look it up retard) evidence from hundreds or perhaps 1000 quitters.Its gold, I can read their stories and learn from their victories and caves. I have read all the shit that you spout as gospel. American Cancer society, pfffth. Did you read recent evidence that there is a correlation between long term nic gum and lip cancer too ??? How's that make you feel. But you didn't use it longer than reccommended did you? hmmn, ok but dont go back to it. IDIOT, your comment about hoping nobody dies from misinformation about NRT is asinine. This site is about quitting NICOTINE , there are smokers here too. You can't be an alcoholic and say Im switching to light beer so now Im better. NO NICOTINE, no smokes, no cigars, no gum, no dip, no chew, no snus. Nothing. That is how you break free of the nic bitch.  There are other sites more in tune with your pathetic quitting strategy, go to QS LITE, you can hold hands with all the other polite gum chewing campfire song singing jackoffs, This is a QUIT SITE. WE ARE QUITTERS UP IN HERE, not nicotine cessation therapy. In the collective words of May 08 you sir are a dildo Douchetard.

ABSOLUTELY FUCKING HILARIOUS!!!!.....Skoal Monster, way to speak my and many others' minds here!!!!

Agree, Mike!!! Good job Skoal brother.

This fag thinks by using words like "dogmatic" twice in a reply he sounds smart when in actuality he has misconstrued and misinterpreted just about 99% of what was said in this entire thread.

Agree with Smokey, let it die.

Oh by the way, did I mention I came merrily along here, 2 weeks into my quit but still chewing the NRT gum? Difference is, when I was offered the same advice, I immediately quit and didn't fucking whine like a little girl.
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Re: T minus one day
« Reply #47 on: June 24, 2009, 07:39:00 PM »
Quote from: Skoal
I'll pay your game douschebag. By my math you have only been off Nicotine for 57 days. NRT is just an alternate delivery system for a nicotine habit.  You might as well say I used to be a fag and liked takin it in the pooper, but I'm not queer anymore cuz I only suck dicks. Cold turkey quitting while brutal has excellent long term success rates. While I agree this site is not for everyone, it is effective. I chewed nicorette at 16 trying to quit dip. I used the patch on two seperate occasions, and then nicorette again in my early 30's. I never could break the withdrawls. Four days of no nic and massive support of real quitters broke that cycle no prob.  You imply that quitting nicotine is a joke to those of us on this site? Then clearly you have underestimated the seriousness of both the site and its members. What's a joke is a tranny humping troll like you thinking you have quit nicotine when your still chewing nic gum or lozengers using the patch. While I congratulate you on your eventual 57 days of no nicotine, I have to warn you that you are in for a much rougher ride than you imagine. I wonder, are you familiar with the 70's not the decade dumbass. Anybody taught you about the funk yet?  When it hits will you reach for your little piece of gum?
        What you call bad information, is anecdotal (look it up retard) evidence from hundreds or perhaps 1000 quitters.Its gold, I can read their stories and learn from their victories and caves. I have read all the shit that you spout as gospel. American Cancer society, pfffth. Did you read recent evidence that there is a correlation between long term nic gum and lip cancer too ??? How's that make you feel. But you didn't use it longer than reccommended did you? hmmn, ok but dont go back to it. IDIOT, your comment about hoping nobody dies from misinformation about NRT is asinine. This site is about quitting NICOTINE , there are smokers here too. You can't be an alcoholic and say Im switching to light beer so now Im better. NO NICOTINE, no smokes, no cigars, no gum, no dip, no chew, no snus. Nothing. That is how you break free of the nic bitch.  There are other sites more in tune with your pathetic quitting strategy, go to QS LITE, you can hold hands with all the other polite gum chewing campfire song singing jackoffs, This is a QUIT SITE. WE ARE QUITTERS UP IN HERE, not nicotine cessation therapy. In the collective words of May 08 you sir are a dildo Douchetard.

ABSOLUTELY FUCKING HILARIOUS!!!!.....Skoal Monster, way to speak my and many others' minds here!!!!


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Re: T minus one day
« Reply #46 on: June 24, 2009, 05:28:00 PM »
Quote from: Skoal
I'll pay your game douschebag. By my math you have only been off Nicotine for 57 days. NRT is just an alternate delivery system for a nicotine habit. You might as well say I used to be a fag and liked takin it in the pooper, but I'm not queer anymore cuz I only suck dicks. Cold turkey quitting while brutal has excellent long term success rates. While I agree this site is not for everyone, it is effective. I chewed nicorette at 16 trying to quit dip. I used the patch on two seperate occasions, and then nicorette again in my early 30's. I never could break the withdrawls. Four days of no nic and massive support of real quitters broke that cycle no prob. You imply that quitting nicotine is a joke to those of us on this site? Then clearly you have underestimated the seriousness of both the site and its members. What's a joke is a tranny humping troll like you thinking you have quit nicotine when your still chewing nic gum or lozengers using the patch. While I congratulate you on your eventual 57 days of no nicotine, I have to warn you that you are in for a much rougher ride than you imagine. I wonder, are you familiar with the 70's not the decade dumbass. Anybody taught you about the funk yet? When it hits will you reach for your little piece of gum?
What you call bad information, is anecdotal (look it up retard) evidence from hundreds or perhaps 1000 quitters.Its gold, I can read their stories and learn from their victories and caves. I have read all the shit that you spout as gospel. American Cancer society, pfffth. Did you read recent evidence that there is a correlation between long term nic gum and lip cancer too ??? How's that make you feel. But you didn't use it longer than reccommended did you? hmmn, ok but dont go back to it. IDIOT, your comment about hoping nobody dies from misinformation about NRT is asinine. This site is about quitting NICOTINE , there are smokers here too. You can't be an alcoholic and say Im switching to light beer so now Im better. NO NICOTINE, no smokes, no cigars, no gum, no dip, no chew, no snus. Nothing. That is how you break free of the nic bitch. There are other sites more in tune with your pathetic quitting strategy, go to QS LITE, you can hold hands with all the other polite gum chewing campfire song singing jackoffs, This is a QUIT SITE. WE ARE QUITTERS UP IN HERE, not nicotine cessation therapy. In the collective words of May 08 you sir are a dildo Douchetard.
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Re: T minus one day
« Reply #45 on: June 24, 2009, 04:10:00 PM »
Quote from: quitnow
Quote from: Smokeyg
Quote from: quitnow
I've got 156 days off the cat turds. Not sure how long off the NRT, something like 100 days but frankly I don't keep track of that. It was so easy to get off compared to the dip it doesn't feel worthy of my attention.

From the American Cancer Society page on smokeless tobacco, they have some bits on NRT: ... obacco.asp

Have fun being quit ya'll. Thanks for nothing.  'Finger'
Congrats quitnow. I read through your entire intro page right now and see that you initiated some very interesting debate and strong feelings from some of the quitters here. For that, this community owes you a bit of thanks. Anything that takes our mind off of urges is productive.

One point I would like to make, in an effort to support you - I highly suggest you use the strongest aspect of this site which is posting roll. Whatever a person's take on NRT, you are now officially clear of nicotine in all shapes and forms. Join the proper group for 156 days quit - April 2009 - one of the tightest group of quitters to come through this community. Post a day 157 tomorrow. Introduce yourself. If you already have another support group that will continue on now that you are far into your quit, that's great. If not, protect your quit with the support of others. It only takes a minute to post roll every morning. Make it a ritual.

I "quit" for nearly a year at one point a few years back. I found this site during that time but thought that the people were fucking idiots - bitching and fighting over nothing. I never joined a quit group. It only took one moment of weakness and I was back to a can a day. Now, with the support I have found with the people on this website, repeating that decision is not an option. I will do something else. I will remain quit.

Congrats on 156 or 1--? However someone chooses to judge your methods, you've taken a huge step for yourself. It is just a step. Do whatever it takes to keep the quit.

Aww, you had to go and take my asshole post and respond with respect, intelligence, and candor? Seriously, you are a bigger man than I for doing that. The others I was able to drag down to my level, which is standard for the interwebs.

Seriously, though, I hope the rigidity here doesn't hurt the noob. People come here as their first glimpse of what a quit is like. If they happen to come here rather than the American Cancer Society, the various organs of the American Medical Association, and other informed communities of professionals, then they will get bad information. I hope they don't leave with the wrong idea, that quitting with the help of NRTs is not really quitting, that they might as well continue to dip if they feel they can't without the NRT (which I couldn't as I tried many times).

So, good luck, and I hope nobody dies because of this misinformation. Go ahead and make fun of me, but I'm not kidding. To me quitting dip wasn't a joke, but a serious matter.

With the exception of two people who posted here (smokeyg and raymwiii), people here were pretty much just waving their cocks around and full of crap jerking each other off circling the wagons. Again, I hope nobody dies because of the ignorance here.

OK, you are done with me and vice-versa. I wished to use your group, I would have been a good member of the April 2009 quit class, but you rebuffed me. Thank goodness I found other resources, and succeeded despite your misinformation.
quitnow - I'm curious...what means of support do you have going forward with your quit? You obviously have an agenda here which has nothing to do with quitting. No one rebuffed you. You rebuffed yourself with your constant negativity. Shit, you even responded to my efforts of support by saying, "I hope nobody dies because of the ignorance here". If I had to put money down, I would wager you are nothing more than an internet troll looking for attention. Maybe you did quit nicotine, but you coming to this community has nothing to do with nicotine cessation. It all about attention and feeling important. Trust me, you're not important.

Let's end this shit and watch this thread slowly be buried under the real quitters. Let quitnow move it back up.

Offline Skoal Monster

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Re: T minus one day
« Reply #44 on: June 24, 2009, 04:10:00 PM »
Quote from: quitnow
Quote from: Smokeyg
Quote from: quitnow
I've got 156 days off the cat turds. Not sure how long off the NRT, something like 100 days but frankly I don't keep track of that. It was so easy to get off compared to the dip it doesn't feel worthy of my attention.

From the American Cancer Society page on smokeless tobacco, they have some bits on NRT: ... obacco.asp

Have fun being quit ya'll. Thanks for nothing.  'Finger'
Congrats quitnow. I read through your entire intro page right now and see that you initiated some very interesting debate and strong feelings from some of the quitters here. For that, this community owes you a bit of thanks. Anything that takes our mind off of urges is productive.

One point I would like to make, in an effort to support you - I highly suggest you use the strongest aspect of this site which is posting roll. Whatever a person's take on NRT, you are now officially clear of nicotine in all shapes and forms. Join the proper group for 156 days quit - April 2009 - one of the tightest group of quitters to come through this community. Post a day 157 tomorrow. Introduce yourself. If you already have another support group that will continue on now that you are far into your quit, that's great. If not, protect your quit with the support of others. It only takes a minute to post roll every morning. Make it a ritual.

I "quit" for nearly a year at one point a few years back. I found this site during that time but thought that the people were fucking idiots - bitching and fighting over nothing. I never joined a quit group. It only took one moment of weakness and I was back to a can a day. Now, with the support I have found with the people on this website, repeating that decision is not an option. I will do something else. I will remain quit.

Congrats on 156 or 1--? However someone chooses to judge your methods, you've taken a huge step for yourself. It is just a step. Do whatever it takes to keep the quit.

Aww, you had to go and take my asshole post and respond with respect, intelligence, and candor? Seriously, you are a bigger man than I for doing that. The others I was able to drag down to my level, which is standard for the interwebs.

Seriously, though, I hope the rigidity here doesn't hurt the noob. People come here as their first glimpse of what a quit is like. If they happen to come here rather than the American Cancer Society, the various organs of the American Medical Association, and other informed communities of professionals, then they will get bad information. I hope they don't leave with the wrong idea, that quitting with the help of NRTs is not really quitting, that they might as well continue to dip if they feel they can't without the NRT (which I couldn't as I tried many times).

So, good luck, and I hope nobody dies because of this misinformation. Go ahead and make fun of me, but I'm not kidding. To me quitting dip wasn't a joke, but a serious matter.

With the exception of two people who posted here (smokeyg and raymwiii), people here were pretty much just waving their cocks around and full of crap jerking each other off circling the wagons. Again, I hope nobody dies because of the ignorance here.

OK, you are done with me and vice-versa. I wished to use your group, I would have been a good member of the April 2009 quit class, but you rebuffed me. Thank goodness I found other resources, and succeeded despite your misinformation.
I'll pay your game douschebag. By my math you have only been off Nicotine for 57 days. NRT is just an alternate delivery system for a nicotine habit. You might as well say I used to be a fag and liked takin it in the pooper, but I'm not queer anymore cuz I only suck dicks. Cold turkey quitting while brutal has excellent long term success rates. While I agree this site is not for everyone, it is effective. I chewed nicorette at 16 trying to quit dip. I used the patch on two seperate occasions, and then nicorette again in my early 30's. I never could break the withdrawls. Four days of no nic and massive support of real quitters broke that cycle no prob. You imply that quitting nicotine is a joke to those of us on this site? Then clearly you have underestimated the seriousness of both the site and its members. What's a joke is a tranny humping troll like you thinking you have quit nicotine when your still chewing nic gum or lozengers using the patch. While I congratulate you on your eventual 57 days of no nicotine, I have to warn you that you are in for a much rougher ride than you imagine. I wonder, are you familiar with the 70's not the decade dumbass. Anybody taught you about the funk yet? When it hits will you reach for your little piece of gum?
What you call bad information, is anecdotal (look it up retard) evidence from hundreds or perhaps 1000 quitters.Its gold, I can read their stories and learn from their victories and caves. I have read all the shit that you spout as gospel. American Cancer society, pfffth. Did you read recent evidence that there is a correlation between long term nic gum and lip cancer too ??? How's that make you feel. But you didn't use it longer than reccommended did you? hmmn, ok but dont go back to it. IDIOT, your comment about hoping nobody dies from misinformation about NRT is asinine. This site is about quitting NICOTINE , there are smokers here too. You can't be an alcoholic and say Im switching to light beer so now Im better. NO NICOTINE, no smokes, no cigars, no gum, no dip, no chew, no snus. Nothing. That is how you break free of the nic bitch. There are other sites more in tune with your pathetic quitting strategy, go to QS LITE, you can hold hands with all the other polite gum chewing campfire song singing jackoffs, This is a QUIT SITE. WE ARE QUITTERS UP IN HERE, not nicotine cessation therapy. In the collective words of May 08 you sir are a dildo Douchetard.
"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

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Re: T minus one day
« Reply #43 on: June 24, 2009, 03:29:00 PM »
Quote from: quitnow
Again, I hope nobody dies because of the ignorance here.

Thank goodness I found other resources, and succeeded despite your misinformation.
No one here is ignorant, sir. This Web resource is dedicated to *quitting nicotine*...not quitting the habit of putting shredded tobacco in our mouths, which is merely a delivery system.

And you weren't even remotely misinformed. Your own first post attests to that. You knew goddamn well what this site is all about: quitting nicotine. NRT is great for some. But while on such a program, you are NOT quit.

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Re: T minus one day
« Reply #42 on: June 24, 2009, 02:50:00 PM »
Quote from: Smokeyg
Quote from: quitnow
I've got 156 days off the cat turds. Not sure how long off the NRT, something like 100 days but frankly I don't keep track of that. It was so easy to get off compared to the dip it doesn't feel worthy of my attention.

From the American Cancer Society page on smokeless tobacco, they have some bits on NRT: ... obacco.asp

Have fun being quit ya'll. Thanks for nothing.  'Finger'
Congrats quitnow. I read through your entire intro page right now and see that you initiated some very interesting debate and strong feelings from some of the quitters here. For that, this community owes you a bit of thanks. Anything that takes our mind off of urges is productive.

One point I would like to make, in an effort to support you - I highly suggest you use the strongest aspect of this site which is posting roll. Whatever a person's take on NRT, you are now officially clear of nicotine in all shapes and forms. Join the proper group for 156 days quit - April 2009 - one of the tightest group of quitters to come through this community. Post a day 157 tomorrow. Introduce yourself. If you already have another support group that will continue on now that you are far into your quit, that's great. If not, protect your quit with the support of others. It only takes a minute to post roll every morning. Make it a ritual.

I "quit" for nearly a year at one point a few years back. I found this site during that time but thought that the people were fucking idiots - bitching and fighting over nothing. I never joined a quit group. It only took one moment of weakness and I was back to a can a day. Now, with the support I have found with the people on this website, repeating that decision is not an option. I will do something else. I will remain quit.

Congrats on 156 or 1--? However someone chooses to judge your methods, you've taken a huge step for yourself. It is just a step. Do whatever it takes to keep the quit.

Aww, you had to go and take my asshole post and respond with respect, intelligence, and candor? Seriously, you are a bigger man than I for doing that. The others I was able to drag down to my level, which is standard for the interwebs.

Seriously, though, I hope the rigidity here doesn't hurt the noob. People come here as their first glimpse of what a quit is like. If they happen to come here rather than the American Cancer Society, the various organs of the American Medical Association, and other informed communities of professionals, then they will get bad information. I hope they don't leave with the wrong idea, that quitting with the help of NRTs is not really quitting, that they might as well continue to dip if they feel they can't without the NRT (which I couldn't as I tried many times).

So, good luck, and I hope nobody dies because of this misinformation. Go ahead and make fun of me, but I'm not kidding. To me quitting dip wasn't a joke, but a serious matter.

With the exception of two people who posted here (smokeyg and raymwiii), people here were pretty much just waving their cocks around and full of crap jerking each other off circling the wagons. Again, I hope nobody dies because of the ignorance here.

OK, you are done with me and vice-versa. I wished to use your group, I would have been a good member of the April 2009 quit class, but you rebuffed me. Thank goodness I found other resources, and succeeded despite your misinformation.

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Re: T minus one day
« Reply #41 on: June 24, 2009, 12:46:00 PM »
Quote from: FtheKodiak
Quote from: DeanTheCoot
Quote from: quitnow
Thanks for nothing.
Do you know where I can get into an alcohol-replacement therapy program? I just want to get a little bit drunk every day.

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Re: T minus one day
« Reply #40 on: June 24, 2009, 10:16:00 AM »
Quote from: DeanTheCoot
Quote from: quitnow
Thanks for nothing.
Do you know where I can get into an alcohol-replacement therapy program? I just want to get a little bit drunk every day.
football rules, soccer drools

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