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Re: T minus one day
« Reply #39 on: June 24, 2009, 10:01:00 AM »
Quote from: quitnow
Thanks for nothing.
Do you know where I can get into an alcohol-replacement therapy program? I just want to get a little bit drunk every day.

Offline Smokeyg

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Re: T minus one day
« Reply #38 on: June 24, 2009, 01:01:00 AM »
Quote from: quitnow
I've got 156 days off the cat turds. Not sure how long off the NRT, something like 100 days but frankly I don't keep track of that. It was so easy to get off compared to the dip it doesn't feel worthy of my attention.

From the American Cancer Society page on smokeless tobacco, they have some bits on NRT: ... obacco.asp

Have fun being quit ya'll. Thanks for nothing. 'Finger'
Congrats quitnow. I read through your entire intro page right now and see that you initiated some very interesting debate and strong feelings from some of the quitters here. For that, this community owes you a bit of thanks. Anything that takes our mind off of urges is productive.

One point I would like to make, in an effort to support you - I highly suggest you use the strongest aspect of this site which is posting roll. Whatever a person's take on NRT, you are now officially clear of nicotine in all shapes and forms. Join the proper group for 156 days quit - April 2009 - one of the tightest group of quitters to come through this community. Post a day 157 tomorrow. Introduce yourself. If you already have another support group that will continue on now that you are far into your quit, that's great. If not, protect your quit with the support of others. It only takes a minute to post roll every morning. Make it a ritual.

I "quit" for nearly a year at one point a few years back. I found this site during that time but thought that the people were fucking idiots - bitching and fighting over nothing. I never joined a quit group. It only took one moment of weakness and I was back to a can a day. Now, with the support I have found with the people on this website, repeating that decision is not an option. I will do something else. I will remain quit.

Congrats on 156 or 1--? However someone chooses to judge your methods, you've taken a huge step for yourself. It is just a step. Do whatever it takes to keep the quit.


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Re: T minus one day
« Reply #37 on: June 23, 2009, 11:32:00 PM »
I've got 156 days off the cat turds. Not sure how long off the NRT, something like 100 days but frankly I don't keep track of that. It was so easy to get off compared to the dip it doesn't feel worthy of my attention.

From the American Cancer Society page on smokeless tobacco, they have some bits on NRT: ... obacco.asp

Have fun being quit ya'll. Thanks for nothing. 'Finger'

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Re: T minus one day
« Reply #36 on: March 21, 2009, 01:45:00 AM »
Good discussion here. I came off a bit strong, got pretty defensive. Thanks raymwiii for injecting reason into this thread.

Just dropping in to say that getting off the nic gum was pretty easy. Compared to quitting the dip, it was a total cakewalk. I still have urges for both sometimes, frankly, but the difficulty level of stopping the gum can't compare to stopping putting the cat turds of death in my mouth.

I kept cutting the gum in half every week until I was taking tiny little nibbles, and then substituted in normal bubble gum, and now that's what I chew all the time when I have an urge.

I don't know how you guys do cold turkey, but I'm glad I didn't. It was hard enough for me to give up all the auxilliary habits that went with the Skoal. I couldn't have done it without the nic gum (believe me, I tried many many fucking times...).

I've done a lot of research on this topic, partly spurred by this thread. The research shows that NRT helps (very significantly, like 2-4 times more likely to be quit in one year), with one exeption. Those who use it for more than 12 months are just as likely as non NRT users to be back on the shit within two years. Hence, everyone here saying to have a plan to get off NRT is right, but there is no catastrophe if it takes you 6 months or so.

NRT is a lot healthier than chewing tobacco, but nicotine still ain't exactly healthy (the results here are mixed, though--increased risk for heart disease with nicotine, but strongly decreased risk for Parkinson's and Alzheimers for nicotine use).

From a CNN article (note it focuses on smoking not chewing but whatever):
"Nicotine replacement therapies -- the patch or gum -- are safe and highly successful to help quit smoking. Tobacco smoke causes nearly 90 percent of lung cancer deaths, according to the American Cancer Society. "If it is a choice between smoking tobacco product or a nicotine replacement -- of course, keep taking the nicotine," Schroeder [physician and smoking cessation expert at the University of California-San Francisco Medical Center] said. "It is a heck of a lot healthier than tobacco smoking."

At some point I will write up a fairly extensive literature review, and post a link to it here.

Offline wildcat99

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Re: T minus one day
« Reply #35 on: March 03, 2009, 04:54:00 PM »
Quote from: justquit
The reason all of those secondary characteristics have such meaning to you is because they were reinforced with the effects of the nicotine.  Using the gum will just create a new "ritual".  If you drop the nic then the reinforcement is gone and those other habits can go away.  Or at least you can use fake chew, seeds, etc to fulfill them.
Agree 100% with that comment justquit... Great post!

quit, one day at a time. Step by step. And, while you are quitting find new habits. Is it easy??? Hell no. If it were easy, everyone would be quittin. Take ur first step homie.... and watch all those years come back to your life. I don't know about you but I kind of like breathing. For that reason, the logic behind quitting was a friggin no brainer.


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Re: T minus one day
« Reply #34 on: March 03, 2009, 02:01:00 PM »
Quote from: raymwiii
I don't think it is constructive for anybody to be involved in a pissing contest about how to quit properly. My understanding of this community is that NRT's are okay as long as they are used as directed and not abused. There isn't a lot of confusion regarding this rule, follow the NRT program to the letter or you are not meeting this communities' standard for quit.

A lot of people here are not in favor of using NRT's. I personally have never tried any of them. I can see the benefits of cold turkey quitting, but I also could understand why you would want to attempt to avoid the full force of those physical withdrawal symptoms. I am pretty sure there are a lot of people who have quit both ways.

If somebody asked me what I would reccomend, I would tell them to set aside 72 hours in which you didn't have much else to do and just power through it. That was my experience. I literally stayed in bed or on the KTC site the entire time. On day 4 I felt pretty decent.

The bottom line is don't try and discredit somebody's experience just because it isn't your own. If you find yourself abusing an NRT as opposed to using it properly than I would suggest you try cold turkey and post a day 1. If you are following an NRT program as directed with the goal of becoming nic free than congratulations on your quit.
i've actually viewed the past coupla days posts as good natured debate. I do think your posts sums it up nicely ray and i agree with your evaluation.

To me, Kill the Can is my NRT....and all that goes with it......posting roll, keeping my word, learning from those ahead, helping those behind, being entertained and attempting to entertain on occasion, the satisfaction of being a small part of something much larger than any individual on here with the common goal of helping people with an ugly and deadly addiction etc...etc...etc......

And the good thing about my NRT is.....when used properly, i will never cave.

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Re: T minus one day
« Reply #33 on: March 03, 2009, 01:20:00 PM »
I don't think it is constructive for anybody to be involved in a pissing contest about how to quit properly. My understanding of this community is that NRT's are okay as long as they are used as directed and not abused. There isn't a lot of confusion regarding this rule, follow the NRT program to the letter or you are not meeting this communities' standard for quit.

A lot of people here are not in favor of using NRT's. I personally have never tried any of them. I can see the benefits of cold turkey quitting, but I also could understand why you would want to attempt to avoid the full force of those physical withdrawal symptoms. I am pretty sure there are a lot of people who have quit both ways.

If somebody asked me what I would reccomend, I would tell them to set aside 72 hours in which you didn't have much else to do and just power through it. That was my experience. I literally stayed in bed or on the KTC site the entire time. On day 4 I felt pretty decent.

The bottom line is don't try and discredit somebody's experience just because it isn't your own. If you find yourself abusing an NRT as opposed to using it properly than I would suggest you try cold turkey and post a day 1. If you are following an NRT program as directed with the goal of becoming nic free than congratulations on your quit.
Check out my new quit at Sugar Free Ray

Offline Sanf81

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Re: T minus one day
« Reply #32 on: March 02, 2009, 04:24:00 PM »
Same here. This is keeping me from writing a paper (haha).

I'm all for the cold turkey quit. I'm at 15 days right now. I just don't think people need to get in quitnow's face for saying that his plan involves nicotine gum. There's a bit more than "sharing experiences" going on in some of the posts.

I think the #1 goal for everyone posting on this board is to quit dipping.

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Re: T minus one day
« Reply #31 on: March 02, 2009, 04:15:00 PM »
Quote from: Sanf81
Quote from: mule21
Quote from: Sanf81
From the KTC mission statement:

This site and community are designed to help people quit using smokeless tobacco. This includes all brands  types of chew, dip, snuff  spit tobacco.

We will NOT tell you that one way is better than another, but we will tell you our experience and what has worked for us.

Although this is a website dedicated to quitting smokeless tobacco, we understand our addiction centers around nicotine. Therefore the smoking of cigarettes, cigars or pipes is not acceptable to us during our smokeless tobacco quit.

Both sides need to chill.

Hey quitnow, congrats on being dip free. Nicotine is still dangerous, so good luck with kicking that habit next. Seems like you're on your way.
Actually the entire quote reads:

We realize that there are a variety of ways to be successful quitting chew. We will NOT tell you that one way is better than another, but we will tell you our experience and what has worked for us. We will also tell you when you are doing something counterproductive to your quit. This quit is for you and about you. We are simply here to aid you along your journey. If you need "tough love" we will give that. If you need encouragement we will give that. If you need to be scared into quitting we will do that.
Kind of contradictory, no?

I could care less either way. I'm not dipping and it had very little to do with this message board. Support is one thing, but "tough love" is something reserved for people you actually know.
First of all.....thanks as this has helped me pass the time on yet another

If you'll notice...i didn't highligh tough love.....i highlighted the part about sharing our experiences, what has worked for me and if based on that experience we see anything counterproductive to your quit......

Read my posts......all i did was point out that if you are using NRT's in a defined scheduled manner as per the instructions.....fine.

When you pop a piece of nic gum to satisty a crave all you are doing is chewing gum instead of packing a dip....both of which are feeding your main problem which is a nicotine addiction. When you change your defined are giving back any control you may have over your addiction back to nicotine......which is clearly the situation here.

That is clearly counterproductive to anyone's quit.......

Bottom line is this, there is no magic cure, pill or method to quit this shit. It is gonna sting like hell...I have had unsuccessful cold turkey quits on my own as well....i have one helluva successful cold turkey quit with this board.

Snatch the band-aid off and get involved with a board that holds you accountable as this board does instead of peeling that sumbitch off slow.....NRT's just prolong the addiction and lengthen the overall withdrawal process.....period.

why not just quit.....

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Re: T minus one day
« Reply #30 on: March 02, 2009, 04:04:00 PM »
Quote from: Sanf81
Quote from: mule21
Quote from: Sanf81
From the KTC mission statement:

This site and community are designed to help people quit using smokeless tobacco. This includes all brands  types of chew, dip, snuff  spit tobacco.

We will NOT tell you that one way is better than another, but we will tell you our experience and what has worked for us.

Although this is a website dedicated to quitting smokeless tobacco, we understand our addiction centers around nicotine. Therefore the smoking of cigarettes, cigars or pipes is not acceptable to us during our smokeless tobacco quit.

Both sides need to chill.

Hey quitnow, congrats on being dip free. Nicotine is still dangerous, so good luck with kicking that habit next. Seems like you're on your way.
Actually the entire quote reads:

We realize that there are a variety of ways to be successful quitting chew. We will NOT tell you that one way is better than another, but we will tell you our experience and what has worked for us. We will also tell you when you are doing something counterproductive to your quit. This quit is for you and about you. We are simply here to aid you along your journey. If you need "tough love" we will give that. If you need encouragement we will give that. If you need to be scared into quitting we will do that.
Kind of contradictory, no?

I could care less either way. I'm not dipping and it had very little to do with this message board. Support is one thing, but "tough love" is something reserved for people you actually know.
I do have to ask Quitnow. I've been reading this and I'm confused.
You quit dipping, but are using Nicotine gum or patches right?
But you care more about stopping chewing thatn quitting nocotine? Am I following you right?

Or are you saying that you are going to quit putting shit in your mouth first, then stop the nicotine flow after you've beaten the putting the shit in your mouth.

What will stop you after you quit the nicotine part from going back and putting the shit in your mouth?
What will stop you when you quit the nicotine part from, well, chewing nicotine gum?

So i'm just confused on what you're trying to accomplish.
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Some people say cucumbers taste better pickled.

Offline Sanf81

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Re: T minus one day
« Reply #29 on: March 02, 2009, 03:23:00 PM »
Quote from: mule21
Quote from: Sanf81
From the KTC mission statement:

This site and community are designed to help people quit using smokeless tobacco. This includes all brands  types of chew, dip, snuff  spit tobacco.

We will NOT tell you that one way is better than another, but we will tell you our experience and what has worked for us.

Although this is a website dedicated to quitting smokeless tobacco, we understand our addiction centers around nicotine. Therefore the smoking of cigarettes, cigars or pipes is not acceptable to us during our smokeless tobacco quit.

Both sides need to chill.

Hey quitnow, congrats on being dip free. Nicotine is still dangerous, so good luck with kicking that habit next. Seems like you're on your way.
Actually the entire quote reads:

We realize that there are a variety of ways to be successful quitting chew. We will NOT tell you that one way is better than another, but we will tell you our experience and what has worked for us. We will also tell you when you are doing something counterproductive to your quit. This quit is for you and about you. We are simply here to aid you along your journey. If you need "tough love" we will give that. If you need encouragement we will give that. If you need to be scared into quitting we will do that.
Kind of contradictory, no?

I could care less either way. I'm not dipping and it had very little to do with this message board. Support is one thing, but "tough love" is something reserved for people you actually know.

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Re: T minus one day
« Reply #28 on: March 02, 2009, 01:38:00 PM »
Quote from: Sanf81
From the KTC mission statement:

This site and community are designed to help people quit using smokeless tobacco. This includes all brands  types of chew, dip, snuff  spit tobacco.

We will NOT tell you that one way is better than another, but we will tell you our experience and what has worked for us.

Although this is a website dedicated to quitting smokeless tobacco, we understand our addiction centers around nicotine. Therefore the smoking of cigarettes, cigars or pipes is not acceptable to us during our smokeless tobacco quit.

Both sides need to chill.

Hey quitnow, congrats on being dip free. Nicotine is still dangerous, so good luck with kicking that habit next. Seems like you're on your way.
Actually the entire quote reads:

We realize that there are a variety of ways to be successful quitting chew. We will NOT tell you that one way is better than another, but we will tell you our experience and what has worked for us. We will also tell you when you are doing something counterproductive to your quit. This quit is for you and about you. We are simply here to aid you along your journey. If you need "tough love" we will give that. If you need encouragement we will give that. If you need to be scared into quitting we will do that.

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Re: T minus one day
« Reply #27 on: March 02, 2009, 12:45:00 PM »
From the KTC mission statement:

This site and community are designed to help people quit using smokeless tobacco. This includes all brands  types of chew, dip, snuff  spit tobacco.

We will NOT tell you that one way is better than another, but we will tell you our experience and what has worked for us.

Although this is a website dedicated to quitting smokeless tobacco, we understand our addiction centers around nicotine. Therefore the smoking of cigarettes, cigars or pipes is not acceptable to us during our smokeless tobacco quit.

Both sides need to chill.

Hey quitnow, congrats on being dip free. Nicotine is still dangerous, so good luck with kicking that habit next. Seems like you're on your way.

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Re: T minus one day
« Reply #26 on: March 02, 2009, 09:03:00 AM »
First off, congratulations on 44 days without dip.

Second, you are right, we are a bunch of assholes, but let's be clear...nicotine free assholes.

Third, when you decide that you've used your last piece of nico-gum, come back and let us know how those first few hours and days are going.

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Re: T minus one day
« Reply #25 on: March 02, 2009, 08:55:00 AM »
Quote from: kevinsravens
maybe this site would be better suited for your needs
Them's my boys.

At any rate, I am not arguing that nicotine isn't the main physically addictive component of chew that we know of, and of course it is a bad idea to ingest nicotine in the long term.

For instance, one study concludes: "These findings suggest that nicotine is the major constituent in cigarette smoke that leads to insulin resistance, metabolic abnormalities associated with the insulin resistance syndrome, and increased cardiovascular morbidity. Thus, the use of nicotine replacement therapy during smoking cessation should be transient and limited."

From this study: ... t/94/5/878