Author Topic: New guy that wants to quit..Hope I can  (Read 3321 times)

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Offline mvvette97

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Re: New guy that wants to quit..Hope I can
« Reply #46 on: December 08, 2009, 01:27:00 AM »
Quote from: theo3wood
Quote from: Rawaldem
Quote from: mvvette97
If some of you are so damn smart then expplain to me why when I tried to quit several times before I failed but after I was scared for my life of cancer then I was about to not chew and have had no withdrawls? Please explain!! I can't explain it but all I know after several failures I was able to quit with no cravings all because I thought I had mouth cancer.
To answer your question, no one said that your quit has to be hard. I agree that stopping nicotine is a hell of a lot easier when you have your mind is right. What people are saying is that you are an addict. None of us, as addicts can ever really say we are done for good. We can only say we stopped using right now. You and I are just as addicted to nicotine right now as we were when we dipped full time, regardless of withdrawal symptoms or ease of nicotine cessation.

What people are trying to make you understand is that this is a commitment we make daily for a lifetime, not one that you make once and move on from. The reason the daily commitment is so important is because your life will change, your attitude will change, and the memory of your "blood on the pillow" will fade. But your addiction to this drug will ALWAYS stay. If you do not accept that you are an addict and always will be, there will come a point that you will think you have it all figured out and you can handle it. Just like I (and about a million others) did.
The reason people are angry is that you not only do not realize this, but you have an attitude that addiction is weakness and not just being able to quit at will is a weakness. You are like a rookie pro athlete talking about how great their career will be. You can only live and quit today everything else is speculation.
Long story short. Just because the act of stopping nicotine was easy for you does not mean shit, the end game here is not quitting it is staying quit. How you will do at that remains to be seen.

To be honest...I'm not quite sure why I'm adding to this thread. Sorta like stumbling into a group session in that movie, "One Flew Over the CooCoo's Nest". Perhaps Martini will try to ante up with a half-cigarette any moment now. But I digress.

Full disclosure: I'm on record here as declaring that a "safety can" is a guarantee of failure. I'm also on record as assuming that those who think this is easy are doomed. Also on record as suggesting that the first year of quit is sorta like spring training. You're nowhere near ready for the big leagues yet.

I won't call you an idiot, straight-up. But I do wonder...and I hope you'll humor me by answering a few simple questions...

How old are you?

How long have you been a user?

Do you consider yourself an addict?

(I'm doing some statistical research about quitting dip, and you certainly qualify as an outlier).

35 years old

maybe chewed 4 years maybe 1 can a week

not sure if I would of called myself an addict or not. I guess I've always called it more of a habit rather than an addiction. I'm sure there is an addiction to the nicotine but maybe it depends on how much the person chews. Even when I chewed I would sometimes go a day with not chewing at all. Even then I seemed to have to chew on something. Sounds crazy but pop bottle rings. I did end up tossing the can of skoal in the wood furnace a few days ago. For me it's been long enough that I don't need it here anymore. So in the end I'm not calling any of you failures at all. I got pissed because of a few of you guys acting like total assholes to me just because I said I thought it was easy to quit. Now it wasn't easy for me in past times but for some unexplained reason this time it was. So it doesn't matter to me if any of you think it won't last because I know it will. When my 12 year old daughter begs me to quit because she doesn't want to lose me like she did her little brother then that's all it takes for me. My family is a hell of alot more important than shit in a can

Offline theo3wood

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Re: New guy that wants to quit..Hope I can
« Reply #45 on: December 06, 2009, 12:56:00 PM »
Quote from: Rawaldem
Quote from: mvvette97
If some of you are so damn smart then expplain to me why when I tried to quit several times before I failed but after I was scared for my life of cancer then I was about to not chew and have had no withdrawls? Please explain!! I can't explain it but all I know after several failures I was able to quit with no cravings all because I thought I had mouth cancer.
To answer your question, no one said that your quit has to be hard. I agree that stopping nicotine is a hell of a lot easier when you have your mind is right. What people are saying is that you are an addict. None of us, as addicts can ever really say we are done for good. We can only say we stopped using right now. You and I are just as addicted to nicotine right now as we were when we dipped full time, regardless of withdrawal symptoms or ease of nicotine cessation.

What people are trying to make you understand is that this is a commitment we make daily for a lifetime, not one that you make once and move on from. The reason the daily commitment is so important is because your life will change, your attitude will change, and the memory of your "blood on the pillow" will fade. But your addiction to this drug will ALWAYS stay. If you do not accept that you are an addict and always will be, there will come a point that you will think you have it all figured out and you can handle it. Just like I (and about a million others) did.
The reason people are angry is that you not only do not realize this, but you have an attitude that addiction is weakness and not just being able to quit at will is a weakness. You are like a rookie pro athlete talking about how great their career will be. You can only live and quit today everything else is speculation.
Long story short. Just because the act of stopping nicotine was easy for you does not mean shit, the end game here is not quitting it is staying quit. How you will do at that remains to be seen.

To be honest...I'm not quite sure why I'm adding to this thread. Sorta like stumbling into a group session in that movie, "One Flew Over the CooCoo's Nest". Perhaps Martini will try to ante up with a half-cigarette any moment now. But I digress.

Full disclosure: I'm on record here as declaring that a "safety can" is a guarantee of failure. I'm also on record as assuming that those who think this is easy are doomed. Also on record as suggesting that the first year of quit is sorta like spring training. You're nowhere near ready for the big leagues yet.

I won't call you an idiot, straight-up. But I do wonder...and I hope you'll humor me by answering a few simple questions...

How old are you?

How long have you been a user?

Do you consider yourself an addict?

(I'm doing some statistical research about quitting dip, and you certainly qualify as an outlier).

"the cycle is over. we are clean. we are shining beacons to the masses that think it can't be done." ...LooT

"We have the right to watch our children grow and have earned the right to participate in their lives. We will not be denied. Success can be our only option now. We can never tire, give up, fail, or falter. We are worth more than this addiction and will stop at nothing to beat it." ...Sweenz

Offline Rawaldem

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Re: New guy that wants to quit..Hope I can
« Reply #44 on: December 06, 2009, 11:15:00 AM »
Quote from: mvvette97
If some of you are so damn smart then expplain to me why when I tried to quit several times before I failed but after I was scared for my life of cancer then I was about to not chew and have had no withdrawls? Please explain!! I can't explain it but all I know after several failures I was able to quit with no cravings all because I thought I had mouth cancer.
To answer your question, no one said that your quit has to be hard. I agree that stopping nicotine is a hell of a lot easier when you have your mind is right. What people are saying is that you are an addict. None of us, as addicts can ever really say we are done for good. We can only say we stopped using right now. You and I are just as addicted to nicotine right now as we were when we dipped full time, regardless of withdrawal symptoms or ease of nicotine cessation.

What people are trying to make you understand is that this is a commitment we make daily for a lifetime, not one that you make once and move on from. The reason the daily commitment is so important is because your life will change, your attitude will change, and the memory of your "blood on the pillow" will fade. But your addiction to this drug will ALWAYS stay. If you do not accept that you are an addict and always will be, there will come a point that you will think you have it all figured out and you can handle it. Just like I (and about a million others) did.
The reason people are angry is that you not only do not realize this, but you have an attitude that addiction is weakness and not just being able to quit at will is a weakness. You are like a rookie pro athlete talking about how great their career will be. You can only live and quit today everything else is speculation.
Long story short. Just because the act of stopping nicotine was easy for you does not mean shit, the end game here is not quitting it is staying quit. How you will do at that remains to be seen.
"Be not the slave of your own past.
Plunge into the sublime seas, dive deep and swim far,
so you shall come back with self-respect, with new power,
with an advanced experience that shall explain
and overlook the old."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Before you even ask, let me say:
1. Yes, it will suck very bad
2. No, there will never be a "good time"
3. No, there is not an easier way
4. Yes, you can do it
So with that being said:
Any questions?

Quit Date-8/31/09

Offline plasmatrout

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Re: New guy that wants to quit..Hope I can
« Reply #43 on: December 06, 2009, 10:20:00 AM »
Quote from: mvvette97
Unreal, you people just blow my mind. :lol: If you think I'm the one with the attitude then maybe you should start reading back and see who was the first person that had the attitude. Sure the hell wasn't me. I came on here just to share my info how I quit and what made me make up my mind to quit when some insecure prick had to get all pissed I'm guessing just because he was having a major craving. I became a dick when some of you did. Like I said before I really think for SOME people it is just mental but for others it is probably an addiction. Not everybody is the same. If some of you are so damn smart then expplain to me why when I tried to quit several times before I failed but after I was scared for my life of cancer then I was about to not chew and have had no withdrawls? Please explain!! I can't explain it but all I know after several failures I was able to quit with no cravings all because I thought I had mouth cancer.
I came back on here just to let people know that it can be done and can possibly be pretty easy IF the time is right. Now I would never recommend waiting till you bleed on your pillow at night like I did but that is what it took for me. I didn't want to start some damn fight but it seems that a few members on here seem to have a problem with other people that have quit the habit that they can't. I mean come on guys, you all know you have to get chew out of your life or you are fighting a losing battle. Hell I seen a member on here that even has his user name Skoal something. Kinda hard to get chew out of your life when your user name is your favorite chew. 'Crazy' I wish the best of luck to everybody on quitting and quitting with ease, even the ass that first started being a peckerwood to me on here for quitting. 'no'
Not really.

Your a dick because you walked into basically an AA meeting and told everyone they were weak pussies and the 12 step stuff is bullshit. This includes some of the primary stackholders of the site and the creators of the program. So even if you are successfull with your quit, you now have managed to insult the entire supporting organization, who is going to back down now?

Are you really confused why everyone is disappointed in you?

Maybe you could use someone on a public forum board being mean to you as a excuse to cave or reason to derail their progress?

Real humantiarian you turned out to be.
RIP Nicotine Sep 1988 - Aug 10 2009 (21 F'in Years)
HOF Nov 18th 2009

Famous Quote: It was in times like that I am so happy I never boinked a german shepard.

Offline mvvette97

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Re: New guy that wants to quit..Hope I can
« Reply #42 on: December 05, 2009, 11:52:00 PM »
Unreal, you people just blow my mind. :lol: If you think I'm the one with the attitude then maybe you should start reading back and see who was the first person that had the attitude. Sure the hell wasn't me. I came on here just to share my info how I quit and what made me make up my mind to quit when some insecure prick had to get all pissed I'm guessing just because he was having a major craving. I became a dick when some of you did. Like I said before I really think for SOME people it is just mental but for others it is probably an addiction. Not everybody is the same. If some of you are so damn smart then expplain to me why when I tried to quit several times before I failed but after I was scared for my life of cancer then I was about to not chew and have had no withdrawls? Please explain!! I can't explain it but all I know after several failures I was able to quit with no cravings all because I thought I had mouth cancer.
I came back on here just to let people know that it can be done and can possibly be pretty easy IF the time is right. Now I would never recommend waiting till you bleed on your pillow at night like I did but that is what it took for me. I didn't want to start some damn fight but it seems that a few members on here seem to have a problem with other people that have quit the habit that they can't. I mean come on guys, you all know you have to get chew out of your life or you are fighting a losing battle. Hell I seen a member on here that even has his user name Skoal something. Kinda hard to get chew out of your life when your user name is your favorite chew. 'Crazy' I wish the best of luck to everybody on quitting and quitting with ease, even the ass that first started being a peckerwood to me on here for quitting. 'no'

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Re: New guy that wants to quit..Hope I can
« Reply #41 on: December 05, 2009, 11:19:00 PM »
Quote from: Vidocq
This is one strange thread. On the one hand, you have some of the most respected, experienced quitters on this site coming in to offer hard earned experience and advice. On the other, you have the man with the better mousetrap.

vette: I think everyone is sincerly glad that you are quit and hope that you stay that way. What doesn't make sense is why you came back to tell us about it and explain how the tried and true ktc method is really just weakness and lack of willpower. What is the point?
'clap' 'clap' 'clap' 'clap' 'clap'
football rules, soccer drools

HOF: July 7th, 2009

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Re: New guy that wants to quit..Hope I can
« Reply #40 on: December 05, 2009, 07:36:00 PM »
It's great that you can quit like that. But before you think you really have it all figured out and it is so easy why don't you send JW (Jason Williams) a PM and ask him what that lackadasical fucking attitude gets you. Then again, if it was really that easy you woulda stayed quit the first fucking time.

I gotta run my BULLSHIT DETECTOR is ringing off the wall! :angry: .
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Re: New guy that wants to quit..Hope I can
« Reply #39 on: December 05, 2009, 07:18:00 PM »
And you never once paid for drugs...NOT ONCE!

Offline Rawaldem

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Re: New guy that wants to quit..Hope I can
« Reply #38 on: December 05, 2009, 06:03:00 PM »
Quote from: cdforecheck
Quote from: mvvette97
Quote from: cdforecheck
Quote from: mvvette97
Quote from: cdforecheck

you are either stupid or you are not a user, yes we all decided enough was enough but that is all you said that makes any sense to this addict

you mean you are so special that the quit was easy as pie?!? now you have a trophy can?!? you are giving yourself every excuse in the book to start using again if you ever used...141 days in and i am not cured, i am not special, i fight the sneaky little bitch everyday, i WANT to fucking use but i can't so don't post this shit in front of chewie says u quit jack but give me the turkey...
I'm not special in any way but every person deals with things different. Did you just quit because you thought it would be best or for other reasons? No need to be a fuck stick about this. I am just happy with myself that I was able to quit as easy as I did because the times before were not so easy, that's why I failed. I think the longest I went was like one week and I was horrible every day. All I can tell you is that when a doctor says the word cancer it makes you freak the fuck out and tends to change your way of thinking
dude i've fucking died before, don't talk to me about scared

hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
open heart surgery
implanted defibrilators
evaluated for a heart transplant

all before i was i am 40, hell i figured my heart would give out before i could develop cancer so why stop. if you read the hof speeches on the site and actively participated then you'd know what "had enough means"

i am glad you're quit but you don't come in our house and tell us how fucking easy it was for your fucking sixth post
well if death won't make you quit then you sir are fucked up. So cry me a fuckin river. If your so damn sick with all these problem then maybe you should get your head out of your ass and figure out what to do to make your life better. If you don't care about your life then I'm sure nobody else does either. Rather than tryin to get everybody to feel sorry for ya with all your problems maybe you should take that energy and put it in to fixing your problem. Bitching about it gets you nowhere. Oh and I've been through hell myself from the age of 9 up to 16 years of age so shut your hole and deal with it. I had to and I don't start listing all the problems hoping to get people to feel sorry for me.
you my friend are an absolute and total asshole...just keep doing what you are doing and stay quit....write a fucking book about your incredible mind over matter quitting technique and when it reaches the best seller list write back...everyone here has health stories and they somehow didn't quit or needed help to quit, you apparently didn't, good for you now get the fuck out of our house...
mvvette, If you have it all figured out then maybe it is best for you to move on from this site.

I have a lot of respect for this site, what it stands for, but mostly for the people on it. The people that you are insulting are people I credit for helping me save my own life. These people have been here long enough to see guys with your same attitude come and go, but mostly go in failure or just fade away in shame.

99.9% of the people that come to this site need help quitting. If you do not, great but do not act like you have it all figured out because you do not.

I dipped for 13 years and quit cold turkey because I was getting painful sores in my mouth and that scared the shit out of me. I was over 7 years (that is 2555+ days) quit and I decided that I had been quit for so long that I could not possibly be addicted anymore. I could handle just one, right? Well, that was 3 1/2 years ago. I have been nic free for 97 days now and all I KNOW is I will not take nic into my body in any form TODAY.

Quitting can be easier for some people than others, but for you to act like you "know" you are done with nic for the rest of your life is just arrogant and ignorant. You are an addict today, tomorrow and for the rest of your life. There will come a time when you will forget how bad it was and how hard all of this can be. If your mind is not right you will fail.

I do not know you and I hope the best for you but I have to be honest with you. You sound like I did when I was a teenager, when I had it all figured out and my way, and my way only was the right way. People who had been here done that in life tried to tell me the way the world works but since I know it all I did not listen to them. Well I should have and so should you. These people know more than you do. We all take this issue very seriously and very personal and we are trying to help you, so shut the fuck up and listen it may save your life.
"Be not the slave of your own past.
Plunge into the sublime seas, dive deep and swim far,
so you shall come back with self-respect, with new power,
with an advanced experience that shall explain
and overlook the old."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Before you even ask, let me say:
1. Yes, it will suck very bad
2. No, there will never be a "good time"
3. No, there is not an easier way
4. Yes, you can do it
So with that being said:
Any questions?

Quit Date-8/31/09

Offline cdforecheck

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Re: New guy that wants to quit..Hope I can
« Reply #37 on: December 05, 2009, 04:27:00 PM »
Quote from: mvvette97
Quote from: cdforecheck
Quote from: mvvette97
Quote from: cdforecheck

you are either stupid or you are not a user, yes we all decided enough was enough but that is all you said that makes any sense to this addict

you mean you are so special that the quit was easy as pie?!? now you have a trophy can?!? you are giving yourself every excuse in the book to start using again if you ever used...141 days in and i am not cured, i am not special, i fight the sneaky little bitch everyday, i WANT to fucking use but i can't so don't post this shit in front of chewie says u quit jack but give me the turkey...
I'm not special in any way but every person deals with things different. Did you just quit because you thought it would be best or for other reasons? No need to be a fuck stick about this. I am just happy with myself that I was able to quit as easy as I did because the times before were not so easy, that's why I failed. I think the longest I went was like one week and I was horrible every day. All I can tell you is that when a doctor says the word cancer it makes you freak the fuck out and tends to change your way of thinking
dude i've fucking died before, don't talk to me about scared

hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
open heart surgery
implanted defibrilators
evaluated for a heart transplant

all before i was i am 40, hell i figured my heart would give out before i could develop cancer so why stop. if you read the hof speeches on the site and actively participated then you'd know what "had enough means"

i am glad you're quit but you don't come in our house and tell us how fucking easy it was for your fucking sixth post
well if death won't make you quit then you sir are fucked up. So cry me a fuckin river. If your so damn sick with all these problem then maybe you should get your head out of your ass and figure out what to do to make your life better. If you don't care about your life then I'm sure nobody else does either. Rather than tryin to get everybody to feel sorry for ya with all your problems maybe you should take that energy and put it in to fixing your problem. Bitching about it gets you nowhere. Oh and I've been through hell myself from the age of 9 up to 16 years of age so shut your hole and deal with it. I had to and I don't start listing all the problems hoping to get people to feel sorry for me.
you my friend are an absolute and total asshole...just keep doing what you are doing and stay quit....write a fucking book about your incredible mind over matter quitting technique and when it reaches the best seller list write back...everyone here has health stories and they somehow didn't quit or needed help to quit, you apparently didn't, good for you now get the fuck out of our house...
Go Bucks! Quit Date: 12-23-2011

Offline Vidocq

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Re: New guy that wants to quit..Hope I can
« Reply #36 on: December 05, 2009, 04:01:00 PM »
This is one strange thread. On the one hand, you have some of the most respected, experienced quitters on this site coming in to offer hard earned experience and advice. On the other, you have the man with the better mousetrap.

vette: I think everyone is sincerly glad that you are quit and hope that you stay that way. What doesn't make sense is why you came back to tell us about it and explain how the tried and true ktc method is really just weakness and lack of willpower. What is the point?

Offline mvvette97

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Re: New guy that wants to quit..Hope I can
« Reply #35 on: December 05, 2009, 12:41:00 PM »
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: mvvette97
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: mvvette97
Quote from: iuchewie
Quote from: mvvette97
I even have a can of chew by my computer and don't even want to take a dip. I found that I had to buy a new can just to have. It seemed to make me feel better just knowing I had it there. I can say that I will never chew again.
Congratulations... you just caved.

Perhaps not today, perhaps not next week but it will happen. Fucking get rid of that can or you WILL fail. Period end of fucking story.

You know why it makes you feel better to have it there? Cause you see it as a way out. You're seeing it as something that "eventually... you'll be able to enjoy occasionally". Bullshit. You're an addict my friend. You can't have one ever. Seeing it there ever day will eventually lead you back to it... especially when you're going it alone.

You can say that you'll never chew again all you want. Until that can is gone I'll say that you're a cave waiting to happen.

Sorry to shit on your parade. 2 months is a great achievement and you should be damn proud of it but you're no where near being out of the woods and you certainly shouldn't temp fate by having a safety can at your disposal.

Hell... maybe I'm wrong. Maybe the nearly 5,000 people and 3+ years here hasn't shown me anything. I hope you're the first person in my time here at KTC that is stronger than our addiction. That would be cool.

Oh the can I bought was the day after I quit. the second day was the worst. Oh and why in the fuck would I start back up after I have healed? It's not rocket science to figure out that the chew was the cause of all the bloody sores. I mean would you stick your head in a ball of fire again if you tried it once and burned the shit out of ya? Well I guess there are some dumb people around.
Listen dufus, the answer to your question above is yes a million times yes. I have watched more people than I care to count cave after they have been quit and healed MUCH MUCH longer than you. Your running good right now cuz your coming off a scare, but your so over confident about it you WILL get complacent, Recently a guy caved after 500 plus days, a month back another one fell after 800 days. Wanna know why? In my opinion they forgot they were addicts. Wanna know sumptin else? so are you. I applaud your quit, but your over confident. Im no pussy weakling quitter either. I dipped 2 cans a day and could smoke a pack on top of that if the mood hit me. I was a full fledged nic addict. This shit is waaaaaay harder than you realize, and the fact that you don't know that yet means your not even close to understanding the depths of your own addiction. Just settle down a bit and stop announcing how awesome you are. Post roll til the Hof and then I'll tell you your awesome. In the mean time throw that fucking trophy can away, or at least piss in it.

and by the way a health scare won't be enough to keep you quit, I dipped on the way in and out of my biopsy. And before you call me stupid I am logging off to read Aristotle in latin because the German translation to english dilutes the meaning of the text. Were addicts not idiots.

Skoal Monster
I feel if you keep in your mind that your an addict then you keep chewing in your mind. i feel the best thing to do is get chew out of your life even forgetting your an addict. Besides after seeing my ex boss smoke 5 packs every day and just quit the next makes me realize that it IS possible to just drop the habit. He has been about 10 years without smokes so it can be done. You people that say NO WAY IT CAN'T BE DONE don't know fucking shit! Just because you yourself have trouble and may not be able to do it doesn't mean everybody else is the same way. I guess I'm sorry that you are having trouble but I'm fuckin happy I'm not. Maybe it's possible that I never really was addicted to it. I only chewed a can a week if that and sometimes just one dip a day. I can see how a heavy chewer would have a major addiction. I don't give a shit what you think or your opinion since your a guy with an attitude or a cob up your ass or something. I kinda find your hatred amusing
no hatred, just a disagreement. I think remembering your an addict keeps you quit.
My question to you twinkle toes is this. Are you currently cold turkey from nicotine?
In all forms?
Chewie asked you that and you didn't reply.

If you are then good for you, keep it up. I'm not saying its impossible to quit, or even that you can't do it YOUR way. I am saying I've seen more people fail doing it "your" way than not.

Yes sir I am. I just chew on Eclipse spearmint gum since the worse habit for me was not having something to taste and chew on. It has worked great for me. I hate sounding like a dick but some of you guys started it. No need to act like you hate the world. I can't tell you all why it wasn't that hard for me but it really way. I wish you all could quit just as easy. I'
m sure some of you have. Like I said I didn't chew very much so possibly I really wasn't addicted to the nicotine but more the habit, who knows.

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Re: New guy that wants to quit..Hope I can
« Reply #34 on: December 05, 2009, 12:35:00 PM »
Quote from: cdforecheck
Quote from: mvvette97
Quote from: cdforecheck

you are either stupid or you are not a user, yes we all decided enough was enough but that is all you said that makes any sense to this addict

you mean you are so special that the quit was easy as pie?!? now you have a trophy can?!? you are giving yourself every excuse in the book to start using again if you ever used...141 days in and i am not cured, i am not special, i fight the sneaky little bitch everyday, i WANT to fucking use but i can't so don't post this shit in front of chewie says u quit jack but give me the turkey...
I'm not special in any way but every person deals with things different. Did you just quit because you thought it would be best or for other reasons? No need to be a fuck stick about this. I am just happy with myself that I was able to quit as easy as I did because the times before were not so easy, that's why I failed. I think the longest I went was like one week and I was horrible every day. All I can tell you is that when a doctor says the word cancer it makes you freak the fuck out and tends to change your way of thinking
dude i've fucking died before, don't talk to me about scared

hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
open heart surgery
implanted defibrilators
evaluated for a heart transplant

all before i was i am 40, hell i figured my heart would give out before i could develop cancer so why stop. if you read the hof speeches on the site and actively participated then you'd know what "had enough means"

i am glad you're quit but you don't come in our house and tell us how fucking easy it was for your fucking sixth post
well if death won't make you quit then you sir are fucked up. So cry me a fuckin river. If your so damn sick with all these problem then maybe you should get your head out of your ass and figure out what to do to make your life better. If you don't care about your life then I'm sure nobody else does either. Rather than tryin to get everybody to feel sorry for ya with all your problems maybe you should take that energy and put it in to fixing your problem. Bitching about it gets you nowhere. Oh and I've been through hell myself from the age of 9 up to 16 years of age so shut your hole and deal with it. I had to and I don't start listing all the problems hoping to get people to feel sorry for me.

Offline Skoal Monster

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Re: New guy that wants to quit..Hope I can
« Reply #33 on: December 05, 2009, 12:22:00 PM »
Quote from: mvvette97
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: mvvette97
Quote from: iuchewie
Quote from: mvvette97
I even have a can of chew by my computer and don't even want to take a dip. I found that I had to buy a new can just to have. It seemed to make me feel better just knowing I had it there. I can say that I will never chew again.
Congratulations... you just caved.

Perhaps not today, perhaps not next week but it will happen. Fucking get rid of that can or you WILL fail. Period end of fucking story.

You know why it makes you feel better to have it there? Cause you see it as a way out. You're seeing it as something that "eventually... you'll be able to enjoy occasionally". Bullshit. You're an addict my friend. You can't have one ever. Seeing it there ever day will eventually lead you back to it... especially when you're going it alone.

You can say that you'll never chew again all you want. Until that can is gone I'll say that you're a cave waiting to happen.

Sorry to shit on your parade. 2 months is a great achievement and you should be damn proud of it but you're no where near being out of the woods and you certainly shouldn't temp fate by having a safety can at your disposal.

Hell... maybe I'm wrong. Maybe the nearly 5,000 people and 3+ years here hasn't shown me anything. I hope you're the first person in my time here at KTC that is stronger than our addiction. That would be cool.

Oh the can I bought was the day after I quit. the second day was the worst. Oh and why in the fuck would I start back up after I have healed? It's not rocket science to figure out that the chew was the cause of all the bloody sores. I mean would you stick your head in a ball of fire again if you tried it once and burned the shit out of ya? Well I guess there are some dumb people around.
Listen dufus, the answer to your question above is yes a million times yes. I have watched more people than I care to count cave after they have been quit and healed MUCH MUCH longer than you. Your running good right now cuz your coming off a scare, but your so over confident about it you WILL get complacent, Recently a guy caved after 500 plus days, a month back another one fell after 800 days. Wanna know why? In my opinion they forgot they were addicts. Wanna know sumptin else? so are you. I applaud your quit, but your over confident. Im no pussy weakling quitter either. I dipped 2 cans a day and could smoke a pack on top of that if the mood hit me. I was a full fledged nic addict. This shit is waaaaaay harder than you realize, and the fact that you don't know that yet means your not even close to understanding the depths of your own addiction. Just settle down a bit and stop announcing how awesome you are. Post roll til the Hof and then I'll tell you your awesome. In the mean time throw that fucking trophy can away, or at least piss in it.

and by the way a health scare won't be enough to keep you quit, I dipped on the way in and out of my biopsy. And before you call me stupid I am logging off to read Aristotle in latin because the German translation to english dilutes the meaning of the text. Were addicts not idiots.

Skoal Monster
I feel if you keep in your mind that your an addict then you keep chewing in your mind. i feel the best thing to do is get chew out of your life even forgetting your an addict. Besides after seeing my ex boss smoke 5 packs every day and just quit the next makes me realize that it IS possible to just drop the habit. He has been about 10 years without smokes so it can be done. You people that say NO WAY IT CAN'T BE DONE don't know fucking shit! Just because you yourself have trouble and may not be able to do it doesn't mean everybody else is the same way. I guess I'm sorry that you are having trouble but I'm fuckin happy I'm not. Maybe it's possible that I never really was addicted to it. I only chewed a can a week if that and sometimes just one dip a day. I can see how a heavy chewer would have a major addiction. I don't give a shit what you think or your opinion since your a guy with an attitude or a cob up your ass or something. I kinda find your hatred amusing
no hatred, just a disagreement. I think remembering your an addict keeps you quit.
My question to you twinkle toes is this. Are you currently cold turkey from nicotine?
In all forms?
Chewie asked you that and you didn't reply.

If you are then good for you, keep it up. I'm not saying its impossible to quit, or even that you can't do it YOUR way. I am saying I've seen more people fail doing it "your" way than not.

"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

Offline cdforecheck

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Re: New guy that wants to quit..Hope I can
« Reply #32 on: December 05, 2009, 09:08:00 AM »
Quote from: mvvette97
Quote from: cdforecheck

you are either stupid or you are not a user, yes we all decided enough was enough but that is all you said that makes any sense to this addict

you mean you are so special that the quit was easy as pie?!? now you have a trophy can?!? you are giving yourself every excuse in the book to start using again if you ever used...141 days in and i am not cured, i am not special, i fight the sneaky little bitch everyday, i WANT to fucking use but i can't so don't post this shit in front of chewie says u quit jack but give me the turkey...
I'm not special in any way but every person deals with things different. Did you just quit because you thought it would be best or for other reasons? No need to be a fuck stick about this. I am just happy with myself that I was able to quit as easy as I did because the times before were not so easy, that's why I failed. I think the longest I went was like one week and I was horrible every day. All I can tell you is that when a doctor says the word cancer it makes you freak the fuck out and tends to change your way of thinking
dude i've fucking died before, don't talk to me about scared

hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
open heart surgery
implanted defibrilators
evaluated for a heart transplant

all before i was i am 40, hell i figured my heart would give out before i could develop cancer so why stop. if you read the hof speeches on the site and actively participated then you'd know what "had enough means"

i am glad you're quit but you don't come in our house and tell us how fucking easy it was for your fucking sixth post
Go Bucks! Quit Date: 12-23-2011