Author Topic: New guy that wants to quit..Hope I can  (Read 3323 times)

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Offline mvvette97

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Re: New guy that wants to quit..Hope I can
« Reply #31 on: December 05, 2009, 04:12:00 AM »
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: mvvette97
Quote from: iuchewie
Quote from: mvvette97
I even have a can of chew by my computer and don't even want to take a dip. I found that I had to buy a new can just to have. It seemed to make me feel better just knowing I had it there. I can say that I will never chew again.
Congratulations... you just caved.

Perhaps not today, perhaps not next week but it will happen. Fucking get rid of that can or you WILL fail. Period end of fucking story.

You know why it makes you feel better to have it there? Cause you see it as a way out. You're seeing it as something that "eventually... you'll be able to enjoy occasionally". Bullshit. You're an addict my friend. You can't have one ever. Seeing it there ever day will eventually lead you back to it... especially when you're going it alone.

You can say that you'll never chew again all you want. Until that can is gone I'll say that you're a cave waiting to happen.

Sorry to shit on your parade. 2 months is a great achievement and you should be damn proud of it but you're no where near being out of the woods and you certainly shouldn't temp fate by having a safety can at your disposal.

Hell... maybe I'm wrong. Maybe the nearly 5,000 people and 3+ years here hasn't shown me anything. I hope you're the first person in my time here at KTC that is stronger than our addiction. That would be cool.

Oh the can I bought was the day after I quit. the second day was the worst. Oh and why in the fuck would I start back up after I have healed? It's not rocket science to figure out that the chew was the cause of all the bloody sores. I mean would you stick your head in a ball of fire again if you tried it once and burned the shit out of ya? Well I guess there are some dumb people around.
Listen dufus, the answer to your question above is yes a million times yes. I have watched more people than I care to count cave after they have been quit and healed MUCH MUCH longer than you. Your running good right now cuz your coming off a scare, but your so over confident about it you WILL get complacent, Recently a guy caved after 500 plus days, a month back another one fell after 800 days. Wanna know why? In my opinion they forgot they were addicts. Wanna know sumptin else? so are you. I applaud your quit, but your over confident. Im no pussy weakling quitter either. I dipped 2 cans a day and could smoke a pack on top of that if the mood hit me. I was a full fledged nic addict. This shit is waaaaaay harder than you realize, and the fact that you don't know that yet means your not even close to understanding the depths of your own addiction. Just settle down a bit and stop announcing how awesome you are. Post roll til the Hof and then I'll tell you your awesome. In the mean time throw that fucking trophy can away, or at least piss in it.

and by the way a health scare won't be enough to keep you quit, I dipped on the way in and out of my biopsy. And before you call me stupid I am logging off to read Aristotle in latin because the German translation to english dilutes the meaning of the text. Were addicts not idiots.

Skoal Monster
I feel if you keep in your mind that your an addict then you keep chewing in your mind. i feel the best thing to do is get chew out of your life even forgetting your an addict. Besides after seeing my ex boss smoke 5 packs every day and just quit the next makes me realize that it IS possible to just drop the habit. He has been about 10 years without smokes so it can be done. You people that say NO WAY IT CAN'T BE DONE don't know fucking shit! Just because you yourself have trouble and may not be able to do it doesn't mean everybody else is the same way. I guess I'm sorry that you are having trouble but I'm fuckin happy I'm not. Maybe it's possible that I never really was addicted to it. I only chewed a can a week if that and sometimes just one dip a day. I can see how a heavy chewer would have a major addiction. I don't give a shit what you think or your opinion since your a guy with an attitude or a cob up your ass or something. I kinda find your hatred amusing

Offline mvvette97

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Re: New guy that wants to quit..Hope I can
« Reply #30 on: December 05, 2009, 03:54:00 AM »
Quote from: cdforecheck

you are either stupid or you are not a user, yes we all decided enough was enough but that is all you said that makes any sense to this addict

you mean you are so special that the quit was easy as pie?!? now you have a trophy can?!? you are giving yourself every excuse in the book to start using again if you ever used...141 days in and i am not cured, i am not special, i fight the sneaky little bitch everyday, i WANT to fucking use but i can't so don't post this shit in front of chewie says u quit jack but give me the turkey...
I'm not special in any way but every person deals with things different. Did you just quit because you thought it would be best or for other reasons? No need to be a fuck stick about this. I am just happy with myself that I was able to quit as easy as I did because the times before were not so easy, that's why I failed. I think the longest I went was like one week and I was horrible every day. All I can tell you is that when a doctor says the word cancer it makes you freak the fuck out and tends to change your way of thinking

Offline Skoal Monster

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Re: New guy that wants to quit..Hope I can
« Reply #29 on: December 05, 2009, 03:47:00 AM »
Quote from: mvvette97
Quote from: iuchewie
Quote from: mvvette97
I even have a can of chew by my computer and don't even want to take a dip. I found that I had to buy a new can just to have. It seemed to make me feel better just knowing I had it there. I can say that I will never chew again.
Congratulations... you just caved.

Perhaps not today, perhaps not next week but it will happen. Fucking get rid of that can or you WILL fail. Period end of fucking story.

You know why it makes you feel better to have it there? Cause you see it as a way out. You're seeing it as something that "eventually... you'll be able to enjoy occasionally". Bullshit. You're an addict my friend. You can't have one ever. Seeing it there ever day will eventually lead you back to it... especially when you're going it alone.

You can say that you'll never chew again all you want. Until that can is gone I'll say that you're a cave waiting to happen.

Sorry to shit on your parade. 2 months is a great achievement and you should be damn proud of it but you're no where near being out of the woods and you certainly shouldn't temp fate by having a safety can at your disposal.

Hell... maybe I'm wrong. Maybe the nearly 5,000 people and 3+ years here hasn't shown me anything. I hope you're the first person in my time here at KTC that is stronger than our addiction. That would be cool.

Oh the can I bought was the day after I quit. the second day was the worst. Oh and why in the fuck would I start back up after I have healed? It's not rocket science to figure out that the chew was the cause of all the bloody sores. I mean would you stick your head in a ball of fire again if you tried it once and burned the shit out of ya? Well I guess there are some dumb people around.
Listen dufus, the answer to your question above is yes a million times yes. I have watched more people than I care to count cave after they have been quit and healed MUCH MUCH longer than you. Your running good right now cuz your coming off a scare, but your so over confident about it you WILL get complacent, Recently a guy caved after 500 plus days, a month back another one fell after 800 days. Wanna know why? In my opinion they forgot they were addicts. Wanna know sumptin else? so are you. I applaud your quit, but your over confident. Im no pussy weakling quitter either. I dipped 2 cans a day and could smoke a pack on top of that if the mood hit me. I was a full fledged nic addict. This shit is waaaaaay harder than you realize, and the fact that you don't know that yet means your not even close to understanding the depths of your own addiction. Just settle down a bit and stop announcing how awesome you are. Post roll til the Hof and then I'll tell you your awesome. In the mean time throw that fucking trophy can away, or at least piss in it.

and by the way a health scare won't be enough to keep you quit, I dipped on the way in and out of my biopsy. And before you call me stupid I am logging off to read Aristotle in latin because the German translation to english dilutes the meaning of the text. Were addicts not idiots.

Skoal Monster
"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

Offline mvvette97

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Re: New guy that wants to quit..Hope I can
« Reply #28 on: December 05, 2009, 03:38:00 AM »
Quote from: iuchewie
Quote from: mvvette97
I even have a can of chew by my computer and don't even want to take a dip. I found that I had to buy a new can just to have. It seemed to make me feel better just knowing I had it there. I can say that I will never chew again.
Congratulations... you just caved.

Perhaps not today, perhaps not next week but it will happen. Fucking get rid of that can or you WILL fail. Period end of fucking story.

You know why it makes you feel better to have it there? Cause you see it as a way out. You're seeing it as something that "eventually... you'll be able to enjoy occasionally". Bullshit. You're an addict my friend. You can't have one ever. Seeing it there ever day will eventually lead you back to it... especially when you're going it alone.

You can say that you'll never chew again all you want. Until that can is gone I'll say that you're a cave waiting to happen.

Sorry to shit on your parade. 2 months is a great achievement and you should be damn proud of it but you're no where near being out of the woods and you certainly shouldn't temp fate by having a safety can at your disposal.

Hell... maybe I'm wrong. Maybe the nearly 5,000 people and 3+ years here hasn't shown me anything. I hope you're the first person in my time here at KTC that is stronger than our addiction. That would be cool.

Oh the can I bought was the day after I quit. the second day was the worst. Oh and why in the fuck would I start back up after I have healed? It's not rocket science to figure out that the chew was the cause of all the bloody sores. I mean would you stick your head in a ball of fire again if you tried it once and burned the shit out of ya? Well I guess some people would but somebody with brains wouldn't.

Offline mvvette97

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Re: New guy that wants to quit..Hope I can
« Reply #27 on: December 05, 2009, 03:25:00 AM »
I was reading some more of your crap and yes it is easy to quit IF you fear for your health. I had all kinds of crazy shit in my mouth that hurt like hell and would bleed. Doctor told me to quit and told me to come back in two weeks because he said it possibly could be cancer. That scared the shit out of me so bad that I just quit and to my surprise I have not even wanted a chew since. Now yes when I tried to quit the 10 times before it was horrible. I felt like I was going crazy and always just gave in to the chew. So no it's not easy to quit unless you think you have cancer then you will be surprised how easy it is.
For the user below that said he was like 23 and has sores and bleeding well I was the same way and still chewed. You say you can't afford to go to the doctor well find a way to afford it. I'm sure cancer has crossed your mind because we all know the ricks of chewing. All it took was for a doctor to say possible start of cancer and the wake up call started. You were talking about smoking well I tried to quit that many times and failed also but once again a fear for my health is what it took to quit. It wasn't the fear of cancer but the horrible problem with my breathing. O2 levels were in the upper 80s and had to suck on a damn albuteral all day long to breath. Fear can be your friend with some things.
You guys with the attitude problem why don't you change your tampon and put forth your hatred to the chew, it's the enemy not me 'Crazy'

Offline mvvette97

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Re: New guy that wants to quit..Hope I can
« Reply #26 on: December 05, 2009, 02:59:00 AM »
What the fuck is wrong with you people? If you are having all this trouble then I would say you aren't ready to quit. If your not ready to quit then chew like hell because you are wasting your damn time. For you smartass people that act like retards on here let me make this simple you you may be able to understand. Chewing= bitch to quit if not ready to quit. Now read very slow! Sick of chewing because of gums bleeding and fear of oral cancer=quit chewing. It's not hard when you fear your life. Now you haters can blow me because I have quit and feel no need to chew again. My life is way more important than that shit in a can. Maybe you need to figure out what is more important. Hate all you want but when you get a scare like I did you will understand how easy it is to quit. Till then just shut up and keep chewing.

Offline Dr. Bruce Banner

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Re: New guy that wants to quit..Hope I can
« Reply #25 on: December 05, 2009, 01:47:00 AM »
'horsecrap' quit any way you can....just do it...... post roll everyday......everyday
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Offline RockyMountainHigh

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Re: New guy that wants to quit..Hope I can
« Reply #24 on: December 05, 2009, 12:35:00 AM »
with me it's more of a habit than an addiction.
---I tried to convince myself this was the case for the first few weeks I dipped/smoked. When I found myself thinking about buying a can, its an addiction. If you think about it constantly, its an addiction. If you physically go out of your way to get it, its an addiction. If you feel the need to use it, its a.....what? That's right, an addiction!

I was the same way when I smoked. It was almost impossible to quit but after I made my mind up it was nothing. After my mind was made up I never wanted another smoke again. The chewing is going the same way. Never had a nicotine craving after quitting from either one. I honestly think it's all mental.
---Are you seriously going on a quitting help board and telling addicts, like all of us, that its not that hard? It is certainly NOT all mental. Nicotine is an extremely addictive substance. My friend who still smokes and has done every drug in the book (he's from LA :P) says quitting is harder than Heroin and Cocaine!

With both things I had to find something to replace it and after that it was smooth going.
---I went through this stage as do many people. "I'll only smoke from now on. Oh wait, this is not the same as dip. I think I'll chew again but only a can." And so on. It doesn't work that way. Replacement isn't quitting and its just as dangerous. They mean it when they say "there is no safe cigarette". What helped me understand the dangers was the process of curing and spraying and all. Plus knowing what they put in Tobacco. I never had a class on dipping in school during our drug program. Cigarettes really were not covered well either. This was during a big Heroin epidemic of the early 90s so that, along with Marijuana, Cocaine, inhalants and PCP were what was covered. All I knew was that there was tar in cigarettes and that they make you cough.

This is just me though, I'm sure everybody is different.
---Granted some people find it easier to quit than others and motivation and health play a big part. I have tumors all over my lip, along my jawline, floor of mouth, and on my tongue. I've only been quit for 9 days now but I honestly have no desire to ever do either again. I'm not trying to sound high and mighty or anything, I'm still an addict. I still feel the physical effects from a craving and I think about dip and cigarettes during the day. I still have the need but not the want. If that makes sense.

When I say I will never chew again I mean it.
---That's great and I hope it works for you.

I said the same thing about smoking two weeks after I quit.
---Just my opinion, but I would argue that you never had quit by switching.

I have found that ya have to want to quit and honestly want to or there will be no way to do it.
---You really do need to want it but my "attempts" before always resulted in the Nicotine winning. Or rather, myself failing to control the physical desire.

When I first posted here last spring I thought I wanted to quit but I didn't really.
---I signed up last spring too and realized after a while that it wasn't going to work because I enjoyed it too much. If it was something I didn't physically enjoy, it would be easier.

I wanted to quit but not enough that I was worring aboutv my health or anything.
---You really should. I'm only 23 and I have lesions all over my jaw line, lip, tongue and base of my mouth. They are painful and sometimes bleed and they have been growing over the past couple months and spreading. I couldn't afford a doctor since my old job I got layed off and my new job's benefits don't kick in until this summer.
Fortunately, a friend of mine is in medicine and recognized this as possible carcinoma when I told him something didn't feel right. Not even two years of tobacco and its ruined much of my life (if you want some examples I have posted a thread in motivation forum). I finally can afford some basic tests now that I am receiving paychecks again. If that doesn't scare you straight, I had an irregular heart beat, tightness in my chest and felt lightheaded a couple weeks ago. I had to go to the E.R. and stayed overnight. Doctor said my blood pressure was extremely high and asked if I was on drugs. I told him dip, a little bit of beer once in a while and an occasional smoke. He said that even though I'm not in bad shape, this stuff can skyrocket your blood pressure. That was the first I had ever heard of that.

I said hell with it and started chewing again. Then one morning I woke up and said no more and I haven't had a chew since. easy as pie if you want to.
---There is nothing as easy as pie about this. I'm glad you haven't relapsed for so long but addiction can be lifelong mentally if not physically. My grandfather hasn't smoked since the 1940's but he still gets a craving for a cigarette in the morning or after a meal. It isn't super intense like it is for someone who just quit, but it's always there I imagine.

Sorry that was so long, but it helps to talk about this kind of stuff. When I saw your post, I was immediately disgusted at you saying how easy it is to quit in front of us but I tried to just give you my perspective rather than ripping you.

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Re: New guy that wants to quit..Hope I can
« Reply #23 on: December 04, 2009, 10:41:00 PM »
Chief. Donate your brain to science like that amnesiac guy. We need to slice it into a million pieces and examine it in detail. The man who could not see his can of chew.
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Offline Skoal Monster

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Re: New guy that wants to quit..Hope I can
« Reply #22 on: December 04, 2009, 06:58:00 PM »
'crackup' 'crackup' 'crackup'

You quit for two months so you think your quit? Stop it your making my sides hurt, I havent laughed that hard in months. I don't know where to start with you so I'm not even going to bother. However, one little gem you might want to think about is. The first person you need to stop lying to is probably yourself. Then you can deal with your"habit" from a realistic perspective. Until then :rolleyes: your just ridiculous.
"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

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Re: New guy that wants to quit..Hope I can
« Reply #21 on: December 04, 2009, 01:36:00 PM »

you are either stupid or you are not a user, yes we all decided enough was enough but that is all you said that makes any sense to this addict

you mean you are so special that the quit was easy as pie?!? now you have a trophy can?!? you are giving yourself every excuse in the book to start using again if you ever used...141 days in and i am not cured, i am not special, i fight the sneaky little bitch everyday, i WANT to fucking use but i can't so don't post this shit in front of chewie says u quit jack but give me the turkey...
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Re: New guy that wants to quit..Hope I can
« Reply #20 on: December 04, 2009, 12:44:00 PM »
So this is the point where I just HAVE to ask....

If this is so easy and you are doing so fan-fucking-tastic, why are you here? Why post again today? Something must have spurred you in to action this morning.

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Re: New guy that wants to quit..Hope I can
« Reply #19 on: December 04, 2009, 12:34:00 PM »
Quote from: iuchewie
Quote from: mvvette97
with me it's more of a habit than an addiction. I was the same way when I smoked. It was almost impossible to quit but after I made my mind up it was nothing. After my mind was made up I never wanted another smoke again. The chewing is going the same way. Never had a nicotine craving after quitting from either one. I honestly think it's all mental. With both things I had to find something to replace it and after that it was smooth going. This is just me though, I'm sure everybody is different. When I say I will never chew again I mean it. I said the same thing about smoking two weeks after I quit. I have found that ya have to want to quit and honestly want to or there will be no way to do it. When I first posted here last spring I thought I wanted to quit but I didn't really. I wanted to quit but not enough that I was worring aboutv my health or anything. I said hell with it and started chewing again.  Then one morning I woke up and said no more and I haven't had a chew since. easy as pie if you want to.
Honestly I don't think this really requires a response but you caught me in a pissy mood so I'll play along.

With me it's more of a habit than an addiction." - that's like saying to your wife that you got a blow job but didn't fuck the other chick so you didn't cheat. Don't fool yourself. You're an addict.

"I was the same way when I smoked. It was almost impossible to quit but after I made my mind up it was nothing. After my mind was made up I never wanted another smoke again." - Yeah... except for the fact that you started chewing. Hey honey... you'll be so proud of me! I quit drinking Jack Daniels. Hey... can you fill up my Wild Turkey?

"Never had a nicotine craving after quitting from either one. I honestly think it's all mental." - Honestly... I think you're fucked in the head.

"With both things I had to find something to replace it and after that it was smooth going." - So you replaced smoking with chewing... what did you replace chewing with? Please don't say Snus. My head may explode.

"I have found that ya have to want to quit and honestly want to or there will be no way to do it." - You've found this when? In all of your past successful quits? Other than the context, this is the first correct thing you've said.

"When I first posted here last spring I thought I wanted to quit but I didn't really." - Nic bitch is a tricky little thing.

"I wanted to quit but not enough that I was worring aboutv my health or anything. I said hell with it and started chewing again." - Oh... OK. What will happen after you've quit for a couple of months again and you're no longer worried about your health? Guess it'll be OK to go back cause you're no longer worried right?

"easy as pie if you want to." - 'crackup' 'crackup' 'crackup'
I once knew this guy Jerry, he used to work here. Older guy. Told me one day he threw away his pack of cigarettes and that was it. Never had one again. Was i don't know, 10 years quit at the time he told me that story.

True story.

I'm not going to piss on your theory. It can happen. But the statistics are against you. I used to be like that, anything I put my mind to i could do. And then I would get so pissed when I couldn't use that to quit dippin. Too hard.

Anyway, good luck. But I do believe you are playing with fire.
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Re: New guy that wants to quit..Hope I can
« Reply #18 on: December 04, 2009, 11:48:00 AM »
Quote from: mvvette97
with me it's more of a habit than an addiction. I was the same way when I smoked. It was almost impossible to quit but after I made my mind up it was nothing. After my mind was made up I never wanted another smoke again. The chewing is going the same way. Never had a nicotine craving after quitting from either one. I honestly think it's all mental. With both things I had to find something to replace it and after that it was smooth going. This is just me though, I'm sure everybody is different. When I say I will never chew again I mean it. I said the same thing about smoking two weeks after I quit. I have found that ya have to want to quit and honestly want to or there will be no way to do it. When I first posted here last spring I thought I wanted to quit but I didn't really. I wanted to quit but not enough that I was worring aboutv my health or anything. I said hell with it and started chewing again.  Then one morning I woke up and said no more and I haven't had a chew since. easy as pie if you want to.
Honestly I don't think this really requires a response but you caught me in a pissy mood so I'll play along.

With me it's more of a habit than an addiction." - that's like saying to your wife that you got a blow job but didn't fuck the other chick so you didn't cheat. Don't fool yourself. You're an addict.

"I was the same way when I smoked. It was almost impossible to quit but after I made my mind up it was nothing. After my mind was made up I never wanted another smoke again." - Yeah... except for the fact that you started chewing. Hey honey... you'll be so proud of me! I quit drinking Jack Daniels. Hey... can you fill up my Wild Turkey?

"Never had a nicotine craving after quitting from either one. I honestly think it's all mental." - Honestly... I think you're fucked in the head.

"With both things I had to find something to replace it and after that it was smooth going." - So you replaced smoking with chewing... what did you replace chewing with? Please don't say Snus. My head may explode.

"I have found that ya have to want to quit and honestly want to or there will be no way to do it." - You've found this when? In all of your past successful quits? Other than the context, this is the first correct thing you've said.

"When I first posted here last spring I thought I wanted to quit but I didn't really." - Nic bitch is a tricky little thing.

"I wanted to quit but not enough that I was worring aboutv my health or anything. I said hell with it and started chewing again." - Oh... OK. What will happen after you've quit for a couple of months again and you're no longer worried about your health? Guess it'll be OK to go back cause you're no longer worried right?

"easy as pie if you want to." - 'crackup' 'crackup' 'crackup'
"Every man dies... not every man really lives." - William Wallace

QD - 7.24.06 / HOF - 10.31.06 / 2nd - 2.08.07 / 3rd - 5.19.07 / 4th - 8.27.07 / 5th - 12.05.07 / 6th - 3.14.08 / 7th - 6.22.08 / 8th - 9.30.08 / 9th - 1.08.09 / Comma - 4.18.09 / 11th - 7.27.09 / 12th - 11.04.09 / 13th - 2.12.10 / 14th - 05.23.10 / 15th - 08.31.2010 / 16th - 12.9.10 / 17th - 3.19.11 / 18th - 6.27.11 / 19th - 10.5.11 / 2K - 1.13.12 / 21st - 4.22.12 / 22nd - 7.31.12 / 23rd - 11.8.12 / 24th - 2.16.13 / 25th - 5.27.13 / 26th - 9.4.13 / 27th - 12.12.13 / 28th - 3.24.14 / 29th - 7.1.14 / 3K - 10.9.14 / 31st - 1.17.15 / 32nd - 4.27.15 / 33rd - 8.5.15 / 34th - 9.13.15 / 35th - 2.21.16 / 36th - 5.31.16 / 37th - 9.8.16 / 38th - 12.17.16 / 39th - 3.27.17 / 4K - 7.5.17 / 41st - 10.13.17 / 42nd - 1.21.18 / 43rd - 5.1.18 / 44th - 8.9.18 / 45th - 11.17.18 / 46th - 2.25.19 / 47th - 6.5.19 / 48th - 9.13.19 / 49th - 12.22.19 / 5K - 4.1.20 / 51st - 7.9.20 / 52nd - 10.17.20 / 53rd - 1.25.21 / 54th - 5.5.21 / 55th - 8.13.21 / 56th - 11.21.21 / 57th - 3.1.22 / 58th - 6.9.22 / 59th - 9.17.22 / 6K - 12.26.22 / 61st - 4.5.23 / 62nd - 7.14.23 / 63rd - 10.22.23 / 64th - 1.20.24 / 65th - 5.9.24 / 66th - 8.17.24

Episode III: The Final Quit | 406 Northlane |

Offline mvvette97

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Re: New guy that wants to quit..Hope I can
« Reply #17 on: December 04, 2009, 11:38:00 AM »
with me it's more of a habit than an addiction. I was the same way when I smoked. It was almost impossible to quit but after I made my mind up it was nothing. After my mind was made up I never wanted another smoke again. The chewing is going the same way. Never had a nicotine craving after quitting from either one. I honestly think it's all mental. With both things I had to find something to replace it and after that it was smooth going. This is just me though, I'm sure everybody is different. When I say I will never chew again I mean it. I said the same thing about smoking two weeks after I quit. I have found that ya have to want to quit and honestly want to or there will be no way to do it. When I first posted here last spring I thought I wanted to quit but I didn't really. I wanted to quit but not enough that I was worring aboutv my health or anything. I said hell with it and started chewing again. Then one morning I woke up and said no more and I haven't had a chew since. easy as pie if you want to.