Author Topic: New guy that wants to quit..Hope I can  (Read 3326 times)

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Re: New guy that wants to quit..Hope I can
« Reply #16 on: December 04, 2009, 11:28:00 AM »
Quote from: mvvette97
I even have a can of chew by my computer and don't even want to take a dip. I found that I had to buy a new can just to have. It seemed to make me feel better just knowing I had it there. I can say that I will never chew again.
Congratulations... you just caved.

Perhaps not today, perhaps not next week but it will happen. Fucking get rid of that can or you WILL fail. Period end of fucking story.

You know why it makes you feel better to have it there? Cause you see it as a way out. You're seeing it as something that "eventually... you'll be able to enjoy occasionally". Bullshit. You're an addict my friend. You can't have one ever. Seeing it there ever day will eventually lead you back to it... especially when you're going it alone.

You can say that you'll never chew again all you want. Until that can is gone I'll say that you're a cave waiting to happen.

Sorry to shit on your parade. 2 months is a great achievement and you should be damn proud of it but you're no where near being out of the woods and you certainly shouldn't temp fate by having a safety can at your disposal.

Hell... maybe I'm wrong. Maybe the nearly 5,000 people and 3+ years here hasn't shown me anything. I hope you're the first person in my time here at KTC that is stronger than our addiction. That would be cool.

"Every man dies... not every man really lives." - William Wallace

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Re: New guy that wants to quit..Hope I can
« Reply #15 on: December 04, 2009, 10:36:00 AM »
Quote from: rkymtnman
Quote from: mvvette97
well it's been months since I have been on here and failed several time trying to quit but finally I have done it. It's been almost two months now and my gums are all healed up. :D Had to chew alot of gum and still am but finally kicked the habit. I even have a can of chew by my computer and don't even want to take a dip. I found that I had to buy a new can just to have. It seemed to make me feel better just knowing I had it there. I can say that I will never chew again. So glad I quit.
Wow. Um.....GREAT.

How about you start posting roll everyday with us? Certainly some added accountability can't hurt.

While you are at it, chuck that can. That my friend, is a cave waiting to happen.

EDIT - and congrats on 2 months but by no means have you "finally DONE it". Fighting this addiction is a daily battle that we all will have to fight (to some degree) for the rest of our lives.

....just sayin'

Shit I am on 251 days, and I haven't kicked the habit yet.
football rules, soccer drools

HOF: July 7th, 2009

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Re: New guy that wants to quit..Hope I can
« Reply #14 on: December 04, 2009, 09:34:00 AM »
Quote from: mvvette97
well it's been months since I have been on here and failed several time trying to quit but finally I have done it. It's been almost two months now and my gums are all healed up. :D Had to chew alot of gum and still am but finally kicked the habit. I even have a can of chew by my computer and don't even want to take a dip. I found that I had to buy a new can just to have. It seemed to make me feel better just knowing I had it there. I can say that I will never chew again. So glad I quit.
Wow. Um.....GREAT.

How about you start posting roll everyday with us? Certainly some added accountability can't hurt.

While you are at it, chuck that can. That my friend, is a cave waiting to happen.

EDIT - and congrats on 2 months but by no means have you "finally DONE it". Fighting this addiction is a daily battle that we all will have to fight (to some degree) for the rest of our lives.

....just sayin'

Offline mvvette97

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Re: New guy that wants to quit..Hope I can
« Reply #13 on: December 04, 2009, 02:43:00 AM »
well it's been months since I have been on here and failed several time trying to quit but finally I have done it. It's been almost two months now and my gums are all healed up. :D Had to chew alot of gum and still am but finally kicked the habit. I even have a can of chew by my computer and don't even want to take a dip. I found that I had to buy a new can just to have. It seemed to make me feel better just knowing I had it there. I can say that I will never chew again. So glad I quit.

Offline Smokeyg

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Re: New guy that wants to quit..Hope I can
« Reply #12 on: May 27, 2009, 10:01:00 AM »
Quote from: mvvette97
I'm not bullshitting myself, I know for a damn fact that I was in no way craving nicotine when i had a chew in my mouth. All I can say is that even while chewing I still wanted to smoke. It was a habit that I had made part of my life. Sure if I didn't have a chew I would crave but I would want to smoke even while chewing. That is the habit part coming in effect. Anyway my skoal has ran out and I have no more. I have been chewing that herbal crap and so far I'm doing good. They claim this crap is not bad for ya in any way but I don't know. I do know it has no tobacco or nicotine. Doesn't taste worth a damn either. 'libs2'
Since the habit of smoking or having something in your mouth plays such a large roll in your habit, I would recommend staying with the herbal for a while longer. Let your body unfuck itself from the nicotine withdrawals, then deal with the oral fixation.

I'll be here if you need a replacement....

Offline mintlure

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Re: New guy that wants to quit..Hope I can
« Reply #11 on: May 27, 2009, 09:17:00 AM »
trust me...there is no "cure" without will. I am only three days in, but I had tried everything before. Tried Chantix...worked till I quit taking the medicine. tried patches and what not....


grow a pair....

p.s. day 3 sucks

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Re: New guy that wants to quit..Hope I can
« Reply #10 on: May 27, 2009, 03:25:00 AM »
I'm not bullshitting myself, I know for a damn fact that I was in no way craving nicotine when i had a chew in my mouth. All I can say is that even while chewing I still wanted to smoke. It was a habit that I had made part of my life. Sure if I didn't have a chew I would crave but I would want to smoke even while chewing. That is the habit part coming in effect. Anyway my skoal has ran out and I have no more. I have been chewing that herbal crap and so far I'm doing good. They claim this crap is not bad for ya in any way but I don't know. I do know it has no tobacco or nicotine. Doesn't taste worth a damn either. 'libs2'

Offline mns36

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Re: New guy that wants to quit..Hope I can
« Reply #9 on: May 25, 2009, 05:28:00 PM »
You should be very happy about quitting, it's something not everyone can do or handle.

Everyone CAN quit!!

Offline Move Forward

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Re: New guy that wants to quit..Hope I can
« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2009, 02:39:00 PM »
Quote from: mvvette97
so what is it. the first month or so the hardest? I honestly feel it's more mental than anything. I know when I quit smoking for a while I still felt like I was craving a smoke but yet I was getting the nicotine from the chew. That proves right there that it's not so much craving nicotine but rather the habit of doing the same thing every day. Oh and I am happy with myself about quitting smoking even though I started chewing to replace it because that proves that I can break a habit that I had done for many years. Not sayin a nicotine addiction but the habit. I feel the habit of doing something at certain times every day is just as bad or worse than the nicotine addiction.
so what is it. the first month or so the hardest?
Doesn't matter what was the hardest month, day, year, etc...what matters is that you're quit and that you're committed to it!
I still felt like I was craving a smoke but yet I was getting the nicotine from the chew. That proves right there that it's not so much craving nicotine but rather the habit of doing the same thing every day.
Don't bullshit yourself...that craving is caused by your addiction to nicotine not by doing the same thing everyday. The nicotine is what you're craving whether you want to believe it or not...sugar coating it by saying it's habit is pure b.s.
Oh and I am happy with myself about quitting smoking even though I started chewing to replace it because that proves that I can break a habit that I had done for many years. Not sayin a nicotine addiction but the habit. I feel the habit of doing something at certain times every day is just as bad or worse than the nicotine
You should be very happy about quitting, it's something not everyone can do or handle. However, don't replace one bad habit with another. Chewing is actually more addicting because it's in your bloodstream almost instantly. I don't think that having a daily habit is necessarily bad, it just depends on the habit. Putting the love stick to the ol' bird on a daily basis isn't a bad habit, plus it doesn't cause cancer like nicotine does. I don't feel that would be something bad or worse than nicotine if done every day.

I get your point, however replacing a bad habit with another one doesn't justify beating the nicotine addiciton. You quit smoking but replaced it with dipping. Now quit dipping and replace it with something positive, like staying quit and posting roll in your quit group everyday! You can do this, we can help you but only if you choose to quit can we help. I don't think you'd be here if you didn't want to quit. This site is for quitters, not wanna be's.

Bottom line: Quitting isn't easy, there will be days when you're frustrated, angry, pissed off, etc... You can get through those days, we've all been there and still have them to this day. We want to be quit and we want you to be quit too! You are the one to decide if quitting is truely what you want!

I'm quit and hope you will be too!

Fighting an addiction by yourself is hard enough, but fighting it with others who know what you?re going through and will fight side by side with you makes that battle a hell of a lot easier.

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Re: New guy that wants to quit..Hope I can
« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2009, 01:47:00 PM »
Quote from: mvvette97
so what is it. the first month or so the hardest? I honestly feel it's more mental than anything. I know when I quit smoking for a while I still felt like I was craving a smoke but yet I was getting the nicotine from the chew. That proves right there that it's not so much craving nicotine but rather the habit of doing the same thing every day. Oh and I am happy with myself about quitting smoking even though I started chewing to replace it because that proves that I can break a habit that I had done for many years. Not sayin a nicotine addiction but the habit. I feel the habit of doing something at certain times every day is just as bad or worse than the nicotine addiction.
Did you quit yet? No nicotene for a day?

The best thing to do is to simply quit. Don't think about it, don't worry about it, don't over-analyze it. Just do it. Do it right now if you haven't quit yet.

Don't worry about the first month, or day or hour. Just quit right now for the next 60 seconds. Worry about the next minute after that when it gets here.

You are an addict. You are addicted to nicotene. You have to break that addiction cuz it's damn sure gonna break you.

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Re: New guy that wants to quit..Hope I can
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2009, 12:06:00 PM »
Quote from: mvvette97
so what is it. the first month or so the hardest? I honestly feel it's more mental than anything. I know when I quit smoking for a while I still felt like I was craving a smoke but yet I was getting the nicotine from the chew. That proves right there that it's not so much craving nicotine but rather the habit of doing the same thing every day. Oh and I am happy with myself about quitting smoking even though I started chewing to replace it because that proves that I can break a habit that I had done for many years. Not sayin a nicotine addiction but the habit. I feel the habit of doing something at certain times every day is just as bad or worse than the nicotine addiction.
It's different for everyone. Generally the majority of the physical withdrawals happen in the first three or four days, and the worst of the fog and mind games last about two weeks. The "about two weeks" can vary wildly from person to person.

Habit is a HUGE part of it, but the habit is not what controls your life and kills you. The tobacco does that. You need to quit the tobacco.

The reason I picked your post apart is that I heard the ambiguity that leads to a cave in nearly every single sentence. You have to really want this and really mean it. Just think about it: this is an addiction that has people smoking cigarettes through holes in their trachea after surgeons have cut out their cancerous throats. You have to take this seriously and face the problem you've created for yourself.

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Re: New guy that wants to quit..Hope I can
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2009, 09:39:00 AM »
so what is it. the first month or so the hardest? I honestly feel it's more mental than anything. I know when I quit smoking for a while I still felt like I was craving a smoke but yet I was getting the nicotine from the chew. That proves right there that it's not so much craving nicotine but rather the habit of doing the same thing every day. Oh and I am happy with myself about quitting smoking even though I started chewing to replace it because that proves that I can break a habit that I had done for many years. Not sayin a nicotine addiction but the habit. I feel the habit of doing something at certain times every day is just as bad or worse than the nicotine addiction.

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Re: New guy that wants to quit..Hope I can
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2009, 02:05:00 PM »
Hey all, I'm a newbe here. I came across this site and thought it may be good for me just knowing I'm not alone. Um... that's cool... I think.

I'm almost 35 years old and started smoking when I was 17. I finally quit smoking about 4 years ago and would never go back to it. I started chewing to be able to quit smoking and now I'm hooked. You get zero bonus points for quitting smoking by starting on dip. You just continued a full-on nicotine addiction by switching forms of nicotine delivery... and you didn't "become hooked", you stayed hooked.

I only have 1/2 a can left so I plan on not buying anymore. Just not buying more is bullshit; you will always run out at an inopportune time and then plan to quit after the next can runs out. Also, what about the dips you bum from buddies? Quitting will never be an accident - you have to make it happen.

People tell me to just throw it away but just like with smoking I couldn't do that, I had to finish it off and just not buy after that. You should listen to those People.

I did order some of this Oregon Mint chew with no tobacco or nicotine so I'm gunna give that a try. You can't just give quitting a try. You have to actually do it.

I'm just tired of brushing my teeth and spitting blood. Is that really the only reason you're quitting? I don't know if that will be enough to make it stick.

Anyway that's my story :P Hope to chat with you all sometime.. That's cool, see you around i guess?
yea I think I can do this. I'm not feeling it.

I know for sure that a person has to be ready to quit. OK, I'll buy that, are you ready?

Just like when I quit smoking I had tried many times but failed. Finally the last time I was able to quit and it didn't even bother me. Oh... see the part about zero bonus points above...

I had thought about the patched but I didn't ever have any luck with them when I smoked so I don't know if it would be any better with chew. Nothing about quitting involves luck. YOU must take responsibility for quitting, and YOU must decide to quit. No nicotine replacement therapy, no cutting back or quitting later, just quit.

I'm just gunna not buy any more skoal and just try to chew this non tobacco stuff. Nope... can't just try and hope it goes away. You have to make a rock-solid decision to quit. Right now as you read this. No other time will work. You've been putting this off for 18± years, START RIGHT NOW.

You are dealing with a serious addiction here. You can not fuck around with quitting and expect to succeed. You must decide without any reservations that right now is the time to quit, and that you will, without a doubt, stay quit. Nothing short of that level of commitment will work.

One last thing... if you can bring yourself to make the decision to quit, I can tell you that the rewards of being quit are well worth the pain and struggle of quitting. This site has hundreds of members who have successfully quit, and they will all tell you the same thing: it is worth it.

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Re: New guy that wants to quit..Hope I can
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2009, 12:12:00 PM »
yea I think I can do this. I know for sure that a person has to be ready to quit. Just like when I quit smoking I had tried many times but failed. Finally the last time I was able to quit and it didn't even bother me. I had thought about the patched but I didn't ever have any luck with them when I smoked so I don't know if it would be any better with chew. I'm just gunna not buy any more skoal and just try to chew this non tobacco stuff.

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Re: New guy that wants to quit..Hope I can
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2009, 11:19:00 AM »
Quote from: mvvette97
Hey all, I'm a newbe here. I came across this site and thought it may be good for me just knowing I'm not alone. I'm almost 35 years old and started smoking when I was 17. I finally quit smoking about 4 years ago and would never go back to it. I started chewing to be able to quit smoking and now I'm hooked. I only have 1/2 a can left so I plan on not buying anymore. People tell me to just throw it away but just like with smoking I couldn't do that, I had to finish it off and just not buy after that. I did order some of this Oregon Mint chew with no tobacco or nicotine so I'm gunna give that a try. I'm just tired of brushing my teeth and spitting blood. Anyway that's my story :P Hope to chat with you all sometime..
Welcome - I hope you make the decision to toss that shit like yesterday. The cost of a half a tin is not worth you getting cancer and dying.

If you need we can take up a collection to reimburse you - should be about a copper penny from each registered member! :D
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Jules Winnfield