Author Topic: New Dip Free Member  (Read 3628 times)

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Offline Evil_Won

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Re: New Dip Free Member
« Reply #28 on: June 20, 2013, 01:56:00 PM »

On 6/18 you posted in YOUR INTRO that you caved on the 17th. My math skills aren't the best, but I think that you should be posting a day 3 today, not five.

It doesn't work that way - you cave - you start over.

You need to answer the three questions from your heart. That is the price of readmission. Answering honestly is not only for you, but a teaching tool for the rest of us. Answer with honesty and integrity, not just what we want to hear.

1) What happened?
2) Why did it happen?
3) What are you going to do different?
"Dunno about you HP, but LOOT doesn't like getting assfucked, by anyone....and certainly won't chalk it up to 'shit happens'."

Offline billybill3934

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Re: New Dip Free Member
« Reply #27 on: June 20, 2013, 01:26:00 PM »
Quote from: erikinsocal
It's day 1 for me.  It seems like I've been here 100 times before.  I'm pretty good at kicking but where I suck is staying quit.  Almost as soon as I kick the can I start craving cigarettes, cigars, anything else with nicotine in it.  Then I cave to the crave and eventually end up back on the tin.  Just had my last chew this morning and it hasn't hit me yet, but I know it will.
Eric, I hope you don't see the message I wrote to Mney65 and get discouraged or scared of this site. We are all on here for the same reason and that is to quit using nicotine one day at a time witht the support and accountability from our Quit Brothers. You need to be tough and thick skinned because we will all get on you when you need it and praise you when you are trucking a long. I am going to PM you some words in a minute. I also need you to send me back your phone number (in a Personal Message) so we can get you on the phone listing of accountability!!
"I quit today until tomorrow then quit again"
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Offline Mthomas3824

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Re: New Dip Free Member
« Reply #26 on: June 20, 2013, 01:11:00 PM »
Quote from: erikinsocal
It's day 1 for me.  It seems like I've been here 100 times before.  I'm pretty good at kicking but where I suck is staying quit.  Almost as soon as I kick the can I start craving cigarettes, cigars, anything else with nicotine in it.  Then I cave to the crave and eventually end up back on the tin.  Just had my last chew this morning and it hasn't hit me yet, but I know it will.
Holy shit balls! You are already in trouble. You better start reading and take the blinders off!!!!!

This nicotine is so evil because she is subtle and will seduce you if you aren't on your guard all day today.

Who do you give your word to today? You have proven that keeping your word to yourself isn't enough to keep you quit. (Why we are all here)

Who is your support? Who is on the roll that you can't and will not let down? You are in trouble and you don't even see it!!!!!

Here is one tip on nicotine. She is a parasite. A terrorist parasite. She latches on to a host and sucks life, energy and FREEDOM. She takes over your life and you do everything for the parasite and what did you get back? A buzz...maybe? You are duped into thinking and linking her into someone to cope with during the hard times, enjoy the good times. News flash, she is a killer!!!!!!!

3 million people a year die due to complications of nicotine. Lung cancer, throat, Stomach, mouth lip...etc. You know that active "out and proud" terrorists get so much attention. WTC bombings. Under 10 thousand innocent lives were murdered. Then we react and go to war and sacrifice more men to bring those terrorist to justice.

Nicotine, and UST (The quiet stay low and try not to get noticed) have the blood of 3 million a year on their hands. That is like destroying a city the size of HOUSTON, TX! She is your captor and you are her slave. Most of us became addicts when we were in our teens. Very few numbers take up chewing tobacco when its legal to do so.....HMMMM Time to grow up and become a man. Tobacco humpers are duped and stupid.

Fuck nicotine, Fuck US Tobacco and Fuck any Glamour you or any other quitter has towards this bitch! She will seduce you and laugh while she kills you!

You are in a battle and wars are fought to be won. If you are at war with nictotine, get your game face on. Cravings will come, call for support and to discuss it but always remind yourself that this evil bitch owns you and you CAN'T and Wont bow down to her again.

Cravings are one thing...we are addicts. Entertaining, Glamorized or Remembering her with fondness is her subtle way to seduce you back to being a can humper!

Get reading and see the Truth. This is a dirty, vile, evil killer and nothing, not one damn thing about tobacco improved your life.
Quit And Be Free

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Offline Matt F

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Re: New Dip Free Member
« Reply #25 on: June 20, 2013, 01:09:00 PM »
Quote from: erikinsocal
It's day 1 for me.  It seems like I've been here 100 times before.  I'm pretty good at kicking but where I suck is staying quit.  Almost as soon as I kick the can I start craving cigarettes, cigars, anything else with nicotine in it.  Then I cave to the crave and eventually end up back on the tin.  Just had my last chew this morning and it hasn't hit me yet, but I know it will.
Erik, welcome to KTC. You should create a new intro of your own using the new topic button at the right upper part of the screen. Make a lot of contacts on this site and stay accountable. Read the welcome thread follow the rules and stay quit!

Offline billybill3934

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Re: New Dip Free Member
« Reply #24 on: June 20, 2013, 01:05:00 PM »
Quote from: mney65
Yesterday was not good - I caved. The lie I told myself: I carry a gun and deal with the scum of scociety. If I don't maintain my self control, I might end up killing somebody. The truth: I didn't maintain my self control by caving. Lose-Lose. I only had the @#!^ in for a minute and spit it out because shame and disgust overwhelmed me. Doesn't matter, caving is caving. My resolve has been strengthened though. I AM QUIT!!!
I am trying to stay calm and will await the response before I really tear into your ass!!!! I totally fucked up in my first(trial) quit of 6 months. I caved like a bitch and all that. I know how things go and shit happens but I didn't act like nothing fucking happened. I took my licks on here and with all of the other people I was accountable to and started over from the damn beginning.

I really hope you don't understand the rules or something because if you think for a fucking second that you can cave 2 days in and just go about your business dismissing the fact that you gave into the devil nic bitch and post day 5 today like we're all cool and shit. You need to remove that day 5 and your name from our roll post immediately!!!! You will explain on the roll page What happened? Why did it happen? What are you going to do different? and it better be more than my work is stressful and boohoo shit. We are all stressed out, tired, over worked, and all that. I don't hate on you for caving, I am pissed because you thought it was ok to keep posting like nothing ever happened.

You are at DAY 2 if you have been quit all day today!!! If you get offended by this, oh well, I am offended by your lack of respect for the rules of this program. You better have some thick skin MARINE! I will be behind you 100% if you fix all of this and really get on board!

"I quit today until tomorrow then quit again"
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Offline erikinsocal

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Re: New Dip Free Member
« Reply #23 on: June 20, 2013, 12:41:00 PM »
It's day 1 for me. It seems like I've been here 100 times before. I'm pretty good at kicking but where I suck is staying quit. Almost as soon as I kick the can I start craving cigarettes, cigars, anything else with nicotine in it. Then I cave to the crave and eventually end up back on the tin. Just had my last chew this morning and it hasn't hit me yet, but I know it will.

Offline Mthomas3824

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Re: New Dip Free Member
« Reply #22 on: June 20, 2013, 12:18:00 PM »
Quote from: mney65
New day, new victories, new struggles, NO FAILURES!  Hooch chew came in yesterday.  Definitely not the same, but it feels like my quit will be a little easier now.
We all want the easy road to freedom. Hooch or no hooch, I hope it isn't easy but you want this and will go through any agony and pain to win back your freedom!

I just think slaves to nicotine must realize that to become free you must be resolute, angry and feel the pain. I am so glad my journey was hard because I never want to repeat that awful recovery again.

Now that I am over a year quit, I look back on the difficulty of quitting and know I did it. I am free from my vice but I will never choose bondage to nicotine over the freedom I have.

Just one dip for me now? HELL NO! I worked and suffered too damn much to even consider dancing with addiction again. I hate nicotine, she disgusts me and even when I have a crave "always an addict" I value and protect my freedom!

Suffer and don't hope for the easy road. (There isn't one) Just be determined to take in everything that sucks about this addiction so you wake up and quit today...every today and knock that pathetic nic bitch out.

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Offline mney65

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Re: New Dip Free Member
« Reply #21 on: June 20, 2013, 12:04:00 PM »
New day, new victories, new struggles, NO FAILURES! Hooch chew came in yesterday. Definitely not the same, but it feels like my quit will be a little easier now.

Offline srans

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Re: New Dip Free Member
« Reply #20 on: June 19, 2013, 09:32:00 AM »
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Steve
Quote from: mney65
Yesterday was not good - I caved.  The lie I told myself: I carry a gun and deal with the scum of scociety.  If I don't maintain my self control, I might end up killing somebody.  The truth: I didn't maintain my self control by caving.  Lose-Lose.  I only had the @#!^ in for a minute and spit it out because shame and disgust overwhelmed me.  Doesn't matter, caving is caving.  My resolve has been strengthened though.  I AM QUIT!!!
Yea, I had shitty day yesterday as well. Life gives me those kind of days sometimes, where I just want to punch the shit out of someone. But you know what? I didn't cave because of it. Actually I pm'd a vet that I have never communicated with before, but had been observing their quit on here and respect the hell out of them. And 20 minutes later we were texting back and forth, and now I have another contact to rely on. This is how this shit works. If I fall back on self reliance when shit hits the fan I will fail every time, especially early in the quit. I can't quit on my own. How bad do you want this? Quitting ODAAT is simple, but it's not easy. If this shit was easy I wouldn't need this site and the bad ass quitters that are apart of it. I have posted roll for 180 days consecutively, and it is no coincidence that I am six months quit today. So make a decision and stick to it, ODAAT. You want help? Man up and ask for it. I will gladly give you my number through a PM request.
What happened?
Why did it happen?
What are you going to do different?

The last question is most important for you right now. I also had a really shitty day yesterday but dip didn't even cross my mind. Learning Self control for me also kept me from killing someone, myself. I hate UST and what they do. I hate what I allowed that shit to do to me for 40+ years. No more, why? I quit one day at a time and maintain that quit by honoring my promise. May the shame you have from caving Renew your resolve. Lets see what your made of, I'm sure that you are better than the scum you deal with daily.
I like the words of wisdom you put on your own post. " The lie I told myself ". That says it all my friend. As time passes you will uncover all the lies, but in order to see all the lies you have to make it through today.

I also carry a gun while dealing with the scum of the earth. It sounds like you might be in somewhat, the same line of work.

Me and you have used enough excuses in our lives. The one thing you will see and learn here is that the poison does not help with anything. It doesn't help you deal with scums, driving, shooting, running, thinking and being a father, husband. You name it brother. All the poison helps with is to feel the void you have created. The void of needing something that does absolutely nothing for you.

After time you will actually be amazed at how much better you handle stress, dealing with scums, driving, thinking and being a father husband. I can't believe the difference quitting has made in my life.

When you caved you were saying yes to slavery once again. NO MORE BROTHER!! Answer the three questions honestly and it will help you with your quit. When you get time read my hof speech in my signature line, I believe it will help you. Need anything pm me brother. I quit with you.
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

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Re: New Dip Free Member
« Reply #19 on: June 19, 2013, 08:53:00 AM »
Quote from: Steve
Quote from: mney65
Yesterday was not good - I caved.  The lie I told myself: I carry a gun and deal with the scum of scociety.  If I don't maintain my self control, I might end up killing somebody.  The truth: I didn't maintain my self control by caving.  Lose-Lose.  I only had the @#!^ in for a minute and spit it out because shame and disgust overwhelmed me.  Doesn't matter, caving is caving.  My resolve has been strengthened though.  I AM QUIT!!!
Yea, I had shitty day yesterday as well. Life gives me those kind of days sometimes, where I just want to punch the shit out of someone. But you know what? I didn't cave because of it. Actually I pm'd a vet that I have never communicated with before, but had been observing their quit on here and respect the hell out of them. And 20 minutes later we were texting back and forth, and now I have another contact to rely on. This is how this shit works. If I fall back on self reliance when shit hits the fan I will fail every time, especially early in the quit. I can't quit on my own. How bad do you want this? Quitting ODAAT is simple, but it's not easy. If this shit was easy I wouldn't need this site and the bad ass quitters that are apart of it. I have posted roll for 180 days consecutively, and it is no coincidence that I am six months quit today. So make a decision and stick to it, ODAAT. You want help? Man up and ask for it. I will gladly give you my number through a PM request.
What happened?
Why did it happen?
What are you going to do different?

The last question is most important for you right now. I also had a really shitty day yesterday but dip didn't even cross my mind. Learning Self control for me also kept me from killing someone, myself. I hate UST and what they do. I hate what I allowed that shit to do to me for 40+ years. No more, why? I quit one day at a time and maintain that quit by honoring my promise. May the shame you have from caving Renew your resolve. Lets see what your made of, I'm sure that you are better than the scum you deal with daily.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

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Re: New Dip Free Member
« Reply #18 on: June 19, 2013, 02:42:00 AM »
Quote from: mney65
Yesterday was not good - I caved.  The lie I told myself: I carry a gun and deal with the scum of scociety.  If I don't maintain my self control, I might end up killing somebody.  The truth: I didn't maintain my self control by caving.  Lose-Lose.  I only had the @#!^ in for a minute and spit it out because shame and disgust overwhelmed me.  Doesn't matter, caving is caving.  My resolve has been strengthened though.  I AM QUIT!!!
Yea, I had shitty day yesterday as well. Life gives me those kind of days sometimes, where I just want to punch the shit out of someone. But you know what? I didn't cave because of it. Actually I pm'd a vet that I have never communicated with before, but had been observing their quit on here and respect the hell out of them. And 20 minutes later we were texting back and forth, and now I have another contact to rely on. This is how this shit works. If I fall back on self reliance when shit hits the fan I will fail every time, especially early in the quit. I can't quit on my own. How bad do you want this? Quitting ODAAT is simple, but it's not easy. If this shit was easy I wouldn't need this site and the bad ass quitters that are apart of it. I have posted roll for 180 days consecutively, and it is no coincidence that I am six months quit today. So make a decision and stick to it, ODAAT. You want help? Man up and ask for it. I will gladly give you my number through a PM request.
Quit Date: 12/21/2012, HOF: 3/31/2013, FIVE Years 12/21/17
Sobriety Date: 10/10/2000

This sure beats the other alternatives, ODAAT.

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Re: New Dip Free Member
« Reply #17 on: June 19, 2013, 01:01:00 AM »
Yesterday was not good - I caved. The lie I told myself: I carry a gun and deal with the scum of scociety. If I don't maintain my self control, I might end up killing somebody. The truth: I didn't maintain my self control by caving. Lose-Lose. I only had the @#!^ in for a minute and spit it out because shame and disgust overwhelmed me. Doesn't matter, caving is caving. My resolve has been strengthened though. I AM QUIT!!!

Offline nebraskadad58

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Re: New Dip Free Member
« Reply #16 on: June 17, 2013, 02:27:00 PM »
Quote from: mney65
Day 3. Restless last night, grouchy this morning. There is a war going on inside me – to cave or not to cave. The only possible solution is to hit the gym and take it out on the iron. Gonna stay quit today.
Embrace the Suck, remember it well.

It is the reason I don't want it back. You have to ride the cravings through that 1st week until your body is free of nicotine.

I hope based on the thread you pitched the Nicorette as well. That only delay getting the monkey of our back.

It does SUCK, that is why they call it the SUCK.
Quit Day - May 6 2013
Sobriety Date: January 6, 1986

Offline Evil_Won

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Re: New Dip Free Member
« Reply #15 on: June 17, 2013, 12:42:00 PM »
Quote from: mney65
Day 3. Restless last night, grouchy this morning. There is a war going on inside me – to cave or not to cave. The only possible solution is to hit the gym and take it out on the iron. Gonna stay quit today.
Do whatever you need to do to remain quit today. Day 3...the poison is almost out of your system! Makes ZERO sense to start over now. Remeber how shitty days 1 and 2 were? Do you want to do them again? I say no, not today, I posted roll today so caving is not an option. Fight through this.
"Dunno about you HP, but LOOT doesn't like getting assfucked, by anyone....and certainly won't chalk it up to 'shit happens'."

Offline LionHeartedGirl

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Re: New Dip Free Member
« Reply #14 on: June 17, 2013, 12:40:00 PM »
Quote from: mney65
Day 3. Restless last night, grouchy this morning. There is a war going on inside me – to cave or not to cave. The only possible solution is to hit the gym and take it out on the iron. Gonna stay quit today.
I see you posted roll so for today the war is won. No nicotine for you today!

You've got this.

Quit Date: 5/23/13
HOF: 8/30/13