Went to the dentist today (day 181) a regular visit. The dentist, the hygienists, and all the assistants know me as a can a day tobacco chewer since before I came to WI and had my first appointment there 20 years ago.
So I hop in the chair for the cleaning. The hygienist asks what's new with my teeth, and I told her I quit the tobacco. She asked how I quit, I told her cold turkey on KTC. She clicked the "not a tobacco user" button on her computer, smiled, and grabbed the usual cleaning tools. Then she surveyed my mouth. "Wow! Dr. Tim check this out!" So the dentist came over for a look in my mouth. "Amazing! What did you do?" (My mouth is full of dental mirrors whatnot, so the hygienist answered for me) "he quit dipping. See how the corrugation and white surface have healed and disappeared?" Dr. Tim "yes, that is a very healthy mouth. Congratulations on quitting!"
I then spent the next 15 minutes as exhibit 1 for the wonders of quit as the rest of the staff got a tour of my mouth. That's right, a bunch of young women ogling my formerly tobacco filled mouth.
That is a nice little victory. (Cross-posted in the ATeam forum)