Author Topic: One day at a time  (Read 19086 times)

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Offline BazookaJoe

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Re: One day at a time
« Reply #80 on: November 04, 2014, 01:07:00 PM »
One thing I've started now that I've quit dipping is drinking my coffee without cream or sugar. While I dipped it just didn't agree with me so I had to load it up with so many additives to make it palatable. I can see that things are changing for the better and that I'm moving on with my life. I know I can learn from looking back on my past but living in it is not where I want to be. I started changing my life on April 2, 2013 and on August 4, 2014. Other changes are on the horizon too but I'm taking my time to make sure my previous changes remain strong and etched in stone. Fools rush in and try to change too much in too little time and end in abject failure. I'm taking everything ODAAT.

Offline BazookaJoe

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Re: One day at a time
« Reply #79 on: November 02, 2014, 04:29:00 PM »
Day 91 and I'm surrounded by drinkers out here at my deer lease but not one person dips snuff or smokes. Plus today is 19 months alcohol free. Tick tock 9 more days to HOF. I got this.

Offline BazookaJoe

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Re: One day at a time
« Reply #78 on: November 01, 2014, 03:03:00 PM »
I whacked an old freaky cull buck with a 257 Weatherby. He's been quartered and is resting on ice right now. Going out again today to see what else needs killing.

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Re: One day at a time
« Reply #77 on: November 01, 2014, 01:11:00 PM »
Quote from: Smeds
Quote from: BazookaJoe
I was a bit concerned coming to deer camp because I knew there was going to be a guy who drank beer AND dipped Copenhagen. When I got there I found out that while he still drinks Miller Lite he no longer dips. You see he was scared straight by his doctor who told him that if he wanted to live he needed to quit now. He's young and just married so maybe that's enough motivation for him but maybe not. I informed him of the existence of KTC and he sounded receptive to the idea but only time will tell if he buys into the KTC mantra of brotherhood and accountability.
Have a great weekend Ryan! I knew you would be fine regardless, but glad to hear the buddy is not stuffing his lip in front of you. Good luck with the hunt!
Good stuff. That must've been a pleasant surprise. Hopefully he heeds your advice to join KTC just as he heeded his doctor's advice to stop killing himself.

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Re: One day at a time
« Reply #76 on: November 01, 2014, 09:15:00 AM »
Quote from: BazookaJoe
I was a bit concerned coming to deer camp because I knew there was going to be a guy who drank beer AND dipped Copenhagen. When I got there I found out that while he still drinks Miller Lite he no longer dips. You see he was scared straight by his doctor who told him that if he wanted to live he needed to quit now. He's young and just married so maybe that's enough motivation for him but maybe not. I informed him of the existence of KTC and he sounded receptive to the idea but only time will tell if he buys into the KTC mantra of brotherhood and accountability.
Have a great weekend Ryan! I knew you would be fine regardless, but glad to hear the buddy is not stuffing his lip in front of you. Good luck with the hunt!
My personality is who I am, my attitude depends on who you are.

Offline BazookaJoe

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Re: One day at a time
« Reply #75 on: October 31, 2014, 11:11:00 PM »
I was a bit concerned coming to deer camp because I knew there was going to be a guy who drank beer AND dipped Copenhagen. When I got there I found out that while he still drinks Miller Lite he no longer dips. You see he was scared straight by his doctor who told him that if he wanted to live he needed to quit now. He's young and just married so maybe that's enough motivation for him but maybe not. I informed him of the existence of KTC and he sounded receptive to the idea but only time will tell if he buys into the KTC mantra of brotherhood and accountability.

Offline Pinched

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Re: One day at a time
« Reply #74 on: October 31, 2014, 08:32:00 AM »
Quote from: BazookaJoe
Well, day 89 is around the corner which means I'll be in the 90s starting on Saturday. As I and countless others before me have said 100 days is just the first rung of the ladder that has no end. There is no magical number of days quit that suddenly means I am cured of addiction. One thing is certain however. Saturday will be 90 days or 3 months and I will have survived the 333 gauntlet which consists of 3 days, 3 weeks, and 3 months. So that will be a hooray for me and a big loss for the Nic Bitch and The American Snuff Company.
Addiction is a mother fucker, just keep putter your boot on the nic bitch's throat every morning and promising your brothers and sisters in quit and you will remain. There is nothing that anyone can do to change you but you are changing on your own. Stay vigilant, do not get complacent and most of all just keep repeating the cycle or daily quit. This shit works!

When a rager comes on get your ass into chat or call a quit brother and yell at them. The tools you keep on hand can make the difference in life or a cave.
"If you want to quit then stop talking and just QUIT. If you want to kill yourself a bullet is cheaper and faster than a tin, plus it eliminates my hearing you whine and cry like a bitch."

Best thing I have read on KTC...Submitted by tgafish on 7/3/14

Former Skoal Straight and Cope Longcut user that started at the age of 12. QUIT on 7/15/13

Offline BazookaJoe

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Re: One day at a time
« Reply #73 on: October 30, 2014, 07:41:00 PM »
Well, day 89 is around the corner which means I'll be in the 90s starting on Saturday. As I and countless others before me have said 100 days is just the first rung of the ladder that has no end. There is no magical number of days quit that suddenly means I am cured of addiction. One thing is certain however. Saturday will be 90 days or 3 months and I will have survived the 333 gauntlet which consists of 3 days, 3 weeks, and 3 months. So that will be a hooray for me and a big loss for the Nic Bitch and The American Snuff Company.

Offline BazookaJoe

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Re: One day at a time
« Reply #72 on: October 29, 2014, 09:39:00 PM »
Quote from: Smeds
Quote from: BazookaJoe
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: BazookaJoe
Quote from: Dagranger
Baz Joe I just read your entire intro, good stuff. You've definitely gotten more introspective over the last month and that's been awesome to read. A little word of caution to you and all others approaching the HOF. That is not the pinnacle of quitting, it's really only the first flat spot on the mountain of quit where you can stop for a moment and enjoy the view. Quitting will continue to be a grind so be prepared. My quit group had to lose half of our members after the HOF. Don't be one of those. This site needs bad ass quitters like you to keep posting your thoughts and guiding others.
HOF is just the first rung of the never ending ladder used to climb above addiction. I ain't going anywhere after HOF.
It is amazing how quickly the days add up, be watching for a rage fit prior to HOF. It is all mental at this point and you can beat it, just stay committed and focused.
Man, when I read this I was amazed that you could predict that rage coming on. I feel it is getting close but I don't know when it's going to happen. Pinched, are you a psychic?
Just take it out (if it ever comes to light) on us here bro, never at home! Sometimes it's not a rage, sometimes it's just a feeling of "blah". Whatever it is for you, know that you have support. Just as every day prior ... quitting with you today! 'boob'
Well I don't have anyone or anything to direct any rage at here where I live. Plus I try not to lose my calm because that shit ain't good for me. I used to rage really bad when I was a kid but I always had an inanimate object to destroy in an effort to vent. When I used to drink whiskey and beer I raged a lot but after I quit that I calmed way down. I guess what I'm getting at is my rages may be entirely different than what most folks are used to. I may just clam up and isolate myself from the world so no one else will run the risk of becoming collateral damage. You see I don't want anyone to have to bear the brunt of my temper. I also don't want to have a negative effect on anyone's attitude or outlook towards me. I hold myself in a manner that no matter how bad of a day I'm having people around me will think I'm the best day of my life because, after all, attitude reflects leadership...and I have to lead.

Offline Smeds

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Re: One day at a time
« Reply #71 on: October 29, 2014, 08:46:00 PM »
Quote from: BazookaJoe
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: BazookaJoe
Quote from: Dagranger
Baz Joe I just read your entire intro, good stuff. You've definitely gotten more introspective over the last month and that's been awesome to read. A little word of caution to you and all others approaching the HOF. That is not the pinnacle of quitting, it's really only the first flat spot on the mountain of quit where you can stop for a moment and enjoy the view. Quitting will continue to be a grind so be prepared. My quit group had to lose half of our members after the HOF. Don't be one of those. This site needs bad ass quitters like you to keep posting your thoughts and guiding others.
HOF is just the first rung of the never ending ladder used to climb above addiction. I ain't going anywhere after HOF.
It is amazing how quickly the days add up, be watching for a rage fit prior to HOF. It is all mental at this point and you can beat it, just stay committed and focused.
Man, when I read this I was amazed that you could predict that rage coming on. I feel it is getting close but I don't know when it's going to happen. Pinched, are you a psychic?
Just take it out (if it ever comes to light) on us here bro, never at home! Sometimes it's not a rage, sometimes it's just a feeling of "blah". Whatever it is for you, know that you have support. Just as every day prior ... quitting with you today! 'boob'
My personality is who I am, my attitude depends on who you are.

Offline BazookaJoe

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Re: One day at a time
« Reply #70 on: October 29, 2014, 08:37:00 PM »
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: BazookaJoe
Quote from: Dagranger
Baz Joe I just read your entire intro, good stuff. You've definitely gotten more introspective over the last month and that's been awesome to read. A little word of caution to you and all others approaching the HOF. That is not the pinnacle of quitting, it's really only the first flat spot on the mountain of quit where you can stop for a moment and enjoy the view. Quitting will continue to be a grind so be prepared. My quit group had to lose half of our members after the HOF. Don't be one of those. This site needs bad ass quitters like you to keep posting your thoughts and guiding others.
HOF is just the first rung of the never ending ladder used to climb above addiction. I ain't going anywhere after HOF.
It is amazing how quickly the days add up, be watching for a rage fit prior to HOF. It is all mental at this point and you can beat it, just stay committed and focused.
Man, when I read this I was amazed that you could predict that rage coming on. I feel it is getting close but I don't know when it's going to happen. Pinched, are you a psychic?

Offline Pinched

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Re: One day at a time
« Reply #69 on: October 29, 2014, 09:44:00 AM »
Quote from: BazookaJoe
Quote from: Dagranger
Baz Joe I just read your entire intro, good stuff. You've definitely gotten more introspective over the last month and that's been awesome to read. A little word of caution to you and all others approaching the HOF. That is not the pinnacle of quitting, it's really only the first flat spot on the mountain of quit where you can stop for a moment and enjoy the view. Quitting will continue to be a grind so be prepared. My quit group had to lose half of our members after the HOF. Don't be one of those. This site needs bad ass quitters like you to keep posting your thoughts and guiding others.
HOF is just the first rung of the never ending ladder used to climb above addiction. I ain't going anywhere after HOF.
It is amazing how quickly the days add up, be watching for a rage fit prior to HOF. It is all mental at this point and you can beat it, just stay committed and focused.
"If you want to quit then stop talking and just QUIT. If you want to kill yourself a bullet is cheaper and faster than a tin, plus it eliminates my hearing you whine and cry like a bitch."

Best thing I have read on KTC...Submitted by tgafish on 7/3/14

Former Skoal Straight and Cope Longcut user that started at the age of 12. QUIT on 7/15/13

Offline Tuco

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Re: One day at a time
« Reply #68 on: October 29, 2014, 09:13:00 AM »
Quote from: BazookaJoe
Quote from: Tuco's
Quote from: BazookaJoe
Got my face all stuffed with, of all things, a whole 10 piece pack of Bazooka Joe bubble gum. It's probably not the best most healthy thing but at least it ain't wintergreen worm dirt. Day 87 is approaching and so is HOF. I got an email notification from Chewie today saying that my gold and engraved HOF coin has been shipped. I will get it before my HOF but I will not display it on here until I enter the Hall of Fame.
Right on, man! I actually didn't know you could still get Bazooka Joe gum. Does it still come wrapped in the tiny wax paper comics?

Proud to be hitting to HoF with you. The first of many, many milestones.
I does come wrapped in the waxy paper but since 2012 the comics have been replaced with stupid brain teasers and codes to unlock things on the Internet or something. The comics probably violated some obscure political correctness BS or offended some thin skinned pussy wimp.
I'm surprised they lasted that long. After prizes in cereal boxes and Saturday morning cartoons got axed back in the mid-90's, it's been all downhill since...

Offline BazookaJoe

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Re: One day at a time
« Reply #67 on: October 29, 2014, 04:47:00 AM »
Quote from: Tuco's
Quote from: BazookaJoe
Got my face all stuffed with, of all things, a whole 10 piece pack of Bazooka Joe bubble gum. It's probably not the best most healthy thing but at least it ain't wintergreen worm dirt. Day 87 is approaching and so is HOF. I got an email notification from Chewie today saying that my gold and engraved HOF coin has been shipped. I will get it before my HOF but I will not display it on here until I enter the Hall of Fame.
Right on, man! I actually didn't know you could still get Bazooka Joe gum. Does it still come wrapped in the tiny wax paper comics?

Proud to be hitting to HoF with you. The first of many, many milestones.
I does come wrapped in the waxy paper but since 2012 the comics have been replaced with stupid brain teasers and codes to unlock things on the Internet or something. The comics probably violated some obscure political correctness BS or offended some thin skinned pussy wimp.

Offline BazookaJoe

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Re: One day at a time
« Reply #66 on: October 29, 2014, 04:42:00 AM »
Quote from: Dagranger
Baz Joe I just read your entire intro, good stuff. You've definitely gotten more introspective over the last month and that's been awesome to read. A little word of caution to you and all others approaching the HOF. That is not the pinnacle of quitting, it's really only the first flat spot on the mountain of quit where you can stop for a moment and enjoy the view. Quitting will continue to be a grind so be prepared. My quit group had to lose half of our members after the HOF. Don't be one of those. This site needs bad ass quitters like you to keep posting your thoughts and guiding others.
HOF is just the first rung of the never ending ladder used to climb above addiction. I ain't going anywhere after HOF.