Author Topic: Quitter, Second Award  (Read 3615 times)

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Offline Corbin

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Re: Quitter, Second Award
« Reply #42 on: June 22, 2015, 10:03:00 PM »
Quote from: Charge
I deserved that. And all the other hate mail coming my way. And I'm gonna out-quit all of you.

I see your cockiness hasn't gone anywhere except back to day one. Realize this is a fight we are in together, we are not trying to out quit each other, we are trying to help each other stay quit. One day at a time, that's what this site is about.

Offline Charge

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Re: Quitter, Second Award
« Reply #41 on: June 22, 2015, 09:37:00 PM »
I deserved that. And all the other hate mail coming my way. And I'm gonna out-quit all of you.
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Re: Quitter, Second Award
« Reply #40 on: June 22, 2015, 09:27:00 PM »
I just read all your other shit. Hopefully you've pulled your head out of your ass. We shall see if you too, can quit like fuck every damn day. We shall see.
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Offline Charge

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Re: Quitter, Second Award
« Reply #39 on: June 22, 2015, 08:30:00 PM »
I quit today. Again.

I made a profile on this forum last year (around January 1, go figure!). I had about 3 weeks left of NRT, and wasn't willing to commit to daily roll call, so I left. After the NRT was done, I stayed quit. For 200 days, just to show you guys that I could do it all by myself. I didn't need this community; I'm a Lone Wolf.

Then day 201 came, and I got cocky. I showed my buddies at work how my addiction was broken, so I threw in a lipper to show that I was strong enough not to get re-addicted. I did the same thing on day 204, and again on day 205. Then I bought a tin to replace what I bummed from my buddy, and bought another for myself, just in case. And I opened it about 25 minutes later.

I was an idiot. I was to the point where I thought about nic the same way I think about that bitch ex-girlfriend that was fun at the time, but celebrated the day I kicked her to the curb. I was such an idiot that I hooked up with her again, to remember how fun it was when we were together for all those years. I did it as a big "F*** you!" to the world, and had nobody in my life to tell me it was a bad idea.

Here I sit again, just like that day in January 2014. The bitch will still course through my veins for several more hours, until my liver metabolizes it out. I move to a new city tomorrow, and start a new job. I can't use my home, workplace, or co-workers as "trigger" excuses anymore.

I'm eating healthy, and jacking steel almost every day. Let that metabolism slow down; I need the calories to help the muscle growth. My wife is about no support whatsoever, so I got Rosie Palms and WiFi to keep my spirits up every day (that support group will start after I hit 100 days in this one). I'm spending more time with my kids because I won't need to run off and hide to have a quickie with the raging bitch. My musical songwriting will have an air of pain and despair, to vent my inner struggles with addiction.

I come to you now humbled. This time, I'm doing it with brothers. Looks like I joined this quit group on the last day. Not my intent; the timing was coincidental, and I don't want to wait 2 days for the next one to start. I quit today with all of you, my brothers. Hold me accountable, and I will do the same for you. I'll share whatever little tips I find help me get through the day, and I want you to do the same.

My apologies up front to my future Quit Group: It's going to take me a few days to get internet at my new place, and then figure out Roll Call; living on the West Coast is doing me no favors. I'm going to be calling/texting one of you every day for a few days until I get it all sorted out on my phone. I'm not the brightest of guys, so there are bound to be errors.

I'll talk to you tomorrow.
Zero day: 22 June 2015.
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Offline wastepanel

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Re: Quitter, Second Award
« Reply #38 on: January 06, 2014, 12:28:00 PM »
Quote from: Mjollnir
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Charge
So far, so good. 6 days sans-tobacco and counting. Tomorrow is the big day as I go back to work and tell my colleagues that their cancerous breath stinks, as I pop another Altoid and flash a toothy smile.
Maybe some of this forum's reverse-psychology will work on them too.
I'm glad your quit bro. I'm glad you told me because i sure can't tell by your lack of commitment. Post roll brother.
Post roll charge. Even if it was ( which it isn't ) 5 minutes of your time first thing in the morning. I think you could do it. It's time to be a man. Man up post roll.
I have an excellent idea.

Make your next post a roll post in April 14.
Reverse psychology?

What you talking bout Willis?
In the end I Surrender, I and I alone accept that I have and always will have a Nicotene ADDICTION. It is my choice to quit, but I can't do it alone. I get to go down this path one time, I want to do it right. I recognize that my word, my integrety to you is on the line and is only as good as my actions. Caving is not an option in this plan-Eafman 7/11

I am not cured. I will quit one day at a time. I will continue to do what works. Posting roll everyday. To do otherwise would be foolish on my part. You can do this-Ready 12/11

To overcome your addiction you must comprehend what it means to fail-Razd 3/12

Theres a lot of people that come here, especially vets, that WANT to be reminded that they are addicts.-Tarpon 6/12

Just as a building starts with architectural drawings. Your daily quit begins with a promise.-Scowick 2/13

Here and now, focused on today, minute by minute, whatever it takes, I promise to all my bros and myself not to become a negative stat and stay quit!-krok 1/15

I want everyone to be quit. Even the assholes.-Probe1957 1/18

Ignoring history or erasing history fixes nothing and leads you inevitably down the same path.-69franx 04/30/2021

Offline Derk40

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Re: Quitter, Second Award
« Reply #37 on: January 06, 2014, 12:26:00 PM »
No reverse psycology here brother. You clearly do not get it.

Everyone is anxiously awaiting you to post roll  commit to your quit. We would like nothing more than to see that. You have a lot of tough quitters that really care  want you to buy into this system. You on the other hand... don't seem to care about that.

Posting roll is a requirement here... it tells us that you are quit. Without that, you have not bought into KTC. Without your word being posting on roll... your posts within your Intro mean absolutely nothing. The plan you are rolling with does not jibe with us here.

You have 2 options:
1. Post roll and we get past this... Then watch the support from KTC roll in. Or
2. Use another means for your quit. You can post your exploits on Facebook or twitter... the people on there seem to really care.
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Offline jzzyzag01

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Re: Quitter, Second Award
« Reply #36 on: January 06, 2014, 10:49:00 AM »
Post roll bro. It isn't hard and it's the most important thing you will do today (other than keeping the promise of course).
"I am a nicotine addict and there is nothing I can do about it; I am also a quitter, and that, I can do plenty about." - Grizzly25

Today I choose to quit because today is the only day I have control over today. Tomorrow is a new day and when tomorrow is today, I'll control it too, but not until then. I will win this fight with today...

Offline USCG77

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Re: Quitter, Second Award
« Reply #35 on: January 06, 2014, 02:40:00 AM »
I am on Day 6 of my quit. I have not been very chatty nor have I felt compelled to reach out and call another for support. What I have done at a minimum though is POST ROLL EVERY DAMN DAY. If you have the time to keep updating your posts and attempt to justify you lack of commitment to KTC there is no reason not to post roll.

Charge, it's simple. So simple in fact it is the only requirement for members. If you can't do that then please find some other means then KTC to post about what works for you.

I only request this because all my April 2014 brothers and sisters are doing their part without complaint and while fighting this addiction just like you. You doing your own thing without at least posting ROLL only show your lack of support for KTC and is offensive to me and my quit brothers and sisters.

Wish you the best with your struggle but request you find another site.
USCG77(C. Lucas)
QUIT 01/01/2014

Offline Mjollnir

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Re: Quitter, Second Award
« Reply #34 on: January 06, 2014, 01:10:00 AM »
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Charge
So far, so good. 6 days sans-tobacco and counting. Tomorrow is the big day as I go back to work and tell my colleagues that their cancerous breath stinks, as I pop another Altoid and flash a toothy smile.
Maybe some of this forum's reverse-psychology will work on them too.
I'm glad your quit bro. I'm glad you told me because i sure can't tell by your lack of commitment. Post roll brother.
Post roll charge. Even if it was ( which it isn't ) 5 minutes of your time first thing in the morning. I think you could do it. It's time to be a man. Man up post roll.
I have an excellent idea.

Make your next post a roll post in April 14.

Offline Winter Green

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Re: Quitter, Second Award
« Reply #33 on: January 06, 2014, 01:07:00 AM »
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Charge
So far, so good. 6 days sans-tobacco and counting. Tomorrow is the big day as I go back to work and tell my colleagues that their cancerous breath stinks, as I pop another Altoid and flash a toothy smile.
Maybe some of this forum's reverse-psychology will work on them too.
I'm glad your quit bro. I'm glad you told me because i sure can't tell by your lack of commitment. Post roll brother.
Post roll charge. Even if it was ( which it isn't ) 5 minutes of your time first thing in the morning. I think you could do it. It's time to be a man. Man up post roll.
Quit~December - 2 - 2013
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Offline srans

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Re: Quitter, Second Award
« Reply #32 on: January 05, 2014, 09:17:00 PM »
Quote from: Charge
So far, so good. 6 days sans-tobacco and counting. Tomorrow is the big day as I go back to work and tell my colleagues that their cancerous breath stinks, as I pop another Altoid and flash a toothy smile.
Maybe some of this forum's reverse-psychology will work on them too.
I'm glad your quit bro. I'm glad you told me because i sure can't tell by your lack of commitment. Post roll brother.
Hof date may 25, 2013
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The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

Offline Charge

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Re: Quitter, Second Award
« Reply #31 on: January 05, 2014, 08:55:00 PM »
So far, so good. 6 days sans-tobacco and counting. Tomorrow is the big day as I go back to work and tell my colleagues that their cancerous breath stinks, as I pop another Altoid and flash a toothy smile.
Maybe some of this forum's reverse-psychology will work on them too.
Zero day: 22 June 2015.
Quit date: Today.

Offline srans

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Re: Quitter, Second Award
« Reply #30 on: January 03, 2014, 08:28:00 AM »
I bet when you were chewing you made sure to have your poison every day. I bet you didn't miss those extra minutes of travel for the poison. I bet you didn't miss those extra minutes away from your family to suckle with the poison. I bet you didn't care how much each one of those cans set you back.

Now, all the sudden your time is to short to post. Now, all the sudden you have all the help you really need. This is the addicted you thinking for you. I don't know if I posted this on your intro, but Quitting comes from deep. If you don't reach deep and start telling your brain how it's going to be you will fail. ;) ;)
Hof date may 25, 2013
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The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

Offline Derk40

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Re: Quitter, Second Award
« Reply #29 on: January 03, 2014, 08:13:00 AM »
If you are like most on this site... your wife has no clue what you are going thru. My wife understands I am quit, but has no concept of what I am going thru.... the folks here at KTC understand.

As stated, it takes literally 30-60 seconds to post roll each morning  it can be done from your phone. I saw you tried to post roll last night. It looked a lot like my first couple roll posts. A bit jacked, but meant well. Once you get grooved on this it is beyond ez.

About your brotherhood... We don't tell you what you WANT to hear. We tell you what you NEED to hear. You are an addict just like everyone here and the only path to freedom from this addiction is getting on a plan. Sometimes you get told things that you don't want to hear.

Your call on whether you are ready. I know this plan works. I was a slave to a tin of copenhagen for 25 years. Drank the KTC kool aid and now I am 195 days quit. I owe that to this program. If I were you, I would put all the BS/"hate mail"/etc aside  quit KTC style. Your call brother.
Quit date: 6/23/2013
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Offline Its_Got2Happen

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Re: Quitter, Second Award
« Reply #28 on: January 03, 2014, 04:28:00 AM »
Quote from: spartanron
i'm a west coaster as well, the boards get flipped at 9pm our time. Post at night.

As a dipper how much effort did you put into making sure you had worm shit to stuff into your piehole ? I am guessing if you were out of dip you found a way to make it to the am/pm in the middle of the night to feed the addiction. Like Diesel says , it takes less than a minute to post roll once you get the hang of it. You need the proper perspective. This really is life or death. Posting roll every day like your life depends on it heavily correlates to your odds of staying quit. For those of us who have been around a while, we see all the signs of a built in excuse to cave. There is no excuse. There is no tomorrow. Quit like fuck, post roll, stop whining
Hey charge, I hope you rethink your position. I remember feeling the exact same way last year when I started out. I did not understand roll posting or the importance of it.


I suppose if you have a better way, go try that. But we are quit, 365 here man. I tried OTHER ways for years and years. Then I learned about this brotherhood and the intergrity that comes with a daily promise.