Author Topic: Long Overdue Introduction  (Read 2643 times)

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Offline LaQuitter

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Re: Long Overdue Introduction
« Reply #52 on: July 17, 2010, 11:50:00 PM »
Day 443

The quit is flowing quite well right about now. I do have something I've been pondering for about 3 weeks now.

My allergies have given me hell this spring and summer. For the last 3 weeks or so, I have had this nagging sore throat. The type of thing that worries a (ex)dipper.

Don't you remember? How many years did you dip? I dipped for 17-18 years, a can per day...longer if you add in the time in my early teen years when it was just an occasional thing. I remember how I was for the last 10 or so years that I dipped. Every sore in my mouth, every sore throat. I WORRIED about cancer. I would sweat it until I either saw the doctor, or it healed.

I thought that after I quit, the worry would go away. It has, for the most part. I don't think about cancer as often as I did when I dipped. But I'm here to tell you, that after 443 days, you will probably still have the worries on occasion, and that my quit brothers, sucks. Oh, you thought that you were out of the woods just because you quit?? Yes, you are much better off. But I think it will take 15 years or so before your oral cancer risk gets back down into the range of someone who has never dipped. It's just been something I've been dealing with for the last couple of weeks, and thought it might be good to share with you guys. It's a reminder for me, 443 days later, that this addiction and the potential damage that it could of caused will haunt me, probably for years to come.

This past week, the sore throat completely cleared up for about 3 days, only to return. But at least I have peace of mind now, knowing that it was just an allergy-induced symptom.

Don't ever forget why you quit. Don't ever forget what you are learning, or have learned here at KTC. Complacency and addiction are thick as thieves. If you get lazy and sloppy, the addiction may find the weak spots in your armor. Take care of your armor.

Quit: Saturday, May 2, 2009
HOF: Monday, August 10, 2009

La's HOF Speech

"Post roll like 8 pounds 6 ounces... new born infant jesus himself was telling you to do it" - Jaydisco

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Re: Long Overdue Introduction
« Reply #51 on: April 08, 2010, 03:04:00 PM »
Quote from: LaQuitter
Some food for thought, especially for the relatively new quitters and cavers:

Just because you hit the hall, or one year, or 3 years, whatever the "magic number" in your head is.....this battle you are fighting is here to stay. We are addicts. Quitting gets a whole lot easier with every day that you put between yourself and nicotine. But you will have occasional moments of struggle with your addiction.

Now, don't go losing your steam because of what I just said. Here is the light at the end of the tunnel.

KTC has a wealth of knowledge to be gained by those who seek it. KTC is a support and accountability network like no other, that will help you get quit, and stay quit.....if you allow it to. The tools are all here, right in front of you. You have to be smart enough to use them. Go ahead and swallow your pride; you are an addict. And get over the fact that a bunch of people on the internet want to help you. It's wise to develop bonds and friendships here. Ask fellow quitters for their phone number, you will get it, especially from the vets. A text or a phone call has saved many quits. The brotherhood and all that it stands for is why this place works. But you have to be willing to do the hard work and earn this. Trust me, the freedom you will have is worth it.

Post roll every day, giving your word, and keep your word at all costs.

What are you going to do to ensure that you keep your word?? Do you have a plan to get you through the tough craves?

Read everything you can. The Welcome section, the Introduction section, Words of Wisdom, the HOF speeches. Formulate a plan from the information available to.

Hints for your quit plan: post roll every day, stay active on the site, post what you are going through (its therapeutic), exchange phone numbers with others, make a few friends and watch each other's backs, print and carry the Contract, ask for permission from your wife, children, mother, father, and every quitter on this board before you even think about caving. Take a look in the mirror every morning, and vow to not be a weak-assed loser whose word is meaningless, but instead a strong man of honor, integrity, and trustworthiness.

Remember, we do not try to quit here. We do quit - we are quit. Drop "try", "think", "hope", and "maybe" from your vocabulary.

Who are you? What are you? You cavers and new quitters need to figure it out quick. It's not easy, but it truly is simple.

Let me know if I can do anything to help. Reach out to any of us, and we will help.
Well put Scott! This place gives me the power to pull through tough times. I always know I can turn here for help if needed.

Offline LaQuitter

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Re: Long Overdue Introduction
« Reply #50 on: April 08, 2010, 02:20:00 PM »
Some food for thought, especially for the relatively new quitters and cavers:

Just because you hit the hall, or one year, or 3 years, whatever the "magic number" in your head is.....this battle you are fighting is here to stay. We are addicts. Quitting gets a whole lot easier with every day that you put between yourself and nicotine. But you will have occasional moments of struggle with your addiction.

Now, don't go losing your steam because of what I just said. Here is the light at the end of the tunnel.

KTC has a wealth of knowledge to be gained by those who seek it. KTC is a support and accountability network like no other, that will help you get quit, and stay quit.....if you allow it to. The tools are all here, right in front of you. You have to be smart enough to use them. Go ahead and swallow your pride; you are an addict. And get over the fact that a bunch of people on the internet want to help you. It's wise to develop bonds and friendships here. Ask fellow quitters for their phone number, you will get it, especially from the vets. A text or a phone call has saved many quits. The brotherhood and all that it stands for is why this place works. But you have to be willing to do the hard work and earn this. Trust me, the freedom you will have is worth it.

Post roll every day, giving your word, and keep your word at all costs.

What are you going to do to ensure that you keep your word?? Do you have a plan to get you through the tough craves?

Read everything you can. The Welcome section, the Introduction section, Words of Wisdom, the HOF speeches. Formulate a plan from the information available to.

Hints for your quit plan: post roll every day, stay active on the site, post what you are going through (its therapeutic), exchange phone numbers with others, make a few friends and watch each other's backs, print and carry the Contract, ask for permission from your wife, children, mother, father, and every quitter on this board before you even think about caving. Take a look in the mirror every morning, and vow to not be a weak-assed loser whose word is meaningless, but instead a strong man of honor, integrity, and trustworthiness.

Remember, we do not try to quit here. We do quit - we are quit. Drop "try", "think", "hope", and "maybe" from your vocabulary.

Who are you? What are you? You cavers and new quitters need to figure it out quick. It's not easy, but it truly is simple.

Let me know if I can do anything to help. Reach out to any of us, and we will help.
Quit: Saturday, May 2, 2009
HOF: Monday, August 10, 2009

La's HOF Speech

"Post roll like 8 pounds 6 ounces... new born infant jesus himself was telling you to do it" - Jaydisco

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Re: Long Overdue Introduction
« Reply #49 on: February 26, 2010, 06:22:00 PM »
Congrats on the 3-0-0. That is Huge.

"I don't know about you, but I'm willing to sacrifice that "enjoyment" of a dip during all of those "triggers" in which we thought our lip turds were so blissful. I've got other things going on that I want to be around to enjoy, namely my family".

I know I will enjoy many more things and the extra days I will have to enjoy them. I already do.

"He stops posting roll, completely neglects to use the tools available to him, neglects to initiate his cave other words, he grew complacent".

Never drop your guard. You turn you back on the enemy and you lose.

"We all want like hell for the addiction to just go away. I will NEVER go through nicotine withdrawal again. And if that means coming here every day to post roll, then so be it".

Neither will I, and as long as my brothers know that hopefully the will follow suit. I will be here with you.

"Take CJS's cave and LEARN FROM IT. Understand why he failed, and commit yourself to not making the same mistakes. The power is yours to be had - own your quits. A simple formula: LEARNING + APPLICATION OF KNOWLEDGE = SUCCESS. Use his failure to strengthen your quits".

Lesson Learned. How can anyone see what works and think they are better than that. Sometimes there is not a better mousetrap.

"My quit is too important to me. Take every opportunity to strengthen your quit".

Strenght lies in everyone of us. Together stronger still.
Never Again For Any Reason

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Re: Long Overdue Introduction
« Reply #48 on: February 26, 2010, 08:38:00 AM »
Nice post Scott, thanks for putting that in writing.

Congrats on 300 days!

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Re: Long Overdue Introduction
« Reply #47 on: February 25, 2010, 07:06:00 PM »
Thanks for posting your thoughts, I have been following the 2 conversations you are referring to and was wondering what insights were drawn from experienced quitters.

The troll's conversation helped me because I can see the denial and justification of his addiction. People will argue for their limitations.

Captain's story actually scared the crap out of me. I thought to myself; Shit are we ever free from this? Apparently not.... The roots run deep.

As a fledgling quitter, I am beginning to realize that the support of this site is a looooong term investment, and I'm ok with that.


Offline LaQuitter

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Re: Long Overdue Introduction
« Reply #46 on: February 25, 2010, 06:23:00 PM »
Today is Day 300. For any newbs that are reading this....I tend to come here to vent and reflect every so often. There are a couple of things this week that have gotten my attention. So, I feel the need to write.

The April 2010 quit group has had the unfortunate displeasure of dealing with a stubborn troll this week. I've said all I really care to to this guy. And after redtrain's post this morning, there is really nothing more to be said. I wonder if the troll would have the stones to sit down with redtrain's cousin, and look him in the eyes, and tell him "if a few cigars a year kills me, then so be it. At least I will have enjoyed it." That statement is truly unbelievable to me. For the first time in about 18 years, I am understanding this addiction better. I don't know about you, but I'm willing to sacrifice that "enjoyment" of a dip during all of those "triggers" in which we thought our lip turds were so blissful. I've got other things going on that I want to be around to enjoy, namely my family. And I happen to be fond of my face. I mean really, I wonder if this troll would seriously think it was "enjoyable" if he ever has to face a cancer diagnosis? It does get old dealing with an addict in denial. But there is something to be learned from the discussions. Pay attention, and use those moments to strengthen your quits.

And the June 2010 group. A vet returns; a man quit nearly 3 years. His story is practically a blueprint of how nearly all caves happen, especially among veteran quitters. He stops posting roll, completely neglects to use the tools available to him, neglects to initiate his cave other words, he grew complacent. A cave by a long-time vet is very impactful to EVERY quit here. We all want like hell for the addiction to just go away. There is no way to sugarcoat this. Depending upon how committed you are to staying quit, your involvement at KTC might be a long-term deal. Not a big deal to me. It's better than the alternative. This IS MY QUIT. I will NEVER go through nicotine withdrawal again. And if that means coming here every day to post roll, then so be it. So yes, a cave by a 3 year veteran is impactful.....but it doesn't have to impact you negatively. You have control over how caves impact your quits. Don't let his failure bring you down. Don't think that just because he couldn't stay quit, you are doomed to fail as well. Knowledge is power. Take CJS's cave and LEARN FROM IT. Understand why he failed, and commit yourself to not making the same mistakes. The power is yours to be had - own your quits. A simple formula: LEARNING + APPLICATION OF KNOWLEDGE = SUCCESS. Use his failure to strengthen your quits.

I've made it no secret that at one year quit, I was going to evaluate whether or not I needed to continue posting roll every day. I've watched it happen too many times in my 300 days here. I refuse to be complacent. My quit is too important to me. If you don't already, you'd better learn to like me. I'm not going anywhere.

Take every opportunity to strengthen your quit. Don't allow the negativity, misinformation, stupidity, or complacency of others to impact you in a negative way. I have at times, but I've overcome it. It hasn't been until today, that I truly understand what has to be done. I refuse to allow my foundation to be rocked. I freaking own my quit, and I'm making it stronger every day.

Thanks to all that have stopped by to congratulate me on 300 days. I could not have done it without all of you.

Scott - Day 300
Quit: Saturday, May 2, 2009
HOF: Monday, August 10, 2009

La's HOF Speech

"Post roll like 8 pounds 6 ounces... new born infant jesus himself was telling you to do it" - Jaydisco

Offline Smokeyg

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Re: Long Overdue Introduction
« Reply #45 on: January 31, 2010, 07:55:00 PM »
Quote from: nogreenbear
nogreenbear - 265 - 2 times this week I "forgot" to post roll and I'm growing slightly more comfortable with that.  I think to drift away from the site entirely would be a huge mistake.  So between daily post and never post again where does one draw the line?  Oh wise vets of quit months previous what say you?  Instead of "whatever works for you", I'd be more interested in your experience.  Of course if you are a vet posting here you are more than likely the type that posts daily... o.k. I'm rambling... fellow WeSOT brothers - looking for your input as well.
I have had multiple periods in my quit where I felt the need to leave this site for various reasons - mainly because I felt dependent on the drama, and there were a few caves that really pissed me off. While I did go for nearly a month in each instance without posting, I would still occasionally pop in to read a HOF speech or an intro section. I even changed my password and reset information to ensure I wouldn't log on to the site. Obviously, I didn't stay away for good and a vet reset my password when I was ready.

I do feel like that time off gave me a bit of perspective on the role this site would play in my daily life. I no longer feel dependent on drama - though it is fun to call people a cocknoodler from time to time. Although I still support people, I no longer feel that my quit is dependent on anyone else's quit. There were a few strong August 08 quitters who caved recently and that scared the hell out of me, but I used that to help cement the importance of posting roll first thing every day.

So, my advice would be to take some time off for now if you really feel like that's what's best for you. However, don't allow yourself to "forget" to post roll. Make a conscious choice to not post roll but find some way to remind yourself of your addiction and to hold yourself accountable. Do not forget your addiction or grow comfortable with your life as an ex-tobacco user. I've made that mistake in the past and "just one" became a reality on a whim. Although not advisable, it's tolerable to move away from the site, but not to move away from the mindset that got you through the last 265 days.

When you feel that slipping away, you need to come back.

Offline LaQuitter

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Re: Long Overdue Introduction
« Reply #44 on: January 31, 2010, 07:16:00 PM »
This is the start of some chatter in my quit group, August 2009. I decided to post it here in my intro, for exposure. I'm interested in any and all opinions on the topic. Feel free to engage.


Quote from: nogreenbear
nogreenbear - 265 - 2 times this week I "forgot" to post roll and I'm growing slightly more comfortable with that.  I think to drift away from the site entirely would be a huge mistake.  So between daily post and never post again where does one draw the line?  Oh wise vets of quit months previous what say you?  Instead of "whatever works for you", I'd be more interested in your experience.  Of course if you are a vet posting here you are more than likely the type that posts daily... o.k. I'm rambling... fellow WeSOT brothers - looking for your input as well.
Brian, I would be lying if I told you that I wasn't sick of this web site. Since probably October, I have been weary. I am not tired of you guys, or the supportive vets.

There are a few quitters that are here that I question their motives and methods. I'm kind of sick of them. It gets old watching the cavers. Newbie and veterans alike. The Newb caver sickens me because of their weakness. The veteran caver sickens me because they damn well know what it takes, but they get complacent, and don't use their tools. Lastly, I am sick of my dependance (on posting). I am sick of the fact that growing comfortable and leaving the accountability of this site might mean a cave. The fear of what complacency at this stage could lead to.

I'm just like you, Brian, and Justin, and Marty, and Bobby. I could easily go days and not post roll. Yet, I wake up every morning and do it. I think it would take more of a conscious effort NOT TO at this has long been second nature, regardless of my distaste of late.

Justin and I, at some point not long after the HOF if I recall, made a commitment to each other to make every effort to post roll every day, until 365 days. We didn't really verbally contemplate what we would do thereafter. I think we would both like to still post roll regularly, but not necessarily daily. I can't speak for Justin. And honestly, I can't speak for me at this point.

All I do know, is this: accountability to you guys has kept me quit for 275 days so far. I feel that even after 365 days, I will still be a strong presence with WeSOT, and with KTC. I WILL NOT GIVE UP THIS QUIT. If after one year, I feel that posting daily is necessary, I will do it. If I think posting 4 days/week will keep me quit, maybe I will try it. I have no idea. I think I will be posting daily, even after 365 days. If that is what I think it takes to keep myself quit, then that is what I will do.

It's a periodic evaluation process that will begin for me at one year. Hey Bytor, thanks for your insight. Like Brian, I wouldn't mind hearing from the rest of you guys that post with us.

Don't know if any of this helps, Brian, but it's my thoughts at this point.

Quit: Saturday, May 2, 2009
HOF: Monday, August 10, 2009

La's HOF Speech

"Post roll like 8 pounds 6 ounces... new born infant jesus himself was telling you to do it" - Jaydisco

Offline LaQuitter

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Re: Long Overdue Introduction
« Reply #43 on: December 22, 2009, 06:24:00 PM »
Alright, I need your help, quitters.

I got a new phone today, and apparently not all of my numbers were saved to the SIM card. It appears that I have lost every phone number I had from KTC.

Please PM me with your phone numbers, if you knew I had it. Dave, Justin, Glenn, Bobby, Cliff, Mark, kd4jet.....anyone!!

I am about to go back and check my PM's, but I think I have deleted a lot of those older PM's that would have most of my numbers.

Thanks guys.
Quit: Saturday, May 2, 2009
HOF: Monday, August 10, 2009

La's HOF Speech

"Post roll like 8 pounds 6 ounces... new born infant jesus himself was telling you to do it" - Jaydisco

Offline LaQuitter

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Re: Long Overdue Introduction
« Reply #42 on: December 22, 2009, 06:10:00 PM »
So I go by my parents today for a quick visit.

My dad is outside, smoking a damn cigar. He had been completely nicotine free for the last 20 years or so. And today he is smoking a cigar.

I didn't even ask if he had also started smoking cigarettes again.

He was always first and foremost, a cigarette smoker. Part-time dipper/chewer, and cigar/pipe smoker.

What....the....hell?? I am very disappointed, to say the least. He gave me my first dip, a long time ago....shit, this isn't even worth getting into.
Quit: Saturday, May 2, 2009
HOF: Monday, August 10, 2009

La's HOF Speech

"Post roll like 8 pounds 6 ounces... new born infant jesus himself was telling you to do it" - Jaydisco

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Re: Long Overdue Introduction
« Reply #41 on: December 19, 2009, 09:04:00 AM »
Quote from: Ready
Quote from: LaQuitter

Goal = $1000

$0.00 to go.

It is finished.  Our fundraiser has raised $1,000.00 for QSX/KTC.  Nogreenbear pushed us to our goal today....thanks, brother!

Huge props, in no particular order: Monroe, Glenn, Russ, CDForecheck, Samcat, LarryMc, 65fl, Redyota, Skoal Monster, NKT, dkp, Kodiak Killer, Nogreenbear.....If I missed you, please accept my sincerest apologies.  PM me and I will give credit where it's due!

QSX/KTC, we appreciate what is being done here.  This was a worthwhile cause.  Chewie, and the rest of the Admins, thank you for all you have done to provide this place of support for us.  I want this place to be around for a long time, helping nic junkies quit this deady addiction. 

I'm kind of speechless at this point.  I'm damn proud of us.  Thanks again.

Scott ------LaQuitter
I am humbled.

I see many people doing extraordinary things on this site. This is a fine example.

You make me proud to be associated with such fine quitters.

LaQ, you also deserve a big Thank You for heading up this effort. It's folks like you that make this site work. 'clap'
"We shall not fail or falter; we shall not weaken or tire...Give us the tools and we will finish the job." - Sir Winston Churchill

"Not using gets much easier as time goes by, but the consequences of "just one" never lessen." - Me

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Re: Long Overdue Introduction
« Reply #40 on: December 18, 2009, 10:03:00 PM »
Quote from: LaQuitter

Goal = $1000

$0.00 to go.

It is finished. Our fundraiser has raised $1,000.00 for QSX/KTC. Nogreenbear pushed us to our goal today....thanks, brother!

Huge props, in no particular order: Monroe, Glenn, Russ, CDForecheck, Samcat, LarryMc, 65fl, Redyota, Skoal Monster, NKT, dkp, Kodiak Killer, Nogreenbear.....If I missed you, please accept my sincerest apologies. PM me and I will give credit where it's due!

QSX/KTC, we appreciate what is being done here. This was a worthwhile cause. Chewie, and the rest of the Admins, thank you for all you have done to provide this place of support for us. I want this place to be around for a long time, helping nic junkies quit this deady addiction.

I'm kind of speechless at this point. I'm damn proud of us. Thanks again.

Scott ------LaQuitter
I am humbled.

I see many people doing extraordinary things on this site. This is a fine example.

You make me proud to be associated with such fine quitters.


Offline LaQuitter

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Re: Long Overdue Introduction
« Reply #39 on: December 18, 2009, 08:26:00 PM »

Goal = $1000

$0.00 to go.

It is finished. Our fundraiser has raised $1,000.00 for QSX/KTC. Nogreenbear pushed us to our goal today....thanks, brother!

Huge props, in no particular order: Monroe, Glenn, Russ, CDForecheck, Samcat, LarryMc, 65fl, Redyota, Skoal Monster, NKT, dkp, Kodiak Killer, Nogreenbear.....If I missed you, please accept my sincerest apologies. PM me and I will give credit where it's due!

QSX/KTC, we appreciate what is being done here. This was a worthwhile cause. Chewie, and the rest of the Admins, thank you for all you have done to provide this place of support for us. I want this place to be around for a long time, helping nic junkies quit this deady addiction.

I'm kind of speechless at this point. I'm damn proud of us. Thanks again.

Scott ------LaQuitter
Quit: Saturday, May 2, 2009
HOF: Monday, August 10, 2009

La's HOF Speech

"Post roll like 8 pounds 6 ounces... new born infant jesus himself was telling you to do it" - Jaydisco

Offline LaQuitter

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Re: Long Overdue Introduction
« Reply #38 on: December 17, 2009, 08:04:00 PM »
Quote from: LaQuitter
Goal = $1000

$210 to go.


The August 2008 BAMFERs started a tradition, of sorts. August 2009 was asked to keep it alive. And we have done a hell of a job. Many quitters from various quit groups have donated. But there is still a bit of work to be done.

We have raised $790.00 for the benefit of QSX/KTC. Our goal is $1,000.00.

I know times are tough this year (I was unemployed for a month earlier this year), and it's Christmas time. I know we have all given to one charity or another over the years.

Make QSX/KTC one of your charitable donations this year. This place runs on DONATIONS SUCH AS THIS. Admins/Mods are not paid.

Personally, I credit this web site, and the support that it channeled, with saving my life. And to think of the money I pissed away on killing myself slowly......$25.00 is a small price to pay to show your appreciation and support for this organization. It has helped save us, and it will no doubt save many others as well.

Just click the link in my signature to be taken to the KTC Donations page. It's PayPal, quick and easy.

If you are wondering how this all started, check out the story below, as told by Monroe from the August 2008 quit group.

Thanks to all who have supported our fundraiser, it is much appreciated.

Think about it. Merry Christmas, everyone.

Scott, aka LaQuitter

August 2009 - I'd like to challenge you to a fundraiser. Being that I also hit my HOF in August (BAMFer 2008), I'd like to challenge the 2009 August quit group to take up our torch, then pass it on to the next year.

Last year August 2008 and friends raised enough money through donations to operate KTC for a year. We all know that the Admins and Mods are unpaid. This website and community that we all love runs on donations and sales of merchandise. It's not in danger of folding and they have no financial problems that I know about, but why should those that volunteer their time to run it and help us ever have to worry about it? They should never have to dip into their own personal funds to operate this site. Additional money for banner ads and site optimization will help more soon-to-be quitters find us. Additional funds help assure that KTC is around for future quitters. At some point they could form an official not-for-profit and do even more. The opportunities are unlimited.

You'll never be asked for money on this site by anyone associated with it. That's one of the great things about this community. I'm a member here, just like you. They haven't asked me to have these fundraisers and I trust them with the money raised to use it for the betterment of KTC. We have all benefited, and I'm asking you to give back a little. KTC saved my life. My brothers here saved my life. It has saved your's too. Many hands make light work.

August 2008 had a goal of $500. That's the number I was given last year as the cost to run the site annually. August 2009 is a big group (just like 2008 was) and it wouldn't surprise me to see your group blow away what we did last year. I think $1000 by the end of the year is a very obtainable goal for August 2009. If you accept the challenge and promise to pay it forward next year, I'll start you off with a $100 donation. Just let me know if you're up to the challenge.

Your brother in quit,

Goal = $1000

$110 to go.
Quit: Saturday, May 2, 2009
HOF: Monday, August 10, 2009

La's HOF Speech

"Post roll like 8 pounds 6 ounces... new born infant jesus himself was telling you to do it" - Jaydisco