Author Topic: jonesin like a mother  (Read 6304 times)

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Offline ssever122

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Re: jonesin like a mother
« Reply #49 on: January 24, 2014, 12:01:00 PM »
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: ssever122
Ok guys I feel like I should explain just a little here. I'm not trying to be a prick. My accountability doesn't come from this site. I live a very disciplined life between my profession, 2 full time jobs, single parenting full custody, and being the go to guy for several in their darkest of times. I live by a code and don't waiver from it, and I don't need a mass following to do so. I just needed a couple good men to steer me in the right direction, a long time ago. I did not come here for accountability. I happened on this site while looking for information on what was coming up by way of nicotine fits. I am staying here now because I am hoping to help someone in the long run through support and to help them realize we don't have to be drama queens about this, and if they'll get their ass off this computer then this will get a whole lot easier. Especially if you already live a disciplined life. The key to me is not posting roll. I do that for y'all to keep up with my quit if you like. I stay quit however because I  said I would, to myself and my boy. I will continue to post roll, but to be honest if duty calls and  I find myself in a situation where I don't have anyone to contact again, roll will just have to wait.

See ya in the HOF!

P.S. my fiery mentality on this has a lot to do with a guy who was in the hospital and y'all ripped his ass on main street without a single concern for his well being. If any of you knew about brotherhood you'd see how effed that really is!

For what it's worth Ssever, it sounds like you got it all figured out. A question?

If you could quit without the accountability from the site, (no roll) . Why haven't you done it long ago?

There is a comfort in standing shoulder to shoulder with another. Facing the same battles, the same fears, the same pain. It's what makes friends out of strangers. Overcoming the adversity of quitting nicotine as a community is what makes this place work.

Lone wolf it if you must, and good luck to you. There are some hurdles you still have, that you're unaware of yet. When you start to struggle I hope you find your way. This is deeper than it looks at your stage.

Besides you say you want to help others?, then stand next to them in the line up each day and let the guys in your group know that your grinding it out WITH them.

Thousands of people before you have followed the steps laid out here very successfully.

Including me. 1823 days quit.

Get with the program sparky

Billy Bad Ass. What a difference from your first few days here.

Obviously you are better than all us lame ass addicts and have this shit licked.

Dude, tonight when my undisciplined day ends and my kids say their prayers, I will have them replace Gods name with yours.

If your such a hard ass cut by the stone of discipline, how did you get hooked by nicotine in the first place??? That's like superman complaining of a mosquito bite.

Don't do us any "favors" by sticking around and posting role just because it's "the thing to do". That's shallow, petty, and lame.

You don't need accountability? then what the fuck is the point of being here? Like sM said, go line wolf bro. You got the answers before the questions.

Ktc was here before you and will be here after you. You don't like our ways, leave...or start your own site. It's a free country.

As for this person that was in the hospital...I have no fucking clue who you are talking about.

Let me know when is up and running, I'd like to check it out.
struck a little nerve I see!. Do you really think that domain name is available. It's funny how only a few you folks here tried to reach out but now have so much to say.

Ok pause for a second let me try to help this out a little

I agree that there has been a noteable difference between now and the first few days, and there were a few of you guys who really helped me out. For that I am very thankful! But what really got me and made my change from being a "lame ass addict" was the day that my driver followed me into a store and stood by my side because he knew that I'd buy a can if it was offered. At that point I found my resolve to never feel so childish again.
I'll never put that shit in my mouth again as a result!!
15 yr nic addict

Offline Diesel2112

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Re: jonesin like a mother
« Reply #48 on: January 24, 2014, 11:52:00 AM »
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: ssever122
Ok guys I feel like I should explain just a little here. I'm not trying to be a prick. My accountability doesn't come from this site. I live a very disciplined life between my profession, 2 full time jobs, single parenting full custody, and being the go to guy for several in their darkest of times. I live by a code and don't waiver from it, and I don't need a mass following to do so. I just needed a couple good men to steer me in the right direction, a long time ago. I did not come here for accountability. I happened on this site while looking for information on what was coming up by way of nicotine fits. I am staying here now because I am hoping to help someone in the long run through support and to help them realize we don't have to be drama queens about this, and if they'll get their ass off this computer then this will get a whole lot easier. Especially if you already live a disciplined life. The key to me is not posting roll. I do that for y'all to keep up with my quit if you like. I stay quit however because I  said I would, to myself and my boy. I will continue to post roll, but to be honest if duty calls and  I find myself in a situation where I don't have anyone to contact again, roll will just have to wait.

See ya in the HOF!

P.S. my fiery mentality on this has a lot to do with a guy who was in the hospital and y'all ripped his ass on main street without a single concern for his well being. If any of you knew about brotherhood you'd see how effed that really is!

For what it's worth Ssever, it sounds like you got it all figured out. A question?

If you could quit without the accountability from the site, (no roll) . Why haven't you done it long ago?

There is a comfort in standing shoulder to shoulder with another. Facing the same battles, the same fears, the same pain. It's what makes friends out of strangers. Overcoming the adversity of quitting nicotine as a community is what makes this place work.

Lone wolf it if you must, and good luck to you. There are some hurdles you still have, that you're unaware of yet. When you start to struggle I hope you find your way. This is deeper than it looks at your stage.

Besides you say you want to help others?, then stand next to them in the line up each day and let the guys in your group know that your grinding it out WITH them.

Thousands of people before you have followed the steps laid out here very successfully.

Including me. 1823 days quit.

Get with the program sparky

Billy Bad Ass. What a difference from your first few days here.

Obviously you are better than all us lame ass addicts and have this shit licked.

Dude, tonight when my undisciplined day ends and my kids say their prayers, I will have them replace Gods name with yours.

If your such a hard ass cut by the stone of discipline, how did you get hooked by nicotine in the first place??? That's like superman complaining of a mosquito bite.

Don't do us any "favors" by sticking around and posting role just because it's "the thing to do". That's shallow, petty, and lame.

You don't need accountability? then what the fuck is the point of being here? Like sM said, go line wolf bro. You got the answers before the questions.

Ktc was here before you and will be here after you. You don't like our ways, leave...or start your own site. It's a free country.

As for this person that was in the hospital...I have no fucking clue who you are talking about.

Let me know when is up and running, I'd like to check it out.
Quit 06/04/12
HOF 9/11/12
2nd floor 12/20/12
3rd floor 03/30/13
4th floor 07/08/13
5th floor 10/16/13
6th floor 01/24/14
7th floor 05/04/14
8th floor 08/12/14
9th floor 10/20/14
Comma 02/28/15
11th floor 06/08/15
12th floor 09/16/15
13th floor 12/25/15
14th floor 04/03/16
15th floor 7/11/16
16th floor 10/20/16
17th floor 01/27/17
18th floor 05/08/17
19th floor 08/14/17
20th floor 11/27/17
21st floor 03/11/18

"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

Offline ssever122

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Re: jonesin like a mother
« Reply #47 on: January 24, 2014, 11:49:00 AM »
Quote from: srans
Quote from: ssever122
Ok guys I feel like I should explain just a little here. I'm not trying to be a prick. My accountability doesn't come from this site. I live a very disciplined life between my profession, 2 full time jobs, single parenting full custody, and being the go to guy for several in their darkest of times. I live by a code and don't waiver from it, and I don't need a mass following to do so. I just needed a couple good men to steer me in the right direction, a long time ago. I did not come here for accountability. I happened on this site while looking for information on what was coming up by way of nicotine fits. I am staying here now because I am hoping to help someone in the long run through support and to help them realize we don't have to be drama queens about this, and if they'll get their ass off this computer then this will get a whole lot easier. Especially if you already live a disciplined life. The key to me is not posting roll. I do that for y'all to keep up with my quit if you like. I stay quit however because I  said I would, to myself and my boy. I will continue to post roll, but to be honest if duty calls and  I find myself in a situation where I don't have anyone to contact again, roll will just have to wait.

See ya in the HOF!

P.S. my fiery mentality on this has a lot to do with a guy who was in the hospital and y'all ripped his ass on main street without a single concern for his well being. If any of you knew about brotherhood you'd see how effed that really is!
P.S. my fiery mentality on this has a lot to do with a guy who was in the hospital and y'all ripped his ass on main street without a single concern for his well being. If any of you knew about brotherhood you'd see how effed that really is!
Where does stuff like this ^^^ even come from? The only time i've seen people get ripped is when they cave on their brothers and sisters. Then,, it's to reel them back in because we care. I say again,,, ACCOUNTABILITY! Posting roll while using is another way to find out how much we really care. So, unless you can explain this last it has no validity.
Check out the April 2014 quit group. It's all on the quit group board. There's some validity for ya!
15 yr nic addict

Offline ssever122

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Re: jonesin like a mother
« Reply #46 on: January 24, 2014, 11:45:00 AM »
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: ssever122
Ok guys I feel like I should explain just a little here. I'm not trying to be a prick. My accountability doesn't come from this site. I live a very disciplined life between my profession, 2 full time jobs, single parenting full custody, and being the go to guy for several in their darkest of times. I live by a code and don't waiver from it, and I don't need a mass following to do so. I just needed a couple good men to steer me in the right direction, a long time ago. I did not come here for accountability. I happened on this site while looking for information on what was coming up by way of nicotine fits. I am staying here now because I am hoping to help someone in the long run through support and to help them realize we don't have to be drama queens about this, and if they'll get their ass off this computer then this will get a whole lot easier. Especially if you already live a disciplined life. The key to me is not posting roll. I do that for y'all to keep up with my quit if you like. I stay quit however because I  said I would, to myself and my boy. I will continue to post roll, but to be honest if duty calls and  I find myself in a situation where I don't have anyone to contact again, roll will just have to wait.

See ya in the HOF!

P.S. my fiery mentality on this has a lot to do with a guy who was in the hospital and y'all ripped his ass on main street without a single concern for his well being. If any of you knew about brotherhood you'd see how effed that really is!

For what it's worth Ssever, it sounds like you got it all figured out. A question?

If you could quit without the accountability from the site, (no roll) . Why haven't you done it long ago?

There is a comfort in standing shoulder to shoulder with another. Facing the same battles, the same fears, the same pain. It's what makes friends out of strangers. Overcoming the adversity of quitting nicotine as a community is what makes this place work.

Lone wolf it if you must, and good luck to you. There are some hurdles you still have, that you're unaware of yet. When you start to struggle I hope you find your way. This is deeper than it looks at your stage.

Besides you say you want to help others?, then stand next to them in the line up each day and let the guys in your group know that your grinding it out WITH them.

Thousands of people before you have followed the steps laid out here very successfully.

Including me. 1823 days quit.

Get with the program sparky

skoal monster I was still in love with the bitch until my boy asked me for a dip on the evening of the ninth of January. I took one last one, went to the pond and chunked it in. The tenth I found you guys and reset my quit date to the eleventh cause I had been using nicotine gum. In essence I just never felt the need before. Now I've got a solid reason! I don't love it anymore. It's crossed me and I'm done with it.

Also, I don't really intend on going it alone here. I just needed to be clear that I will never log in here and need my ass ate out for lack of willpower or for caving.
15 yr nic addict

Offline Skoal Monster

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Re: jonesin like a mother
« Reply #45 on: January 24, 2014, 11:34:00 AM »
Quote from: ssever122
Ok guys I feel like I should explain just a little here. I'm not trying to be a prick. My accountability doesn't come from this site. I live a very disciplined life between my profession, 2 full time jobs, single parenting full custody, and being the go to guy for several in their darkest of times. I live by a code and don't waiver from it, and I don't need a mass following to do so. I just needed a couple good men to steer me in the right direction, a long time ago. I did not come here for accountability. I happened on this site while looking for information on what was coming up by way of nicotine fits. I am staying here now because I am hoping to help someone in the long run through support and to help them realize we don't have to be drama queens about this, and if they'll get their ass off this computer then this will get a whole lot easier. Especially if you already live a disciplined life. The key to me is not posting roll. I do that for y'all to keep up with my quit if you like. I stay quit however because I said I would, to myself and my boy. I will continue to post roll, but to be honest if duty calls and I find myself in a situation where I don't have anyone to contact again, roll will just have to wait.

See ya in the HOF!

P.S. my fiery mentality on this has a lot to do with a guy who was in the hospital and y'all ripped his ass on main street without a single concern for his well being. If any of you knew about brotherhood you'd see how effed that really is!

For what it's worth Ssever, it sounds like you got it all figured out. A question?

If you could quit without the accountability from the site, (no roll) . Why haven't you done it long ago?

There is a comfort in standing shoulder to shoulder with another. Facing the same battles, the same fears, the same pain. It's what makes friends out of strangers. Overcoming the adversity of quitting nicotine as a community is what makes this place work.

Lone wolf it if you must, and good luck to you. There are some hurdles you still have, that you're unaware of yet. When you start to struggle I hope you find your way. This is deeper than it looks at your stage.

Besides you say you want to help others?, then stand next to them in the line up each day and let the guys in your group know that your grinding it out WITH them.

Thousands of people before you have followed the steps laid out here very successfully.

Including me. 1823 days quit.

Get with the program sparky

"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

Offline srans

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Re: jonesin like a mother
« Reply #44 on: January 24, 2014, 11:33:00 AM »
Quote from: ssever122
Ok guys I feel like I should explain just a little here. I'm not trying to be a prick. My accountability doesn't come from this site. I live a very disciplined life between my profession, 2 full time jobs, single parenting full custody, and being the go to guy for several in their darkest of times. I live by a code and don't waiver from it, and I don't need a mass following to do so. I just needed a couple good men to steer me in the right direction, a long time ago. I did not come here for accountability. I happened on this site while looking for information on what was coming up by way of nicotine fits. I am staying here now because I am hoping to help someone in the long run through support and to help them realize we don't have to be drama queens about this, and if they'll get their ass off this computer then this will get a whole lot easier. Especially if you already live a disciplined life. The key to me is not posting roll. I do that for y'all to keep up with my quit if you like. I stay quit however because I said I would, to myself and my boy. I will continue to post roll, but to be honest if duty calls and I find myself in a situation where I don't have anyone to contact again, roll will just have to wait.

See ya in the HOF!

P.S. my fiery mentality on this has a lot to do with a guy who was in the hospital and y'all ripped his ass on main street without a single concern for his well being. If any of you knew about brotherhood you'd see how effed that really is!
P.S. my fiery mentality on this has a lot to do with a guy who was in the hospital and y'all ripped his ass on main street without a single concern for his well being. If any of you knew about brotherhood you'd see how effed that really is!
Where does stuff like this ^^^ even come from? The only time i've seen people get ripped is when they cave on their brothers and sisters. Then,, it's to reel them back in because we care. I say again,,, ACCOUNTABILITY! Posting roll while using is another way to find out how much we really care. So, unless you can explain this last it has no validity.
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

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Re: jonesin like a mother
« Reply #43 on: January 24, 2014, 11:07:00 AM »
Ok guys I feel like I should explain just a little here. I'm not trying to be a prick. My accountability doesn't come from this site. I live a very disciplined life between my profession, 2 full time jobs, single parenting full custody, and being the go to guy for several in their darkest of times. I live by a code and don't waiver from it, and I don't need a mass following to do so. I just needed a couple good men to steer me in the right direction, a long time ago. I did not come here for accountability. I happened on this site while looking for information on what was coming up by way of nicotine fits. I am staying here now because I am hoping to help someone in the long run through support and to help them realize we don't have to be drama queens about this, and if they'll get their ass off this computer then this will get a whole lot easier. Especially if you already live a disciplined life. The key to me is not posting roll. I do that for y'all to keep up with my quit if you like. I stay quit however because I said I would, to myself and my boy. I will continue to post roll, but to be honest if duty calls and I find myself in a situation where I don't have anyone to contact again, roll will just have to wait.

See ya in the HOF!

P.S. my fiery mentality on this has a lot to do with a guy who was in the hospital and y'all ripped his ass on main street without a single concern for his well being. If any of you knew about brotherhood you'd see how effed that really is!
15 yr nic addict

Offline brettlees

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Re: jonesin like a mother
« Reply #42 on: January 24, 2014, 10:54:00 AM »
Quote from: brettlees
Are you hanging in there ok? A couple tips, in case you haven't read enough yet here---

first, start bulding your network of accountability. Get phone numbers of guys in your class and other classes for accountabily and support. It really helps. Some of them will end up being friends. PM me if you want mine, i'll sure get you started. This is pretty crucial to do - we all need support.
You really should have had numbers already. If you are angry, maybe focus it more at the addiction. People are here to help you if you are still ready to accept and use that help. It up to you though.

Like srans said, this site works because of accountability. Those that have been here a while know how and why it works, and they recognize when newer quitters are in need of help even though the addiction might not let those newer quitters see where they are putting themselves at risk.

I hope you'll keep up the good quit.
This info helped me early on, and still does today:

Quitters I’ve met so far: Ihatecope, >Pinched<, T-Cell, grizzlyhasclaws, Canvasback, BaseballPlayer, Cbird65, ERDVM, BradleyGuy, Ted, Zeno, AppleJack, Bronc, Knockout, MookieBlaylock, Rdad, 2mch2lv4, MN_Ben, Natro, Lippizaner, Amquash, ChristopherJ, GDubya, SRohde  -- always eager to meet more!

Offline ssever122

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Re: jonesin like a mother
« Reply #41 on: January 24, 2014, 10:52:00 AM »
Quote from: srans
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: ssever122
Quote from: Ginet
Quote from: ssever122
Day 14 is here and I feel great! I know I missed a few days of roll, but for good reasons. I have taken some steps to fix it and continue on my journey.
Hi there. Let's get right to it. You say you missed posting roll "FOR GOOD REASONS". Go ahead. Name one. There are no GOOD REASONS for missing roll. You can't give me 60 seconds to give my your word? You can't give me 60 seconds to promise you quit with me? It took you more than 60 seconds to get in the store and pay for nic bitch didn't it? How many numbers do you have? Did you use any of them to have someone help you post roll? If the answer is "zero numbers" that is also a problem. BE ON ROLL. MAKE YOUR PROMISE. HALF ASS WONT WORK!
Ok I do absolutely nothing in my life half ass and if I tell you that I had good reasons. Then I had good reasons! I don't need to justify myself to you especially seeing as you have never reached out to me except in an attempt to rip my ass today. I had no phone numbers at the time. I have two phone numbers now and if one of those is not yours and if you didn't have my phone number the days I didn't post roll then I'd say you failed the system as much as me and should get off my ass altogether. Thanks!
Glad to hear you do nothing half-assed, and not going to rip. But do want you to realize why here at KTC we try strictly to adhere to the posting roll daily, or at least contacting one of your fellow brothers or sisters here on that same daily basis.

I have been here over a year and a half, and I tell you it is the truth that I have seen waaay too many people who miss day of contact and either come back with a new day 1 or we never see again (and therefore surmise that they caved and are too 'whatever' to come back).

So when you are not located for even a single day, it throws our addicted and caring minds into a frenzy to find you and make you understand what the hell you put us through.

Now am glad you are back, am glad that the number you posted it +2 from the last time you did, but I hope you understand that even though we all may be strangers in life, that needs to end as we join this site, as we fight this addiction on a day to day basis, and as we come together in a brotherhood.

yell if you need, hell send me a pm and we can set it up for you to text me your word. I quit standing right beside you my friend, Ask me tomorrow and the answer will most likely be the same, but that is for tomorrow.
Great word right there ^^^. You wanted accountability ,,, you got it. This is why this site works.
Sir Derek, I appreciate the mellow explanation and I may take you up on that pm later on.
15 yr nic addict

Offline srans

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Re: jonesin like a mother
« Reply #40 on: January 24, 2014, 10:36:00 AM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: ssever122
Quote from: Ginet
Quote from: ssever122
Day 14 is here and I feel great! I know I missed a few days of roll, but for good reasons. I have taken some steps to fix it and continue on my journey.
Hi there. Let's get right to it. You say you missed posting roll "FOR GOOD REASONS". Go ahead. Name one. There are no GOOD REASONS for missing roll. You can't give me 60 seconds to give my your word? You can't give me 60 seconds to promise you quit with me? It took you more than 60 seconds to get in the store and pay for nic bitch didn't it? How many numbers do you have? Did you use any of them to have someone help you post roll? If the answer is "zero numbers" that is also a problem. BE ON ROLL. MAKE YOUR PROMISE. HALF ASS WONT WORK!
Ok I do absolutely nothing in my life half ass and if I tell you that I had good reasons. Then I had good reasons! I don't need to justify myself to you especially seeing as you have never reached out to me except in an attempt to rip my ass today. I had no phone numbers at the time. I have two phone numbers now and if one of those is not yours and if you didn't have my phone number the days I didn't post roll then I'd say you failed the system as much as me and should get off my ass altogether. Thanks!
Glad to hear you do nothing half-assed, and not going to rip. But do want you to realize why here at KTC we try strictly to adhere to the posting roll daily, or at least contacting one of your fellow brothers or sisters here on that same daily basis.

I have been here over a year and a half, and I tell you it is the truth that I have seen waaay too many people who miss day of contact and either come back with a new day 1 or we never see again (and therefore surmise that they caved and are too 'whatever' to come back).

So when you are not located for even a single day, it throws our addicted and caring minds into a frenzy to find you and make you understand what the hell you put us through.

Now am glad you are back, am glad that the number you posted it +2 from the last time you did, but I hope you understand that even though we all may be strangers in life, that needs to end as we join this site, as we fight this addiction on a day to day basis, and as we come together in a brotherhood.

yell if you need, hell send me a pm and we can set it up for you to text me your word. I quit standing right beside you my friend, Ask me tomorrow and the answer will most likely be the same, but that is for tomorrow.
Great word right there ^^^. You wanted accountability ,,, you got it. This is why this site works.
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

Offline SirDerek

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Re: jonesin like a mother
« Reply #39 on: January 24, 2014, 10:24:00 AM »
Quote from: ssever122
Quote from: Ginet
Quote from: ssever122
Day 14 is here and I feel great! I know I missed a few days of roll, but for good reasons. I have taken some steps to fix it and continue on my journey.
Hi there. Let's get right to it. You say you missed posting roll "FOR GOOD REASONS". Go ahead. Name one. There are no GOOD REASONS for missing roll. You can't give me 60 seconds to give my your word? You can't give me 60 seconds to promise you quit with me? It took you more than 60 seconds to get in the store and pay for nic bitch didn't it? How many numbers do you have? Did you use any of them to have someone help you post roll? If the answer is "zero numbers" that is also a problem. BE ON ROLL. MAKE YOUR PROMISE. HALF ASS WONT WORK!
Ok I do absolutely nothing in my life half ass and if I tell you that I had good reasons. Then I had good reasons! I don't need to justify myself to you especially seeing as you have never reached out to me except in an attempt to rip my ass today. I had no phone numbers at the time. I have two phone numbers now and if one of those is not yours and if you didn't have my phone number the days I didn't post roll then I'd say you failed the system as much as me and should get off my ass altogether. Thanks!
Glad to hear you do nothing half-assed, and not going to rip. But do want you to realize why here at KTC we try strictly to adhere to the posting roll daily, or at least contacting one of your fellow brothers or sisters here on that same daily basis.

I have been here over a year and a half, and I tell you it is the truth that I have seen waaay too many people who miss day of contact and either come back with a new day 1 or we never see again (and therefore surmise that they caved and are too 'whatever' to come back).

So when you are not located for even a single day, it throws our addicted and caring minds into a frenzy to find you and make you understand what the hell you put us through.

Now am glad you are back, am glad that the number you posted it +2 from the last time you did, but I hope you understand that even though we all may be strangers in life, that needs to end as we join this site, as we fight this addiction on a day to day basis, and as we come together in a brotherhood.

yell if you need, hell send me a pm and we can set it up for you to text me your word. I quit standing right beside you my friend, Ask me tomorrow and the answer will most likely be the same, but that is for tomorrow.

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Re: jonesin like a mother
« Reply #38 on: January 24, 2014, 10:08:00 AM »
Quote from: Ginet
Quote from: ssever122
Day 14 is here and I feel great! I know I missed a few days of roll, but for good reasons. I have taken some steps to fix it and continue on my journey.
Hi there. Let's get right to it. You say you missed posting roll "FOR GOOD REASONS". Go ahead. Name one. There are no GOOD REASONS for missing roll. You can't give me 60 seconds to give my your word? You can't give me 60 seconds to promise you quit with me? It took you more than 60 seconds to get in the store and pay for nic bitch didn't it? How many numbers do you have? Did you use any of them to have someone help you post roll? If the answer is "zero numbers" that is also a problem. BE ON ROLL. MAKE YOUR PROMISE. HALF ASS WONT WORK!
Ok I do absolutely nothing in my life half ass and if I tell you that I had good reasons. Then I had good reasons! I don't need to justify myself to you especially seeing as you have never reached out to me except in an attempt to rip my ass today. I had no phone numbers at the time. I have two phone numbers now and if one of those is not yours and if you didn't have my phone number the days I didn't post roll then I'd say you failed the system as much as me and should get off my ass altogether. Thanks!
15 yr nic addict

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Re: jonesin like a mother
« Reply #37 on: January 24, 2014, 01:13:00 AM »
Quote from: ssever122
Day 14 is here and I feel great! I know I missed a few days of roll, but for good reasons. I have taken some steps to fix it and continue on my journey.
Hi there. Let's get right to it. You say you missed posting roll "FOR GOOD REASONS". Go ahead. Name one. There are no GOOD REASONS for missing roll. You can't give me 60 seconds to give my your word? You can't give me 60 seconds to promise you quit with me? It took you more than 60 seconds to get in the store and pay for nic bitch didn't it? How many numbers do you have? Did you use any of them to have someone help you post roll? If the answer is "zero numbers" that is also a problem. BE ON ROLL. MAKE YOUR PROMISE. HALF ASS WONT WORK!
The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person who is doing it. ~ Chinese Proverb
Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply. ~ Stephen R. Covey

QD 12/29/13
April 2014 Resolute

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Re: jonesin like a mother
« Reply #36 on: January 24, 2014, 01:02:00 AM »
Day 14 is here and I feel great! I know I missed a few days of roll, but for good reasons. I have taken some steps to fix it and continue on my journey.
15 yr nic addict

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Re: jonesin like a mother
« Reply #35 on: January 23, 2014, 11:20:00 AM »
Ok well today is day 13 nicotine free and 14 snuff free.
I am glad to say I'm not "jonesin' like a mother" anymore. I have cravings a LOT!! Some harder than others, but I am dedicated! I don't even consider giving up anymore.
When cravings show up I get pissed off all over again like when I decided to quit. I have been using that smokey mountain in place of tobacco since the day I quit, and I'm starting to lose interest with it. Besides, I kinda had a wake up moment last night. My main motivation for quitting is to keep my kid from taking years off his life with the nic bitch, but he still sees me packing a lip. So I made up my mind to explain to him the difference and start cutting that out too, except for when the cravings get really hard. My thought here is that no matter whether its real or fake snuff... packing a lip is still the norm to him, and I am gonna change that!

Stay strong my brothers! ODAAT

Today I quit with peters6278 and comalley.
15 yr nic addict