Author Topic: Newbie: I decided tonight  (Read 3042 times)

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Offline traumagnet

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Re: Newbie: I decided tonight
« Reply #32 on: May 16, 2013, 11:48:00 AM »
First of all it appears you are being allowed to stay welcome back. I reflected back on my life to your age, and I decided yes I probably would have reacted the same way you did at your age. You have taken your lumps now you know the drill and do what you promised.

You are in a frat and I am sure there are rules and regulations and there are consequences for violating the most sacred frat rules. for example loss of position in the frat, loss of trust, physical punishment to even expulsion from the frat. They get rid of you because you violated the trust and rules of the brotherhood.

This site is a brother/sisterhood also our bonds are just as strong if not stronger and we dont like them violated. I dont think how the vets and others were out of line at all. I think yes they were angry upset with you but during all of the posts they were focused on your quit and protecting the quits of everyone here. The admin, moderators, vets, and others have accountablity to hold people to the standards that have been established. For me this site has to be the way it is to help me. For the first time in my life I have admitted that I am an addict and I need help this site has taken me in provided me with tools to combat the NIC BITCH. So on a personal note I dont take kindly to something fucking that up for me.

On a personal note for you, you cant serve two masters. Your frat in college is one that promotes everything you are trying to get away from and this site doesnt want nicotine in your body. I know you say its only 9 days but between now and then you are going to be tempted get up early post roll. PM if you need anything or my digits.
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech

Offline SirDerek

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Re: Newbie: I decided tonight
« Reply #31 on: May 16, 2013, 11:13:00 AM »
Quote from: Braker
I am an asshole for caving.
ok reading this I had to comment.

No one is an asshole for making a decision. That in essence is what you did when you put that crap back into your body. That's it.

Now it is a decision that alot of us who are here to quit cannot fathom ouselves making. Hell there are a bunch of us that do not even have that listed as an option to the question any more. So when we are asked the question and need to make a decision, it is off the table and not a selection to make.

It is also a decision that we would absolutely disagree with, and feel disappointed that you made, since I would infer that the tools that are taught here have been ignored in the process of making that decision.

In saying the above 2 things, this is the Accountability and Brotherhood that is the backbone of our quit here.

So I do hope you are back for good, I do hope that you have learned from you past. And if this is going to work, get your head straight, and NEVER make that decision again.

Offline Diesel2112

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Re: Newbie: I decided tonight
« Reply #30 on: May 16, 2013, 10:47:00 AM »
Quote from: Braker
Quote from: wastepanel
What would leaving prove?

We want to see you quit, and we are willing to help, but you've got to drop this "lone ranger" attitude.

All for one, and one for all.

I don't do this simply for your benefit.  I want a killer to have my back, and I want that person to shoot down any incoming foes I don't see.  I don't want somebody that can't be trusted.  I trust the quitters here to do that for me, and I trust them with all my heart.  Especially Notdeadyet.

If you want to be a real hardass, go grab some of those day 1 or day 2 quitter numbers.  Those guys are foggy as fuck, and they will benefit the most from your more recent than mine advice.  Make friends with them.  Build them up and hold them accountable.  They'll do the same for you.
I know it would prove nothing but its hard to stay when received with such hostility.

Yesterday, I got to tell a stranger "No thanks, I don't chew" It felt great and I'll remember that moment tomorrow.

I am an asshole for caving. I know that I'm a shitty person for making it easier for you guys to cave. Even after 8 days, chew is pretty gross lookin. the smell makes me sick to my stomach and watching people spit makes me gag.

Everyday I quit for today, but I'm here for the long haul. I went back and read your old posts to me waste and I see the foolishness you are addressing. It's quite embarrassing.

I hope you can forgive the jeopardy I put you in by caving. I'm nicotine free and today I am quit.
You have over 15,000 quit buddies
Quit 06/04/12
HOF 9/11/12
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6th floor 01/24/14
7th floor 05/04/14
8th floor 08/12/14
9th floor 10/20/14
Comma 02/28/15
11th floor 06/08/15
12th floor 09/16/15
13th floor 12/25/15
14th floor 04/03/16
15th floor 7/11/16
16th floor 10/20/16
17th floor 01/27/17
18th floor 05/08/17
19th floor 08/14/17
20th floor 11/27/17
21st floor 03/11/18

"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

Offline Braker

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Re: Newbie: I decided tonight
« Reply #29 on: May 16, 2013, 10:45:00 AM »
Quote from: wastepanel
What would leaving prove?

We want to see you quit, and we are willing to help, but you've got to drop this "lone ranger" attitude.

All for one, and one for all.

I don't do this simply for your benefit. I want a killer to have my back, and I want that person to shoot down any incoming foes I don't see. I don't want somebody that can't be trusted. I trust the quitters here to do that for me, and I trust them with all my heart. Especially Notdeadyet.

If you want to be a real hardass, go grab some of those day 1 or day 2 quitter numbers. Those guys are foggy as fuck, and they will benefit the most from your more recent than mine advice. Make friends with them. Build them up and hold them accountable. They'll do the same for you.
I know it would prove nothing but its hard to stay when received with such hostility.

Yesterday, I got to tell a stranger "No thanks, I don't chew" It felt great and I'll remember that moment tomorrow.

I am an asshole for caving. I know that I'm a shitty person for making it easier for you guys to cave. Even after 8 days, chew is pretty gross lookin. the smell makes me sick to my stomach and watching people spit makes me gag.

Everyday I quit for today, but I'm here for the long haul. I went back and read your old posts to me waste and I see the foolishness you are addressing. It's quite embarrassing.

I hope you can forgive the jeopardy I put you in by caving. I'm nicotine free and today I am quit.
Quit Day 5/9/13

"I have leaned on cnc and my other brothers more times than I can count. However, all of them are merely bullets in my arsenal of quit. I walk into this quit everyday with the biggest, baddest gun I can. But I have to pull the trigger. If I run out of bullets, I throw the fucking gun and attack.
My gun cannot fight this battle for me.
It is mine and mine alone." - Wastepanel

Offline wastepanel

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Re: Newbie: I decided tonight
« Reply #28 on: May 16, 2013, 10:24:00 AM »
Quote from: Braker
Quote from: Notdeadyet
Quote from: Braker
There's very few people in your life who understand another's dilemma and struggle. It's embarrassing to come back and admit failure and answer questions. I understand the purpose but the humiliation is still there. I know Zam doesn't believe me. He doesn't believe in my quit because I've failed so many times in front of him, on KTC and solo. I don't blame you Zam. There's only so much you can trust before acceptance of failure and weakness kick in. However, I'm gonna prove you wrong you dirty motherfucker. And as much as I appreciate your help and your random texts in my absence, as much as I owe you for your lack of confidence intended as encouragement, you WILL see. I am the master of my destiny. My freedom is my own. I owe nothing to no man and no man shall be in my debt. My struggle is my own and you will watch me overcome it.

Day 2 motherfuckers. Lets roll.
You talk a lot of smack for a serial caver. You even add in some pretty eloquent bullshit. Now the reality check - you are not a special butterfly :scowick:

Life is a dilemma and struggle.
If you can get over your "I'm gonna do this on my own and do it my own way" attitude, you might actually succeed with your quit. Here's our secret quit formula one more time:

Promise not to use nicotine in any form today
Keep your word (this takes integrity - not sure if you know what that is)
Repeat first thing in the morning
1.) Getting amped for your quit is not talking smack.
2.) Eloquence and fluidity in writing comes with practice. You'll get there.

I came back because I wanted to be chastised and shit talked. I'm here and I have admitted I FUCKED UP. I only came back here to step on your fucking toes and to read that how my motivating factors for my quit make me a shitty person.

If you don't want me here I'll just as soon leave and text you on day 100.

Eloquent enough for you?

Day 8
What would leaving prove?

We want to see you quit, and we are willing to help, but you've got to drop this "lone ranger" attitude.

All for one, and one for all.

I don't do this simply for your benefit. I want a killer to have my back, and I want that person to shoot down any incoming foes I don't see. I don't want somebody that can't be trusted. I trust the quitters here to do that for me, and I trust them with all my heart. Especially Notdeadyet.

If you want to be a real hardass, go grab some of those day 1 or day 2 quitter numbers. Those guys are foggy as fuck, and they will benefit the most from your more recent than mine advice. Make friends with them. Build them up and hold them accountable. They'll do the same for you.
In the end I Surrender, I and I alone accept that I have and always will have a Nicotene ADDICTION. It is my choice to quit, but I can't do it alone. I get to go down this path one time, I want to do it right. I recognize that my word, my integrety to you is on the line and is only as good as my actions. Caving is not an option in this plan-Eafman 7/11

I am not cured. I will quit one day at a time. I will continue to do what works. Posting roll everyday. To do otherwise would be foolish on my part. You can do this-Ready 12/11

To overcome your addiction you must comprehend what it means to fail-Razd 3/12

Theres a lot of people that come here, especially vets, that WANT to be reminded that they are addicts.-Tarpon 6/12

Just as a building starts with architectural drawings. Your daily quit begins with a promise.-Scowick 2/13

Here and now, focused on today, minute by minute, whatever it takes, I promise to all my bros and myself not to become a negative stat and stay quit!-krok 1/15

I want everyone to be quit. Even the assholes.-Probe1957 1/18

Ignoring history or erasing history fixes nothing and leads you inevitably down the same path.-69franx 04/30/2021

Offline Braker

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Re: Newbie: I decided tonight
« Reply #27 on: May 16, 2013, 10:21:00 AM »
Quote from: wastepanel
Morning Braker.

I remember you.

I remember how you came here last time and showed such promise after a day or 2. You looked like you really wanted this.

And then, you ignored our advice and went drinking with your friends. You made the choice that we didn't know what we were talking about. You "did this on your own".

I'm sad that didn't work out for you.

Fucking make it work this time. No excuses. Just quit. No future. No past. We worry about this fucking moment right now because that is all we have control over. You need to think about the following questions long and hard:

(1) What happened?
(2) Why did it happen?
(3) What are you doing differently this time?

These questions are not asked so you feel bullied. These questions are not asked so we can all point at you. These questions are asked because they help us all learn how to stay quit right now. This quit is yours, but helping others along the way makes it stronger and more fortified. Don't do it for us. Do it for you.

I can and do answer the 3 questions for my past mistakes and successes daily.
I was able to justify it to myself. My best friends were all dippers and chewers and it was difficult to hang out with them. I spent a lot of time alone and tried to avoid it. The bottom line was that I caved. It was almost a year ago but i remember it very clearly. I gave in and I fucked up. I'm not blaming peer pressure, or stress, or the stars in the sky. I blame me.

I was with my friends at the Pacers v Heat game in Indianapolis the day before the super bowl in Indianapolis. We were riding in the car from our college town to the game everyone lit up on the way. I held my ground and made it there fine. Then, in bar after bar prior to the game I lowered my defenses and became more susceptible (as you mentioned previously). Eventually in a mildly drunken state, I gave into an offer for a cig. I shouldnt have taken it but i did. I let myself down that day.

This time:
1.) I graduate college in 9 days and will leave this frat house.
2.) I have no desire to drink outside the Frat house.
3.) I will NOT be a dipper or smoker for the rest of my life.
4.) I bought 50 packs of seeds and a Sams Club mountain of gum.
5.) I'm gonna fuckin listen to you guys. No drinking. Period.
6.) Most of my triggers are related to classes and homework. No to say they won't remain, but the change of environment MAY be helpful.
7.) I will post role every day at the start of the day.
8.) I have to prove to myself that I can do it and that I am not a slave to a tin of chew.
9.) I want to prove it to Zam. Not the main focus, but he didnt give up on me. He's a good friend.
Quit Day 5/9/13

"I have leaned on cnc and my other brothers more times than I can count. However, all of them are merely bullets in my arsenal of quit. I walk into this quit everyday with the biggest, baddest gun I can. But I have to pull the trigger. If I run out of bullets, I throw the fucking gun and attack.
My gun cannot fight this battle for me.
It is mine and mine alone." - Wastepanel

Offline Braker

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Re: Newbie: I decided tonight
« Reply #26 on: May 16, 2013, 10:09:00 AM »
Quote from: Notdeadyet
Quote from: Braker
There's very few people in your life who understand another's dilemma and struggle. It's embarrassing to come back and admit failure and answer questions. I understand the purpose but the humiliation is still there. I know Zam doesn't believe me. He doesn't believe in my quit because I've failed so many times in front of him, on KTC and solo. I don't blame you Zam. There's only so much you can trust before acceptance of failure and weakness kick in. However, I'm gonna prove you wrong you dirty motherfucker. And as much as I appreciate your help and your random texts in my absence, as much as I owe you for your lack of confidence intended as encouragement, you WILL see. I am the master of my destiny. My freedom is my own. I owe nothing to no man and no man shall be in my debt. My struggle is my own and you will watch me overcome it.

Day 2 motherfuckers. Lets roll.
You talk a lot of smack for a serial caver. You even add in some pretty eloquent bullshit. Now the reality check - you are not a special butterfly :scowick:

Life is a dilemma and struggle.
If you can get over your "I'm gonna do this on my own and do it my own way" attitude, you might actually succeed with your quit. Here's our secret quit formula one more time:

Promise not to use nicotine in any form today
Keep your word (this takes integrity - not sure if you know what that is)
Repeat first thing in the morning
1.) Getting amped for your quit is not talking smack.
2.) Eloquence and fluidity in writing comes with practice. You'll get there.

I came back because I wanted to be chastised and shit talked. I'm here and I have admitted I FUCKED UP. I only came back here to step on your fucking toes and to read that how my motivating factors for my quit make me a shitty person.

If you don't want me here I'll just as soon leave and text you on day 100.

Eloquent enough for you?

Day 8
Quit Day 5/9/13

"I have leaned on cnc and my other brothers more times than I can count. However, all of them are merely bullets in my arsenal of quit. I walk into this quit everyday with the biggest, baddest gun I can. But I have to pull the trigger. If I run out of bullets, I throw the fucking gun and attack.
My gun cannot fight this battle for me.
It is mine and mine alone." - Wastepanel

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Re: Newbie: I decided tonight
« Reply #25 on: May 16, 2013, 09:26:00 AM »
Quote from: Braker
There's very few people in your life who understand another's dilemma and struggle. It's embarrassing to come back and admit failure and answer questions. I understand the purpose but the humiliation is still there. I know Zam doesn't believe me. He doesn't believe in my quit because I've failed so many times in front of him, on KTC and solo. I don't blame you Zam. There's only so much you can trust before acceptance of failure and weakness kick in. However, I'm gonna prove you wrong you dirty motherfucker. And as much as I appreciate your help and your random texts in my absence, as much as I owe you for your lack of confidence intended as encouragement, you WILL see. I am the master of my destiny. My freedom is my own. I owe nothing to no man and no man shall be in my debt. My struggle is my own and you will watch me overcome it.

Day 2 motherfuckers. Lets roll.
You talk a lot of smack for a serial caver. You even add in some pretty eloquent bullshit. Now the reality check - you are not a special butterfly :scowick:

Life is a dilemma and struggle.
If you can get over your "I'm gonna do this on my own and do it my own way" attitude, you might actually succeed with your quit. Here's our secret quit formula one more time:

Promise not to use nicotine in any form today
Keep your word (this takes integrity - not sure if you know what that is)
Repeat first thing in the morning
38 yr slave
Dumbass No More 8/31/2011

Anyone can stop, but can you quit? A "Stopper" versus a "Quitter"

Dumbass No More - A Quitter's Tale Of Ending Stupid Behavior

Offline wastepanel

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Re: Newbie: I decided tonight
« Reply #24 on: May 16, 2013, 07:01:00 AM »
Quote from: Sage
Quote from: Braker
Quote from: Braker
Quote from: molliesmaster
Quote from: Zam
Quote from: Braker
Quote from: Zam
Quote from: Braker
Braker - Day 1.  I'm back gentlemen. I regret leaving. Today, I am slave to no man and no product. Thanks for not giving up on me Zam
You're posting your second third day 1. I wouldn't think I'd have to ask, but here goes: How did it happen? Why did it happen? Why should this time be any different?
I justified it to myself saying that it wasn't something I needed to handle right now. I could just deal with it once I graduated college. Each time I've tried to quit its been out of fear and every time the fear subsides, there's justification.

This time I'm motivated through different alleys. On my future day 16 I'll graduate college and on my future day 25 I will move across the country to start my new job. I will no longer live in a frat house and I have arrangements with my fraternity brothers that will make caving even more detrimental before I leave. Everything from public slap bets to a straight ass beating. But it's still about my willpower because we know I could hide it. If I take this this habit with me after college, I'll never quit. I have the last opportunity of my life to start fresh in a new town with new habits. My addiction stays in college.

I think about quitting almost very day. I'm tired of thinking about it and it's time
I get some Goddamn willpower. I'm tired of letting my subconscious control me as I'm tired of walking to the gas station at 3 am because of something I think I need. I'm sick of thinking about dip in class. I'm sick of wanting dip every second of the day. I feel like a fucking failure for postin my third day 1. I'm not proud of it by any stretch of the imagination. This is my last Day 1. I'm not a college kid anymore. I don't dip anymore. And when I saw that I'm going to do something, you can bet you're ass I'm gonna do it.
Anyone from August have an opinion? Sorry Joe , pretty much all I hear so far is: I can't/couldn't help it. PS - your addiction won't stay in college....
Everything I feel can be found below. Almost nearly in the same context. It's time to grow up and face some hard situations. Don't spend your life failing at everything that is a little difficult. It won't get you anywhere. Stand up to this quit as a man and handle it like a man.
If you need a number, shoot me a pm.
Quote from: molliesmaster
Quote from: cole184
1 I quit quitting. I decided to ignoere my core beliefs and just chew with the
Mentality that ill deal with it later.

2 I dont really remember happened I just bought a can thinking no one would know and I would only chew once n a while but it turned out to he full on in no time.

3 this time I will get numbers and post everyday and talk to someone if I feel like caving.

Ps diz are you the judger of what reasons are good and bad ? Reasons why people quit shouldn't be evaluated and ranked simply on your opinion. If I want my my back that's a perfectly fine reason to come in here and post roll.  Who doesn't want a better relationship with their significant other ?
Its not Diz who is the judge. We all judge. It's not about flaming you or busting your balls. I just want to be able to trust you. See when I joined this group I understood that my quitting not only affected me but it also affects every one else in here. It's more responsibility than just quitting for me. I quit for every other member in here today. I quit because if I fail someone else could fail, and maybe that someone gets cancer because I was too weak, I can't live with that. This group is a higher calling. If you can't accept that, just go. If you're ready to rock this quit, rely on your crew, be accountable to your crew, quit for us and with us everyday then let's roll. If you aren't, then leave. Fuck all of that other "oh I'll post everyday, blah, blah, blah". Those are weak ass words, this quit is in the heart and the mind, live it, breathe it, enjoy it man. Seriously, If that's the only thing you can take away from this, do it, enjoy this quit, enjoy the new life you're creating. Great things aren't easy to obtain but they are great. Smile through your pain, talk to us, and remember me when you have a crave. Need my number? Pm me anytime and it's yours.
Cole, I made the comment about quitting to get your wife off your back, in my opinion that is a lousy excuse and needed to be called out. Maybe I am splitting hairs, but if you are quitting to have a better relationship with your wife that is a totally different attitude and reason.

Not meant to be judging, you have been here before and I would suggest you spend a little time and read more of the site. Many of us were ninja dippers who hid our addiction from our loved ones to keep them off our backs.

Quit for you, quit for a stronger family, great. Quit so you aren't being harassed? Sounded weak to me. You have been here before, this isn't easy. That reason has to many ways out to be valid. That was the point I was trying to make. I hope I said it a little more clearly this time.

Glad to have you back, I will be happy to quit with you. PM me if you need more numbers.

PS - as a member of March I believe we deserve an explanation as well. I know you had my number, I am betting you had others as well. Stop by and tell us you are back and ready to quit for real this time, I bet you will see several of us in here daily posting with you.
There's very few people in your life who understand another's dilemma and struggle. It's embarrassing to come back and admit failure and answer questions. I understand the purpose but the humiliation is still there. I know Zam doesn't believe me. He doesn't believe in my quit because I've failed so many times in front of him, on KTC and solo. I don't blame you Zam. There's only so much you can trust before acceptance of failure and weakness kick in. However, I'm gonna prove you wrong you dirty motherfucker. And as much as I appreciate your help and your random texts in my absence, as much as I owe you for your lack of confidence intended as encouragement, you WILL see. I am the master of my destiny. My freedom is my own. I owe nothing to no man and no man shall be in my debt. My struggle is my own and you will watch me overcome it.

Day 2 motherfuckers. Lets roll.
I included responses in case you were interested it. Quit with you today!
Morning Braker.

I remember you.

I remember how you came here last time and showed such promise after a day or 2. You looked like you really wanted this.

And then, you ignored our advice and went drinking with your friends. You made the choice that we didn't know what we were talking about. You "did this on your own".

I'm sad that didn't work out for you.

Fucking make it work this time. No excuses. Just quit. No future. No past. We worry about this fucking moment right now because that is all we have control over. You need to think about the following questions long and hard:

(1) What happened?
(2) Why did it happen?
(3) What are you doing differently this time?

These questions are not asked so you feel bullied. These questions are not asked so we can all point at you. These questions are asked because they help us all learn how to stay quit right now. This quit is yours, but helping others along the way makes it stronger and more fortified. Don't do it for us. Do it for you.

I can and do answer the 3 questions for my past mistakes and successes daily.
In the end I Surrender, I and I alone accept that I have and always will have a Nicotene ADDICTION. It is my choice to quit, but I can't do it alone. I get to go down this path one time, I want to do it right. I recognize that my word, my integrety to you is on the line and is only as good as my actions. Caving is not an option in this plan-Eafman 7/11

I am not cured. I will quit one day at a time. I will continue to do what works. Posting roll everyday. To do otherwise would be foolish on my part. You can do this-Ready 12/11

To overcome your addiction you must comprehend what it means to fail-Razd 3/12

Theres a lot of people that come here, especially vets, that WANT to be reminded that they are addicts.-Tarpon 6/12

Just as a building starts with architectural drawings. Your daily quit begins with a promise.-Scowick 2/13

Here and now, focused on today, minute by minute, whatever it takes, I promise to all my bros and myself not to become a negative stat and stay quit!-krok 1/15

I want everyone to be quit. Even the assholes.-Probe1957 1/18

Ignoring history or erasing history fixes nothing and leads you inevitably down the same path.-69franx 04/30/2021

Offline Braker

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Re: Newbie: I decided tonight
« Reply #23 on: May 16, 2013, 03:35:00 AM »
Quote from: Sage it. Quit with you today!
YAY! I gotta another quit buddy!
Quit Day 5/9/13

"I have leaned on cnc and my other brothers more times than I can count. However, all of them are merely bullets in my arsenal of quit. I walk into this quit everyday with the biggest, baddest gun I can. But I have to pull the trigger. If I run out of bullets, I throw the fucking gun and attack.
My gun cannot fight this battle for me.
It is mine and mine alone." - Wastepanel

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Re: Newbie: I decided tonight
« Reply #22 on: May 16, 2013, 03:33:00 AM »
Quote from: Braker
Quote from: Braker
Quote from: molliesmaster
Quote from: Zam
Quote from: Braker
Quote from: Zam
Quote from: Braker
Braker - Day 1.  I'm back gentlemen. I regret leaving. Today, I am slave to no man and no product. Thanks for not giving up on me Zam
You're posting your second third day 1. I wouldn't think I'd have to ask, but here goes: How did it happen? Why did it happen? Why should this time be any different?
I justified it to myself saying that it wasn't something I needed to handle right now. I could just deal with it once I graduated college. Each time I've tried to quit its been out of fear and every time the fear subsides, there's justification.

This time I'm motivated through different alleys. On my future day 16 I'll graduate college and on my future day 25 I will move across the country to start my new job. I will no longer live in a frat house and I have arrangements with my fraternity brothers that will make caving even more detrimental before I leave. Everything from public slap bets to a straight ass beating. But it's still about my willpower because we know I could hide it. If I take this this habit with me after college, I'll never quit. I have the last opportunity of my life to start fresh in a new town with new habits. My addiction stays in college.

I think about quitting almost very day. I'm tired of thinking about it and it's time
I get some Goddamn willpower. I'm tired of letting my subconscious control me as I'm tired of walking to the gas station at 3 am because of something I think I need. I'm sick of thinking about dip in class. I'm sick of wanting dip every second of the day. I feel like a fucking failure for postin my third day 1. I'm not proud of it by any stretch of the imagination. This is my last Day 1. I'm not a college kid anymore. I don't dip anymore. And when I saw that I'm going to do something, you can bet you're ass I'm gonna do it.
Anyone from August have an opinion? Sorry Joe , pretty much all I hear so far is: I can't/couldn't help it. PS - your addiction won't stay in college....
Everything I feel can be found below. Almost nearly in the same context. It's time to grow up and face some hard situations. Don't spend your life failing at everything that is a little difficult. It won't get you anywhere. Stand up to this quit as a man and handle it like a man.
If you need a number, shoot me a pm.
Quote from: molliesmaster
Quote from: cole184
1 I quit quitting. I decided to ignoere my core beliefs and just chew with the
Mentality that ill deal with it later.

2 I dont really remember happened I just bought a can thinking no one would know and I would only chew once n a while but it turned out to he full on in no time.

3 this time I will get numbers and post everyday and talk to someone if I feel like caving.

Ps diz are you the judger of what reasons are good and bad ? Reasons why people quit shouldn't be evaluated and ranked simply on your opinion. If I want my my back that's a perfectly fine reason to come in here and post roll.  Who doesn't want a better relationship with their significant other ?
Its not Diz who is the judge. We all judge. It's not about flaming you or busting your balls. I just want to be able to trust you. See when I joined this group I understood that my quitting not only affected me but it also affects every one else in here. It's more responsibility than just quitting for me. I quit for every other member in here today. I quit because if I fail someone else could fail, and maybe that someone gets cancer because I was too weak, I can't live with that. This group is a higher calling. If you can't accept that, just go. If you're ready to rock this quit, rely on your crew, be accountable to your crew, quit for us and with us everyday then let's roll. If you aren't, then leave. Fuck all of that other "oh I'll post everyday, blah, blah, blah". Those are weak ass words, this quit is in the heart and the mind, live it, breathe it, enjoy it man. Seriously, If that's the only thing you can take away from this, do it, enjoy this quit, enjoy the new life you're creating. Great things aren't easy to obtain but they are great. Smile through your pain, talk to us, and remember me when you have a crave. Need my number? Pm me anytime and it's yours.
Cole, I made the comment about quitting to get your wife off your back, in my opinion that is a lousy excuse and needed to be called out. Maybe I am splitting hairs, but if you are quitting to have a better relationship with your wife that is a totally different attitude and reason.

Not meant to be judging, you have been here before and I would suggest you spend a little time and read more of the site. Many of us were ninja dippers who hid our addiction from our loved ones to keep them off our backs.

Quit for you, quit for a stronger family, great. Quit so you aren't being harassed? Sounded weak to me. You have been here before, this isn't easy. That reason has to many ways out to be valid. That was the point I was trying to make. I hope I said it a little more clearly this time.

Glad to have you back, I will be happy to quit with you. PM me if you need more numbers.

PS - as a member of March I believe we deserve an explanation as well. I know you had my number, I am betting you had others as well. Stop by and tell us you are back and ready to quit for real this time, I bet you will see several of us in here daily posting with you.
There's very few people in your life who understand another's dilemma and struggle. It's embarrassing to come back and admit failure and answer questions. I understand the purpose but the humiliation is still there. I know Zam doesn't believe me. He doesn't believe in my quit because I've failed so many times in front of him, on KTC and solo. I don't blame you Zam. There's only so much you can trust before acceptance of failure and weakness kick in. However, I'm gonna prove you wrong you dirty motherfucker. And as much as I appreciate your help and your random texts in my absence, as much as I owe you for your lack of confidence intended as encouragement, you WILL see. I am the master of my destiny. My freedom is my own. I owe nothing to no man and no man shall be in my debt. My struggle is my own and you will watch me overcome it.

Day 2 motherfuckers. Lets roll.
I included responses in case you were interested it. Quit with you today!

Offline Braker

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Re: Newbie: I decided tonight
« Reply #21 on: May 16, 2013, 03:29:00 AM »
Quote from: Braker
Quote from: molliesmaster
Quote from: Zam
Quote from: Braker
Quote from: Zam
Quote from: Braker
Braker - Day 1.  I'm back gentlemen. I regret leaving. Today, I am slave to no man and no product. Thanks for not giving up on me Zam
You're posting your second third day 1. I wouldn't think I'd have to ask, but here goes: How did it happen? Why did it happen? Why should this time be any different?
I justified it to myself saying that it wasn't something I needed to handle right now. I could just deal with it once I graduated college. Each time I've tried to quit its been out of fear and every time the fear subsides, there's justification.

This time I'm motivated through different alleys. On my future day 16 I'll graduate college and on my future day 25 I will move across the country to start my new job. I will no longer live in a frat house and I have arrangements with my fraternity brothers that will make caving even more detrimental before I leave. Everything from public slap bets to a straight ass beating. But it's still about my willpower because we know I could hide it. If I take this this habit with me after college, I'll never quit. I have the last opportunity of my life to start fresh in a new town with new habits. My addiction stays in college.

I think about quitting almost very day. I'm tired of thinking about it and it's time
I get some Goddamn willpower. I'm tired of letting my subconscious control me as I'm tired of walking to the gas station at 3 am because of something I think I need. I'm sick of thinking about dip in class. I'm sick of wanting dip every second of the day. I feel like a fucking failure for postin my third day 1. I'm not proud of it by any stretch of the imagination. This is my last Day 1. I'm not a college kid anymore. I don't dip anymore. And when I saw that I'm going to do something, you can bet you're ass I'm gonna do it.
Anyone from August have an opinion? Sorry Joe , pretty much all I hear so far is: I can't/couldn't help it. PS - your addiction won't stay in college....
Everything I feel can be found below. Almost nearly in the same context. It's time to grow up and face some hard situations. Don't spend your life failing at everything that is a little difficult. It won't get you anywhere. Stand up to this quit as a man and handle it like a man.
If you need a number, shoot me a pm.
Quote from: molliesmaster
Quote from: cole184
1 I quit quitting. I decided to ignoere my core beliefs and just chew with the
Mentality that ill deal with it later.

2 I dont really remember happened I just bought a can thinking no one would know and I would only chew once n a while but it turned out to he full on in no time.

3 this time I will get numbers and post everyday and talk to someone if I feel like caving.

Ps diz are you the judger of what reasons are good and bad ? Reasons why people quit shouldn't be evaluated and ranked simply on your opinion. If I want my my back that's a perfectly fine reason to come in here and post roll.  Who doesn't want a better relationship with their significant other ?
Its not Diz who is the judge. We all judge. It's not about flaming you or busting your balls. I just want to be able to trust you. See when I joined this group I understood that my quitting not only affected me but it also affects every one else in here. It's more responsibility than just quitting for me. I quit for every other member in here today. I quit because if I fail someone else could fail, and maybe that someone gets cancer because I was too weak, I can't live with that. This group is a higher calling. If you can't accept that, just go. If you're ready to rock this quit, rely on your crew, be accountable to your crew, quit for us and with us everyday then let's roll. If you aren't, then leave. Fuck all of that other "oh I'll post everyday, blah, blah, blah". Those are weak ass words, this quit is in the heart and the mind, live it, breathe it, enjoy it man. Seriously, If that's the only thing you can take away from this, do it, enjoy this quit, enjoy the new life you're creating. Great things aren't easy to obtain but they are great. Smile through your pain, talk to us, and remember me when you have a crave. Need my number? Pm me anytime and it's yours.
Cole, I made the comment about quitting to get your wife off your back, in my opinion that is a lousy excuse and needed to be called out. Maybe I am splitting hairs, but if you are quitting to have a better relationship with your wife that is a totally different attitude and reason.

Not meant to be judging, you have been here before and I would suggest you spend a little time and read more of the site. Many of us were ninja dippers who hid our addiction from our loved ones to keep them off our backs.

Quit for you, quit for a stronger family, great. Quit so you aren't being harassed? Sounded weak to me. You have been here before, this isn't easy. That reason has to many ways out to be valid. That was the point I was trying to make. I hope I said it a little more clearly this time.

Glad to have you back, I will be happy to quit with you. PM me if you need more numbers.

PS - as a member of March I believe we deserve an explanation as well. I know you had my number, I am betting you had others as well. Stop by and tell us you are back and ready to quit for real this time, I bet you will see several of us in here daily posting with you.
There's very few people in your life who understand another's dilemma and struggle. It's embarrassing to come back and admit failure and answer questions. I understand the purpose but the humiliation is still there. I know Zam doesn't believe me. He doesn't believe in my quit because I've failed so many times in front of him, on KTC and solo. I don't blame you Zam. There's only so much you can trust before acceptance of failure and weakness kick in. However, I'm gonna prove you wrong you dirty motherfucker. And as much as I appreciate your help and your random texts in my absence, as much as I owe you for your lack of confidence intended as encouragement, you WILL see. I am the master of my destiny. My freedom is my own. I owe nothing to no man and no man shall be in my debt. My struggle is my own and you will watch me overcome it.

Day 2 motherfuckers. Lets roll.
I included responses in case you were interested
Quit Day 5/9/13

"I have leaned on cnc and my other brothers more times than I can count. However, all of them are merely bullets in my arsenal of quit. I walk into this quit everyday with the biggest, baddest gun I can. But I have to pull the trigger. If I run out of bullets, I throw the fucking gun and attack.
My gun cannot fight this battle for me.
It is mine and mine alone." - Wastepanel

Offline Sage

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Re: Newbie: I decided tonight
« Reply #20 on: May 16, 2013, 03:20:00 AM »
Quote from: Braker
I failed to do this earlier last week so I'll do it now.

Hi guys, I'm Joe. This isnt my first venture on KTC, rather my third. Im currently on Day 8 and pretty proud to be there. My quit is going pretty good. I have cravings here and there but nothing detrimental. I suspect that my quit has been less intense due to the short time I dipped as compared to some gentlemen with 20, 30 or 40 years under their belts. I want to be here to stay but several of the gentlemen that I met when I first joined the site are no longer here and I feel like a stranger. Might as well re introduce myself, right?

So I'm 21 and a Senior in college. In 2 days I finish classes and on May 25 I graduate and move to AZ to take my job as a Laser Physicist. I will have a degree in Optical Engineering.

I've been dipping since I was about 16-17. I started because of some peer pressure (not passing blame from myself, but that is the truth). I was on and off through college between dipping and smoking with several failed quits under my belt.

I'm here now because I have a steady girlfriend that I'll marry one day. I have a job and, frankly, im not a kid anymore. It's time to man up and do what needs to be done.

I also play a couple online games (SW:TOR mainly but also some and CoD on 360 and shit) for anyone who is interested in joining me (Nerdy, but hey.... im a physicist)
Okay Braker, sounds all good but it isn't. We are a bunch of quitters here and don't really allow cavers unless they have a REALLY good reason to be allowed back. We are a special family so why did you cave and what are you going to do differently this time? Why should we allow you back? A proven caver?

Offline Braker

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Re: Newbie: I decided tonight
« Reply #19 on: May 16, 2013, 02:23:00 AM »
I failed to do this earlier last week so I'll do it now.

Hi guys, I'm Joe. This isnt my first venture on KTC, rather my third. Im currently on Day 8 and pretty proud to be there. My quit is going pretty good. I have cravings here and there but nothing detrimental. I suspect that my quit has been less intense due to the short time I dipped as compared to some gentlemen with 20, 30 or 40 years under their belts. I want to be here to stay but several of the gentlemen that I met when I first joined the site are no longer here and I feel like a stranger. Might as well re introduce myself, right?

So I'm 21 and a Senior in college. In 2 days I finish classes and on May 25 I graduate and move to AZ to take my job as a Laser Physicist. I will have a degree in Optical Engineering.

I've been dipping since I was about 16-17. I started because of some peer pressure (not passing blame from myself, but that is the truth). I was on and off through college between dipping and smoking with several failed quits under my belt.

I'm here now because I have a steady girlfriend that I'll marry one day. I have a job and, frankly, im not a kid anymore. It's time to man up and do what needs to be done.

I also play a couple online games (SW:TOR mainly but also some and CoD on 360 and shit) for anyone who is interested in joining me (Nerdy, but hey.... im a physicist)
Quit Day 5/9/13

"I have leaned on cnc and my other brothers more times than I can count. However, all of them are merely bullets in my arsenal of quit. I walk into this quit everyday with the biggest, baddest gun I can. But I have to pull the trigger. If I run out of bullets, I throw the fucking gun and attack.
My gun cannot fight this battle for me.
It is mine and mine alone." - Wastepanel

Offline wastepanel

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Re: Newbie: I decided tonight
« Reply #18 on: February 11, 2012, 08:58:00 PM »
Quote from: tsmith17
Online this morning at 3:53 am + no roll post = fail
Guess mama did raise a bitch.
In the end I Surrender, I and I alone accept that I have and always will have a Nicotene ADDICTION. It is my choice to quit, but I can't do it alone. I get to go down this path one time, I want to do it right. I recognize that my word, my integrety to you is on the line and is only as good as my actions. Caving is not an option in this plan-Eafman 7/11

I am not cured. I will quit one day at a time. I will continue to do what works. Posting roll everyday. To do otherwise would be foolish on my part. You can do this-Ready 12/11

To overcome your addiction you must comprehend what it means to fail-Razd 3/12

Theres a lot of people that come here, especially vets, that WANT to be reminded that they are addicts.-Tarpon 6/12

Just as a building starts with architectural drawings. Your daily quit begins with a promise.-Scowick 2/13

Here and now, focused on today, minute by minute, whatever it takes, I promise to all my bros and myself not to become a negative stat and stay quit!-krok 1/15

I want everyone to be quit. Even the assholes.-Probe1957 1/18

Ignoring history or erasing history fixes nothing and leads you inevitably down the same path.-69franx 04/30/2021