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Re: Intro
« Reply #44 on: March 18, 2014, 09:30:00 AM »
Quote from: h_prime
Day 10. Just barely able to see myself without a chew in.

In the beginning of this it was all but impossible to imagine myself doing things without a chew in. Couldn't picture myself playing golf, couldn't envision myself fishing, or sitting in a movie theater without it. Hell I haven't seen a movie, in a theater, without a dip in my lip for at least 15 yrs.

So at day 10, I am just starting to be able to see myself, to close my eyes and picture myself without it.
I feel the same way. I thought the other day as I was heading out to clean up the backyard that I usually dipped while doing this. Fishing will be the real test. I do make sure I have some fake just in case I need it.

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Re: Intro
« Reply #43 on: March 18, 2014, 09:23:00 AM »
Day 10. Just barely able to see myself without a chew in.

In the beginning of this it was all but impossible to imagine myself doing things without a chew in. Couldn't picture myself playing golf, couldn't envision myself fishing, or sitting in a movie theater without it. Hell I haven't seen a movie, in a theater, without a dip in my lip for at least 15 yrs.

So at day 10, I am just starting to be able to see myself, to close my eyes and picture myself without it.

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Re: Intro
« Reply #42 on: March 17, 2014, 12:35:00 PM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: h_prime
What's so hard about this????  9 days in, a weekend hurdled like Edwin Moses.  Sure the craves happen.  Find a substitute!!  I ate a spoonful of Sriracha sauce this weekend.  Killed the crave in a second.  Coffee grain bandits are kinda nice.

When you're done with it,'re done with it and it aint that big a deal.
Good job, you da man!!!
Keep up the good work man, but you ever have that moment where you were out at the bar and had a couple of drinks, you might have seen your ole ex girlfriend or fling hanging around all your old group of friends and she looks good, and thought yeah she may have thrown a shoe at my face, or she was always so needy and bitchy but man she wasn't that bad... they look like they are having fun and we had some good times, maybe i'll just go home with her for one night, little stroll down memory lane...

Okay that may be a reach and it might have been something other then a shoe coming at the face, but you catch my drift. Never let your guard down, keep the momentum and quit every damn day.

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Re: Intro
« Reply #41 on: March 17, 2014, 12:08:00 PM »
Quote from: h_prime
What's so hard about this???? 9 days in, a weekend hurdled like Edwin Moses. Sure the craves happen. Find a substitute!! I ate a spoonful of Sriracha sauce this weekend. Killed the crave in a second. Coffee grain bandits are kinda nice.

When you're done with it,'re done with it and it aint that big a deal.
Good job, you da man!!!
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Re: Intro
« Reply #40 on: March 17, 2014, 11:39:00 AM »
What's so hard about this???? 9 days in, a weekend hurdled like Edwin Moses. Sure the craves happen. Find a substitute!! I ate a spoonful of Sriracha sauce this weekend. Killed the crave in a second. Coffee grain bandits are kinda nice.

When you're done with it,'re done with it and it aint that big a deal.

Offline h_prime

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Re: Intro
« Reply #39 on: March 14, 2014, 01:04:00 PM »
Quote from: LeonardThompson
Quote from: h_prime
So bring the jokes...tea bagging...oral fixated...whateva u got!!  Don't botha my ass none.  I'll keep chewing tea bags. 

Have some fun with your quit!!!  Laugh at yourself, laugh at your habit, laugh at me for suckin on loose leaf tea bags!!!  Talk some trash in chat!!!  It makes it all a bit easier.
Hey're kind of sounding like an internet tough guy that's all jazzed up about something here. 'winker'

Keep that quit up, dude. I'm with you.
LOL, ok ok. Don't get me wrong, I get it. I still don't dig the ultra militant approach, my style is more smile less HEIL!! Just trying to have fun with it now.

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Re: Intro
« Reply #38 on: March 14, 2014, 11:59:00 AM »
Quote from: h_prime
So bring the jokes...tea bagging...oral fixated...whateva u got!!  Don't botha my ass none.  I'll keep chewing tea bags. 

Have some fun with your quit!!!  Laugh at yourself, laugh at your habit, laugh at me for suckin on loose leaf tea bags!!!  Talk some trash in chat!!!  It makes it all a bit easier.
Hey're kind of sounding like an internet tough guy that's all jazzed up about something here. 'winker'

Keep that quit up, dude. I'm with you.

Offline Wt57

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Re: Intro
« Reply #37 on: March 14, 2014, 11:46:00 AM »
Quote from: h_prime
Day 6 - another notch on the post!! The hard core craves are fewer and further apart...small little constant nag but thats not too bad. I've been using tea, makin bandits out of english breakfast , earl grey, green tea, chamomile, and it's been working to pass the time.

Chewed on some coffee grains for a few days, but think that's behind me. For me I think the activity of chewing is harder to fight, than the nic craves.  

So bring the jokes...tea bagging...oral fixated...whateva u got!! Don't botha my ass none. I'll keep chewing tea bags.

Have some fun with your quit!!! Laugh at yourself, laugh at your habit, laugh at me for suckin on loose leaf tea bags!!! Talk some trash in chat!!! It makes it all a bit easier.
I see a audit in KTCs future, all this talk of teabaggers.
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Offline h_prime

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Re: Intro
« Reply #36 on: March 14, 2014, 10:15:00 AM »
Day 6 - another notch on the post!! The hard core craves are fewer and further apart...small little constant nag but thats not too bad. I've been using tea, makin bandits out of english breakfast , earl grey, green tea, chamomile, and it's been working to pass the time.

Chewed on some coffee grains for a few days, but think that's behind me. For me I think the activity of chewing is harder to fight, than the nic craves.

So bring the jokes...tea bagging...oral fixated...whateva u got!! Don't botha my ass none. I'll keep chewing tea bags.

Have some fun with your quit!!! Laugh at yourself, laugh at your habit, laugh at me for suckin on loose leaf tea bags!!! Talk some trash in chat!!! It makes it all a bit easier.

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Re: Intro
« Reply #35 on: March 13, 2014, 04:57:00 PM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: racetrackcowgirl
Quote from: h_prime
Captains Log... Star Date 0000000000000005

I can't say the fog is 100% cleared yet, or that I'm an ounce less crazy than I was yesterday, but the crave attack wasn't too bad yesterday.  Chewing coffee grains, makin bandits out of loose leaf tea is a little weird, but it's passing the time. 

Day 5, stronger today than I was yesterday!
My fog lasted about 2 weeks. Some days seemed I was moving backwards instead of forwards. But keep going - NO MATTER WHAT! You've got this. Keep the momentum going and don't look back (even if you feel like you're moving back)!
5 days is great! There is one good thing about being in the fog... that good thing is that you only need to worry about 1 thing today  that is staying quit.

Nothing else matters today. Being quit is your #1 priority.

In time the fog will lift. But for now, stay focused on what needs to be done today. Stay quit!
Your brain is rewiring. That creates the fog. Once your craniac is all rewired you will feel much better. Go run and drink a lot of water. It will clean out the system a bit.

That said, nice job!
Keep it up Prime. You are doing it!
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
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Re: Intro
« Reply #34 on: March 13, 2014, 03:41:00 PM »
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: racetrackcowgirl
Quote from: h_prime
Captains Log... Star Date 0000000000000005

I can't say the fog is 100% cleared yet, or that I'm an ounce less crazy than I was yesterday, but the crave attack wasn't too bad yesterday.  Chewing coffee grains, makin bandits out of loose leaf tea is a little weird, but it's passing the time. 

Day 5, stronger today than I was yesterday!
My fog lasted about 2 weeks. Some days seemed I was moving backwards instead of forwards. But keep going - NO MATTER WHAT! You've got this. Keep the momentum going and don't look back (even if you feel like you're moving back)!
5 days is great! There is one good thing about being in the fog... that good thing is that you only need to worry about 1 thing today  that is staying quit.

Nothing else matters today. Being quit is your #1 priority.

In time the fog will lift. But for now, stay focused on what needs to be done today. Stay quit!
Your brain is rewiring. That creates the fog. Once your craniac is all rewired you will feel much better. Go run and drink a lot of water. It will clean out the system a bit.

That said, nice job!

Offline Derk40

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Re: Intro
« Reply #33 on: March 13, 2014, 01:20:00 PM »
Quote from: racetrackcowgirl
Quote from: h_prime
Captains Log... Star Date 0000000000000005

I can't say the fog is 100% cleared yet, or that I'm an ounce less crazy than I was yesterday, but the crave attack wasn't too bad yesterday.  Chewing coffee grains, makin bandits out of loose leaf tea is a little weird, but it's passing the time. 

Day 5, stronger today than I was yesterday!
My fog lasted about 2 weeks. Some days seemed I was moving backwards instead of forwards. But keep going - NO MATTER WHAT! You've got this. Keep the momentum going and don't look back (even if you feel like you're moving back)!
5 days is great! There is one good thing about being in the fog... that good thing is that you only need to worry about 1 thing today  that is staying quit.

Nothing else matters today. Being quit is your #1 priority.

In time the fog will lift. But for now, stay focused on what needs to be done today. Stay quit!
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Re: Intro
« Reply #32 on: March 13, 2014, 10:07:00 AM »
Quote from: h_prime
Captains Log... Star Date 0000000000000005

I can't say the fog is 100% cleared yet, or that I'm an ounce less crazy than I was yesterday, but the crave attack wasn't too bad yesterday. Chewing coffee grains, makin bandits out of loose leaf tea is a little weird, but it's passing the time.

Day 5, stronger today than I was yesterday!
My fog lasted about 2 weeks. Some days seemed I was moving backwards instead of forwards. But keep going - NO MATTER WHAT! You've got this. Keep the momentum going and don't look back (even if you feel like you're moving back)!

"Don?t single yourself out as a woman. You are an addict. You are a quitter and in the end it doesn?t matter what?s between your legs, it?s what?s in your head that will make the difference."

"Quitting is a process. It?s an extremely difficult, simple process - one that never again has to be faced alone."

Offline h_prime

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Re: Intro
« Reply #31 on: March 13, 2014, 09:17:00 AM »
Captains Log... Star Date 0000000000000005

I can't say the fog is 100% cleared yet, or that I'm an ounce less crazy than I was yesterday, but the crave attack wasn't too bad yesterday. Chewing coffee grains, makin bandits out of loose leaf tea is a little weird, but it's passing the time.

Day 5, stronger today than I was yesterday!

Offline Wt57

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Re: Intro
« Reply #30 on: March 12, 2014, 10:56:00 PM »
Quote from: MonsterEMT
Quote from: D2maine
Quote from: dunlapsig
Quote from: slug.go
Quote from: h_prime
Day 4 report.

Day 3 wasn't too bad, got through work ok, no real issues.  I maybe got a little over confident actually that this wouldn't be too bad.

My commute home is usually a 10 min train ride, followed by 45 min commuter bus, because I can't sit for 4 hrs a day in traffic.  The commute today was semi nightmarish, the crave was strong.  So strong I started to sweat and panic, legit panic.  I had nothing, left all my gum and candy at the office.

Stared at the KTC chat scroll, threw out a little mayday and some solid gents helped me pass the time. 

That crave lasted until about 8 or 9pm, seriously 3+ hr vicious crave.  I dipped coffee grinds 3 or 4 times, made a bandit out of chamomile tea, and ate so many damn skittles my teeth were glued shut.  Waking up this morning felt like a win!!

Day 4, back on the water, gum, and candy!!  Streak is still alive at 4 days!!
Never forget that feeling, you don't ever want to go back there again. Powerful quit you have going on!
Nice work, chalk that one up in the victory column, today is a new day. New set of stressors and triggers. Love that you went on Chat and reached out to your KTC brothers. Learn from your experience and the craves will get easier.
nice to meet you on chat last night...what is your plan for today's commute?

some of the strength of that crave was because you were unprepared and the bitch sensed weakness, never ever give her that chance again.
Glad you got past that crave. Make sure to keep gum, candy, whatever with you in case another one hits. Cravings are a bitch but you can get through it. Glad to hear that coming on here helped you out, too. Not sure if you connected with someone as far as getting phone numbers exchanged, but that can help too (i.e. texting someone who knows what you're going through to help you get past the crave).
For me that texting and talking on the phone saved my life for the first 5 months. I literally spent hours at night while working on the phone with Roam. I also remember one day one of our brothers was in trouble and the word went out: it was instant reaction and his situation was resolved. I wasn't 100% convinced when you first introduced yourself that you were ready but, your post today makes me think your understanding the scope of what we are doing. What seems like grandstanding is actually more for the person being addressed than the one ranting. I've seen so many cavers return, experienced failure myself and seen good strong quitters disappear and fail to answer texting (cave is presumed). I have several KTC goals; 1. I quit today. 2. I support my July 2012 BOQ and am there for them and their quit. 3. I support and check on those that have been an inspiration to me. 4. I choose to reach out to newbies that I recognize as someone that my encouragement might help. 5. I am accountable and expect I hold everyone who post role accountable.

One thing I never anticipated early in my quit was the relationships that I would build. I have those that have been with me through this hell that eventhough I've never met them we care about far more than just our addiction. We are family, we care about each other's life struggles and successes.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
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