Author Topic: Intro  (Read 3301 times)

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Re: Intro
« Reply #59 on: October 14, 2014, 06:23:00 PM »
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: h_prime
So here I am again, after 6+ months. No I didn't CAVE!!! I was lurking around this site back in March when I quit a 15+ yr dip habit. The first few weeks was seriously no fun, and hanging out round here posting and chatting with fellow quitters got me through that first month. I figured that was all I needed and, it was my quit and it was up to me, daily post or not. I had the craves here and there over the last 6 months, but mostly I figured I was over it and it was a non issue. Fast forward to this weekend and BAM...back to chewing coffee grinds or green tea bandits, the crave to chew again hit me like it was week 2 of my quit. It was f-ing terrible!!!! So here I am again, posting and chatting my way through another phase of my quit!!

I was arrogant and foolish and I apologize. I won't cave, my quit is strong. I can't say I'll post roll forever, but for now I'm back to fighting for my quit here at KTC.
So for you the KTC is a "only when H_Prime needs some support" site? Awesome, I love being someones doorknob.

Hey, July 2014, I'll be posting roll around Thanksgiving because turkey stresses me out, love ya bros. See you in 6 weeks.

And it's an addiction, not a habit. Sorry to be an internet tough guy, but since you are using the site as you please..........I'm sure June will hold the door open for ya, that is once you decide to grace them with your roll call.
be gone.....

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Re: Intro
« Reply #58 on: October 14, 2014, 02:40:00 PM »
Quote from: h_prime
So here I am again, after 6+ months. No I didn't CAVE!!! I was lurking around this site back in March when I quit a 15+ yr dip habit. The first few weeks was seriously no fun, and hanging out round here posting and chatting with fellow quitters got me through that first month. I figured that was all I needed and, it was my quit and it was up to me, daily post or not. I had the craves here and there over the last 6 months, but mostly I figured I was over it and it was a non issue. Fast forward to this weekend and BAM...back to chewing coffee grinds or green tea bandits, the crave to chew again hit me like it was week 2 of my quit. It was f-ing terrible!!!! So here I am again, posting and chatting my way through another phase of my quit!!

I was arrogant and foolish and I apologize. I won't cave, my quit is strong. I can't say I'll post roll forever, but for now I'm back to fighting for my quit here at KTC.
So for you the KTC is a "only when H_Prime needs some support" site? Awesome, I love being someones doorknob.

Hey, July 2014, I'll be posting roll around Thanksgiving because turkey stresses me out, love ya bros. See you in 6 weeks.

And it's an addiction, not a habit. Sorry to be an internet tough guy, but since you are using the site as you please..........I'm sure June will hold the door open for ya, that is once you decide to grace them with your roll call.
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

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Re: Intro
« Reply #57 on: October 14, 2014, 02:21:00 PM »
Quote from: h_prime
So here I am again, after 6+ months. No I didn't CAVE!!! I was lurking around this site back in March when I quit a 15+ yr dip habit. The first few weeks was seriously no fun, and hanging out round here posting and chatting with fellow quitters got me through that first month. I figured that was all I needed and, it was my quit and it was up to me, daily post or not. I had the craves here and there over the last 6 months, but mostly I figured I was over it and it was a non issue. Fast forward to this weekend and BAM...back to chewing coffee grinds or green tea bandits, the crave to chew again hit me like it was week 2 of my quit. It was f-ing terrible!!!! So here I am again, posting and chatting my way through another phase of my quit!!

I was arrogant and foolish and I apologize. I won't cave, my quit is strong. I can't say I'll post roll forever, but for now I'm back to fighting for my quit here at KTC.
Don't need you to stay quit forever man.

We post roll for today and today only. The future is open, but posting roll is like setting a few pennies aside for retirement. That shit builds up, and you can live comfortably in your old age.

Stick around. It helps. We quit here. We don't "not use".
In the end I Surrender, I and I alone accept that I have and always will have a Nicotene ADDICTION. It is my choice to quit, but I can't do it alone. I get to go down this path one time, I want to do it right. I recognize that my word, my integrety to you is on the line and is only as good as my actions. Caving is not an option in this plan-Eafman 7/11

I am not cured. I will quit one day at a time. I will continue to do what works. Posting roll everyday. To do otherwise would be foolish on my part. You can do this-Ready 12/11

To overcome your addiction you must comprehend what it means to fail-Razd 3/12

Theres a lot of people that come here, especially vets, that WANT to be reminded that they are addicts.-Tarpon 6/12

Just as a building starts with architectural drawings. Your daily quit begins with a promise.-Scowick 2/13

Here and now, focused on today, minute by minute, whatever it takes, I promise to all my bros and myself not to become a negative stat and stay quit!-krok 1/15

I want everyone to be quit. Even the assholes.-Probe1957 1/18

Ignoring history or erasing history fixes nothing and leads you inevitably down the same path.-69franx 04/30/2021

Offline wastepanel

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Re: Intro
« Reply #56 on: October 14, 2014, 02:13:00 PM »
In the end I Surrender, I and I alone accept that I have and always will have a Nicotene ADDICTION. It is my choice to quit, but I can't do it alone. I get to go down this path one time, I want to do it right. I recognize that my word, my integrety to you is on the line and is only as good as my actions. Caving is not an option in this plan-Eafman 7/11

I am not cured. I will quit one day at a time. I will continue to do what works. Posting roll everyday. To do otherwise would be foolish on my part. You can do this-Ready 12/11

To overcome your addiction you must comprehend what it means to fail-Razd 3/12

Theres a lot of people that come here, especially vets, that WANT to be reminded that they are addicts.-Tarpon 6/12

Just as a building starts with architectural drawings. Your daily quit begins with a promise.-Scowick 2/13

Here and now, focused on today, minute by minute, whatever it takes, I promise to all my bros and myself not to become a negative stat and stay quit!-krok 1/15

I want everyone to be quit. Even the assholes.-Probe1957 1/18

Ignoring history or erasing history fixes nothing and leads you inevitably down the same path.-69franx 04/30/2021

Offline h_prime

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Re: Intro
« Reply #55 on: October 14, 2014, 02:11:00 PM »
So here I am again, after 6+ months. No I didn't CAVE!!! I was lurking around this site back in March when I quit a 15+ yr dip habit. The first few weeks was seriously no fun, and hanging out round here posting and chatting with fellow quitters got me through that first month. I figured that was all I needed and, it was my quit and it was up to me, daily post or not. I had the craves here and there over the last 6 months, but mostly I figured I was over it and it was a non issue. Fast forward to this weekend and BAM...back to chewing coffee grinds or green tea bandits, the crave to chew again hit me like it was week 2 of my quit. It was f-ing terrible!!!! So here I am again, posting and chatting my way through another phase of my quit!!

I was arrogant and foolish and I apologize. I won't cave, my quit is strong. I can't say I'll post roll forever, but for now I'm back to fighting for my quit here at KTC.

Offline Doc Chewfree

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Re: Intro
« Reply #54 on: March 18, 2014, 02:15:00 PM »
Quote from: h_prime
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: h_prime
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: Raider
Quote from: h_prime
Day 10.  Just barely able to see myself without a chew in. 

In the beginning of this it was all but impossible to imagine myself doing things without a chew in.  Couldn't picture myself playing golf, couldn't envision myself fishing, or sitting in a movie theater without it.  Hell I haven't seen a movie, in a theater, without a dip in my lip for at least 15 yrs. 

So at day 10, I am just starting to be able to see myself, to close my eyes and picture myself without it.
I feel the same way. I thought the other day as I was heading out to clean up the backyard that I usually dipped while doing this. Fishing will be the real test. I do make sure I have some fake just in case I need it.
We don't need a dip to do anything! "Normal" people don't need it why would we? Quit giving nic so much credit. You just have to make different associations. I have never even been an adult without nic. For 36+ years everything I did with a dip in...hunting, fishing, walking, working, shitting, fucking...Not anymore!
Sack up guys...don't define yourself by nics standards.
This is what I was talking about when I said I'm really not interested in this "internet tough guy" approach. I'm doing my quit, my way, and making my journal about my journey incase it's helpful for someone else to follow in the future.

Posts like this make me think why even bother with this site. I'm posting about honest thoughts and observations as I move through this process, and here comes "Joe the dick waving tough guy"...."I've been doing it it longer"...."I'm better"..."I did more with less"..."I had it tougher"'s always one up with these cats.

So Doc....I don't need your "sac up" advice...take your john wayne stuff to someone else's thread.
Sorry if I offended you. Didn't think I was being a tough guy. I was just trying to give you a different perspective. I don't feel that I have anything down any better than anyone else and it doesn't matter how long anyone has been quit or chewed. We are all one bad decision away from a cave.
I know that when I was just posting what I was feeling, some of the most helpful comments to me were the ones that picked up on something and gave me a hard time for it.
I used to feel just like you. How can I ever go fishing, bow hunting or to turkey camp with nicotine. I have adjusted my thinking and was trying to share that perspective. Tough love.
Anyway, quit strong.
Maybe just a bad attitude morning on my part. Read way more into that than I needed to. Maybe I was looking for something to bitch about!!

My bad....turning the page and rolling on!

@ Doc_Chewfree----apologies
No need, bro. I've got the same shit goin on today. Must be the spring weather.
BTW I use your thread for me as much as for you. So the comment was just me pontificating.
Quit with you.
Brave men are honored, rich men are envied, powerful men are feared, but only a man with character is trusted
Quit on Feb. 6, 2014

Offline h_prime

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Re: Intro
« Reply #53 on: March 18, 2014, 01:17:00 PM »
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: h_prime
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: Raider
Quote from: h_prime
Day 10.  Just barely able to see myself without a chew in. 

In the beginning of this it was all but impossible to imagine myself doing things without a chew in.  Couldn't picture myself playing golf, couldn't envision myself fishing, or sitting in a movie theater without it.  Hell I haven't seen a movie, in a theater, without a dip in my lip for at least 15 yrs. 

So at day 10, I am just starting to be able to see myself, to close my eyes and picture myself without it.
I feel the same way. I thought the other day as I was heading out to clean up the backyard that I usually dipped while doing this. Fishing will be the real test. I do make sure I have some fake just in case I need it.
We don't need a dip to do anything! "Normal" people don't need it why would we? Quit giving nic so much credit. You just have to make different associations. I have never even been an adult without nic. For 36+ years everything I did with a dip in...hunting, fishing, walking, working, shitting, fucking...Not anymore!
Sack up guys...don't define yourself by nics standards.
This is what I was talking about when I said I'm really not interested in this "internet tough guy" approach. I'm doing my quit, my way, and making my journal about my journey incase it's helpful for someone else to follow in the future.

Posts like this make me think why even bother with this site. I'm posting about honest thoughts and observations as I move through this process, and here comes "Joe the dick waving tough guy"...."I've been doing it it longer"...."I'm better"..."I did more with less"..."I had it tougher"'s always one up with these cats.

So Doc....I don't need your "sac up" advice...take your john wayne stuff to someone else's thread.
Sorry if I offended you. Didn't think I was being a tough guy. I was just trying to give you a different perspective. I don't feel that I have anything down any better than anyone else and it doesn't matter how long anyone has been quit or chewed. We are all one bad decision away from a cave.
I know that when I was just posting what I was feeling, some of the most helpful comments to me were the ones that picked up on something and gave me a hard time for it.
I used to feel just like you. How can I ever go fishing, bow hunting or to turkey camp with nicotine. I have adjusted my thinking and was trying to share that perspective. Tough love.
Anyway, quit strong.
Maybe just a bad attitude morning on my part. Read way more into that than I needed to. Maybe I was looking for something to bitch about!!

My bad....turning the page and rolling on!

@ Doc_Chewfree----apologies

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Re: Intro
« Reply #52 on: March 18, 2014, 12:29:00 PM »
Quote from: slug.go
Quote from: LeonardThompson
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: h_prime
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: Raider
Quote from: h_prime
Day 10.  Just barely able to see myself without a chew in. 

In the beginning of this it was all but impossible to imagine myself doing things without a chew in.  Couldn't picture myself playing golf, couldn't envision myself fishing, or sitting in a movie theater without it.  Hell I haven't seen a movie, in a theater, without a dip in my lip for at least 15 yrs. 

So at day 10, I am just starting to be able to see myself, to close my eyes and picture myself without it.
I feel the same way. I thought the other day as I was heading out to clean up the backyard that I usually dipped while doing this. Fishing will be the real test. I do make sure I have some fake just in case I need it.
We don't need a dip to do anything! "Normal" people don't need it why would we? Quit giving nic so much credit. You just have to make different associations. I have never even been an adult without nic. For 36+ years everything I did with a dip in...hunting, fishing, walking, working, shitting, fucking...Not anymore!
Sack up guys...don't define yourself by nics standards.
This is what I was talking about when I said I'm really not interested in this "internet tough guy" approach. I'm doing my quit, my way, and making my journal about my journey incase it's helpful for someone else to follow in the future.

Posts like this make me think why even bother with this site. I'm posting about honest thoughts and observations as I move through this process, and here comes "Joe the dick waving tough guy"...."I've been doing it it longer"...."I'm better"..."I did more with less"..."I had it tougher"'s always one up with these cats.

So Doc....I don't need your "sac up" advice...take your john wayne stuff to someone else's thread.
Sorry if I offended you. Didn't think I was being a tough guy. I was just trying to give you a different perspective. I don't feel that I have anything down any better than anyone else and it doesn't matter how long anyone has been quit or chewed. We are all one bad decision away from a cave.
I know that when I was just posting what I was feeling, some of the most helpful comments to me were the ones that picked up on something and gave me a hard time for it.
I used to feel just like you. How can I ever go fishing, bow hunting or to turkey camp with nicotine. I have adjusted my thinking and was trying to share that perspective. Tough love.
Anyway, quit strong.

Take that picture you've formed, and just do it now. All of those things you thought you needed dip for, you just gotta do them. Plow through and notch the victory.

I've wrestled with this for most of my quit. How am I going to get X,Y, or Z done without a dip? But it's just an illusion of the addiction. Your addiction to nicotine is causing you to feel fear/anxiety so that you will feed it. It's the same thing as feeling hungry or tired. The tobacco companies really were on to something with this whole nicotine thing. It's sinister. Let me know if you need anything.

Also, read this if you haven't already. It totally opened my eyes.
Prime, there's a saying here, 'take what you need, leave the rest'. Everyone has their own approach, use yours since it works for you, don't take others words so much to heart. We're all in the same boat, pulling on the oars, some just pull differently. You got this, I'm with you, just like bunch of other quitters!
I agree with Slug. Take this one day at a time. Take what you need from this site. There are plenty of people who are quitting along side you. You quit your way as long as you stay nic-free and quit every day
"Frank Pierce: Saving someone's life is like falling in love. The best drug in the world." - Bringing Out The Dead

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Re: Intro
« Reply #51 on: March 18, 2014, 11:51:00 AM »
Quote from: LeonardThompson
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: h_prime
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: Raider
Quote from: h_prime
Day 10.  Just barely able to see myself without a chew in. 

In the beginning of this it was all but impossible to imagine myself doing things without a chew in.  Couldn't picture myself playing golf, couldn't envision myself fishing, or sitting in a movie theater without it.  Hell I haven't seen a movie, in a theater, without a dip in my lip for at least 15 yrs. 

So at day 10, I am just starting to be able to see myself, to close my eyes and picture myself without it.
I feel the same way. I thought the other day as I was heading out to clean up the backyard that I usually dipped while doing this. Fishing will be the real test. I do make sure I have some fake just in case I need it.
We don't need a dip to do anything! "Normal" people don't need it why would we? Quit giving nic so much credit. You just have to make different associations. I have never even been an adult without nic. For 36+ years everything I did with a dip in...hunting, fishing, walking, working, shitting, fucking...Not anymore!
Sack up guys...don't define yourself by nics standards.
This is what I was talking about when I said I'm really not interested in this "internet tough guy" approach. I'm doing my quit, my way, and making my journal about my journey incase it's helpful for someone else to follow in the future.

Posts like this make me think why even bother with this site. I'm posting about honest thoughts and observations as I move through this process, and here comes "Joe the dick waving tough guy"...."I've been doing it it longer"...."I'm better"..."I did more with less"..."I had it tougher"'s always one up with these cats.

So Doc....I don't need your "sac up" advice...take your john wayne stuff to someone else's thread.
Sorry if I offended you. Didn't think I was being a tough guy. I was just trying to give you a different perspective. I don't feel that I have anything down any better than anyone else and it doesn't matter how long anyone has been quit or chewed. We are all one bad decision away from a cave.
I know that when I was just posting what I was feeling, some of the most helpful comments to me were the ones that picked up on something and gave me a hard time for it.
I used to feel just like you. How can I ever go fishing, bow hunting or to turkey camp with nicotine. I have adjusted my thinking and was trying to share that perspective. Tough love.
Anyway, quit strong.

Take that picture you've formed, and just do it now. All of those things you thought you needed dip for, you just gotta do them. Plow through and notch the victory.

I've wrestled with this for most of my quit. How am I going to get X,Y, or Z done without a dip? But it's just an illusion of the addiction. Your addiction to nicotine is causing you to feel fear/anxiety so that you will feed it. It's the same thing as feeling hungry or tired. The tobacco companies really were on to something with this whole nicotine thing. It's sinister. Let me know if you need anything.

Also, read this if you haven't already. It totally opened my eyes.
Prime, there's a saying here, 'take what you need, leave the rest'. Everyone has their own approach, use yours since it works for you, don't take others words so much to heart. We're all in the same boat, pulling on the oars, some just pull differently. You got this, I'm with you, just like bunch of other quitters!
Quit since 1/23/14

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Re: Intro
« Reply #50 on: March 18, 2014, 11:38:00 AM »
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: h_prime
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: Raider
Quote from: h_prime
Day 10.  Just barely able to see myself without a chew in. 

In the beginning of this it was all but impossible to imagine myself doing things without a chew in.  Couldn't picture myself playing golf, couldn't envision myself fishing, or sitting in a movie theater without it.  Hell I haven't seen a movie, in a theater, without a dip in my lip for at least 15 yrs. 

So at day 10, I am just starting to be able to see myself, to close my eyes and picture myself without it.
I feel the same way. I thought the other day as I was heading out to clean up the backyard that I usually dipped while doing this. Fishing will be the real test. I do make sure I have some fake just in case I need it.
We don't need a dip to do anything! "Normal" people don't need it why would we? Quit giving nic so much credit. You just have to make different associations. I have never even been an adult without nic. For 36+ years everything I did with a dip in...hunting, fishing, walking, working, shitting, fucking...Not anymore!
Sack up guys...don't define yourself by nics standards.
This is what I was talking about when I said I'm really not interested in this "internet tough guy" approach. I'm doing my quit, my way, and making my journal about my journey incase it's helpful for someone else to follow in the future.

Posts like this make me think why even bother with this site. I'm posting about honest thoughts and observations as I move through this process, and here comes "Joe the dick waving tough guy"...."I've been doing it it longer"...."I'm better"..."I did more with less"..."I had it tougher"'s always one up with these cats.

So Doc....I don't need your "sac up" advice...take your john wayne stuff to someone else's thread.
Sorry if I offended you. Didn't think I was being a tough guy. I was just trying to give you a different perspective. I don't feel that I have anything down any better than anyone else and it doesn't matter how long anyone has been quit or chewed. We are all one bad decision away from a cave.
I know that when I was just posting what I was feeling, some of the most helpful comments to me were the ones that picked up on something and gave me a hard time for it.
I used to feel just like you. How can I ever go fishing, bow hunting or to turkey camp with nicotine. I have adjusted my thinking and was trying to share that perspective. Tough love.
Anyway, quit strong.

Take that picture you've formed, and just do it now. All of those things you thought you needed dip for, you just gotta do them. Plow through and notch the victory.

I've wrestled with this for most of my quit. How am I going to get X,Y, or Z done without a dip? But it's just an illusion of the addiction. Your addiction to nicotine is causing you to feel fear/anxiety so that you will feed it. It's the same thing as feeling hungry or tired. The tobacco companies really were on to something with this whole nicotine thing. It's sinister. Let me know if you need anything.

Also, read this if you haven't already. It totally opened my eyes.

Offline Doc Chewfree

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Re: Intro
« Reply #49 on: March 18, 2014, 10:51:00 AM »
Quote from: h_prime
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: Raider
Quote from: h_prime
Day 10.  Just barely able to see myself without a chew in. 

In the beginning of this it was all but impossible to imagine myself doing things without a chew in.  Couldn't picture myself playing golf, couldn't envision myself fishing, or sitting in a movie theater without it.  Hell I haven't seen a movie, in a theater, without a dip in my lip for at least 15 yrs. 

So at day 10, I am just starting to be able to see myself, to close my eyes and picture myself without it.
I feel the same way. I thought the other day as I was heading out to clean up the backyard that I usually dipped while doing this. Fishing will be the real test. I do make sure I have some fake just in case I need it.
We don't need a dip to do anything! "Normal" people don't need it why would we? Quit giving nic so much credit. You just have to make different associations. I have never even been an adult without nic. For 36+ years everything I did with a dip in...hunting, fishing, walking, working, shitting, fucking...Not anymore!
Sack up guys...don't define yourself by nics standards.
This is what I was talking about when I said I'm really not interested in this "internet tough guy" approach. I'm doing my quit, my way, and making my journal about my journey incase it's helpful for someone else to follow in the future.

Posts like this make me think why even bother with this site. I'm posting about honest thoughts and observations as I move through this process, and here comes "Joe the dick waving tough guy"...."I've been doing it it longer"...."I'm better"..."I did more with less"..."I had it tougher"'s always one up with these cats.

So Doc....I don't need your "sac up" advice...take your john wayne stuff to someone else's thread.
Sorry if I offended you. Didn't think I was being a tough guy. I was just trying to give you a different perspective. I don't feel that I have anything down any better than anyone else and it doesn't matter how long anyone has been quit or chewed. We are all one bad decision away from a cave.
I know that when I was just posting what I was feeling, some of the most helpful comments to me were the ones that picked up on something and gave me a hard time for it.
I used to feel just like you. How can I ever go fishing, bow hunting or to turkey camp with nicotine. I have adjusted my thinking and was trying to share that perspective. Tough love.
Anyway, quit strong.
Brave men are honored, rich men are envied, powerful men are feared, but only a man with character is trusted
Quit on Feb. 6, 2014

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Re: Intro
« Reply #48 on: March 18, 2014, 10:28:00 AM »
Quote from: h_prime
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: Raider
Quote from: h_prime
Day 10.  Just barely able to see myself without a chew in. 

In the beginning of this it was all but impossible to imagine myself doing things without a chew in.  Couldn't picture myself playing golf, couldn't envision myself fishing, or sitting in a movie theater without it.  Hell I haven't seen a movie, in a theater, without a dip in my lip for at least 15 yrs. 

So at day 10, I am just starting to be able to see myself, to close my eyes and picture myself without it.
I feel the same way. I thought the other day as I was heading out to clean up the backyard that I usually dipped while doing this. Fishing will be the real test. I do make sure I have some fake just in case I need it.
We don't need a dip to do anything! "Normal" people don't need it why would we? Quit giving nic so much credit. You just have to make different associations. I have never even been an adult without nic. For 36+ years everything I did with a dip in...hunting, fishing, walking, working, shitting, fucking...Not anymore!
Sack up guys...don't define yourself by nics standards.
This is what I was talking about when I said I'm really not interested in this "internet tough guy" approach. I'm doing my quit, my way, and making my journal about my journey incase it's helpful for someone else to follow in the future.

Posts like this make me think why even bother with this site. I'm posting about honest thoughts and observations as I move through this process, and here comes "Joe the dick waving tough guy"...."I've been doing it it longer"...."I'm better"..."I did more with less"..."I had it tougher"'s always one up with these cats.

So Doc....I don't need your "sac up" advice...take your john wayne stuff to someone else's thread.
hey bro...unfortunately this is a message board

we're all here together quitting nicotine, we're all heroes. Everyone is different.

Keep your quit.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
Exercise Start Date: 6/29/2018

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Re: Intro
« Reply #47 on: March 18, 2014, 10:25:00 AM »
Quote from: h_prime
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: Raider
Quote from: h_prime
Day 10.  Just barely able to see myself without a chew in. 

In the beginning of this it was all but impossible to imagine myself doing things without a chew in.  Couldn't picture myself playing golf, couldn't envision myself fishing, or sitting in a movie theater without it.  Hell I haven't seen a movie, in a theater, without a dip in my lip for at least 15 yrs. 

So at day 10, I am just starting to be able to see myself, to close my eyes and picture myself without it.
I feel the same way. I thought the other day as I was heading out to clean up the backyard that I usually dipped while doing this. Fishing will be the real test. I do make sure I have some fake just in case I need it.
We don't need a dip to do anything! "Normal" people don't need it why would we? Quit giving nic so much credit. You just have to make different associations. I have never even been an adult without nic. For 36+ years everything I did with a dip in...hunting, fishing, walking, working, shitting, fucking...Not anymore!
Sack up guys...don't define yourself by nics standards.
This is what I was talking about when I said I'm really not interested in this "internet tough guy" approach. I'm doing my quit, my way, and making my journal about my journey incase it's helpful for someone else to follow in the future.

Posts like this make me think why even bother with this site. I'm posting about honest thoughts and observations as I move through this process, and here comes "Joe the dick waving tough guy"...."I've been doing it it longer"...."I'm better"..."I did more with less"..."I had it tougher"'s always one up with these cats.

So Doc....I don't need your "sac up" advice...take your john wayne stuff to someone else's thread.
I also am not implying that dipping is "normal" It's a thought that crosses the mind when I am doing certain things where dipping "was" normal for me. Of course it is no longer normal but the thoughts still cross the mind. My quit is quite safe but I am always on guard. As Prime said, this is a journal to record our thoughts and with that being said, I can see where people will stray because of certain comments.

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Re: Intro
« Reply #46 on: March 18, 2014, 10:10:00 AM »
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: Raider
Quote from: h_prime
Day 10.  Just barely able to see myself without a chew in. 

In the beginning of this it was all but impossible to imagine myself doing things without a chew in.  Couldn't picture myself playing golf, couldn't envision myself fishing, or sitting in a movie theater without it.  Hell I haven't seen a movie, in a theater, without a dip in my lip for at least 15 yrs. 

So at day 10, I am just starting to be able to see myself, to close my eyes and picture myself without it.
I feel the same way. I thought the other day as I was heading out to clean up the backyard that I usually dipped while doing this. Fishing will be the real test. I do make sure I have some fake just in case I need it.
We don't need a dip to do anything! "Normal" people don't need it why would we? Quit giving nic so much credit. You just have to make different associations. I have never even been an adult without nic. For 36+ years everything I did with a dip in...hunting, fishing, walking, working, shitting, fucking...Not anymore!
Sack up guys...don't define yourself by nics standards.
This is what I was talking about when I said I'm really not interested in this "internet tough guy" approach. I'm doing my quit, my way, and making my journal about my journey incase it's helpful for someone else to follow in the future.

Posts like this make me think why even bother with this site. I'm posting about honest thoughts and observations as I move through this process, and here comes "Joe the dick waving tough guy"...."I've been doing it it longer"...."I'm better"..."I did more with less"..."I had it tougher"'s always one up with these cats.

So Doc....I don't need your "sac up" advice...take your john wayne stuff to someone else's thread.

Offline Doc Chewfree

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Re: Intro
« Reply #45 on: March 18, 2014, 09:37:00 AM »
Quote from: Raider
Quote from: h_prime
Day 10.  Just barely able to see myself without a chew in. 

In the beginning of this it was all but impossible to imagine myself doing things without a chew in.  Couldn't picture myself playing golf, couldn't envision myself fishing, or sitting in a movie theater without it.  Hell I haven't seen a movie, in a theater, without a dip in my lip for at least 15 yrs. 

So at day 10, I am just starting to be able to see myself, to close my eyes and picture myself without it.
I feel the same way. I thought the other day as I was heading out to clean up the backyard that I usually dipped while doing this. Fishing will be the real test. I do make sure I have some fake just in case I need it.
We don't need a dip to do anything! "Normal" people don't need it why would we? Quit giving nic so much credit. You just have to make different associations. I have never even been an adult without nic. For 36+ years everything I did with a dip in...hunting, fishing, walking, working, shitting, fucking...Not anymore!
Sack up guys...don't define yourself by nics standards.
Brave men are honored, rich men are envied, powerful men are feared, but only a man with character is trusted
Quit on Feb. 6, 2014