Author Topic: Intro  (Read 3303 times)

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Re: Intro
« Reply #29 on: March 12, 2014, 03:30:00 PM »
Quote from: D2maine
Quote from: dunlapsig
Quote from: slug.go
Quote from: h_prime
Day 4 report.

Day 3 wasn't too bad, got through work ok, no real issues.  I maybe got a little over confident actually that this wouldn't be too bad.

My commute home is usually a 10 min train ride, followed by 45 min commuter bus, because I can't sit for 4 hrs a day in traffic.  The commute today was semi nightmarish, the crave was strong.  So strong I started to sweat and panic, legit panic.  I had nothing, left all my gum and candy at the office.

Stared at the KTC chat scroll, threw out a little mayday and some solid gents helped me pass the time. 

That crave lasted until about 8 or 9pm, seriously 3+ hr vicious crave.  I dipped coffee grinds 3 or 4 times, made a bandit out of chamomile tea, and ate so many damn skittles my teeth were glued shut.  Waking up this morning felt like a win!!

Day 4, back on the water, gum, and candy!!  Streak is still alive at 4 days!!
Never forget that feeling, you don't ever want to go back there again. Powerful quit you have going on!
Nice work, chalk that one up in the victory column, today is a new day. New set of stressors and triggers. Love that you went on Chat and reached out to your KTC brothers. Learn from your experience and the craves will get easier.
nice to meet you on chat last night...what is your plan for today's commute?

some of the strength of that crave was because you were unprepared and the bitch sensed weakness, never ever give her that chance again.
Glad you got past that crave. Make sure to keep gum, candy, whatever with you in case another one hits. Cravings are a bitch but you can get through it. Glad to hear that coming on here helped you out, too. Not sure if you connected with someone as far as getting phone numbers exchanged, but that can help too (i.e. texting someone who knows what you're going through to help you get past the crave).
"Frank Pierce: Saving someone's life is like falling in love. The best drug in the world." - Bringing Out The Dead

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Offline D2maine

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Re: Intro
« Reply #28 on: March 12, 2014, 12:09:00 PM »
Quote from: dunlapsig
Quote from: slug.go
Quote from: h_prime
Day 4 report.

Day 3 wasn't too bad, got through work ok, no real issues.  I maybe got a little over confident actually that this wouldn't be too bad.

My commute home is usually a 10 min train ride, followed by 45 min commuter bus, because I can't sit for 4 hrs a day in traffic.  The commute today was semi nightmarish, the crave was strong.  So strong I started to sweat and panic, legit panic.  I had nothing, left all my gum and candy at the office.

Stared at the KTC chat scroll, threw out a little mayday and some solid gents helped me pass the time. 

That crave lasted until about 8 or 9pm, seriously 3+ hr vicious crave.  I dipped coffee grinds 3 or 4 times, made a bandit out of chamomile tea, and ate so many damn skittles my teeth were glued shut.  Waking up this morning felt like a win!!

Day 4, back on the water, gum, and candy!!  Streak is still alive at 4 days!!
Never forget that feeling, you don't ever want to go back there again. Powerful quit you have going on!
Nice work, chalk that one up in the victory column, today is a new day. New set of stressors and triggers. Love that you went on Chat and reached out to your KTC brothers. Learn from your experience and the craves will get easier.
nice to meet you on chat last night...what is your plan for today's commute?

some of the strength of that crave was because you were unprepared and the bitch sensed weakness, never ever give her that chance again.

Offline dunlapsig

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Re: Intro
« Reply #27 on: March 12, 2014, 10:16:00 AM »
Quote from: slug.go
Quote from: h_prime
Day 4 report.

Day 3 wasn't too bad, got through work ok, no real issues.  I maybe got a little over confident actually that this wouldn't be too bad.

My commute home is usually a 10 min train ride, followed by 45 min commuter bus, because I can't sit for 4 hrs a day in traffic.  The commute today was semi nightmarish, the crave was strong.  So strong I started to sweat and panic, legit panic.  I had nothing, left all my gum and candy at the office.

Stared at the KTC chat scroll, threw out a little mayday and some solid gents helped me pass the time. 

That crave lasted until about 8 or 9pm, seriously 3+ hr vicious crave.  I dipped coffee grinds 3 or 4 times, made a bandit out of chamomile tea, and ate so many damn skittles my teeth were glued shut.  Waking up this morning felt like a win!!

Day 4, back on the water, gum, and candy!!  Streak is still alive at 4 days!!
Never forget that feeling, you don't ever want to go back there again. Powerful quit you have going on!
Nice work, chalk that one up in the victory column, today is a new day. New set of stressors and triggers. Love that you went on Chat and reached out to your KTC brothers. Learn from your experience and the craves will get easier.

Offline slug.go

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Re: Intro
« Reply #26 on: March 12, 2014, 10:02:00 AM »
Quote from: h_prime
Day 4 report.

Day 3 wasn't too bad, got through work ok, no real issues. I maybe got a little over confident actually that this wouldn't be too bad.

My commute home is usually a 10 min train ride, followed by 45 min commuter bus, because I can't sit for 4 hrs a day in traffic. The commute today was semi nightmarish, the crave was strong. So strong I started to sweat and panic, legit panic. I had nothing, left all my gum and candy at the office.

Stared at the KTC chat scroll, threw out a little mayday and some solid gents helped me pass the time.

That crave lasted until about 8 or 9pm, seriously 3+ hr vicious crave. I dipped coffee grinds 3 or 4 times, made a bandit out of chamomile tea, and ate so many damn skittles my teeth were glued shut. Waking up this morning felt like a win!!

Day 4, back on the water, gum, and candy!! Streak is still alive at 4 days!!
Never forget that feeling, you don't ever want to go back there again. Powerful quit you have going on!
Quit since 1/23/14

Offline h_prime

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Re: Intro
« Reply #25 on: March 12, 2014, 09:39:00 AM »
Day 4 report.

Day 3 wasn't too bad, got through work ok, no real issues. I maybe got a little over confident actually that this wouldn't be too bad.

My commute home is usually a 10 min train ride, followed by 45 min commuter bus, because I can't sit for 4 hrs a day in traffic. The commute today was semi nightmarish, the crave was strong. So strong I started to sweat and panic, legit panic. I had nothing, left all my gum and candy at the office.

Stared at the KTC chat scroll, threw out a little mayday and some solid gents helped me pass the time.

That crave lasted until about 8 or 9pm, seriously 3+ hr vicious crave. I dipped coffee grinds 3 or 4 times, made a bandit out of chamomile tea, and ate so many damn skittles my teeth were glued shut. Waking up this morning felt like a win!!

Day 4, back on the water, gum, and candy!! Streak is still alive at 4 days!!

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Re: Intro
« Reply #24 on: March 11, 2014, 12:08:00 PM »
Quote from: h_prime
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: h_prime
Quote from: dunlapsig
Quote from: h_prime
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: h_prime
Good stuff.     I'm a little too old to get all jazzed up with the tough guy/internet manhood challenge.  I don't have to hate anything, nor do I have to be fueled with faux rage to accomplish not putting a dip in my mouth.  It's an inanimate object, and the game is with my mind, not the object.

I'm not here for "motivation", (although thanks for the effort, if it was sincere) nor do I need to justify my quit sufficient for you to believe it.  If you wanted to quit and you did, I'm happy for you.  If you're in the middle of a quit, I'm rooting for you, but I won't be sending you bunch of internet tough talk.  If you want share a laugh and and talk about the weird stuff the first 2 or 3 weeks of quit does to you, let's chat it up.
I'm not sure how to take your comments. I'm gonna take them as part of your foggy early days of quit. So you don't want motivation, what do you want? There is a lot of wisdom from years of quitting here that can help you with this very tough thing you are beginning. You may be to old to get jazzed up with the tough guy talk. Let me tell you I'm probably older than you and I'll suggest you find something to get jazzed up about to keep your quit in the front of your priorities. If you don't I can promise you that in a short time you will quit posting and before long you'll be thumping that can again. Those of us that have been here awhile have seen it over and over. The tough treatment is tough "love". Often we care more about the new quitter than they care about it.
I hear what you're saying, and who knows what I'm saying I haven't had a chew 61 hours :). When 3 days doesn't seem like a big number, I count hours.

I have zero doubt that people here have tons of experience with quitting. The reason I say "I" (speaking for me personally) don't want "motivation" is.....If I was here a year ago, all the motivation in the world from all the people here wouldn't have helped me quit. I wasn't ready, I hadn't decided to do it yet.

What I was looking for when i found this forum, was a place to chat with other people who are quitting, to be able to joke about the weird stuff, example, last night I woke up maybe half a dozen times thinking it had to be almost time for the alarm clock to go off, but in reality only an hour or two had passed. Strange feeling!! Or why is the crave so strong after eating? How am I going to take a morning crap without a cup of joe and lip full.

You might very well be 100% correct, that in a short time I might quit posting, I might start chewing again. Or I might quit posting because I don't need to discuss not chewing anymore to help me get past this phase. I don't pretend to know how this will end, nor do I guarantee victory. All I know is - I haven't had a chew today, and thats good enough for today.
Cancer is not a joke. Life or death is not a joke. Maybe "tough love" isn't your thing and I would like to give you the benefit of the doubt that you will stay quit, but with a "maybe I'll stay quit or maybe I won't stay quit" attitude I have my doubts.
I've been here all of 2 days. LOL I'm not grandstanding about this quit, but I find it funny how straight out of the gate u get a bunch "ehhh...never gonna make it....aint got the right attitude". How many people come in here pounding their chests, doing the peacock strut?? How many come through here screaming and ranting how much they hate it!!! Only to flame out in a few days or a week.

I'm just honest enough to admit I can't say "I'll never chew again" maybe in a few weeks or a few months I will be able to say that.

All I can say "truthfully" is I haven't had a chew today.
Your right your concentration must be on today just don't leave leave any doors open. Check your inbox (1) I'm here if you need accountability.
So I found this in one of the forums "An Open Letter to New Quitters, Why are we dicks?"

Now I get the approach. LOL

Instead of AA for quitting chew, I found Fight Club, for quitting chew!!
Stay calm and quit on. Reading is optional. Posting roll is mandatory.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
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Offline dunlapsig

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Re: Intro
« Reply #23 on: March 11, 2014, 12:05:00 PM »
Quote from: h_prime
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: h_prime
Quote from: dunlapsig
Quote from: h_prime
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: h_prime
Good stuff.     I'm a little too old to get all jazzed up with the tough guy/internet manhood challenge.  I don't have to hate anything, nor do I have to be fueled with faux rage to accomplish not putting a dip in my mouth.  It's an inanimate object, and the game is with my mind, not the object.

I'm not here for "motivation", (although thanks for the effort, if it was sincere) nor do I need to justify my quit sufficient for you to believe it.  If you wanted to quit and you did, I'm happy for you.  If you're in the middle of a quit, I'm rooting for you, but I won't be sending you bunch of internet tough talk.  If you want share a laugh and and talk about the weird stuff the first 2 or 3 weeks of quit does to you, let's chat it up.
I'm not sure how to take your comments. I'm gonna take them as part of your foggy early days of quit. So you don't want motivation, what do you want? There is a lot of wisdom from years of quitting here that can help you with this very tough thing you are beginning. You may be to old to get jazzed up with the tough guy talk. Let me tell you I'm probably older than you and I'll suggest you find something to get jazzed up about to keep your quit in the front of your priorities. If you don't I can promise you that in a short time you will quit posting and before long you'll be thumping that can again. Those of us that have been here awhile have seen it over and over. The tough treatment is tough "love". Often we care more about the new quitter than they care about it.
I hear what you're saying, and who knows what I'm saying I haven't had a chew 61 hours :). When 3 days doesn't seem like a big number, I count hours.

I have zero doubt that people here have tons of experience with quitting. The reason I say "I" (speaking for me personally) don't want "motivation" is.....If I was here a year ago, all the motivation in the world from all the people here wouldn't have helped me quit. I wasn't ready, I hadn't decided to do it yet.

What I was looking for when i found this forum, was a place to chat with other people who are quitting, to be able to joke about the weird stuff, example, last night I woke up maybe half a dozen times thinking it had to be almost time for the alarm clock to go off, but in reality only an hour or two had passed. Strange feeling!! Or why is the crave so strong after eating? How am I going to take a morning crap without a cup of joe and lip full.

You might very well be 100% correct, that in a short time I might quit posting, I might start chewing again. Or I might quit posting because I don't need to discuss not chewing anymore to help me get past this phase. I don't pretend to know how this will end, nor do I guarantee victory. All I know is - I haven't had a chew today, and thats good enough for today.
Cancer is not a joke. Life or death is not a joke. Maybe "tough love" isn't your thing and I would like to give you the benefit of the doubt that you will stay quit, but with a "maybe I'll stay quit or maybe I won't stay quit" attitude I have my doubts.
I've been here all of 2 days. LOL I'm not grandstanding about this quit, but I find it funny how straight out of the gate u get a bunch "ehhh...never gonna make it....aint got the right attitude". How many people come in here pounding their chests, doing the peacock strut?? How many come through here screaming and ranting how much they hate it!!! Only to flame out in a few days or a week.

I'm just honest enough to admit I can't say "I'll never chew again" maybe in a few weeks or a few months I will be able to say that.

All I can say "truthfully" is I haven't had a chew today.
Your right your concentration must be on today just don't leave leave any doors open. Check your inbox (1) I'm here if you need accountability.
So I found this in one of the forums "An Open Letter to New Quitters, Why are we dicks?"

Now I get the approach. LOL

Instead of AA for quitting chew, I found Fight Club, for quitting chew!!
well we are all fighting the same fight, with each other... suporting one another. It's not a requirement to be angry to quit. I wasn't angry... I just didn't want something controlling my life anymore.

Some things that should make you angry though:

Your quote-I can't live without it.

Don't you hate how something has control over you? (insert married joke here)

Your quote-20 years of dipping.

Head on over to the homepage and plug in the numbers for the handy dandy dip calculator. Look at the total number of dollars you have spent on dirt over your lifetime. You can't say that was "money well spent" on a product that is killing you.

What made me angry was time it pulled me away from my family, time I won't be able to get back.

You are the one in control of your quit and no one is telling you how to do it. We just do it in here everyday trying to help other people along with their quit, not everything everyone says will click right with you but we all really do want you to be fucking quit.

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Re: Intro
« Reply #22 on: March 11, 2014, 11:47:00 AM »
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: h_prime
Quote from: dunlapsig
Quote from: h_prime
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: h_prime
Good stuff.     I'm a little too old to get all jazzed up with the tough guy/internet manhood challenge.  I don't have to hate anything, nor do I have to be fueled with faux rage to accomplish not putting a dip in my mouth.  It's an inanimate object, and the game is with my mind, not the object.

I'm not here for "motivation", (although thanks for the effort, if it was sincere) nor do I need to justify my quit sufficient for you to believe it.  If you wanted to quit and you did, I'm happy for you.  If you're in the middle of a quit, I'm rooting for you, but I won't be sending you bunch of internet tough talk.  If you want share a laugh and and talk about the weird stuff the first 2 or 3 weeks of quit does to you, let's chat it up.
I'm not sure how to take your comments. I'm gonna take them as part of your foggy early days of quit. So you don't want motivation, what do you want? There is a lot of wisdom from years of quitting here that can help you with this very tough thing you are beginning. You may be to old to get jazzed up with the tough guy talk. Let me tell you I'm probably older than you and I'll suggest you find something to get jazzed up about to keep your quit in the front of your priorities. If you don't I can promise you that in a short time you will quit posting and before long you'll be thumping that can again. Those of us that have been here awhile have seen it over and over. The tough treatment is tough "love". Often we care more about the new quitter than they care about it.
I hear what you're saying, and who knows what I'm saying I haven't had a chew 61 hours :). When 3 days doesn't seem like a big number, I count hours.

I have zero doubt that people here have tons of experience with quitting. The reason I say "I" (speaking for me personally) don't want "motivation" is.....If I was here a year ago, all the motivation in the world from all the people here wouldn't have helped me quit. I wasn't ready, I hadn't decided to do it yet.

What I was looking for when i found this forum, was a place to chat with other people who are quitting, to be able to joke about the weird stuff, example, last night I woke up maybe half a dozen times thinking it had to be almost time for the alarm clock to go off, but in reality only an hour or two had passed. Strange feeling!! Or why is the crave so strong after eating? How am I going to take a morning crap without a cup of joe and lip full.

You might very well be 100% correct, that in a short time I might quit posting, I might start chewing again. Or I might quit posting because I don't need to discuss not chewing anymore to help me get past this phase. I don't pretend to know how this will end, nor do I guarantee victory. All I know is - I haven't had a chew today, and thats good enough for today.
Cancer is not a joke. Life or death is not a joke. Maybe "tough love" isn't your thing and I would like to give you the benefit of the doubt that you will stay quit, but with a "maybe I'll stay quit or maybe I won't stay quit" attitude I have my doubts.
I've been here all of 2 days. LOL I'm not grandstanding about this quit, but I find it funny how straight out of the gate u get a bunch "ehhh...never gonna make it....aint got the right attitude". How many people come in here pounding their chests, doing the peacock strut?? How many come through here screaming and ranting how much they hate it!!! Only to flame out in a few days or a week.

I'm just honest enough to admit I can't say "I'll never chew again" maybe in a few weeks or a few months I will be able to say that.

All I can say "truthfully" is I haven't had a chew today.
Your right your concentration must be on today just don't leave leave any doors open. Check your inbox (1) I'm here if you need accountability.
So I found this in one of the forums "An Open Letter to New Quitters, Why are we dicks?"

Now I get the approach. LOL

Instead of AA for quitting chew, I found Fight Club, for quitting chew!!

Offline Wt57

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Re: Intro
« Reply #21 on: March 11, 2014, 11:39:00 AM »
Quote from: h_prime
Quote from: dunlapsig
Quote from: h_prime
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: h_prime
Good stuff.     I'm a little too old to get all jazzed up with the tough guy/internet manhood challenge.  I don't have to hate anything, nor do I have to be fueled with faux rage to accomplish not putting a dip in my mouth.  It's an inanimate object, and the game is with my mind, not the object.

I'm not here for "motivation", (although thanks for the effort, if it was sincere) nor do I need to justify my quit sufficient for you to believe it.  If you wanted to quit and you did, I'm happy for you.  If you're in the middle of a quit, I'm rooting for you, but I won't be sending you bunch of internet tough talk.  If you want share a laugh and and talk about the weird stuff the first 2 or 3 weeks of quit does to you, let's chat it up.
I'm not sure how to take your comments. I'm gonna take them as part of your foggy early days of quit. So you don't want motivation, what do you want? There is a lot of wisdom from years of quitting here that can help you with this very tough thing you are beginning. You may be to old to get jazzed up with the tough guy talk. Let me tell you I'm probably older than you and I'll suggest you find something to get jazzed up about to keep your quit in the front of your priorities. If you don't I can promise you that in a short time you will quit posting and before long you'll be thumping that can again. Those of us that have been here awhile have seen it over and over. The tough treatment is tough "love". Often we care more about the new quitter than they care about it.
I hear what you're saying, and who knows what I'm saying I haven't had a chew 61 hours :). When 3 days doesn't seem like a big number, I count hours.

I have zero doubt that people here have tons of experience with quitting. The reason I say "I" (speaking for me personally) don't want "motivation" is.....If I was here a year ago, all the motivation in the world from all the people here wouldn't have helped me quit. I wasn't ready, I hadn't decided to do it yet.

What I was looking for when i found this forum, was a place to chat with other people who are quitting, to be able to joke about the weird stuff, example, last night I woke up maybe half a dozen times thinking it had to be almost time for the alarm clock to go off, but in reality only an hour or two had passed. Strange feeling!! Or why is the crave so strong after eating? How am I going to take a morning crap without a cup of joe and lip full.

You might very well be 100% correct, that in a short time I might quit posting, I might start chewing again. Or I might quit posting because I don't need to discuss not chewing anymore to help me get past this phase. I don't pretend to know how this will end, nor do I guarantee victory. All I know is - I haven't had a chew today, and thats good enough for today.
Cancer is not a joke. Life or death is not a joke. Maybe "tough love" isn't your thing and I would like to give you the benefit of the doubt that you will stay quit, but with a "maybe I'll stay quit or maybe I won't stay quit" attitude I have my doubts.
I've been here all of 2 days. LOL I'm not grandstanding about this quit, but I find it funny how straight out of the gate u get a bunch "ehhh...never gonna make it....aint got the right attitude". How many people come in here pounding their chests, doing the peacock strut?? How many come through here screaming and ranting how much they hate it!!! Only to flame out in a few days or a week.

I'm just honest enough to admit I can't say "I'll never chew again" maybe in a few weeks or a few months I will be able to say that.

All I can say "truthfully" is I haven't had a chew today.
Your right your concentration must be on today just don't leave leave any doors open. Check your inbox (1) I'm here if you need accountability.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
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Offline h_prime

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Re: Intro
« Reply #20 on: March 11, 2014, 11:04:00 AM »
Quote from: dunlapsig
Quote from: h_prime
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: h_prime
Good stuff.     I'm a little too old to get all jazzed up with the tough guy/internet manhood challenge.  I don't have to hate anything, nor do I have to be fueled with faux rage to accomplish not putting a dip in my mouth.  It's an inanimate object, and the game is with my mind, not the object.

I'm not here for "motivation", (although thanks for the effort, if it was sincere) nor do I need to justify my quit sufficient for you to believe it.  If you wanted to quit and you did, I'm happy for you.  If you're in the middle of a quit, I'm rooting for you, but I won't be sending you bunch of internet tough talk.  If you want share a laugh and and talk about the weird stuff the first 2 or 3 weeks of quit does to you, let's chat it up.
I'm not sure how to take your comments. I'm gonna take them as part of your foggy early days of quit. So you don't want motivation, what do you want? There is a lot of wisdom from years of quitting here that can help you with this very tough thing you are beginning. You may be to old to get jazzed up with the tough guy talk. Let me tell you I'm probably older than you and I'll suggest you find something to get jazzed up about to keep your quit in the front of your priorities. If you don't I can promise you that in a short time you will quit posting and before long you'll be thumping that can again. Those of us that have been here awhile have seen it over and over. The tough treatment is tough "love". Often we care more about the new quitter than they care about it.
I hear what you're saying, and who knows what I'm saying I haven't had a chew 61 hours :). When 3 days doesn't seem like a big number, I count hours.

I have zero doubt that people here have tons of experience with quitting. The reason I say "I" (speaking for me personally) don't want "motivation" is.....If I was here a year ago, all the motivation in the world from all the people here wouldn't have helped me quit. I wasn't ready, I hadn't decided to do it yet.

What I was looking for when i found this forum, was a place to chat with other people who are quitting, to be able to joke about the weird stuff, example, last night I woke up maybe half a dozen times thinking it had to be almost time for the alarm clock to go off, but in reality only an hour or two had passed. Strange feeling!! Or why is the crave so strong after eating? How am I going to take a morning crap without a cup of joe and lip full.

You might very well be 100% correct, that in a short time I might quit posting, I might start chewing again. Or I might quit posting because I don't need to discuss not chewing anymore to help me get past this phase. I don't pretend to know how this will end, nor do I guarantee victory. All I know is - I haven't had a chew today, and thats good enough for today.
Cancer is not a joke. Life or death is not a joke. Maybe "tough love" isn't your thing and I would like to give you the benefit of the doubt that you will stay quit, but with a "maybe I'll stay quit or maybe I won't stay quit" attitude I have my doubts.
I've been here all of 2 days. LOL I'm not grandstanding about this quit, but I find it funny how straight out of the gate u get a bunch "ehhh...never gonna make it....aint got the right attitude". How many people come in here pounding their chests, doing the peacock strut?? How many come through here screaming and ranting how much they hate it!!! Only to flame out in a few days or a week.

I'm just honest enough to admit I can't say "I'll never chew again" maybe in a few weeks or a few months I will be able to say that.

All I can say "truthfully" is I haven't had a chew today.

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Re: Intro
« Reply #19 on: March 11, 2014, 10:43:00 AM »
Quote from: LeonardThompson
"Like I said, in 20 yrs of chewing (17 to 37) I've only tried to quit twice, and the last time I quit for about 3 months and that was 7 maybe 8 yrs ago. I've never really "wanted" to quit...this wasn't a huge seminal moment. I tossed away the last empty can, and just decided I'm done. And in 3 days I haven't bought a new can, so there ya go. That's all I need to do today, is not buy a can. "

I'm not a Yoda Jedi Master of quit like some of the dudes here are. I'm certainly not a tough guy, internet or otherwise. But I know you. I know you, because I was you. Not a month ago, your attitude was mine. You're not quitting. You're stopping. Stopping says, "this wasn't a huge seminal moment". Quitting says "I hate this poison and what it's doing to me. I will be free of nicotine forever."

You might stop using nicotine for 3 months again, or 3 years...but with your attitude you will use it again. I'm not even going to offer the "I apologize if I'm wrong..." qualifier here, because I'm not. I know you. If you're ready to quit, I'll quit with you in the June 2014 group all day every day. If you're just stopping though, I think you still have some thinking to do.

Another thing you're wrong about...You're never too old to get jazzed up about anything, and internet tough guy talk can ease that motherfucking stress on day motherfucking 3, so get your fucking sledgehammer out and let's drop this fucker.
I was here yesterday, I'm here today, that's all I know. I appreciate that you log in daily to help people quit. Looks like you've been around this forum for a couple years?

Offline dunlapsig

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Re: Intro
« Reply #18 on: March 11, 2014, 10:36:00 AM »
Quote from: h_prime
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: h_prime
Good stuff.     I'm a little too old to get all jazzed up with the tough guy/internet manhood challenge.  I don't have to hate anything, nor do I have to be fueled with faux rage to accomplish not putting a dip in my mouth.  It's an inanimate object, and the game is with my mind, not the object.

I'm not here for "motivation", (although thanks for the effort, if it was sincere) nor do I need to justify my quit sufficient for you to believe it.  If you wanted to quit and you did, I'm happy for you.  If you're in the middle of a quit, I'm rooting for you, but I won't be sending you bunch of internet tough talk.  If you want share a laugh and and talk about the weird stuff the first 2 or 3 weeks of quit does to you, let's chat it up.
I'm not sure how to take your comments. I'm gonna take them as part of your foggy early days of quit. So you don't want motivation, what do you want? There is a lot of wisdom from years of quitting here that can help you with this very tough thing you are beginning. You may be to old to get jazzed up with the tough guy talk. Let me tell you I'm probably older than you and I'll suggest you find something to get jazzed up about to keep your quit in the front of your priorities. If you don't I can promise you that in a short time you will quit posting and before long you'll be thumping that can again. Those of us that have been here awhile have seen it over and over. The tough treatment is tough "love". Often we care more about the new quitter than they care about it.
I hear what you're saying, and who knows what I'm saying I haven't had a chew 61 hours :). When 3 days doesn't seem like a big number, I count hours.

I have zero doubt that people here have tons of experience with quitting. The reason I say "I" (speaking for me personally) don't want "motivation" is.....If I was here a year ago, all the motivation in the world from all the people here wouldn't have helped me quit. I wasn't ready, I hadn't decided to do it yet.

What I was looking for when i found this forum, was a place to chat with other people who are quitting, to be able to joke about the weird stuff, example, last night I woke up maybe half a dozen times thinking it had to be almost time for the alarm clock to go off, but in reality only an hour or two had passed. Strange feeling!! Or why is the crave so strong after eating? How am I going to take a morning crap without a cup of joe and lip full.

You might very well be 100% correct, that in a short time I might quit posting, I might start chewing again. Or I might quit posting because I don't need to discuss not chewing anymore to help me get past this phase. I don't pretend to know how this will end, nor do I guarantee victory. All I know is - I haven't had a chew today, and thats good enough for today.
Cancer is not a joke. Life or death is not a joke. Maybe "tough love" isn't your thing and I would like to give you the benefit of the doubt that you will stay quit, but with a "maybe I'll stay quit or maybe I won't stay quit" attitude I have my doubts.

Offline h_prime

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Re: Intro
« Reply #17 on: March 11, 2014, 10:24:00 AM »
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: h_prime
Good stuff.    I'm a little too old to get all jazzed up with the tough guy/internet manhood challenge.  I don't have to hate anything, nor do I have to be fueled with faux rage to accomplish not putting a dip in my mouth.  It's an inanimate object, and the game is with my mind, not the object.

I'm not here for "motivation", (although thanks for the effort, if it was sincere) nor do I need to justify my quit sufficient for you to believe it.  If you wanted to quit and you did, I'm happy for you.  If you're in the middle of a quit, I'm rooting for you, but I won't be sending you bunch of internet tough talk.  If you want share a laugh and and talk about the weird stuff the first 2 or 3 weeks of quit does to you, let's chat it up.
I'm not sure how to take your comments. I'm gonna take them as part of your foggy early days of quit. So you don't want motivation, what do you want? There is a lot of wisdom from years of quitting here that can help you with this very tough thing you are beginning. You may be to old to get jazzed up with the tough guy talk. Let me tell you I'm probably older than you and I'll suggest you find something to get jazzed up about to keep your quit in the front of your priorities. If you don't I can promise you that in a short time you will quit posting and before long you'll be thumping that can again. Those of us that have been here awhile have seen it over and over. The tough treatment is tough "love". Often we care more about the new quitter than they care about it.
I hear what you're saying, and who knows what I'm saying I haven't had a chew 61 hours :). When 3 days doesn't seem like a big number, I count hours.

I have zero doubt that people here have tons of experience with quitting. The reason I say "I" (speaking for me personally) don't want "motivation" is.....If I was here a year ago, all the motivation in the world from all the people here wouldn't have helped me quit. I wasn't ready, I hadn't decided to do it yet.

What I was looking for when i found this forum, was a place to chat with other people who are quitting, to be able to joke about the weird stuff, example, last night I woke up maybe half a dozen times thinking it had to be almost time for the alarm clock to go off, but in reality only an hour or two had passed. Strange feeling!! Or why is the crave so strong after eating? How am I going to take a morning crap without a cup of joe and lip full.

You might very well be 100% correct, that in a short time I might quit posting, I might start chewing again. Or I might quit posting because I don't need to discuss not chewing anymore to help me get past this phase. I don't pretend to know how this will end, nor do I guarantee victory. All I know is - I haven't had a chew today, and thats good enough for today.

Offline LeonardThompson

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Re: Intro
« Reply #16 on: March 11, 2014, 10:18:00 AM »
"Like I said, in 20 yrs of chewing (17 to 37) I've only tried to quit twice, and the last time I quit for about 3 months and that was 7 maybe 8 yrs ago. I've never really "wanted" to quit...this wasn't a huge seminal moment. I tossed away the last empty can, and just decided I'm done. And in 3 days I haven't bought a new can, so there ya go. That's all I need to do today, is not buy a can. "

I'm not a Yoda Jedi Master of quit like some of the dudes here are. I'm certainly not a tough guy, internet or otherwise. But I know you. I know you, because I was you. Not a month ago, your attitude was mine. You're not quitting. You're stopping. Stopping says, "this wasn't a huge seminal moment". Quitting says "I hate this poison and what it's doing to me. I will be free of nicotine forever."

You might stop using nicotine for 3 months again, or 3 years...but with your attitude you will use it again. I'm not even going to offer the "I apologize if I'm wrong..." qualifier here, because I'm not. I know you. If you're ready to quit, I'll quit with you in the June 2014 group all day every day. If you're just stopping though, I think you still have some thinking to do.

Another thing you're wrong about...You're never too old to get jazzed up about anything, and internet tough guy talk can ease that motherfucking stress on day motherfucking 3, so get your fucking sledgehammer out and let's drop this fucker.

Offline Wt57

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Re: Intro
« Reply #15 on: March 11, 2014, 09:55:00 AM »
Quote from: h_prime
Good stuff. I'm a little too old to get all jazzed up with the tough guy/internet manhood challenge. I don't have to hate anything, nor do I have to be fueled with faux rage to accomplish not putting a dip in my mouth. It's an inanimate object, and the game is with my mind, not the object.

I'm not here for "motivation", (although thanks for the effort, if it was sincere) nor do I need to justify my quit sufficient for you to believe it. If you wanted to quit and you did, I'm happy for you. If you're in the middle of a quit, I'm rooting for you, but I won't be sending you bunch of internet tough talk. If you want share a laugh and and talk about the weird stuff the first 2 or 3 weeks of quit does to you, let's chat it up.
I'm not sure how to take your comments. I'm gonna take them as part of your foggy early days of quit. So you don't want motivation, what do you want? There is a lot of wisdom from years of quitting here that can help you with this very tough thing you are beginning. You may be to old to get jazzed up with the tough guy talk. Let me tell you I'm probably older than you and I'll suggest you find something to get jazzed up about to keep your quit in the front of your priorities. If you don't I can promise you that in a short time you will quit posting and before long you'll be thumping that can again. Those of us that have been here awhile have seen it over and over. The tough treatment is tough "love". Often we care more about the new quitter than they care about it.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda