Author Topic: New member - 7 days quit today  (Read 3251 times)

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Re: New member - 7 days quit today
« Reply #38 on: May 27, 2016, 05:48:00 AM »
Well, day 17 quit. It's crazy to think it's been that many days. When I first started my quit, I wasn't even sure I was wanting to quit. I just decided I was tired of buying dip and sneaking around so I said to myself, "maybe I'll make this my last can." That was 17 days ago and my desire to quit has got much stronger since then. I still notice my mood is a little off here and there. I have good days and bad. Last night I snapped at my wife and she asked me why I've been so edgy lately (If you're just now tuning in, I've decided not to tell my wife that I'm quit until I hit my 30 day mark). There's really no other reason not to tell her until then except for the fact that I feel like 30 days quit really makes a statement. Anyways, back to my moodiness. I told her that I've just been really tired lately and that seemed to suffice. So clearly I'm still dealing with mood issues, but nothing too severe.

One of my main concerns was weight gain after quitting. Over the last 7 years I've dropped a total of 128 +/- pounds, so gaining weight was my biggest fear. I'm happy to report that I've actually dropped a few pounds so things are good. I read somewhere online that you shouldn't cut calories while also trying to quit nic because it was too hard. Well my friends, I'm making it work just fine. It all depends on how much you want it and I want it bad! One of my biggest triggers was throwing in a dip after working out. Now, I just reach for those sunflower seeds and I'm all set!

That's pretty much all I have for now. I dread the weekends because posting roll without the wife taking notice as to what I'm doing can be tricky. lol Oh well, it's way better sneaking around to post roll than to dip. However, it will be nice when I can tell her that I'm quit and won't have to post roll from the shitter. Haha!!

Have a great holiday weekend everyone!! ODAAT!! 'Cheers'
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Re: New member - 7 days quit today
« Reply #37 on: May 26, 2016, 06:25:00 AM »
Quote from: paul-san
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: rwcdrums
Keep killing it man! There's a lot of focus on those 100 day milestones, but for us, those weeks are a huge achievement; probably something we never thought we could accomplish. And of course the biggest milestone that you face is finishing today tobacco free! 'wave'
I definitely don't have any plans on letting up any time soon! It's been so nice not having to deal with such a disgusting addiction. When other quitters talk about this "new found freedom" I'm starting to realize what they are referring to. It's so nice not wasting time dealing with stupid shit like finding a spitter, cleaning out my teeth, etc. Now I can just hop in and out of the car and go! Life is good. Today is a good day! 'Cheers'
2 weeks in and your already on page 3 of your intro - ...and who the heck is this Steak guy chiming in now? Well, I'm just another quitter who happened to be perusing this stellar intro. Randoms or not-so randoms will read these intros for inspiration, advice, to relate, cope, or for whatever reason. Point is, people are watching and reading some you know and some you don't. Keep it up brother and become a leader. Leaders tend to have quit networks that run extremely deep and the deeper it runs, the stronger your foundation.

Looking forward to seeing where this intro and your quit takes you in the next two weeks. But for now, lets just crush it for tomorrow.
rwc, agreed with the others. Nice intro and seems like you have a strong quit going. Good on ya! Proud to quit with ya. Eye on the prize of one day at a time!
Wow, thanks guys for the kind words! Day 16 and going strong! 14 more days until I tell my wife that I'm 30 days quit!! So happy to not be a slave to the can anymore! Day by day, one day at a time! 'Cheers'
I was taught the way of progress is neither swift nor easy. -Marie Curie

Offline paul-san

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Re: New member - 7 days quit today
« Reply #36 on: May 26, 2016, 03:36:00 AM »
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: rwcdrums
Keep killing it man! There's a lot of focus on those 100 day milestones, but for us, those weeks are a huge achievement; probably something we never thought we could accomplish. And of course the biggest milestone that you face is finishing today tobacco free! 'wave'
I definitely don't have any plans on letting up any time soon! It's been so nice not having to deal with such a disgusting addiction. When other quitters talk about this "new found freedom" I'm starting to realize what they are referring to. It's so nice not wasting time dealing with stupid shit like finding a spitter, cleaning out my teeth, etc. Now I can just hop in and out of the car and go! Life is good. Today is a good day! 'Cheers'
2 weeks in and your already on page 3 of your intro - ...and who the heck is this Steak guy chiming in now? Well, I'm just another quitter who happened to be perusing this stellar intro. Randoms or not-so randoms will read these intros for inspiration, advice, to relate, cope, or for whatever reason. Point is, people are watching and reading some you know and some you don't. Keep it up brother and become a leader. Leaders tend to have quit networks that run extremely deep and the deeper it runs, the stronger your foundation.

Looking forward to seeing where this intro and your quit takes you in the next two weeks. But for now, lets just crush it for tomorrow.
rwc, agreed with the others. Nice intro and seems like you have a strong quit going. Good on ya! Proud to quit with ya. Eye on the prize of one day at a time!

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Re: New member - 7 days quit today
« Reply #35 on: May 25, 2016, 09:13:00 PM »
Quote from: rwcdrums
Keep killing it man! There's a lot of focus on those 100 day milestones, but for us, those weeks are a huge achievement; probably something we never thought we could accomplish. And of course the biggest milestone that you face is finishing today tobacco free! 'wave'
I definitely don't have any plans on letting up any time soon! It's been so nice not having to deal with such a disgusting addiction. When other quitters talk about this "new found freedom" I'm starting to realize what they are referring to. It's so nice not wasting time dealing with stupid shit like finding a spitter, cleaning out my teeth, etc. Now I can just hop in and out of the car and go! Life is good. Today is a good day! 'Cheers'
2 weeks in and your already on page 3 of your intro - ...and who the heck is this Steak guy chiming in now? Well, I'm just another quitter who happened to be perusing this stellar intro. Randoms or not-so randoms will read these intros for inspiration, advice, to relate, cope, or for whatever reason. Point is, people are watching and reading some you know and some you don't. Keep it up brother and become a leader. Leaders tend to have quit networks that run extremely deep and the deeper it runs, the stronger your foundation.

Looking forward to seeing where this intro and your quit takes you in the next two weeks. But for now, lets just crush it for tomorrow.
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Re: New member - 7 days quit today
« Reply #34 on: May 24, 2016, 09:25:00 AM »
Keep killing it man! There's a lot of focus on those 100 day milestones, but for us, those weeks are a huge achievement; probably something we never thought we could accomplish. And of course the biggest milestone that you face is finishing today tobacco free! 'wave'
I definitely don't have any plans on letting up any time soon! It's been so nice not having to deal with such a disgusting addiction. When other quitters talk about this "new found freedom" I'm starting to realize what they are referring to. It's so nice not wasting time dealing with stupid shit like finding a spitter, cleaning out my teeth, etc. Now I can just hop in and out of the car and go! Life is good. Today is a good day! 'Cheers'
I was taught the way of progress is neither swift nor easy. -Marie Curie

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Re: New member - 7 days quit today
« Reply #33 on: May 24, 2016, 07:18:00 AM »
Quote from: rwcdrums
Two weeks quit today!! Feeling amazing! Cravings are pretty few and far between and my mood continues to improve! Thanks to everyone for sharing their advice and support! Looking forward to my next two weeks, but for now, ODAAT! 'Cheers'
Keep killing it man! There's a lot of focus on those 100 day milestones, but for us, those weeks are a huge achievement; probably something we never thought we could accomplish. And of course the biggest milestone that you face is finishing today tobacco free! 'wave'

Offline rwcdrums

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Re: New member - 7 days quit today
« Reply #32 on: May 24, 2016, 05:57:00 AM »
Two weeks quit today!! Feeling amazing! Cravings are pretty few and far between and my mood continues to improve! Thanks to everyone for sharing their advice and support! Looking forward to my next two weeks, but for now, ODAAT! 'Cheers'
I was taught the way of progress is neither swift nor easy. -Marie Curie

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Re: New member - 7 days quit today
« Reply #31 on: May 23, 2016, 11:23:00 AM »
Quote from: rwcdrums
Gave away all of my fine cigars yesterday. No regrets! Lucky day # 13! 'Cheers'
Wise decision. On top of the obvious upsides, no longer will you feel like you need to scrub your mouth out with a toilet brush in the morning after smoking a stogie the night before.

One day at a time.... nice 2 weeks!

Offline rwcdrums

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Re: New member - 7 days quit today
« Reply #30 on: May 23, 2016, 09:09:00 AM »
Gave away all of my fine cigars yesterday. No regrets! Lucky day # 13! 'Cheers'
I was taught the way of progress is neither swift nor easy. -Marie Curie

Offline rwcdrums

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Re: New member - 7 days quit today
« Reply #29 on: May 20, 2016, 05:22:00 AM »
Thanks everyone for your input and kind comments! Day 10 quit today!! Hell yeah for double digits!! Doing great, feeling great, and can't wait to do another 10 days quit! But for now, one day at a time! 'Cheers'

How's everyone else doing?
I was taught the way of progress is neither swift nor easy. -Marie Curie

Offline paul-san

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Re: New member - 7 days quit today
« Reply #28 on: May 19, 2016, 03:07:00 PM »
rwcdrums, great introduction and congrats on a clean 7 days. Thanks for sharing. And, welcome to the August Quit Group. I am a member as well as a 3 day quitter. Definitely here for the team so send along a PM if there is anything I can do for you. Stay strong and QUIT.

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Re: New member - 7 days quit today
« Reply #27 on: May 19, 2016, 02:00:00 PM »
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: rwcdrums
Hey all, quick question. What is this fog everyone talks about? I understand that it's a withdrawal symptom, but I'm not totally sure I understand what it feels like. Don't get me wrong, it sounds like hell and maybe I've experienced it and just haven't noticed. I'm just trying to understand a little more of what everyone else is or has gone through.
For me it was staring at nothing, for minutes at a time, whether it was work or at home. Hard to concentrate, lack of focus. Took a couple of weeks to be fully out of it. Still better then the withdrawals..........
Have you ever driven home and night, pulled in the driveway, and honestly just not remembered the drive at all?

Have you ever worked all day and at the end of the day have no idea what you did, just that you did something?

That is pretty much what "the fog" is like. It is like being a zombie. It is horrible. But, it is a pathway to a great place. Some people don't experience it. Some do for a few days. I was lucky enough to have it for about 50... but I wouldn't trade it for anything. Cause when the fog lifted, I was pissed as hell.

One day at a time. Regardless of what you are experiencing, better days are ahead.

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Re: New member - 7 days quit today
« Reply #26 on: May 19, 2016, 01:53:00 PM »
Quote from: rwcdrums
Hey all, quick question. What is this fog everyone talks about? I understand that it's a withdrawal symptom, but I'm not totally sure I understand what it feels like. Don't get me wrong, it sounds like hell and maybe I've experienced it and just haven't noticed. I'm just trying to understand a little more of what everyone else is or has gone through.
For me it was staring at nothing, for minutes at a time, whether it was work or at home. Hard to concentrate, lack of focus. Took a couple of weeks to be fully out of it. Still better then the withdrawals..........
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

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Re: New member - 7 days quit today
« Reply #25 on: May 19, 2016, 01:52:00 PM »
Quote from: rwcdrums
Hey all, quick question. What is this fog everyone talks about? I understand that it's a withdrawal symptom, but I'm not totally sure I understand what it feels like. Don't get me wrong, it sounds like hell and maybe I've experienced it and just haven't noticed. I'm just trying to understand a little more of what everyone else is or has gone through.
Hey RWC! Nice job being quit. As far as the fog goes... I had it pretty much from the day I quit and it lasted a few days.. Then it lifted and that part of it was better.. I'm sure for everyone it's different but for me it hit right away..I felt extremely light headed and like I was eating space cookies... It was nothing as severe as I have experienced in my younger days of coming down off some pretty heavy drugs but it was still present.

I also felt for awhile that nothing was gonna be FUN anymore.. I am 45 days into my quit and I can say that things have changed.. I enjoy doing all the things I use to do while dippin.. I find it so much more rewarding now and more satisfying than I did before.. No doubt I still have bad stretches but they don't last very long. I still get annoyed with my wife at times and crabby but I did that before when I was using.. The feeling of not having to lie anymore and stress out about what I may have left in my pockets is wonderful.. I can't tell you how many days I have left to drive to the office and then think "oh shit" I forget to empty my pockets!

Anyway, things get better!!

Offline rwcdrums

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Re: New member - 7 days quit today
« Reply #24 on: May 19, 2016, 12:25:00 PM »
Hey all, quick question. What is this fog everyone talks about? I understand that it's a withdrawal symptom, but I'm not totally sure I understand what it feels like. Don't get me wrong, it sounds like hell and maybe I've experienced it and just haven't noticed. I'm just trying to understand a little more of what everyone else is or has gone through.
I was taught the way of progress is neither swift nor easy. -Marie Curie