Author Topic: Quitting  (Read 10523 times)

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Offline Raz79

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #15 on: July 07, 2014, 05:31:00 PM »
Quote from: FMBM707
I'm 38, married to a saint of a women, have 3 wonderful kids, a great dog, a good job, a nice house, great friends and family and for the past 12+ years I've decided to poison myself for 8-10 hours everyday 7 days a week. It didn't start out that way. It started out like anyone else with an innocent dip, then another one days, maybe even weeks later. Then a couple of times a week maybe. AND IT JUST KEEPS SNOWBALLING. I use to never, ever chew in front of my wife or kids. Now I find myself chewing at their sporting events, in the car when I'm driving them somewhere. Sure I try to hid it but they are starting to ask questions.

I have white patchy shit on my tongue. My tongue hurts. I'm told it's thrush, I'm told it's from chewing. I'm told it won't go away unless I stop chewing. I have to put this liquid purple shit on it that dyes it extremely purple. Now I have a big throbbing purple tongue. It looks ridiculous- it feels worse.

Why in the fuck would I continue to put something in my mouth that is killing me? It's because I'm ADDICTED TO NICOTINE! I'm mad at myself. I'm disappointed in myself. I've been selfish. I've cared more about poison in a can and putting it into my lip for 8-10 hours a day then I have about my life, my wife or my kids. I've made excuses, I've lied to myself and I've lied to others I care about.

My house, my office, my car, my golf bag, my softball bag is completely rid of chew and not just thrown away in the trash- I've done that before and like a fucking derelict I dug through the stinking trash to get the can back out so I could have a chew. That's just fucking sad. Really, really, really fucking sad but I'm guessing I'm not the only guy here that has done that.

Today, 7/07, is the day I stop. Tomorrow is the day I remain quit and post roll. Then I repeat.

I'm new to this site but not new to quitting. I just haven't been successful in staying quit. Would like to chat with anyone anytime. I know I'm going to need a gut check every once in awhile. I know there are days it's going to be more difficult than others and I need someone to tell me to reach between my legs and make sure I still have balls and to fucking man up and stay quit. Quit tobacco. Quit killing yourself. Quit being a pussy. Quit making excuses. Just fucking quit.
Congrats on the quit and understanding your addiction. Make sure to have a fall back plan, lots of seeds, water, and gum. Helped a few of my craves over the last week.

Exercise like crazy if you have the time and mix up your routine. Just a few things that have helped me as a recent quit.

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #14 on: July 07, 2014, 05:20:00 PM »
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: FMBM707
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: FMBM707
Quote from: mich
Quote from: FMBM707
Quote from: Dagranger
Quote from: slinger
You can stop today, and go post roll right now. Fuck tomorrow. Quit today.
To are not dipping right? Because you posted roll today. Which means you are making a promise to everyone on this site that you will not dip today. If so welcome aboard. You can do this. No more lying, no more hiding, no more health risks. It certainly seems like it is time for you. So keep posting roll every morning you wake up. Deal with the craves (you definitely can) go to sleep, then post roll again tomorrow. You can do this.
I quit yesterday around 12:30 but since I did chew yesterday I didn't count it. I have QUIT and I have not chewed today. I'm taking it serious- can't afford not to. Nothing else has worked in the past when I tried to quit.
Today is day 2 then, if you quit yesterday it counts.
Appreciate that but I should have been clearer. My last chew was yesterday around 12:30. I didn't chew again yesterday because I was in the car with my wife and kids for 8 hours and I was already in the doghouse and didn't want to pile it on by sticking a fat chew in my lip. So instead I shoved handfuls of sunflower seeds in my mouth and gritted it out. So I'm not going to count yesterday because I didn't really make a conscious decision to quit.

Today I quit because I made the decision for me, by me and not because anyone else wanted me to do it. I woke up and said FUCK THIS. It's OVER. I'M QUITTING. I'm not sticking anymore of that shit in my mouth. I want to live. I want control back.
That is the attitude to have, hate the fuck out of nicotine, get quit, get your life back.
I can't recall a time in life where quitting equals winning but I now know it does. Quit to win. It's me against the nic bitch.
Man...I love your attitude. Call it day 1 or day 2. Doesn't matter to me if it doesn't matter to you. The only important thing is to not re-introduce the drug you're addicted to back into your body. Keep your word today, post roll first thing tomorrow. You got this!!!

Come here and yell and scream at us when it gets bad. And it will. We can take it. Don't take it out on your family. They didn't shove that shit in your face.

Yell if you need anything.
Appreciate it gmann!

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #13 on: July 07, 2014, 04:10:00 PM »
Quote from: FMBM707
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: FMBM707
Quote from: mich
Quote from: FMBM707
Quote from: Dagranger
Quote from: slinger
You can stop today, and go post roll right now. Fuck tomorrow. Quit today.
To are not dipping right? Because you posted roll today. Which means you are making a promise to everyone on this site that you will not dip today. If so welcome aboard. You can do this. No more lying, no more hiding, no more health risks. It certainly seems like it is time for you. So keep posting roll every morning you wake up. Deal with the craves (you definitely can) go to sleep, then post roll again tomorrow. You can do this.
I quit yesterday around 12:30 but since I did chew yesterday I didn't count it. I have QUIT and I have not chewed today. I'm taking it serious- can't afford not to. Nothing else has worked in the past when I tried to quit.
Today is day 2 then, if you quit yesterday it counts.
Appreciate that but I should have been clearer. My last chew was yesterday around 12:30. I didn't chew again yesterday because I was in the car with my wife and kids for 8 hours and I was already in the doghouse and didn't want to pile it on by sticking a fat chew in my lip. So instead I shoved handfuls of sunflower seeds in my mouth and gritted it out. So I'm not going to count yesterday because I didn't really make a conscious decision to quit.

Today I quit because I made the decision for me, by me and not because anyone else wanted me to do it. I woke up and said FUCK THIS. It's OVER. I'M QUITTING. I'm not sticking anymore of that shit in my mouth. I want to live. I want control back.
That is the attitude to have, hate the fuck out of nicotine, get quit, get your life back.
I can't recall a time in life where quitting equals winning but I now know it does. Quit to win. It's me against the nic bitch.
Man...I love your attitude. Call it day 1 or day 2. Doesn't matter to me if it doesn't matter to you. The only important thing is to not re-introduce the drug you're addicted to back into your body. Keep your word today, post roll first thing tomorrow. You got this!!!

Come here and yell and scream at us when it gets bad. And it will. We can take it. Don't take it out on your family. They didn't shove that shit in your face.

Yell if you need anything.

Offline FMBM707

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #12 on: July 07, 2014, 04:04:00 PM »
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: FMBM707
Quote from: mich
Quote from: FMBM707
Quote from: Dagranger
Quote from: slinger
You can stop today, and go post roll right now. Fuck tomorrow. Quit today.
To are not dipping right? Because you posted roll today. Which means you are making a promise to everyone on this site that you will not dip today. If so welcome aboard. You can do this. No more lying, no more hiding, no more health risks. It certainly seems like it is time for you. So keep posting roll every morning you wake up. Deal with the craves (you definitely can) go to sleep, then post roll again tomorrow. You can do this.
I quit yesterday around 12:30 but since I did chew yesterday I didn't count it. I have QUIT and I have not chewed today. I'm taking it serious- can't afford not to. Nothing else has worked in the past when I tried to quit.
Today is day 2 then, if you quit yesterday it counts.
Appreciate that but I should have been clearer. My last chew was yesterday around 12:30. I didn't chew again yesterday because I was in the car with my wife and kids for 8 hours and I was already in the doghouse and didn't want to pile it on by sticking a fat chew in my lip. So instead I shoved handfuls of sunflower seeds in my mouth and gritted it out. So I'm not going to count yesterday because I didn't really make a conscious decision to quit.

Today I quit because I made the decision for me, by me and not because anyone else wanted me to do it. I woke up and said FUCK THIS. It's OVER. I'M QUITTING. I'm not sticking anymore of that shit in my mouth. I want to live. I want control back.
That is the attitude to have, hate the fuck out of nicotine, get quit, get your life back.
I can't recall a time in life where quitting equals winning but I now know it does. Quit to win. It's me against the nic bitch.

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #11 on: July 07, 2014, 03:53:00 PM »
Quote from: FMBM707
Quote from: mich
Quote from: FMBM707
Quote from: Dagranger
Quote from: slinger
You can stop today, and go post roll right now. Fuck tomorrow. Quit today.
To are not dipping right? Because you posted roll today. Which means you are making a promise to everyone on this site that you will not dip today. If so welcome aboard. You can do this. No more lying, no more hiding, no more health risks. It certainly seems like it is time for you. So keep posting roll every morning you wake up. Deal with the craves (you definitely can) go to sleep, then post roll again tomorrow. You can do this.
I quit yesterday around 12:30 but since I did chew yesterday I didn't count it. I have QUIT and I have not chewed today. I'm taking it serious- can't afford not to. Nothing else has worked in the past when I tried to quit.
Today is day 2 then, if you quit yesterday it counts.
Appreciate that but I should have been clearer. My last chew was yesterday around 12:30. I didn't chew again yesterday because I was in the car with my wife and kids for 8 hours and I was already in the doghouse and didn't want to pile it on by sticking a fat chew in my lip. So instead I shoved handfuls of sunflower seeds in my mouth and gritted it out. So I'm not going to count yesterday because I didn't really make a conscious decision to quit.

Today I quit because I made the decision for me, by me and not because anyone else wanted me to do it. I woke up and said FUCK THIS. It's OVER. I'M QUITTING. I'm not sticking anymore of that shit in my mouth. I want to live. I want control back.
That is the attitude to have, hate the fuck out of nicotine, get quit, get your life back.
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

Offline FMBM707

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #10 on: July 07, 2014, 03:50:00 PM »
Quote from: mich
Quote from: FMBM707
Quote from: Dagranger
Quote from: slinger
You can stop today, and go post roll right now. Fuck tomorrow. Quit today.
To are not dipping right? Because you posted roll today. Which means you are making a promise to everyone on this site that you will not dip today. If so welcome aboard. You can do this. No more lying, no more hiding, no more health risks. It certainly seems like it is time for you. So keep posting roll every morning you wake up. Deal with the craves (you definitely can) go to sleep, then post roll again tomorrow. You can do this.
I quit yesterday around 12:30 but since I did chew yesterday I didn't count it. I have QUIT and I have not chewed today. I'm taking it serious- can't afford not to. Nothing else has worked in the past when I tried to quit.
Today is day 2 then, if you quit yesterday it counts.
Appreciate that but I should have been clearer. My last chew was yesterday around 12:30. I didn't chew again yesterday because I was in the car with my wife and kids for 8 hours and I was already in the doghouse and didn't want to pile it on by sticking a fat chew in my lip. So instead I shoved handfuls of sunflower seeds in my mouth and gritted it out. So I'm not going to count yesterday because I didn't really make a conscious decision to quit.

Today I quit because I made the decision for me, by me and not because anyone else wanted me to do it. I woke up and said FUCK THIS. It's OVER. I'M QUITTING. I'm not sticking anymore of that shit in my mouth. I want to live. I want control back.

Offline FMBM707

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #9 on: July 07, 2014, 03:23:00 PM »
Quote from: jeff32
YEA BUDDY! You got this. Water, Water and more Water.

Thank you for reminder on the water! I've read so much stuff today on this great site but forgot about the drinking water.

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #8 on: July 07, 2014, 03:18:00 PM »
YEA BUDDY! You got this. Water, Water and more Water.

Offline mich 34

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #7 on: July 07, 2014, 03:12:00 PM »
Quote from: FMBM707
Quote from: Dagranger
Quote from: slinger
You can stop today, and go post roll right now. Fuck tomorrow. Quit today.
To are not dipping right? Because you posted roll today. Which means you are making a promise to everyone on this site that you will not dip today. If so welcome aboard. You can do this. No more lying, no more hiding, no more health risks. It certainly seems like it is time for you. So keep posting roll every morning you wake up. Deal with the craves (you definitely can) go to sleep, then post roll again tomorrow. You can do this.
I quit yesterday around 12:30 but since I did chew yesterday I didn't count it. I have QUIT and I have not chewed today. I'm taking it serious- can't afford not to. Nothing else has worked in the past when I tried to quit.
Today is day 2 then, if you quit yesterday it counts.
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Offline FMBM707

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2014, 03:10:00 PM »
Quote from: Dagranger
Quote from: slinger
You can stop today, and go post roll right now. Fuck tomorrow. Quit today.
To are not dipping right? Because you posted roll today. Which means you are making a promise to everyone on this site that you will not dip today. If so welcome aboard. You can do this. No more lying, no more hiding, no more health risks. It certainly seems like it is time for you. So keep posting roll every morning you wake up. Deal with the craves (you definitely can) go to sleep, then post roll again tomorrow. You can do this.
I quit yesterday around 12:30 but since I did chew yesterday I didn't count it. I have QUIT and I have not chewed today. I'm taking it serious- can't afford not to. Nothing else has worked in the past when I tried to quit.

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2014, 03:02:00 PM »
Quote from: FMBM707
I'm 38, married to a saint of a women, have 3 wonderful kids, a great dog, a good job, a nice house, great friends and family and for the past 12+ years I've decided to poison myself for 8-10 hours everyday 7 days a week. It didn't start out that way. It started out like anyone else with an innocent dip, then another one days, maybe even weeks later. Then a couple of times a week maybe. AND IT JUST KEEPS SNOWBALLING. I use to never, ever chew in front of my wife or kids. Now I find myself chewing at their sporting events, in the car when I'm driving them somewhere. Sure I try to hid it but they are starting to ask questions.

I have white patchy shit on my tongue. My tongue hurts. I'm told it's thrush, I'm told it's from chewing. I'm told it won't go away unless I stop chewing. I have to put this liquid purple shit on it that dyes it extremely purple. Now I have a big throbbing purple tongue. It looks ridiculous- it feels worse.

Why in the fuck would I continue to put something in my mouth that is killing me? It's because I'm ADDICTED TO NICOTINE! I'm mad at myself. I'm disappointed in myself. I've been selfish. I've cared more about poison in a can and putting it into my lip for 8-10 hours a day then I have about my life, my wife or my kids. I've made excuses, I've lied to myself and I've lied to others I care about.

My house, my office, my car, my golf bag, my softball bag is completely rid of chew and not just thrown away in the trash- I've done that before and like a fucking derelict I dug through the stinking trash to get the can back out so I could have a chew. That's just fucking sad. Really, really, really fucking sad but I'm guessing I'm not the only guy here that has done that.

Today, 7/07, is the day I stop. Tomorrow is the day I remain quit and post roll. Then I repeat.

I'm new to this site but not new to quitting. I just haven't been successful in staying quit. Would like to chat with anyone anytime. I know I'm going to need a gut check every once in awhile. I know there are days it's going to be more difficult than others and I need someone to tell me to reach between my legs and make sure I still have balls and to fucking man up and stay quit. Quit tobacco. Quit killing yourself. Quit being a pussy. Quit making excuses. Just fucking quit.
What slinger said, give your word and post today. In my 718 days quit I've seen more than one guy post that he had mouth issues, needed to quit. They stop, get a clean bill of health from the Doc or Dentist then right back to the can. Don't let that be you, freedom is much tougher than slavery but freedom is oh so much better, the grass really is greener. That's no to say it's perfect, there will still be days that suck, that are bad and good - they are all better without nic once you break free. Welcome to KTC - go post roll.
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Re: Quitting
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2014, 03:01:00 PM »
Quote from: slinger
You can stop today, and go post roll right now. Fuck tomorrow. Quit today.
To are not dipping right? Because you posted roll today. Which means you are making a promise to everyone on this site that you will not dip today. If so welcome aboard. You can do this. No more lying, no more hiding, no more health risks. It certainly seems like it is time for you. So keep posting roll every morning you wake up. Deal with the craves (you definitely can) go to sleep, then post roll again tomorrow. You can do this.

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2014, 02:51:00 PM »
You can stop today, and go post roll right now. Fuck tomorrow. Quit today.
We are what we repeatedly do. ~ Aristotle

Quit or get off the pot, Sally. ~ Diesel2112

The way I see it, you can either post roll daily or fuck off. ~ jost2brown

Bam! Right in the ass! ~ MonsterEMT

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2014, 02:42:00 PM »
Good for you. Go get your tongue checked out.

You're making a good choice my friend. You will learn a lot along the way, and hopefully you will come out with a success story. Take it seriously though, we take it very seriously.

Offline FMBM707

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« on: July 07, 2014, 02:34:00 PM »
I'm 38, married to a saint of a woman, have 3 wonderful kids, a great dog, a good job, a nice house, great friends and family and for the past 12+ years I've decided to poison myself for 8-10 hours everyday 7 days a week. It didn't start out that way. It started out like anyone else with an innocent dip, then another one, days, maybe even weeks later. Then a couple of times a week maybe. AND IT JUST KEEPS SNOWBALLING. I use to never, ever dip in front of my wife or kids. Now I find myself dipping at their sporting events, in the car when I'm driving them somewhere. Sure I try to hid it but they are starting to ask questions.

I have white patchy shit on my tongue. My tongue hurts. I'm told it's thrush, I'm told it's from chewing. I'm told it won't go away unless I stop chewing. I have to put this liquid purple shit on it that dyes it extremely purple. Now I have a big throbbing purple tongue. It looks ridiculous- it feels worse.

Why in the fuck would I continue to put something in my mouth that is killing me? It's because I'm ADDICTED TO NICOTINE! I'm mad at myself. I'm disappointed in myself. I've been selfish. I've cared more about poison in a can and putting it into my lip for 8-10 hours a day then I have about my life, my wife or my kids. I've made excuses, I've lied to myself and I've lied to others I care about.

My house, my office, my car, my golf bag, my softball bag is completely rid of chew and not just thrown away in the trash- I've done that before and like a fucking derelict I dug through the stinking trash to get the can back out so I could have a chew. That's just fucking sad. Really, really, really fucking sad but I'm guessing I'm not the only guy here that has done that.

Today, 7/07, is the day I stop. Tomorrow is the day I remain quit and post roll. Then I repeat.

I'm new to this site but not new to quitting. I just haven't been successful in staying quit. Would like to chat with anyone anytime. I know I'm going to need a gut check every once in awhile. I know there are days it's going to be more difficult than others and I need someone to tell me to reach between my legs and make sure I still have balls and to fucking man up and stay quit. Quit tobacco. Quit killing yourself. Quit being a pussy. Quit making excuses. Just fucking quit.