Author Topic: Quitting  (Read 14381 times)

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Offline Scowick65

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #45 on: July 10, 2014, 10:17:00 AM »
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Quote from: FMBM707
srans. The only thing I'm sure about tomorrow is that I'm going to wake up, I'm gonna take a nice long piss, I'm going to march my happy nic free ass into my office and I'm going to post roll. IN THAT ORDER. Then I'm going to honor my word all day long and then I'm going to do it again. And I know that I am going to wake up happy no matter how my body might feel, I'm going to wake up happy because I know I won again. I love the feeling of winning and that's going to be my new addiction. Winning. Winning the QUIT everyday.

Now about triggers. You have to face them head on. Don't toe the water if you will but meet them straight on and WIN.

I've got a couple of more triggers I'm glad to tackle tonight:

1.) Wife is working late- that USE TO mean a couple of beers after the kids went down and a big fat pinch of poison while I sat on the couch alone with my disgusting habit. That isn't happening tonight. Kids go down. I'm headed to the garage to lift weights and get a sweat on.

2.) Need to work later tonight to catch up from the fog. AND I THINK IT'S AWESOME that I have to work late because I didn't put a cat turd in my lip. I have to work late because I'm WINNING and because I'm not making up reason to work late so I could lock in some death dip.

I hated the guy that use to do that stuff. I've hated that guy for years. I love the new guy he's a BIG FUCKING QUITTER and HE'S AWESOME!

I'M A QUITTER today and I'LL BE A QUITTER tomorrow.

The alternative is worse.

This post is absolutely awesome. Well done, friend
You are building an awesome foundation of quit!

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #44 on: July 10, 2014, 06:41:00 AM »
Quote from: FMBM707
srans. The only thing I'm sure about tomorrow is that I'm going to wake up, I'm gonna take a nice long piss, I'm going to march my happy nic free ass into my office and I'm going to post roll. IN THAT ORDER. Then I'm going to honor my word all day long and then I'm going to do it again. And I know that I am going to wake up happy no matter how my body might feel, I'm going to wake up happy because I know I won again. I love the feeling of winning and that's going to be my new addiction. Winning. Winning the QUIT everyday.

Now about triggers. You have to face them head on. Don't toe the water if you will but meet them straight on and WIN.

I've got a couple of more triggers I'm glad to tackle tonight:

1.) Wife is working late- that USE TO mean a couple of beers after the kids went down and a big fat pinch of poison while I sat on the couch alone with my disgusting habit. That isn't happening tonight. Kids go down. I'm headed to the garage to lift weights and get a sweat on.

2.) Need to work later tonight to catch up from the fog. AND I THINK IT'S AWESOME that I have to work late because I didn't put a cat turd in my lip. I have to work late because I'm WINNING and because I'm not making up reason to work late so I could lock in some death dip.

I hated the guy that use to do that stuff. I've hated that guy for years. I love the new guy he's a BIG FUCKING QUITTER and HE'S AWESOME!

I'M A QUITTER today and I'LL BE A QUITTER tomorrow.

The alternative is worse.

This post is absolutely awesome. Well done, friend

Offline Ginet

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #43 on: July 10, 2014, 12:10:00 AM »
Hi there. Nice to meet you tonight. Remember, stay out of the gas stations and let the beer stay chilled at the liquor store. Those times will come. Remain strong and pissed off but don't forget these days. If you cannot do today then you won't need to worry about tomorrow. Don't worry about the day counts of others. We all got to where we are one day at time, 24 hours at a time.


Quit with you
The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person who is doing it. ~ Chinese Proverb
Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply. ~ Stephen R. Covey

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Offline FMBM707

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #42 on: July 09, 2014, 07:30:00 PM »
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Bulldog0311
Quote from: FMBM707
FIRST TIME LEAVING THE HOUSE SINCE I QUIT. FIRST TRIP TO A GAS STATION. I was out of seeds and I needed to know I could do this.

Aw FUCK- that was harder than I thought it was going to be.

Simple plan: walk in there, go get a couple large bottles of water, go right to the seeds, grab a bunch of bags of seeds, walk up to the counter plop that shit down, pay and walk out. Sounds easy enough.

THAT IS NOT HOW IT WENT! Getting the bottles of water was easy enough but I couldn't find the seeds right away. WHERE IN THE FUCK are the seeds! Finally found them and just started grabbing bags. I think I got some jalapeño ranch- that'll be interesting. Got to the counter just behind this other dude. He must be a regular because him and the chick behind the counter have a nice little conversation. Foot starts tapping, keeping my eyes lowered because I know where that poison shit is and I can tell it's staring at me. I'm silently telling it to go fuck itself. They are oblivious to the rage that is building behind them. I'm about ready to lose my shit- I can feel it coming on- I'm almost shaking I'm getting so pissed. Dude finally pays for his shit and leaves. I drop my shit on the counter, lady has no sense of urgency, why should she, then the scanner stops scanning, again no real sense of urgency. I need to get the FUCK OUT OF HERE NOW LADY- I'm playing with fire, tempting fate. She figures the scanner out, rings me up and I bolt for the door. I get in my car and just sit there. It's then I realize I have the chills.

This was the first time I have left my house since I QUIT. For all you other fellas that have to leave everyday to head into an office and then drive home hat tip to you. That can't be an easy task driving by all those places that sell poison.

Thought I was doing great before that episode. I will strengthen my resolve further today. It was another victory- I can take that away from it- but I realized I've got a lot of work to do. ODAAT.
I remember the first trip back to the place I bought my poison. Little gas where all the pretty little girls knew my name and knew just what I wanted to buy. Went a lot like yours did.
I remember sitting in the parking lot in the car. I got a text from sand fleas gotta eat. He was just checking in. Man you don't know how good his timing was thinking I could just go get one.
Make sure you get you a set of numbers man. My little text group has saved my ass more than once.
What's on the agenda tomorrow? I say it's time to tackle another trigger. You won today so that means you can damn sure win tomorrow. That's how it's done. One trigger at a time. No more hiding bro. You want it take it, it's yours. The poison don't just give it back. Good things coming friend. Believe it!
srans. The only thing I'm sure about tomorrow is that I'm going to wake up, I'm gonna take a nice long piss, I'm going to march my happy nic free ass into my office and I'm going to post roll. IN THAT ORDER. Then I'm going to honor my word all day long and then I'm going to do it again. And I know that I am going to wake up happy no matter how my body might feel, I'm going to wake up happy because I know I won again. I love the feeling of winning and that's going to be my new addiction. Winning. Winning the QUIT everyday.

Now about triggers. You have to face them head on. Don't toe the water if you will but meet them straight on and WIN.

I've got a couple of more triggers I'm glad to tackle tonight:

1.) Wife is working late- that USE TO mean a couple of beers after the kids went down and a big fat pinch of poison while I sat on the couch alone with my disgusting habit. That isn't happening tonight. Kids go down. I'm headed to the garage to lift weights and get a sweat on.

2.) Need to work later tonight to catch up from the fog. AND I THINK IT'S AWESOME that I have to work late because I didn't put a cat turd in my lip. I have to work late because I'm WINNING and because I'm not making up reason to work late so I could lock in some death dip.

I hated the guy that use to do that stuff. I've hated that guy for years. I love the new guy he's a BIG FUCKING QUITTER and HE'S AWESOME!

I'M A QUITTER today and I'LL BE A QUITTER tomorrow.

The alternative is worse.

Offline srans

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #41 on: July 09, 2014, 06:26:00 PM »
Quote from: Bulldog0311
Quote from: FMBM707
FIRST TIME LEAVING THE HOUSE SINCE I QUIT. FIRST TRIP TO A GAS STATION. I was out of seeds and I needed to know I could do this.

Aw FUCK- that was harder than I thought it was going to be.

Simple plan: walk in there, go get a couple large bottles of water, go right to the seeds, grab a bunch of bags of seeds, walk up to the counter plop that shit down, pay and walk out. Sounds easy enough.

THAT IS NOT HOW IT WENT! Getting the bottles of water was easy enough but I couldn't find the seeds right away. WHERE IN THE FUCK are the seeds! Finally found them and just started grabbing bags. I think I got some jalapeño ranch- that'll be interesting. Got to the counter just behind this other dude. He must be a regular because him and the chick behind the counter have a nice little conversation. Foot starts tapping, keeping my eyes lowered because I know where that poison shit is and I can tell it's staring at me. I'm silently telling it to go fuck itself. They are oblivious to the rage that is building behind them. I'm about ready to lose my shit- I can feel it coming on- I'm almost shaking I'm getting so pissed. Dude finally pays for his shit and leaves. I drop my shit on the counter, lady has no sense of urgency, why should she, then the scanner stops scanning, again no real sense of urgency. I need to get the FUCK OUT OF HERE NOW LADY- I'm playing with fire, tempting fate. She figures the scanner out, rings me up and I bolt for the door. I get in my car and just sit there. It's then I realize I have the chills.

This was the first time I have left my house since I QUIT. For all you other fellas that have to leave everyday to head into an office and then drive home hat tip to you. That can't be an easy task driving by all those places that sell poison.

Thought I was doing great before that episode. I will strengthen my resolve further today. It was another victory- I can take that away from it- but I realized I've got a lot of work to do. ODAAT.
I remember the first trip back to the place I bought my poison. Little gas where all the pretty little girls knew my name and knew just what I wanted to buy. Went a lot like yours did.
I remember sitting in the parking lot in the car. I got a text from sand fleas gotta eat. He was just checking in. Man you don't know how good his timing was thinking I could just go get one.
Make sure you get you a set of numbers man. My little text group has saved my ass more than once.
What's on the agenda tomorrow? I say it's time to tackle another trigger. You won today so that means you can damn sure win tomorrow. That's how it's done. One trigger at a time. No more hiding bro. You want it take it, it's yours. The poison don't just give it back. Good things coming friend. Believe it!
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #40 on: July 09, 2014, 05:35:00 PM »
Quote from: FMBM707
FIRST TIME LEAVING THE HOUSE SINCE I QUIT. FIRST TRIP TO A GAS STATION. I was out of seeds and I needed to know I could do this.

Aw FUCK- that was harder than I thought it was going to be.

Simple plan: walk in there, go get a couple large bottles of water, go right to the seeds, grab a bunch of bags of seeds, walk up to the counter plop that shit down, pay and walk out. Sounds easy enough.

THAT IS NOT HOW IT WENT! Getting the bottles of water was easy enough but I couldn't find the seeds right away. WHERE IN THE FUCK are the seeds! Finally found them and just started grabbing bags. I think I got some jalapeño ranch- that'll be interesting. Got to the counter just behind this other dude. He must be a regular because him and the chick behind the counter have a nice little conversation. Foot starts tapping, keeping my eyes lowered because I know where that poison shit is and I can tell it's staring at me. I'm silently telling it to go fuck itself. They are oblivious to the rage that is building behind them. I'm about ready to lose my shit- I can feel it coming on- I'm almost shaking I'm getting so pissed. Dude finally pays for his shit and leaves. I drop my shit on the counter, lady has no sense of urgency, why should she, then the scanner stops scanning, again no real sense of urgency. I need to get the FUCK OUT OF HERE NOW LADY- I'm playing with fire, tempting fate. She figures the scanner out, rings me up and I bolt for the door. I get in my car and just sit there. It's then I realize I have the chills.

This was the first time I have left my house since I QUIT. For all you other fellas that have to leave everyday to head into an office and then drive home hat tip to you. That can't be an easy task driving by all those places that sell poison.

Thought I was doing great before that episode. I will strengthen my resolve further today. It was another victory- I can take that away from it- but I realized I've got a lot of work to do. ODAAT.
I remember the first trip back to the place I bought my poison. Little gas where all the pretty little girls knew my name and knew just what I wanted to buy. Went a lot like yours did.
I remember sitting in the parking lot in the car. I got a text from sand fleas gotta eat. He was just checking in. Man you don't know how good his timing was thinking I could just go get one.
Make sure you get you a set of numbers man. My little text group has saved my ass more than once.

Offline Thumblewort

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #39 on: July 09, 2014, 04:18:00 PM »
Quote from: FMBM707
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: Dagranger
Quote from: FMBM707
FIRST TIME LEAVING THE HOUSE SINCE I QUIT. FIRST TRIP TO A GAS STATION. I was out of seeds and I needed to know I could do this.

Aw FUCK- that was harder than I thought it was going to be.

Simple plan: walk in there, go get a couple large bottles of water, go right to the seeds, grab a bunch of bags of seeds, walk up to the counter plop that shit down, pay and walk out. Sounds easy enough.

THAT IS NOT HOW IT WENT! Getting the bottles of water was easy enough but I couldn't find the seeds right away. WHERE IN THE FUCK are the seeds! Finally found them and just started grabbing bags. I think I got some jalapeño ranch- that'll be interesting. Got to the counter just behind this other dude. He must be a regular because him and the chick behind the counter have a nice little conversation. Foot starts tapping, keeping my eyes lowered because I know where that poison shit is and I can tell it's staring at me. I'm silently telling it to go fuck itself. They are oblivious to the rage that is building behind them. I'm about ready to lose my shit- I can feel it coming on- I'm almost shaking I'm getting so pissed. Dude finally pays for his shit and leaves. I drop my shit on the counter, lady has no sense of urgency, why should she, then the scanner stops scanning, again no real sense of urgency. I need to get the FUCK OUT OF HERE NOW LADY- I'm playing with fire, tempting fate. She figures the scanner out, rings me up and I bolt for the door. I get in my car and just sit there. It's then I realize I have the chills.

This was the first time I have left my house since I QUIT. For all you other fellas that have to leave everyday to head into an office and then drive home hat tip to you. That can't be an easy task driving by all those places that sell poison.

Thought I was doing great before that episode. I will strengthen my resolve further today. It was another victory- I can take that away from it- but I realized I've got a lot of work to do. ODAAT.
Fuck yeah! You climbed a mountain. I remember being in the same spot.,...Did you notice your eyes look at that tray of shit behind the cashier about a million times? That's how you take on the beast and learn to live another day. One of the funny things about quitting is I hardly ever go into a gas station anymore. Just pay for my gas with a credit card and get back on the road like all the rst of the sane people in the world. Look at Derk40's intro I remember he wrote a similar story a while back. Great work brutha!
Reading this just makes me hate big tobacco more. They knowingly rape us for the almighty buck. Fuck them. We aren't playing their game anymore. Its BS that a substance that has us so messed up is LEGAL! WTF! Good Job FMB707! Freaking victory!
Way to stare down the nic bitch FMBM, it was a challenge, and today you won. Next time it will be easier knowing you have the tools to ignore the bitch altogether!
Thanks fellas. Glad to get past it but know that won't be the only time I have to deal with it head on. I knew I wasn't going to cave but I thought I was going to lose my temper. Tired. Sluggish. Mad. BUT QUIT
Day 3 suck balls dude, never forget this feeling, and never go through it again!
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #38 on: July 09, 2014, 03:51:00 PM »
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: Dagranger
Quote from: FMBM707
FIRST TIME LEAVING THE HOUSE SINCE I QUIT. FIRST TRIP TO A GAS STATION. I was out of seeds and I needed to know I could do this.

Aw FUCK- that was harder than I thought it was going to be.

Simple plan: walk in there, go get a couple large bottles of water, go right to the seeds, grab a bunch of bags of seeds, walk up to the counter plop that shit down, pay and walk out. Sounds easy enough.

THAT IS NOT HOW IT WENT! Getting the bottles of water was easy enough but I couldn't find the seeds right away. WHERE IN THE FUCK are the seeds! Finally found them and just started grabbing bags. I think I got some jalapeño ranch- that'll be interesting. Got to the counter just behind this other dude. He must be a regular because him and the chick behind the counter have a nice little conversation. Foot starts tapping, keeping my eyes lowered because I know where that poison shit is and I can tell it's staring at me. I'm silently telling it to go fuck itself. They are oblivious to the rage that is building behind them. I'm about ready to lose my shit- I can feel it coming on- I'm almost shaking I'm getting so pissed. Dude finally pays for his shit and leaves. I drop my shit on the counter, lady has no sense of urgency, why should she, then the scanner stops scanning, again no real sense of urgency. I need to get the FUCK OUT OF HERE NOW LADY- I'm playing with fire, tempting fate. She figures the scanner out, rings me up and I bolt for the door. I get in my car and just sit there. It's then I realize I have the chills.

This was the first time I have left my house since I QUIT. For all you other fellas that have to leave everyday to head into an office and then drive home hat tip to you. That can't be an easy task driving by all those places that sell poison.

Thought I was doing great before that episode. I will strengthen my resolve further today. It was another victory- I can take that away from it- but I realized I've got a lot of work to do. ODAAT.
Fuck yeah! You climbed a mountain. I remember being in the same spot.,...Did you notice your eyes look at that tray of shit behind the cashier about a million times? That's how you take on the beast and learn to live another day. One of the funny things about quitting is I hardly ever go into a gas station anymore. Just pay for my gas with a credit card and get back on the road like all the rst of the sane people in the world. Look at Derk40's intro I remember he wrote a similar story a while back. Great work brutha!
Reading this just makes me hate big tobacco more. They knowingly rape us for the almighty buck. Fuck them. We aren't playing their game anymore. Its BS that a substance that has us so messed up is LEGAL! WTF! Good Job FMB707! Freaking victory!
Way to stare down the nic bitch FMBM, it was a challenge, and today you won. Next time it will be easier knowing you have the tools to ignore the bitch altogether!
Thanks fellas. Glad to get past it but know that won't be the only time I have to deal with it head on. I knew I wasn't going to cave but I thought I was going to lose my temper. Tired. Sluggish. Mad. BUT QUIT

Offline Thumblewort

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #37 on: July 09, 2014, 03:31:00 PM »
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: Dagranger
Quote from: FMBM707
FIRST TIME LEAVING THE HOUSE SINCE I QUIT. FIRST TRIP TO A GAS STATION. I was out of seeds and I needed to know I could do this.

Aw FUCK- that was harder than I thought it was going to be.

Simple plan: walk in there, go get a couple large bottles of water, go right to the seeds, grab a bunch of bags of seeds, walk up to the counter plop that shit down, pay and walk out. Sounds easy enough.

THAT IS NOT HOW IT WENT! Getting the bottles of water was easy enough but I couldn't find the seeds right away. WHERE IN THE FUCK are the seeds! Finally found them and just started grabbing bags. I think I got some jalapeño ranch- that'll be interesting. Got to the counter just behind this other dude. He must be a regular because him and the chick behind the counter have a nice little conversation. Foot starts tapping, keeping my eyes lowered because I know where that poison shit is and I can tell it's staring at me. I'm silently telling it to go fuck itself. They are oblivious to the rage that is building behind them. I'm about ready to lose my shit- I can feel it coming on- I'm almost shaking I'm getting so pissed. Dude finally pays for his shit and leaves. I drop my shit on the counter, lady has no sense of urgency, why should she, then the scanner stops scanning, again no real sense of urgency. I need to get the FUCK OUT OF HERE NOW LADY- I'm playing with fire, tempting fate. She figures the scanner out, rings me up and I bolt for the door. I get in my car and just sit there. It's then I realize I have the chills.

This was the first time I have left my house since I QUIT. For all you other fellas that have to leave everyday to head into an office and then drive home hat tip to you. That can't be an easy task driving by all those places that sell poison.

Thought I was doing great before that episode. I will strengthen my resolve further today. It was another victory- I can take that away from it- but I realized I've got a lot of work to do. ODAAT.
Fuck yeah! You climbed a mountain. I remember being in the same spot.,...Did you notice your eyes look at that tray of shit behind the cashier about a million times? That's how you take on the beast and learn to live another day. One of the funny things about quitting is I hardly ever go into a gas station anymore. Just pay for my gas with a credit card and get back on the road like all the rst of the sane people in the world. Look at Derk40's intro I remember he wrote a similar story a while back. Great work brutha!
Reading this just makes me hate big tobacco more. They knowingly rape us for the almighty buck. Fuck them. We aren't playing their game anymore. Its BS that a substance that has us so messed up is LEGAL! WTF! Good Job FMB707! Freaking victory!
Way to stare down the nic bitch FMBM, it was a challenge, and today you won. Next time it will be easier knowing you have the tools to ignore the bitch altogether!
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #36 on: July 09, 2014, 03:17:00 PM »
Quote from: Dagranger
Quote from: FMBM707
FIRST TIME LEAVING THE HOUSE SINCE I QUIT. FIRST TRIP TO A GAS STATION. I was out of seeds and I needed to know I could do this.

Aw FUCK- that was harder than I thought it was going to be.

Simple plan: walk in there, go get a couple large bottles of water, go right to the seeds, grab a bunch of bags of seeds, walk up to the counter plop that shit down, pay and walk out. Sounds easy enough.

THAT IS NOT HOW IT WENT! Getting the bottles of water was easy enough but I couldn't find the seeds right away. WHERE IN THE FUCK are the seeds! Finally found them and just started grabbing bags. I think I got some jalapeño ranch- that'll be interesting. Got to the counter just behind this other dude. He must be a regular because him and the chick behind the counter have a nice little conversation. Foot starts tapping, keeping my eyes lowered because I know where that poison shit is and I can tell it's staring at me. I'm silently telling it to go fuck itself. They are oblivious to the rage that is building behind them. I'm about ready to lose my shit- I can feel it coming on- I'm almost shaking I'm getting so pissed. Dude finally pays for his shit and leaves. I drop my shit on the counter, lady has no sense of urgency, why should she, then the scanner stops scanning, again no real sense of urgency. I need to get the FUCK OUT OF HERE NOW LADY- I'm playing with fire, tempting fate. She figures the scanner out, rings me up and I bolt for the door. I get in my car and just sit there. It's then I realize I have the chills.

This was the first time I have left my house since I QUIT. For all you other fellas that have to leave everyday to head into an office and then drive home hat tip to you. That can't be an easy task driving by all those places that sell poison.

Thought I was doing great before that episode. I will strengthen my resolve further today. It was another victory- I can take that away from it- but I realized I've got a lot of work to do. ODAAT.
Fuck yeah! You climbed a mountain. I remember being in the same spot.,...Did you notice your eyes look at that tray of shit behind the cashier about a million times? That's how you take on the beast and learn to live another day. One of the funny things about quitting is I hardly ever go into a gas station anymore. Just pay for my gas with a credit card and get back on the road like all the rst of the sane people in the world. Look at Derk40's intro I remember he wrote a similar story a while back. Great work brutha!
Reading this just makes me hate big tobacco more. They knowingly rape us for the almighty buck. Fuck them. We aren't playing their game anymore. Its BS that a substance that has us so messed up is LEGAL! WTF! Good Job FMB707! Freaking victory!

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #35 on: July 09, 2014, 12:42:00 PM »
Quote from: FMBM707
FIRST TIME LEAVING THE HOUSE SINCE I QUIT. FIRST TRIP TO A GAS STATION. I was out of seeds and I needed to know I could do this.

Aw FUCK- that was harder than I thought it was going to be.

Simple plan: walk in there, go get a couple large bottles of water, go right to the seeds, grab a bunch of bags of seeds, walk up to the counter plop that shit down, pay and walk out. Sounds easy enough.

THAT IS NOT HOW IT WENT! Getting the bottles of water was easy enough but I couldn't find the seeds right away. WHERE IN THE FUCK are the seeds! Finally found them and just started grabbing bags. I think I got some jalapeño ranch- that'll be interesting. Got to the counter just behind this other dude. He must be a regular because him and the chick behind the counter have a nice little conversation. Foot starts tapping, keeping my eyes lowered because I know where that poison shit is and I can tell it's staring at me. I'm silently telling it to go fuck itself. They are oblivious to the rage that is building behind them. I'm about ready to lose my shit- I can feel it coming on- I'm almost shaking I'm getting so pissed. Dude finally pays for his shit and leaves. I drop my shit on the counter, lady has no sense of urgency, why should she, then the scanner stops scanning, again no real sense of urgency. I need to get the FUCK OUT OF HERE NOW LADY- I'm playing with fire, tempting fate. She figures the scanner out, rings me up and I bolt for the door. I get in my car and just sit there. It's then I realize I have the chills.

This was the first time I have left my house since I QUIT. For all you other fellas that have to leave everyday to head into an office and then drive home hat tip to you. That can't be an easy task driving by all those places that sell poison.

Thought I was doing great before that episode. I will strengthen my resolve further today. It was another victory- I can take that away from it- but I realized I've got a lot of work to do. ODAAT.
Fuck yeah! You climbed a mountain. I remember being in the same spot.,...Did you notice your eyes look at that tray of shit behind the cashier about a million times? That's how you take on the beast and learn to live another day. One of the funny things about quitting is I hardly ever go into a gas station anymore. Just pay for my gas with a credit card and get back on the road like all the rst of the sane people in the world. Look at Derk40's intro I remember he wrote a similar story a while back. Great work brutha!

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #34 on: July 09, 2014, 11:24:00 AM »
FIRST TIME LEAVING THE HOUSE SINCE I QUIT. FIRST TRIP TO A GAS STATION. I was out of seeds and I needed to know I could do this.

Aw FUCK- that was harder than I thought it was going to be.

Simple plan: walk in there, go get a couple large bottles of water, go right to the seeds, grab a bunch of bags of seeds, walk up to the counter plop that shit down, pay and walk out. Sounds easy enough.

THAT IS NOT HOW IT WENT! Getting the bottles of water was easy enough but I couldn't find the seeds right away. WHERE IN THE FUCK are the seeds! Finally found them and just started grabbing bags. I think I got some jalapeño ranch- that'll be interesting. Got to the counter just behind this other dude. He must be a regular because him and the chick behind the counter have a nice little conversation. Foot starts tapping, keeping my eyes lowered because I know where that poison shit is and I can tell it's staring at me. I'm silently telling it to go fuck itself. They are oblivious to the rage that is building behind them. I'm about ready to lose my shit- I can feel it coming on- I'm almost shaking I'm getting so pissed. Dude finally pays for his shit and leaves. I drop my shit on the counter, lady has no sense of urgency, why should she, then the scanner stops scanning, again no real sense of urgency. I need to get the FUCK OUT OF HERE NOW LADY- I'm playing with fire, tempting fate. She figures the scanner out, rings me up and I bolt for the door. I get in my car and just sit there. It's then I realize I have the chills.

This was the first time I have left my house since I QUIT. For all you other fellas that have to leave everyday to head into an office and then drive home hat tip to you. That can't be an easy task driving by all those places that sell poison.

Thought I was doing great before that episode. I will strengthen my resolve further today. It was another victory- I can take that away from it- but I realized I've got a lot of work to do. ODAAT.

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #33 on: July 09, 2014, 10:50:00 AM »
Quote from: FMBM707
Thanks Matty! It's been a great morning in the sense that I've felt like shit- it's great because that means the demon is trying to hang on but my body is pushing it out. This morning at work has been brutal! Down a customer service person and I'm so far behind from my lack of concentration that I've got a big hole to dig out of. This is the time I use to throw in a fatty and just hit it. That was the old way of 'solving things'- using dip as a security blanket. Thinking putting poison in my lip is going to make me get through this or that. FUCK THAT! I can do this without killing myself in the process. That guy 'needing' a dip to do this or that is weak and that little bastard has been slowing dying these last few days and I'm going to keep killing that mother fucker. I hate that guy. I like the new guy a lot better. The guy I use to be is coming back and I'm enjoying his return.

Heading to the gas station now. Grabbing a monster bottle of water and two bags of seeds (because I'm fresh out). And I'm going to show that nic bitch I can do just that. Another trigger I'm beating today, another victory. And every victory makes me want to QUIT even harder. Reinforces that all these steps are walking me down the right path, a path of control.

QUIT strong everyday. The alternative is worse.
Stay strong! Remember a problem plus nicotine = 2 problems. Stay close to the site today, Day 3 was a real bitch for a lot of us, and my personal worst day.
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #32 on: July 09, 2014, 10:46:00 AM »
Thanks Matty! It's been a great morning in the sense that I've felt like shit- it's great because that means the demon is trying to hang on but my body is pushing it out. This morning at work has been brutal! Down a customer service person and I'm so far behind from my lack of concentration that I've got a big hole to dig out of. This is the time I use to throw in a fatty and just hit it. That was the old way of 'solving things'- using dip as a security blanket. Thinking putting poison in my lip is going to make me get through this or that. FUCK THAT! I can do this without killing myself in the process. That guy 'needing' a dip to do this or that is weak and that little bastard has been slowing dying these last few days and I'm going to keep killing that mother fucker. I hate that guy. I like the new guy a lot better. The guy I use to be is coming back and I'm enjoying his return.

Heading to the gas station now. Grabbing a monster bottle of water and two bags of seeds (because I'm fresh out). And I'm going to show that nic bitch I can do just that. Another trigger I'm beating today, another victory. And every victory makes me want to QUIT even harder. Reinforces that all these steps are walking me down the right path, a path of control.

QUIT strong everyday. The alternative is worse.

Offline FMBM707

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #31 on: July 09, 2014, 10:31:00 AM »
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: FMBM707
Quote from: SAM83
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Quote from: FMBM707
Quote from: basshaug
Quote from: THansen2413
Quote from: FMBM707
Day 2 and work is winding down. Usually that's when I take a fresh pinch of poison and put it on top of the already massive turd I have in my mouth. Today was tough at times. Pretty awful headache for awhile. Stomach has been upset. The fog at times almost seems fake- like am I really awake right now. I can't concentrate for any considerable amount of time. I've gone through some sweating. I've been pounding water and pissing all damn day.

Day 2 thoughts:
The alternative is worse.
At times I relish the pain- I hear guys say it sucks- I say bring it on- makes me focus on the pain instead of thinking about having a dip. It let's me know that my body is healing and it's telling me never to be a dumbass and put that shit in my body again.
After answering a problem at work I actually reached into my drawer where I use to keep my can and was feeling around for it before I even realized what the fuck I was doing.
Quitting is worth it. I've been so ashamed of myself for chewing all these years that lately I had a difficult time looking my wife and kids in the eyes. When my wife asked me how my day was going (she knows I quit and she's damn proud and happy about it) even though the withdrawal shit is for real, I looked her right in the eye and said "It's going great because I haven't had a dip". And I meant it.

If being a quitter the rest of my life means that I never put nicotine in my body again than fuck it I'm a QUITTER.
I'm finishing this day as a quitter then I'm waking up and I'm gonna be a quitter all the next day. Then I'm going to do it again.

Great victory today! You honored your promise and remained quit! Quit for you first, and when things get hard then look at why your quitting... money, health, wife, kids, etc. One foot in front of the other. We will do this again tomorrow, and I'll be walking into battle with you....
I'll come too. 'Remshot'
Keep bringing it Basshaug! Keep bringing QUIT everyday.
I got some serious quit wood. Awesome post FM!
Good meeting you in chat today! You will never regret quitting. Hang tough and continue to use the tools here. Good to have you aboard!
Great to meet you as well Sam! It feels good to be part of something positive! It feels great to QUIT!
Great story, I used to experience the same addict behavior. What I did was put a token of sorts in those habit reaches (desk drawer - is a super bounce ball with my daughter's picture inside, pocket is an old silver dollar coin that my father carried in his pocket for over 30 years, truck, a bag of sunflower seeds)

Keep doing what you are doing, every day is a victory in the battlefield in the war against tobacco.
Great advice Pinched! I like that a lot.