Author Topic: My 1st day of quit  (Read 4591 times)

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Offline Doc2quit4good

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Re: My 1st day of quit
« Reply #57 on: November 22, 2013, 10:41:00 AM »
Quote from: bjarrett74
While I was out, there was some drama in my group and on the site as a whole. This revolved around Paddymac02 and his admission that he was not quit the whole time he posted that he was. He admitted to posting roll with a dip in his mouth. This upset quite a large number of people. Everyone reacted differently, but the primary reaction from most people was anger.

For me, my first emotion was disappointment. I am friends with Patrick and I have talked to him since the fiasco occurred. I am proud of him for admitting his shortcomings to everyone. The fact that he lied does burn, however, I am an addict and I have been since I was 9 years old. Patrick too, is an addict and addicts tend to lie.

I am not for any moment saying that what he did is ok, it is far from ok. That does not mean that I will stop supporting him in his quit. Whether he caves again or not, I will continue to support him during the entire process. Those who were hurt by his actions have the right to be so. Patrick knows what he did hurt many people and he knows that others have quit the site because he was removed. This shows how one person's actions can effect an entire population.

The admins are here for a reason. They have the hard and thankless job of keeping the integrity of this site, and the people's integrity, stable. On a site this large, it is hard to do. The admins collectively made a decision to remove Paddymac from the site. This was done to maintain the recovery environment that we need and to maintain the integrity of the site and members.

I know this decision did not come lightly to the admins. But, the admins made a decision to protect the whole site and not just one person or quit group. With that said, I do not agree with the admin's decision to remove Paddymac, as he is in desperate need of support, but I understand why they did it. I will respect the decision and stand by the admins for their decision.

This might give me some enemies, and for that I am sorry. I do not meant to hurt or anger anyone by this, I am simply stating where I stand on this.

I will continue to support anyone and everyone, no matter what they are addicted to. I love this site and I am proud to be and stay a member.
One of the best posts I've read during this whole episode! Thanks for your courage and fight bjarrett. Good luck and I hope you go home soon if not already there! AND I am proud to quit with you today!
Real Quit Day 9/18/2013 8th Floor 11/26/15
HOF day: 12/26/2013. 9th Floor 3/5/16
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Offline bjarrett74

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Re: My 1st day of quit
« Reply #56 on: November 21, 2013, 02:49:00 PM »
While I was out, there was some drama in my group and on the site as a whole. This revolved around Paddymac02 and his admission that he was not quit the whole time he posted that he was. He admitted to posting roll with a dip in his mouth. This upset quite a large number of people. Everyone reacted differently, but the primary reaction from most people was anger.

For me, my first emotion was disappointment. I am friends with Patrick and I have talked to him since the fiasco occurred. I am proud of him for admitting his shortcomings to everyone. The fact that he lied does burn, however, I am an addict and I have been since I was 9 years old. Patrick too, is an addict and addicts tend to lie.

I am not for any moment saying that what he did is ok, it is far from ok. That does not mean that I will stop supporting him in his quit. Whether he caves again or not, I will continue to support him during the entire process. Those who were hurt by his actions have the right to be so. Patrick knows what he did hurt many people and he knows that others have quit the site because he was removed. This shows how one person's actions can effect an entire population.

The admins are here for a reason. They have the hard and thankless job of keeping the integrity of this site, and the people's integrity, stable. On a site this large, it is hard to do. The admins collectively made a decision to remove Paddymac from the site. This was done to maintain the recovery environment that we need and to maintain the integrity of the site and members.

I know this decision did not come lightly to the admins. But, the admins made a decision to protect the whole site and not just one person or quit group. With that said, I do not agree with the admin's decision to remove Paddymac, as he is in desperate need of support, but I understand why they did it. I will respect the decision and stand by the admins for their decision.

This might give me some enemies, and for that I am sorry. I do not meant to hurt or anger anyone by this, I am simply stating where I stand on this.

I will continue to support anyone and everyone, no matter what they are addicted to. I love this site and I am proud to be and stay a member.

Offline Finny

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Re: My 1st day of quit
« Reply #55 on: November 20, 2013, 09:03:00 AM »
Quote from: Jdblack
Quote from: bjarrett74
Brothers and Sisters,

I am awake and alert. I am still in the hospital but I am doing better. I have been awake for 2 days but took the first day to get my bearings. As of now, my scans look good and pressures are good too. I want to thank everyone for your continued support.

I am saddened by the recent events involving my family in the November 2013 group, but while I do not agree with the Admins' decisions, I understand why the actions were taken, and I will respect them and stand by them.

I am still quit and always will be quit, nothing can keep me from HOF Train Ride!

Welcome back!
Welcome back brother!
Quit Date - 8/15/2013

Offline Jdblack

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Re: My 1st day of quit
« Reply #54 on: November 20, 2013, 08:25:00 AM »
Quote from: bjarrett74
Brothers and Sisters,

I am awake and alert. I am still in the hospital but I am doing better. I have been awake for 2 days but took the first day to get my bearings. As of now, my scans look good and pressures are good too. I want to thank everyone for your continued support.

I am saddened by the recent events involving my family in the November 2013 group, but while I do not agree with the Admins' decisions, I understand why the actions were taken, and I will respect them and stand by them.

I am still quit and always will be quit, nothing can keep me from HOF Train Ride!

Welcome back!
Quit 8/06/13
HOF 11/13/2013

Offline Mike from AB

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Re: My 1st day of quit
« Reply #53 on: November 20, 2013, 12:10:00 AM »
Quote from: bjarrett74
Brothers and Sisters,

I am awake and alert. I am still in the hospital but I am doing better. I have been awake for 2 days but took the first day to get my bearings. As of now, my scans look good and pressures are good too. I want to thank everyone for your continued support.

I am saddened by the recent events involving my family in the November 2013 group, but while I do not agree with the Admins' decisions, I understand why the actions were taken, and I will respect them and stand by them.

I am still quit and always will be quit, nothing can keep me from HOF Train Ride!

Welcome back glad to have you back bro!

Offline BearHawk

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Re: My 1st day of quit
« Reply #52 on: November 19, 2013, 03:30:00 PM »
Quote from: dabean22
Quote from: KC_Guy
Quote from: bjarrett74
Brothers and Sisters,

I am awake and alert. I am still in the hospital but I am doing better. I have been awake for 2 days but took the first day to get my bearings. As of now, my scans look good and pressures are good too. I want to thank everyone for your continued support.

I am saddened by the recent events involving my family in the November 2013 group, but while I do not agree with the Admins' decisions, I understand why the actions were taken, and I will respect them and stand by them.

I am still quit and always will be quit, nothing can keep me from HOF Train Ride!

Welcome back, or Welcome home. I will quit with a bad ass dude like you every day.
I'm so freaking glad you are back brother. It's not been the same without you.
Good to hear from you again Brother. Keep on gettin' stronger and God Bless
Proper prior planning prevents piss poor performance.
Quit: 8/14/2013; HOF:11/22/2013
Four Years and Still Counting!
17 Floors

Offline dabean22

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  • Interests: I was addicted to nicotine for about 19 years before I actually realized that I was an addict to a drug. Allen Carr helped open my eyes with LionHeartedGirl (my sister). I am currently on day 2 and because of the frame of mind and different point of view that "The Easy Way" has given me, I don't doubt for one moment that I have ingested the last bit of that weed for the rest of my life. I am 35 now and am setting a goal of living long enough to have saved $100,000 because of my quit. At the same time, I am setting the goal of not smoking TODAY! One step at a time, while keeping my eyes on the horizon.
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Re: My 1st day of quit
« Reply #51 on: November 19, 2013, 11:07:00 AM »
Quote from: KC_Guy
Quote from: bjarrett74
Brothers and Sisters,

I am awake and alert. I am still in the hospital but I am doing better. I have been awake for 2 days but took the first day to get my bearings. As of now, my scans look good and pressures are good too. I want to thank everyone for your continued support.

I am saddened by the recent events involving my family in the November 2013 group, but while I do not agree with the Admins' decisions, I understand why the actions were taken, and I will respect them and stand by them.

I am still quit and always will be quit, nothing can keep me from HOF Train Ride!

Welcome back, or Welcome home. I will quit with a bad ass dude like you every day.
I'm so freaking glad you are back brother. It's not been the same without you.
Quit 8/04/13
HOF 11/11/13
Thanks mostly to LHG. That girl rocks the world. I love you Sis.
Someone, somewhere out there is suffering through a more intense crave than me and that person is staying quit. As will I. -JoeMellow
SkyDiver - The first step is a bitch but that's when the fun starts.

Offline KC_Guy

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Re: My 1st day of quit
« Reply #50 on: November 19, 2013, 10:19:00 AM »
Quote from: bjarrett74
Brothers and Sisters,

I am awake and alert. I am still in the hospital but I am doing better. I have been awake for 2 days but took the first day to get my bearings. As of now, my scans look good and pressures are good too. I want to thank everyone for your continued support.

I am saddened by the recent events involving my family in the November 2013 group, but while I do not agree with the Admins' decisions, I understand why the actions were taken, and I will respect them and stand by them.

I am still quit and always will be quit, nothing can keep me from HOF Train Ride!

Welcome back, or Welcome home. I will quit with a bad ass dude like you every day.
Quit Date 05/20/2013

HOF 08/27/13
2nd Floor 12/5/13
3rd Floor 3/15/14
4th Floor 6/23/14
5th Floor 10/1/14

Offline bjarrett74

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Re: My 1st day of quit
« Reply #49 on: November 19, 2013, 08:58:00 AM »
Brothers and Sisters,

I am awake and alert. I am still in the hospital but I am doing better. I have been awake for 2 days but took the first day to get my bearings. As of now, my scans look good and pressures are good too. I want to thank everyone for your continued support.

I am saddened by the recent events involving my family in the November 2013 group, but while I do not agree with the Admins' decisions, I understand why the actions were taken, and I will respect them and stand by them.

I am still quit and always will be quit, nothing can keep me from HOF Train Ride!


Offline Vince

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Re: My 1st day of quit
« Reply #48 on: November 19, 2013, 02:13:00 AM »
Prayers out for brother Brian and family.

Offline Mike from AB

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Re: My 1st day of quit
« Reply #47 on: November 18, 2013, 12:33:00 PM »
Just sending up a quick prayer here this morning for Brian  Heather.

Offline PaddyMac02

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Re: My 1st day of quit
« Reply #46 on: November 18, 2013, 12:44:00 AM »
Great news, Heather!! You both are in my thoughts. Keep on fighting and getting better, Brian!

Offline Vince

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Re: My 1st day of quit
« Reply #45 on: November 17, 2013, 11:04:00 PM »
Fingers crossed and prayers out for Brian and his family.

Offline dabean22

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  • Interests: I was addicted to nicotine for about 19 years before I actually realized that I was an addict to a drug. Allen Carr helped open my eyes with LionHeartedGirl (my sister). I am currently on day 2 and because of the frame of mind and different point of view that "The Easy Way" has given me, I don't doubt for one moment that I have ingested the last bit of that weed for the rest of my life. I am 35 now and am setting a goal of living long enough to have saved $100,000 because of my quit. At the same time, I am setting the goal of not smoking TODAY! One step at a time, while keeping my eyes on the horizon.
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Re: My 1st day of quit
« Reply #44 on: November 16, 2013, 07:56:00 PM »
Quote from: Ace121x
Quote from: bjarrett74
Brian is not on a breathing machine anymore, but he does have a nasal breathing tube in to keep his airway open. He is still unresponsive, but does react to pain. If Brian were awake and able to talk and type, he would be on here. He loves this site and the people on it, and I know when he wakes up he is going to ask what has been happening on the site. Thank you for your continued support.

Best of Wishes for Quick and Complete Recovery!!!

Prayers Sent!!
Brian will be back before we know it. Until then, prayers for him and his family.
Quit 8/04/13
HOF 11/11/13
Thanks mostly to LHG. That girl rocks the world. I love you Sis.
Someone, somewhere out there is suffering through a more intense crave than me and that person is staying quit. As will I. -JoeMellow
SkyDiver - The first step is a bitch but that's when the fun starts.

Offline Ace121x

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Re: My 1st day of quit
« Reply #43 on: November 15, 2013, 11:30:00 PM »
Quote from: bjarrett74
Brian is not on a breathing machine anymore, but he does have a nasal breathing tube in to keep his airway open. He is still unresponsive, but does react to pain. If Brian were awake and able to talk and type, he would be on here. He loves this site and the people on it, and I know when he wakes up he is going to ask what has been happening on the site. Thank you for your continued support.

Best of Wishes for Quick and Complete Recovery!!!

Prayers Sent!!
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'crackup' You Actually Think I May Cave Today? 'crackup'
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