Author Topic: My 1st day of quit  (Read 4595 times)

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Offline Vince

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Re: My 1st day of quit
« Reply #27 on: November 06, 2013, 11:33:00 PM »
I am praying for you Brian and Heather. May God shower his kindness and heal the wounds. Amen. We will come out of it sister. We will.

Offline KC_Guy

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Re: My 1st day of quit
« Reply #26 on: November 06, 2013, 10:41:00 PM »
Quote from: bjarrett74
Hi guys, I clicked the link in the group to get here, so I hope I am putting this where it belongs.

Brian came out of the coma Tuesday on his own, he was able to move his left side but not his right side. He was able to speak, although only from the left side of his mouth. He was complaining of a headache Tuesday night before he fell asleep. He has since gone into a non-induced coma. He is on life support and the docs say that he has a 30% chance of coming out of it.

I am devastated, but I also know that he is not in pain. To add to the stress, Brian's 19 year old son was arrested this week on serious felony charges. The family is staying strong and I have family and friends helping with our 2 toddlers. Please keep us in your prayers and thoughts. Thank you to all for your support.

Dean, your kind words and texts are very uplifting, even if you don't think so. Brian always said that you were the one person that helped hold the group together, and now I know why. Thank you so much for your support Dean.

You and your husband are in my prayers tonight. God bless you both.
Quit Date 05/20/2013

HOF 08/27/13
2nd Floor 12/5/13
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Offline bjarrett74

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Re: My 1st day of quit
« Reply #25 on: November 06, 2013, 10:00:00 PM »
Hi guys, I clicked the link in the group to get here, so I hope I am putting this where it belongs.

Brian came out of the coma Tuesday on his own, he was able to move his left side but not his right side. He was able to speak, although only from the left side of his mouth. He was complaining of a headache Tuesday night before he fell asleep. He has since gone into a non-induced coma. He is on life support and the docs say that he has a 30% chance of coming out of it.

I am devastated, but I also know that he is not in pain. To add to the stress, Brian's 19 year old son was arrested this week on serious felony charges. The family is staying strong and I have family and friends helping with our 2 toddlers. Please keep us in your prayers and thoughts. Thank you to all for your support.

Dean, your kind words and texts are very uplifting, even if you don't think so. Brian always said that you were the one person that helped hold the group together, and now I know why. Thank you so much for your support Dean.


Offline Jlud007

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Re: My 1st day of quit
« Reply #24 on: November 06, 2013, 03:33:00 PM »
Obviously as one of your humble HOF conductors for November I have watched this situation transpire and I just wanted to take a moment to acknowledge my sympathy and prayers for Brian and his family.

God bless and keep quit you guys!

Offline dabean22

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  • Interests: I was addicted to nicotine for about 19 years before I actually realized that I was an addict to a drug. Allen Carr helped open my eyes with LionHeartedGirl (my sister). I am currently on day 2 and because of the frame of mind and different point of view that "The Easy Way" has given me, I don't doubt for one moment that I have ingested the last bit of that weed for the rest of my life. I am 35 now and am setting a goal of living long enough to have saved $100,000 because of my quit. At the same time, I am setting the goal of not smoking TODAY! One step at a time, while keeping my eyes on the horizon.
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Re: My 1st day of quit
« Reply #23 on: November 06, 2013, 01:23:00 PM »
Quote from: bjarrett74
Hi guys, this is bjarrett74's wife. I wanted to give you all an update on him. This is not easy to do or say, but I want you all to know.

Saturday, while Brian was still in the coma, he had a massive seizure. During this seizure, the pressure built up and caused him to have a massive stroke. He is still in a coma and from the tests that the docs did, he is paralyzed on his entire right side. They were planning on bringing him out of it Saturday but then this happened.

Unfortunately, Brian is a Computer Engineer and will not be able to return to work and in all likelihood, he will not return to this board. We appreciate all of the kind words, prayers and texts from all of you. He always spoke highly of all of you and was so proud to be a member of this site.

He has come a long way in life and I know that he will fight to get past this. I will try to give updates as things change. Thank you for your time and prayers.

Mrs. Bjarrett74 (Heather)
Heather posted this on the roll call sheet a few days ago and I thought it should also be copied here.
Quit 8/04/13
HOF 11/11/13
Thanks mostly to LHG. That girl rocks the world. I love you Sis.
Someone, somewhere out there is suffering through a more intense crave than me and that person is staying quit. As will I. -JoeMellow
SkyDiver - The first step is a bitch but that's when the fun starts.

Offline Pinched

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Re: My 1st day of quit
« Reply #22 on: November 01, 2013, 01:43:00 PM »
Quote from: dabean22
UPDATE- I spoke to Brian's wife yesterday and she informed me that the doctors intend on keeping in the medically induced coma for his protection. He has some brain swelling from seizures that have happened on and off since he quit drugs and alcohol 9 years ago. The doctors intend on bringing him out of the coma after 3 days if everything looks normal. That gives him 2 more days. Anyone that believes in such things(myself included), please keep him in your prayers. If you don't pray, any good thoughts would be appreciated.
Great job Dean, keep them close. Prayers sent.
"If you want to quit then stop talking and just QUIT. If you want to kill yourself a bullet is cheaper and faster than a tin, plus it eliminates my hearing you whine and cry like a bitch."

Best thing I have read on KTC...Submitted by tgafish on 7/3/14

Former Skoal Straight and Cope Longcut user that started at the age of 12. QUIT on 7/15/13

Offline dabean22

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  • Interests: I was addicted to nicotine for about 19 years before I actually realized that I was an addict to a drug. Allen Carr helped open my eyes with LionHeartedGirl (my sister). I am currently on day 2 and because of the frame of mind and different point of view that "The Easy Way" has given me, I don't doubt for one moment that I have ingested the last bit of that weed for the rest of my life. I am 35 now and am setting a goal of living long enough to have saved $100,000 because of my quit. At the same time, I am setting the goal of not smoking TODAY! One step at a time, while keeping my eyes on the horizon.
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Re: My 1st day of quit
« Reply #21 on: November 01, 2013, 01:13:00 PM »
UPDATE- I spoke to Brian's wife yesterday and she informed me that the doctors intend on keeping in the medically induced coma for his protection. He has some brain swelling from seizures that have happened on and off since he quit drugs and alcohol 9 years ago. The doctors intend on bringing him out of the coma after 3 days if everything looks normal. That gives him 2 more days. Anyone that believes in such things(myself included), please keep him in your prayers. If you don't pray, any good thoughts would be appreciated.
Quit 8/04/13
HOF 11/11/13
Thanks mostly to LHG. That girl rocks the world. I love you Sis.
Someone, somewhere out there is suffering through a more intense crave than me and that person is staying quit. As will I. -JoeMellow
SkyDiver - The first step is a bitch but that's when the fun starts.

Offline dabean22

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  • Interests: I was addicted to nicotine for about 19 years before I actually realized that I was an addict to a drug. Allen Carr helped open my eyes with LionHeartedGirl (my sister). I am currently on day 2 and because of the frame of mind and different point of view that "The Easy Way" has given me, I don't doubt for one moment that I have ingested the last bit of that weed for the rest of my life. I am 35 now and am setting a goal of living long enough to have saved $100,000 because of my quit. At the same time, I am setting the goal of not smoking TODAY! One step at a time, while keeping my eyes on the horizon.
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Re: My 1st day of quit
« Reply #20 on: October 31, 2013, 05:01:00 PM »
Quote from: dabean22
Quote from: bjarrett74
Alright, it is time for me to vent.

I was in the hospital from this past Friday until Sunday around 11 PM. I have a seizure disorder caused by my inactive alcohol and drug addictions. I don't get any warning when they hit. Since I Quit the Nic, they have been hitting more frequently than before.

With that said, I find it disrespectful and piss poor if you commit to your group that you are Quit and will stay Quit but you don't post roll or even just give a quick reply in the group.

If I can do it from a motherfucking hospital bed for 3 fucking days, then you pussies that don't post roll can at least post once a day. If you don't want to Quit or if you feel that posting roll is beneath you, then fuck off.

This group is here not just to hold us accountable to each other or ourselves, but to support each other in our Quit. The support that you get from your Quit Group is unlike any other support you will ever get anywhere else in life. The people in your Quit Group are family. I look at all the members of my Quit Group as Brothers and Sisters.

I am not going to beg anyone to post or do what they do not want to do. Just have the common courtesy and respect for your fellow Quitters to post one time a day and let us know how you are doing. If you gave in, post day 1 all over again and start over.

Reach out to us if you need help. We may come off as dicks, but it is for your (and our) own good.
Quote from: bjarrett74
Hey fellow quitters!

I am back in the hospital. I may be in here for a while. It seems that having seizures does some pretty nifty damage to an already fucked up person. Anyhow, I will post roll every fucking day I am in here unless I am in a coma.

Seriously, if I miss a day, then 1 of 2 things has happened: Either I am in a coma or I am dead.

I showed my wife how to post roll for me so if anything goes wrong she will let you all know.

I hope to be back to my normal again soon. I get to have some wires fed through my brain, not much there so let's hope for a short trip.

See you all in roll tomorrow.

Rickddd and Mike from AB have my cell so if you need me have them hit me up.


p.s - I still say Fuck Off to all those that think they don't have to post roll.  'crackup'  'crackup'
You are in my thoughts and prayers brother. I DARE anyone to argue with your dedication. You inspire me to live with NAFAR on my mind at all times.
FYI, Brian is back in the hospital today and has been put into a medically incurred coma again. Before he want under, he instructed his wife to text me to make sure I knew what was going on. He is the definition of 100% committed to his quit.
Get well soon Brian.
Quit 8/04/13
HOF 11/11/13
Thanks mostly to LHG. That girl rocks the world. I love you Sis.
Someone, somewhere out there is suffering through a more intense crave than me and that person is staying quit. As will I. -JoeMellow
SkyDiver - The first step is a bitch but that's when the fun starts.

Offline CaliforniaSlim

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Re: My 1st day of quit
« Reply #19 on: September 16, 2013, 05:29:00 PM »
Quote from: bjarrett74
I have been quite critical of members that don't post roll lately. Let me clarify my reasoning.

I have timed myself several times to see how long it takes to post roll. I found that on my slowest day it takes a total of 1 minute to post roll properly. This is more than a website or forum, it is a family meeting place with people that care not only for themselves but for you too. By being critical of others to post roll, we are taking care of ourselves too. If I post roll then that is my daily promise to my family, not just here but at home too, to stay quit and be a better person. I have seen members post one day and miss one day, then post another day and miss the next. They say that we need to back the fuck off, this is a website not boot camp.

That is true, however, we will not back the fuck off. Posting roll is the best way to hold not only yourself, but others accountable. Roll is a place to promise to stay quit and to ask for help if you are struggling. If you have personal issues and you need to talk to someone about them, roll is the place to ask for help. Quitting dip is a complete process, the support is not only for nicotine but for the whole person.

I am always available to listen or to be chewed out if you are having a bad day. I am here if you are struggling with dip quit or if you are having troubles at home or work. I am a friend to all here, even if I come off as a dick to some, I am here for you.

You all know how to contact me in PM to get my number. I am notified by email every time I get a PM or an update on roll. Contact me!
Yep, If I were doing a fantasy quit draft, I would take the 100% posters every time.

If you look at the "accountability sheets" that are accessible from each quit group, it isn't hard to see that the the half-assed posters, for the most part, end up in a cave, while the consistent posters generally do not. It isn't a law, but sure seems to be an overwhelming trend. Take a look, it doesn't take a statistician to figure it out.

Not sure why some folks are resistant 'bang head'

Offline bjarrett74

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Re: My 1st day of quit
« Reply #18 on: September 16, 2013, 04:01:00 PM »
I have been quite critical of members that don't post roll lately. Let me clarify my reasoning.

I have timed myself several times to see how long it takes to post roll. I found that on my slowest day it takes a total of 1 minute to post roll properly. This is more than a website or forum, it is a family meeting place with people that care not only for themselves but for you too. By being critical of others to post roll, we are taking care of ourselves too. If I post roll then that is my daily promise to my family, not just here but at home too, to stay quit and be a better person. I have seen members post one day and miss one day, then post another day and miss the next. They say that we need to back the fuck off, this is a website not boot camp.

That is true, however, we will not back the fuck off. Posting roll is the best way to hold not only yourself, but others accountable. Roll is a place to promise to stay quit and to ask for help if you are struggling. If you have personal issues and you need to talk to someone about them, roll is the place to ask for help. Quitting dip is a complete process, the support is not only for nicotine but for the whole person.

I am always available to listen or to be chewed out if you are having a bad day. I am here if you are struggling with dip quit or if you are having troubles at home or work. I am a friend to all here, even if I come off as a dick to some, I am here for you.

You all know how to contact me in PM to get my number. I am notified by email every time I get a PM or an update on roll. Contact me!

Offline Mike from AB

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Re: My 1st day of quit
« Reply #17 on: September 14, 2013, 12:30:00 AM »
Quote from: bjarrett74

I am out of the hospital and back at work. Thank you for your support.
Awesome news congrats bro! Glad to hear you're back out  back to work again.

Offline midwest04z

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Re: My 1st day of quit
« Reply #16 on: September 13, 2013, 08:03:00 AM »
Quote from: bjarrett74

I am out of the hospital and back at work. Thank you for your support.
Good deal. Proud to be quit with you today. QLF!
Quit Date: 8-9-13
HOF Date: 11-16-13 Proud NOV '13 Skydiver

Caving is not an option - Do something else!

Offline bjarrett74

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Re: My 1st day of quit
« Reply #15 on: September 13, 2013, 07:58:00 AM »

I am out of the hospital and back at work. Thank you for your support.

Offline Mike from AB

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Re: My 1st day of quit
« Reply #14 on: September 10, 2013, 09:03:00 PM »
Best Wishes to you in the hospital Brian!

Offline Sportsfan231

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Re: My 1st day of quit
« Reply #13 on: September 10, 2013, 12:45:00 PM »
Quote from: dabean22
Quote from: bjarrett74
Alright, it is time for me to vent.

I was in the hospital from this past Friday until Sunday around 11 PM. I have a seizure disorder caused by my inactive alcohol and drug addictions. I don't get any warning when they hit. Since I Quit the Nic, they have been hitting more frequently than before.

With that said, I find it disrespectful and piss poor if you commit to your group that you are Quit and will stay Quit but you don't post roll or even just give a quick reply in the group.

If I can do it from a motherfucking hospital bed for 3 fucking days, then you pussies that don't post roll can at least post once a day. If you don't want to Quit or if you feel that posting roll is beneath you, then fuck off.

This group is here not just to hold us accountable to each other or ourselves, but to support each other in our Quit. The support that you get from your Quit Group is unlike any other support you will ever get anywhere else in life. The people in your Quit Group are family. I look at all the members of my Quit Group as Brothers and Sisters.

I am not going to beg anyone to post or do what they do not want to do. Just have the common courtesy and respect for your fellow Quitters to post one time a day and let us know how you are doing. If you gave in, post day 1 all over again and start over.

Reach out to us if you need help. We may come off as dicks, but it is for your (and our) own good.
Quote from: bjarrett74
Hey fellow quitters!

I am back in the hospital. I may be in here for a while. It seems that having seizures does some pretty nifty damage to an already fucked up person. Anyhow, I will post roll every fucking day I am in here unless I am in a coma.

Seriously, if I miss a day, then 1 of 2 things has happened: Either I am in a coma or I am dead.

I showed my wife how to post roll for me so if anything goes wrong she will let you all know.

I hope to be back to my normal again soon. I get to have some wires fed through my brain, not much there so let's hope for a short trip.

See you all in roll tomorrow.

Rickddd and Mike from AB have my cell so if you need me have them hit me up.


p.s - I still say Fuck Off to all those that think they don't have to post roll.  'crackup'  'crackup'
You are in my thoughts and prayers brother. I DARE anyone to argue with your dedication. You inspire me to live with NAFAR on my mind at all times.
hope you get better BJ keep on leading