Author Topic: New Quitter  (Read 4184 times)

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #16 on: January 16, 2015, 06:25:00 AM »
Quote from: worktowin
Jerk gets it. This was a great posting. Proud to quit with you today.
Agree with this. Great post jerk. Be careful though. My days 10-20 were good as I felt I finally had a grip on quitting, only to have a real rough days 20 through 40 as the craves wouldn't let up. Keep grinding.

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #15 on: January 16, 2015, 05:29:00 AM »
Jerk gets it. This was a great posting. Proud to quit with you today.

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #14 on: January 16, 2015, 01:40:00 AM »
My lips are tried from all that reading. Quit on brother!

Offline Jerk11

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #13 on: January 16, 2015, 01:29:00 AM »
To the day 1's and day 2's guys and gals... Read, absorb, make contacts, engorge yourself with this site. A month ago I could not sleep, had anxiety like a mofo, irritable, "the blues" constantly, etc.. Then I got on here and immediately felt better. Took the plunge shortly after and posted roll. And I quit. Every single day. I understand now that I am an addict and can NEVER go back to nicotine. Anyways, my observations of my quit this far in my first 11 days if anyone was curious:

My brain fog comes and goes. You may feel a moment of clarity coming on and then BAM! a grueling day at work where you feel off constantly. Push through it. Inform those in close contact with you that you might seem spacey at times, because it has happens a lot to me. I feel like stress buildup can bring that on.

I haven't really gained weight, but I was already on a pretty good diet plan months back before quitting and have been exercising regularly. This has been a HUGE factor in my quit. If you don't belong to a gym... find a hobby or something that you LOVE to do that doesn't involve nicotine.

Stay busy. I feel much better at night knowing I accomplished something earlier that day or did something important. Fact is, all quitters on this site HAVE done that today. Do something constructive to replace that nasty habit, and you will feel empowered.

My craves peaked around days 7-10. I hope it will get easier from here. I'm confident that it will, and if it gets worse, I'll be transparent on the way I'm feeling to someone that cares of my wellbeing.

You may feel vulnerable from time to time. You know: that mental visualization of a cave. Try to switch gears and go do something, and definitely reach out to someone on here if it becomes overbearing.

Bottom line: You have all been afforded the opportunity to belong to a tight-knit group here at KTC, a community that is proven it's effectiveness in quitting dip and chew. Your trust is earned here. I'm sure I have not earned mine yet, not from everyone at least. It can take 100 days, 1 year, 5 years, etc etc. posting roll on this site before you have any positive reputation at all, and it can be forever tainted in a matter of a few minutes. Think about that and you may start doing things differently.


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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #12 on: January 08, 2015, 10:12:00 PM »
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: Jerk11
Hey all. Day four of my quit. Crossed two rather large bridges last night, and gave a stiff middle finger to the nic bitch on my way to the other side. First, I had to run out to the Nike outlet to take some Xmas stuff back in exchange for a gift card, and this outlet is about a 50 minute drive from my house. A year ago I would've jumped on the opportunity to drive out there even if I had no reason to go, i.e. volunteer to take my lil brother out there for something he needs. Now I looked like a really nice brother for doing that and spending all that gas so he could do his thing, but I know that why I really did it was to put a fat chaw in my mouth and crank up the tunes and coast. Yeah, nice little Karpman Triangle I pulled there-- seemed like the "hero", but really just a naive addict.

So anyways, I successfully made the trip all the way there nicotine-free, plus the way back. Since I had to stop somewhere else on the way back, the trip was probably a total of close to 2 hours driving. Call it a win for me :). I chomped the shit outta my gum and listened to some Stevie Ray Vaughan-- had a great time jamming out by myself. Goes to show you can "Getcha pull" without being enslaved to the nic bitch.

The second bridge I crossed was when I went over to my buddies to throw darts for 2 hours. Him and I have thrown in an astronomical amount of dips in together, whether it be playing video games, golf, darts, poker, or just drinking and talking. But I didn't want to cut him out of my life just because of an addiction, so I went over there and did just fine. I'm trying to be more cognizant of triggers, so I didn't have one sip of alcohol. I know that will be a sidestep to curbing my addiction.. and that's best* case scenario.

Anyways, feeling liberated more and more with my journey as I get through the suck and into the new life this site has afforded me. Just been relaxing at home trying to get over cold symptoms brought on by the weather... I'll live ;) ODAAT. Join me
Nice job. Feels good does it not?
Great job! The wins get easier, but the feel just as rewarding. Doesn't it feel great to win at something that you lost at day after day after day for years? Breaking the cycle is really life changing. And you are living it.

Proud to quit with you today!
Good job Jerk!! There will be many more tests, but if you can beat one crave, you can beat them all. Keep kicking that nic bitch to the curb!!
Quit: 3/14/2014
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Offline worktowin

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #11 on: January 08, 2015, 09:14:00 PM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: Jerk11
Hey all. Day four of my quit. Crossed two rather large bridges last night, and gave a stiff middle finger to the nic bitch on my way to the other side. First, I had to run out to the Nike outlet to take some Xmas stuff back in exchange for a gift card, and this outlet is about a 50 minute drive from my house. A year ago I would've jumped on the opportunity to drive out there even if I had no reason to go, i.e. volunteer to take my lil brother out there for something he needs. Now I looked like a really nice brother for doing that and spending all that gas so he could do his thing, but I know that why I really did it was to put a fat chaw in my mouth and crank up the tunes and coast. Yeah, nice little Karpman Triangle I pulled there-- seemed like the "hero", but really just a naive addict.

So anyways, I successfully made the trip all the way there nicotine-free, plus the way back. Since I had to stop somewhere else on the way back, the trip was probably a total of close to 2 hours driving. Call it a win for me :). I chomped the shit outta my gum and listened to some Stevie Ray Vaughan-- had a great time jamming out by myself. Goes to show you can "Getcha pull" without being enslaved to the nic bitch.

The second bridge I crossed was when I went over to my buddies to throw darts for 2 hours. Him and I have thrown in an astronomical amount of dips in together, whether it be playing video games, golf, darts, poker, or just drinking and talking. But I didn't want to cut him out of my life just because of an addiction, so I went over there and did just fine. I'm trying to be more cognizant of triggers, so I didn't have one sip of alcohol. I know that will be a sidestep to curbing my addiction.. and that's best* case scenario.

Anyways, feeling liberated more and more with my journey as I get through the suck and into the new life this site has afforded me. Just been relaxing at home trying to get over cold symptoms brought on by the weather... I'll live ;) ODAAT. Join me
Nice job. Feels good does it not?
Great job! The wins get easier, but the feel just as rewarding. Doesn't it feel great to win at something that you lost at day after day after day for years? Breaking the cycle is really life changing. And you are living it.

Proud to quit with you today!

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2015, 04:37:00 PM »
Quote from: Jerk11
Hey all. Day four of my quit. Crossed two rather large bridges last night, and gave a stiff middle finger to the nic bitch on my way to the other side. First, I had to run out to the Nike outlet to take some Xmas stuff back in exchange for a gift card, and this outlet is about a 50 minute drive from my house. A year ago I would've jumped on the opportunity to drive out there even if I had no reason to go, i.e. volunteer to take my lil brother out there for something he needs. Now I looked like a really nice brother for doing that and spending all that gas so he could do his thing, but I know that why I really did it was to put a fat chaw in my mouth and crank up the tunes and coast. Yeah, nice little Karpman Triangle I pulled there-- seemed like the "hero", but really just a naive addict.

So anyways, I successfully made the trip all the way there nicotine-free, plus the way back. Since I had to stop somewhere else on the way back, the trip was probably a total of close to 2 hours driving. Call it a win for me :). I chomped the shit outta my gum and listened to some Stevie Ray Vaughan-- had a great time jamming out by myself. Goes to show you can "Getcha pull" without being enslaved to the nic bitch.

The second bridge I crossed was when I went over to my buddies to throw darts for 2 hours. Him and I have thrown in an astronomical amount of dips in together, whether it be playing video games, golf, darts, poker, or just drinking and talking. But I didn't want to cut him out of my life just because of an addiction, so I went over there and did just fine. I'm trying to be more cognizant of triggers, so I didn't have one sip of alcohol. I know that will be a sidestep to curbing my addiction.. and that's best* case scenario.

Anyways, feeling liberated more and more with my journey as I get through the suck and into the new life this site has afforded me. Just been relaxing at home trying to get over cold symptoms brought on by the weather... I'll live ;) ODAAT. Join me
Nice job. Feels good does it not?

Offline Jerk11

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2015, 04:32:00 PM »
Hey all. Day four of my quit. Crossed two rather large bridges last night, and gave a stiff middle finger to the nic bitch on my way to the other side. First, I had to run out to the Nike outlet to take some Xmas stuff back in exchange for a gift card, and this outlet is about a 50 minute drive from my house. A year ago I would've jumped on the opportunity to drive out there even if I had no reason to go, i.e. volunteer to take my lil brother out there for something he needs. Now I looked like a really nice brother for doing that and spending all that gas so he could do his thing, but I know that why I really did it was to put a fat chaw in my mouth and crank up the tunes and coast. Yeah, nice little Karpman Triangle I pulled there-- seemed like the "hero", but really just a naive addict.

So anyways, I successfully made the trip all the way there nicotine-free, plus the way back. Since I had to stop somewhere else on the way back, the trip was probably a total of close to 2 hours driving. Call it a win for me :). I chomped the shit outta my gum and listened to some Stevie Ray Vaughan-- had a great time jamming out by myself. Goes to show you can "Getcha pull" without being enslaved to the nic bitch.

The second bridge I crossed was when I went over to my buddies to throw darts for 2 hours. Him and I have thrown in an astronomical amount of dips in together, whether it be playing video games, golf, darts, poker, or just drinking and talking. But I didn't want to cut him out of my life just because of an addiction, so I went over there and did just fine. I'm trying to be more cognizant of triggers, so I didn't have one sip of alcohol. I know that will be a sidestep to curbing my addiction.. and that's best* case scenario.

Anyways, feeling liberated more and more with my journey as I get through the suck and into the new life this site has afforded me. Just been relaxing at home trying to get over cold symptoms brought on by the weather... I'll live ;) ODAAT. Join me

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #8 on: January 07, 2015, 07:24:00 PM »
Welcome, I'm right there with you in terms of time. Good luck in your quit and stay strong.

Offline MCO

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2015, 06:29:00 PM »
Quote from: Harbinger17
Quote from: Jerk11
I have posted roll for the first time about 20 minutes ago, and have been nicotine free for 72 hours now. I feel so empowered! Lifting weights seems to help subdue cravings. Also, I've been drinking cranberry juice to try and detox a bit. Other than that, staying busy and thinking positively as much as possible. I've told my family to hold me to my promise to myself, and also notified co-workers and the boss. I have the whole day off and the next 3 so this will be my next test, as I have a lot of free time. I strive to utilize this site as much as possible and make as many contacts as possible, in order to strengthen that accountability. Because I am an addict. Nothing more, nothing less. But today I quit. Will you stand beside me in quitting?
Damn Straight I'll stand with you. The path to freedom feels good doesn't it. I wish I had thought of drinking the detox tea I had when I was in the suck. It should speed things along. I'll pm you my number.
Glad to see you finally made it on roll. Exercise of any sort will help with cravings, plus it's just good for you. Good job letting everyone know what you're embarking on, helps them understand somewhat of what you're going through. If you need something to help occupy you in your free time may I suggest live chat (up in the right corner) there's some great guys in there that will distract you. Pm me for a contact

MCO, quitting like fuck with you today!
Quit: 3/14/2014
HOF: 6/21/2014
Quitting with The Saloon and The Elite 8!!
If you are reading this; I quit with you today.

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2015, 06:23:00 PM »
Quote from: Jerk11
I have posted roll for the first time about 20 minutes ago, and have been nicotine free for 72 hours now. I feel so empowered! Lifting weights seems to help subdue cravings. Also, I've been drinking cranberry juice to try and detox a bit. Other than that, staying busy and thinking positively as much as possible. I've told my family to hold me to my promise to myself, and also notified co-workers and the boss. I have the whole day off and the next 3 so this will be my next test, as I have a lot of free time. I strive to utilize this site as much as possible and make as many contacts as possible, in order to strengthen that accountability. Because I am an addict. Nothing more, nothing less. But today I quit. Will you stand beside me in quitting?
Damn Straight I'll stand with you. The path to freedom feels good doesn't it. I wish I had thought of drinking the detox tea I had when I was in the suck. It should speed things along. I'll pm you my number.

Offline Jerk11

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2015, 06:17:00 PM »
I have posted roll for the first time about 20 minutes ago, and have been nicotine free for 72 hours now. I feel so empowered! Lifting weights seems to help subdue cravings. Also, I've been drinking cranberry juice to try and detox a bit. Other than that, staying busy and thinking positively as much as possible. I've told my family to hold me to my promise to myself, and also notified co-workers and the boss. I have the whole day off and the next 3 so this will be my next test, as I have a lot of free time. I strive to utilize this site as much as possible and make as many contacts as possible, in order to strengthen that accountability. Because I am an addict. Nothing more, nothing less. But today I quit. Will you stand beside me in quitting?

Offline MCO

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2015, 07:08:00 PM »
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: osage
Quote from: Jerk11
Hey all, the names Joe. I have decided to quit all forms of nicotine starting today, and will be nicotine free for a full 24 hours by about 5:00 pm CT. I've been dipping for about 6 years now, and am DONE. I am done with having to hide it from certain people and family members, and it's big time chick repellant. As one of my buddies that actually cares for my well-being has explained, not many good looking, normal females my age (I'm 25) want to put up with that for very long, and many of them will avoid me if they see me doing it. That being said, I'm doing this for MYSELF. For my health. So that I don't feel hypocritical in eating healthier and working out 5 times per week, yet incessantly putting poison in my body solely to get my "fix". I'm also on some medication that can interfere with it, making me already moody, irritable, etc.

So far, brain fog has been the biggest symptom at the 21 hour mark as I write this. Yet, nothing worse than what a hangover feels like. Headache, little sluggish, and brain fog. Other than that, I feel fine.

Bottom line is that I genuinely want to quit. I am confident that I can beat this addiction, yet humble enough to know I WILL ABSOLUTELY need help along the way, from those of you that can help me. I'm willing to fight to save my life, as any addict should in an ideal world. No more excuses. No more bullshit negative ruminating thoughts in my head that say I can't do this or I am a loser blah blah. This is my day of reckoning for me against my past self, big tobacco companies, those that think I can't quit, and most importantly... The nic bitch. You can do all the mind trickery in the world nic, but I don't think you realize who you are up against. You will soon.
Good to see ya quit. Go and post day 1 under the April quit group. This is making your promise to all of us you will not use nicotine today. Post your promise every day and take it one day at a time.
Welcome! Osage is a smart dude... Post roll. It is your promise to yourself and all of us that for today, and today only, you will not use nicotine in any form. If you re a man of your word you can do anything for 24 hours. You could make out with Chelsea Clinton for 24 hours if your life depended on it, right? You can do this.

In exchange you get support and a shitton of it. This place works. Nothing else does. Post roll, repeat tomorrow. Be a man of your word. You are young, and a lot of young guys are liars and are dishonorable when it comes to this plan. Your intro has the sounds of a dude that will fight like hell. You have my support. Shoot me a pm if you need a text accountability teammate. This fight is well worth the struggle.
Welcome Joe,

Congrats on getting in here and making the decision to quit, now we need your promise for the day. Go to the April 15 quit group and post a day 1; that's your price of admission here. Post roll EVERY DAY (including holidays and weekends) and post early. Your roll post is your promise to stay quit for 24 hours, that's all we ask.

As worktowin said younger quitters have a hard time with quitting, but there are plenty of badass quitters your age and younger on here, what it comes to is YOU: your attitude, your dedication, your integrity, your honesty. If you are willing to give us your word, we will hold you to it.

topic/10847546/39/?x=50 That's your quit group, get in there, post roll, make friends and quit like fuck.

If you need some help PM me.
Quit: 3/14/2014
HOF: 6/21/2014
Quitting with The Saloon and The Elite 8!!
If you are reading this; I quit with you today.

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2015, 06:34:00 PM »
Quote from: osage
Quote from: Jerk11
Hey all, the names Joe. I have decided to quit all forms of nicotine starting today, and will be nicotine free for a full 24 hours by about 5:00 pm CT. I've been dipping for about 6 years now, and am DONE. I am done with having to hide it from certain people and family members, and it's big time chick repellant. As one of my buddies that actually cares for my well-being has explained, not many good looking, normal females my age (I'm 25) want to put up with that for very long, and many of them will avoid me if they see me doing it. That being said, I'm doing this for MYSELF. For my health. So that I don't feel hypocritical in eating healthier and working out 5 times per week, yet incessantly putting poison in my body solely to get my "fix". I'm also on some medication that can interfere with it, making me already moody, irritable, etc.

So far, brain fog has been the biggest symptom at the 21 hour mark as I write this. Yet, nothing worse than what a hangover feels like. Headache, little sluggish, and brain fog. Other than that, I feel fine.

Bottom line is that I genuinely want to quit. I am confident that I can beat this addiction, yet humble enough to know I WILL ABSOLUTELY need help along the way, from those of you that can help me. I'm willing to fight to save my life, as any addict should in an ideal world. No more excuses. No more bullshit negative ruminating thoughts in my head that say I can't do this or I am a loser blah blah. This is my day of reckoning for me against my past self, big tobacco companies, those that think I can't quit, and most importantly... The nic bitch. You can do all the mind trickery in the world nic, but I don't think you realize who you are up against. You will soon.
Good to see ya quit. Go and post day 1 under the April quit group. This is making your promise to all of us you will not use nicotine today. Post your promise every day and take it one day at a time.
Welcome! Osage is a smart dude... Post roll. It is your promise to yourself and all of us that for today, and today only, you will not use nicotine in any form. If you re a man of your word you can do anything for 24 hours. You could make out with Chelsea Clinton for 24 hours if your life depended on it, right? You can do this.

In exchange you get support and a shitton of it. This place works. Nothing else does. Post roll, repeat tomorrow. Be a man of your word. You are young, and a lot of young guys are liars and are dishonorable when it comes to this plan. Your intro has the sounds of a dude that will fight like hell. You have my support. Shoot me a pm if you need a text accountability teammate. This fight is well worth the struggle.

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2015, 03:20:00 PM »
Quote from: Jerk11
Hey all, the names Joe. I have decided to quit all forms of nicotine starting today, and will be nicotine free for a full 24 hours by about 5:00 pm CT. I've been dipping for about 6 years now, and am DONE. I am done with having to hide it from certain people and family members, and it's big time chick repellant. As one of my buddies that actually cares for my well-being has explained, not many good looking, normal females my age (I'm 25) want to put up with that for very long, and many of them will avoid me if they see me doing it. That being said, I'm doing this for MYSELF. For my health. So that I don't feel hypocritical in eating healthier and working out 5 times per week, yet incessantly putting poison in my body solely to get my "fix". I'm also on some medication that can interfere with it, making me already moody, irritable, etc.

So far, brain fog has been the biggest symptom at the 21 hour mark as I write this. Yet, nothing worse than what a hangover feels like. Headache, little sluggish, and brain fog. Other than that, I feel fine.

Bottom line is that I genuinely want to quit. I am confident that I can beat this addiction, yet humble enough to know I WILL ABSOLUTELY need help along the way, from those of you that can help me. I'm willing to fight to save my life, as any addict should in an ideal world. No more excuses. No more bullshit negative ruminating thoughts in my head that say I can't do this or I am a loser blah blah. This is my day of reckoning for me against my past self, big tobacco companies, those that think I can't quit, and most importantly... The nic bitch. You can do all the mind trickery in the world nic, but I don't think you realize who you are up against. You will soon.
Good to see ya quit. Go and post day 1 under the April quit group. This is making your promise to all of us you will not use nicotine today. Post your promise every day and take it one day at a time.