Author Topic: New Quitter  (Read 4186 times)

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #31 on: February 10, 2015, 04:05:00 PM »
Quote from: Jerk11
Thanks for all the support to those that have reached out to me and helped me through these first 37 days. Feeling good the past couple days. Does anyone know of some informational websites (that are interesting) on the quit process? i.e. you get headaches because of the oxygen to the brain, nicotine mimics acetylcholine receptors, etc. etc. I love to read that stuff while I'm at work.
Here is a book I have read at least 4 times in my first year of quitting.
You can get it free online. It explains everything.

Freedom From Nicotine-The Journey Home, by John R. Polito.

Next to KTC, it helped me the most.

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #30 on: February 10, 2015, 11:19:00 AM »
Thanks for all the support to those that have reached out to me and helped me through these first 37 days. Feeling good the past couple days. Does anyone know of some informational websites (that are interesting) on the quit process? i.e. you get headaches because of the oxygen to the brain, nicotine mimics acetylcholine receptors, etc. etc. I love to read that stuff while I'm at work.

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #29 on: February 05, 2015, 09:58:00 PM »
Quote from: Derk40
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: 30isEnuff
Quote from: Jerk11
Day 32... Nic bitch is an annoying lil fucker isn't it? Almost like the itch you can't quite reach. Got my ass handed to me at work for the majority of the day on Monday and Tuesday. Today I woke up and felt great, eating much healthier, and I lifted. Now I'm noticing the dip rage mounting. It's almost like I can't do enough to subdue the cravings altogether. I don't want to fuck anything up by "going off" on family or anyone else, so I'll come here. I hate nicotine. I hate what it did to me and for what I'm still going through from 6+ years of ABUSE. Then someone... that's NEVER gone through this (outside KTC)... and doesn't understand will say, "Oooh it'll get better".... Yeah I want to punch them in the face and then say, "You were right, I'm feeling fanfuckingtastic! Good day to you!
Quittin' the rest of Today with ^^^^^ Badass!
Ohhh it Will get Better! (as I turn and run the other way) :)
Keep fighting Jerk! You are rewiring and trying to learn to deal with life without being on a substance that does nothing for you. It is a bit scary when you first get slammed at work and you don't dip. What do you do???? Running to the can of death used to be how we thought we solved the problem. Right???? Know this. Dipping did not solve anything. You actually created a second problem. The original problem still existed. You don't need dip to live. It just creates another issue.

You should be proud of yourself! You got thru your work problems without it! Feel good about that because you are living life! In time it will get easier, but for today you just need to battle thru it. You are doing great brother! Quit with you today.
Hell yes jerk you doing amazing! You could have taken easy way out and fingered the old bitch but instead you kicked her ass to the curb! Kuddos to you my friend takes a big man to walk away from his weakness! I'm on day 40 not an hour goes by the bitch aint licking on my ear but with all this support we can do this! Damn proud to be quit with you!
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #28 on: February 05, 2015, 06:41:00 PM »
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: 30isEnuff
Quote from: Jerk11
Day 32... Nic bitch is an annoying lil fucker isn't it? Almost like the itch you can't quite reach. Got my ass handed to me at work for the majority of the day on Monday and Tuesday. Today I woke up and felt great, eating much healthier, and I lifted. Now I'm noticing the dip rage mounting. It's almost like I can't do enough to subdue the cravings altogether. I don't want to fuck anything up by "going off" on family or anyone else, so I'll come here. I hate nicotine. I hate what it did to me and for what I'm still going through from 6+ years of ABUSE. Then someone... that's NEVER gone through this (outside KTC)... and doesn't understand will say, "Oooh it'll get better".... Yeah I want to punch them in the face and then say, "You were right, I'm feeling fanfuckingtastic! Good day to you!
Quittin' the rest of Today with ^^^^^ Badass!
Ohhh it Will get Better! (as I turn and run the other way) :)
Keep fighting Jerk! You are rewiring and trying to learn to deal with life without being on a substance that does nothing for you. It is a bit scary when you first get slammed at work and you don't dip. What do you do???? Running to the can of death used to be how we thought we solved the problem. Right???? Know this. Dipping did not solve anything. You actually created a second problem. The original problem still existed. You don't need dip to live. It just creates another issue.

You should be proud of yourself! You got thru your work problems without it! Feel good about that because you are living life! In time it will get easier, but for today you just need to battle thru it. You are doing great brother! Quit with you today.
Quit date: 6/23/2013
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Offline rdad

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #27 on: February 05, 2015, 05:04:00 PM »
Quote from: 30isEnuff
Quote from: Jerk11
Day 32... Nic bitch is an annoying lil fucker isn't it? Almost like the itch you can't quite reach. Got my ass handed to me at work for the majority of the day on Monday and Tuesday. Today I woke up and felt great, eating much healthier, and I lifted. Now I'm noticing the dip rage mounting. It's almost like I can't do enough to subdue the cravings altogether. I don't want to fuck anything up by "going off" on family or anyone else, so I'll come here. I hate nicotine. I hate what it did to me and for what I'm still going through from 6+ years of ABUSE. Then someone... that's NEVER gone through this (outside KTC)... and doesn't understand will say, "Oooh it'll get better".... Yeah I want to punch them in the face and then say, "You were right, I'm feeling fanfuckingtastic! Good day to you!
Quittin' the rest of Today with ^^^^^ Badass!
Ohhh it Will get Better! (as I turn and run the other way) :)

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #26 on: February 05, 2015, 04:52:00 PM »
Quote from: Jerk11
Day 32... Nic bitch is an annoying lil fucker isn't it? Almost like the itch you can't quite reach. Got my ass handed to me at work for the majority of the day on Monday and Tuesday. Today I woke up and felt great, eating much healthier, and I lifted. Now I'm noticing the dip rage mounting. It's almost like I can't do enough to subdue the cravings altogether. I don't want to fuck anything up by "going off" on family or anyone else, so I'll come here. I hate nicotine. I hate what it did to me and for what I'm still going through from 6+ years of ABUSE. Then someone... that's NEVER gone through this (outside KTC)... and doesn't understand will say, "Oooh it'll get better".... Yeah I want to punch them in the face and then say, "You were right, I'm feeling fanfuckingtastic! Good day to you!
Quittin' the rest of Today with ^^^^^ Badass!
Keeping my jaw and tongue...I like them.
It's poison I tell ya, You wouldn't drink Liquid Drano, would ya?

Offline Jerk11

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #25 on: February 05, 2015, 04:51:00 PM »
Day 32... Nic bitch is an annoying lil fucker isn't it? Almost like the itch you can't quite reach. Got my ass handed to me at work for the majority of the day on Monday and Tuesday. Today I woke up and felt great, eating much healthier, and I lifted. Now I'm noticing the dip rage mounting. It's almost like I can't do enough to subdue the cravings altogether. I don't want to fuck anything up by "going off" on family or anyone else, so I'll come here. I hate nicotine. I hate what it did to me and for what I'm still going through from 6+ years of ABUSE. Then someone... that's NEVER gone through this (outside KTC)... and doesn't understand will say, "Oooh it'll get better".... Yeah I want to punch them in the face and then say, "You were right, I'm feeling fanfuckingtastic! Good day to you!

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #24 on: January 27, 2015, 06:50:00 AM »
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: pab1964
Quote from: Jerk11
So... today fucking sucked. Still experiencing a deep fog, anxiety, moodiness, constipation, worry about Dentist appt on February 12th. But guess what? I was thick skulled enough to try the neurotoxin in a can, so there will be no sympathy. I have had to ask forgiveness from people and also for myself in the way I have acted and what I've come short of doing. Nicotine left me powerless for a good seven years. Kodiak, Grizzly Wintergreen, Grizzly Mint, Red Man, Red Man in a can, Levi Garrett, Skoal Mint Xtra, bummed cigarettes... you name it, I've put it in my mouth. It's time I wake the fuck up and get real on here how I'm feeling. I'm done portraying my quit as some rosey, Disney-Ified epiphany that I had and how I overcame it all. Fact of the matter is that it's Day 22 for me and I am clearly miserable. Does it get better? I feel flatlined. Like I don't really give a shit if it's January or May, and probably wouldn't know had I use my phone/calendar as confirmation. Memory is fucked up beyond all reasonable doubt, especially short term memory. Organization skills clearly compromised. Ambition has dropped. Work productivity is marginalized. Fuck nicotine man! WHY IN THEE FUCK DID I EVER DO THIS TO MYSELF 'bang head'
Lmao brother! Sound just like me! Day 30 for me having same shit but guess what I'm quit today, your quit today =longer life! I quit with you and I know by golly you can stay quit my friend need me pm me for digits
Does it get better? Yes much.

You will be so glad you put this in writing dude. Because when the fog clears, and it will, and you see how clear the skies are without the haze of that neurotoxin... And you come back and read what you went through, you are gonna be crazy angry. And anger us sometimes a good motivator.

One day at a time dude - and remember, you'll never have to go through this again.
For whatever reason days 20-40 are rough. For me I think days 10-20 were great because I felt "I can actually do this!" But when the exhilaration of conquering my quit craves wore off, the craves kept coming and coming and coming. Very frustrating time, but it definitely ends. Unfortunately the power of nicotine is huge, the imprint it left on your brain takes a long time to reset. But it definitely will. Keep grinding.

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #23 on: January 27, 2015, 05:50:00 AM »
Quote from: pab1964
Quote from: Jerk11
So... today fucking sucked. Still experiencing a deep fog, anxiety, moodiness, constipation, worry about Dentist appt on February 12th. But guess what? I was thick skulled enough to try the neurotoxin in a can, so there will be no sympathy. I have had to ask forgiveness from people and also for myself in the way I have acted and what I've come short of doing. Nicotine left me powerless for a good seven years. Kodiak, Grizzly Wintergreen, Grizzly Mint, Red Man, Red Man in a can, Levi Garrett, Skoal Mint Xtra, bummed cigarettes... you name it, I've put it in my mouth. It's time I wake the fuck up and get real on here how I'm feeling. I'm done portraying my quit as some rosey, Disney-Ified epiphany that I had and how I overcame it all. Fact of the matter is that it's Day 22 for me and I am clearly miserable. Does it get better? I feel flatlined. Like I don't really give a shit if it's January or May, and probably wouldn't know had I use my phone/calendar as confirmation. Memory is fucked up beyond all reasonable doubt, especially short term memory. Organization skills clearly compromised. Ambition has dropped. Work productivity is marginalized. Fuck nicotine man! WHY IN THEE FUCK DID I EVER DO THIS TO MYSELF 'bang head'
Lmao brother! Sound just like me! Day 30 for me having same shit but guess what I'm quit today, your quit today =longer life! I quit with you and I know by golly you can stay quit my friend need me pm me for digits
Does it get better? Yes much.

You will be so glad you put this in writing dude. Because when the fog clears, and it will, and you see how clear the skies are without the haze of that neurotoxin... And you come back and read what you went through, you are gonna be crazy angry. And anger us sometimes a good motivator.

One day at a time dude - and remember, you'll never have to go through this again.

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #22 on: January 26, 2015, 10:50:00 PM »
Quote from: Jerk11
So... today fucking sucked. Still experiencing a deep fog, anxiety, moodiness, constipation, worry about Dentist appt on February 12th. But guess what? I was thick skulled enough to try the neurotoxin in a can, so there will be no sympathy. I have had to ask forgiveness from people and also for myself in the way I have acted and what I've come short of doing. Nicotine left me powerless for a good seven years. Kodiak, Grizzly Wintergreen, Grizzly Mint, Red Man, Red Man in a can, Levi Garrett, Skoal Mint Xtra, bummed cigarettes... you name it, I've put it in my mouth. It's time I wake the fuck up and get real on here how I'm feeling. I'm done portraying my quit as some rosey, Disney-Ified epiphany that I had and how I overcame it all. Fact of the matter is that it's Day 22 for me and I am clearly miserable. Does it get better? I feel flatlined. Like I don't really give a shit if it's January or May, and probably wouldn't know had I use my phone/calendar as confirmation. Memory is fucked up beyond all reasonable doubt, especially short term memory. Organization skills clearly compromised. Ambition has dropped. Work productivity is marginalized. Fuck nicotine man! WHY IN THEE FUCK DID I EVER DO THIS TO MYSELF 'bang head'
Lmao brother! Sound just like me! Day 30 for me having same shit but guess what I'm quit today, your quit today =longer life! I quit with you and I know by golly you can stay quit my friend need me pm me for digits
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #21 on: January 26, 2015, 10:41:00 PM »
So... today fucking sucked. Still experiencing a deep fog, anxiety, moodiness, constipation, worry about Dentist appt on February 12th. But guess what? I was thick skulled enough to try the neurotoxin in a can, so there will be no sympathy. I have had to ask forgiveness from people and also for myself in the way I have acted and what I've come short of doing. Nicotine left me powerless for a good seven years. Kodiak, Grizzly Wintergreen, Grizzly Mint, Red Man, Red Man in a can, Levi Garrett, Skoal Mint Xtra, bummed cigarettes... you name it, I've put it in my mouth. It's time I wake the fuck up and get real on here how I'm feeling. I'm done portraying my quit as some rosey, Disney-Ified epiphany that I had and how I overcame it all. Fact of the matter is that it's Day 22 for me and I am clearly miserable. Does it get better? I feel flatlined. Like I don't really give a shit if it's January or May, and probably wouldn't know had I use my phone/calendar as confirmation. Memory is fucked up beyond all reasonable doubt, especially short term memory. Organization skills clearly compromised. Ambition has dropped. Work productivity is marginalized. Fuck nicotine man! WHY IN THEE FUCK DID I EVER DO THIS TO MYSELF 'bang head'

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #20 on: January 25, 2015, 02:36:00 PM »
Enjoyed darts and a few card games without nicotine last night. Told a friend that I am quit for the past 20 days and he says, "Just wait Joe til we get on the golf course.." Like is that a challenge? Or is he envious of my success in my quit thus far? I can't wait until the day I prove them wrong on the course (mild winter means it could be in a few weeks), but I better take it one day at a time and stick to what has worked. Been 21 days now- 3 weeks- that's quite a feat for myself, but I couldn't have done it without all of you.. It's been a pleasure. I won't let a dumb comment bother me. Stick to my plan. Know my triggers and have a plan ALWAYS. No rash decisions. Most importantly: keep posting roll... and EARLY. Because I know my role (within the Apes). And I'm on a roll. And I don't want to get rolled by those that have fought so hard to keep my addict self quit.


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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #19 on: January 22, 2015, 12:38:00 AM »
Man, what an awesome read to go through all your posts. It sounds like 1) you are fighting this addiction no matter what, and 2) you are feeling at least a little better, which is always good. A couple guys said it but I'll repeat: for very few of us do the craves just totally stop after day 15 or 30 or even 50. They get more tolerable, more manageable and more infrequent; however, they still drop their stupid little heads in every once in a while. So, the most important part is being prepared. I did the coffee grounds thing a couple times, and you're right it's not great. But the important part is that when you felt like you HAD to put something in your lip, you had something on hand and weren't hopping in the car to go to the gas station. I'm not recommending fake, necessarily. Everyone's go their thing. I got some good use out of coffee ground pouches called Grinds (

The product or type or method doesn't matter — as long as you are ready to fight back those craves whenever they come. I quit with you today  EDD
"Post roll. Post more if you want to. That's the beauty of the place: We ask you post roll. We ask you to be honest. That's all. No more. No less. Be there for your brothers and ask for help when you need it." - Wastepanel 10/6/14

"What would you do to save your own life? If you were fighting cancer today would you suffer through Chemo, surgeries, try new a therapy? change your diet, go to church? What intolerable hell would you endure to simply live. When you have thought long and hard about that, think on this. Why not apply that attitude to your quit. Suffer through the temporary discomfort of withdrawal to achieve your freedom from a slow painful demise via nicotine. Your in the ring already- fight like you mean it." - Skoal Monster 10/8/14

Quit Date: 6/30/2014 at 4:30 PM

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #18 on: January 21, 2015, 10:09:00 PM »
So today is my Day 17 nicotine free. First day of a four day weekend, and I slept for most of it. Dragging ass. I guess that's my own fault for not keeping busy, but I feel like I'm in a funk. Craves have come back strong, and I think some of it is due to boredom. I need to change things up; the gym and my workouts have gotten kind of stale. Here's what my past couple of days have looked like:

Sunday: felt so good that I thought feeling that good should be illegal. Got plenty of rest the night before (hardly happens for me on a Saturday night to get good rest) and I felt mentally strong. Almost got a euphoric sense late in the evening, and that's when I wondered if it would last.

Monday: Tired in the morning (probably 5-5.5 hours sleep night before, which is low for me), then edgy and irritable in afternoon. DOOM AND GLOOM. It was all over a phone call that set me off. This was a good display of addict Joe. Joe that didn't have two perfect days in a row so he immediately throws a pity party (mostly internalized, at least how I remember)... I gotta be able to brush these things off better. Gotta stay focused and not let "Monday's" get to me so easily.

Tuesday: My last day of my workweek, so naturally I was in a better mood.

Today: Tired, unmotivated, irritable at times, flighty, etc.

Plenty of triggers in that span and since I've posted on this thread last. I'm able to beat them down fairly easily so far, but today I put ground coffee in my lip since I am a fiend. That's two days after telling a guy at work "that sounds disgusting and very messy"-- which it was. Not my proudest moment.. FUCK nicotine and what it's turned me into. So glad I'm quit with all of you today.

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #17 on: January 16, 2015, 01:15:00 PM »
Quote from: Jerk11
To the day 1's and day 2's guys and gals... Read, absorb, make contacts, engorge yourself with this site. A month ago I could not sleep, had anxiety like a mofo, irritable, "the blues" constantly, etc.. Then I got on here and immediately felt better. Took the plunge shortly after and posted roll. And I quit. Every single day. I understand now that I am an addict and can NEVER go back to nicotine. Anyways, my observations of my quit this far in my first 11 days if anyone was curious:

My brain fog comes and goes. You may feel a moment of clarity coming on and then BAM! a grueling day at work where you feel off constantly. Push through it. Inform those in close contact with you that you might seem spacey at times, because it has happens a lot to me. I feel like stress buildup can bring that on.

I haven't really gained weight, but I was already on a pretty good diet plan months back before quitting and have been exercising regularly. This has been a HUGE factor in my quit. If you don't belong to a gym... find a hobby or something that you LOVE to do that doesn't involve nicotine.

Stay busy. I feel much better at night knowing I accomplished something earlier that day or did something important. Fact is, all quitters on this site HAVE done that today. Do something constructive to replace that nasty habit, and you will feel empowered.

My craves peaked around days 7-10. I hope it will get easier from here. I'm confident that it will, and if it gets worse, I'll be transparent on the way I'm feeling to someone that cares of my wellbeing.

You may feel vulnerable from time to time. You know: that mental visualization of a cave. Try to switch gears and go do something, and definitely reach out to someone on here if it becomes overbearing.

Bottom line: You have all been afforded the opportunity to belong to a tight-knit group here at KTC, a community that is proven it's effectiveness in quitting dip and chew. Your trust is earned here. I'm sure I have not earned mine yet, not from everyone at least. It can take 100 days, 1 year, 5 years, etc etc. posting roll on this site before you have any positive reputation at all, and it can be forever tainted in a matter of a few minutes. Think about that and you may start doing things differently.

nice post