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Re: Starting today
« Reply #8 on: August 27, 2013, 06:36:00 PM »
Quote from: Trev10hockey
I just recently have turned 18
Wish I had been this smart at your age. I waited about 20 years longer.

Read everything you can here, quitting is possible!

Welcome to the site

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Re: Starting today
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2013, 02:13:00 PM »
Quote from: Huzie1
Congrats on making the move to join us here...We all have the same addiction as you do. If you don't get it stopped now, you will be no different than myself or any others on this site. What I mean is using for years and years and years. Myself I dipped for 27 years. Everyday until you quit will be thoughts of tobacco. It will run your life. Every aspect of your life will revolve around tobacco. There is no stopping it until you make the choice to stop!! You mention the things you have tried...well that can help curb the urges but it's not enough. You must make the commitment in your head to quit. You must be a part of this site and post roll everyday. The support is second to none. If you can't do it on your own then you need help and support. I am only on Day 9 but I am quit now and happy to be. We all know exactly what it feels like...We know it feels like shit everyday. We all have to relearn just about every aspect of life tobacco free. It is hard but can be done. Don't second guess yourself and say " I hope" You have to commit fully and wholeheartedly. It is the only way!!

+1. Lots of great advice already this morning. Welcome Trev! You've found a great Group of guys for help  support.

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Re: Starting today
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2013, 01:49:00 PM »
Quote from: Trev10hockey
I have tried alternatives such as snus pouches...
Those SNUS pouches or any other tobacco product is not an alternative. Those contain nicotine which is the highly addictive drug that kept us slaves. No nicotine allowed in these hallowed halls. No e-ciggs, no cigars, no pipes, no dip/snuff/chew/plugs, no patches, not nic gum.

Quitting cold turkey is allowed and so are any other tools to help you along that are tobacco and nicotine free.

Welcome to the site and get to a doctor (a real one, not Dr. Google) to get your ass checked out.
"Dunno about you HP, but LOOT doesn't like getting assfucked, by anyone....and certainly won't chalk it up to 'shit happens'."

Offline Huzie1

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Re: Starting today
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2013, 01:37:00 PM »
Congrats on making the move to join us here...We all have the same addiction as you do. If you don't get it stopped now, you will be no different than myself or any others on this site. What I mean is using for years and years and years. Myself I dipped for 27 years. Everyday until you quit will be thoughts of tobacco. It will run your life. Every aspect of your life will revolve around tobacco. There is no stopping it until you make the choice to stop!! You mention the things you have tried...well that can help curb the urges but it's not enough. You must make the commitment in your head to quit. You must be a part of this site and post roll everyday. The support is second to none. If you can't do it on your own then you need help and support. I am only on Day 9 but I am quit now and happy to be. We all know exactly what it feels like...We know it feels like shit everyday. We all have to relearn just about every aspect of life tobacco free. It is hard but can be done. Don't second guess yourself and say " I hope" You have to commit fully and wholeheartedly. It is the only way!!


Offline CaliforniaSlim

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Re: Starting today
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2013, 01:02:00 PM »
Quote from: Trev10hockey
I started chewing about a year and a half ago when I was 16 years old. I have been wanting to quit for the last 6 months or so, but it has been so hard for me. I just recently have turned 18 and have been trying extremely hard not to just run to the gas station and pick up a new can for myself. The longest I have made it in my attempts is only 7 days before I crack and go back to a can a day.

Since I have turned 18 I have been experiencing really scary symtoms. I have done research on colon cancer and I am not really sure that I have it, but I am very freaked out about it and it is giving me even more of a drive to stop completely. During the last month or so I have had on and off diarrhea (I started drinking tea around this time and I have found that this could be the cause). During the last few days I have had a few normal BM's, but there has been a day that I had diarrhea that had a reddish tinge to it. This was after eating pizza, so I think it may just be the tomato sauce which caused it. Then today I have had a normal BM but it contained a lot of mucus which started to worry me again. I do have food allergies which maybe be the source. Either way I want to be tobacco free from now on and am doing whatever it takes to quit completely.

I have tried alternatives such as snus pouches, sunflower seeds, and jerky chew. None of which have helped me too much. I am wondering what I should do to help me along, without ordering the tobacco-free snuff online.
Welcome to the site. Great decision to quit. FIrst, go to the pink "welcome center" button to the top left of the screen. Read everything in there. Read about quitting and posting roll, and why we do that.

Then dump every can of dip you have into the toilet and flush. Crush the cans with your feet and toss them.

This place can help you be quit, but you have to do it. We welcome use of anything that does not contain nicotine here. Seeds, gum, candy, coffee beans, fake dip, whatever. Just no nic patches, snus pouches, nic gum... Nothing with nicotine.

The reason is, you and I, and the rest of KTC are addicts. We are addicted to nicotine, so the first thing, and the goal is to get it out of our system and our lives.

So, quit right now, post roll in the December group, don't use for the rest of the day. You can do that. Then, do the same thing tomorrow. That is the KTC way, and it works.

As for the medical stuff, you are going to have to see a doctor

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Re: Starting today
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2013, 12:38:00 PM »
Quote from: Trev10hockey
I started chewing about a year and a half ago when I was 16 years old. I have been wanting to quit for the last 6 months or so, but it has been so hard for me. I just recently have turned 18 and have been trying extremely hard not to just run to the gas station and pick up a new can for myself. The longest I have made it in my attempts is only 7 days before I crack and go back to a can a day.

Since I have turned 18 I have been experiencing really scary symtoms. I have done research on colon cancer and I am not really sure that I have it, but I am very freaked out about it and it is giving me even more of a drive to stop completely. During the last month or so I have had on and off diarrhea (I started drinking tea around this time and I have found that this could be the cause). During the last few days I have had a few normal BM's, but there has been a day that I had diarrhea that had a reddish tinge to it. This was after eating pizza, so I think it may just be the tomato sauce which caused it. Then today I have had a normal BM but it contained a lot of mucus which started to worry me again. I do have food allergies which maybe be the source. Either way I want to be tobacco free from now on and am doing whatever it takes to quit completely.

I have tried alternatives such as snus pouches, sunflower seeds, and jerky chew. None of which have helped me too much. I am wondering what I should do to help me along, without ordering the tobacco-free snuff online.

It's great seeing such a young guy with such a good head on his shoulders. You've recognized your cancer causing addiction for what it is and have sought out some support.

A few things:

-Don't take anything too personal on KTC. Everyone means well but some of us have a hard time communicating without being a-holes.
-ANYTHING that contains nicotine (Snus, pouches, cigars, cigarettes, snuff, chew, patches, gum) will only HURT your quit. Once you commit to quitting, there's no going back. That's called "posting roll" and we will help you figure out how to do it.
-Get the word 'hope' out of your quit language. Hope only has to do with things we cannot control. Ex. I hope I win the lottery vs I hope I don't drink gasoline today... "I hope I don't chew today" can be easily replaced with "I will not chew today".
-Anything that does not contain nicotine but makes you feel better is okay, such as sunflower seeds, wrigley gum, pound cake, donuts, and so on. Disclaimer: I would stay away from illegal drugs.
-See a doctor about your stomach issues. In any case, nicotine is only going to hurt your system and you gotta quit NOW.

I'm glad you're here. I wish I would have been as smart as you at 18.

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Re: Starting today
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2013, 12:34:00 PM »
Quote from: Trev10hockey
I started chewing about a year and a half ago when I was 16 years old. I have been wanting to quit for the last 6 months or so, but it has been so hard for me. I just recently have turned 18 and have been trying extremely hard not to just run to the gas station and pick up a new can for myself. The longest I have made it in my attempts is only 7 days before I crack and go back to a can a day.

Since I have turned 18 I have been experiencing really scary symtoms. I have done research on colon cancer and I am not really sure that I have it, but I am very freaked out about it and it is giving me even more of a drive to stop completely. During the last month or so I have had on and off diarrhea (I started drinking tea around this time and I have found that this could be the cause). During the last few days I have had a few normal BM's, but there has been a day that I had diarrhea that had a reddish tinge to it. This was after eating pizza, so I think it may just be the tomato sauce which caused it. Then today I have had a normal BM but it contained a lot of mucus which started to worry me again. I do have food allergies which maybe be the source. Either way I want to be tobacco free from now on and am doing whatever it takes to quit completely.

I have tried alternatives such as snus pouches, sunflower seeds, and jerky chew. None of which have helped me too much. I am wondering what I should do to help me along, without ordering the tobacco-free snuff online.
WOW 18 n bullet proof and you are here. Well welcome. go to the top of the page and check into the welcome center read read read. Find your group which is December post roll. When you post roll you give your word that you will quit chewing for today. Get up tomorrow and repeat. We quit one day at a time ODAAT.

I will not lie to you it is going to suck for you my friend are an addict like the 16000 strong here on this site. Do whatever you have to keep the poison out of your mouth like I have told others I don't care if you chew on a sac full of assholes just keep quit.

You will need to have a mindset change which is that no matter what the symptoms of withdrawal are nicotine is not more important than breathing. Embrace the suck remember how fucking awful you feel and know you wont have to do it again once you get through them.

PM me if you need digits...yes ask for numbers they will spread your network of accountability and will help keep you quit.
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech

Offline Trev10hockey

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Starting today
« on: August 27, 2013, 12:20:00 PM »
I started chewing about a year and a half ago when I was 16 years old. I have been wanting to quit for the last 6 months or so, but it has been so hard for me. I just recently have turned 18 and have been trying extremely hard not to just run to the gas station and pick up a new can for myself. The longest I have made it in my attempts is only 7 days before I crack and go back to a can a day.

Since I have turned 18 I have been experiencing really scary symtoms. I have done research on colon cancer and I am not really sure that I have it, but I am very freaked out about it and it is giving me even more of a drive to stop completely. During the last month or so I have had on and off diarrhea (I started drinking tea around this time and I have found that this could be the cause). During the last few days I have had a few normal BM's, but there has been a day that I had diarrhea that had a reddish tinge to it. This was after eating pizza, so I think it may just be the tomato sauce which caused it. Then today I have had a normal BM but it contained a lot of mucus which started to worry me again. I do have food allergies which maybe be the source. Either way I want to be tobacco free from now on and am doing whatever it takes to quit completely.

I have tried alternatives such as snus pouches, sunflower seeds, and jerky chew. None of which have helped me too much. I am wondering what I should do to help me along, without ordering the tobacco-free snuff online.