There have been several posts by new members recently who haven't bought in to the daily roll call post requirement. I'm bumping this up to the top, because so many bad ass people on this board reached out to this dude... But he didn't want to quit. This system works - take a couple of minutes each morning and commit to yourself and others that for today you will be nicotine free. A couple of minutes.
And trev, I hope you see this post. Im 41 years old dude. 41. It took me 23 years longer than you to realize that I needed to quit. I went at it balls to the wall, and the quitters that reached out to help you... Many of the same ones walked me to the hall of fame and beyond. We all know that we dared cancer to come into our lives, to take us away from our family and friends too soon. Hopefully the quitters on here quit in time. You have a whole life ahead of you - you are at a crossroad... You can continue down this dangerous, dirty, and crazy expensive road of addiction. Or you can join us.
Please, please come back and follow the plan. Post roll first thing. Keep your word. Reach out with a text or a call to one of us if you find yourself in a situation where you feel vulnerable or just need some support. The people on ktc will do anything to help you. Let us help you.