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Offline DaveKnight

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #19 on: June 16, 2014, 03:08:00 PM »
Quote from: toogoodootgr
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: toogoodootgr
I am sorry. i have been out a few days. I have stints where I have no access to internet for 3-4 days. It appears this may be an issue. I am still holding strong. If it is going to be a problem with me missing roll call every once in a while, then that is what it is. I am not sure about the animosity. I am still taking it one day at a time. I just returned from a 4 day trip about 150 KM off the SC coast. Two of the 4 on board dipped and 3 of the 4 smoked. I fought through it and managed to make it back without doing either. I feel like if I can make it through that, then i have made a big step. The bottom line is that I will not be able to post roll every day. It is just not going to happen. no matter how much i would like to, there really isn't a possibility of that happening.
Do you have a phone? No reason you can't phone a promise into a fellow quitter. Beware and listen to the advise you are given, we as addicts recognize the dangers that lead to caving because we've been there and seen it over and over. I remember one dude that while camping hiked 2 miles to get to the top of a Mountian in order to get a cell signal so he could send a text to a fellow quitter his promise. Over 2 years I've seen very few good excuses not to get your name on roll.
The only phone that we have is a satellite phone. No texting on a SAT phone. I am doing what I can, but not going to argue about it.
I understand the rules of the community quite well, but having been on Active Duty in the Marine Corps I can attest that there are some times and scenarios that a person would be unable to post roll. TooGoodToPostRoll may be a commercial fisherman, outside of tower range and only have an emergency use phone available (from what I gathered from his posts). However, he should let the community or a quit brother know of any extended absences so we can keep him in our thoughts and prayers as he fights the battle alone. I know posting roll is a big deal, but not everyone works a 9-5 and has consistent access to communication devices. It looks like 60 Chief understands as well. Unavailability is another struggle some of our brothers have to deal with, we need to be able to support them in that respect as well.
'zombie' Quit like Heck, Quit like Bernie, Quit like...Whoa 'zombie'

'tanks' 'biggun' BOOOOOOOOOOOOOM 'tanks' 'biggun'

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Offline UH60Chief107

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #18 on: June 16, 2014, 12:38:00 PM »
I can understand where you are coming from. In my job sometimes I have to leave at a moments notice and even I don't know how long or where I am going(or what shit I am going to get thrown in). For me it will be difficult to text because these locations are usually third world countries in the midst of turmoil so there is no cell service or internet. Just be sure, if you can, to send a message to a fellow roll poster to let them know you will be gone. For me, I can't even really do this because if the "man" finds out I am posting timelines on the internet, I could be in a lot of trouble. The whole program is based off of communication and accountability so we just have to roll with the house rules and make it work by any means available. If this cannot work for you then it might not be the program you need to go with.
Sultans-- 'stick' --Nic

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #17 on: June 16, 2014, 12:05:00 PM »
Quote from: doc2quit4good
Quote from: toogoodootgr
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: toogoodootgr
I am sorry. i have been out a few days. I have stints where I have no access to internet for 3-4 days. It appears this may be an issue. I am still holding strong. If it is going to be a problem with me missing roll call every once in a while, then that is what it is. I am not sure about the animosity. I am still taking it one day at a time. I just returned from a 4 day trip about 150 KM off the SC coast. Two of the 4 on board dipped and 3 of the 4 smoked. I fought through it and managed to make it back without doing either. I feel like if I can make it through that, then i have made a big step. The bottom line is that I will not be able to post roll every day. It is just not going to happen. no matter how much i would like to, there really isn't a possibility of that happening.
Do you have a phone? No reason you can't phone a promise into a fellow quitter. Beware and listen to the advise you are given, we as addicts recognize the dangers that lead to caving because we've been there and seen it over and over. I remember one dude that while camping hiked 2 miles to get to the top of a Mountian in order to get a cell signal so he could send a text to a fellow quitter his promise. Over 2 years I've seen very few good excuses not to get your name on roll.
The only phone that we have is a satellite phone. No texting on a SAT phone. I am doing what I can, but not going to argue about it.
I'm sorry man but how are we supposed to know you didn't dip out on the boat? How can we know you are committed to this when you say things like posting roll everyday just isn't gonna happen? Got to get a grip on why you are here.....
No texting on Sat phone. So What. Why don't you just call a brother and ask him to post for you. This is either important or its not. The, "I just cant post everyday" is weak. If you want to, you will find a way to do it.

Offline Doc2quit4good

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #16 on: June 16, 2014, 11:58:00 AM »
Quote from: toogoodootgr
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: toogoodootgr
I am sorry. i have been out a few days. I have stints where I have no access to internet for 3-4 days. It appears this may be an issue. I am still holding strong. If it is going to be a problem with me missing roll call every once in a while, then that is what it is. I am not sure about the animosity. I am still taking it one day at a time. I just returned from a 4 day trip about 150 KM off the SC coast. Two of the 4 on board dipped and 3 of the 4 smoked. I fought through it and managed to make it back without doing either. I feel like if I can make it through that, then i have made a big step. The bottom line is that I will not be able to post roll every day. It is just not going to happen. no matter how much i would like to, there really isn't a possibility of that happening.
Do you have a phone? No reason you can't phone a promise into a fellow quitter. Beware and listen to the advise you are given, we as addicts recognize the dangers that lead to caving because we've been there and seen it over and over. I remember one dude that while camping hiked 2 miles to get to the top of a Mountian in order to get a cell signal so he could send a text to a fellow quitter his promise. Over 2 years I've seen very few good excuses not to get your name on roll.
The only phone that we have is a satellite phone. No texting on a SAT phone. I am doing what I can, but not going to argue about it.
I'm sorry man but how are we supposed to know you didn't dip out on the boat? How can we know you are committed to this when you say things like posting roll everyday just isn't gonna happen? Got to get a grip on why you are here.....
Real Quit Day 9/18/2013 8th Floor 11/26/15
HOF day: 12/26/2013. 9th Floor 3/5/16
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6th Floor 5/10/15 4 Years 9/18/17!!!
7th Floor 8/18/15. 15th Floor 10/26/17
2 Years 9/17/15 16th Floor 2/3/18
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Re: Introduction
« Reply #15 on: June 16, 2014, 09:33:00 AM »
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: toogoodootgr
I am sorry. i have been out a few days. I have stints where I have no access to internet for 3-4 days. It appears this may be an issue. I am still holding strong. If it is going to be a problem with me missing roll call every once in a while, then that is what it is. I am not sure about the animosity. I am still taking it one day at a time. I just returned from a 4 day trip about 150 KM off the SC coast. Two of the 4 on board dipped and 3 of the 4 smoked. I fought through it and managed to make it back without doing either. I feel like if I can make it through that, then i have made a big step. The bottom line is that I will not be able to post roll every day. It is just not going to happen. no matter how much i would like to, there really isn't a possibility of that happening.
Do you have a phone? No reason you can't phone a promise into a fellow quitter. Beware and listen to the advise you are given, we as addicts recognize the dangers that lead to caving because we've been there and seen it over and over. I remember one dude that while camping hiked 2 miles to get to the top of a Mountian in order to get a cell signal so he could send a text to a fellow quitter his promise. Over 2 years I've seen very few good excuses not to get your name on roll.
The only phone that we have is a satellite phone. No texting on a SAT phone. I am doing what I can, but not going to argue about it.

Offline Wt57

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #14 on: June 16, 2014, 09:17:00 AM »
Quote from: toogoodootgr
I am sorry. i have been out a few days. I have stints where I have no access to internet for 3-4 days. It appears this may be an issue. I am still holding strong. If it is going to be a problem with me missing roll call every once in a while, then that is what it is. I am not sure about the animosity. I am still taking it one day at a time. I just returned from a 4 day trip about 150 KM off the SC coast. Two of the 4 on board dipped and 3 of the 4 smoked. I fought through it and managed to make it back without doing either. I feel like if I can make it through that, then i have made a big step. The bottom line is that I will not be able to post roll every day. It is just not going to happen. no matter how much i would like to, there really isn't a possibility of that happening.
Do you have a phone? No reason you can't phone a promise into a fellow quitter. Beware and listen to the advise you are given, we as addicts recognize the dangers that lead to caving because we've been there and seen it over and over. I remember one dude that while camping hiked 2 miles to get to the top of a Mountian in order to get a cell signal so he could send a text to a fellow quitter his promise. Over 2 years I've seen very few good excuses not to get your name on roll.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
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Offline toogoodootgr

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #13 on: June 16, 2014, 07:40:00 AM »
I am sorry. i have been out a few days. I have stints where I have no access to internet for 3-4 days. It appears this may be an issue. I am still holding strong. If it is going to be a problem with me missing roll call every once in a while, then that is what it is. I am not sure about the animosity. I am still taking it one day at a time. I just returned from a 4 day trip about 150 KM off the SC coast. Two of the 4 on board dipped and 3 of the 4 smoked. I fought through it and managed to make it back without doing either. I feel like if I can make it through that, then i have made a big step. The bottom line is that I will not be able to post roll every day. It is just not going to happen. no matter how much i would like to, there really isn't a possibility of that happening.

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #12 on: June 13, 2014, 10:51:00 AM »
Quote from: loot
Just exactly where the fuck is toogoodtoopostRoll?
My question exactly...that and he never answered ANY of the other responders. Don't look like he wants to quit as much as he claims.... feel a bit sorry for him, actually.

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #11 on: June 13, 2014, 07:40:00 AM »
Just exactly where the fuck is toogoodtoopostRoll?

Offline DaveKnight

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #10 on: June 13, 2014, 07:26:00 AM »
Quote from: Thumblewort
Toogood, you sound a lot like me 97 days ago. You know it's gonna suck, and so did I. I even was such a masochist, I did a long term suck and used a nicotine patch for 30 day before these bad asses got through my thick skull. So instead of being nearly 100 days quit, I am 67 days. I was so scared of quitting I went through the suck twice.

The truth is that it will suck, and will be worse tomorrow and Wednesday. And we want you to remember how bad it is, so when you wake up on day 4 or 5, you will know you never have to do that again if you stay quit. Quitting is like visiting someplace cool that you have never been to, every couple of days I see a positive in my quit, something I have been blind to for the last 17 years. I have had exactly ZERO negative experiences in term of quitting.
So far I have had the same feeling. I am actually relieved to be quitting. It is not as scary or painful as I had anticipated, although I have stopped using before. I want this one to stick, just have to take it ODAAT!
'zombie' Quit like Heck, Quit like Bernie, Quit like...Whoa 'zombie'

'tanks' 'biggun' BOOOOOOOOOOOOOM 'tanks' 'biggun'

;Ironman: cowboy QLH QFL ADD EDD ODAAT! cowboy ;Ironman:


'hoftrain' 'mrt' HOPPIN' THAT HOF TRAIN MUTHA MUTHA 'mrt' 'hoftrain'

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #9 on: June 09, 2014, 01:24:00 PM »
Toogood, you sound a lot like me 97 days ago. You know it's gonna suck, and so did I. I even was such a masochist, I did a long term suck and used a nicotine patch for 30 day before these bad asses got through my thick skull. So instead of being nearly 100 days quit, I am 67 days. I was so scared of quitting I went through the suck twice.

The truth is that it will suck, and will be worse tomorrow and Wednesday. And we want you to remember how bad it is, so when you wake up on day 4 or 5, you will know you never have to do that again if you stay quit. Quitting is like visiting someplace cool that you have never been to, every couple of days I see a positive in my quit, something I have been blind to for the last 17 years. I have had exactly ZERO negative experiences in term of quitting.
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2014, 12:55:00 PM »
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: toogoodootgr
Quote from: Evil_Won
Welcome, I think. I sense a lot of uncertainty in your intro. Sure, there will be apprehension and fear when quitting as you face withdrawal and your brain has to completely rewire to function without a poison. The whole process sucks to be honest. But why are you really quitting? I read about trying, hiding, not wanting to look like a fool to your wife and coworkers if you fail, a daughter, another kid on the way, etc. But what about addiction? You didn't mention that. Are you an addict? Quitting is forever, one day at a time, otherwise you are just stopping again. Quitting doesn't get put on hold for hunting season, or when out drinking, or anything else. So why are you really here?
I guess I was rambling a little before...Just trying to introduce, and tell a little about myself. I am quitting because I want to quit. I have wanted to quit forever. I realize I am addicted to the stuff. I think about it all the time. I feel like it helps me concentrate, it helps me focus on a project i'm working on, it helps me when driving...and so on and so on. I know it doesn't actually help me do any of that, but it is still something i think about. I know this isn't going to be easy, that is why I started looking for support. I also told people so I would feel accountable. I have eaten more this morning than I usually do in a week. I am nervous that I am going to fail. Also, I have never used a message board so I am trying to figure this out as well. I am just going to take it one day at a time, and make it happen.
Good answers. You recognize that 1) you are an addict 2) you want to quit for you 3) nicotine gives you a false sense of security and 4) you need accountability. With that said, welcome to Day 1. It's going to suck balls, but it needs to suck balls. You don't ever want to go through this again. With that said, keep checking the site, read, post roll, get involved and dive into this quit 100%. Evil hints at apprehension; prove to yourself and all of us that you are in it full throttle. Post roll and make a promise to your quit group (September) and all of us that you will not use nicotine for that day. Make friends, exchange numbers, join chat, what ever it takes. No longer will you be accountable only to yourself. There is only one way to go at this; we quit like fuck (QLF) and we'll QLF with you.
This place is amazing if you allow it to be. Intros are hard cause once they are done and posted for all to see......well that's it. If you are quick you can edit.

Welcome aboard. As Evil said, this is going to suck. It will suck for quite some time but if you use the site, your family, and your friends, you will succeed. Be sure to arm yourself with Nic Free Alternatives (gum, seeds, fake dip, etc). We are 100% nic free (no patches, smokes, etc). I noticed you commented on how much you ate this morning. I think we all did in the beginning but don't worry, weight is a lot easier to lose than cancer.

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2014, 12:08:00 PM »
Quote from: toogoodootgr
Quote from: Evil_Won
Welcome, I think. I sense a lot of uncertainty in your intro. Sure, there will be apprehension and fear when quitting as you face withdrawal and your brain has to completely rewire to function without a poison. The whole process sucks to be honest. But why are you really quitting? I read about trying, hiding, not wanting to look like a fool to your wife and coworkers if you fail, a daughter, another kid on the way, etc. But what about addiction? You didn't mention that. Are you an addict? Quitting is forever, one day at a time, otherwise you are just stopping again. Quitting doesn't get put on hold for hunting season, or when out drinking, or anything else. So why are you really here?
I guess I was rambling a little before...Just trying to introduce, and tell a little about myself. I am quitting because I want to quit. I have wanted to quit forever. I realize I am addicted to the stuff. I think about it all the time. I feel like it helps me concentrate, it helps me focus on a project i'm working on, it helps me when driving...and so on and so on. I know it doesn't actually help me do any of that, but it is still something i think about. I know this isn't going to be easy, that is why I started looking for support. I also told people so I would feel accountable. I have eaten more this morning than I usually do in a week. I am nervous that I am going to fail. Also, I have never used a message board so I am trying to figure this out as well. I am just going to take it one day at a time, and make it happen.
Good answers. You recognize that 1) you are an addict 2) you want to quit for you 3) nicotine gives you a false sense of security and 4) you need accountability. With that said, welcome to Day 1. It's going to suck balls, but it needs to suck balls. You don't ever want to go through this again. With that said, keep checking the site, read, post roll, get involved and dive into this quit 100%. Evil hints at apprehension; prove to yourself and all of us that you are in it full throttle. Post roll and make a promise to your quit group (September) and all of us that you will not use nicotine for that day. Make friends, exchange numbers, join chat, what ever it takes. No longer will you be accountable only to yourself. There is only one way to go at this; we quit like fuck (QLF) and we'll QLF with you.
Certified Grade A Badass

Offline toogoodootgr

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2014, 11:47:00 AM »
Quote from: Evil_Won
Welcome, I think. I sense a lot of uncertainty in your intro. Sure, there will be apprehension and fear when quitting as you face withdrawal and your brain has to completely rewire to function without a poison. The whole process sucks to be honest. But why are you really quitting? I read about trying, hiding, not wanting to look like a fool to your wife and coworkers if you fail, a daughter, another kid on the way, etc. But what about addiction? You didn't mention that. Are you an addict? Quitting is forever, one day at a time, otherwise you are just stopping again. Quitting doesn't get put on hold for hunting season, or when out drinking, or anything else. So why are you really here?
I guess I was rambling a little before...Just trying to introduce, and tell a little about myself. I am quitting because I want to quit. I have wanted to quit forever. I realize I am addicted to the stuff. I think about it all the time. I feel like it helps me concentrate, it helps me focus on a project i'm working on, it helps me when driving...and so on and so on. I know it doesn't actually help me do any of that, but it is still something i think about. I know this isn't going to be easy, that is why I started looking for support. I also told people so I would feel accountable. I have eaten more this morning than I usually do in a week. I am nervous that I am going to fail. Also, I have never used a message board so I am trying to figure this out as well. I am just going to take it one day at a time, and make it happen.

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2014, 11:47:00 AM »
Quote from: Raider
Quote from: Evil_Won
Welcome, I think. I sense a lot of uncertainty in your intro. Sure, there will be apprehension and fear when quitting as you face withdrawal and your brain has to completely rewire to function without a poison. The whole process sucks to be honest. But why are you really quitting? I read about trying, hiding, not wanting to look like a fool to your wife and coworkers if you fail, a daughter, another kid on the way, etc. But what about addiction? You didn't mention that. Are you an addict? Quitting is forever, one day at a time, otherwise you are just stopping again. Quitting doesn't get put on hold for hunting season, or when out drinking, or anything else. So why are you really here?
Great points Evil. I too had stopped before only to have "one" during hunting season. There are obviously some questions to be answered. Also noticed "as I continue". This is a daily responsibility/duty. One cannot expect to succeed by swinging through every now and then.
In addition: ODAAT (one day at a time). Don't worry about quitting tomorrow. Quit just for today and quit like your life depends on it (it does). Hunting season is a ways off and when you're 4 or 5 months quit at that point, you'll give the nic a big 'Finger'

Glad to have you aboard TG. Grit your teeth and get this done today.

Desire. Dedication. Discipline.

"You determine if you are going to make it, not your excuses." - flashman

"those who are truly my brothers know that I will never betray them." - LOOT

"ain't no way I'm going to lie to my Sultans....I'd rather die" - CavMan83