Author Topic: New Quitter  (Read 3586 times)

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Offline J2b

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #52 on: June 27, 2014, 04:03:00 PM »
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: Roamcountry
Quote from: Sapper

What do you mean by tell Z to GFHS... I know what the GFHS means. Who is Z?
ziesmer, a dear friend... 'no'
What is GFHS? Great Falls High School?
Go Fuck His Self

This 'Finger' should just be renamed the Z...
The problem is not the problem.  The problem is your attitude about the problem.  Do you understand?

Draw Fire

If its too much trouble to post roll call, you could always fuck off.

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Offline Nolaq

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #51 on: June 27, 2014, 03:46:00 PM »
Quote from: Roamcountry
Quote from: Sapper

What do you mean by tell Z to GFHS... I know what the GFHS means. Who is Z?
ziesmer, a dear friend... 'no'
What is GFHS? Great Falls High School?
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

Offline Roamcountry

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #50 on: June 27, 2014, 03:42:00 PM »
Quote from: Sapper

What do you mean by tell Z to GFHS... I know what the GFHS means. Who is Z?
ziesmer, a dear friend... 'no'

Offline Wt57

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #49 on: June 27, 2014, 03:37:00 PM »
Quote from: traumagnet
Quote from: Roamcountry
Take what you need and leave the rest.....
Not much to take the last few days and its getting weaker.....on BOTH boards.
LooTs famous question: Why are you here?
The right answer: To quit, stay quit, and learn how to be a master quitter.
The answer right the living fuck outta me cause all I see is blood everywhere, feelings being hurt. But most of all, among two houses of integrity and honesty, I see deception and lack of trust on many parts, accusations flying by individuals shooting arrows in the dark.

I call on ALL parties involved... enough
Character. Show it. Live it.

Above all, tell Z to GFHS.

(Posted both houses)
Nice Roam I would have to say these are my same feelings that I have been having. They are now pinpointed
'clap' Hear Hear, nice Roam! Someone must step forward and be the leader and start cleaning up the mess. To bad all that blood is gonna leave some stains that won't fade very fast.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

Offline Sap

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #48 on: June 27, 2014, 03:08:00 PM »

What do you mean by tell Z to GFHS... I know what the GFHS means. Who is Z?
If someone doesn't value logic, what logical argument could you provide to show the importance of logic? - Sam Harris

What the hell is a meatless, cheeseless pizza? Isn't that a breadstick? Doc Chewfree

Offline traumagnet

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #47 on: June 27, 2014, 11:25:00 AM »
Quote from: Roamcountry
Take what you need and leave the rest.....
Not much to take the last few days and its getting weaker.....on BOTH boards.
LooTs famous question: Why are you here?
The right answer: To quit, stay quit, and learn how to be a master quitter.
The answer right the living fuck outta me cause all I see is blood everywhere, feelings being hurt. But most of all, among two houses of integrity and honesty, I see deception and lack of trust on many parts, accusations flying by individuals shooting arrows in the dark.

I call on ALL parties involved... enough
Character. Show it. Live it.

Above all, tell Z to GFHS.

(Posted both houses)
Nice Roam I would have to say these are my same feelings that I have been having. They are now pinpointed
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech

Offline Roamcountry

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #46 on: June 27, 2014, 11:18:00 AM »
Take what you need and leave the rest.....
Not much to take the last few days and its getting weaker.....on BOTH boards.
LooTs famous question: Why are you here?
The right answer: To quit, stay quit, and learn how to be a master quitter.
The answer right the living fuck outta me cause all I see is blood everywhere, feelings being hurt. But most of all, among two houses of integrity and honesty, I see deception and lack of trust on many parts, accusations flying by individuals shooting arrows in the dark.

I call on ALL parties involved... enough
Character. Show it. Live it.

Above all, tell Z to GFHS.

(Posted both houses)

Offline wastepanel

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #45 on: June 27, 2014, 02:42:00 AM »
Quote from: Roamcountry
Quote from: Bigwhitebeast
Told ya....
In the end I Surrender, I and I alone accept that I have and always will have a Nicotene ADDICTION. It is my choice to quit, but I can't do it alone. I get to go down this path one time, I want to do it right. I recognize that my word, my integrety to you is on the line and is only as good as my actions. Caving is not an option in this plan-Eafman 7/11

I am not cured. I will quit one day at a time. I will continue to do what works. Posting roll everyday. To do otherwise would be foolish on my part. You can do this-Ready 12/11

To overcome your addiction you must comprehend what it means to fail-Razd 3/12

Theres a lot of people that come here, especially vets, that WANT to be reminded that they are addicts.-Tarpon 6/12

Just as a building starts with architectural drawings. Your daily quit begins with a promise.-Scowick 2/13

Here and now, focused on today, minute by minute, whatever it takes, I promise to all my bros and myself not to become a negative stat and stay quit!-krok 1/15

I want everyone to be quit. Even the assholes.-Probe1957 1/18

Ignoring history or erasing history fixes nothing and leads you inevitably down the same path.-69franx 04/30/2021

Offline Roamcountry

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #44 on: June 27, 2014, 02:41:00 AM »
Quote from: Bigwhitebeast
Told ya....

Offline bigwhitebeast

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #43 on: June 27, 2014, 02:39:00 AM »

Offline Roamcountry

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #42 on: September 03, 2013, 07:23:00 PM »
Quote from: dabean22
Roam, Her's a bug for your collection. Don't kill this one.
Lol! Fuggen bugs!!

Offline dabean22

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #41 on: September 03, 2013, 06:37:00 PM »
Roam, Her's a bug for your collection. Don't kill this one.
Quit 8/04/13
HOF 11/11/13
Thanks mostly to LHG. That girl rocks the world. I love you Sis.
Someone, somewhere out there is suffering through a more intense crave than me and that person is staying quit. As will I. -JoeMellow
SkyDiver - The first step is a bitch but that's when the fun starts.

Offline iizphilister

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #40 on: July 29, 2013, 01:09:00 PM »
Quote from: Roamcountry
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: tazbutane
Quote from: tarpon17
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: Erussell
Quote from: Dougie
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: Roamcountry
Are caves infectious?.......I am starting to think know, the group mentality thing.  I find myself having the "fuck its" lately.  I see a lot of caving around, I see a lot of people who want to make up their own rules about quit, about what is acceptable and what is not.  As I sit here this morning getting ready for a very stressful day, I contemplate buying a can for the drive ahead.........WTF right!?! Where the hell does this come in???? "Ahhh, but I would be able to relax, help ease the tension".........Then I hear LOOT (fer fucks sake) in my brain, as if some form of deity speaking from the skies....."Hey numnuts......what do you think that is gunna solve? LOOT wouldn't follow those that jump off bridges.....thats just dumb." followed by every quitter I know here saying the same type of things.  My sext group would hamstring, castrate and light my ass on fire (and not in a phlaming way either).  So, I choose to put on my big boy pants and deal, without dip, the way a man should.  Whats happening? Well, to start off, I have been off for a week now with my truck down, you may have heard the running jokes about my tranny,  but it has been a major issue and a major stress point.  I got word that all was gunna be ok on thur and had a sigh of relief.  So, the wife and I decide to make the best of our time and take the kids to 6 flags since we just saved a ton of money on the tranny.  My son and I got off a coaster as people were saying something about someone falling off.  My son is 9 and didnt want him to see anything too bad, so not knowing what had really happened, I rushed him down the ramp away from everything so he didnt get too freaked out. Turns out the car behind us (the one still on the track) had thrown a passenger and she died.  We didnt find out until 2 hrs later when trying to get back in the same area when a lady from the park came up and described in great detail (in front of the kids) about what happened and how she died (graphically).  Just fucking great!! You could see the trauma on my sons face as he realized it was the ride we were on.  I dont know why, but this shook me up pretty good. It was a look at mortality and how fragile it is.  I could ramble all day about it but I wont.  I have no idea why it is still haunting me this morning, I have seen worse in wrecks on the road, but for some reason, this one I cant just shake off. Its weird.  Well, yesterday I get a call from my mechanic and he tells me that there is now another problem with the transmission (clarified for wedges sake) and there will be more of a delay today.  I have to get down there (4 hrs away) to make sure this shit is gunna get done today because I am out of time and money to be sitting on my ass.  Life sucks.  It throws us so much at one time.  It piles up.  It feels unassailable at times and thats what it feels like for me today.  I have to be honest with everyone and say, yes, I would like to have a dip today, but I wont, I promised, I dont think it will be an easy promise to keep today, but I will.  Just because I have all of you jackasses in my head cheering me on in quit and in life.  I wanna say "fuck you all" (thank you) in the most sincerest fashion.
Roam- 457
Seriously I saw that on the news and wondered if one of my dip brothers were there.

Roam nice words and thoughts for me to chew on. Keep on quitting. The cycle is if we all stay quit, we are on the verge of a recovery breakthrough.

So enjoy the shitty feeling today. You will have a better grasp on how great is feels soon.

I am on a long drive to nashville TN. August 8-10th. I think Its my turn to buy the steak dinner.

Bring the Tranny. I'm driving my son to school. You could meet my son and the Mrs.

Thank you for the inspiration to stay quit. Posts like this help swing the group mentality to where it should be- posting role call and remaining nicotine free.
Damn Roam,

That is intense brother. Hey your promise to us a enough to stay quit, and us in your head saying things like "it won't help" you won't feel better" is a good reason too. But at the end of the day remember you quit for you. You don't want a dip, your addiction does. You want to be quit and went thru hell to get there. You owe us your word, but you owe you your quit! I quit with you!
I will stand side-by-side, with Roam, his tranny, and his big boy pants all day, every day. You got this today. See you on roll tomorrow.
ah man. I wanted the tranny
Great post Roam, thanks for sharing. And congratulations for making through a rough day!
Roam, I hope things begin to get better for you man. I know they will. You are just being tested right now. Well my money is on you all the way.

Life is a series of ups and downs, nicotine never had the power to make any of it better. We gave that shit way to much credit. It never really did shit for us but cure the withdrawal, and that felt good, real good, (for a minute). And all that time we were brainwashed into thinking "the fix" was this great thing that we needed.

You were the first guy to reach out to me in my quit. It concerns me to see you struggle, but I know it is just another hurdle in your quit journey. A hurdle that you will clear. I quit with you today Roam. Keep us posted on the turn around.

The ode has been written and answer I must
Or iizphillister will burst out of lust
The tranny is done and I'm back on the road
I woke up this morning and laughed at my ode
This place is strong with support and cheerleaders
But as for the weak, you'll see nothing but bleeders
Thanks for all the texts and fun poking
Down the road is where I'll be stroking
Wait, that didnt sound just quite right
You quitters will be making more fun now at night
But its the jeering and peering that make it bearable
To keep this quitter going down the road unfearable
My quit is strong despite the hard times
Because of you gheys and all of your chimes
So keep the quit strong and spread it around
While I keep all the rubber facing the ground.
NowTHAT'S freaking awesome. Glad i could bring you a little joy, bro.
Quit date: 1/1/2013
H.O.F. April 10, 2013
2nd Floor July 19, 2013
3rd Floor Oct 28, 2013
4th Floor Feb 19, 2014
5th Floor May 15, 2014
6th Floor Aug 25, 2014
7th Floor Dec 11, 2014
8th Floor Mar 11, 2015
9th Floor June 16, 2015
Comma Town - 9/27/2015

"If I am not myself...... Who will be me?"

"It's your choice to cave....I'd rather be shot!"

Offline Roamcountry

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #39 on: July 29, 2013, 12:22:00 PM »
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: tazbutane
Quote from: tarpon17
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: Erussell
Quote from: Dougie
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: Roamcountry
Are caves infectious?.......I am starting to think know, the group mentality thing.  I find myself having the "fuck its" lately.  I see a lot of caving around, I see a lot of people who want to make up their own rules about quit, about what is acceptable and what is not.  As I sit here this morning getting ready for a very stressful day, I contemplate buying a can for the drive ahead.........WTF right!?! Where the hell does this come in???? "Ahhh, but I would be able to relax, help ease the tension".........Then I hear LOOT (fer fucks sake) in my brain, as if some form of deity speaking from the skies....."Hey numnuts......what do you think that is gunna solve? LOOT wouldn't follow those that jump off bridges.....thats just dumb." followed by every quitter I know here saying the same type of things.  My sext group would hamstring, castrate and light my ass on fire (and not in a phlaming way either).  So, I choose to put on my big boy pants and deal, without dip, the way a man should.  Whats happening? Well, to start off, I have been off for a week now with my truck down, you may have heard the running jokes about my tranny,  but it has been a major issue and a major stress point.  I got word that all was gunna be ok on thur and had a sigh of relief.  So, the wife and I decide to make the best of our time and take the kids to 6 flags since we just saved a ton of money on the tranny.  My son and I got off a coaster as people were saying something about someone falling off.  My son is 9 and didnt want him to see anything too bad, so not knowing what had really happened, I rushed him down the ramp away from everything so he didnt get too freaked out. Turns out the car behind us (the one still on the track) had thrown a passenger and she died.  We didnt find out until 2 hrs later when trying to get back in the same area when a lady from the park came up and described in great detail (in front of the kids) about what happened and how she died (graphically).  Just fucking great!! You could see the trauma on my sons face as he realized it was the ride we were on.  I dont know why, but this shook me up pretty good. It was a look at mortality and how fragile it is.  I could ramble all day about it but I wont.  I have no idea why it is still haunting me this morning, I have seen worse in wrecks on the road, but for some reason, this one I cant just shake off. Its weird.  Well, yesterday I get a call from my mechanic and he tells me that there is now another problem with the transmission (clarified for wedges sake) and there will be more of a delay today.  I have to get down there (4 hrs away) to make sure this shit is gunna get done today because I am out of time and money to be sitting on my ass.  Life sucks.  It throws us so much at one time.  It piles up.  It feels unassailable at times and thats what it feels like for me today.  I have to be honest with everyone and say, yes, I would like to have a dip today, but I wont, I promised, I dont think it will be an easy promise to keep today, but I will.  Just because I have all of you jackasses in my head cheering me on in quit and in life.  I wanna say "fuck you all" (thank you) in the most sincerest fashion.
Roam- 457
Seriously I saw that on the news and wondered if one of my dip brothers were there.

Roam nice words and thoughts for me to chew on. Keep on quitting. The cycle is if we all stay quit, we are on the verge of a recovery breakthrough.

So enjoy the shitty feeling today. You will have a better grasp on how great is feels soon.

I am on a long drive to nashville TN. August 8-10th. I think Its my turn to buy the steak dinner.

Bring the Tranny. I'm driving my son to school. You could meet my son and the Mrs.

Thank you for the inspiration to stay quit. Posts like this help swing the group mentality to where it should be- posting role call and remaining nicotine free.
Damn Roam,

That is intense brother. Hey your promise to us a enough to stay quit, and us in your head saying things like "it won't help" you won't feel better" is a good reason too. But at the end of the day remember you quit for you. You don't want a dip, your addiction does. You want to be quit and went thru hell to get there. You owe us your word, but you owe you your quit! I quit with you!
I will stand side-by-side, with Roam, his tranny, and his big boy pants all day, every day. You got this today. See you on roll tomorrow.
ah man. I wanted the tranny
Great post Roam, thanks for sharing. And congratulations for making through a rough day!
Roam, I hope things begin to get better for you man. I know they will. You are just being tested right now. Well my money is on you all the way.

Life is a series of ups and downs, nicotine never had the power to make any of it better. We gave that shit way to much credit. It never really did shit for us but cure the withdrawal, and that felt good, real good, (for a minute). And all that time we were brainwashed into thinking "the fix" was this great thing that we needed.

You were the first guy to reach out to me in my quit. It concerns me to see you struggle, but I know it is just another hurdle in your quit journey. A hurdle that you will clear. I quit with you today Roam. Keep us posted on the turn around.

The ode has been written and answer I must
Or iizphillister will burst out of lust
The tranny is done and I'm back on the road
I woke up this morning and laughed at my ode
This place is strong with support and cheerleaders
But as for the weak, you'll see nothing but bleeders
Thanks for all the texts and fun poking
Down the road is where I'll be stroking
Wait, that didnt sound just quite right
You quitters will be making more fun now at night
But its the jeering and peering that make it bearable
To keep this quitter going down the road unfearable
My quit is strong despite the hard times
Because of you gheys and all of your chimes
So keep the quit strong and spread it around
While I keep all the rubber facing the ground.

Offline Its_Got2Happen

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #38 on: July 23, 2013, 08:38:00 PM »
Quote from: tazbutane
Quote from: tarpon17
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: Erussell
Quote from: Dougie
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: Roamcountry
Are caves infectious?.......I am starting to think know, the group mentality thing.  I find myself having the "fuck its" lately.  I see a lot of caving around, I see a lot of people who want to make up their own rules about quit, about what is acceptable and what is not.  As I sit here this morning getting ready for a very stressful day, I contemplate buying a can for the drive ahead.........WTF right!?! Where the hell does this come in???? "Ahhh, but I would be able to relax, help ease the tension".........Then I hear LOOT (fer fucks sake) in my brain, as if some form of deity speaking from the skies....."Hey numnuts......what do you think that is gunna solve? LOOT wouldn't follow those that jump off bridges.....thats just dumb." followed by every quitter I know here saying the same type of things.  My sext group would hamstring, castrate and light my ass on fire (and not in a phlaming way either).  So, I choose to put on my big boy pants and deal, without dip, the way a man should.  Whats happening? Well, to start off, I have been off for a week now with my truck down, you may have heard the running jokes about my tranny,  but it has been a major issue and a major stress point.  I got word that all was gunna be ok on thur and had a sigh of relief.  So, the wife and I decide to make the best of our time and take the kids to 6 flags since we just saved a ton of money on the tranny.  My son and I got off a coaster as people were saying something about someone falling off.  My son is 9 and didnt want him to see anything too bad, so not knowing what had really happened, I rushed him down the ramp away from everything so he didnt get too freaked out. Turns out the car behind us (the one still on the track) had thrown a passenger and she died.  We didnt find out until 2 hrs later when trying to get back in the same area when a lady from the park came up and described in great detail (in front of the kids) about what happened and how she died (graphically).  Just fucking great!! You could see the trauma on my sons face as he realized it was the ride we were on.  I dont know why, but this shook me up pretty good. It was a look at mortality and how fragile it is.  I could ramble all day about it but I wont.  I have no idea why it is still haunting me this morning, I have seen worse in wrecks on the road, but for some reason, this one I cant just shake off. Its weird.  Well, yesterday I get a call from my mechanic and he tells me that there is now another problem with the transmission (clarified for wedges sake) and there will be more of a delay today.  I have to get down there (4 hrs away) to make sure this shit is gunna get done today because I am out of time and money to be sitting on my ass.  Life sucks.  It throws us so much at one time.  It piles up.  It feels unassailable at times and thats what it feels like for me today.  I have to be honest with everyone and say, yes, I would like to have a dip today, but I wont, I promised, I dont think it will be an easy promise to keep today, but I will.  Just because I have all of you jackasses in my head cheering me on in quit and in life.  I wanna say "fuck you all" (thank you) in the most sincerest fashion.
Roam- 457
Seriously I saw that on the news and wondered if one of my dip brothers were there.

Roam nice words and thoughts for me to chew on. Keep on quitting. The cycle is if we all stay quit, we are on the verge of a recovery breakthrough.

So enjoy the shitty feeling today. You will have a better grasp on how great is feels soon.

I am on a long drive to nashville TN. August 8-10th. I think Its my turn to buy the steak dinner.

Bring the Tranny. I'm driving my son to school. You could meet my son and the Mrs.

Thank you for the inspiration to stay quit. Posts like this help swing the group mentality to where it should be- posting role call and remaining nicotine free.
Damn Roam,

That is intense brother. Hey your promise to us a enough to stay quit, and us in your head saying things like "it won't help" you won't feel better" is a good reason too. But at the end of the day remember you quit for you. You don't want a dip, your addiction does. You want to be quit and went thru hell to get there. You owe us your word, but you owe you your quit! I quit with you!
I will stand side-by-side, with Roam, his tranny, and his big boy pants all day, every day. You got this today. See you on roll tomorrow.
ah man. I wanted the tranny
Great post Roam, thanks for sharing. And congratulations for making through a rough day!
Roam, I hope things begin to get better for you man. I know they will. You are just being tested right now. Well my money is on you all the way.

Life is a series of ups and downs, nicotine never had the power to make any of it better. We gave that shit way to much credit. It never really did shit for us but cure the withdrawal, and that felt good, real good, (for a minute). And all that time we were brainwashed into thinking "the fix" was this great thing that we needed.

You were the first guy to reach out to me in my quit. It concerns me to see you struggle, but I know it is just another hurdle in your quit journey. A hurdle that you will clear. I quit with you today Roam. Keep us posted on the turn around.
