Author Topic: Quit or Die  (Read 13486 times)

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Offline Evil_Won

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #281 on: May 22, 2014, 01:12:00 PM »
Quote from: traumagnet
Quote from: ERDVM
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: E&C's
Quote from: Evil_Won
One of my employees was in the Chicago area, from central Illinois, on Friday with her husband and daughter for a concert. She has smoked since I met her. About 4 months ago she said that she quit with the help of Chantix. Good for her.

Her husband is a cool guy and we both have an appreciation for some hillbilly activities that the Feds and the TTB are not too keen on. On a few occasions we have traded our goods (mine are authentic – he cheats like fuck). Anyway, he asked about my method and in particular how to dilute it to a desired, ahem, proof. I showed him my spreadsheet and the built-in calculations that I’ve created. He chimes in with, “oh, that’s just like my app for making ‘vapor’”.

It turns out that he smokes two packs of cigarettes a day and uses an e-cigg. My employee, is no longer quit, and uses her e-cigg in addition to smoking. He is worried that the Feds are going to put in some massive controls on the e-cigg “vapor” market, in particular controlling a key ingredient to vapor – liquid nicotine. And so, he is hoarding it in massive quantities.

He explained that the liquid nicotine is quite toxic in it’s pure form (I assumed that). He has to get all “Breaking Bad” and wear a respirator and built a vapor lab in the garage to handle it when he buys it in 99% purity form. Highly dangerous! I guess that just breathing the fumes can kill and the fumes can get into fabric in your house and the fear of a child sticking his face into a nicotine laden pillow is a real danger. It takes only 56 grams of nicotine to kill a man. Nice little legal chemical. For the most part he buys a diluted version but it is still dangerous.

He whips out his smart phone and shows me this app: Program in your bottle size: he is using 10ml bottles and selling for $10 each. Enter in the grams of nicotine you want the vapor to have: he wants 36 grams per bottle. Add a ghey flavoring? The app tells him how many drops (using a blunt-tip syringe) of flavoring, nicotine, vegetable glycerin (the vapor), and water to mix per bottle. The markup is HUGE and itÂ’s legal, for now.

Someone is going to die by buying this shit off the street made by some Yokel in his lean-to. Insanity. So glad IÂ’m not a slave anymore.
This is very effing scary. I have heard some horror stories about the liquid nic and children. I don't want my kids anywhere near that synthetic shit.
I have an in-law who has deluded himself into believing that he is quit. Meanwhile he sucks on a vape pipe (looks like a giant crack pipe) and talks of how he is going to taper down. It's really pathetic to watch.
Seriously? All these ghetto looking "Vape" stores that now inhabit old Cricket Wireless stores are using homemade stuff? We all know the toxic effects of nicotine, but who the hell knows what damage inhaled glycerin will do to your smaller airways? Unbelievable. Well....not really. Addicts are Addicts are Addicts. Fuck Nicotine.
That aint all this shit is doing I heard on the news yesterday that the vapor nicotine is mutating MRSA to make it even more powerful and that antibiotics cant touch it. I don't get how such a deadly chemical is legal...hell nicotine is in pesticides because nicotine acts like a transport system for other toxins to get in. So if some dumb fuck in his garage is making a his own blend of vapor and he has contaminations in his mix your fucked...I have even heard that the meth heads are using this technology to add meth to their nicotine.
I have not heard the MRSA/vapor connection.

MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) is not anything new. It has been around likely longer than man. The thing is there was never a test that could isolate the particular MRSA bacteria strain from other staph bacterias within a culture. If they did a skin swab of 100 people, MRSA would be on 90 people's skin. The issue is if it can can get into the body and "attach".  Some people carry it (in the nose is really common) and don't know it. Other people are affected from mild to horrifically wild. It can cause limb loss, organ failure, death, etc. You just never know.

It is a continually mutating bacteria, vapor nic present or not, which makes it scary. I would not be surprised if environmental/chemical surroundings aid in it's mutations. Oh, I've had it for the past 6 years. I try to steer away from all anti-biotics (which people abuse the fuck out of) and antibacterial products (soaps and stuff). If mine gets really painful I will have to take a 10-day course of an anti-biotic called Bactrin, which was a widely used antibiotic in the 70s for kidney and urinary tract infections. Thankfully, for me, it controls it; it just can't kill it.
"Dunno about you HP, but LOOT doesn't like getting assfucked, by anyone....and certainly won't chalk it up to 'shit happens'."

Offline traumagnet

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #280 on: May 22, 2014, 12:32:00 PM »
Quote from: ERDVM
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: E&C's
Quote from: Evil_Won
One of my employees was in the Chicago area, from central Illinois, on Friday with her husband and daughter for a concert. She has smoked since I met her. About 4 months ago she said that she quit with the help of Chantix. Good for her.

Her husband is a cool guy and we both have an appreciation for some hillbilly activities that the Feds and the TTB are not too keen on. On a few occasions we have traded our goods (mine are authentic – he cheats like fuck). Anyway, he asked about my method and in particular how to dilute it to a desired, ahem, proof. I showed him my spreadsheet and the built-in calculations that I’ve created. He chimes in with, “oh, that’s just like my app for making ‘vapor’”.

It turns out that he smokes two packs of cigarettes a day and uses an e-cigg. My employee, is no longer quit, and uses her e-cigg in addition to smoking. He is worried that the Feds are going to put in some massive controls on the e-cigg “vapor” market, in particular controlling a key ingredient to vapor – liquid nicotine. And so, he is hoarding it in massive quantities.

He explained that the liquid nicotine is quite toxic in it’s pure form (I assumed that). He has to get all “Breaking Bad” and wear a respirator and built a vapor lab in the garage to handle it when he buys it in 99% purity form. Highly dangerous! I guess that just breathing the fumes can kill and the fumes can get into fabric in your house and the fear of a child sticking his face into a nicotine laden pillow is a real danger. It takes only 56 grams of nicotine to kill a man. Nice little legal chemical. For the most part he buys a diluted version but it is still dangerous.

He whips out his smart phone and shows me this app: Program in your bottle size: he is using 10ml bottles and selling for $10 each. Enter in the grams of nicotine you want the vapor to have: he wants 36 grams per bottle. Add a ghey flavoring? The app tells him how many drops (using a blunt-tip syringe) of flavoring, nicotine, vegetable glycerin (the vapor), and water to mix per bottle. The markup is HUGE and itÂ’s legal, for now.

Someone is going to die by buying this shit off the street made by some Yokel in his lean-to. Insanity. So glad IÂ’m not a slave anymore.
This is very effing scary. I have heard some horror stories about the liquid nic and children. I don't want my kids anywhere near that synthetic shit.
I have an in-law who has deluded himself into believing that he is quit. Meanwhile he sucks on a vape pipe (looks like a giant crack pipe) and talks of how he is going to taper down. It's really pathetic to watch.
Seriously? All these ghetto looking "Vape" stores that now inhabit old Cricket Wireless stores are using homemade stuff? We all know the toxic effects of nicotine, but who the hell knows what damage inhaled glycerin will do to your smaller airways? Unbelievable. Well....not really. Addicts are Addicts are Addicts. Fuck Nicotine.
That aint all this shit is doing I heard on the news yesterday that the vapor nicotine is mutating MRSA to make it even more powerful and that antibiotics cant touch it. I don't get how such a deadly chemical is legal...hell nicotine is in pesticides because nicotine acts like a transport system for other toxins to get in. So if some dumb fuck in his garage is making a his own blend of vapor and he has contaminations in his mix your fucked...I have even heard that the meth heads are using this technology to add meth to their nicotine.
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech

Offline ERDVM

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #279 on: May 21, 2014, 10:30:00 AM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: E&C's
Quote from: Evil_Won
One of my employees was in the Chicago area, from central Illinois, on Friday with her husband and daughter for a concert. She has smoked since I met her. About 4 months ago she said that she quit with the help of Chantix. Good for her.

Her husband is a cool guy and we both have an appreciation for some hillbilly activities that the Feds and the TTB are not too keen on. On a few occasions we have traded our goods (mine are authentic – he cheats like fuck). Anyway, he asked about my method and in particular how to dilute it to a desired, ahem, proof. I showed him my spreadsheet and the built-in calculations that I’ve created. He chimes in with, “oh, that’s just like my app for making ‘vapor’”.

It turns out that he smokes two packs of cigarettes a day and uses an e-cigg. My employee, is no longer quit, and uses her e-cigg in addition to smoking. He is worried that the Feds are going to put in some massive controls on the e-cigg “vapor” market, in particular controlling a key ingredient to vapor – liquid nicotine. And so, he is hoarding it in massive quantities.

He explained that the liquid nicotine is quite toxic in it’s pure form (I assumed that). He has to get all “Breaking Bad” and wear a respirator and built a vapor lab in the garage to handle it when he buys it in 99% purity form. Highly dangerous! I guess that just breathing the fumes can kill and the fumes can get into fabric in your house and the fear of a child sticking his face into a nicotine laden pillow is a real danger. It takes only 56 grams of nicotine to kill a man. Nice little legal chemical. For the most part he buys a diluted version but it is still dangerous.

He whips out his smart phone and shows me this app: Program in your bottle size: he is using 10ml bottles and selling for $10 each. Enter in the grams of nicotine you want the vapor to have: he wants 36 grams per bottle. Add a ghey flavoring? The app tells him how many drops (using a blunt-tip syringe) of flavoring, nicotine, vegetable glycerin (the vapor), and water to mix per bottle. The markup is HUGE and itÂ’s legal, for now.

Someone is going to die by buying this shit off the street made by some Yokel in his lean-to. Insanity. So glad IÂ’m not a slave anymore.
This is very effing scary. I have heard some horror stories about the liquid nic and children. I don't want my kids anywhere near that synthetic shit.
I have an in-law who has deluded himself into believing that he is quit. Meanwhile he sucks on a vape pipe (looks like a giant crack pipe) and talks of how he is going to taper down. It's really pathetic to watch.
Seriously? All these ghetto looking "Vape" stores that now inhabit old Cricket Wireless stores are using homemade stuff? We all know the toxic effects of nicotine, but who the hell knows what damage inhaled glycerin will do to your smaller airways? Unbelievable. Well....not really. Addicts are Addicts are Addicts. Fuck Nicotine.

Offline Pinched

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #278 on: May 21, 2014, 09:56:00 AM »
Quote from: kdip
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: jlud007
Quote from: T-Cell
Quote from: jost2brown
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: E&C's
Quote from: Evil_Won
One of my employees was in the Chicago area, from central Illinois, on Friday with her husband and daughter for a concert. She has smoked since I met her. About 4 months ago she said that she quit with the help of Chantix. Good for her.

Her husband is a cool guy and we both have an appreciation for some hillbilly activities that the Feds and the TTB are not too keen on. On a few occasions we have traded our goods (mine are authentic – he cheats like fuck). Anyway, he asked about my method and in particular how to dilute it to a desired, ahem, proof. I showed him my spreadsheet and the built-in calculations that I’ve created. He chimes in with, “oh, that’s just like my app for making ‘vapor’”.

It turns out that he smokes two packs of cigarettes a day and uses an e-cigg. My employee, is no longer quit, and uses her e-cigg in addition to smoking. He is worried that the Feds are going to put in some massive controls on the e-cigg “vapor” market, in particular controlling a key ingredient to vapor – liquid nicotine. And so, he is hoarding it in massive quantities.

He explained that the liquid nicotine is quite toxic in it’s pure form (I assumed that). He has to get all “Breaking Bad” and wear a respirator and built a vapor lab in the garage to handle it when he buys it in 99% purity form. Highly dangerous! I guess that just breathing the fumes can kill and the fumes can get into fabric in your house and the fear of a child sticking his face into a nicotine laden pillow is a real danger. It takes only 56 grams of nicotine to kill a man. Nice little legal chemical. For the most part he buys a diluted version but it is still dangerous.

He whips out his smart phone and shows me this app: Program in your bottle size: he is using 10ml bottles and selling for $10 each. Enter in the grams of nicotine you want the vapor to have: he wants 36 grams per bottle. Add a ghey flavoring? The app tells him how many drops (using a blunt-tip syringe) of flavoring, nicotine, vegetable glycerin (the vapor), and water to mix per bottle. The markup is HUGE and itÂ’s legal, for now.

Someone is going to die by buying this shit off the street made by some Yokel in his lean-to. Insanity. So glad IÂ’m not a slave anymore.
This is very effing scary. I have heard some horror stories about the liquid nic and children. I don't want my kids anywhere near that synthetic shit.
I have an in-law who has deluded himself into believing that he is quit. Meanwhile he sucks on a vape pipe (looks like a giant crack pipe) and talks of how he is going to taper down. It's really pathetic to watch.
There is a store on my way home called "planet of the vapes" with a guy in a gorilla costume twirling a sign. It IS totally pathetic. and those dorks you see sucking on them driving are are complete dooshbags thinking they are so cool!
I fucking hate everything about those. Most importantly, I hate how the warning flags that even the dumb ass FDA is raising are being completely overshadowed by the "harm reduction" crowd. Even the mention of including them in smoking bans is like bringing on the Antichrist.

Meanwhile, the folks using them to "quit" are getting doses of nicotine FAR in excess of smoking, with very little long term or even short term study being done. The fact, as EW points out, is nicotine is lethal in a relatively low amounts (acutely) and the long term affects are pretty fucking awful as well. The UST execs are probably going apeshit with marketing dollars to the vape industry.

Fuck them and fuck harm reduction and other gimmicky bullshit. I flat out have told assholes who think I should be ok with those around my kids anywhere to kindly go kill themselves somewhere else. our youth soccer league banned "tobacco" from being near practice or games, and i was awfully proud when the coaches asked them to include e-cigs in the ban.
absolutely crazy. Evil is right, just a matter of time before more people start turning up with acute toxicity exposures and deaths.
Even scarier that knowing that in it's purest form it is lethal to inhale and using equipment to protect yourself you would still convince yourself that it is a "safe" alternative to smoking. I see these things more and more around everywhere, what a fucking scam.

I'll keep my freedom today!

Fuck Nic 'Finger'
So he's stockpiling it?

Maybe he'll be able to the vape the zombies.

Addicts are dumb.
That is about the dumbest thing I have heard... Well maybe just about as dumb as dipping Copenhagen for 25 yrs.

I can't stand that vapor crap. Big T continues to lead the lambs to the slaughter. FU Big T!!! 'Finger'
Addicts will heard like cattle for a "safe" way to get a nicotine fix. Just another designer way to market a poison. Pretty pathetic. Shit should have been banned from the start.
Addicts are stupid! Look how many morons go buy meth made by god knows who or where or with what. This is not shocking to me because it is nature that someone thinks they can make a buck and goes rogue.

I choose freedom today because I can.
"If you want to quit then stop talking and just QUIT. If you want to kill yourself a bullet is cheaper and faster than a tin, plus it eliminates my hearing you whine and cry like a bitch."

Best thing I have read on KTC...Submitted by tgafish on 7/3/14

Former Skoal Straight and Cope Longcut user that started at the age of 12. QUIT on 7/15/13

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #277 on: May 20, 2014, 03:04:00 PM »
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: jlud007
Quote from: T-Cell
Quote from: jost2brown
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: E&C's
Quote from: Evil_Won
One of my employees was in the Chicago area, from central Illinois, on Friday with her husband and daughter for a concert. She has smoked since I met her. About 4 months ago she said that she quit with the help of Chantix. Good for her.

Her husband is a cool guy and we both have an appreciation for some hillbilly activities that the Feds and the TTB are not too keen on. On a few occasions we have traded our goods (mine are authentic – he cheats like fuck). Anyway, he asked about my method and in particular how to dilute it to a desired, ahem, proof. I showed him my spreadsheet and the built-in calculations that I’ve created. He chimes in with, “oh, that’s just like my app for making ‘vapor’”.

It turns out that he smokes two packs of cigarettes a day and uses an e-cigg. My employee, is no longer quit, and uses her e-cigg in addition to smoking. He is worried that the Feds are going to put in some massive controls on the e-cigg “vapor” market, in particular controlling a key ingredient to vapor – liquid nicotine. And so, he is hoarding it in massive quantities.

He explained that the liquid nicotine is quite toxic in it’s pure form (I assumed that). He has to get all “Breaking Bad” and wear a respirator and built a vapor lab in the garage to handle it when he buys it in 99% purity form. Highly dangerous! I guess that just breathing the fumes can kill and the fumes can get into fabric in your house and the fear of a child sticking his face into a nicotine laden pillow is a real danger. It takes only 56 grams of nicotine to kill a man. Nice little legal chemical. For the most part he buys a diluted version but it is still dangerous.

He whips out his smart phone and shows me this app: Program in your bottle size: he is using 10ml bottles and selling for $10 each. Enter in the grams of nicotine you want the vapor to have: he wants 36 grams per bottle. Add a ghey flavoring? The app tells him how many drops (using a blunt-tip syringe) of flavoring, nicotine, vegetable glycerin (the vapor), and water to mix per bottle. The markup is HUGE and itÂ’s legal, for now.

Someone is going to die by buying this shit off the street made by some Yokel in his lean-to. Insanity. So glad IÂ’m not a slave anymore.
This is very effing scary. I have heard some horror stories about the liquid nic and children. I don't want my kids anywhere near that synthetic shit.
I have an in-law who has deluded himself into believing that he is quit. Meanwhile he sucks on a vape pipe (looks like a giant crack pipe) and talks of how he is going to taper down. It's really pathetic to watch.
There is a store on my way home called "planet of the vapes" with a guy in a gorilla costume twirling a sign. It IS totally pathetic. and those dorks you see sucking on them driving are are complete dooshbags thinking they are so cool!
I fucking hate everything about those. Most importantly, I hate how the warning flags that even the dumb ass FDA is raising are being completely overshadowed by the "harm reduction" crowd. Even the mention of including them in smoking bans is like bringing on the Antichrist.

Meanwhile, the folks using them to "quit" are getting doses of nicotine FAR in excess of smoking, with very little long term or even short term study being done. The fact, as EW points out, is nicotine is lethal in a relatively low amounts (acutely) and the long term affects are pretty fucking awful as well. The UST execs are probably going apeshit with marketing dollars to the vape industry.

Fuck them and fuck harm reduction and other gimmicky bullshit. I flat out have told assholes who think I should be ok with those around my kids anywhere to kindly go kill themselves somewhere else. our youth soccer league banned "tobacco" from being near practice or games, and i was awfully proud when the coaches asked them to include e-cigs in the ban.
absolutely crazy. Evil is right, just a matter of time before more people start turning up with acute toxicity exposures and deaths.
Even scarier that knowing that in it's purest form it is lethal to inhale and using equipment to protect yourself you would still convince yourself that it is a "safe" alternative to smoking. I see these things more and more around everywhere, what a fucking scam.

I'll keep my freedom today!

Fuck Nic 'Finger'
So he's stockpiling it?

Maybe he'll be able to the vape the zombies.

Addicts are dumb.
That is about the dumbest thing I have heard... Well maybe just about as dumb as dipping Copenhagen for 25 yrs.

I can't stand that vapor crap. Big T continues to lead the lambs to the slaughter. FU Big T!!! 'Finger'
Addicts will heard like cattle for a "safe" way to get a nicotine fix. Just another designer way to market a poison. Pretty pathetic. Shit should have been banned from the start.

Offline Derk40

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #276 on: May 19, 2014, 08:39:00 PM »
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: jlud007
Quote from: T-Cell
Quote from: jost2brown
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: E&C's
Quote from: Evil_Won
One of my employees was in the Chicago area, from central Illinois, on Friday with her husband and daughter for a concert. She has smoked since I met her. About 4 months ago she said that she quit with the help of Chantix. Good for her.

Her husband is a cool guy and we both have an appreciation for some hillbilly activities that the Feds and the TTB are not too keen on. On a few occasions we have traded our goods (mine are authentic – he cheats like fuck). Anyway, he asked about my method and in particular how to dilute it to a desired, ahem, proof. I showed him my spreadsheet and the built-in calculations that I’ve created. He chimes in with, “oh, that’s just like my app for making ‘vapor’”.

It turns out that he smokes two packs of cigarettes a day and uses an e-cigg. My employee, is no longer quit, and uses her e-cigg in addition to smoking. He is worried that the Feds are going to put in some massive controls on the e-cigg “vapor” market, in particular controlling a key ingredient to vapor – liquid nicotine. And so, he is hoarding it in massive quantities.

He explained that the liquid nicotine is quite toxic in it’s pure form (I assumed that). He has to get all “Breaking Bad” and wear a respirator and built a vapor lab in the garage to handle it when he buys it in 99% purity form. Highly dangerous! I guess that just breathing the fumes can kill and the fumes can get into fabric in your house and the fear of a child sticking his face into a nicotine laden pillow is a real danger. It takes only 56 grams of nicotine to kill a man. Nice little legal chemical. For the most part he buys a diluted version but it is still dangerous.

He whips out his smart phone and shows me this app: Program in your bottle size: he is using 10ml bottles and selling for $10 each. Enter in the grams of nicotine you want the vapor to have: he wants 36 grams per bottle. Add a ghey flavoring? The app tells him how many drops (using a blunt-tip syringe) of flavoring, nicotine, vegetable glycerin (the vapor), and water to mix per bottle. The markup is HUGE and itÂ’s legal, for now.

Someone is going to die by buying this shit off the street made by some Yokel in his lean-to. Insanity. So glad IÂ’m not a slave anymore.
This is very effing scary. I have heard some horror stories about the liquid nic and children. I don't want my kids anywhere near that synthetic shit.
I have an in-law who has deluded himself into believing that he is quit. Meanwhile he sucks on a vape pipe (looks like a giant crack pipe) and talks of how he is going to taper down. It's really pathetic to watch.
There is a store on my way home called "planet of the vapes" with a guy in a gorilla costume twirling a sign. It IS totally pathetic. and those dorks you see sucking on them driving are are complete dooshbags thinking they are so cool!
I fucking hate everything about those. Most importantly, I hate how the warning flags that even the dumb ass FDA is raising are being completely overshadowed by the "harm reduction" crowd. Even the mention of including them in smoking bans is like bringing on the Antichrist.

Meanwhile, the folks using them to "quit" are getting doses of nicotine FAR in excess of smoking, with very little long term or even short term study being done. The fact, as EW points out, is nicotine is lethal in a relatively low amounts (acutely) and the long term affects are pretty fucking awful as well. The UST execs are probably going apeshit with marketing dollars to the vape industry.

Fuck them and fuck harm reduction and other gimmicky bullshit. I flat out have told assholes who think I should be ok with those around my kids anywhere to kindly go kill themselves somewhere else. our youth soccer league banned "tobacco" from being near practice or games, and i was awfully proud when the coaches asked them to include e-cigs in the ban.
absolutely crazy. Evil is right, just a matter of time before more people start turning up with acute toxicity exposures and deaths.
Even scarier that knowing that in it's purest form it is lethal to inhale and using equipment to protect yourself you would still convince yourself that it is a "safe" alternative to smoking. I see these things more and more around everywhere, what a fucking scam.

I'll keep my freedom today!

Fuck Nic 'Finger'
So he's stockpiling it?

Maybe he'll be able to the vape the zombies.

Addicts are dumb.
That is about the dumbest thing I have heard... Well maybe just about as dumb as dipping Copenhagen for 25 yrs.

I can't stand that vapor crap. Big T continues to lead the lambs to the slaughter. FU Big T!!! 'Finger'
Quit date: 6/23/2013
HOF Date: 9/30/2013

HOF Speech

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #275 on: May 19, 2014, 08:33:00 PM »
Quote from: jlud007
Quote from: T-Cell
Quote from: jost2brown
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: E&C's
Quote from: Evil_Won
One of my employees was in the Chicago area, from central Illinois, on Friday with her husband and daughter for a concert. She has smoked since I met her. About 4 months ago she said that she quit with the help of Chantix. Good for her.

Her husband is a cool guy and we both have an appreciation for some hillbilly activities that the Feds and the TTB are not too keen on. On a few occasions we have traded our goods (mine are authentic – he cheats like fuck). Anyway, he asked about my method and in particular how to dilute it to a desired, ahem, proof. I showed him my spreadsheet and the built-in calculations that I’ve created. He chimes in with, “oh, that’s just like my app for making ‘vapor’”.

It turns out that he smokes two packs of cigarettes a day and uses an e-cigg. My employee, is no longer quit, and uses her e-cigg in addition to smoking. He is worried that the Feds are going to put in some massive controls on the e-cigg “vapor” market, in particular controlling a key ingredient to vapor – liquid nicotine. And so, he is hoarding it in massive quantities.

He explained that the liquid nicotine is quite toxic in it’s pure form (I assumed that). He has to get all “Breaking Bad” and wear a respirator and built a vapor lab in the garage to handle it when he buys it in 99% purity form. Highly dangerous! I guess that just breathing the fumes can kill and the fumes can get into fabric in your house and the fear of a child sticking his face into a nicotine laden pillow is a real danger. It takes only 56 grams of nicotine to kill a man. Nice little legal chemical. For the most part he buys a diluted version but it is still dangerous.

He whips out his smart phone and shows me this app: Program in your bottle size: he is using 10ml bottles and selling for $10 each. Enter in the grams of nicotine you want the vapor to have: he wants 36 grams per bottle. Add a ghey flavoring? The app tells him how many drops (using a blunt-tip syringe) of flavoring, nicotine, vegetable glycerin (the vapor), and water to mix per bottle. The markup is HUGE and itÂ’s legal, for now.

Someone is going to die by buying this shit off the street made by some Yokel in his lean-to. Insanity. So glad IÂ’m not a slave anymore.
This is very effing scary. I have heard some horror stories about the liquid nic and children. I don't want my kids anywhere near that synthetic shit.
I have an in-law who has deluded himself into believing that he is quit. Meanwhile he sucks on a vape pipe (looks like a giant crack pipe) and talks of how he is going to taper down. It's really pathetic to watch.
There is a store on my way home called "planet of the vapes" with a guy in a gorilla costume twirling a sign. It IS totally pathetic. and those dorks you see sucking on them driving are are complete dooshbags thinking they are so cool!
I fucking hate everything about those. Most importantly, I hate how the warning flags that even the dumb ass FDA is raising are being completely overshadowed by the "harm reduction" crowd. Even the mention of including them in smoking bans is like bringing on the Antichrist.

Meanwhile, the folks using them to "quit" are getting doses of nicotine FAR in excess of smoking, with very little long term or even short term study being done. The fact, as EW points out, is nicotine is lethal in a relatively low amounts (acutely) and the long term affects are pretty fucking awful as well. The UST execs are probably going apeshit with marketing dollars to the vape industry.

Fuck them and fuck harm reduction and other gimmicky bullshit. I flat out have told assholes who think I should be ok with those around my kids anywhere to kindly go kill themselves somewhere else. our youth soccer league banned "tobacco" from being near practice or games, and i was awfully proud when the coaches asked them to include e-cigs in the ban.
absolutely crazy. Evil is right, just a matter of time before more people start turning up with acute toxicity exposures and deaths.
Even scarier that knowing that in it's purest form it is lethal to inhale and using equipment to protect yourself you would still convince yourself that it is a "safe" alternative to smoking. I see these things more and more around everywhere, what a fucking scam.

I'll keep my freedom today!

Fuck Nic 'Finger'
So he's stockpiling it?

Maybe he'll be able to the vape the zombies.

Addicts are dumb.

Offline Jlud007

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #274 on: May 19, 2014, 08:25:00 PM »
Quote from: T-Cell
Quote from: jost2brown
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: E&C's
Quote from: Evil_Won
One of my employees was in the Chicago area, from central Illinois, on Friday with her husband and daughter for a concert. She has smoked since I met her. About 4 months ago she said that she quit with the help of Chantix. Good for her.

Her husband is a cool guy and we both have an appreciation for some hillbilly activities that the Feds and the TTB are not too keen on. On a few occasions we have traded our goods (mine are authentic – he cheats like fuck). Anyway, he asked about my method and in particular how to dilute it to a desired, ahem, proof. I showed him my spreadsheet and the built-in calculations that I’ve created. He chimes in with, “oh, that’s just like my app for making ‘vapor’”.

It turns out that he smokes two packs of cigarettes a day and uses an e-cigg. My employee, is no longer quit, and uses her e-cigg in addition to smoking. He is worried that the Feds are going to put in some massive controls on the e-cigg “vapor” market, in particular controlling a key ingredient to vapor – liquid nicotine. And so, he is hoarding it in massive quantities.

He explained that the liquid nicotine is quite toxic in it’s pure form (I assumed that). He has to get all “Breaking Bad” and wear a respirator and built a vapor lab in the garage to handle it when he buys it in 99% purity form. Highly dangerous! I guess that just breathing the fumes can kill and the fumes can get into fabric in your house and the fear of a child sticking his face into a nicotine laden pillow is a real danger. It takes only 56 grams of nicotine to kill a man. Nice little legal chemical. For the most part he buys a diluted version but it is still dangerous.

He whips out his smart phone and shows me this app: Program in your bottle size: he is using 10ml bottles and selling for $10 each. Enter in the grams of nicotine you want the vapor to have: he wants 36 grams per bottle. Add a ghey flavoring? The app tells him how many drops (using a blunt-tip syringe) of flavoring, nicotine, vegetable glycerin (the vapor), and water to mix per bottle. The markup is HUGE and itÂ’s legal, for now.

Someone is going to die by buying this shit off the street made by some Yokel in his lean-to. Insanity. So glad IÂ’m not a slave anymore.
This is very effing scary. I have heard some horror stories about the liquid nic and children. I don't want my kids anywhere near that synthetic shit.
I have an in-law who has deluded himself into believing that he is quit. Meanwhile he sucks on a vape pipe (looks like a giant crack pipe) and talks of how he is going to taper down. It's really pathetic to watch.
There is a store on my way home called "planet of the vapes" with a guy in a gorilla costume twirling a sign. It IS totally pathetic. and those dorks you see sucking on them driving are are complete dooshbags thinking they are so cool!
I fucking hate everything about those. Most importantly, I hate how the warning flags that even the dumb ass FDA is raising are being completely overshadowed by the "harm reduction" crowd. Even the mention of including them in smoking bans is like bringing on the Antichrist.

Meanwhile, the folks using them to "quit" are getting doses of nicotine FAR in excess of smoking, with very little long term or even short term study being done. The fact, as EW points out, is nicotine is lethal in a relatively low amounts (acutely) and the long term affects are pretty fucking awful as well. The UST execs are probably going apeshit with marketing dollars to the vape industry.

Fuck them and fuck harm reduction and other gimmicky bullshit. I flat out have told assholes who think I should be ok with those around my kids anywhere to kindly go kill themselves somewhere else. our youth soccer league banned "tobacco" from being near practice or games, and i was awfully proud when the coaches asked them to include e-cigs in the ban.
absolutely crazy. Evil is right, just a matter of time before more people start turning up with acute toxicity exposures and deaths.
Even scarier that knowing that in it's purest form it is lethal to inhale and using equipment to protect yourself you would still convince yourself that it is a "safe" alternative to smoking. I see these things more and more around everywhere, what a fucking scam.

I'll keep my freedom today!

Fuck Nic 'Finger'

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #273 on: May 19, 2014, 06:23:00 PM »
Quote from: jost2brown
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: E&C's
Quote from: Evil_Won
One of my employees was in the Chicago area, from central Illinois, on Friday with her husband and daughter for a concert. She has smoked since I met her. About 4 months ago she said that she quit with the help of Chantix. Good for her.

Her husband is a cool guy and we both have an appreciation for some hillbilly activities that the Feds and the TTB are not too keen on. On a few occasions we have traded our goods (mine are authentic – he cheats like fuck). Anyway, he asked about my method and in particular how to dilute it to a desired, ahem, proof. I showed him my spreadsheet and the built-in calculations that I’ve created. He chimes in with, “oh, that’s just like my app for making ‘vapor’”.

It turns out that he smokes two packs of cigarettes a day and uses an e-cigg. My employee, is no longer quit, and uses her e-cigg in addition to smoking. He is worried that the Feds are going to put in some massive controls on the e-cigg “vapor” market, in particular controlling a key ingredient to vapor – liquid nicotine. And so, he is hoarding it in massive quantities.

He explained that the liquid nicotine is quite toxic in it’s pure form (I assumed that). He has to get all “Breaking Bad” and wear a respirator and built a vapor lab in the garage to handle it when he buys it in 99% purity form. Highly dangerous! I guess that just breathing the fumes can kill and the fumes can get into fabric in your house and the fear of a child sticking his face into a nicotine laden pillow is a real danger. It takes only 56 grams of nicotine to kill a man. Nice little legal chemical. For the most part he buys a diluted version but it is still dangerous.

He whips out his smart phone and shows me this app: Program in your bottle size: he is using 10ml bottles and selling for $10 each. Enter in the grams of nicotine you want the vapor to have: he wants 36 grams per bottle. Add a ghey flavoring? The app tells him how many drops (using a blunt-tip syringe) of flavoring, nicotine, vegetable glycerin (the vapor), and water to mix per bottle. The markup is HUGE and itÂ’s legal, for now.

Someone is going to die by buying this shit off the street made by some Yokel in his lean-to. Insanity. So glad IÂ’m not a slave anymore.
This is very effing scary. I have heard some horror stories about the liquid nic and children. I don't want my kids anywhere near that synthetic shit.
I have an in-law who has deluded himself into believing that he is quit. Meanwhile he sucks on a vape pipe (looks like a giant crack pipe) and talks of how he is going to taper down. It's really pathetic to watch.
There is a store on my way home called "planet of the vapes" with a guy in a gorilla costume twirling a sign. It IS totally pathetic. and those dorks you see sucking on them driving are are complete dooshbags thinking they are so cool!
I fucking hate everything about those. Most importantly, I hate how the warning flags that even the dumb ass FDA is raising are being completely overshadowed by the "harm reduction" crowd. Even the mention of including them in smoking bans is like bringing on the Antichrist.

Meanwhile, the folks using them to "quit" are getting doses of nicotine FAR in excess of smoking, with very little long term or even short term study being done. The fact, as EW points out, is nicotine is lethal in a relatively low amounts (acutely) and the long term affects are pretty fucking awful as well. The UST execs are probably going apeshit with marketing dollars to the vape industry.

Fuck them and fuck harm reduction and other gimmicky bullshit. I flat out have told assholes who think I should be ok with those around my kids anywhere to kindly go kill themselves somewhere else. our youth soccer league banned "tobacco" from being near practice or games, and i was awfully proud when the coaches asked them to include e-cigs in the ban.
absolutely crazy. Evil is right, just a matter of time before more people start turning up with acute toxicity exposures and deaths.
Fish, eat, sleep. Repeat.
quit date 2/10/12
HOF date 5/19/12
1 Year 2/10/13
2 Years 2/10/14
8th Floor 4/19/14

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #272 on: May 19, 2014, 03:49:00 PM »
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: E&C's
Quote from: Evil_Won
One of my employees was in the Chicago area, from central Illinois, on Friday with her husband and daughter for a concert. She has smoked since I met her. About 4 months ago she said that she quit with the help of Chantix. Good for her.

Her husband is a cool guy and we both have an appreciation for some hillbilly activities that the Feds and the TTB are not too keen on. On a few occasions we have traded our goods (mine are authentic – he cheats like fuck). Anyway, he asked about my method and in particular how to dilute it to a desired, ahem, proof. I showed him my spreadsheet and the built-in calculations that I’ve created. He chimes in with, “oh, that’s just like my app for making ‘vapor’”.

It turns out that he smokes two packs of cigarettes a day and uses an e-cigg. My employee, is no longer quit, and uses her e-cigg in addition to smoking. He is worried that the Feds are going to put in some massive controls on the e-cigg “vapor” market, in particular controlling a key ingredient to vapor – liquid nicotine. And so, he is hoarding it in massive quantities.

He explained that the liquid nicotine is quite toxic in it’s pure form (I assumed that). He has to get all “Breaking Bad” and wear a respirator and built a vapor lab in the garage to handle it when he buys it in 99% purity form. Highly dangerous! I guess that just breathing the fumes can kill and the fumes can get into fabric in your house and the fear of a child sticking his face into a nicotine laden pillow is a real danger. It takes only 56 grams of nicotine to kill a man. Nice little legal chemical. For the most part he buys a diluted version but it is still dangerous.

He whips out his smart phone and shows me this app: Program in your bottle size: he is using 10ml bottles and selling for $10 each. Enter in the grams of nicotine you want the vapor to have: he wants 36 grams per bottle. Add a ghey flavoring? The app tells him how many drops (using a blunt-tip syringe) of flavoring, nicotine, vegetable glycerin (the vapor), and water to mix per bottle. The markup is HUGE and itÂ’s legal, for now.

Someone is going to die by buying this shit off the street made by some Yokel in his lean-to. Insanity. So glad IÂ’m not a slave anymore.
This is very effing scary. I have heard some horror stories about the liquid nic and children. I don't want my kids anywhere near that synthetic shit.
I have an in-law who has deluded himself into believing that he is quit. Meanwhile he sucks on a vape pipe (looks like a giant crack pipe) and talks of how he is going to taper down. It's really pathetic to watch.
There is a store on my way home called "planet of the vapes" with a guy in a gorilla costume twirling a sign. It IS totally pathetic. and those dorks you see sucking on them driving are are complete dooshbags thinking they are so cool!
I fucking hate everything about those. Most importantly, I hate how the warning flags that even the dumb ass FDA is raising are being completely overshadowed by the "harm reduction" crowd. Even the mention of including them in smoking bans is like bringing on the Antichrist.

Meanwhile, the folks using them to "quit" are getting doses of nicotine FAR in excess of smoking, with very little long term or even short term study being done. The fact, as EW points out, is nicotine is lethal in a relatively low amounts (acutely) and the long term affects are pretty fucking awful as well. The UST execs are probably going apeshit with marketing dollars to the vape industry.

Fuck them and fuck harm reduction and other gimmicky bullshit. I flat out have told assholes who think I should be ok with those around my kids anywhere to kindly go kill themselves somewhere else. our youth soccer league banned "tobacco" from being near practice or games, and i was awfully proud when the coaches asked them to include e-cigs in the ban.
The problem is not the problem.  The problem is your attitude about the problem.  Do you understand?

Draw Fire

If its too much trouble to post roll call, you could always fuck off.

Quit Group: May 11 3 Balled Quitters

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #271 on: May 19, 2014, 03:35:00 PM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: E&C's
Quote from: Evil_Won
One of my employees was in the Chicago area, from central Illinois, on Friday with her husband and daughter for a concert. She has smoked since I met her. About 4 months ago she said that she quit with the help of Chantix. Good for her.

Her husband is a cool guy and we both have an appreciation for some hillbilly activities that the Feds and the TTB are not too keen on. On a few occasions we have traded our goods (mine are authentic – he cheats like fuck). Anyway, he asked about my method and in particular how to dilute it to a desired, ahem, proof. I showed him my spreadsheet and the built-in calculations that I’ve created. He chimes in with, “oh, that’s just like my app for making ‘vapor’”.

It turns out that he smokes two packs of cigarettes a day and uses an e-cigg. My employee, is no longer quit, and uses her e-cigg in addition to smoking. He is worried that the Feds are going to put in some massive controls on the e-cigg “vapor” market, in particular controlling a key ingredient to vapor – liquid nicotine. And so, he is hoarding it in massive quantities.

He explained that the liquid nicotine is quite toxic in it’s pure form (I assumed that). He has to get all “Breaking Bad” and wear a respirator and built a vapor lab in the garage to handle it when he buys it in 99% purity form. Highly dangerous! I guess that just breathing the fumes can kill and the fumes can get into fabric in your house and the fear of a child sticking his face into a nicotine laden pillow is a real danger. It takes only 56 grams of nicotine to kill a man. Nice little legal chemical. For the most part he buys a diluted version but it is still dangerous.

He whips out his smart phone and shows me this app: Program in your bottle size: he is using 10ml bottles and selling for $10 each. Enter in the grams of nicotine you want the vapor to have: he wants 36 grams per bottle. Add a ghey flavoring? The app tells him how many drops (using a blunt-tip syringe) of flavoring, nicotine, vegetable glycerin (the vapor), and water to mix per bottle. The markup is HUGE and itÂ’s legal, for now.

Someone is going to die by buying this shit off the street made by some Yokel in his lean-to. Insanity. So glad IÂ’m not a slave anymore.
This is very effing scary. I have heard some horror stories about the liquid nic and children. I don't want my kids anywhere near that synthetic shit.
I have an in-law who has deluded himself into believing that he is quit. Meanwhile he sucks on a vape pipe (looks like a giant crack pipe) and talks of how he is going to taper down. It's really pathetic to watch.
There is a store on my way home called "planet of the vapes" with a guy in a gorilla costume twirling a sign. It IS totally pathetic. and those dorks you see sucking on them driving are are complete dooshbags thinking they are so cool!

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #270 on: May 19, 2014, 03:30:00 PM »
Quote from: E&C's
Quote from: Evil_Won
One of my employees was in the Chicago area, from central Illinois, on Friday with her husband and daughter for a concert. She has smoked since I met her. About 4 months ago she said that she quit with the help of Chantix. Good for her.

Her husband is a cool guy and we both have an appreciation for some hillbilly activities that the Feds and the TTB are not too keen on. On a few occasions we have traded our goods (mine are authentic – he cheats like fuck). Anyway, he asked about my method and in particular how to dilute it to a desired, ahem, proof. I showed him my spreadsheet and the built-in calculations that I’ve created. He chimes in with, “oh, that’s just like my app for making ‘vapor’”.

It turns out that he smokes two packs of cigarettes a day and uses an e-cigg. My employee, is no longer quit, and uses her e-cigg in addition to smoking. He is worried that the Feds are going to put in some massive controls on the e-cigg “vapor” market, in particular controlling a key ingredient to vapor – liquid nicotine. And so, he is hoarding it in massive quantities.

He explained that the liquid nicotine is quite toxic in it’s pure form (I assumed that). He has to get all “Breaking Bad” and wear a respirator and built a vapor lab in the garage to handle it when he buys it in 99% purity form. Highly dangerous! I guess that just breathing the fumes can kill and the fumes can get into fabric in your house and the fear of a child sticking his face into a nicotine laden pillow is a real danger. It takes only 56 grams of nicotine to kill a man. Nice little legal chemical. For the most part he buys a diluted version but it is still dangerous.

He whips out his smart phone and shows me this app: Program in your bottle size: he is using 10ml bottles and selling for $10 each. Enter in the grams of nicotine you want the vapor to have: he wants 36 grams per bottle. Add a ghey flavoring? The app tells him how many drops (using a blunt-tip syringe) of flavoring, nicotine, vegetable glycerin (the vapor), and water to mix per bottle. The markup is HUGE and itÂ’s legal, for now.

Someone is going to die by buying this shit off the street made by some Yokel in his lean-to. Insanity. So glad IÂ’m not a slave anymore.
This is very effing scary. I have heard some horror stories about the liquid nic and children. I don't want my kids anywhere near that synthetic shit.
I have an in-law who has deluded himself into believing that he is quit. Meanwhile he sucks on a vape pipe (looks like a giant crack pipe) and talks of how he is going to taper down. It's really pathetic to watch.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
Exercise Start Date: 6/29/2018

E&C's Dad

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #269 on: May 19, 2014, 03:06:00 PM »
Quote from: Evil_Won
One of my employees was in the Chicago area, from central Illinois, on Friday with her husband and daughter for a concert. She has smoked since I met her. About 4 months ago she said that she quit with the help of Chantix. Good for her.

Her husband is a cool guy and we both have an appreciation for some hillbilly activities that the Feds and the TTB are not too keen on. On a few occasions we have traded our goods (mine are authentic – he cheats like fuck). Anyway, he asked about my method and in particular how to dilute it to a desired, ahem, proof. I showed him my spreadsheet and the built-in calculations that I’ve created. He chimes in with, “oh, that’s just like my app for making ‘vapor’”.

It turns out that he smokes two packs of cigarettes a day and uses an e-cigg. My employee, is no longer quit, and uses her e-cigg in addition to smoking. He is worried that the Feds are going to put in some massive controls on the e-cigg “vapor” market, in particular controlling a key ingredient to vapor – liquid nicotine. And so, he is hoarding it in massive quantities.

He explained that the liquid nicotine is quite toxic in it’s pure form (I assumed that). He has to get all “Breaking Bad” and wear a respirator and built a vapor lab in the garage to handle it when he buys it in 99% purity form. Highly dangerous! I guess that just breathing the fumes can kill and the fumes can get into fabric in your house and the fear of a child sticking his face into a nicotine laden pillow is a real danger. It takes only 56 grams of nicotine to kill a man. Nice little legal chemical. For the most part he buys a diluted version but it is still dangerous.

He whips out his smart phone and shows me this app: Program in your bottle size: he is using 10ml bottles and selling for $10 each. Enter in the grams of nicotine you want the vapor to have: he wants 36 grams per bottle. Add a ghey flavoring? The app tells him how many drops (using a blunt-tip syringe) of flavoring, nicotine, vegetable glycerin (the vapor), and water to mix per bottle. The markup is HUGE and itÂ’s legal, for now.

Someone is going to die by buying this shit off the street made by some Yokel in his lean-to. Insanity. So glad IÂ’m not a slave anymore.
This is very effing scary. I have heard some horror stories about the liquid nic and children. I don't want my kids anywhere near that synthetic shit.

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #268 on: May 19, 2014, 03:06:00 PM »
Evil, I didn't even know anything like this existed, I have heard of vapes, but never seen one, and did not know the depth of them. Thanks for sharing, excellent read.
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #267 on: May 19, 2014, 03:01:00 PM »
One of my employees was in the Chicago area, from central Illinois, on Friday with her husband and daughter for a concert. She has smoked since I met her. About 4 months ago she said that she quit with the help of Chantix. Good for her.

Her husband is a cool guy and we both have an appreciation for some hillbilly activities that the Feds and the TTB are not too keen on. On a few occasions we have traded our goods (mine are authentic – he cheats like fuck). Anyway, he asked about my method and in particular how to dilute it to a desired, ahem, proof. I showed him my spreadsheet and the built-in calculations that I’ve created. He chimes in with, “oh, that’s just like my app for making ‘vapor’”.

It turns out that he smokes two packs of cigarettes a day and uses an e-cigg. My employee, is no longer quit, and uses her e-cigg in addition to smoking. He is worried that the Feds are going to put in some massive controls on the e-cigg “vapor” market, in particular controlling a key ingredient to vapor – liquid nicotine. And so, he is hoarding it in massive quantities.

He explained that the liquid nicotine is quite toxic in it’s pure form (I assumed that). He has to get all “Breaking Bad” and wear a respirator and built a vapor lab in the garage to handle it when he buys it in 99% purity form. Highly dangerous! I guess that just breathing the fumes can kill and the fumes can get into fabric in your house and the fear of a child sticking his face into a nicotine laden pillow is a real danger. It takes only 56 grams of nicotine to kill a man. Nice little legal chemical. For the most part he buys a diluted version but it is still dangerous.

He whips out his smart phone and shows me this app: Program in your bottle size: he is using 10ml bottles and selling for $10 each. Enter in the grams of nicotine you want the vapor to have: he wants 36 grams per bottle. Add a ghey flavoring? The app tells him how many drops (using a blunt-tip syringe) of flavoring, nicotine, vegetable glycerin (the vapor), and water to mix per bottle. The markup is HUGE and itÂ’s legal, for now.

Someone is going to die by buying this shit off the street made by some Yokel in his lean-to. Insanity. So glad IÂ’m not a slave anymore.
"Dunno about you HP, but LOOT doesn't like getting assfucked, by anyone....and certainly won't chalk it up to 'shit happens'."