Author Topic: Matt3281  (Read 6380 times)

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Offline ParadigmDawg

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Re: Matt3281
« Reply #154 on: October 17, 2013, 03:52:00 PM »
Quote from: Diesel2112
Killing someone or shoving your face full of chaw isn't going to change one single thing in your life. Not one.

Ok, when you caved did all your problems magically disappear? Sure the bell doesnt sound like it.

While this site is a GREAT support system for those looking to quit nicotine, their are certain limitations to what it/we can do for you.

You get a late night crave, need some advice, want to vent, share a story, etc...we can do that.

Lend you money, put you up in a hotel, shoot some pool, deal with a cheating spouse etc...we cannot do that here. This isn't what the site it designed to do.

I'm sorry to hear life is dealing you some shitty cards, hopefully you realize nicotine is not the answer. I hope you get some help and get your life back on track.
Actually, killing someone would change a few things in his life...

I don't know Matt but I think there are bigger issues than dipping in his life. I highly encourage him to reach out for professional help before something really does happen.

His talk on here has me very concerned.
Oh little are so scary...F' OFF...!!!

Offline billybill3934

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Re: Matt3281
« Reply #153 on: October 17, 2013, 01:24:00 PM »
Quote from: haas0311
Quote from: Matt3281
I dont care what the " f " you do in your real life. I don't ' F ing care that some of you ppl want me to get medical attention.  I been chewing since i was 18yrs old that's 15 yrs of 4-6 cans a day...I quit drinking 2012 and i started eatting veggies this year now im trying to quit the hardest thing and i keep having ppl tell me what they would do to quit or how to quit. 
Everyone is different.  If you knew me then maybe it would be easier for me to quit. You wanna know my life ok here  is my life ... get ready cause it fing sucks.  When i was 18yrs old , friends asked me to try chewing tobacco so i did. At 19yrs old i ran away from home and lived on the streets as a hobo thinking i could live on my own not knowing if i could or not. Did that for a whole year and going to school. I graduated at the age of 21. Once I graduated high school, i was given the the option to go play College Basket Ball for Flordia State or Join the Military.  I choose the Military thinking bout more money. I enlisted into the US Navy for 4 yrs.  Went back to school at US Naval Accademy in Annoplis , MD . paid back my GI bill.. and got my BS degree in Criminal Justice.  and reinlisted into the US Marine Corp for another 8 yrs in the Military.  After boot i got sent oversea's to the sand box.  Where i spent 6yrs and then i got injured and was told that i could never go back cause i had 14 surgery's on my left knee and now can't ever walk perfect again. I also have bi polar and ptsd and other crazy things too. A friend told me about KTC so i joined up. Now, it seems i have ppl just giving me their life storys and how they quit.  I am now retired vet and a vol. firefighter / emt . If i got something growing in my throat and i know what the " F " it is why would i go see a stupid doctor just to find out what it is if i know what it is ?  I am on SSDI currently and i get a pention from the Military. 100% disability.  I live in PA and cant find a job cause of a stupid mistaminor on my back ground record. that goes back 10 yrs and ppl still fing care about it. I DONT KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO BUT to vent and yell and scream .... I am not a weakling and i know i can quit this crap that is nasty in taste and smell and i hate spiting into bottles or out of the car windows.  If you post a reply don't tell me how or what i should do , just give me idea's on how i should . Dont tell me how sumthing helped u out .... i dont even know why i wrote all of this it's not like anyone fing cares.
Semper FI brother! 03 infantry here. 1/7 A co. For the money thing, look at Dave Ramsey, for the job thing look at some of the oil companies hiring security, for the quitting thing just do it Devil Dog! Us Marines don't let anything stand in our way and we have ungodly amounts of will power. You can quit this just like I did. You have my number if you need to vent.
Did you get this shit from a fiction novel? You were in the Navy for 4 years then got out or as you were in you attended the Naval Academy and graduated with a 4 year degree in Criminal Justice which would also mean you are now an officer in the Navy but you somehow signed up for an enlisted Marine billet and started at the bottom with a Bachelors of Science from the Naval Academy and got shipped to the desert as a low level enlisted guy. I spent 8 years in the Navy and still never heard anyone pull that one out of the hat, I have heard many legends in the military but this one tops 'em all. I can't figure out how an educated man such as yourself could have such attrocious grammar, WARNING to all...DO NOT GET YOUR EDUCATION AT THE UNITED STATES NAVAL ACADEMY!!! I probably shouldn't be ripping a supposed fellow veteran but you are giving us all a bad name.

p.s. Why did you pay back the GI Bill?
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Offline Diesel2112

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Re: Matt3281
« Reply #152 on: October 17, 2013, 01:05:00 PM »
Killing someone or shoving your face full of chaw isn't going to change one single thing in your life. Not one.

Ok, when you caved did all your problems magically disappear? Sure the bell doesnt sound like it.

While this site is a GREAT support system for those looking to quit nicotine, their are certain limitations to what it/we can do for you.

You get a late night crave, need some advice, want to vent, share a story, etc...we can do that.

Lend you money, put you up in a hotel, shoot some pool, deal with a cheating spouse etc...we cannot do that here. This isn't what the site it designed to do.

I'm sorry to hear life is dealing you some shitty cards, hopefully you realize nicotine is not the answer. I hope you get some help and get your life back on track.
Quit 06/04/12
HOF 9/11/12
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"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

Offline billybill3934

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Re: Matt3281
« Reply #151 on: October 17, 2013, 01:01:00 PM »
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Pinched
Well you want to call me out because I didn't send you money.  I told you if I had extra.  Also, you tell me that you are sitting on 1/2 MM in government money yet I have three kids to feed and a spouse to support on my own and because my money tree didn't shit out extra money for me to send you.

I don't give a fuck what diagnosis you have.  I listened to you, I heard you I helped you as much as I could.  You are preaching to the choir about life shitting on you.  You don't need this site then roll on.

I stand up for man people on here.  I have stuck to my guns for people and I have helped everyone as much as I can. 

Look deep into your reflection before you decide to call people mother fuckers on here.  Your stories don't add up.  Plus you hadn't posted roll yourself in the last ten days so call me a dumbass mother fucker because I thought you were being sincere.  You have shown your true colors here, life caught up with you.

Move along now until you realize that you made yourself an addict, you caused your cave, you lost a friend if not many in this rant.
pinched .. if i lost a friend that's ok cause i have many more to come by... wow i lost 1 person whoopie. i deal with my problems differently than most of u.. but, i may be trying ... it may be harder for me. at least i can say im on day 2 and actually not having a craving for nothing other than beating this guy that's fucking my girl. How do i calm down from that ? ??
put my shoes on and u tell me what you would do if your in maryland with no way to get to PA and you knew that your kids and wife were staying with a guy that can have his way with your wife and do whatever he wants with ur kids and you had no way on getting there to stop him .... you don't know where he lives but u know that he's in PA and you only know his first name and he calls u out and he tells you on your wifes phone oh hey your wife was a good fuck ... what comes to mind on what you want to do ??? i want so bad to find this guy and kill him but i dont know where to go or whats going on when i can't get a hold of my wife . but i know what they are doing tell me what to do cause i can't calm down.
Wow!!! Why in the fuck would you put your extremely personal business out for everyone in the world to see? You are not the only one to ever get fucked over but lace up your boots and get your shit together. If you think of spewing something as personal as this again, I advise you do it through Personal Message to the intended recipient. Oh by the way... QLAFM!!!
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Offline Jlud007

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Re: Matt3281
« Reply #150 on: October 17, 2013, 12:49:00 PM »
Quote from: derk40
I am lost by your reply.

This website is not a bank or any other sort of lending institution. Why you asking people for money? This reminds me of the emails I've seen requesting money because some person lost their luggage in France and needs money to get home.

This is a internet site. Why do you expect people to come over to help you? Maybe this site did not fit your quit plan.

Sounds like you have some issues that need to be resolved. Dip doesn't help solve them.

Don't get why ur telling us all to F off. We didn't cave. If no one cared noone would have replied to your intro. You have support. Don't tell us to walk in your shoes ... U think ur the only person dealing with life? Ridiculous.

Posting roll is the cornerstone of the site. If you don't like it then maybe this is not for u.

If you put 1/2 the rage in your recent comments into your quit then I doubt you would have caved.

I don't think I am prepared to help you the way you currently require.

Matt, good luck to you.

Offline Derk40

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Re: Matt3281
« Reply #149 on: October 17, 2013, 12:39:00 PM »
I am lost by your reply.

This website is not a bank or any other sort of lending institution. Why you asking people for money? This reminds me of the emails I've seen requesting money because some person lost their luggage in France and needs money to get home.

This is a internet site. Why do you expect people to come over to help you? Maybe this site did not fit your quit plan.

Sounds like you have some issues that need to be resolved. Dip doesn't help solve them.

Don't get why ur telling us all to F off. We didn't cave. If no one cared noone would have replied to your intro. You have support. Don't tell us to walk in your shoes ... U think ur the only person dealing with life? Ridiculous.

Posting roll is the cornerstone of the site. If you don't like it then maybe this is not for u.

If you put 1/2 the rage in your recent comments into your quit then I doubt you would have caved.

I don't think I am prepared to help you the way you currently require.
Quit date: 6/23/2013
HOF Date: 9/30/2013

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Offline Matt3281

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Re: Matt3281
« Reply #148 on: October 17, 2013, 12:23:00 PM »
Quote from: Pinched
Well you want to call me out because I didn't send you money. I told you if I had extra. Also, you tell me that you are sitting on 1/2 MM in government money yet I have three kids to feed and a spouse to support on my own and because my money tree didn't shit out extra money for me to send you.

I don't give a fuck what diagnosis you have. I listened to you, I heard you I helped you as much as I could. You are preaching to the choir about life shitting on you. You don't need this site then roll on.

I stand up for man people on here. I have stuck to my guns for people and I have helped everyone as much as I can.

Look deep into your reflection before you decide to call people mother fuckers on here. Your stories don't add up. Plus you hadn't posted roll yourself in the last ten days so call me a dumbass mother fucker because I thought you were being sincere. You have shown your true colors here, life caught up with you.

Move along now until you realize that you made yourself an addict, you caused your cave, you lost a friend if not many in this rant.
pinched .. if i lost a friend that's ok cause i have many more to come by... wow i lost 1 person whoopie. i deal with my problems differently than most of u.. but, i may be trying ... it may be harder for me. at least i can say im on day 2 and actually not having a craving for nothing other than beating this guy that's fucking my girl. How do i calm down from that ? ??
put my shoes on and u tell me what you would do if your in maryland with no way to get to PA and you knew that your kids and wife were staying with a guy that can have his way with your wife and do whatever he wants with ur kids and you had no way on getting there to stop him .... you don't know where he lives but u know that he's in PA and you only know his first name and he calls u out and he tells you on your wifes phone oh hey your wife was a good fuck ... what comes to mind on what you want to do ??? i want so bad to find this guy and kill him but i dont know where to go or whats going on when i can't get a hold of my wife . but i know what they are doing tell me what to do cause i can't calm down.

Offline Minny

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Re: Matt3281
« Reply #147 on: October 17, 2013, 12:21:00 PM »
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: Pinched
QUOTE (Matt3281 @ Oct 16, 2013, 7:57 pm)

Matt3281- Day 1 - all over again my gf spanked me for starting it again..she tossed it all away so all over. :/

Are you fucking kidding me? I happen to know that you have my phone number and FI's number. You caved this close to our HOF. I understand that your life has turned upside down lately but damnit that is life.

Thank god I happened to be sitting with a veteran quitter when this went down otherwise I might not have been able to sit through it. for the last week or so you have text FI and I to post for you, yet after caving you miraculously get Internet access? That is some fucked up shit.

I understand you are a fellow veteran, which worries me even more. How the fuck can you cave like this? My mom did this, my GF said this, I am calling BULLSHIT!

Answer the three questions for all to see before you post roll or send me a text to post for you.

1. What happened?
2. Why did it happen?
3. What do you plan on doing differently?
Matt, when you answer the 3 questions... don't give us a line of BS about your girlfriend and her bull whip. That is a pile of garbage and ain't gonna help you a lick. Think this thru!
I just re-read this entire intro... Matt, I don't have much to say without putting you down, but I will say that you only have one life to live. At some point you will look back at it all and be powerless to change a single thing. What do you want to see when you look back?

Good luck.
Look you dumb ass mother fuckers im tried of posting every fucking day .... this site is bullshit... you all can go fuck yourselfs this is my life i have bipolar and if i flip out and the only way to calm down is to have nic then im going to take the choice to calm down. An't none of you near by come over and help me out you all got fucking numbers cause you too fuckin far away to actually help me.. plus if i called on the phone and you got pissy with me over the phone i would hang up on you cause u not here. Try being in my shoes for a day... What would you do if you had bipolar , a.d.d., PTSD , Major Depression , Schzofictive , and you were known as a cutter and you just found out that your meds have stoped and that you were being evicted and you don't have any family in the area plus, you were going to homeless living on the streets what the fuck would you do ???? I quit drinking and im on day 2 again and i have no cravings you all say your here for me that's true Bull fucking Shit ... your too far away from me to actually help me. I need more than just a fucking phone call to help me... i need friends to take me out of the situation i have , maybe go shoot pool or put me up in a hotel or something help me get back on my feet. I have pinched say " i will help you if i have extra cash " yeah fucking right that never happened. So to the questions 1. What happend - thats a no brainer i was being evicted and had no place to go and my gf was cheating on me with another guy and living with this certain guy with her kids and i found out they were fucking and all i want to do is either kill myself or kill that mother fucker . 2. Why did it happen well its another no brainer - read everything i wrote it will tell you why it happened. 3- What do i plan on doing differently well... i dont know yet but, i will figure it out when it comes...
You lack honesty on many levels: you're not honest with us, and more importantly you're not honest with yourself. Look in the mirror and stop playing the role of the victim.

Motivation is a fire from within. If someone else tries to light that fire under you, chances are it will burn very briefly.
- Stephen R. Covey
Quit Date 7/12/13
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Offline traumagnet

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Re: Matt3281
« Reply #146 on: October 17, 2013, 11:43:00 AM »
You played this card on day one, Jake and I were on you from the get go we left you alone because of a rant like this. You had assistance of MOD to even have us back off of you and now look at you same rant no new material. I even had other mods check you out because you have some of the same characteristics of another person that has been on here. I called you a special butterfly then and I still see you as one today.

You aren't the only one on this site with issues difference between them and you is that if they have anything left in the tank they give it.

If you really are that jacked up go check yourself in at a VA hospital I have received great care there. The VA hospital isn't going to come and get you you might actually have to get up and get yourself there. There are VA service units all over the place to get you help. There are Vet Centers all over the place available to help you. YOU have to do it
Trauma out
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

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Offline Jlud007

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Re: Matt3281
« Reply #145 on: October 17, 2013, 11:23:00 AM »
Quote from: Matt3281
Look you dumb ass mother fuckers im tried of posting every fucking day .... this site is bullshit... you all can go fuck yourselfs this is my life i have bipolar and if i flip out and the only way to calm down is to have nic then im going to take the choice to calm down. An't none of you near by come over and help me out you all got fucking numbers cause you too fuckin far away to actually help me.. plus if i called on the phone and you got pissy with me over the phone i would hang up on you cause u not here. Try being in my shoes for a day... What would you do if you had bipolar , a.d.d., PTSD , Major Depression , Schzofictive , and you were known as a cutter and you just found out that your meds have stoped and that you were being evicted and you don't have any family in the area plus, you were going to homeless living on the streets what the fuck would you do ???? I quit drinking and im on day 2 again and i have no cravings you all say your here for me that's true Bull fucking Shit ... your too far away from me to actually help me. I need more than just a fucking phone call to help me... i need friends to take me out of the situation i have , maybe go shoot pool or put me up in a hotel or something help me get back on my feet. I have pinched say " i will help you if i have extra cash " yeah fucking right that never happened. So to the questions 1. What happend - thats a no brainer i was being evicted and had no place to go and my gf was cheating on me with another guy and living with this certain guy with her kids and i found out they were fucking and all i want to do is either kill myself or kill that mother fucker . 2. Why did it happen well its another no brainer - read everything i wrote it will tell you why it happened. 3- What do i plan on doing differently well... i dont know yet but, i will figure it out when it comes...
I can only say that when your done feeling sorry for yourself and your situation you'll probably regret this post. Your pissed off because no one here came to bail you out financially? I understand if you have medical or mental health issues, but I can't recall Nicotine ever listed as medication for those issues.

The sooner you realize that using nicotine is just another problem on your list and not the solution maybe you can start moving in the right direction. I would think that a $5 can habit would hit hard when your already down.

Your whole rant is one big steaming pile of addict bullshit and the sooner you realize that, the sooner you can try to fight back.

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Re: Matt3281
« Reply #144 on: October 17, 2013, 11:04:00 AM »
Well you want to call me out because I didn't send you money. I told you if I had extra. Also, you tell me that you are sitting on 1/2 MM in government money yet I have three kids to feed and a spouse to support on my own and because my money tree didn't shit out extra money for me to send you.

I don't give a fuck what diagnosis you have. I listened to you, I heard you I helped you as much as I could. You are preaching to the choir about life shitting on you. You don't need this site then roll on.

I stand up for man people on here. I have stuck to my guns for people and I have helped everyone as much as I can.

Look deep into your reflection before you decide to call people mother fuckers on here. Your stories don't add up. Plus you hadn't posted roll yourself in the last ten days so call me a dumbass mother fucker because I thought you were being sincere. You have shown your true colors here, life caught up with you.

Move along now until you realize that you made yourself an addict, you caused your cave, you lost a friend if not many in this rant.
"If you want to quit then stop talking and just QUIT. If you want to kill yourself a bullet is cheaper and faster than a tin, plus it eliminates my hearing you whine and cry like a bitch."

Best thing I have read on KTC...Submitted by tgafish on 7/3/14

Former Skoal Straight and Cope Longcut user that started at the age of 12. QUIT on 7/15/13

Offline Matt3281

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Re: Matt3281
« Reply #143 on: October 17, 2013, 10:50:00 AM »
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: Pinched
QUOTE (Matt3281 @ Oct 16, 2013, 7:57 pm)

Matt3281- Day 1 - all over again my gf spanked me for starting it again..she tossed it all away so all over. :/

Are you fucking kidding me? I happen to know that you have my phone number and FI's number. You caved this close to our HOF. I understand that your life has turned upside down lately but damnit that is life.

Thank god I happened to be sitting with a veteran quitter when this went down otherwise I might not have been able to sit through it. for the last week or so you have text FI and I to post for you, yet after caving you miraculously get Internet access? That is some fucked up shit.

I understand you are a fellow veteran, which worries me even more. How the fuck can you cave like this? My mom did this, my GF said this, I am calling BULLSHIT!

Answer the three questions for all to see before you post roll or send me a text to post for you.

1. What happened?
2. Why did it happen?
3. What do you plan on doing differently?
Matt, when you answer the 3 questions... don't give us a line of BS about your girlfriend and her bull whip. That is a pile of garbage and ain't gonna help you a lick. Think this thru!
I just re-read this entire intro... Matt, I don't have much to say without putting you down, but I will say that you only have one life to live. At some point you will look back at it all and be powerless to change a single thing. What do you want to see when you look back?

Good luck.
Look you dumb ass mother fuckers im tried of posting every fucking day .... this site is bullshit... you all can go fuck yourselfs this is my life i have bipolar and if i flip out and the only way to calm down is to have nic then im going to take the choice to calm down. An't none of you near by come over and help me out you all got fucking numbers cause you too fuckin far away to actually help me.. plus if i called on the phone and you got pissy with me over the phone i would hang up on you cause u not here. Try being in my shoes for a day... What would you do if you had bipolar , a.d.d., PTSD , Major Depression , Schzofictive , and you were known as a cutter and you just found out that your meds have stoped and that you were being evicted and you don't have any family in the area plus, you were going to homeless living on the streets what the fuck would you do ???? I quit drinking and im on day 2 again and i have no cravings you all say your here for me that's true Bull fucking Shit ... your too far away from me to actually help me. I need more than just a fucking phone call to help me... i need friends to take me out of the situation i have , maybe go shoot pool or put me up in a hotel or something help me get back on my feet. I have pinched say " i will help you if i have extra cash " yeah fucking right that never happened. So to the questions 1. What happend - thats a no brainer i was being evicted and had no place to go and my gf was cheating on me with another guy and living with this certain guy with her kids and i found out they were fucking and all i want to do is either kill myself or kill that mother fucker . 2. Why did it happen well its another no brainer - read everything i wrote it will tell you why it happened. 3- What do i plan on doing differently well... i dont know yet but, i will figure it out when it comes...

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Re: Matt3281
« Reply #142 on: October 17, 2013, 09:49:00 AM »
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: Pinched
QUOTE (Matt3281 @ Oct 16, 2013, 7:57 pm)

Matt3281- Day 1 - all over again my gf spanked me for starting it again..she tossed it all away so all over. :/

Are you fucking kidding me? I happen to know that you have my phone number and FI's number. You caved this close to our HOF. I understand that your life has turned upside down lately but damnit that is life.

Thank god I happened to be sitting with a veteran quitter when this went down otherwise I might not have been able to sit through it. for the last week or so you have text FI and I to post for you, yet after caving you miraculously get Internet access? That is some fucked up shit.

I understand you are a fellow veteran, which worries me even more. How the fuck can you cave like this? My mom did this, my GF said this, I am calling BULLSHIT!

Answer the three questions for all to see before you post roll or send me a text to post for you.

1. What happened?
2. Why did it happen?
3. What do you plan on doing differently?
Matt, when you answer the 3 questions... don't give us a line of BS about your girlfriend and her bull whip. That is a pile of garbage and ain't gonna help you a lick. Think this thru!
I just re-read this entire intro... Matt, I don't have much to say without putting you down, but I will say that you only have one life to live. At some point you will look back at it all and be powerless to change a single thing. What do you want to see when you look back?

Good luck.
Quit Date 7/12/13
HOF Date 10/19/13

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Offline Derk40

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Re: Matt3281
« Reply #141 on: October 17, 2013, 08:37:00 AM »
Quote from: Pinched
QUOTE (Matt3281 @ Oct 16, 2013, 7:57 pm)

Matt3281- Day 1 - all over again my gf spanked me for starting it again..she tossed it all away so all over. :/

Are you fucking kidding me? I happen to know that you have my phone number and FI's number. You caved this close to our HOF. I understand that your life has turned upside down lately but damnit that is life.

Thank god I happened to be sitting with a veteran quitter when this went down otherwise I might not have been able to sit through it. for the last week or so you have text FI and I to post for you, yet after caving you miraculously get Internet access? That is some fucked up shit.

I understand you are a fellow veteran, which worries me even more. How the fuck can you cave like this? My mom did this, my GF said this, I am calling BULLSHIT!

Answer the three questions for all to see before you post roll or send me a text to post for you.

1. What happened?
2. Why did it happen?
3. What do you plan on doing differently?
Matt, when you answer the 3 questions... don't give us a line of BS about your girlfriend and her bull whip. That is a pile of garbage and ain't gonna help you a lick. Think this thru!
Quit date: 6/23/2013
HOF Date: 9/30/2013

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Re: Matt3281
« Reply #140 on: October 17, 2013, 07:48:00 AM »
Dissapointing matt.
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.