Author Topic: Matt3281  (Read 6238 times)

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Offline Jlud007

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Re: Matt3281
« Reply #139 on: October 17, 2013, 05:43:00 AM »
Really Matt? I just woke up to this! I know that you have my number as well and I also know that you have had a rough stretch during your quit. However at the doorstep of the HOF I just don't understand why you would not reach out to some of us........I don't know you real well but I feel a kinship with all the Oct Ducks as we have walked together for 3 months now.

I just want you to know that I am pissed you caved, that your quit is not a singular thing here we affect each other. I also hope that you step up and post with Jan '14, I will be watching with interest.

Offline Pinched

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Re: Matt3281
« Reply #138 on: October 17, 2013, 01:09:00 AM »
QUOTE (Matt3281 @ Oct 16, 2013, 7:57 pm)

Matt3281- Day 1 - all over again my gf spanked me for starting it again..she tossed it all away so all over. :/

Are you fucking kidding me? I happen to know that you have my phone number and FI's number. You caved this close to our HOF. I understand that your life has turned upside down lately but damnit that is life.

Thank god I happened to be sitting with a veteran quitter when this went down otherwise I might not have been able to sit through it. for the last week or so you have text FI and I to post for you, yet after caving you miraculously get Internet access? That is some fucked up shit.

I understand you are a fellow veteran, which worries me even more. How the fuck can you cave like this? My mom did this, my GF said this, I am calling BULLSHIT!

Answer the three questions for all to see before you post roll or send me a text to post for you.

1. What happened?
2. Why did it happen?
3. What do you plan on doing differently?
"If you want to quit then stop talking and just QUIT. If you want to kill yourself a bullet is cheaper and faster than a tin, plus it eliminates my hearing you whine and cry like a bitch."

Best thing I have read on KTC...Submitted by tgafish on 7/3/14

Former Skoal Straight and Cope Longcut user that started at the age of 12. QUIT on 7/15/13

Offline Diesel2112

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Re: Matt3281
« Reply #137 on: October 17, 2013, 01:07:00 AM »
Well hell, if your gf said she would use a bull whip to spank you til the cows come home, then I guess it's a sure thing you will stay quit.

The accountability from posting role, the encouragement from others, the scare of cancer, the numbers and outlets for help if you got into trouble, etc..what a waste, who needs it?

Your gf threatening to whip your ass with a bull whip...that's the true road to quit.

What a jagoff...

If you gonna cave, at least come correct about it. Pathetic.
Quit 06/04/12
HOF 9/11/12
2nd floor 12/20/12
3rd floor 03/30/13
4th floor 07/08/13
5th floor 10/16/13
6th floor 01/24/14
7th floor 05/04/14
8th floor 08/12/14
9th floor 10/20/14
Comma 02/28/15
11th floor 06/08/15
12th floor 09/16/15
13th floor 12/25/15
14th floor 04/03/16
15th floor 7/11/16
16th floor 10/20/16
17th floor 01/27/17
18th floor 05/08/17
19th floor 08/14/17
20th floor 11/27/17
21st floor 03/11/18

"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

Offline Evil_Won

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Re: Matt3281
« Reply #136 on: October 17, 2013, 12:13:00 AM »
I was with Pinched when he got your text of "day 1 again". That's bullshit. What were you on? Day 98?? Have you learned anything in those days? Learn anything about reaching out before throwing 98 days away? Brotherhood? Accountability? You must love the suck.
"Dunno about you HP, but LOOT doesn't like getting assfucked, by anyone....and certainly won't chalk it up to 'shit happens'."

Offline worktowin

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Re: Matt3281
« Reply #135 on: October 16, 2013, 11:52:00 PM »
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: mich
Quote from: Matt3281
I dont care...

If you post a reply don't tell me how or what i should do , just give me idea's on how i should . Dont tell me how sumthing helped u out .... i dont even know why i wrote all of this it's not like anyone fing cares.
I care and so do most of the people reaching out to you.

Sounds like you want the advice you want to hear and that's it. You forgot to tell me what you wanted my advice to be so I'm going to make some up.

Give a shit.

If you don't there is no way you can quit this.
I care, but that doesnt really matter. The only question............ is do you care?

We are here to support you Matt, quitting is a bitch. It is very tough, and it takes a very tough individual to get through this shit. Especially the first 4-6 weeks.

You need anything let me know. You can PM or just jump in chat on most evenings.

Congrats on a great decision. Now dont get yourself all wrapped up in any BS on here. It will sabotage your quit in a hurry. Hopefully that is not what you want, an excuse to dip. I know my addict mind was looking for any excuse during the first few weeks, (and even still now).
Ill try to give a couple of general answers and then relate them back to your current mindset. If this isn't helpful, I apologize in advance.

There are three things that you might want to consider employing in you quit strategy: accountability, support, and anger.

Accountability is the daily posting roll and keeping your word. If you can't keep a promise to yourself and others, this site isn't for you.

Support ties into accountability, but goes deeper. As you develop a tie to other members on here, you will find that they will drop everything to get you through tough times. I mean everything. And once that happens a time or two, you feel like that word you have in step 1 is even more important - you can't let them down either!

Anger... This is a tough one. I am not angry by nature. But I'm furious that nicotine stole a shitload of my money, my time, and my freedom over 25 years. And I'm furious that I let it happen. It was all my choice. Ok, but so what? Here is another way anger has helped me and could help you. Your good buddy, jake Frawley, came on this site guns blazin. He was a quit machine. I and a lot if others watched him in the first few days do and say things that were inspirational and really motivating. I reached out to him and started following him on here a lot. And then... Jake caved. And I got as angry as I get. I blasted him in personal messages. I wrote hateful and hurtful things on his intro. And, it all made me feel even more committed. That betrayal really stepped up my game. When jake came back a few days later, he took more heat. But I'm really glad he is back. His struggles strengthened my resolve in the end. And while I was an asshole to him for a while, today I have complete and total respect for the man.

You've had some people reach out to you, like jake and Ryan (ig2h) that are 10x stronger leaders than I am. You'd do well to get them in your corner. When it comes to overcoming the adversity of a quit, read Ryan's intro from the beginning. He is bad ass. I think if you step back from the words and read jakes message, what he has shared with you in a personal level should give you some hope. He is a leader, always was, and always will be. Get them in your corner.

Finally, dude, go to a doctor. I mean really. Come on. That's just crazy. And use the fear and anger about your throat to fight the addiction. Thank you for your service to our county man. Good luck-
Thought id bump this to the top, because i and a lot of others care and are really disappointed. My number and I know the number of a lot of others is in your mailbox. Why, Matt, did you not reach out?

I've been watching and cheering for you since the beginning. 80 days thrown away? Pay it forward and backward and quit!

Offline haas0311

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Re: Matt3281
« Reply #134 on: October 16, 2013, 10:47:00 PM »
Quote from: Matt3281
I dont care what the " f " you do in your real life. I don't ' F ing care that some of you ppl want me to get medical attention. I been chewing since i was 18yrs old that's 15 yrs of 4-6 cans a day...I quit drinking 2012 and i started eatting veggies this year now im trying to quit the hardest thing and i keep having ppl tell me what they would do to quit or how to quit.
Everyone is different. If you knew me then maybe it would be easier for me to quit. You wanna know my life ok here is my life ... get ready cause it fing sucks. When i was 18yrs old , friends asked me to try chewing tobacco so i did. At 19yrs old i ran away from home and lived on the streets as a hobo thinking i could live on my own not knowing if i could or not. Did that for a whole year and going to school. I graduated at the age of 21. Once I graduated high school, i was given the the option to go play College Basket Ball for Flordia State or Join the Military. I choose the Military thinking bout more money. I enlisted into the US Navy for 4 yrs. Went back to school at US Naval Accademy in Annoplis , MD . paid back my GI bill.. and got my BS degree in Criminal Justice. and reinlisted into the US Marine Corp for another 8 yrs in the Military. After boot i got sent oversea's to the sand box. Where i spent 6yrs and then i got injured and was told that i could never go back cause i had 14 surgery's on my left knee and now can't ever walk perfect again. I also have bi polar and ptsd and other crazy things too. A friend told me about KTC so i joined up. Now, it seems i have ppl just giving me their life storys and how they quit. I am now retired vet and a vol. firefighter / emt . If i got something growing in my throat and i know what the " F " it is why would i go see a stupid doctor just to find out what it is if i know what it is ? I am on SSDI currently and i get a pention from the Military. 100% disability. I live in PA and cant find a job cause of a stupid mistaminor on my back ground record. that goes back 10 yrs and ppl still fing care about it. I DONT KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO BUT to vent and yell and scream .... I am not a weakling and i know i can quit this crap that is nasty in taste and smell and i hate spiting into bottles or out of the car windows. If you post a reply don't tell me how or what i should do , just give me idea's on how i should . Dont tell me how sumthing helped u out .... i dont even know why i wrote all of this it's not like anyone fing cares.
Semper FI brother! 03 infantry here. 1/7 A co. For the money thing, look at Dave Ramsey, for the job thing look at some of the oil companies hiring security, for the quitting thing just do it Devil Dog! Us Marines don't let anything stand in our way and we have ungodly amounts of will power. You can quit this just like I did. You have my number if you need to vent.

Offline haas0311

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Re: Matt3281
« Reply #133 on: October 16, 2013, 10:39:00 PM »

Offline duathman

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Re: Matt3281
« Reply #132 on: October 16, 2013, 10:07:00 PM »
This is a pile of shit

Oh yeah you were the one that was near death. Is this a joke?

Offline Matt3281

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Re: Matt3281
« Reply #131 on: October 16, 2013, 10:01:00 PM »
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: B-loMatt
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: kana
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: duathman
Matt3281 - You posted wrong, you posted at the top of the roll and didn't copy correctly.  You brothers posted that you have been gone for 2 days and delete your name when you posted.  You didn't look up from your keyboard to read this message.  I aint here to bitch but this aint looking good.  Since you are working late do you have any digits to text in your quit early EVERY DAY?  PM me and I will give you mine.
Matt, I understand that u are working late; paying bills is certainly a priority. You have my number text me, or call at anytime and I will help.

Also, no one is deleting you; you got bumped and an error made by someone else. I noticed it and fixed it.

Plus we do read through the daily posters too in lieu of just reading the list.

I got you back man you know this.

Day 40 boi i am doing it and feeling great
Matt,, been watching your quit from a distance. Your doing great my man. Keep it up. You have great things coming your way. I see your already experiencing some of that. It continues to get better. Keep pushing through the rough patches. You've come to far now,, might as well see where this quit takes you. :) Glad to be quit with you.
Day 41
day 42 - going mowing grass today in myersville,md
Day 43
day 44
day 45 rolling on
day 46-still going
at least he's posting somewhere nice quitting Matt!! 'crackup'
reminds me of a guy called 'Sno'
day 47 still going
Did you just bang Matt...twice?
Day 49
day 50 whoop i made it 50 days woohoo
Nice five-oh Matt! Hope you are spending part of your day re-reading your intro from the beginning. A great story, and a great reason to keep putting up +1s. Nicely done.
Day 51 still going
Day 52 or 53 im loosing count on the day lol its been too long lol need to focus
Day 54
day 55
day 68 still going
Day 60 just for 40 more days til HOF baby
Day 71 still going strong gotta do chores and eat more ice cream i will show u guys im making it to the HOF dept and im staying there for good.
day 80 still going but being evicted
Sorry to hear that Matt, but remember a problem + nicotine = 2 problems... No matter what life hits you with you are better nic free, and not using nic is one thing you have the power over. Great quit so far Matt!
Day 81 today is when i tell my landlord i am legally allowed to stay here 10 days... lets see if he messes with me in morning..
Day 1 all over again.. but this time i had alot of help from my gf she found the crap and tossed it out and told me if i do it ever again she will use a bull whip and spank me til the cows come home so... im not going to do it ever again. well hell its been 2hrs since i have had it and no cravings yet .

Offline Matt3281

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Re: Matt3281
« Reply #130 on: October 02, 2013, 12:37:00 AM »
Quote from: B-loMatt
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: kana
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: duathman
Matt3281 - You posted wrong, you posted at the top of the roll and didn't copy correctly.  You brothers posted that you have been gone for 2 days and delete your name when you posted.  You didn't look up from your keyboard to read this message.  I aint here to bitch but this aint looking good.  Since you are working late do you have any digits to text in your quit early EVERY DAY?  PM me and I will give you mine.
Matt, I understand that u are working late; paying bills is certainly a priority. You have my number text me, or call at anytime and I will help.

Also, no one is deleting you; you got bumped and an error made by someone else. I noticed it and fixed it.

Plus we do read through the daily posters too in lieu of just reading the list.

I got you back man you know this.

Day 40 boi i am doing it and feeling great
Matt,, been watching your quit from a distance. Your doing great my man. Keep it up.  You have great things coming your way. I see your already experiencing some of that. It continues to get better. Keep pushing through the rough patches. You've come to far now,, might as well see where this quit takes you. :) Glad to be quit with you.
Day 41
day 42 - going mowing grass today in myersville,md
Day 43
day 44
day 45 rolling on
day 46-still going
at least he's posting somewhere nice quitting Matt!! 'crackup'
reminds me of a guy called 'Sno'
day 47 still going
Did you just bang Matt...twice?
Day 49
day 50 whoop i made it 50 days woohoo
Nice five-oh Matt! Hope you are spending part of your day re-reading your intro from the beginning. A great story, and a great reason to keep putting up +1s. Nicely done.
Day 51 still going
Day 52 or 53 im loosing count on the day lol its been too long lol need to focus
Day 54
day 55
day 68 still going
Day 60 just for 40 more days til HOF baby
Day 71 still going strong gotta do chores and eat more ice cream i will show u guys im making it to the HOF dept and im staying there for good.
day 80 still going but being evicted
Sorry to hear that Matt, but remember a problem + nicotine = 2 problems... No matter what life hits you with you are better nic free, and not using nic is one thing you have the power over. Great quit so far Matt!
Day 81 today is when i tell my landlord i am legally allowed to stay here 10 days... lets see if he messes with me in morning..

Offline B-loMatt

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Re: Matt3281
« Reply #129 on: October 01, 2013, 08:41:00 AM »
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: kana
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: duathman
Matt3281 - You posted wrong, you posted at the top of the roll and didn't copy correctly.  You brothers posted that you have been gone for 2 days and delete your name when you posted.  You didn't look up from your keyboard to read this message.  I aint here to bitch but this aint looking good.  Since you are working late do you have any digits to text in your quit early EVERY DAY?  PM me and I will give you mine.
Matt, I understand that u are working late; paying bills is certainly a priority. You have my number text me, or call at anytime and I will help.

Also, no one is deleting you; you got bumped and an error made by someone else. I noticed it and fixed it.

Plus we do read through the daily posters too in lieu of just reading the list.

I got you back man you know this.

Day 40 boi i am doing it and feeling great
Matt,, been watching your quit from a distance. Your doing great my man. Keep it up. You have great things coming your way. I see your already experiencing some of that. It continues to get better. Keep pushing through the rough patches. You've come to far now,, might as well see where this quit takes you. :) Glad to be quit with you.
Day 41
day 42 - going mowing grass today in myersville,md
Day 43
day 44
day 45 rolling on
day 46-still going
at least he's posting somewhere nice quitting Matt!! 'crackup'
reminds me of a guy called 'Sno'
day 47 still going
Did you just bang Matt...twice?
Day 49
day 50 whoop i made it 50 days woohoo
Nice five-oh Matt! Hope you are spending part of your day re-reading your intro from the beginning. A great story, and a great reason to keep putting up +1s. Nicely done.
Day 51 still going
Day 52 or 53 im loosing count on the day lol its been too long lol need to focus
Day 54
day 55
day 68 still going
Day 60 just for 40 more days til HOF baby
Day 71 still going strong gotta do chores and eat more ice cream i will show u guys im making it to the HOF dept and im staying there for good.
day 80 still going but being evicted
Sorry to hear that Matt, but remember a problem + nicotine = 2 problems... No matter what life hits you with you are better nic free, and not using nic is one thing you have the power over. Great quit so far Matt!

Offline Matt3281

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Re: Matt3281
« Reply #128 on: October 01, 2013, 04:54:00 AM »
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: kana
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: duathman
Matt3281 - You posted wrong, you posted at the top of the roll and didn't copy correctly.  You brothers posted that you have been gone for 2 days and delete your name when you posted.  You didn't look up from your keyboard to read this message.  I aint here to bitch but this aint looking good.  Since you are working late do you have any digits to text in your quit early EVERY DAY?  PM me and I will give you mine.
Matt, I understand that u are working late; paying bills is certainly a priority. You have my number text me, or call at anytime and I will help.

Also, no one is deleting you; you got bumped and an error made by someone else. I noticed it and fixed it.

Plus we do read through the daily posters too in lieu of just reading the list.

I got you back man you know this.

Day 40 boi i am doing it and feeling great
Matt,, been watching your quit from a distance. Your doing great my man. Keep it up. You have great things coming your way. I see your already experiencing some of that. It continues to get better. Keep pushing through the rough patches. You've come to far now,, might as well see where this quit takes you. :) Glad to be quit with you.
Day 41
day 42 - going mowing grass today in myersville,md
Day 43
day 44
day 45 rolling on
day 46-still going
at least he's posting somewhere nice quitting Matt!! 'crackup'
reminds me of a guy called 'Sno'
day 47 still going
Did you just bang Matt...twice?
Day 49
day 50 whoop i made it 50 days woohoo
Nice five-oh Matt! Hope you are spending part of your day re-reading your intro from the beginning. A great story, and a great reason to keep putting up +1s. Nicely done.
Day 51 still going
Day 52 or 53 im loosing count on the day lol its been too long lol need to focus
Day 54
day 55
day 68 still going
Day 60 just for 40 more days til HOF baby
Day 71 still going strong gotta do chores and eat more ice cream i will show u guys im making it to the HOF dept and im staying there for good.
day 80 still going but being evicted

Offline Matt3281

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Re: Matt3281
« Reply #127 on: September 26, 2013, 10:28:00 AM »
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: kana
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: duathman
Matt3281 - You posted wrong, you posted at the top of the roll and didn't copy correctly.  You brothers posted that you have been gone for 2 days and delete your name when you posted.  You didn't look up from your keyboard to read this message.  I aint here to bitch but this aint looking good.  Since you are working late do you have any digits to text in your quit early EVERY DAY?  PM me and I will give you mine.
Matt, I understand that u are working late; paying bills is certainly a priority. You have my number text me, or call at anytime and I will help.

Also, no one is deleting you; you got bumped and an error made by someone else. I noticed it and fixed it.

Plus we do read through the daily posters too in lieu of just reading the list.

I got you back man you know this.

Day 40 boi i am doing it and feeling great
Matt,, been watching your quit from a distance. Your doing great my man. Keep it up. You have great things coming your way. I see your already experiencing some of that. It continues to get better. Keep pushing through the rough patches. You've come to far now,, might as well see where this quit takes you. :) Glad to be quit with you.
Day 41
day 42 - going mowing grass today in myersville,md
Day 43
day 44
day 45 rolling on
day 46-still going
at least he's posting somewhere nice quitting Matt!! 'crackup'
reminds me of a guy called 'Sno'
day 47 still going
Did you just bang Matt...twice?
Day 49
day 50 whoop i made it 50 days woohoo
Nice five-oh Matt! Hope you are spending part of your day re-reading your intro from the beginning. A great story, and a great reason to keep putting up +1s. Nicely done.
Day 51 still going
Day 52 or 53 im loosing count on the day lol its been too long lol need to focus
Day 54
day 55
day 68 still going
Day 60 just for 40 more days til HOF baby
Day 71 still going strong gotta do chores and eat more ice cream i will show u guys im making it to the HOF dept and im staying there for good.

Offline Mike from AB

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Re: Matt3281
« Reply #126 on: September 17, 2013, 08:42:00 PM »
That's two whole months! Congrats!

Offline Matt3281

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Re: Matt3281
« Reply #125 on: September 17, 2013, 06:29:00 PM »
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: kana
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: duathman
Matt3281 - You posted wrong, you posted at the top of the roll and didn't copy correctly.  You brothers posted that you have been gone for 2 days and delete your name when you posted.  You didn't look up from your keyboard to read this message.  I aint here to bitch but this aint looking good.  Since you are working late do you have any digits to text in your quit early EVERY DAY?  PM me and I will give you mine.
Matt, I understand that u are working late; paying bills is certainly a priority. You have my number text me, or call at anytime and I will help.

Also, no one is deleting you; you got bumped and an error made by someone else. I noticed it and fixed it.

Plus we do read through the daily posters too in lieu of just reading the list.

I got you back man you know this.

Day 40 boi i am doing it and feeling great
Matt,, been watching your quit from a distance. Your doing great my man. Keep it up. You have great things coming your way. I see your already experiencing some of that. It continues to get better. Keep pushing through the rough patches. You've come to far now,, might as well see where this quit takes you. :) Glad to be quit with you.
Day 41
day 42 - going mowing grass today in myersville,md
Day 43
day 44
day 45 rolling on
day 46-still going
at least he's posting somewhere nice quitting Matt!! 'crackup'
reminds me of a guy called 'Sno'
day 47 still going
Did you just bang Matt...twice?
Day 49
day 50 whoop i made it 50 days woohoo
Nice five-oh Matt! Hope you are spending part of your day re-reading your intro from the beginning. A great story, and a great reason to keep putting up +1s. Nicely done.
Day 51 still going
Day 52 or 53 im loosing count on the day lol its been too long lol need to focus
Day 54
day 55
day 68 still going
Day 60 just for 40 more days til HOF baby