Author Topic: Need help with my quit  (Read 3638 times)

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Re: Need help with my quit
« Reply #10 on: February 23, 2014, 10:40:00 AM »
Brah, Since you enter the HOF in May, you're in the May 2014 group. Welcome aboard, no nicotine of any kind!
Quit since 1/23/14

Offline Mtnriverdog

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Re: Need help with my quit
« Reply #9 on: February 23, 2014, 10:30:00 AM »
I don't know how thread thing works. I'm not a tech guy, but I know this, i tried the gum and all it did was transfer my addiction from one delivery system to another. You are not quit while you are on gum or patches or whatever. That thought leaves an opening for full blown relapse to dip. Get pissed at the addiction, cry if you need to, but fight like Grizzly protecting her cubs to stay quit

Offline deepbrah

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Re: Need help with my quit
« Reply #8 on: February 23, 2014, 10:09:00 AM »
Thanks guys. I'll check the roll call tonight and get in there. (edit: OK I posted up in the roll call -- my date is off because I'm on day 6 already when I signed up for the site)

I can honestly say that 100%, without a doubt, I'm never going to put a chew in my mouth ever again. There is no doubt in my mind.


EDIT: One more thing -- I would chew 2-3 cans A DAY. I blame the whole Skoal 2-packs for that. I used to just stop at the store and get a can a day...then they conveniently came in packs of 2 to save a dollar. Toward the end there, it was completely out of control.


The truth is, I thought I was dying so bad, and pictured my wife and son alone and it destroyed me. I'm crying as I write this. I would get in the shower and just cry. I honestly was convinced that I was dying.

I never had a father...and I've had friends who had bad fathers. I always considered myself lucky to have no father than a bad one. Since I had a son, I vowed to be the best Dad to my son that I could possibly be. I thought that through selfishly chewing I took that away from my innocent son. Any time that thought pops into my head, I could literally, and immediately, hit the ground in a full breakdown.


So yes, I am not going to chew, ever, that is a given, 100%. My fear would be nicotine patches or Smoking or something similar.


Something else I've noticed, if I get teary eyed, my mouth hurts...which I think it's always been like that, all my life. And of course it's nearly 60 degrees this week, which is playing havoc on my allergies. I've been a hypochondriac my entire life, so any time I get a symptom, I pretty much think I'm dying. The sad and brutally honest fact to that is even hypochondriac's get cancer and f'in die.


One more thing -- How do we get the threads to show up like normal? I am getting the first post in a thread showing up at the end of the pages -- like on page 2, 3, 4, and so on. So the latest post is being displayed at the very top of page 1.

Offline Mtnriverdog

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Re: Need help with my quit
« Reply #7 on: February 23, 2014, 10:07:00 AM »
Quote from: deepbrah
Hey guys...I chewed for 16 years, am 32 and have a wife and son who is 4 and a half.

Anyway, I quit last Monday, 2/17 and the week's been tough for me.

I toss and turn pretty much all night.

My mouth is dry all night long and sometimes my gums and mouth hurt so bad (normally toward the end of the day).

I could literally cry on demand any time I get a little sad, although I obviously avoid doing that.

I haven't really eaten more than a meal a day in the past week.

Every morning when I wake up, it's because I have to go take a poop.


The reason I quit was I felt a lump on the roof of my mouth a few weeks ago that never went away. Finally, I convinced myself i was dying, and I've just been a mental wreck since then. I went to the dentist last Thursday and he said everything was fine. He examined my whole mouth, and said there are a lot of ducts in the roofs of our mouths and that I have nothing to worry about.


Any advice or thoughts?
I had many scares with issues in my mouth I thought were from dipping. Each time the went away or after I got a clean bill of health, I continued to chew. I even spent the money to do a test for cancer at the dentist, I think it was over $100 bucks, I came back clean and literally put a dip in as I was walking out of the dentist office. I will tell you this and agree with all the KTC gang, it is a false sense of relief, nicotine will call you back again and again. Don't listen! I had all kinds of symptoms after I quit. I had heartburn so bad I thought it was a heart attack. I have never slept better since I quit so that's different for me.. As far as depression goes, make sure you keep talking about it to someone. It might be from quitting it or it might not. Go on and pst your role call everyday and read all the names of others who also. If we an do it, you can do it.

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Re: Need help with my quit
« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2014, 09:56:00 AM »
Quote from: deepbrah
Hey guys...I chewed for 16 years, am 32 and have a wife and son who is 4 and a half.

Anyway, I quit last Monday, 2/17 and the week's been tough for me.

I toss and turn pretty much all night.

My mouth is dry all night long and sometimes my gums and mouth hurt so bad (normally toward the end of the day).

I could literally cry on demand any time I get a little sad, although I obviously avoid doing that.

I haven't really eaten more than a meal a day in the past week.

Every morning when I wake up, it's because I have to go take a poop.


The reason I quit was I felt a lump on the roof of my mouth a few weeks ago that never went away. Finally, I convinced myself i was dying, and I've just been a mental wreck since then. I went to the dentist last Thursday and he said everything was fine. He examined my whole mouth, and said there are a lot of ducts in the roofs of our mouths and that I have nothing to worry about.


Any advice or thoughts?
There is good news.

--it will get better
--one day is all that you need to worry about
--since you quit, you will never have to live through this hell again

You've got a great intro that a lot of us can relate to. You'll get a lot if replies from people that were in your shoes not so long ago (including me.). They are all gonna say the same thing...

Post roll first thing every day, before taking the dog out, feeding the kids, anything! Then keep your word for the day.

Read a lot on here. Learn your opponent. Understand that what you are experiencing is normal and is caused by the withdrawal from earths most addictive substance. By the way, a can has nicotine = 3 packs of cigarettes. Did you know that?

Make connections. Get phone numbers. And when you need a shoulder to lean on or feel like you are about to lose your shit, reach out. W

Everyone is gonna say the same thing, because it works. Nothing else does. Post your word. Keep your word. My number is in your inbox. Welcome aboard - you can do this!

Offline Mthomas3824

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Re: Need help with my quit
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2014, 09:54:00 AM »
Quote from: deepbrah
Hey guys...I chewed for 16 years, am 32 and have a wife and son who is 4 and a half.

Anyway, I quit last Monday, 2/17 and the week's been tough for me.

I toss and turn pretty much all night.

My mouth is dry all night long and sometimes my gums and mouth hurt so bad (normally toward the end of the day).

I could literally cry on demand any time I get a little sad, although I obviously avoid doing that.

I haven't really eaten more than a meal a day in the past week.

Every morning when I wake up, it's because I have to go take a poop.


The reason I quit was I felt a lump on the roof of my mouth a few weeks ago that never went away. Finally, I convinced myself i was dying, and I've just been a mental wreck since then. I went to the dentist last Thursday and he said everything was fine. He examined my whole mouth, and said there are a lot of ducts in the roofs of our mouths and that I have nothing to worry about.


Any advice or thoughts?
Post roll, be a man of your word and we will support you.

You're experience...has been experienced. We get it. Take your seat in the June group. There is some excellent advice. Read, Read and vent, cry and write you feelings here.
Quit And Be Free

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Re: Need help with my quit
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2014, 09:53:00 AM »
Quote from: deepbrah
Hey guys...I chewed for 16 years, am 32 and have a wife and son who is 4 and a half.

Anyway, I quit last Monday, 2/17 and the week's been tough for me.

I toss and turn pretty much all night.

My mouth is dry all night long and sometimes my gums and mouth hurt so bad (normally toward the end of the day).

I could literally cry on demand any time I get a little sad, although I obviously avoid doing that.

I haven't really eaten more than a meal a day in the past week.

Every morning when I wake up, it's because I have to go take a poop.


The reason I quit was I felt a lump on the roof of my mouth a few weeks ago that never went away. Finally, I convinced myself i was dying, and I've just been a mental wreck since then. I went to the dentist last Thursday and he said everything was fine. He examined my whole mouth, and said there are a lot of ducts in the roofs of our mouths and that I have nothing to worry about.


Any advice or thoughts?
Welcome. You seem to be going through just about everything i went through except for one which i'll discuss in a moment. My fear here is since you got the good bill of health that you will return to the poison in time.

It's time for you to begin taking this quit to a new level my friend. We post roll daily here. At the top left you'll see the welcome center. Click there and read the information on how and why we post roll. Pay particular attention to why. This is the backbone of this site. You've been on this journey alone for 6 days. Why not add some friends that know what your going through. Note: If you quit on the 17'th your on day 7.

I strongly recommend you begin reading all the information on nicotine/addiction that you can. Begin learning your enemy, it knows you. There is a lot of information on this site. Enough to keep you busy for days. Begin learning the truths about the poison. Knowledge is power. You'll also find a link that will tell you exactly what you'll be going through during this quit....

Now, one symptom you advised about I want to discuss. The symptom of sad/depression.

This one I didn't experience The first week in my quit. I did experience it a little after a few weeks. I'm going to throw out what I believe may be your problem. Could be wrong, so take what you need and leave the rest.

You are sad because you believe you gave up your true love. Whether you know it or not you loved the poison more than anything, including your family and self. Your sad because you feel your missing something.

If you begin reading the information on this site, post roll, get accountable and take this quit more serious than anything you will begin recovering. The poison was never your friend/true love. You will return to a fun and rewarding life in time. The most important rule for you to follow to get your life back is never again for any reason. One is to many and 1000 will never be enough. The longer you go without the poison the better you will feel. If you ever give into just one you will undue everything you have begun. Hope to see you on roll.
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

Offline Wt57

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Re: Need help with my quit
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2014, 09:53:00 AM »
Quote from: deepbrah
Hey guys...I chewed for 16 years, am 32 and have a wife and son who is 4 and a half.

Anyway, I quit last Monday, 2/17 and the week's been tough for me.

I toss and turn pretty much all night.

My mouth is dry all night long and sometimes my gums and mouth hurt so bad (normally toward the end of the day).

I could literally cry on demand any time I get a little sad, although I obviously avoid doing that.

I haven't really eaten more than a meal a day in the past week.

Every morning when I wake up, it's because I have to go take a poop.


The reason I quit was I felt a lump on the roof of my mouth a few weeks ago that never went away. Finally, I convinced myself i was dying, and I've just been a mental wreck since then. I went to the dentist last Thursday and he said everything was fine. He examined my whole mouth, and said there are a lot of ducts in the roofs of our mouths and that I have nothing to worry about.


Any advice or thoughts?
Your symptoms are totally natural, we've all been there. You won't die from quitting but who knows if you cave? When you feel like crying, let it out. I broke down several times. When you get pissed, vent here your family doesn't understand or deserve your emotions. One more real concern, now that you have the relief of knowing your mouth is ok the bitch will try to pull you back in for just a little more. Post roll daily. Your in the May 2014 group.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

Offline deepbrah

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Re: Need help with my quit
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2014, 09:06:00 AM »
Hey guys...I chewed for 16 years, am 32 and have a wife and son who is 4 and a half.

Anyway, I quit last Monday, 2/17 and the week's been tough for me.

I toss and turn pretty much all night.

My mouth is dry all night long and sometimes my gums and mouth hurt so bad (normally toward the end of the day).

I could literally cry on demand any time I get a little sad, although I obviously avoid doing that.

I haven't really eaten more than a meal a day in the past week.

Every morning when I wake up, it's because I have to go take a poop.


The reason I quit was I felt a lump on the roof of my mouth a few weeks ago that never went away. Finally, I convinced myself i was dying, and I've just been a mental wreck since then. I went to the dentist last Thursday and he said everything was fine. He examined my whole mouth, and said there are a lot of ducts in the roofs of our mouths and that I have nothing to worry about.


Any advice or thoughts?

Offline deepbrah

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Need help with my quit
« on: February 23, 2014, 09:06:00 AM »