Author Topic: trying to quit with the patch  (Read 4674 times)

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Re: trying to quit with the patch
« Reply #36 on: August 12, 2010, 10:49:00 PM »
Um...I'm new to this place, (150 days quit today). I know that I've tried the patch...I've tried Welbutrin, I've tried Chantix. The only thing that worked for ME was this place...cold turkey. I was on Chantix when I found this place and I stopped taking it. When I found assholes like me...who quit like that...that's all it took.

My opinion (ain't worth much) is that if you're not Nicotine Free, this is not your place.

This site is for no-shit white knuckle cold turkey quitters. As far as I have seen.

C'mon back when you're off the patch. The patch just prolongs the inevitable.
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

Offline LaQuitter

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Re: trying to quit with the patch
« Reply #35 on: August 12, 2010, 09:12:00 PM »
Duke, I have not read all of the posts in this thread, because it's the same debate that pops up from time to time. I don't need to read it all to boil it down for you, real simple-like.

NRT or not, if you want to quit nicotine, in all of its deadly delivery forms, you will one day have to face and deal with nicotine withdrawal. Quitting is not fun for those first few sucks. NRT's will only prolong that inevitability. You cannot escape THE SUCK. But you can struggle and fight your way through it, and come out clean on the other side. And you will have a ton of support along the way.

As a comparison, would you rather pass away quickly from a massive heart attack, or would you prefer to die a slow death, such as starvation/thirst over the course of days?? Quick or slow, it ends the same.

Go cold turkey, and get that shit over with quickly. Or use the NRT's, and prolong the pain and suffering, only to have to face the same end.

I would wish you good luck, but luck isn't involved here. It's a conscious decision that you have to make every single day. You have to want this more than anything else in order to get to a better place. Your freedom from this addiction is there for you to have. But you will have to earn it. Trust's worth it.

You can do this.
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Re: trying to quit with the patch
« Reply #34 on: August 12, 2010, 08:57:00 PM »
Quote from: loot
As a matter of clarification...LOOT only recalls a "two day" approach to roll call being implemented a select few times. None were here. Those debates were over when this site was created. Nicotine free is the price of admission to Roll Call on QSX.
Werd !!

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Re: trying to quit with the patch
« Reply #33 on: August 12, 2010, 08:34:00 PM »
As a matter of clarification...LOOT only recalls a "two day" approach to roll call being implemented a select few times. None were here. Those debates were over when this site was created. Nicotine free is the price of admission to Roll Call on QSX.

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Re: trying to quit with the patch
« Reply #32 on: August 12, 2010, 08:06:00 PM »
Quote from: loot
Castigation is a bad approach. We agree.

It is a funny word, but contrary to the mission.
'crackup' Loot you f'en crack me up. 'crackup'
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Re: trying to quit with the patch
« Reply #31 on: August 12, 2010, 07:57:00 PM »
Castigation is a bad approach. We agree.

It is a funny word, but contrary to the mission.

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Re: trying to quit with the patch
« Reply #30 on: August 12, 2010, 07:52:00 PM »
Do you recall cjs2006? She was in March 2010 and had a world of issues that resulted from her quitting cold turkey - eventually neccesitating hospitalization. I can think of at least 3 others off the top of my head and I am sure all of you have encountered people on this site who had SERIOUS medical issues as a direct result of the immediate cessation of all nicotine. Most of us are lucky and do not suffer much beyond the fog, lack of sleep, headaches and rage. But to say there is no place for NRT is rather silly actually. This is not a testosterone contest. Should they post roll with a pre-HOF group? No. Should they be castigated, turned out and made to feel the leper? For fuck sake no way. If you are going to use NRT make damn certain you have a medical reason to do so. If you do use it, use it exactly as prescribed. If you don't need to use NRT do NOT use it because you will only prolong the suck. Like tearing a band aid off. Sure the height of pain if you do it slowly is less but the duration of that pain makes the ordeal much worse. The odds are very, very good you do not need NRT.
Quit date 12/10/09

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Re: trying to quit with the patch
« Reply #29 on: August 12, 2010, 07:37:00 PM »
Mr. BigDuke,

If you followed the conversation ensuing from your initial post, your head is spinning. Let LOOT clear it up.

1. Get rid of the wishy washy language. Recovering nicotine addicts have no place in their quit vocabulary for words like "hope" and "try". Those words kill addicts. We use "do" and "will". Positive words lead to positive outcomes.

2. Some people will break you over the seriousness of roll call. Some guys get real quirky about roll call. Please understand what it is and why we do it before you partake.

3. Most people here are cold turkey kinda guys for the reasons they outlined.

4. NRT and it's use are sorta frowned up because of reason #3. While we generally allow people to post in the intro thread on NRT and in some cases...with fatties (from ignorance)...we generally like to remind those people that the overwhelming majority of people reading your posts are fighting their addiction tooth and nail. Respect for that is appreciated. Follow the NRT step down program to the letter and you are welcome to post about your journey your very own introduction page. When you complete the program we will accept nothing less than a Day 1 post in the appropriate group.

5. These people will watch you. They will hold you accountable. They will make sure you follow the program. They will save your life...but only if you let them.

Your call bro. Make post #2 a Day #1. You don't need NRT. We both know it. NRT is simply leaving the door ajar. Slam the motherfucker shut and get on with the suck. No way around it. It is coming one way or the other.

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Re: trying to quit with the patch
« Reply #28 on: August 12, 2010, 06:04:00 PM »
Quote from: bman50317
Hehe, it is a good conversation! One that I can easily see both sides of. Part of me says that the only way to quit is to just do it and quit cold turkey....the other part says not everyone can do it. I respect and can support that as long as there end game is quitting. So if you use and NRT plan, be serious and don't waste our time.

Make no mistake though, I don't support posting roll in the quit groups unless you are nic free though. In here is fine, but not the groups.
Why is it a conversation at all? No nicotine, end of story. We don't allow people in chat when they are dipping, smoking, etc. so please tell me how that is different than posting in intorductions. How about we tell them its ok, we will coddle you through this.

Wait, they already have a site of people who can't man up and quit.
A promise not kept is the road to exile.

If quitting is cool, consider me Myles Davis.

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Offline MikeA

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Re: trying to quit with the patch
« Reply #27 on: August 12, 2010, 05:39:00 PM »
Quote from: bman50317
Quote from: MikeA
and just so it does not get lost, here is the quote again from the welcome center in the topic "Roll call, why we do it"

"Roll call is the most important thing you will do here. That one simple act will be what makes this quit different than any other attempt. Roll call, quite simply, is a promise to your brothers that you will be Nicotine Free for that day."

It says nothing about mostly nicotine free or 99% nicotine free or this kind of nicotine delivery system says nicotine free and there should be no argument what that means.
Nobody will disagree with you on that. Posting in the quit groups is disrespectful and not allowed.
ummm, theo disagrees. Read below.

he says

"Some guys have posted two dates "no dip date", and "no nic date""

I assume he meant that they post roll with 2 dates which is BS.

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Re: trying to quit with the patch
« Reply #26 on: August 12, 2010, 05:20:00 PM »
Let me see if this clears it up Duke.

In my almost 400 days here I have yet to see someone successfully quit because they used NRT.

A few have quit in spite of their use, and each one I know of will tell you that it was a mistake and they'd never go that route again. They eventually went through a hellish day 1-3 when they gave up the NRT. Its just that they had to go through a kinda sorta hellish pre-30, 60, whatever before they got to the bad days.

Most who used the NRT though, never got in the right mind set to actually quit. They disappeared forever, unsuccessful once again.

You may think you're different, but you're not. You have the strength within you to succeed. Decide to do so.That's really all it takes.
"We shall not fail or falter; we shall not weaken or tire...Give us the tools and we will finish the job." - Sir Winston Churchill

"Not using gets much easier as time goes by, but the consequences of "just one" never lessen." - Me

Offline bman50317

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Re: trying to quit with the patch
« Reply #25 on: August 12, 2010, 05:08:00 PM »
Quote from: MikeA
and just so it does not get lost, here is the quote again from the welcome center in the topic "Roll call, why we do it"

"Roll call is the most important thing you will do here. That one simple act will be what makes this quit different than any other attempt. Roll call, quite simply, is a promise to your brothers that you will be Nicotine Free for that day."

It says nothing about mostly nicotine free or 99% nicotine free or this kind of nicotine delivery system says nicotine free and there should be no argument what that means.
Nobody will disagree with you on that. Posting in the quit groups is disrespectful and not allowed.
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Offline bman50317

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Re: trying to quit with the patch
« Reply #24 on: August 12, 2010, 05:06:00 PM »
Hehe, it is a good conversation! One that I can easily see both sides of. Part of me says that the only way to quit is to just do it and quit cold turkey....the other part says not everyone can do it. I respect and can support that as long as there end game is quitting. So if you use and NRT plan, be serious and don't waste our time.

Make no mistake though, I don't support posting roll in the quit groups unless you are nic free though. In here is fine, but not the groups.
Time heals but I'm forever broken

Offline MikeA

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Re: trying to quit with the patch
« Reply #23 on: August 12, 2010, 05:04:00 PM »
and just so it does not get lost, here is the quote again from the welcome center in the topic "Roll call, why we do it"

"Roll call is the most important thing you will do here. That one simple act will be what makes this quit different than any other attempt. Roll call, quite simply, is a promise to your brothers that you will be Nicotine Free for that day."

It says nothing about mostly nicotine free or 99% nicotine free or this kind of nicotine delivery system says nicotine free and there should be no argument what that means.

Offline klark

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Re: trying to quit with the patch
« Reply #22 on: August 12, 2010, 05:02:00 PM »
Quote from: Ready
Quote from: RWM
Quote from: MikeA
Quote from: theo3wood
Quote from: MikeA
Quote from: bman50317
Quote from: MikeA
Quote from: klark
Quote from: theo3wood
Quote from: Syndrome
Quote from: RWM
Don't post until you are quit.   Posting with a patch isn't quit.   This is no nic site.
man i see this way to much round here. and its not true. NRT is excepted here but only if you use it exactly the way its perscribed. not using it when ever you feel like it witch wood be more of a gum thing then the patch thing.

on the flip side most of us also will tell you it aint the way to go and theres plenty in this here thred. and i aint gonna argue a bit with the rest a the avice here.

i tell you now i was erly on the "imbrace the suck. remember the suck. dont repete the suck" band wagon.
The deranged one is correct here. As 44 used to put it..."using NRT EXACTLY as prescribed" is allowed, BUT...

...if you're supposed to chew three pieces a day, and you so much as lick the candy coating of a fourth, that's a cave."

Some guys have posted two dates "no dip date", and "no nic date". I, like many others, used the gum for a couple weeks before listening to others on this site, and finally realizing how stupid it was.
theo I am going to have to respectfully disagree with you. If it's three pieces and three pieces only why spend the extra money, just have 3 dips a day. I mean, it's still nicotine and you are cutting down.

From the welcome center: Roll Call - Why we do it... - back to top
Roll call is the most important thing you will do here. That one simple act will be what makes this quit different than any other attempt. Roll call, quite simply, is a promise to your brothers that you will be Nicotine Free for that day.

Did that ideology change?
ya theo, old theory. New breed of quitters these days. 100% cold fucking turkey now days. That's what we did and that's what we expect,
That ideology has not changed. Roll Call is the most important thing we do.....Our word is our bond. Though last time I checked, the introduction section wasn't exactly the place you posted roll.

There have been some quitters in here that have used NRT and posted in the intro-section to respect those that are completely nic free. Though I agree that cold-turkey is the way to go, I will still support someone who is trying to quit with NRT as long as they are using it properly.

BigDuke, you gotta do what is best for you. Make a plan and stick to it.
It is just fine to post in the intro section until you are ready to quit. The quitters roll call are for those who have quit.
There have been many guys post in the intro section about a planned quit date and they are shown a better way. Just like we are trying to do here. Why would anyone advise people to prolong the suck by using nicotine?
Beg to differ, mikey. NOBODY in this thread has advised the fresh quitter to use NRT. We've unanimously suggested that it is a bad idea. Accepted? Yes. Good idea? Frick, NO!
any means necessary? Well that leaves the door wide open.
Well reading thru all the Vet answers, makes me wonder why I was confused in the first place... Seems pretty clear as mud to me. :D

I think the quit tag line should be:

Post up, give your word that you will not use dip. We understand that you might be a weak ass MF and need to use other methods to continue to injest the nic. So no dip, but feel free to shoot up, snort nic, smoke it -but only second hand, drink from a spit cup as long as you didn't produce it, lick an ash tray, eat cig butts, wear a patch and chew nic gum... JUST DON'T DIP.

Or if you want to succeed, use this site and stop putting any kind of nic poison into your body via any method.

Acutally it's a good debate that was had and as someone that's only been here for 60 days it's helpful to see input for you all. I do like the idea of - if you post in the quit zone, you should post and indicate your patch days (or days left). Might help the fellow quiters know how to support you better.

Quit long and prosper!
This debate is far from new...


Ready runs like hell after knocking down the hornets nest
If there is a debate then I would ask the moderating team to take this out of the welcome center because apparently to half of you this doesn't mean shit.

Taken Directly from the Welcome Center, remember this WHY we do it

Roll Call - Why we do it... - back to top
Roll call is the most important thing you will do here. That one simple act will be what makes this quit different than any other attempt. Roll call, quite simply, is a promise to your brothers that you will be Nicotine Free for that day.

We require a simple "one day at a time" philosophy. Make roll call, concentrate on today and today only. We'll work through the troubles of today with you. We'll worry about tomorrow when it gets here.

Roll call will build accountability with your brothers. You know that the man next to you in line is going through or has dealt with the exact same things you are. Lean on the knowledge of those who have walked that road. Develop relationships with them and especially the guys in your home group. These people will save your life if you let them.

If you follow this simple advice you'll be amazed. You have lied to, cheated on, and stole time from every single person you hold dear. You take roll call seriously, and you will find that total strangers will give your quit more accountability than any "real" person in your world.

If you want to quit, deep down, really want to quit... roll call is the cornerstone you will build your quit house on. Be loyal to yourself, your group, and ultimately to QSX as a whole and you shall have the freedom you desire. Guaranteed.
A promise not kept is the road to exile.

If quitting is cool, consider me Myles Davis.

Unless you bring value onto my 1/2 acre, I don't want to hear it.