Author Topic: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..  (Read 5515 times)

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Offline dippshit

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #84 on: February 09, 2012, 05:59:00 PM »
Quote from: pacertom
Quote from: Greg5280
Quote from: dippshit
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: redtrain14
There really is cards! Holy shit I'm on that.
I am gonna throw a couple in the pickup and a couple in the wallet. Handing a slave that would be a powerful message. Just the fact that one would carry that around say you mean quit business. I am on it.
I have handed out hundreds of them. It feels great to hand them out and explain about the site and the fact you really CAN quit.
When I hit 100, I am seriously going to look into a boat wrap....So many dippers at the tournaments I fish....and usually a booth with the free crap being given away.

It could garner some serious attention....
Why wait? you wanna talk about accountability, you got this place all over your boat? Man, you have no excuse but to stay quit then. I got a KTC tattoo right next to my USDA CHOICE tattoo on my ass the first week I was here. 'na na'

"It's amazing what a man can see by the light of a burning bridge" - Unknown

Offline jjprice

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #83 on: February 09, 2012, 05:54:00 PM »
Quote from: pacertom
When I hit 100, I am seriously going to look into a boat wrap....So many dippers at the tournaments I fish....and usually a booth with the free crap being given away.

It could garner some serious attention....
I remember when I started dipping in college. Rooster just came out and there was always a guy a distributor at the gas station if I timed my visit correctly giving logs of the shit away. Now I wish I would've just kicked him in the nuts.
You may be cool, but you're a tool compared to these guys.

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #82 on: February 09, 2012, 05:30:00 PM »
Quote from: Greg5280
Quote from: dippshit
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: redtrain14
There really is cards! Holy shit I'm on that.
I am gonna throw a couple in the pickup and a couple in the wallet. Handing a slave that would be a powerful message. Just the fact that one would carry that around say you mean quit business. I am on it.
I have handed out hundreds of them. It feels great to hand them out and explain about the site and the fact you really CAN quit.
When I hit 100, I am seriously going to look into a boat wrap....So many dippers at the tournaments I fish....and usually a booth with the free crap being given away.

It could garner some serious attention....

Offline Scowick65

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #81 on: February 09, 2012, 01:50:00 PM »
Quote from: Ready
Quote from: dippshit
I ran outta coffee in the house this morning, so I ran down to the 7-Eleven to grab a cup and hit the road towards work. I started making my coffee at home when I quit so I didn't have to stare at the cancer rack every morning. Now were used to it, its cheaper, easier, all is good. As I stand there in line, my eyes glide across the cancer rack, wait, it isn't there, they are out of Copenhagen LC Wintergreen. 110 days ago I would have slipped into a mini rage and walked out of that store. Not today my friends. Not today.
It does feel good to be free.


Offline ChewCrewRetiree

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #80 on: February 09, 2012, 10:38:00 AM »
Thattaboy dippy! I know that everytime I go into a gas station, I always look at the rack. Not because I'm interested in what shit that it holds, but just to check the price. I see those little fucks sitting up there at 4 or 5 whatever have you, per can. And I just think, damn look at what I am able to do now. Look what we're all able to do. Fucking outstanding.
Quit - 10/24/11 |-| HOF - 1/31/12 |-| 2nd Floor - 5/10/12 |-| 3rd Floor - 8/18/12 |-| 1 Year - 10/22/12 |-| 4th Floor - 11/26/12

Stop and in say hi to the January 2012 Juggernauts

Offline Ready

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #79 on: February 09, 2012, 10:36:00 AM »
Quote from: dippshit
I ran outta coffee in the house this morning, so I ran down to the 7-Eleven to grab a cup and hit the road towards work. I started making my coffee at home when I quit so I didn't have to stare at the cancer rack every morning. Now were used to it, its cheaper, easier, all is good. As I stand there in line, my eyes glide across the cancer rack, wait, it isn't there, they are out of Copenhagen LC Wintergreen. 110 days ago I would have slipped into a mini rage and walked out of that store. Not today my friends. Not today.
It does feel good to be free.


Offline dippshit

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #78 on: February 09, 2012, 10:34:00 AM »
I ran outta coffee in the house this morning, so I ran down to the 7-Eleven to grab a cup and hit the road towards work. I started making my coffee at home when I quit so I didn't have to stare at the cancer rack every morning. Now were used to it, its cheaper, easier, all is good. As I stand there in line, my eyes glide across the cancer rack, wait, it isn't there, they are out of Copenhagen LC Wintergreen. 110 days ago I would have slipped into a mini rage and walked out of that store. Not today my friends. Not today.

"It's amazing what a man can see by the light of a burning bridge" - Unknown

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #77 on: January 14, 2012, 04:05:00 PM »
Quote from: Ready
Quote from: loot
Quote from: dippshit
I told someone about this place the other day, how it worked, why we do what we do here. He won't quit. Was it a waste of time? I overheard a close friend tell someone I was going crazy because of the way I explained my quit. Am I going crazy? Maybe a little. He thinks that because he "switched" from a pack a day to 4 cigars a day he knows how to quit. He is a slave. But his words hit me deeper than I ever thought they would. Maybe it's this depression and not him. Maybe this is making my skin to thin. As I type this, it feels like I am in an empty airplane hanger, talking to myself. I can hear the echoes of my voice, other than that it's silent. The concrete's radiates the cold, the air is still, any moisture in the air is frozen, it stings my lungs. I thought I was alone. But that bitch is sitting over there in the corner. Way on the other side of this empty metal building. She is fucking hawkeyin me. She is not saying a word, just listening, watching, draining me. We both know what she wants. She has been closer to me the past three days than any other time in my quit. I am in pain. She whispers in my ear all night, I can feel her tugging on the inside of my chest all day. I can handle broken bones, cuts and bruises. I have won and lost fights, given and received an ass whooping. I have felt physical pain and taken it like the best of um. This is inside, this is deeper, but I still have control today because I won't give that bitch what she wants. Today, this is why I am quit.

I originally posted this in January 2012, but want it in here for future reflection.
You are a lot of things bro...alone is not one of them.

Do as you always do...tell her to "Fuck Off!". Do it aloud. In front of a mirror. It's therapeutic.
We all know what you speak of.

It will get better.

I guarantee it.
Pity the fool who will not listen.

As a trial lawyer, one of my faults is that I am probably a bit too outspoken. I am an advocate at heart and if I believe in something I will express it. I relish moments when I can "preach" to users about freedom. How once I was controlled and how, now, my life's actions are on on my own terms and not dictated by a poison. People respond in different ways and many times negatively because quitting "cold turkey" seems like an impossible feat.

Oh how they are wrong.

Good of you to spread the word. You can try to lead them to water but you can't make them drink.

As for your own quit, stay the course and stay positive. You're winning.

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #76 on: January 14, 2012, 03:56:00 PM »
Quote from: loot
Quote from: dippshit
I told someone about this place the other day, how it worked, why we do what we do here. He won't quit. Was it a waste of time? I overheard a close friend tell someone I was going crazy because of the way I explained my quit. Am I going crazy? Maybe a little. He thinks that because he "switched" from a pack a day to 4 cigars a day he knows how to quit. He is a slave. But his words hit me deeper than I ever thought they would. Maybe it's this depression and not him. Maybe this is making my skin to thin. As I type this, it feels like I am in an empty airplane hanger, talking to myself. I can hear the echoes of my voice, other than that it's silent. The concrete's radiates the cold, the air is still, any moisture in the air is frozen, it stings my lungs. I thought I was alone. But that bitch is sitting over there in the corner. Way on the other side of this empty metal building. She is fucking hawkeyin me. She is not saying a word, just listening, watching, draining me. We both know what she wants. She has been closer to me the past three days than any other time in my quit. I am in pain. She whispers in my ear all night, I can feel her tugging on the inside of my chest all day. I can handle broken bones, cuts and bruises. I have won and lost fights, given and received an ass whooping. I have felt physical pain and taken it like the best of um. This is inside, this is deeper, but I still have control today because I won't give that bitch what she wants. Today, this is why I am quit.

I originally posted this in January 2012, but want it in here for future reflection.
You are a lot of things bro...alone is not one of them.

Do as you always do...tell her to "Fuck Off!". Do it aloud. In front of a mirror. It's therapeutic.
We all know what you speak of.

It will get better.

I guarantee it.

Offline loot

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #75 on: January 14, 2012, 03:14:00 PM »
Quote from: dippshit
I told someone about this place the other day, how it worked, why we do what we do here. He won't quit. Was it a waste of time? I overheard a close friend tell someone I was going crazy because of the way I explained my quit. Am I going crazy? Maybe a little. He thinks that because he "switched" from a pack a day to 4 cigars a day he knows how to quit. He is a slave. But his words hit me deeper than I ever thought they would. Maybe it's this depression and not him. Maybe this is making my skin to thin. As I type this, it feels like I am in an empty airplane hanger, talking to myself. I can hear the echoes of my voice, other than that it's silent. The concrete's radiates the cold, the air is still, any moisture in the air is frozen, it stings my lungs. I thought I was alone. But that bitch is sitting over there in the corner. Way on the other side of this empty metal building. She is fucking hawkeyin me. She is not saying a word, just listening, watching, draining me. We both know what she wants. She has been closer to me the past three days than any other time in my quit. I am in pain. She whispers in my ear all night, I can feel her tugging on the inside of my chest all day. I can handle broken bones, cuts and bruises. I have won and lost fights, given and received an ass whooping. I have felt physical pain and taken it like the best of um. This is inside, this is deeper, but I still have control today because I won't give that bitch what she wants. Today, this is why I am quit.

I originally posted this in January 2012, but want it in here for future reflection.
You are a lot of things bro...alone is not one of them.

Do as you always do...tell her to "Fuck Off!". Do it aloud. In front of a mirror. It's therapeutic.

Offline dippshit

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #74 on: January 14, 2012, 02:56:00 PM »
I told someone about this place the other day, how it worked, why we do what we do here. He won't quit. Was it a waste of time? I overheard a close friend tell someone I was going crazy because of the way I explained my quit. Am I going crazy? Maybe a little. He thinks that because he "switched" from a pack a day to 4 cigars a day he knows how to quit. He is a slave. But his words hit me deeper than I ever thought they would. Maybe it's this depression and not him. Maybe this is making my skin to thin. As I type this, it feels like I am in an empty airplane hanger, talking to myself. I can hear the echoes of my voice, other than that it's silent. The concrete's radiates the cold, the air is still, any moisture in the air is frozen, it stings my lungs. I thought I was alone. But that bitch is sitting over there in the corner. Way on the other side of this empty metal building. She is fucking hawkeyin me. She is not saying a word, just listening, watching, draining me. We both know what she wants. She has been closer to me the past three days than any other time in my quit. I am in pain. She whispers in my ear all night, I can feel her tugging on the inside of my chest all day. I can handle broken bones, cuts and bruises. I have won and lost fights, given and received an ass whooping. I have felt physical pain and taken it like the best of um. This is inside, this is deeper, but I still have control today because I won't give that bitch what she wants. Today, this is why I am quit.

I originally posted this in January 2012, but want it in here for future reflection.

"It's amazing what a man can see by the light of a burning bridge" - Unknown

Offline Greg5280

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #73 on: January 11, 2012, 11:45:00 AM »
Quote from: dippshit
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: redtrain14
There really is cards! Holy shit I'm on that.
I am gonna throw a couple in the pickup and a couple in the wallet. Handing a slave that would be a powerful message. Just the fact that one would carry that around say you mean quit business. I am on it.
I have handed out hundreds of them. It feels great to hand them out and explain about the site and the fact you really CAN quit.

Offline dippshit

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #72 on: January 11, 2012, 09:57:00 AM »
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: redtrain14
There really is cards! Holy shit I'm on that.
I am gonna throw a couple in the pickup and a couple in the wallet. Handing a slave that would be a powerful message. Just the fact that one would carry that around say you mean quit business. I am on it.

"It's amazing what a man can see by the light of a burning bridge" - Unknown

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #71 on: January 11, 2012, 07:29:00 AM »
Quote from: redtrain14
There really is cards! Holy shit I'm on that.

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