Author Topic: Just Quit! Help?1?  (Read 5406 times)

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Offline jdubthe2nd

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Re: Just Quit! Help?1?
« Reply #14 on: November 25, 2013, 08:57:00 PM »
I just had a question for all of you out there. At some points in the day i go from being alert and aware and then all of the sudden its like ive been hit with sleeping gas. Is this common? it happened to me today while driving to work, i felt like my eyes were just too heavy. i pulled over for a few minutes but it didnt help. i just yelled "wake up!" at myself until i got to base.

also, i plan on joining a hof group or whatever as soon as i can think straight and read all this info. my head hurts too much right now to go through all the roll call stuff. thanks for your support guys. 6 days cold turkey down. goodnight all.
"Never tell me the odds!" - Han Solo

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Re: Just Quit! Help?1?
« Reply #13 on: November 25, 2013, 10:56:00 AM »
Quote from: Bean
Quote from: ParadigmDawg
Here is a brief timeline on how my quit is going, I'm not sure if it's helpful or not but I made it for another new quitter and he seemed to like it.

The nic is out of your system so it's all fun and games now...right? Well F...guess what? Your body is use to living with nic and now it's mad and is about to really fight you.

The good news is that you understand how to use your tools and you have some good fight in you. The better news is that it gets so much easier very quickly. Now, I realize that "quickly" is a very relative term- as when you are suffering minute to minute, 5 or 6 weeks seem like 100 years. In reality, 5 or 6 weeks is not a very long time.

Keep in mind, I am no expert and I am just going off of what I have experienced the past 73 days. My "suck scale" looked something like this:

Day 1-3: bad fog, my brain didn't work at all. Very little sleep and couldn't take a dump to save my life. I wanted a dip every second of each day.

Day 4-10: Pretty much out of the fog but bad, bad cravings and headache every second of the day

Day 11-14: My cruise control days, I didn't think about dipping much and craves were few and far between. Sleeping good but too much.

Day 15-21 Starting to get my energy level back up. Craves about 2-4 per day and short. The first thing every morning, I started to get an empty and sick feeling in my stomach when I thought about not being able to dip. Started losing my temper easily.

Day 22-25 No real changes, cruising along but feeling a little depressed. I started learning how to hate my addiction and was really mad about it.

Day 26- 30: Wow, I was starting to gain a lot of weight. Weird how I replaced Cope with Ice Cream and cake. I don't even eat sweets but here I am 10 lbs heavier. I don't care, I'm not dipping and the craves are mild.

Day 31-38: Freaking fog was back, some nasty craves and my temper way out of control. WTF!

Day 39-60: The roller coaster days. Mod craves followed by no craves, bad temper and mild depression. A difficult time but I was not giving up at this point.

Day 61-73: The best days by far. Seldom think about dip, temper is way better, sleeping like a normal person and just feeling pretty darn good. I am stacking up these good days to recharge my batteries and prepare for the next round of fights". 

Day 74- 85: Really good days. Strong cravings when I have too many drinks so I have been careful with drinking. Normal days are now 0-1 crave. My temper has been completely under control for 2 weeks now.

Day 86-99: Zero craves, zero dip dreams and temper under control. The strong craves when I drink are also gone. I am disgusted when I see someone dip. Proudly watching my group hit HOF one at a time; which is just how we quit, one day at a time. My guard is still held high as I know the fight is far from over.

Day 100-126: I am on a high as I have reached my first goal. My guard is held the highest it has ever been in because I will not disappoint all those who have helped me.
Thanks for sharing, PD!!! You have a ton to be proud of, but my favorite part is that is that there is no "finish line" in there. Great lesson for newbies!!! PD is under control now, but vigilant...constantly vigilant!!!
Nice work and good record keeping. As time goes on the "suck" is hard to remember. This is good to go back and recall the journey from time to time.

Always good to remember what it took to claim your freedom so that you protect it and stand on guard against any enemies trying to enslave you again.
Quit And Be Free

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Offline Bean

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Re: Just Quit! Help?1?
« Reply #12 on: November 25, 2013, 10:50:00 AM »
Quote from: ParadigmDawg
Here is a brief timeline on how my quit is going, I'm not sure if it's helpful or not but I made it for another new quitter and he seemed to like it.

The nic is out of your system so it's all fun and games now...right? Well F...guess what? Your body is use to living with nic and now it's mad and is about to really fight you.

The good news is that you understand how to use your tools and you have some good fight in you. The better news is that it gets so much easier very quickly. Now, I realize that "quickly" is a very relative term- as when you are suffering minute to minute, 5 or 6 weeks seem like 100 years. In reality, 5 or 6 weeks is not a very long time.

Keep in mind, I am no expert and I am just going off of what I have experienced the past 73 days. My "suck scale" looked something like this:

Day 1-3: bad fog, my brain didn't work at all. Very little sleep and couldn't take a dump to save my life. I wanted a dip every second of each day.

Day 4-10: Pretty much out of the fog but bad, bad cravings and headache every second of the day

Day 11-14: My cruise control days, I didn't think about dipping much and craves were few and far between. Sleeping good but too much.

Day 15-21 Starting to get my energy level back up. Craves about 2-4 per day and short. The first thing every morning, I started to get an empty and sick feeling in my stomach when I thought about not being able to dip. Started losing my temper easily.

Day 22-25 No real changes, cruising along but feeling a little depressed. I started learning how to hate my addiction and was really mad about it.

Day 26- 30: Wow, I was starting to gain a lot of weight. Weird how I replaced Cope with Ice Cream and cake. I don't even eat sweets but here I am 10 lbs heavier. I don't care, I'm not dipping and the craves are mild.

Day 31-38: Freaking fog was back, some nasty craves and my temper way out of control. WTF!

Day 39-60: The roller coaster days. Mod craves followed by no craves, bad temper and mild depression. A difficult time but I was not giving up at this point.

Day 61-73: The best days by far. Seldom think about dip, temper is way better, sleeping like a normal person and just feeling pretty darn good. I am stacking up these good days to recharge my batteries and prepare for the next round of fights".

Day 74- 85: Really good days. Strong cravings when I have too many drinks so I have been careful with drinking. Normal days are now 0-1 crave. My temper has been completely under control for 2 weeks now.

Day 86-99: Zero craves, zero dip dreams and temper under control. The strong craves when I drink are also gone. I am disgusted when I see someone dip. Proudly watching my group hit HOF one at a time; which is just how we quit, one day at a time. My guard is still held high as I know the fight is far from over.

Day 100-126: I am on a high as I have reached my first goal. My guard is held the highest it has ever been in because I will not disappoint all those who have helped me.
Thanks for sharing, PD!!! You have a ton to be proud of, but my favorite part is that is that there is no "finish line" in there. Great lesson for newbies!!! PD is under control now, but vigilant...constantly vigilant!!!

Offline ParadigmDawg

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Re: Just Quit! Help?1?
« Reply #11 on: November 25, 2013, 09:19:00 AM »
Here is a brief timeline on how my quit is going, I'm not sure if it's helpful or not but I made it for another new quitter and he seemed to like it.

The nic is out of your system so it's all fun and games now...right? Well F...guess what? Your body is use to living with nic and now it's mad and is about to really fight you.

The good news is that you understand how to use your tools and you have some good fight in you. The better news is that it gets so much easier very quickly. Now, I realize that "quickly" is a very relative term- as when you are suffering minute to minute, 5 or 6 weeks seem like 100 years. In reality, 5 or 6 weeks is not a very long time.

Keep in mind, I am no expert and I am just going off of what I have experienced the past 73 days. My "suck scale" looked something like this:

Day 1-3: bad fog, my brain didn't work at all. Very little sleep and couldn't take a dump to save my life. I wanted a dip every second of each day.

Day 4-10: Pretty much out of the fog but bad, bad cravings and headache every second of the day

Day 11-14: My cruise control days, I didn't think about dipping much and craves were few and far between. Sleeping good but too much.

Day 15-21 Starting to get my energy level back up. Craves about 2-4 per day and short. The first thing every morning, I started to get an empty and sick feeling in my stomach when I thought about not being able to dip. Started losing my temper easily.

Day 22-25 No real changes, cruising along but feeling a little depressed. I started learning how to hate my addiction and was really mad about it.

Day 26- 30: Wow, I was starting to gain a lot of weight. Weird how I replaced Cope with Ice Cream and cake. I don't even eat sweets but here I am 10 lbs heavier. I don't care, I'm not dipping and the craves are mild.

Day 31-38: Freaking fog was back, some nasty craves and my temper way out of control. WTF!

Day 39-60: The roller coaster days. Mod craves followed by no craves, bad temper and mild depression. A difficult time but I was not giving up at this point.

Day 61-73: The best days by far. Seldom think about dip, temper is way better, sleeping like a normal person and just feeling pretty darn good. I am stacking up these good days to recharge my batteries and prepare for the next round of fights".

Day 74- 85: Really good days. Strong cravings when I have too many drinks so I have been careful with drinking. Normal days are now 0-1 crave. My temper has been completely under control for 2 weeks now.

Day 86-99: Zero craves, zero dip dreams and temper under control. The strong craves when I drink are also gone. I am disgusted when I see someone dip. Proudly watching my group hit HOF one at a time; which is just how we quit, one day at a time. My guard is still held high as I know the fight is far from over.

Day 100-126: I am on a high as I have reached my first goal. My guard is held the highest it has ever been in because I will not disappoint all those who have helped me.
Oh little are so scary...F' OFF...!!!

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Re: Just Quit! Help?1?
« Reply #10 on: November 25, 2013, 09:13:00 AM »
Quote from: jdubthe2nd
I'm on day 6 now. No falters or replacements or whatever. I fell out of my bed last night and my wife says I have been talking im my sleep. My head is killing me and my body aches. Its odd, that at one moment I feel awake and alert and the next my  head is lolling and my eyes close.

I know this is neither a short nor easy process, I'm just scared to make the drive to work now with my body trying to go to sleep on me. I had to yell at myself  on the way there to stay up. I'm so exhausted.
Day 6, what an achievement! Brother i hear you. All of us went through this. It's rough for while, but just know its worth It. Your worth the process my friend. Your worth the sleepless nights. Your worth the withdraws. Your worth everything you have to go through for this freedom. Screw the poison.

I used anger to fuel my quit. Look at what the poison has done to you. Think of how much you think about this poison when your not allowing yourself to suckle with it. Think of these sleepless nights that it's caused you. Think of how many times you shared precious time with it instead of your family. Think of all the lies it caused you to tell. Think of all the lies it has made you believe. Think of all the money you have given for a filthy disgusting can of dirt that has done nothing but take.

To be fair let me make a list of good things it's done for you.

I'm sorry, I got nothing! If you think long and hard you will think of nothing either. YOU GOT NOTHING BETTER TO DO TODAY THAN STAY QUIT! Job or no job. Bed or no bed. Whatever it takes. Quit with you brother.
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

Offline jdubthe2nd

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Re: Just Quit! Help?1?
« Reply #9 on: November 25, 2013, 08:29:00 AM »
I'm on day 6 now. No falters or replacements or whatever. I fell out of my bed last night and my wife says I have been talking im my sleep. My head is killing me and my body aches. Its odd, that at one moment I feel awake and alert and the next my head is lolling and my eyes close.

I know this is neither a short nor easy process, I'm just scared to make the drive to work now with my body trying to go to sleep on me. I had to yell at myself on the way there to stay up. I'm so exhausted.
"Never tell me the odds!" - Han Solo

HOF 2/27/2014

Offline Dave1903

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Re: Just Quit! Help?1?
« Reply #8 on: November 24, 2013, 03:52:00 PM »
This the best choice you could make it is going to have its rough days but you are going to have good days that make you say hells yeah this what I want and if you continue post roll ,make some friends,and quit one day at a time you will get rid of the nic bitch.
The nic is a bitch, but it's gone one day at a time.

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Re: Just Quit! Help?1?
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2013, 12:27:00 PM »
Welcome to KTC Jdub. You have been given some sound advice so far and you should take it to heart. The only thing I would add is that apple and cranberry juice are also very helpful, but dont overdue them because of the sugar content...they will keep you up if you load up on them before bed. Hang in there, follow your quit plan, and perservere to freedom.
"Life's tough......It's even tougher if you're stupid."
-John Wayne

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Re: Just Quit! Help?1?
« Reply #6 on: November 24, 2013, 12:18:00 PM »
Best choice ever! Quitting is not easy, but it is so worth it. Read everything on KTC and get the answers to all your questions about quitting this filthy stinking poison. You will find answers to the questions you don't even know you have yet.

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Re: Just Quit! Help?1?
« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2013, 12:01:00 PM »
An unpleasant side effect of nicotine, it is a laxative. An even more unpleasant fact is that when you quit using it, your body is so use to it you may get constipated.

Drink (sip) water all day, and get some cardio in. Anything to get your body flowing again on it's own.

Believe me, this too shall pass.

Sleep can be an issue also. It took me a couple of months before I really settled down. But when I finally did, I slept with the dead.

Take heed and warning on all you experience now. Poison is leaving your body and it will be a difficult time physically, mentally, and emotionally. Your body has been assaulted by this poison for some time now and it will take time to recover. Even after the poison has left you. Don't forget the ride out of hell, you got yourself into it, now you must pay the piper. Realize that what is happening to you is caused by an outside source, one that does not occur in you naturally and causes harm. If you go back to it, this will all happen again.

As difficult as it may seem, and it is we have all been through it. That is the gist of this site. Any question or concerns are welcome as we are here to help you. If you find yourself irritable, don't take it out on your family and friends, rage on the page if it were, or as I said go out and get physical at the gym.


Offline ParadigmDawg

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Re: Just Quit! Help?1?
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2013, 08:42:00 AM »
Quitting is really simple.

Read everything on here, post roll call each morning and don't dip. Wow....that sounds so easy, doesn't it?

If you read through the other intro's you may see some of my same words on them but they always hold true so I will just repeat them...

You are in for one nasty fight but you have the tools here to make it.

Go load yourself up with gum, mints, fake chew, seeds and beef jerky. Also get some member phone numbers right now, they will help you through the rough parts.

Next, exercise to exhaustion every single day and drink so much water that you feel like you may bust. Both of these will help.

Make sure your wife reads about what you are going through. 99% chance that you are going to be a short fussed dick for the next 3-4 weeks. Try not to take it out on her and the kids. Get on here and take it out on us, we will be fine.

I quit with you.
Oh little are so scary...F' OFF...!!!

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Re: Just Quit! Help?1?
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2013, 02:38:00 AM »
Crazy's fun dude. It makes things much more interesting.

Bad news... You're gonna feel this way for a little while. It sucks. We call it The Suck. We're very clever that way. This is you healing and getting rid of the poison you put in your body for, well, I don't know how long you chewed but for some of us it was years and years. Nicotine is nasty... Your body is getting rid of it. Remember this because you don't want to do it again. This is your only quit, got it? No trying... Just doing. Learn to enjoy how bad you feel... It's you healing.

Good news... This, too, shall pass and it gets better. Way better. I promise. Get yourself up to the Welcome Center link at the top of the page. Learn about joining your quit group... Brothers and sisters who are quitting around the same time as you. Learn about posting for roll call each day... Your daily promise to NOT be a user today. Just for today. Learn WHY we do it this way. Read. All of it. This is your new life saving manual. This is your path to freedom and... It's very damn cool. Pm me and I'll help you in any way. Rock on...
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

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Re: Just Quit! Help?1?
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2013, 01:15:00 AM »
The nicotine bitch is fucking with you. You are much stronger than a can of poison. You are doing the right thing by quitting. Congrats!! Now you have to be tough and stick with it.

Do not give in tonight. Read this entire website if you have to. You are 100% in the right place if you want to quit. And it sounds like you do. So do it!!!!

You can quit. The next few days will be hell. But it is so worth it. You will get some messages from some very helpful long term quit vets soon. They will guide you through this. Just hang tough. You can do it. It will be better soon. Do not cave and make sure to flush all your nicotine now if you have any. Quit Sherpas, get in here and help this new quit soldier please

Your body has to get rid of the nicotine. You are healing. Emrace it. Let your body expel the poison.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
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Offline jdubthe2nd

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Just Quit! Help?1?
« on: November 24, 2013, 12:55:00 AM »
I feel crazy! I am constipated. I am having trouble sleeping. I have recently learned that coffee does not help as far as the dehydration goes. I feel like someone else is trying to "check in" or "log in" to my mind. I don't want to replace chew with anything because I don't want to develop any other bad habitsÂ… but I need help with the mental clarity. I feel CRAZY! Any help with that?
"Never tell me the odds!" - Han Solo

HOF 2/27/2014