Author Topic: Just Quit! Help?1?  (Read 5411 times)

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Offline jdubthe2nd

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Re: Just Quit! Help?1?
« Reply #29 on: December 05, 2013, 09:43:00 AM »
Just wanted to say thanks to everyone thats been in contact with me. today is odd. I'm not craving, just got the returning fog, stomach is churning and I feel like my life has centered around where the nearest bathroom is, I'm not jokin when i say i've pulled off the side of the road in my cammies and shit in the woods, more than a couple of times. been puking and again, just feeling
like i'm in a dream. pounding water and gatorade. gets hard tho. Ive had to go see the corpsman a few times on a count of not being able to keep water down when i'm dehydrated (before i quit) and had to have Iv's put in. hope it doesnt come to that. its freezing in that bitch.
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Re: Just Quit! Help?1?
« Reply #28 on: December 03, 2013, 11:01:00 PM »
Jdubthe2nd, Josh. I am glad Grizzlyhasclaws gave you my contact info and plan to keep in touch through your quit. I am so glad you got to this site at what I consider an early age. You are on the right track with the quit, especially knowing you have a wife. I am not in the military, but so appreciate your efforts and I think the discipline you've practiced will ultimately help you in this battle.

I can't lie, the quit is hard. 3 cans a day is a lot of nicotine. I was probably close to a can a day plus some nicotine gum. So, maybe your titration or withdrawl from the nic was harder than some others. If you are past day 14 as your into states, I truly believe you have weathered the worst, at least in terms of the physical withdrawl symptoms. The mental ones seem to keep coming at least for me. I still have dreams about dip. Not nightmares, but dreams that make another dip so wonderful and appealing. The brain still needs time to re-wire the award system. It happens slowly, but my brain learned to reward a good thing with a dip, deal with a bad thing with a dip to make me feel better, deal with high stress with a dip, take a shit with a dip, cut the lawn with a dip. I did this for 30 years, you've got 8 years. We can't be foolish to think that years of nicotine addiction and brain programming can totally be redone in a couple of weeks. This will be a prolonged battle that will never go away, but it does get a little easier.

we are here to support one another as brothers.

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Re: Just Quit! Help?1?
« Reply #27 on: December 03, 2013, 03:30:00 PM »
Look on the bright side, you have plenty of people like me here to help you along the way. The even brighter side is that when I post on here you get to see my avatar of those beautiful boobs bouncing; if you had to see me face to face you would be much more disappointed.
"If you want to quit then stop talking and just QUIT. If you want to kill yourself a bullet is cheaper and faster than a tin, plus it eliminates my hearing you whine and cry like a bitch."

Best thing I have read on KTC...Submitted by tgafish on 7/3/14

Former Skoal Straight and Cope Longcut user that started at the age of 12. QUIT on 7/15/13

Offline jdubthe2nd

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Re: Just Quit! Help?1?
« Reply #26 on: December 03, 2013, 02:10:00 PM »
Ok, I had forgotten I had even done one before lol. But thanks, and again, thanks for the support today. If not for this site, I would've caved 2 weeks ago, that is to say, I never would've really quit.
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Re: Just Quit! Help?1?
« Reply #25 on: December 03, 2013, 02:00:00 PM »
Quote from: jdubthe2nd
My name is Josh or Jdub if you prefer. I'm 23 years old and a Corporal in the Marines. I've been dipping cope and grizzly since i was about 15, started off slow, but by my first year in the Corps, working from 0400 til 2200, i was at 3 cans a day. Depressed, inside the Armory walls with no natural light or windows. My work schedule is much different now thanks to being in a better unit, and on Nov 20 I made the decision to finally quit, for me, not because it was expensive or because my wife wants me to, though I do take those things into consideration. I decided that I was nobody's bitch, and that I wouldn't let some bullshit I'm paying for kill me, or make my life hell one day down the road or God forbid, take my life. So, the Fog, I don't know how severe some of yours were, but i was in a full hallucination. My wife told me I was walking around the house talking to people who weren't there, falling out of bed, talking in my sleep, falling, completely disconnected from reality. I'm currently on day 14 of my quit and have not missed a day on roll call and don't plan on it.

If you're a serious and committed quitter, I want your phone number, and your promise to quit with me, and I will give you mine.
Hey great post today, and great use of my number so far, keep it up brother.

You are only allowed one introduction but one of the admins will come along and merger your posts later.

Keep on quitting daily and reaching out when you need help. As you know I am here for you every step of the way.

"If you want to quit then stop talking and just QUIT. If you want to kill yourself a bullet is cheaper and faster than a tin, plus it eliminates my hearing you whine and cry like a bitch."

Best thing I have read on KTC...Submitted by tgafish on 7/3/14

Former Skoal Straight and Cope Longcut user that started at the age of 12. QUIT on 7/15/13

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Re: Just Quit! Help?1?
« Reply #24 on: December 03, 2013, 01:54:00 PM »
JDub, I believe you. I feel the quit in your post.


Offline jdubthe2nd

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Re: Just Quit! Help?1?
« Reply #23 on: December 03, 2013, 01:47:00 PM »
My name is Josh or Jdub if you prefer. I'm 23 years old and a Corporal in the Marines. I've been dipping cope and grizzly since i was about 15, started off slow, but by my first year in the Corps, working from 0400 til 2200, i was at 3 cans a day. Depressed, inside the Armory walls with no natural light or windows. My work schedule is much different now thanks to being in a better unit, and on Nov 20 I made the decision to finally quit, for me, not because it was expensive or because my wife wants me to, though I do take those things into consideration. I decided that I was nobody's bitch, and that I wouldn't let some bullshit I'm paying for kill me, or make my life hell one day down the road or God forbid, take my life. So, the Fog, I don't know how severe some of yours were, but i was in a full hallucination. My wife told me I was walking around the house talking to people who weren't there, falling out of bed, talking in my sleep, falling, completely disconnected from reality. I'm currently on day 14 of my quit and have not missed a day on roll call and don't plan on it.

If you're a serious and committed quitter, I want your phone number, and your promise to quit with me, and I will give you mine.
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Re: Just Quit! Help?1?
« Reply #22 on: November 27, 2013, 09:08:00 AM »
You have been given great advice from some of the best quitters this site as seen. I don't have a whole hell of a lot to add but I do have a couple of quick notes:

1 - Understand that Accountability, Brotherhood and Commitment that KTC entails or the ABCs of quitting. Once you fully understand these words you will start to see what that means to all of your fellow quitters (new and old).

2 - Make your daily promise, and notice that although you are quitting for yourself, you are giving your word to many others. If you do fall or falter you will let them down as well as yourself. You are a quitter in this group, a part of the structure. If one column falls the structure is weaker, it doesn't mean it will fall but it does mean that others will have to band together to carry more than their original weight.

"If you want to quit then stop talking and just QUIT. If you want to kill yourself a bullet is cheaper and faster than a tin, plus it eliminates my hearing you whine and cry like a bitch."

Best thing I have read on KTC...Submitted by tgafish on 7/3/14

Former Skoal Straight and Cope Longcut user that started at the age of 12. QUIT on 7/15/13

Offline wmcatty

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Re: Just Quit! Help?1?
« Reply #21 on: November 27, 2013, 09:03:00 AM »
Jdub, nice job of posting roll this morning. We post roll dailyÂ…every day, rain or shine. That is our promise to ourselves and our quit brothers we will not use nicotine that day. That is the price of admission to KTC, nothing more. We go to bed, wake up and do it all over the next day. Remember, it is one day at a time around here. Now that you know the basics, send out a few private messages (Inbox (1) on the top right hand side of the screen) to the boys listed as quitters in your quit group asking for telephone numbers. They will respond enthusiastically, I assure you. You see, that is our lifeline. When you donÂ’t post roll, someone in your group will notice and either text or call you wanting to know what the hell the problem is. We call that accountability. You are accountable to your quit group just as much as they are accountable to you. Simple. Stay the course, stay strong and quit whining about me being rudeÂ…I am just trying to help you by shaming you into doing what you know you need to do. I have also sent you a PM with my cell number in it. Call me 24/7 with any questions, when things feel shitty or you just need to vent. But remember, that telephone call is REQUIRED before you are allowed to use nicotine in a moment of weakness. Agreed Buttercup? Welcome aboard.
"Life's tough......It's even tougher if you're stupid."
-John Wayne

Offline jdubthe2nd

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Re: Just Quit! Help?1?
« Reply #20 on: November 27, 2013, 08:38:00 AM »
Quote from: mogul
Community/Quit groups/February 2014 Freedom Fighters.

When you see the 2013 HOF headlines, scroll down and you will find the 2014 ones.
Thank you all for your help. I've found it and posted roll call. And as soon as I get the opportunity after my 10 hour drive today, I will scour this site. Again, thanks to all, and I know nobody can do this for me, but I know that I am not alone.
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Re: Just Quit! Help?1?
« Reply #19 on: November 27, 2013, 03:20:00 AM »
Quote from: jdubthe2nd
Quote from: CaliforniaSlim

Damned...I thought we had done a pretty good job of explaining how this quitting program worked...guess not.  Whenever you start feeling better, can devote some time to reading about this stuff without your head hurting and decide to join a HOF group or whatever, let us know how we can help.
Well, I'm am now trying to figure out what HOF I'm in and how it all works. Yes, I want to be done. 7 days now still havent touched it. But your reply came off as rude. Of course I should (and will) read all of this info, but in the midst of the "Fog" and with having my duties at home as well as at work, I didn't read everything on the first visit of the site. I've been on here a few times. I thank you all for your support and will find my quit group. I should be sleeping right now, but am on here. I have work in less than 6 hours that I drive an hour to. So, I am taking the time to learn this. I'm just having a rough time sorting through it all, there's a lot here. So I quit on Nov 20 2013, what group am I falling in, and can someone just help me find it? Thank you.
Nobody is "RUDE" and you are not a Special :scowick: .....We know what you are feeling right now and we can take the rage. Bring it here let us have it. We Just need commitment, effort, and you daily promise. Without that we can no help you.... No one will powder your ass here but we can help you quit.

Offline Mogul

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Re: Just Quit! Help?1?
« Reply #18 on: November 26, 2013, 10:09:00 PM »
Community/Quit groups/February 2014 Freedom Fighters.

When you see the 2013 HOF headlines, scroll down and you will find the 2014 ones.

Offline jdubthe2nd

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Re: Just Quit! Help?1?
« Reply #17 on: November 26, 2013, 09:34:00 PM »
Quote from: CaliforniaSlim

Damned...I thought we had done a pretty good job of explaining how this quitting program worked...guess not.  Whenever you start feeling better, can devote some time to reading about this stuff without your head hurting and decide to join a HOF group or whatever, let us know how we can help.
Well, I'm am now trying to figure out what HOF I'm in and how it all works. Yes, I want to be done. 7 days now still havent touched it. But your reply came off as rude. Of course I should (and will) read all of this info, but in the midst of the "Fog" and with having my duties at home as well as at work, I didn't read everything on the first visit of the site. I've been on here a few times. I thank you all for your support and will find my quit group. I should be sleeping right now, but am on here. I have work in less than 6 hours that I drive an hour to. So, I am taking the time to learn this. I'm just having a rough time sorting through it all, there's a lot here. So I quit on Nov 20 2013, what group am I falling in, and can someone just help me find it? Thank you.
"Never tell me the odds!" - Han Solo

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Offline CaliforniaSlim

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Re: Just Quit! Help?1?
« Reply #16 on: November 26, 2013, 11:52:00 AM »
Quote from: wmcatty
also, i plan on joining a hof group or whatever as soon as i can think straight and read all this info. my head hurts too much right now to go through all the roll call stuff. thanks for your support guys. 6 days cold turkey down. goodnight all.

Damned...I thought we had done a pretty good job of explaining how this quitting program worked...guess not. Whenever you start feeling better, can devote some time to reading about this stuff without your head hurting and decide to join a HOF group or whatever, let us know how we can help.
The first time I tried to post roll I was in the midst of the fog, and I swear it took 2 hours. Best 2 hours I ever spent. Now, I can do it on my phone in 30 seconds. Go do it- it is a privilege and an opportunity, not the pain in the ass you are viewing it as.
There is big holiday coming up, days off, football, all kinds of triggers waiting. Use the next couple days to get some accountability going on and your quit in order.

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Re: Just Quit! Help?1?
« Reply #15 on: November 25, 2013, 09:29:00 PM »
also, i plan on joining a hof group or whatever as soon as i can think straight and read all this info. my head hurts too much right now to go through all the roll call stuff. thanks for your support guys. 6 days cold turkey down. goodnight all.

Damned...I thought we had done a pretty good job of explaining how this quitting program worked...guess not. Whenever you start feeling better, can devote some time to reading about this stuff without your head hurting and decide to join a HOF group or whatever, let us know how we can help.
"Life's tough......It's even tougher if you're stupid."
-John Wayne