Author Topic: The power of not feeling alone  (Read 5126 times)

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Offline aaronep

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Re: The power of not feeling alone
« Reply #57 on: January 29, 2013, 11:02:00 PM »
Day 38, 10:30PM

"Lately it occurs to me: What a long, strange trip it's been."

I haven't updated my thread in a few weeks but I have posted roll each day. The fog has lifted and I am seeing behind the curtain a bit these days. Still not exactly sure what I am looking at. I started dipping at 19 and I am on the verge of 42 next month which means that I spent more of my lifetime dipping than not dipping. (I am not unique, lots of folks at KTC are in the same boat.)

I am learning how to live a life without dip and that is really strange. All my relationships have changed. I look at people differently and I am sure that I act different around them. I am not the same person.

I am traveling for work again these days (I took time off for the early stages of quit) and I take isle seats on the plane. Always had a window when I was dipping, not anymore. I find myself talking to strangers, flight attendants, etc. I never did that before. On my last flight, some guy had the window next to me and put in a dip after his co-worker in the other row started reading a book. It was funny to watch, he was probably sweating it out waiting for her eyes to look the other way and stop talking to him. I used to be that douche. I felt pretty good about my quit during that flight.

I join the folks who work for me at lunch or out for coffee. I never did that before. I like the people I work with. I like people and they seem to like me. This new life is a little awkward at times, like I don't know what to do all the time. I maybe weird but I am free. I am not thinking about running away and having a dip. I am now running toward life, it is really cool.

I enjoy everything in life a bit more without dip. I am not in a rush to be by myself. The people I am with get my undivided attention, without dip, I can't multi-task or stay up late. It spooks some of them because they don't know what I am going through.

My days are shorter because I go to sleep earlier. All the worthless crap I used to do after my girl went to bed doesn't get done. I am not missing anything. I just DVR Justified and watch Raylen Givins some other time. I am not in a hurry to do anything these days. I no longer have any anxiety. I realize that the anxiety came from panic about my next dip or lost spitter. Everything is different.

I have lost some friends during this rebirth. I believe that life is short because I lost out on so much while dipping. I want to prioritize the time I have left in my life with the most important people. I used to have some friends and co-workers that I spent lots of time on the phone with. Looking back, that was just an excuse to have a dip while shooting the breeze. I don't want to be on the phone having a dip, I want to be outside, enjoying my life with the folks I truly want to be with.

I am an addict. I have thought about having a dip every day since my quit started. I probably always will. One of the best KTC reminders is "1 problem + 1 dip = 2 problems". Another thing that stays top of mind from KTC is that everything I am thinking or feeling isn't new. Someone at KTC faced the same thing before me and lived to tell. I like keeping the legacy going.

It feels like I have been quit for years. I can't remember when I started but it feels like forever ago. I just passed the 5 week mark. I am the runt of my quit group and I will be the last to the HOF - bringing up the rear. That is my role in this family. I take that responsibility very seriously. I am counting on the early guys to cross the HOF line first, I want to celebrate with Taz at his 100 days. When Grover hits a 100, I am expecting a really nasty, dirty HOF speech. I can't wait. You guys are counting on me to do my job as well - the ass end of the mad men of quit. I quit with my brothers today tomorrow I will do the same. I look forward to it.

KTC works. Go figure.

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Re: The power of not feeling alone
« Reply #56 on: January 12, 2013, 11:37:00 AM »
Quote from: jhaenel23
I have taken a lot of things from my time here on the KTC. Aaronp seems to personify one thing. That no matter whether you are on day one or day 1000 we all help each other. The KTC feeds itself. New peeps come on here for support and we strengthen our quits by supporting them. I know I got thru day 1 thru 5 because of people reaching out to me and giving me advice. I got thru Days 6 to now by reading intro's and reaching out to the newbie's. We all strengthen our Quits by either reaching out for help or offering that help and support. I have been blown away by the impact that a bunch of faceless strangers on the internet can do for each other. I know that we all feel this but Aaron just has a way of putting it too words that inspire and allow others to relate. Keep doing what you are doing my brother! I read your stuff everytime you post!! I quit with you my friend!



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Re: The power of not feeling alone
« Reply #55 on: January 12, 2013, 11:35:00 AM »
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: kana
Quote from: aaronep
Day 21, 7:30AM

Finishing up week 3 today.  I was excited to wake up today and get 3 weeks under my belt.  It doesn't feel any different.  I had my morning crave as I finished up the last bite of my breakfast just like every other morning since my quit started.

I continue to live my life on a roller-coaster.  I am frustrated and pissed when I have a crave.  I can't believe I did this to myself.  I also have times where euphoria sets in because of my quit.  I can't stop looking at my white teeth and clean nails.  Not worrying about my next dip or where did I leave my spitter has made my life so much better.

This has been incredibly hard but so worth it.
I don't want to ever start over.
It is getting better everyday.
I couldn't do it without this site or the accountability to my brothers.

I no longer write everyday, but I always read.  Lot's of power and strength derived from not feeling alone.  I need it today, even after 3 weeks of quit.
One day at a time.. when the crave comes just throw in a toothpick or gum.. the craves will start to go away. (Really) be sure and exercise when you feel the emptiness. You're past the toughest part, but need to stay vigilant.. you don't dip anymore it's that simple... quit with you
That roller coaster with flatten out real soon friend. Just keep at it.

This is shaping up to be one hell of an intro thread, good work and thanks for posting your thoughts.

Offline jhaenel23

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Re: The power of not feeling alone
« Reply #54 on: January 12, 2013, 11:07:00 AM »
I have taken a lot of things from my time here on the KTC. Aaronp seems to personify one thing. That no matter whether you are on day one or day 1000 we all help each other. The KTC feeds itself. New peeps come on here for support and we strengthen our quits by supporting them. I know I got thru day 1 thru 5 because of people reaching out to me and giving me advice. I got thru Days 6 to now by reading intro's and reaching out to the newbie's. We all strengthen our Quits by either reaching out for help or offering that help and support. I have been blown away by the impact that a bunch of faceless strangers on the internet can do for each other. I know that we all feel this but Aaron just has a way of putting it too words that inspire and allow others to relate. Keep doing what you are doing my brother! I read your stuff everytime you post!! I quit with you my friend!

Stay in the Q.U.I.T*********Fuck the NIC!!" Jhaenel23
"Freedom is like your Soul going Commando!" Scowick
"Losers always whine about their best, Winners go home and fuck the prom queen!!" John Mason
"If its too much trouble to post roll, You can always Fuck Off!!" J2B
HOF Speech
Sounds Of Madness
QUIT 10-22-12
HOF 1-29-13
Post with Da Jackwagins!!

Offline Wt57

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Re: The power of not feeling alone
« Reply #53 on: January 12, 2013, 10:37:00 AM »
Quote from: kana
Quote from: aaronep
Day 21, 7:30AM

Finishing up week 3 today.  I was excited to wake up today and get 3 weeks under my belt.  It doesn't feel any different.  I had my morning crave as I finished up the last bite of my breakfast just like every other morning since my quit started.

I continue to live my life on a roller-coaster.  I am frustrated and pissed when I have a crave.  I can't believe I did this to myself.  I also have times where euphoria sets in because of my quit.  I can't stop looking at my white teeth and clean nails.  Not worrying about my next dip or where did I leave my spitter has made my life so much better.

This has been incredibly hard but so worth it.
I don't want to ever start over.
It is getting better everyday.
I couldn't do it without this site or the accountability to my brothers.

I no longer write everyday, but I always read.  Lot's of power and strength derived from not feeling alone.  I need it today, even after 3 weeks of quit.
One day at a time.. when the crave comes just throw in a toothpick or gum.. the craves will start to go away. (Really) be sure and exercise when you feel the emptiness. You're past the toughest part, but need to stay vigilant.. you don't dip anymore it's that simple... quit with you
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

Offline kana

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Re: The power of not feeling alone
« Reply #52 on: January 12, 2013, 08:51:00 AM »
Quote from: aaronep
Day 21, 7:30AM

Finishing up week 3 today. I was excited to wake up today and get 3 weeks under my belt. It doesn't feel any different. I had my morning crave as I finished up the last bite of my breakfast just like every other morning since my quit started.

I continue to live my life on a roller-coaster. I am frustrated and pissed when I have a crave. I can't believe I did this to myself. I also have times where euphoria sets in because of my quit. I can't stop looking at my white teeth and clean nails. Not worrying about my next dip or where did I leave my spitter has made my life so much better.

This has been incredibly hard but so worth it.
I don't want to ever start over.
It is getting better everyday.
I couldn't do it without this site or the accountability to my brothers.

I no longer write everyday, but I always read. Lot's of power and strength derived from not feeling alone. I need it today, even after 3 weeks of quit.
One day at a time.. when the crave comes just throw in a toothpick or gum.. the craves will start to go away. (Really) be sure and exercise when you feel the emptiness. You're past the toughest part, but need to stay vigilant.. you don't dip anymore it's that simple... quit with you
we choose our battles.. the battles we do fight, be aware that they have to be, but passion rules? James Hetfield

Offline aaronep

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Re: The power of not feeling alone
« Reply #51 on: January 12, 2013, 07:39:00 AM »
Day 21, 7:30AM

Finishing up week 3 today. I was excited to wake up today and get 3 weeks under my belt. It doesn't feel any different. I had my morning crave as I finished up the last bite of my breakfast just like every other morning since my quit started.

I continue to live my life on a roller-coaster. I am frustrated and pissed when I have a crave. I can't believe I did this to myself. I also have times where euphoria sets in because of my quit. I can't stop looking at my white teeth and clean nails. Not worrying about my next dip or where did I leave my spitter has made my life so much better.

This has been incredibly hard but so worth it.
I don't want to ever start over.
It is getting better everyday.
I couldn't do it without this site or the accountability to my brothers.

I no longer write everyday, but I always read. Lot's of power and strength derived from not feeling alone. I need it today, even after 3 weeks of quit.

Offline boomtho

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Re: The power of not feeling alone
« Reply #50 on: January 07, 2013, 09:24:00 PM »
I'm on day 7, and I just wanted to say that reading through your intro thread has been the peak of a day full of highs (reading on here and texting fellow KTC members, crushing work and taking my mind of things, planning a getaway with the gf) and lows (headaches, a friend caving, a BCS game aka a trigger). You have a way of capturing exactly what I'm going through and I got goosebumps a couple times seeing you detail how you fought the urge. PM me if you ever want to talk, and I honestly hope I can do the same with you.

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Re: The power of not feeling alone
« Reply #49 on: January 07, 2013, 09:24:00 PM »
Enjoy the easy times bro. Your addiction aint quite done with you yet.

Awesome reading. Thanks for sharing.

Offline aaronep

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Re: The power of not feeling alone
« Reply #48 on: January 07, 2013, 09:14:00 PM »
Day 16 at 9PM (Roll Tide? Why not, I live in the South)

Time is flying by and the transformation is happening. I haven't missed a roll call but I am no longer waking up with quit being the first thing on my mind. The random triggers no longer exist but a post meal crave is still around. I also get a sharp reminder when I am left alone or have to get a pile of computer work done.

KTC gets me through the hard times. I have made a commitment each day to myself and to my brothers to not dip. We are fighting the fight together and looking at the March spreadsheet, I think we are doing pretty good.

At this stage of my quit, I can finally acknowledge my addiction. I am always going to have an addiction and I am always going to have to fight it daily. I am OK with that, it means that each day I will have a chance to win and feel good about myself.

Today was the first time I went inside a convenience store. I saw the Peach Wolf rolls stacked up on the shelf knowing that it was purchased for me (I would always buy 3 rolls per week to get 2 a day plus one for just in case). I proudly announced that I am at day 16 of my quit and wouldn't be buying today. That felt good. Today is another good day and I am looking forward to tomorrow.

I quit with Taz, JW, Grover and the rest of my brothers...I couldn't do it without you.

Offline aaronep

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Re: The power of not feeling alone
« Reply #47 on: January 01, 2013, 05:35:00 PM »
Day 10, 5:30PM. I didn't have time to write the past few days, I was living to quit. I spent my first week quitting to live. I have the program in place to be successful and just as my brothers told me about what would happen, I no longer think about quit all day. I am quit and I think about living my new life all day.

I still have craves. Finish a good meal or get some unexpected alone time and I will be thinking about a long and tasty dip. I don't do it and the thoughts go away in seconds. I feel my clean teeth or look at my clean nails and I have an immediate trigger to say no. I used to only focus on the triggers to say yes. Quite a reversal.

I think about my brothers throughout the day. I like the getting a text message or checking someones post. I like checking in, sending a text, and writing a post. KTC is a part of my life and I am so happy as a result. I was told early on that receiving help from KTC makes the quit easier but I will find that giving others help will have major rewards. Again, my brothers were right.

I don't just owe my life to KTC, that isn't enough. My old life was worthless, filled with lying, cheating, worrying, and disappointing others. I owe my new life to KTC. This is where the days are long and wonderful and my relationships are strong and not mired in deception.

I quit with my brothers today. Tomorrow, I plan to do the same.

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Re: The power of not feeling alone
« Reply #46 on: December 31, 2012, 12:55:00 PM »
Quote from: waketech
Quote from: aaronep
Day 8 at Noon.  Week 1 is down I am starting week 2 feeling great.  I just re-read WakeTech's HOF post (index.php?showtopic=7604hl=) for the 50th time.

100 days is just a number and I am not waiting that long to feel wonderful.  I am riding a roller coaster, but no doubt about it, as time marches on, it is much more downhill than climbing.  Moments happen throughout the day where I get an urge or the anxiety spikes but they don't scare me anymore after a week.  It is unpleasant for a bit but I know it will go away.  If I need to move it along, exercise, grab the phone or hit the forum.  The big change is that I am no longer surprised.

Wake talks about how everything is better without dip and that is what resonates with me.  I used to have to plan dip into my activities - when can I sneak away? how long will I be without dip? what excuse will I have to use?  will I get caught?. 

That is no way to do anything, it is impossible to enjoy anything with those questions lingering over my head.

Living dip free is a new life.  I am much more spontaneous as a result and have the opportunity to do so much more livin, -  (

Roller-coaster is pointing straight downhill today: my laugh is louder, my smile is bigger, and my crew (dog, girl, family, friends, and KTC brothers) is helping me enjoy a cold Georgia morning (under 30 degrees) dip free for the very first time.
Hey man you have that right to feel wonderful everyday you are quit...Is there "good days" and "bad days"? WHO CARES, even a combination of all your "bad days" quit is better than your best day chewing. Have a plan for tonight? You have my number, I quit with you

Waketech 112
When times are good, we practice for the bad.

When the bad times roll around, we lean on what we learned. We do this by habit without thought.

Post roll.
Keep your word.
In the end I Surrender, I and I alone accept that I have and always will have a Nicotene ADDICTION. It is my choice to quit, but I can't do it alone. I get to go down this path one time, I want to do it right. I recognize that my word, my integrety to you is on the line and is only as good as my actions. Caving is not an option in this plan-Eafman 7/11

I am not cured. I will quit one day at a time. I will continue to do what works. Posting roll everyday. To do otherwise would be foolish on my part. You can do this-Ready 12/11

To overcome your addiction you must comprehend what it means to fail-Razd 3/12

Theres a lot of people that come here, especially vets, that WANT to be reminded that they are addicts.-Tarpon 6/12

Just as a building starts with architectural drawings. Your daily quit begins with a promise.-Scowick 2/13

Here and now, focused on today, minute by minute, whatever it takes, I promise to all my bros and myself not to become a negative stat and stay quit!-krok 1/15

I want everyone to be quit. Even the assholes.-Probe1957 1/18

Ignoring history or erasing history fixes nothing and leads you inevitably down the same path.-69franx 04/30/2021

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Re: The power of not feeling alone
« Reply #45 on: December 31, 2012, 09:51:00 AM »
Quote from: aaronep
Day 8 at Noon.  Week 1 is down I am starting week 2 feeling great.  I just re-read WakeTech's HOF post (index.php?showtopic=7604hl=) for the 50th time.

100 days is just a number and I am not waiting that long to feel wonderful.  I am riding a roller coaster, but no doubt about it, as time marches on, it is much more downhill than climbing.  Moments happen throughout the day where I get an urge or the anxiety spikes but they don't scare me anymore after a week.  It is unpleasant for a bit but I know it will go away.  If I need to move it along, exercise, grab the phone or hit the forum.  The big change is that I am no longer surprised.

Wake talks about how everything is better without dip and that is what resonates with me.  I used to have to plan dip into my activities - when can I sneak away? how long will I be without dip? what excuse will I have to use?  will I get caught?. 

That is no way to do anything, it is impossible to enjoy anything with those questions lingering over my head.

Living dip free is a new life.  I am much more spontaneous as a result and have the opportunity to do so much more livin, -  (

Roller-coaster is pointing straight downhill today: my laugh is louder, my smile is bigger, and my crew (dog, girl, family, friends, and KTC brothers) is helping me enjoy a cold Georgia morning (under 30 degrees) dip free for the very first time.
Hey man you have that right to feel wonderful everyday you are quit...Is there "good days" and "bad days"? WHO CARES, even a combination of all your "bad days" quit is better than your best day chewing. Have a plan for tonight? You have my number, I quit with you

Waketech 112

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Re: The power of not feeling alone
« Reply #44 on: December 30, 2012, 01:15:00 PM »
Quote from: aaronep
Day 8 at Noon. Week 1 is down I am starting week 2 feeling great. I just re-read WakeTech's HOF post (index.php?showtopic=7604hl=) for the 50th time.

100 days is just a number and I am not waiting that long to feel wonderful. I am riding a roller coaster, but no doubt about it, as time marches on, it is much more downhill than climbing. Moments happen throughout the day where I get an urge or the anxiety spikes but they don't scare me anymore after a week. It is unpleasant for a bit but I know it will go away. If I need to move it along, exercise, grab the phone or hit the forum. The big change is that I am no longer surprised.

Wake talks about how everything is better without dip and that is what resonates with me. I used to have to plan dip into my activities - when can I sneak away? how long will I be without dip? what excuse will I have to use? will I get caught?.

That is no way to do anything, it is impossible to enjoy anything with those questions lingering over my head.

Living dip free is a new life. I am much more spontaneous as a result and have the opportunity to do so much more livin, - (

Roller-coaster is pointing straight downhill today: my laugh is louder, my smile is bigger, and my crew (dog, girl, family, friends, and KTC brothers) is helping me enjoy a cold Georgia morning (under 30 degrees) dip free for the very first time.
And you don't have to spend time hiding!!!! Quitting with you again today brother.

Offline aaronep

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Re: The power of not feeling alone
« Reply #43 on: December 30, 2012, 12:33:00 PM »
Day 8 at Noon. Week 1 is down I am starting week 2 feeling great. I just re-read WakeTech's HOF post (index.php?showtopic=7604hl=) for the 50th time.

100 days is just a number and I am not waiting that long to feel wonderful. I am riding a roller coaster, but no doubt about it, as time marches on, it is much more downhill than climbing. Moments happen throughout the day where I get an urge or the anxiety spikes but they don't scare me anymore after a week. It is unpleasant for a bit but I know it will go away. If I need to move it along, exercise, grab the phone or hit the forum. The big change is that I am no longer surprised.

Wake talks about how everything is better without dip and that is what resonates with me. I used to have to plan dip into my activities - when can I sneak away? how long will I be without dip? what excuse will I have to use? will I get caught?.

That is no way to do anything, it is impossible to enjoy anything with those questions lingering over my head.

Living dip free is a new life. I am much more spontaneous as a result and have the opportunity to do so much more livin, - (

Roller-coaster is pointing straight downhill today: my laugh is louder, my smile is bigger, and my crew (dog, girl, family, friends, and KTC brothers) is helping me enjoy a cold Georgia morning (under 30 degrees) dip free for the very first time.