What is your word worth?
Well been a few weeks since I posted last and with all the happenings in my life and the drama on the site I had to put a few thoughts on this down.
We start on the site here hopefully just continuing something that we have in the basis of ourselves, and that is when we give our word, we should uphold it. Now we all have done it in the past with our addiction where we went against this fiber and either did not try as hard as we should have to quit, or we ninjaÂ’d around. Well that is the past.
I can remember one of my first days of college where we had to sign an Honor Code Pledge. Guess what this was? A promise made with your word that you would not cheat. And what did it entail? It meant to keep your word and not cheat. The results if you did ranged from failure to expulsion.
Then I came across this site, and found that one of the basic pillars was to give that word each day to remain quit. I felt like I needed that as it would get me back to the person I once was where I would make a pledge and keep it. As a reminder to myself, I selected a name and an avatar that would represent the qualities that I wanted to follow to the heart. And in the subsequent 327 days, I have kept my word each and every day, but better yet I have honored that word.
So what is my word worth? WellÂ…
• I could tally it with the over $1,000 that I have saved, but it is so much more than that.
• I could say that by quitting my blood pressure is now very close to the normal range for a person of my age (135/85), instead of being through the roof high (160/100), but it is so much more than that.
• I could say how much time wise it has saved me from the points of keeping separate from my loved ones as I dipped or had to run out to the store, but again it is so much more
All of these and there are so much more I could list, but for me, the biggest worth is above and beyond all of that. It is the fact that I did make those promises with my word each day, and I HONORED IT EACH AND EVERY DAY.
And to this I am a much better person inside that I was at this time last year.
I will sum the worth up with one wordÂ…..priceless.