I have had this nagging feeling that I should add more posts within my thread here. SoÂ…..
Day 138.
Here is my first post HOF. A lot has happened both personally in my own quit that will strengthen it to the core.
First of all, my emotional October is finally over. I had the emotion of hitting that 100 day milestone, I had the end of fall baseball season where I was coaching my sonÂ’s team, I had the training for work up in Boston where I got to meet 4 more of the awesome quitters from this site, and we managed the largest swim meet fundraiser in our teams history. All extremely top notch accomplishments and with a massive quit going on. When it was over I wept (and not afraid to say it), and you know what, it felt damn good to do so. Oh and I was also given the honor and pleasure to lead the HOF train through the month of November, a task that I am thoroughly enjoying.
Now for the additional items learned since I hit the hallÂ….. some makin me mad, others makin me just shake my head Â…and this by no means is directed at any single person but:
Gentlemen (and ladies), there are some that really need to get there head out of the spot that is 2-3 feet below their shoulders and to the rear. As I had been reminded on more than one occasion, this quitting is a situation of life and death, so I cannot believe what I have seen within the newer groups. I shake my head as the posting of roll gets more out of sorts with mess ups (not even bumps), and/or those that don’t even try. And the intros…..my stars….It may be my sports background, but I had always heard and have it applied that “IF YOU TALK THE TALK, YOU BETTER WALK THE WALK”, and I have seen quite a few talk it and then walk away and not back it up. This site is so big, there is so much help in what is written, not to mention the special people that are here that reach out their hand to help….and one turns away from this….unf*cking believable. I also have to say to those that want that overnight (or over-week) fix of all being healed with their mouth/tongue/lip/name part, PLEASE RELAX. We all had gone through a period of Years where we had something in our lip, where not only were we introducing poison to our bloodstream but we also had a physical irritant there for the most part 24 hours a day, this is NOT gonna fully heal in 2 weeks, please read the what to expect and the symptoms and if you need reassurance see you doctor, but I am sorry as I am not a doctor and cannot tell you more than I went through the same and though not 100% healed I feel 99% better (I still have the receeded gum).
I hope that this can make a little sense to those who are newer and can pass it on. As I will be there to reach my hand out to you, but you need to ask, you need to be strong, and you need to be QUIT.
Thanks for listening to just 'Plain' Derek