Author Topic: Well I think I found the right place  (Read 10586 times)

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Re: Well I think I found the right place
« Reply #133 on: October 23, 2014, 03:57:00 PM »
Quote from: Smeds
Quote from: Smeds
Quote from: Grady
Quote from: E&C's
So in light of recent events this week I feel the need to lighten the mood at my own expense. A couple weeks ago my buddies and I were discussing vasectomies and I was telling him that I had one back in June and was a little upset seeing smoke rising up from the nether region during the procedure.

Fast forward about 3 months to this morning. I needed to provide a sample to make certain that Michael Phelps was fully retired. So at my 7:45 am apt I was informed that LabCorp couldn't do my semen analysis so I was directed to the lab at the regional medical center. Shut down again! Call your insurance company they said. Provides me with the address of yet another LabCorp. This one is a billing office not at clinic. They send me 25miles south to another Labcorp who says then can't help me but they will call customer service. CS tells nurse Cratchete to give me a specimen bottle, have me fill it and get it to yet another LabCorp 10miles further south...this all has to be done within an hour of when the sample is taken! So I ask the nurse where I am supposed to give the sample? She says "well there's a church across the street from the other labcorp and they have a big parking lot! Are you fucking kidding me!!! You want me to go jerk off in public in a church parking lot no less?!? "Sorry sir, That's all I can tell you".

So I drive around for 30 minutes until I find a no-tell motel parking lot that looks half abandoned, park in the back and pray to god stage freight doesn't take over. After 20 minutes or so I got one into custody and off to the 4th Labcorp of the day. I walk in to hand over my baby batter with my script and she says "We can't take that here" I just about blow up! Then she says we only test post-op samples. I grit my teeth as I say this IS FUCKING POST-OP! She then says well you didn't have to drive all the way down here, any labcorp could have taken it! SERENITY NOW! Only I could have this much trouble jerking off!
That's some funny shit EC. Thanks for all your support in July, you're one solid dude.
I agree 100%. Bad ass quitter right here.
Also ... 'BanDog'

as a fellow sterile man. No more killing, we just have sex for the sport of it. Right?
Quit And Be Free

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Offline Smeds

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Re: Well I think I found the right place
« Reply #132 on: October 23, 2014, 11:15:00 AM »
Quote from: Smeds
Quote from: Grady
Quote from: E&C's
So in light of recent events this week I feel the need to lighten the mood at my own expense. A couple weeks ago my buddies and I were discussing vasectomies and I was telling him that I had one back in June and was a little upset seeing smoke rising up from the nether region during the procedure.

Fast forward about 3 months to this morning. I needed to provide a sample to make certain that Michael Phelps was fully retired. So at my 7:45 am apt I was informed that LabCorp couldn't do my semen analysis so I was directed to the lab at the regional medical center. Shut down again! Call your insurance company they said. Provides me with the address of yet another LabCorp. This one is a billing office not at clinic. They send me 25miles south to another Labcorp who says then can't help me but they will call customer service. CS tells nurse Cratchete to give me a specimen bottle, have me fill it and get it to yet another LabCorp 10miles further south...this all has to be done within an hour of when the sample is taken! So I ask the nurse where I am supposed to give the sample? She says "well there's a church across the street from the other labcorp and they have a big parking lot! Are you fucking kidding me!!! You want me to go jerk off in public in a church parking lot no less?!? "Sorry sir, That's all I can tell you".

So I drive around for 30 minutes until I find a no-tell motel parking lot that looks half abandoned, park in the back and pray to god stage freight doesn't take over. After 20 minutes or so I got one into custody and off to the 4th Labcorp of the day. I walk in to hand over my baby batter with my script and she says "We can't take that here" I just about blow up! Then she says we only test post-op samples. I grit my teeth as I say this IS FUCKING POST-OP! She then says well you didn't have to drive all the way down here, any labcorp could have taken it! SERENITY NOW! Only I could have this much trouble jerking off!
That's some funny shit EC. Thanks for all your support in July, you're one solid dude.
I agree 100%. Bad ass quitter right here.
Also ... 'BanDog'
My personality is who I am, my attitude depends on who you are.

Offline Smeds

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Re: Well I think I found the right place
« Reply #131 on: October 23, 2014, 09:41:00 AM »
Quote from: Grady
Quote from: E&C's
So in light of recent events this week I feel the need to lighten the mood at my own expense. A couple weeks ago my buddies and I were discussing vasectomies and I was telling him that I had one back in June and was a little upset seeing smoke rising up from the nether region during the procedure.

Fast forward about 3 months to this morning. I needed to provide a sample to make certain that Michael Phelps was fully retired. So at my 7:45 am apt I was informed that LabCorp couldn't do my semen analysis so I was directed to the lab at the regional medical center. Shut down again! Call your insurance company they said. Provides me with the address of yet another LabCorp. This one is a billing office not at clinic. They send me 25miles south to another Labcorp who says then can't help me but they will call customer service. CS tells nurse Cratchete to give me a specimen bottle, have me fill it and get it to yet another LabCorp 10miles further south...this all has to be done within an hour of when the sample is taken! So I ask the nurse where I am supposed to give the sample? She says "well there's a church across the street from the other labcorp and they have a big parking lot! Are you fucking kidding me!!! You want me to go jerk off in public in a church parking lot no less?!? "Sorry sir, That's all I can tell you".

So I drive around for 30 minutes until I find a no-tell motel parking lot that looks half abandoned, park in the back and pray to god stage freight doesn't take over. After 20 minutes or so I got one into custody and off to the 4th Labcorp of the day. I walk in to hand over my baby batter with my script and she says "We can't take that here" I just about blow up! Then she says we only test post-op samples. I grit my teeth as I say this IS FUCKING POST-OP! She then says well you didn't have to drive all the way down here, any labcorp could have taken it! SERENITY NOW! Only I could have this much trouble jerking off!
That's some funny shit EC. Thanks for all your support in July, you're one solid dude.
I agree 100%. Bad ass quitter right here.
My personality is who I am, my attitude depends on who you are.

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Re: Well I think I found the right place
« Reply #130 on: October 23, 2014, 09:28:00 AM »
Quote from: E&C's
So in light of recent events this week I feel the need to lighten the mood at my own expense. A couple weeks ago my buddies and I were discussing vasectomies and I was telling him that I had one back in June and was a little upset seeing smoke rising up from the nether region during the procedure.

Fast forward about 3 months to this morning. I needed to provide a sample to make certain that Michael Phelps was fully retired. So at my 7:45 am apt I was informed that LabCorp couldn't do my semen analysis so I was directed to the lab at the regional medical center. Shut down again! Call your insurance company they said. Provides me with the address of yet another LabCorp. This one is a billing office not at clinic. They send me 25miles south to another Labcorp who says then can't help me but they will call customer service. CS tells nurse Cratchete to give me a specimen bottle, have me fill it and get it to yet another LabCorp 10miles further south...this all has to be done within an hour of when the sample is taken! So I ask the nurse where I am supposed to give the sample? She says "well there's a church across the street from the other labcorp and they have a big parking lot! Are you fucking kidding me!!! You want me to go jerk off in public in a church parking lot no less?!? "Sorry sir, That's all I can tell you".

So I drive around for 30 minutes until I find a no-tell motel parking lot that looks half abandoned, park in the back and pray to god stage freight doesn't take over. After 20 minutes or so I got one into custody and off to the 4th Labcorp of the day. I walk in to hand over my baby batter with my script and she says "We can't take that here" I just about blow up! Then she says we only test post-op samples. I grit my teeth as I say this IS FUCKING POST-OP! She then says well you didn't have to drive all the way down here, any labcorp could have taken it! SERENITY NOW! Only I could have this much trouble jerking off!
That's some funny shit EC. Thanks for all your support in July, you're one solid dude.

Offline Grizzlyhasclaws

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Re: Well I think I found the right place
« Reply #129 on: October 06, 2014, 12:51:00 PM »
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: E&C's
Quote from: Ginet
Quote from: Thumblewort
Because 200 hundo and the man who taught me to text is bad assery! Gratz bro, send me the bill for the chili on top of speghetti!
Congrats on 200 big ones!!!!!!
Thanks for noticing. NAFAR! Quit with you both today
That's why I get the big bucks around here - that, and the trollhunting services. I really should live in Norway.
Great job EC! I love quitters who break all ties from the nic bitch. It's the only way.
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Re: Well I think I found the right place
« Reply #128 on: October 06, 2014, 12:49:00 PM »
Quote from: E&C's
Quote from: Ginet
Quote from: Thumblewort
Because 200 hundo and the man who taught me to text is bad assery! Gratz bro, send me the bill for the chili on top of speghetti!
Congrats on 200 big ones!!!!!!
Thanks for noticing. NAFAR! Quit with you both today
That's why I get the big bucks around here - that, and the trollhunting services. I really should live in Norway.
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

E&C's Dad

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Re: Well I think I found the right place
« Reply #127 on: October 06, 2014, 12:02:00 PM »
Quote from: Ginet
Quote from: Thumblewort
Because 200 hundo and the man who taught me to text is bad assery! Gratz bro, send me the bill for the chili on top of speghetti!
Congrats on 200 big ones!!!!!!
Thanks for noticing. NAFAR! Quit with you both today

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Re: Well I think I found the right place
« Reply #126 on: October 04, 2014, 12:38:00 PM »
Quote from: Thumblewort
Because 200 hundo and the man who taught me to text is bad assery! Gratz bro, send me the bill for the chili on top of speghetti!
Congrats on 200 big ones!!!!!!
The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person who is doing it. ~ Chinese Proverb
Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply. ~ Stephen R. Covey

QD 12/29/13
April 2014 Resolute

Offline Thumblewort

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Re: Well I think I found the right place
« Reply #125 on: October 04, 2014, 10:50:00 AM »
Because 200 hundo and the man who taught me to text is bad assery! Gratz bro, send me the bill for the chili on top of speghetti!
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

Offline Thumblewort

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Re: Well I think I found the right place
« Reply #124 on: September 23, 2014, 03:14:00 PM »
Quote from: tarpon17
Quote from: E&C's
So in light of recent events this week I feel the need to lighten the mood at my own expense. A couple weeks ago my buddies and I were discussing vasectomies and I was telling him that I had one back in June and was a little upset seeing smoke rising up from the nether region during the procedure.

Fast forward about 3 months to this morning. I needed to provide a sample to make certain that Michael Phelps was fully retired. So at my 7:45 am apt I was informed that LabCorp couldn't do my semen analysis so I was directed to the lab at the regional medical center. Shut down again! Call your insurance company they said. Provides me with the address of yet another LabCorp. This one is a billing office not at clinic. They send me 25miles south to another Labcorp who says then can't help me but they will call customer service. CS tells nurse Cratchete to give me a specimen bottle, have me fill it and get it to yet another LabCorp 10miles further south...this all has to be done within an hour of when the sample is taken! So I ask the nurse where I am supposed to give the sample? She says "well there's a church across the street from the other labcorp and they have a big parking lot! Are you fucking kidding me!!! You want me to go jerk off in public in a church parking lot no less?!? "Sorry sir, That's all I can tell you".

So I drive around for 30 minutes until I find a no-tell motel parking lot that looks half abandoned, park in the back and pray to god stage freight doesn't take over. After 20 minutes or so I got one into custody and off to the 4th Labcorp of the day. I walk in to hand over my baby batter with my script and she says "We can't take that here" I just about blow up! Then she says we only test post-op samples. I grit my teeth as I say this IS FUCKING POST-OP! She then says well you didn't have to drive all the way down here, any labcorp could have taken it! SERENITY NOW! Only I could have this much trouble jerking off!
I don't care who you are, thats funny right there!
My wife watched mine, and chit chatted with the doc as it was being done. I did get her back by explaining she had to help me get the sample out, otherwise it would be a sin.......Catholic guilt FTW.
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

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Re: Well I think I found the right place
« Reply #123 on: September 23, 2014, 11:29:00 AM »
Quote from: E&C's
So in light of recent events this week I feel the need to lighten the mood at my own expense. A couple weeks ago my buddies and I were discussing vasectomies and I was telling him that I had one back in June and was a little upset seeing smoke rising up from the nether region during the procedure.

Fast forward about 3 months to this morning. I needed to provide a sample to make certain that Michael Phelps was fully retired. So at my 7:45 am apt I was informed that LabCorp couldn't do my semen analysis so I was directed to the lab at the regional medical center. Shut down again! Call your insurance company they said. Provides me with the address of yet another LabCorp. This one is a billing office not at clinic. They send me 25miles south to another Labcorp who says then can't help me but they will call customer service. CS tells nurse Cratchete to give me a specimen bottle, have me fill it and get it to yet another LabCorp 10miles further south...this all has to be done within an hour of when the sample is taken! So I ask the nurse where I am supposed to give the sample? She says "well there's a church across the street from the other labcorp and they have a big parking lot! Are you fucking kidding me!!! You want me to go jerk off in public in a church parking lot no less?!? "Sorry sir, That's all I can tell you".

So I drive around for 30 minutes until I find a no-tell motel parking lot that looks half abandoned, park in the back and pray to god stage freight doesn't take over. After 20 minutes or so I got one into custody and off to the 4th Labcorp of the day. I walk in to hand over my baby batter with my script and she says "We can't take that here" I just about blow up! Then she says we only test post-op samples. I grit my teeth as I say this IS FUCKING POST-OP! She then says well you didn't have to drive all the way down here, any labcorp could have taken it! SERENITY NOW! Only I could have this much trouble jerking off!
I don't care who you are, thats funny right there!

Offline Mogul

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Re: Well I think I found the right place
« Reply #122 on: September 19, 2014, 04:15:00 PM »
I was going to say something, but since I'm one of the 5 most sick bitches on this site, I will refrain. but let me tell you, it was dirty.

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Re: Well I think I found the right place
« Reply #121 on: September 19, 2014, 04:13:00 PM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: E&C's
So in light of recent events this week I feel the need to lighten the mood at my own expense. A couple weeks ago my buddies and I were discussing vasectomies and I was telling him that I had one back in June and was a little upset seeing smoke rising up from the nether region during the procedure.

Fast forward about 3 months to this morning. I needed to provide a sample to make certain that Michael Phelps was fully retired. So at my 7:45 am apt I was informed that LabCorp couldn't do my semen analysis so I was directed to the lab at the regional medical center. Shut down again! Call your insurance company they said. Provides me with the address of yet another LabCorp. This one is a billing office not at clinic. They send me 25miles south to another Labcorp who says then can't help me but they will call customer service. CS tells nurse Cratchete to give me a specimen bottle, have me fill it and get it to yet another LabCorp 10miles further south...this all has to be done within an hour of when the sample is taken! So I ask the nurse where I am supposed to give the sample? She says "well there's a church across the street from the other labcorp and they have a big parking lot! Are you fucking kidding me!!! You want me to go jerk off in public in a church parking lot no less?!? "Sorry sir, That's all I can tell you".

So I drive around for 30 minutes until I find a no-tell motel parking lot that looks half abandoned, park in the back and pray to god stage freight doesn't take over. After 20 minutes or so I got one into custody and off to the 4th Labcorp of the day. I walk in to hand over my baby batter with my script and she says "We can't take that here" I just about blow up! Then she says we only test post-op samples. I grit my teeth as I say this IS FUCKING POST-OP! She then says well you didn't have to drive all the way down here, any labcorp could have taken it! SERENITY NOW! Only I could have this much trouble jerking off!
That's great! Labcorp literally jerked you around.
That smoke scene you described is no joke. I recall seeing that and almost passing out...

Quit on ec (and nobody else's) dad!

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Re: Well I think I found the right place
« Reply #120 on: September 19, 2014, 03:58:00 PM »
Quote from: E&C's
So in light of recent events this week I feel the need to lighten the mood at my own expense. A couple weeks ago my buddies and I were discussing vasectomies and I was telling him that I had one back in June and was a little upset seeing smoke rising up from the nether region during the procedure.

Fast forward about 3 months to this morning. I needed to provide a sample to make certain that Michael Phelps was fully retired. So at my 7:45 am apt I was informed that LabCorp couldn't do my semen analysis so I was directed to the lab at the regional medical center. Shut down again! Call your insurance company they said. Provides me with the address of yet another LabCorp. This one is a billing office not at clinic. They send me 25miles south to another Labcorp who says then can't help me but they will call customer service. CS tells nurse Cratchete to give me a specimen bottle, have me fill it and get it to yet another LabCorp 10miles further south...this all has to be done within an hour of when the sample is taken! So I ask the nurse where I am supposed to give the sample? She says "well there's a church across the street from the other labcorp and they have a big parking lot! Are you fucking kidding me!!! You want me to go jerk off in public in a church parking lot no less?!? "Sorry sir, That's all I can tell you".

So I drive around for 30 minutes until I find a no-tell motel parking lot that looks half abandoned, park in the back and pray to god stage freight doesn't take over. After 20 minutes or so I got one into custody and off to the 4th Labcorp of the day. I walk in to hand over my baby batter with my script and she says "We can't take that here" I just about blow up! Then she says we only test post-op samples. I grit my teeth as I say this IS FUCKING POST-OP! She then says well you didn't have to drive all the way down here, any labcorp could have taken it! SERENITY NOW! Only I could have this much trouble jerking off!
That's great! Labcorp literally jerked you around.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
Exercise Start Date: 6/29/2018

E&C's Dad

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Re: Well I think I found the right place
« Reply #119 on: September 19, 2014, 03:55:00 PM »
So in light of recent events this week I feel the need to lighten the mood at my own expense. A couple weeks ago my buddies and I were discussing vasectomies and I was telling him that I had one back in June and was a little upset seeing smoke rising up from the nether region during the procedure.

Fast forward about 3 months to this morning. I needed to provide a sample to make certain that Michael Phelps was fully retired. So at my 7:45 am apt I was informed that LabCorp couldn't do my semen analysis so I was directed to the lab at the regional medical center. Shut down again! Call your insurance company they said. Provides me with the address of yet another LabCorp. This one is a billing office not at clinic. They send me 25miles south to another Labcorp who says then can't help me but they will call customer service. CS tells nurse Cratchete to give me a specimen bottle, have me fill it and get it to yet another LabCorp 10miles further south...this all has to be done within an hour of when the sample is taken! So I ask the nurse where I am supposed to give the sample? She says "well there's a church across the street from the other labcorp and they have a big parking lot! Are you fucking kidding me!!! You want me to go jerk off in public in a church parking lot no less?!? "Sorry sir, That's all I can tell you".

So I drive around for 30 minutes until I find a no-tell motel parking lot that looks half abandoned, park in the back and pray to god stage freight doesn't take over. After 20 minutes or so I got one into custody and off to the 4th Labcorp of the day. I walk in to hand over my baby batter with my script and she says "We can't take that here" I just about blow up! Then she says we only test post-op samples. I grit my teeth as I say this IS FUCKING POST-OP! She then says well you didn't have to drive all the way down here, any labcorp could have taken it! SERENITY NOW! Only I could have this much trouble jerking off!