Author Topic: USMCray/mando  (Read 17083 times)

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #11 on: December 22, 2013, 08:02:00 AM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: B-loMatt
Quote from: USMCray
Wow!!! Still new to this site but its a life saver!!! 70% of my stress and dip cravings just drowned. Myself and my ol lAdy hasn't argued in quite some time.. But awhile Ago it was interesting and OMG grizzly was screaming for me!!! And I came to my vehicle and as I sit here before I turn on the ignition I got on Ktc and wow!!!! Seeing Dave and grizzly on here for thee daily post the two gentleman I have spoken with.. It was a huge stress releif what a site what a foundation for this quit!!!!! I don't know if I'm MAKEINg any sense!!! But because of this site and the bad ass buds in here I'm takeing off to store to not get a can of cancer but semmore flower seeds!!! Fuk yea Ty god and Ty Ktc!!!!!! One day at a time and today Iam quit!!!!!!!!!
Remember to get on KTC whenever you are fighting the poison hard; it helps. I can't even think about caving when I start reading anything here. You are winning.
Proud of you. Stick with it. One day at a time.
Nice win. Determination, drive and accountability will get you through. If you made it through that trigger, you can make it though what ever trigger you face today. Post roll and keep you word.

Your making your way to a door. This door is hard to get to and open. I can't tell you how long it will take to get to this door, but it's so worth it. Settle in, keep your head pointed forward and make you way to the door. One day at a time and you can have back a lot of what the poison has stolen. Never again for any reason and you can keep it. Need anything let me know. Quit with you today.
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #10 on: December 22, 2013, 07:47:00 AM »
Quote from: B-loMatt
Quote from: USMCray
Wow!!! Still new to this site but its a life saver!!! 70% of my stress and dip cravings just drowned. Myself and my ol lAdy hasn't argued in quite some time.. But awhile Ago it was interesting and OMG grizzly was screaming for me!!! And I came to my vehicle and as I sit here before I turn on the ignition I got on Ktc and wow!!!! Seeing Dave and grizzly on here for thee daily post the two gentleman I have spoken with.. It was a huge stress releif what a site what a foundation for this quit!!!!! I don't know if I'm MAKEINg any sense!!! But because of this site and the bad ass buds in here I'm takeing off to store to not get a can of cancer but semmore flower seeds!!! Fuk yea Ty god and Ty Ktc!!!!!! One day at a time and today Iam quit!!!!!!!!!
Remember to get on KTC whenever you are fighting the poison hard; it helps. I can't even think about caving when I start reading anything here. You are winning.
Proud of you. Stick with it. One day at a time.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
Exercise Start Date: 6/29/2018

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #9 on: December 22, 2013, 04:00:00 AM »
Quote from: USMCray
Wow!!! Still new to this site but its a life saver!!! 70% of my stress and dip cravings just drowned. Myself and my ol lAdy hasn't argued in quite some time.. But awhile Ago it was interesting and OMG grizzly was screaming for me!!! And I came to my vehicle and as I sit here before I turn on the ignition I got on Ktc and wow!!!! Seeing Dave and grizzly on here for thee daily post the two gentleman I have spoken with.. It was a huge stress releif what a site what a foundation for this quit!!!!! I don't know if I'm MAKEINg any sense!!! But because of this site and the bad ass buds in here I'm takeing off to store to not get a can of cancer but semmore flower seeds!!! Fuk yea Ty god and Ty Ktc!!!!!! One day at a time and today Iam quit!!!!!!!!!
Remember to get on KTC whenever you are fighting the poison hard; it helps. I can't even think about caving when I start reading anything here. You are winning.

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2013, 03:48:00 AM »
Wow!!! Still new to this site but its a life saver!!! 70% of my stress and dip cravings just drowned. Myself and my ol lAdy hasn't argued in quite some time.. But awhile Ago it was interesting and OMG grizzly was screaming for me!!! And I came to my vehicle and as I sit here before I turn on the ignition I got on Ktc and wow!!!! Seeing Dave and grizzly on here for thee daily post the two gentleman I have spoken with.. It was a huge stress releif what a site what a foundation for this quit!!!!! I don't know if I'm MAKEINg any sense!!! But because of this site and the bad ass buds in here I'm takeing off to store to not get a can of cancer but semmore flower seeds!!! Fuk yea Ty god and Ty Ktc!!!!!! One day at a time and today Iam quit!!!!!!!!!

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #7 on: December 21, 2013, 05:36:00 AM »
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: USMCray
Damn it can't sleep wife and kids sound asleep... Any brother or sister going through the insomnia and constant migraines where u feel like a vegetable!??
I don't have headaches. But my sleep is all screwed up. I pretty much wake up at 330 or 400 every morning. That being said overall I feel tons better. From what I hear the sleep patterns will normalize. Congrats on being quit. And welcome to KTC. This is definitely the place to be if you want nicotine out of your life. One day at a time brother, I quit with you today.
Likewise bud, I'm on the 6am to 1pm schedule.. Looking forward to normality in due time. And congrats bud on your quit.. That's awesome you got few weeks ahead of me. So how's your focus and concentration levels right now bro?
Glad to see that you found the site use all of it to its advantage get to posting roll like you are doing get some numbers for accountability it was once said to stick around and make some friends also remember it is done one day at a time
The nic is a bitch, but it's gone one day at a time.

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2013, 04:39:00 AM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: USMCray
Damn it can't sleep wife and kids sound asleep... Any brother or sister going through the insomnia and constant migraines where u feel like a vegetable!??
I don't have headaches. But my sleep is all screwed up. I pretty much wake up at 330 or 400 every morning. That being said overall I feel tons better. From what I hear the sleep patterns will normalize. Congrats on being quit. And welcome to KTC. This is definitely the place to be if you want nicotine out of your life. One day at a time brother, I quit with you today.
Likewise bud, I'm on the 6am to 1pm schedule.. Looking forward to normality in due time. And congrats bud on your quit.. That's awesome you got few weeks ahead of me. So how's your focus and concentration levels right now bro?

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2013, 04:16:00 AM »
Quote from: USMCray
Damn it can't sleep wife and kids sound asleep... Any brother or sister going through the insomnia and constant migraines where u feel like a vegetable!??
I don't have headaches. But my sleep is all screwed up. I pretty much wake up at 330 or 400 every morning. That being said overall I feel tons better. From what I hear the sleep patterns will normalize. Congrats on being quit. And welcome to KTC. This is definitely the place to be if you want nicotine out of your life. One day at a time brother, I quit with you today.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
Exercise Start Date: 6/29/2018

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2013, 04:02:00 AM »
Damn it can't sleep wife and kids sound asleep... Any brother or sister going through the insomnia and constant migraines where u feel like a vegetable!??

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2013, 12:06:00 AM »
Quote from: rdad
Cray there are a lot of Marines here that will be getting a hold of you. As for myself, your telling about your daughter almost brought me to tears. I can tell you that even though I am newly quit, if you sack up and make it through the withdrawals things will get better. There are a lot of fucking bad ass quitters in here. Listen to them. Read. Learn about our addiction. It is not simply a habit. Our brains have been tricked by a substance that is a natural pesticide.Go to the welcome center and learn how to post roll. It's what we do every day. You can do this but you have to really, really want to be quit. For yourself. Nobody else. Not even your family. You have to develop a true heartfelt hate for nicotine and the big lie. Read, learn. Knowledge is power.
Yes sir!!!! Hell yea bud Ty for the knowledge... I'm on day 30/31 and its a good fight but shit I tell ya bud I haven't got off this website for a day and a half practically straight through... I love it just to know I not Alone and were all in this fox hole together and together well prevail... I'm new but glad I found a site like this.

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2013, 11:57:00 PM »
Cray there are a lot of Marines here that will be getting a hold of you. As for myself, your telling about your daughter almost brought me to tears. I can tell you that even though I am newly quit, if you sack up and make it through the withdrawals things will get better. There are a lot of fucking bad ass quitters in here. Listen to them. Read. Learn about our addiction. It is not simply a habit. Our brains have been tricked by a substance that is a natural pesticide.Go to the welcome center and learn how to post roll. It's what we do every day. You can do this but you have to really, really want to be quit. For yourself. Nobody else. Not even your family. You have to develop a true heartfelt hate for nicotine and the big lie. Read, learn. Knowledge is power.

Offline USMCray

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« on: December 20, 2013, 11:19:00 PM »
Well first of all ladies and gents I'm a jarhead/ vegetable at the moment with no nicotine... Excuse my run on sentences and lack of punctuation.. Well my my names armando and I'm done with the can.. I grew up despising all forms of tobacco I was a pretty boy hated all narcotics alcohol etc.. But being a knuckle head ditching school with the girls and being ignorant I e dropped out got my g.e.d and joined the marine corps.. And mct training In Penelton out side the chow hall in foRmation a bud sneaked a can of SKOAL BERRY!!! And never looked back wow!! It got me by the balls with that sweet delicious tAste and relaxed buzZ... I told my self I'm a marine Iam a man ill drop the habit when I choose... Buy sure enough 8 years later a can a day wife and kids later I'm barely "dropping the habit"" and I just wish I took the time to look for a KTC!!!! Because I tried the past four years and tried and got tired of a sneaking dips from family members always telling my wife a thousand times this is "my last can" etc... Thise lonely nights when the families asleep and I'm sitting there a grown ass man crying like a baby holding that can in one hand and family portrait in the other. Hateing the can Hareing myself and finally get to points I'm chunking the can in the toilet and hours later driving down to the store to buy Another.. And throwing the can in the trash to only be scooping it out shortly after.... I tried the gums the e ciggs etc.. Til fiu on November 20th I hear my 5 year old daughter tell me that """ mommy says that if u no quit dip u die I don't want u to die daddy I wuv u daddy"" with her passionate sincere hugs... And after all this time being discrete and LIeing to my wife and family feeling all alone in regards to my grizzly straight/mint long cut.. I just hugged my daughter who I thought would be clueless to this drug I'm using I swallowed my pride opened up to my wife and finally set some doctor appointments.. Long story with doctors but I think I'm superman but obviously not.. But anyways I even started looking around the Internet regarding quitting tobacco and came along KTC and really looking forward to be in communications with people that can relate and understand... Anyways so sorry again for run ons and no punctuation Iam on my phone posting here and still a vegetable at the moment I mean eight years with a dip in four hour intervals 3-5 dips a day is a transition but its a piece of cake!!!!!! Just looking forward to the ice cream!!!