Just popping in to say congrats, love you like a brother, and hope I get to shake your hand sometime soon.
What's up Wedge??!!!! Hope all is well with you and your family. Thanks again for bringing me back to this site. You have no clue how much I appreciate it. Hell you might have saved my life.
Next time you're having a rough day just think..."Son of a bitch, I may have saved some dude named Diesel' life." Might not make your day better, but certainly couldn't make it any worse.
Oh, and if you do get to shake WT's hand...wear a glove. LOL!!!
Take care and stay quit.
Standing O Diesel.
Supporters reading this should think this. I hope all of us know that we have brothers that helped us and that we helped.
If you don't think so, get involved more. In battles and bonding times with brothers, I have become a better quitter and a better man.
Those that punch me in the mouth, those that picked me up when I was down, those that opened my eyes when I was blind to my actions....
THANK YOU FOR SAVING MY LIFE. My marriage, my responsibilities, my faith in goodness.
You all impacted and still impact me. Learning how to quit is just a model for improving many facets of my life and how to live better.