Author Topic: My good cave  (Read 36769 times)

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Offline Diesel2112

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Re: My good cave
« Reply #264 on: January 25, 2013, 10:25:00 PM »
Congrats on the 3rd floor. Smell the roses, you've earned it and their are more to bloom in the future.
Quit 06/04/12
HOF 9/11/12
2nd floor 12/20/12
3rd floor 03/30/13
4th floor 07/08/13
5th floor 10/16/13
6th floor 01/24/14
7th floor 05/04/14
8th floor 08/12/14
9th floor 10/20/14
Comma 02/28/15
11th floor 06/08/15
12th floor 09/16/15
13th floor 12/25/15
14th floor 04/03/16
15th floor 7/11/16
16th floor 10/20/16
17th floor 01/27/17
18th floor 05/08/17
19th floor 08/14/17
20th floor 11/27/17
21st floor 03/11/18

"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

Offline Mthomas3824

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Re: My good cave
« Reply #263 on: January 25, 2013, 10:10:00 PM »
Quote from: loot
Congrats on 300. Your "friend" who caved is weak. You are not. You can't quit for them.

Quit on.

Couldn't agree more.
Quit And Be Free

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Offline omahaflyer

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Re: My good cave
« Reply #262 on: January 25, 2013, 10:32:00 AM »
Well said. I am humbled to be with you on my journey.
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Southwest: "Not the victory but the action; Not the goal but the game; In the deed the glory."
Northwest: "Courage; Generosity; Fairness; Honor; In these are the true awards of manly sport."
Northeast: "Their Lives they held their country's trust; They kept its faith; They died its heroes."

Offline loot

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Re: My good cave
« Reply #261 on: January 25, 2013, 10:29:00 AM »
Congrats on 300. Your "friend" who caved is weak. You are not. You can't quit for them.

Quit on.

Offline Wt57

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Re: My good cave
« Reply #260 on: January 25, 2013, 10:20:00 AM »
Comrades, I am so humbled this night to be counted as a quitter with each of you. 300 nights ago I sat on the floor by the toilet and cried as I dumped my last 3 cans of Copenhagen into the bowl and flushed it. The next morning I woke up and wrote this:
Quote from: Wt57 Posted:
This is probably the most I will ever have to say, believe it or not I'm a really quiet guy, kind of Introverted.
'crackup' I haven't shut up since!

Every morning, usually very early I have joined my Brothers of Quit in making a promise to stay nicotine free. Every night, I've shown back up to check on my friends. Along this journey we have lost a number of quitters that started strong and caved to the deceit of the false promises of nicotine addiction. Some of these addicts are still among my friends and I still text them from time to time to be there when their strength grows. None of us can stand to watch a cave but I hope I've always separated the cave from the caver because I've been that weak assed addict for going on 40 years.
Ecclesiastes 3:1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven..
My season to quit took many years to arrive. That night 302 days ago that I was lead to KTC, I knew it was my time. It took me 2 nights to cave to the pressure of overwhelming feeling of that time to quit had arrived. 'qt'

This past month has been a very interesting part of my quit, with numerous lessons and feelings. I had a fellow addict that i had quit with daily for 250 days made a conscious decision to cave. I was deeply hurt, I took it personal for awhile. I realize I control 1 quit, mine!

One post that hit me was by Mthomas, on Shame of an addict.. I still haven't fully absorbed this concept but recognize it so well.

The another epic post Oral Surgeon Visit Today, By CDaniels that reminds us all of the blessings we have and the vulnerabilities we have.

Now I take that step onto the third floor with humility and pride. I recognize each milestone I've reached couldn't have happened without so many of you. I also remember the terrible pain I've suffered in quitting. The detox and withdrawal was definitely painful and sucked but that pain was minimal when compared to letting go of some of the life experiences that l hid from in my addiction. Even the past 3 days I've recognized another element of my life that has been and is holding me back. So many of us have found we had to change aspects of our lives we never associated with our addiction. My most recent discovery is the most painful yet and I'm not sure I'm ready to face it but I will continue to quit everyday and eventually I can work on accepting other changes.

Thanks to everyone and again today I quit with each and everyone of you that are committing to quit today.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

Offline wastepanel

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Re: My good cave
« Reply #259 on: January 23, 2013, 12:38:00 PM »
Quote from: Grizzly25
Quote from: Enraged
Quote from: Wt57
Quitters, this ole boy has been doing a lot of quit thinking lately.  Some of my thoughts I want to document them here for my future reference.  It seems to me that a good number of quitters have multiply issues to deal with. Many of us upon quitting have discovered that we either uncover underlining things we were hiding from or issues that were masked by the nicotine.  I've been glad that I'm not alone in finding multiple issues to change in order to feel better about myself.  My greatest, (outside KTC) aids in my quit has been, prescription AD's and herbal treatment suggested by my MD.  My MD have been extremely helpful and supportive of my quit. 
There is a time for everything! April 1, 2012 was the time for me to quit nicotine.  November 1, 1979 was the time for me to give up alcohol.  In the past 296 days I've left some past bad experiences and injuries behind.  I had been using nicotine to hide from facing these events.  Sometimes quitting nicotine makes us face issues before we are ready to face them.  It's my opinion and experience that being forced like that leads to failure.  Some caves I've been involved in or witnessed can be blamed on not being ready to face these side dishes of quit.  Friends, even now it seems like almost weekly I find something that I must deal with that was avoided in the past by dipping. I know I've said this before, but, I have been helped by so many of you and your experiences.  The only way I have to repay the debt I feel is to pay it forward to other quitters.  Ill have another day of quit, how about joining me?
You helped with my quit! Day -7 and going strong! Thanks for paying it forward.

Wt57 is the man! I quit with you today brother.
Always quit with you brother!

Stay Strong, Focused  Quit!

Perfectly said.

We deflect a lot of our emotions, problems, issues into a cancerous weed because it "feels good" momentarily. Little do we realize that walking away and ignoring our issues is what leads to our these issues owning us.

I've learned here that I have to face my problems head on. It's true for the quit, and it's true for my life.

Fuck slavery.

I'll take free any day.
In the end I Surrender, I and I alone accept that I have and always will have a Nicotene ADDICTION. It is my choice to quit, but I can't do it alone. I get to go down this path one time, I want to do it right. I recognize that my word, my integrety to you is on the line and is only as good as my actions. Caving is not an option in this plan-Eafman 7/11

I am not cured. I will quit one day at a time. I will continue to do what works. Posting roll everyday. To do otherwise would be foolish on my part. You can do this-Ready 12/11

To overcome your addiction you must comprehend what it means to fail-Razd 3/12

Theres a lot of people that come here, especially vets, that WANT to be reminded that they are addicts.-Tarpon 6/12

Just as a building starts with architectural drawings. Your daily quit begins with a promise.-Scowick 2/13

Here and now, focused on today, minute by minute, whatever it takes, I promise to all my bros and myself not to become a negative stat and stay quit!-krok 1/15

I want everyone to be quit. Even the assholes.-Probe1957 1/18

Ignoring history or erasing history fixes nothing and leads you inevitably down the same path.-69franx 04/30/2021

Offline Grizzly25

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Re: My good cave
« Reply #258 on: January 23, 2013, 10:22:00 AM »
Quote from: Enraged
Quote from: Wt57
Quitters, this ole boy has been doing a lot of quit thinking lately.  Some of my thoughts I want to document them here for my future reference.  It seems to me that a good number of quitters have multiply issues to deal with. Many of us upon quitting have discovered that we either uncover underlining things we were hiding from or issues that were masked by the nicotine.  I've been glad that I'm not alone in finding multiple issues to change in order to feel better about myself.  My greatest, (outside KTC) aids in my quit has been, prescription AD's and herbal treatment suggested by my MD.  My MD have been extremely helpful and supportive of my quit. 
There is a time for everything! April 1, 2012 was the time for me to quit nicotine.  November 1, 1979 was the time for me to give up alcohol.  In the past 296 days I've left some past bad experiences and injuries behind.  I had been using nicotine to hide from facing these events.  Sometimes quitting nicotine makes us face issues before we are ready to face them.  It's my opinion and experience that being forced like that leads to failure.  Some caves I've been involved in or witnessed can be blamed on not being ready to face these side dishes of quit.  Friends, even now it seems like almost weekly I find something that I must deal with that was avoided in the past by dipping. I know I've said this before, but, I have been helped by so many of you and your experiences.  The only way I have to repay the debt I feel is to pay it forward to other quitters.  Ill have another day of quit, how about joining me?
You helped with my quit! Day -7 and going strong! Thanks for paying it forward.

Wt57 is the man! I quit with you today brother.
Always quit with you brother!

Stay Strong, Focused  Quit!
"Remember you are either getting better or getting worse, nobody stays the same!" Woody Hayes

"Winning! That's all we do around here brotha! Failure is not an option, remove it as an option and the possibilities are endless...." Bruce317 5-18-2012

"...We'll be heroes or ghosts...But we won't be turned around." Wastepanel 6-15-2012




Quit Date: 2-6-2012
HOF Date: 5-16-2012
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Offline Enraged Thor

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Re: My good cave
« Reply #257 on: January 22, 2013, 04:39:00 PM »
Quote from: Wt57
Quitters, this ole boy has been doing a lot of quit thinking lately. Some of my thoughts I want to document them here for my future reference. It seems to me that a good number of quitters have multiply issues to deal with. Many of us upon quitting have discovered that we either uncover underlining things we were hiding from or issues that were masked by the nicotine. I've been glad that I'm not alone in finding multiple issues to change in order to feel better about myself. My greatest, (outside KTC) aids in my quit has been, prescription AD's and herbal treatment suggested by my MD. My MD have been extremely helpful and supportive of my quit.
There is a time for everything! April 1, 2012 was the time for me to quit nicotine. November 1, 1979 was the time for me to give up alcohol. In the past 296 days I've left some past bad experiences and injuries behind. I had been using nicotine to hide from facing these events. Sometimes quitting nicotine makes us face issues before we are ready to face them. It's my opinion and experience that being forced like that leads to failure. Some caves I've been involved in or witnessed can be blamed on not being ready to face these side dishes of quit. Friends, even now it seems like almost weekly I find something that I must deal with that was avoided in the past by dipping. I know I've said this before, but, I have been helped by so many of you and your experiences. The only way I have to repay the debt I feel is to pay it forward to other quitters. Ill have another day of quit, how about joining me?
You helped with my quit! Day -7 and going strong! Thanks for paying it forward.

Wt57 is the man! I quit with you today brother.

Offline Dlee3

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Re: My good cave
« Reply #256 on: January 21, 2013, 07:02:00 PM »
WT, you are a class act quitter. Like a lot of others, I'm sure, you reached out to me early on, too (so did a few others, which means this freaking website is a damn brotherhood.) Like Diesel, I got nothing better to do tonight. Might as well stay quit with you. Thanks for caring, about yourself and others.

Offline Diesel2112

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Re: My good cave
« Reply #255 on: January 21, 2013, 03:12:00 AM »
Yeah...I got nothing better to do, I'll have another day quit with you.

Beats death. I still got shit to live for too. Wouldn't mind walking my daughter down the isle (she's 7) , have a beer with my son someday (he's 9), or maybe even retire one day and have only golf and relaxing to do all day.

But for today, I am quit with you and every other mother fucker on this site. Any day that ends in "Y" is a good day to be quit.
Quit 06/04/12
HOF 9/11/12
2nd floor 12/20/12
3rd floor 03/30/13
4th floor 07/08/13
5th floor 10/16/13
6th floor 01/24/14
7th floor 05/04/14
8th floor 08/12/14
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Comma 02/28/15
11th floor 06/08/15
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13th floor 12/25/15
14th floor 04/03/16
15th floor 7/11/16
16th floor 10/20/16
17th floor 01/27/17
18th floor 05/08/17
19th floor 08/14/17
20th floor 11/27/17
21st floor 03/11/18

"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

Offline mich 34

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Re: My good cave
« Reply #254 on: January 21, 2013, 02:51:00 AM »
Quote from: Wt57
Quitters, this ole boy has been doing a lot of quit thinking lately. Some of my thoughts I want to document them here for my future reference. It seems to me that a good number of quitters have multiply issues to deal with. Many of us upon quitting have discovered that we either uncover underlining things we were hiding from or issues that were masked by the nicotine. I've been glad that I'm not alone in finding multiple issues to change in order to feel better about myself. My greatest, (outside KTC) aids in my quit has been, prescription AD's and herbal treatment suggested by my MD. My MD have been extremely helpful and supportive of my quit.
There is a time for everything! April 1, 2012 was the time for me to quit nicotine. November 1, 1979 was the time for me to give up alcohol. In the past 296 days I've left some past bad experiences and injuries behind. I had been using nicotine to hide from facing these events. Sometimes quitting nicotine makes us face issues before we are ready to face them. It's my opinion and experience that being forced like that leads to failure. Some caves I've been involved in or witnessed can be blamed on not being ready to face these side dishes of quit. Friends, even now it seems like almost weekly I find something that I must deal with that was avoided in the past by dipping. I know I've said this before, but, I have been helped by so many of you and your experiences. The only way I have to repay the debt I feel is to pay it forward to other quitters. Ill have another day of quit, how about joining me?
Nice WT! I want to take a second to say Thank YOU! I really appreciate that you reached out to me so early in my quit - I think your pm and meeting redtrain and a few others in chat my first real night here kept me here - thank you. keep up the good quit
my intro
QD 07-19-2012
Group - Roctober Madmen Post with some Madmen (and women)
HOF 10-27-12 HOF Speech
2nd Floor 2-4-13, 3rd Floor 5-15-13
1 year of freedom - 7-19-2013. Thank you KTC
4th Floor 8-23-13, 5th Floor 12-1-13, 6th Floor 3-11-14, 7th Floor 6-19-14, 8th Floor 9-27-14, 9th Floor 1-5-15

Offline Wt57

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Re: My good cave
« Reply #253 on: January 21, 2013, 01:32:00 AM »
Quitters, this ole boy has been doing a lot of quit thinking lately. Some of my thoughts I want to document them here for my future reference. It seems to me that a good number of quitters have multiply issues to deal with. Many of us upon quitting have discovered that we either uncover underlining things we were hiding from or issues that were masked by the nicotine. I've been glad that I'm not alone in finding multiple issues to change in order to feel better about myself. My greatest, (outside KTC) aids in my quit has been, prescription AD's and herbal treatment suggested by my MD. My MD have been extremely helpful and supportive of my quit.
There is a time for everything! April 1, 2012 was the time for me to quit nicotine. November 1, 1979 was the time for me to give up alcohol. In the past 296 days I've left some past bad experiences and injuries behind. I had been using nicotine to hide from facing these events. Sometimes quitting nicotine makes us face issues before we are ready to face them. It's my opinion and experience that being forced like that leads to failure. Some caves I've been involved in or witnessed can be blamed on not being ready to face these side dishes of quit. Friends, even now it seems like almost weekly I find something that I must deal with that was avoided in the past by dipping. I know I've said this before, but, I have been helped by so many of you and your experiences. The only way I have to repay the debt I feel is to pay it forward to other quitters. Ill have another day of quit, how about joining me?
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

Offline Mthomas3824

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Re: My good cave
« Reply #252 on: January 03, 2013, 05:08:00 PM »
Quote from: kana
Quote from: 30isEnuff
Quote from: Grizzly25
Quote from: Kubrick
Quote from: Wt57
Friends I had no intentions today of commenting on my quit but in the past hour events have me deeply concerned.  It was 9 months ago today that I bid farewell to my "friend" Copenhagen.  My life and my prospective of the future changed.  I honestly don't know why this is the right time, but it is!  The hundreds of other times may have had noble intentions but in reality I wasn't ready to quit.  I've watched good men and women come here and with good intentions and forcefully declare their independence and freedom only to cave.  A fellow addict, friend and quitter who is no longer a poster on KTC but has remained in contact with me, this morning reported the news he has fallen (caved).  He expressed his hesitation to tell me, he didn't want to corrupt or weaken my quit.  At first I didn't know how or what to think. Upon reflection I'm pissed!  Not at my friend, but at the power nicotine addiction has on our pathetic minds.  I know there are those that will yell from the highest points that the will never cave.  I say beware those that get puffed up in their own pride fall the hardest.  As a reminder to me I've bumped this earlier post of mine forward to remind myself of what it takes to be successful and stay quit.  The basic and most important concept is:


What a simple concept, almost too simple to take serious until you think about it. 

Life is about one day at a time.  Each of our lives began as one day at a time.  One word, one step, one friend,   some of the days were rewarding and successful others not so much. (I’ve been working on this one for 55 yrs)

Those of you that are married: marriage is one day at a time, some fun and rewarding others difficult and depressing. (IÂ’ve been working on this one for 32 yr)

Raising children:  One exciting moment and success after another,  stumbles and falls, ups and downs, happy days and really sad days.  One sleepless night after another when they are newborn to one sleepless night after another when they are teens. (I’ve been working on this one for 31 yrs)

Addiction to NICOTINE:  That happened one day (one pinch) at a time;  I seriously doubt that any of you started dipping a full can a day.  For me it was probably a small pinch every day or two, then a pinch a day,  a pinch two or three times a day, Till I had the shit in my mouth literally 24/7.  (I’ve been working on this one for nearly 40 yrs.)

QUIT:  Why should our quit be any different?  Simply stated it can’t be. Quitting our addiction to nicotine is a process, a long process, one day at a time.  It may end up being one minute at a time when we first start the process.  Remember ONE UNIT AT A TIME.   One day, one minute, one success, one triumph, one crave, one trigger, one cry, one rage , etc. (I’ve been working on this one for 69 days) (276)

When each day ends I will continue to examine how I preformed that day and how I can improve on it, when I report in the next day.  This is the process of Life, Live it to your greatest potential and be proud of your accomplishments.  I have got to say that I am proud of my quit and proud to be quit with each of you addicts.  Because of my addiction I haven't allowed myself to be proud of much for a very long time.
Bumping this for everyone.

Post roll every day gents (and ladies). Don't stray from the site. Posting roll every day keeps me accountable. If you stray for weeks or months and run into that can at the store who is going to stop you from buying it? Do you think you're strong enough to do it without help?

Stay accountable folks, going back to slavery isn't worth it.
Always always always one day at a time guys, it is sad but those who get comfy with their quit seem to stray but those who keep vigilant keep the quit!

We are all addicts and will always be addicts but we can stay active here and be quiters!

We win cause we choose to KEEP OUR day at a time nothing more!

Quit on quiter!
Great stuff Wade!
This addict is Quit with YOU and all quitters here, ONE day at a time and I became a quitter. ONE day at a time and I began to believe that I don't have to be a slave. One day at a time and YOU (wade) kept me accountable! Thank you Sir! 'bang head'
There will always be people that fail Wade. It's part of this process. Just so happens that we're not in that group. we're in the group that enjoy's the freedom. we're in the group that will make it. I'll be right beside you the whole way.
Isn't this a lot like life?
Quit And Be Free

HOF Speech

Offline kana

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Re: My good cave
« Reply #251 on: January 03, 2013, 09:40:00 AM »
Quote from: 30isEnuff
Quote from: Grizzly25
Quote from: Kubrick
Quote from: Wt57
Friends I had no intentions today of commenting on my quit but in the past hour events have me deeply concerned.  It was 9 months ago today that I bid farewell to my "friend" Copenhagen.  My life and my prospective of the future changed.  I honestly don't know why this is the right time, but it is!  The hundreds of other times may have had noble intentions but in reality I wasn't ready to quit.  I've watched good men and women come here and with good intentions and forcefully declare their independence and freedom only to cave.  A fellow addict, friend and quitter who is no longer a poster on KTC but has remained in contact with me, this morning reported the news he has fallen (caved).  He expressed his hesitation to tell me, he didn't want to corrupt or weaken my quit.  At first I didn't know how or what to think. Upon reflection I'm pissed!  Not at my friend, but at the power nicotine addiction has on our pathetic minds.  I know there are those that will yell from the highest points that the will never cave.  I say beware those that get puffed up in their own pride fall the hardest.  As a reminder to me I've bumped this earlier post of mine forward to remind myself of what it takes to be successful and stay quit.  The basic and most important concept is:


What a simple concept, almost too simple to take serious until you think about it. 

Life is about one day at a time.  Each of our lives began as one day at a time.  One word, one step, one friend,   some of the days were rewarding and successful others not so much. (I’ve been working on this one for 55 yrs)

Those of you that are married: marriage is one day at a time, some fun and rewarding others difficult and depressing. (IÂ’ve been working on this one for 32 yr)

Raising children:  One exciting moment and success after another,  stumbles and falls, ups and downs, happy days and really sad days.  One sleepless night after another when they are newborn to one sleepless night after another when they are teens. (I’ve been working on this one for 31 yrs)

Addiction to NICOTINE:  That happened one day (one pinch) at a time;  I seriously doubt that any of you started dipping a full can a day.  For me it was probably a small pinch every day or two, then a pinch a day,  a pinch two or three times a day, Till I had the shit in my mouth literally 24/7.  (I’ve been working on this one for nearly 40 yrs.)

QUIT:  Why should our quit be any different?  Simply stated it can’t be. Quitting our addiction to nicotine is a process, a long process, one day at a time.  It may end up being one minute at a time when we first start the process.  Remember ONE UNIT AT A TIME.   One day, one minute, one success, one triumph, one crave, one trigger, one cry, one rage , etc. (I’ve been working on this one for 69 days) (276)

When each day ends I will continue to examine how I preformed that day and how I can improve on it, when I report in the next day.  This is the process of Life, Live it to your greatest potential and be proud of your accomplishments.  I have got to say that I am proud of my quit and proud to be quit with each of you addicts.  Because of my addiction I haven't allowed myself to be proud of much for a very long time.
Bumping this for everyone.

Post roll every day gents (and ladies). Don't stray from the site. Posting roll every day keeps me accountable. If you stray for weeks or months and run into that can at the store who is going to stop you from buying it? Do you think you're strong enough to do it without help?

Stay accountable folks, going back to slavery isn't worth it.
Always always always one day at a time guys, it is sad but those who get comfy with their quit seem to stray but those who keep vigilant keep the quit!

We are all addicts and will always be addicts but we can stay active here and be quiters!

We win cause we choose to KEEP OUR day at a time nothing more!

Quit on quiter!
Great stuff Wade!
This addict is Quit with YOU and all quitters here, ONE day at a time and I became a quitter. ONE day at a time and I began to believe that I don't have to be a slave. One day at a time and YOU (wade) kept me accountable! Thank you Sir! 'bang head'
There will always be people that fail Wade. It's part of this process. Just so happens that we're not in that group. we're in the group that enjoy's the freedom. we're in the group that will make it. I'll be right beside you the whole way.
we choose our battles.. the battles we do fight, be aware that they have to be, but passion rules? James Hetfield

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Re: My good cave
« Reply #250 on: January 02, 2013, 04:01:00 PM »
Quote from: Grizzly25
Quote from: Kubrick
Quote from: Wt57
Friends I had no intentions today of commenting on my quit but in the past hour events have me deeply concerned.  It was 9 months ago today that I bid farewell to my "friend" Copenhagen.  My life and my prospective of the future changed.  I honestly don't know why this is the right time, but it is!  The hundreds of other times may have had noble intentions but in reality I wasn't ready to quit.  I've watched good men and women come here and with good intentions and forcefully declare their independence and freedom only to cave.  A fellow addict, friend and quitter who is no longer a poster on KTC but has remained in contact with me, this morning reported the news he has fallen (caved).  He expressed his hesitation to tell me, he didn't want to corrupt or weaken my quit.  At first I didn't know how or what to think. Upon reflection I'm pissed!  Not at my friend, but at the power nicotine addiction has on our pathetic minds.  I know there are those that will yell from the highest points that the will never cave.  I say beware those that get puffed up in their own pride fall the hardest.  As a reminder to me I've bumped this earlier post of mine forward to remind myself of what it takes to be successful and stay quit.  The basic and most important concept is:


What a simple concept, almost too simple to take serious until you think about it. 

Life is about one day at a time.  Each of our lives began as one day at a time.  One word, one step, one friend,   some of the days were rewarding and successful others not so much. (I’ve been working on this one for 55 yrs)

Those of you that are married: marriage is one day at a time, some fun and rewarding others difficult and depressing. (IÂ’ve been working on this one for 32 yr)

Raising children:  One exciting moment and success after another,  stumbles and falls, ups and downs, happy days and really sad days.  One sleepless night after another when they are newborn to one sleepless night after another when they are teens. (I’ve been working on this one for 31 yrs)

Addiction to NICOTINE:  That happened one day (one pinch) at a time;  I seriously doubt that any of you started dipping a full can a day.  For me it was probably a small pinch every day or two, then a pinch a day,  a pinch two or three times a day, Till I had the shit in my mouth literally 24/7.  (I’ve been working on this one for nearly 40 yrs.)

QUIT:  Why should our quit be any different?  Simply stated it can’t be. Quitting our addiction to nicotine is a process, a long process, one day at a time.  It may end up being one minute at a time when we first start the process.  Remember ONE UNIT AT A TIME.   One day, one minute, one success, one triumph, one crave, one trigger, one cry, one rage , etc. (I’ve been working on this one for 69 days) (276)

When each day ends I will continue to examine how I preformed that day and how I can improve on it, when I report in the next day.  This is the process of Life, Live it to your greatest potential and be proud of your accomplishments.  I have got to say that I am proud of my quit and proud to be quit with each of you addicts.  Because of my addiction I haven't allowed myself to be proud of much for a very long time.
Bumping this for everyone.

Post roll every day gents (and ladies). Don't stray from the site. Posting roll every day keeps me accountable. If you stray for weeks or months and run into that can at the store who is going to stop you from buying it? Do you think you're strong enough to do it without help?

Stay accountable folks, going back to slavery isn't worth it.
Always always always one day at a time guys, it is sad but those who get comfy with their quit seem to stray but those who keep vigilant keep the quit!

We are all addicts and will always be addicts but we can stay active here and be quiters!

We win cause we choose to KEEP OUR day at a time nothing more!

Quit on quiter!
Great stuff Wade!
This addict is Quit with YOU and all quitters here, ONE day at a time and I became a quitter. ONE day at a time and I began to believe that I don't have to be a slave. One day at a time and YOU (wade) kept me accountable! Thank you Sir! 'bang head'
Keeping my jaw and tongue...I like them.
It's poison I tell ya, You wouldn't drink Liquid Drano, would ya?