Fat bastards don't get to blame pigs because they ate bacon. Drunk driver's don't get to blame Budweiser after they kill some innocent kid. Murderers don't get to blame Smith and Wesson. Why are we any different?
The blame game is easy. Owning your decisions and holding yourself accountable, now there is a challenge worthy of praise.
Love the rationalization game. You think guns, bacon, and Budweiser are as addictive as nicotine, eh?
By that logic, what is the difference between the crack dealer on your corner selling your kids rocks and the tobacco companies? He's out of business unless he has addicts, and he's motivated.
Also, this isn't a blame game. Being angry at the suppliers/peddlers and acknowledging your own role in becoming addicted aren't mutually exclusive, folks.
I was a dumbass to start, I was a dumbass to continue using for 21 years despite all of the warnings, gut feelings, anxieties, and I was a loser for being hopeless for thinking I could never quit. I was also smart, strong, and a badass for throwing away the can forever.
Simultaneously, UST, big tobacco, can lick my fucking nuts for their role in introducing and sustaining a highly addictive, poisonous, miserable product into my life. Fuck them.
I own my decisions and hold myself accountable, and we are all worthy of praise for overcoming this great burden of an addiction. I'm also not a tobacco apologist. There's no honor or reward for defending an immoral industry . . . is there?
'clap' 'clap' 'clap'
Rack 'em.
I agree with this post. This is as true at getting 4 from 2 + 2.
Everyone, thank you! My understanding of my own attitude and feelings towards UST their responsibility and me and my responsibility for my addiction is in a new light! I don't think I've changed just understand it better. rgross you have put it all together. Just another testimony of how this site works to strengthen our quits!
Again, my post is only my perspective. If hating Big T gets you through, then hate them mother fuckers with everything you have. Not telling you otherwise. Just stay quit, whatever it takes.
But a bigger theology, God made tobacco. Knowing it's addictive properties. My God gave me free will and grace. I don't blame God for my addiction. I started, and I quit. I could have quit along time ago, but I exercised my free will and chose to keep on stuffing that shit in my mouth for 31 years. Not trying to push church, just saying you can take blame as far as you want. All the way to the top. Fact is, every time we packed a can or lit up, we could have said "fuck no". We didn't.
Just to be clear, I never made the statement than one thing is more addictive than another. Not the point. The point is, if you put the muzzle of the gun to someone's head and pull the trigger, that was a choice you made. Smith and Wesson made the gun, and sold it to you, but they had no part in your decision to take a life. That was all you. When you walk through the grocery store, the turkey bacon is right beside the pork. If you pick up the pig, the farmer has no liability when you have a fucking heart attack. Your choice, your bad decision. Budweiser sells beer. You bought it, you drank it and got drunk, you decided to get behind the wheel and drive. The blood is on your hands when you kill the kid.
In 31 years of dipping, I was never pressured or lured by commercials or ads or men standing in trenchcoats in an alley way encouraging me to "just try it". There was no "dealer" or "pusher". No goon squad jumped out of a van and made me put another one in like in the Stride Chewing Gum commercials. Only a can full of poison, and the will to put it in my mouth. I was just a dumbass that was not strong enough, AT THE TIME, to stop.
Now that I am quit, I know that I had a choice each and every day to dip or not. I chose to dip. The point of my post is blaming anyone or anything other than yourself for your actions, well, it's just an excuse in my opinion. If you disagree, no harm no foul. I respect your opinion, try and respect mine. I think that the more perspectives we have, the more likely we all are to stay quit.
The world will never be free of companies and people ready to make a profit at others expense. There will always be harmful shit out there to change the way you feel, think, see, live......but you can choose not to start using. Or, as we do here, we can choose NOT TO USE TODAY. Today, I choose not to put that shit in my body. Quit with all of you.......