Author Topic: My good cave  (Read 39448 times)

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Offline Nolaq

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Re: My good cave
« Reply #489 on: July 26, 2014, 07:21:00 AM »
Quote from: Wt57
Day 846-
For over a week I've known family plans for a road trip and family get together. And knew I'd be traveling home alone a day early. For most of that time the bitch has been trying to mess with my mind. I've thought how nice it would be to have her accompany me on the ride home. Now after two stressful days of with the inlaws and leaving for my drive home in the morning I'm still fighting within my own mind. I've just said all along that if I make my promise I'll be safe. Now here I am at 12 minutes past midnight and I'm waiting till morning to post roll. I know that in order for me to cave I have several people that I've got to get permission from first. I know none of them will grant permission and quite frankly I have too much respect for them to put them in that situation. I have no idea why, but this is the closest I've been to caving since I quit. I've been afraid of this day all week now that I'm just hours away I'm still stressing about it. I'm gonna get some sleep now and be back in a few hours when I'm thinking clearer.
Breathe in.

Breathe out.

You are so far along now, you can reason with this idea. You know all the answers. Your tool box is FULL. You know you cannot have 'just one'. You also know there are too many people here that are willing to sit this out with you. It's 7:00 on Sat morning. I should be asleep right now, but I'm here, reaching out bro.

You can do this.
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

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Re: My good cave
« Reply #488 on: July 26, 2014, 02:26:00 AM »
Day 846-
For over a week I've known family plans for a road trip and family get together. And knew I'd be traveling home alone a day early. For most of that time the bitch has been trying to mess with my mind. I've thought how nice it would be to have her accompany me on the ride home. Now after two stressful days of with the inlaws and leaving for my drive home in the morning I'm still fighting within my own mind. I've just said all along that if I make my promise I'll be safe. Now here I am at 12 minutes past midnight and I'm waiting till morning to post roll. I know that in order for me to cave I have several people that I've got to get permission from first. I know none of them will grant permission and quite frankly I have too much respect for them to put them in that situation. I have no idea why, but this is the closest I've been to caving since I quit. I've been afraid of this day all week now that I'm just hours away I'm still stressing about it. I'm gonna get some sleep now and be back in a few hours when I'm thinking clearer.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

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Re: My good cave
« Reply #487 on: July 15, 2014, 10:35:00 AM »
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: Wt57
Time for a update and report on the bitch in my life; day 835, I live and cherish my freedom. For several months now I've suffered from difficulty swallowing and been waiting for an appointment with my gastroenterologist. Today I went in and had a upper GI endoscope. I've feared that I could feel a growth and had the fear that my 4 decades of dip was going to kill me even though I've quit. Well they stretched my esophagus and took quite a few biopsies from my mouth to my small intestine. Waiting for pathology, but not too concerned the Dr was very optimistic. I'm glad I quit when I did and that it wasn't motivated by a scare like this has been. If I'd quite in fear I would have probably stopped on the way home to get my fix. Why do I think I'd do that? I've been there before. I'm glad that everyday, I'm quit, my odds of cancer from dip decrease. Sure we will always have an elevated risk of cancer but not nearly as high as if we were still using.

I watch so many 20 something's and youngers come here gung-ho to quit and fade away as they realize how difficult it is. As a old fart I wish there was some way I could connect to them and make them understand how fast time passes and how they will wake up some day and realize they have thrown decades away living with this evil addiction. Addiction no matter what it is is a vile thief; they steal our lives, time, families, self respect, money and so much more. My ultimate conclusion, I can't quit for anyone else! I quit one day at a time for myself.
Prayers man.

With you.
With you brother!
You da man, WT. Hope all results come back clean.

Keep showing these young whipper snappers how it's done
WT you've inspired me from day 1.
Thinking of you and your tests today.
I'm glad you are here and not in line at the local poison store.
Your odds have decreased significantly. You're the quit Man, period
we dipped for ourselves, we quit ODAAT for ourselves.
I quit with you Today brother.
prayers and thoughts to you.
Keeping my jaw and tongue...I like them.
It's poison I tell ya, You wouldn't drink Liquid Drano, would ya?

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Re: My good cave
« Reply #486 on: July 14, 2014, 10:55:00 PM »
Prayers, wt. Not as old, but not young either. I wish I could go back and punch myself in the face for ever starting. I knew better.

Let us know when you get the results. Glad the doc is optimistic.

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Re: My good cave
« Reply #485 on: July 14, 2014, 10:29:00 PM »
WT, I am one of the 20 something year olds that you mentioned. When I feel the initial quit surge falling off, I will remember what you wrote. Rest assured that you made a difference in at least one young quitter's life. Thank you.
Sultans-- 'stick' --Nic

Offline Diesel2112

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Re: My good cave
« Reply #484 on: July 14, 2014, 10:08:00 PM »
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: Wt57
Time for a update and report on the bitch in my life; day 835, I live and cherish my freedom. For several months now I've suffered from difficulty swallowing and been waiting for an appointment with my gastroenterologist. Today I went in and had a upper GI endoscope. I've feared that I could feel a growth and had the fear that my 4 decades of dip was going to kill me even though I've quit. Well they stretched my esophagus and took quite a few biopsies from my mouth to my small intestine. Waiting for pathology, but not too concerned the Dr was very optimistic. I'm glad I quit when I did and that it wasn't motivated by a scare like this has been. If I'd quite in fear I would have probably stopped on the way home to get my fix. Why do I think I'd do that? I've been there before. I'm glad that everyday, I'm quit, my odds of cancer from dip decrease. Sure we will always have an elevated risk of cancer but not nearly as high as if we were still using.

I watch so many 20 something's and youngers come here gung-ho to quit and fade away as they realize how difficult it is. As a old fart I wish there was some way I could connect to them and make them understand how fast time passes and how they will wake up some day and realize they have thrown decades away living with this evil addiction. Addiction no matter what it is is a vile thief; they steal our lives, time, families, self respect, money and so much more. My ultimate conclusion, I can't quit for anyone else! I quit one day at a time for myself.
Prayers man.

With you.
With you brother!
You da man, WT. Hope all results come back clean.

Keep showing these young whipper snappers how it's done
Quit 06/04/12
HOF 9/11/12
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"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

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Re: My good cave
« Reply #483 on: July 14, 2014, 09:51:00 PM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: CleanFuel
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: Wt57
Time for a update and report on the bitch in my life; day 835, I live and cherish my freedom. For several months now I've suffered from difficulty swallowing and been waiting for an appointment with my gastroenterologist. Today I went in and had a upper GI endoscope. I've feared that I could feel a growth and had the fear that my 4 decades of dip was going to kill me even though I've quit. Well they stretched my esophagus and took quite a few biopsies from my mouth to my small intestine. Waiting for pathology, but not too concerned the Dr was very optimistic. I'm glad I quit when I did and that it wasn't motivated by a scare like this has been. If I'd quite in fear I would have probably stopped on the way home to get my fix. Why do I think I'd do that? I've been there before. I'm glad that everyday, I'm quit, my odds of cancer from dip decrease. Sure we will always have an elevated risk of cancer but not nearly as high as if we were still using.

I watch so many 20 something's and youngers come here gung-ho to quit and fade away as they realize how difficult it is. As a old fart I wish there was some way I could connect to them and make them understand how fast time passes and how they will wake up some day and realize they have thrown decades away living with this evil addiction. Addiction no matter what it is is a vile thief; they steal our lives, time, families, self respect, money and so much more. My ultimate conclusion, I can't quit for anyone else! I quit one day at a time for myself.
Prayers man.

With you.
all in with ya brother
prayers are with you, friend

Offline Scowick65

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Re: My good cave
« Reply #482 on: July 14, 2014, 09:35:00 PM »
Quote from: CleanFuel
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: Wt57
Time for a update and report on the bitch in my life; day 835, I live and cherish my freedom. For several months now I've suffered from difficulty swallowing and been waiting for an appointment with my gastroenterologist. Today I went in and had a upper GI endoscope. I've feared that I could feel a growth and had the fear that my 4 decades of dip was going to kill me even though I've quit. Well they stretched my esophagus and took quite a few biopsies from my mouth to my small intestine. Waiting for pathology, but not too concerned the Dr was very optimistic. I'm glad I quit when I did and that it wasn't motivated by a scare like this has been. If I'd quite in fear I would have probably stopped on the way home to get my fix. Why do I think I'd do that? I've been there before. I'm glad that everyday, I'm quit, my odds of cancer from dip decrease. Sure we will always have an elevated risk of cancer but not nearly as high as if we were still using.

I watch so many 20 something's and youngers come here gung-ho to quit and fade away as they realize how difficult it is. As a old fart I wish there was some way I could connect to them and make them understand how fast time passes and how they will wake up some day and realize they have thrown decades away living with this evil addiction. Addiction no matter what it is is a vile thief; they steal our lives, time, families, self respect, money and so much more. My ultimate conclusion, I can't quit for anyone else! I quit one day at a time for myself.
Prayers man.

With you.
all in with ya brother

Offline CleanFuel

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Re: My good cave
« Reply #481 on: July 14, 2014, 09:29:00 PM »
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: Wt57
Time for a update and report on the bitch in my life; day 835, I live and cherish my freedom. For several months now I've suffered from difficulty swallowing and been waiting for an appointment with my gastroenterologist. Today I went in and had a upper GI endoscope. I've feared that I could feel a growth and had the fear that my 4 decades of dip was going to kill me even though I've quit. Well they stretched my esophagus and took quite a few biopsies from my mouth to my small intestine. Waiting for pathology, but not too concerned the Dr was very optimistic. I'm glad I quit when I did and that it wasn't motivated by a scare like this has been. If I'd quite in fear I would have probably stopped on the way home to get my fix. Why do I think I'd do that? I've been there before. I'm glad that everyday, I'm quit, my odds of cancer from dip decrease. Sure we will always have an elevated risk of cancer but not nearly as high as if we were still using.

I watch so many 20 something's and youngers come here gung-ho to quit and fade away as they realize how difficult it is. As a old fart I wish there was some way I could connect to them and make them understand how fast time passes and how they will wake up some day and realize they have thrown decades away living with this evil addiction. Addiction no matter what it is is a vile thief; they steal our lives, time, families, self respect, money and so much more. My ultimate conclusion, I can't quit for anyone else! I quit one day at a time for myself.
Prayers man.

With you.
all in with ya brother
Quit 04.02.2012 --- HOF 07.11.2012 --- 5 Years 04.02.2017

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Re: My good cave
« Reply #480 on: July 14, 2014, 09:29:00 PM »
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: Wt57
Time for a update and report on the bitch in my life; day 835, I live and cherish my freedom. For several months now I've suffered from difficulty swallowing and been waiting for an appointment with my gastroenterologist. Today I went in and had a upper GI endoscope. I've feared that I could feel a growth and had the fear that my 4 decades of dip was going to kill me even though I've quit. Well they stretched my esophagus and took quite a few biopsies from my mouth to my small intestine. Waiting for pathology, but not too concerned the Dr was very optimistic. I'm glad I quit when I did and that it wasn't motivated by a scare like this has been. If I'd quite in fear I would have probably stopped on the way home to get my fix. Why do I think I'd do that? I've been there before. I'm glad that everyday, I'm quit, my odds of cancer from dip decrease. Sure we will always have an elevated risk of cancer but not nearly as high as if we were still using.

I watch so many 20 something's and youngers come here gung-ho to quit and fade away as they realize how difficult it is. As a old fart I wish there was some way I could connect to them and make them understand how fast time passes and how they will wake up some day and realize they have thrown decades away living with this evil addiction. Addiction no matter what it is is a vile thief; they steal our lives, time, families, self respect, money and so much more. My ultimate conclusion, I can't quit for anyone else! I quit one day at a time for myself.
Prayers man.

With you.
With you brother!
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Re: My good cave
« Reply #479 on: July 14, 2014, 09:23:00 PM »
Quote from: Wt57
Time for a update and report on the bitch in my life; day 835, I live and cherish my freedom. For several months now I've suffered from difficulty swallowing and been waiting for an appointment with my gastroenterologist. Today I went in and had a upper GI endoscope. I've feared that I could feel a growth and had the fear that my 4 decades of dip was going to kill me even though I've quit. Well they stretched my esophagus and took quite a few biopsies from my mouth to my small intestine. Waiting for pathology, but not too concerned the Dr was very optimistic. I'm glad I quit when I did and that it wasn't motivated by a scare like this has been. If I'd quite in fear I would have probably stopped on the way home to get my fix. Why do I think I'd do that? I've been there before. I'm glad that everyday, I'm quit, my odds of cancer from dip decrease. Sure we will always have an elevated risk of cancer but not nearly as high as if we were still using.

I watch so many 20 something's and youngers come here gung-ho to quit and fade away as they realize how difficult it is. As a old fart I wish there was some way I could connect to them and make them understand how fast time passes and how they will wake up some day and realize they have thrown decades away living with this evil addiction. Addiction no matter what it is is a vile thief; they steal our lives, time, families, self respect, money and so much more. My ultimate conclusion, I can't quit for anyone else! I quit one day at a time for myself.
Prayers man.

With you.
In the end I Surrender, I and I alone accept that I have and always will have a Nicotene ADDICTION. It is my choice to quit, but I can't do it alone. I get to go down this path one time, I want to do it right. I recognize that my word, my integrety to you is on the line and is only as good as my actions. Caving is not an option in this plan-Eafman 7/11

I am not cured. I will quit one day at a time. I will continue to do what works. Posting roll everyday. To do otherwise would be foolish on my part. You can do this-Ready 12/11

To overcome your addiction you must comprehend what it means to fail-Razd 3/12

Theres a lot of people that come here, especially vets, that WANT to be reminded that they are addicts.-Tarpon 6/12

Just as a building starts with architectural drawings. Your daily quit begins with a promise.-Scowick 2/13

Here and now, focused on today, minute by minute, whatever it takes, I promise to all my bros and myself not to become a negative stat and stay quit!-krok 1/15

I want everyone to be quit. Even the assholes.-Probe1957 1/18

Ignoring history or erasing history fixes nothing and leads you inevitably down the same path.-69franx 04/30/2021

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Re: My good cave
« Reply #478 on: July 14, 2014, 09:17:00 PM »
WT57 - Your a true inspiration. I quit with you today.

Offline Wt57

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Re: My good cave
« Reply #477 on: July 14, 2014, 09:10:00 PM »
Time for a update and report on the bitch in my life; day 835, I live and cherish my freedom. For several months now I've suffered from difficulty swallowing and been waiting for an appointment with my gastroenterologist. Today I went in and had a upper GI endoscope. I've feared that I could feel a growth and had the fear that my 4 decades of dip was going to kill me even though I've quit. Well they stretched my esophagus and took quite a few biopsies from my mouth to my small intestine. Waiting for pathology, but not too concerned the Dr was very optimistic. I'm glad I quit when I did and that it wasn't motivated by a scare like this has been. If I'd quite in fear I would have probably stopped on the way home to get my fix. Why do I think I'd do that? I've been there before. I'm glad that everyday, I'm quit, my odds of cancer from dip decrease. Sure we will always have an elevated risk of cancer but not nearly as high as if we were still using.

I watch so many 20 something's and youngers come here gung-ho to quit and fade away as they realize how difficult it is. As a old fart I wish there was some way I could connect to them and make them understand how fast time passes and how they will wake up some day and realize they have thrown decades away living with this evil addiction. Addiction no matter what it is is a vile thief; they steal our lives, time, families, self respect, money and so much more. My ultimate conclusion, I can't quit for anyone else! I quit one day at a time for myself.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
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Re: My good cave
« Reply #476 on: June 10, 2014, 01:25:00 PM »


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Re: My good cave
« Reply #475 on: May 16, 2014, 10:16:00 AM »
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: Coach
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: Coach
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: Wt57
Day 774
It's been quite some time since I recorded my quit activity, so here is a quick update. I've been cruising along not even thinking about dip most days, finding myself slacking off at posting roll. I'm still an addict and always will be but I have a good stock of tools in my box to fight the temptations. Today I woke up after a wild dip dream and posted roll. The dream brought me back into reality that I'm always vulnerable. I also had another reminder yesterday, I had one of my last 2 molars on the bottom pulled. Every time I eat I'm reminded of what dip did to me. It's pretty damn hard to eat without teeth.
Every time I see someone join KTC and introduce theirselves and then fail to post roll I think of my 40+ years of not truly understanding what I was dealing with. Nicotine addiction is very powerful, however it's not more powerful than a motivated addict that wants to quit and has the tools (and uses them). I always wanted to quit but not as bad as I wanted to satisfy my craving. The realization that I was completely out of control and that I could never quit on my own lead me to beginning the climb from rock bottom.
Living nicotine free is awesome but that is just the beginning; learning to live that life doesn't happen automatically. Most of us never lived any part of our adult lives without nicotine. For me I feel that even after 2 years of being nicotine free I'm just beginning to understand and adjust to my new life.
Great post, as usual.

I can relate as I sneak up on two years. I find myself slacking on the role posting, but am also hardly thinking about dip, and I Fucking love it!!!

I feel guilty at times that I'm not posting roll every day, nor am I trying to help as many new quitters as I once did. However, it feels pretty damn good to finally be rolling through life without carrying such a heavy ass sandbag on my shoulders.

Quit on...
Please tell me I didn't just read casual mentions about not posting every day? Wouldn't expect this from you two quitters. Batting 1.000 is the only way. I'm 855 for fuck. Every damn day.
I'm not a 100% poster, but I'm also not advocating to not post roll. 711-0 against the bitch and damn proud of it.
Just want to see you here every day big Diesel...that's all I'm saying. For the record....I'm actually 856 for 856. I have to track days by other quitters...aka Cbird minus 11.
Can't get rid of me. I'm like the clap, I ain't going nowhere.
I was a 100% poster for a year and a half and I'm not advocating anyone not posting roll. I've been active for over two years now, just a little less than 100 days behind you coach and respect your quit and your activity outside of posting roll. I find myself learning to live life without KTC on a daily basis and for me some day down the road I plan to be able to gain the strength to resist the temptations. Until that day comes I will post roll frequently, maybe not daily but I have tools that are working for me. Of the thousands that quit posting at 100 days very few probably stay clean, for those that quit posting after 1 year I'm sure the % is better. For WT I'm far from ready to fool myself into thinking I'm ready to be weaned. I had two previous pauses of 3+ years each. Does that mean I'm as susceptible of caving now as I was in 1982 or 1995? No, I'm a different person, have different reasons for quitting and have tools I never had then. Am I cocky in saying I don't post daily? No, I'm just telling my story and expressing my feelings about my quit. Most of my tools to stay quit have been gained from KTC and my friends here but not all of them. I found an addiction recovery group (12 step) almost a year ago and I attend these meetings weekly with my wife. This group has become a very important part of my quit, these addicts are in my community and we share more than just addictions.
I find that the things I did in the past to pay forward the strength I received from the likes of you Coach are being filled by many strong quitters. The cycle of quitting, gaining confidence, paying forward your quit and gaining the ability to adjust to living life nicotine free is great to watch. The events that lead me to post this thread initially was one of those moments that reminded me of my addiction and my vulnerability. But I was also reminded of why I'm quit, where I've come from, what I need to do to remain quit and all those that have influenced my life this past 2+ years.
I miss roll occasionally as well. Most of the time it's because I completely forget and/or think I already posted roll because I've been doing it for over two years and the days sometimes run into each other. For example, I forgot to post roll on Wednesday, but I didn't even notice I forgot until I posted on Thursday. It's certainly not a conscious decision to miss roll on those days.

I still plan on posting roll for the foreseeable future, but yes, I might miss a day here and there mainly due to my absent mindedness and my 40 year old brain that forgets things these days that my 20 year old brain would have never forgotten. 'spin'
Quit date 03/24/2012
HOF date 07/01/2012

"The only regret I ever see on this site is from those who fail..." - Sac

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