Author Topic: Need support.  (Read 23724 times)

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Re: Need support.
« Reply #68 on: February 25, 2015, 10:14:00 AM »
Quote from: trigerhapy
Quote from: pab1964
100 day's well you talk like someone whose been quit for year's! Thanks for all your support! Tell everyone you talk to today 100 day's of freedom! You rock olé man! Damn proud to be quit with you my friend!
Love me some quit with Rawls!
HOF my friend, well done sir!
Thanks for all you do for us man.
Proud to be quit with you.
Well done Rawls. You have built quite the Quit foundation brother! Keep adding to it.

Offline trigerhapy

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Re: Need support.
« Reply #67 on: February 25, 2015, 10:12:00 AM »
Quote from: pab1964
100 day's well you talk like someone whose been quit for year's! Thanks for all your support! Tell everyone you talk to today 100 day's of freedom! You rock olé man! Damn proud to be quit with you my friend!
Love me some quit with Rawls!
HOF my friend, well done sir!
Thanks for all you do for us man.
Proud to be quit with you.

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Re: Need support.
« Reply #66 on: February 25, 2015, 07:45:00 AM »
100 day's well you talk like someone whose been quit for year's! Thanks for all your support! Tell everyone you talk to today 100 day's of freedom! You rock olé man! Damn proud to be quit with you my friend!
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD

Offline KennyZ

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Re: Need support.
« Reply #65 on: February 25, 2015, 05:50:00 AM »
Welcome to the train! You're an awesome quitter and thank you for helping me quit!

Offline worktowin

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Re: Need support.
« Reply #64 on: February 25, 2015, 05:27:00 AM »
Ditto everything these guys have said. You've helped a lot of peeps snd in turn helped yourself. The pride and sense of accomplishment you feel today is foreshadowing for what is to come. One day at a time, sir, you are really going to like where you are going. Enjoy today - Youve worked damn hard for it!

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Re: Need support.
« Reply #63 on: February 24, 2015, 07:55:00 PM »
Happy early HOF, man! Thanks for your great posts and leadership here. You've made my quit stronger!

Offline pab1964

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Re: Need support.
« Reply #62 on: February 24, 2015, 12:51:00 PM »
Thanks rawls you've helped alot of us out along the way! Stay strong and focused! Damn proud to call you my quit brother! Prayers still showering your fil!
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD

Offline KennyZ

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Re: Need support.
« Reply #61 on: February 24, 2015, 09:46:00 AM »
Happy HOF Eve! You are an awesome quitter and thank you for helping me quit!

Offline Rawls

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Re: Need support.
« Reply #60 on: February 24, 2015, 09:34:00 AM »
Quote from: redtrain14
Quote from: Rawls
Thanks Blues.

Crazy long time ago........ we are so lucky to have lips.
Only have a couple teeth left.
Snuff ate off my Pinch fingers on both hands years ago!
Killed 4 bird dogs just breathing on them just before I quit.
And that whole time , I thought it was who I was, its was just part of the cards I was dealt.
I liked it.... was proud of it. It was my identity.... Oh and if you don't like me and my tobacco.. hit the road.

Then one day I am in the hospital with my father in law. The lump in his throat was cancer.
Within a week they had cut half his tongue out and were trying to replace it with a muscle from his forearm.
Radiation started soon after and burned his neck so bad he lost all saliva glands.
He is fed three times a day with a tube in his stomach.
His fight is by the second. This man truly understands the meaning of the words .... "going through SUCK".

Then I looked in the mirror........ REAL HARD
My Suck is NOTHING....

IM hear to endure this suffering of self..... and go without poison... and help any and everybody I can get off this S@%#T!

STOP NOW. IT.... IS...... NOT..... WORTH..... IT.....You will die.

Sorry, cant hold it back, still pissed off ... Nicotine is a lie.

77 days NEW Identity!

Rawls out
This is profound.

No chance you can be on the fence after reading this.

Best wishes to your FIL, Rawls.
Thanks for all the prayers and PM's
They pulled all his teeth, we we'll get false teeth next month for appearance. Don't think he will ever swallow food again. He has come along way on talking.. Most of us can understand.
He is a warrior.

Flush the can down the toilet ... And walk away... Never Ever Turn Back.!
I believe.....

Offline Rawls

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Re: Need support.
« Reply #59 on: February 24, 2015, 09:24:00 AM »
Day 99
Represents where I am:
by greg5280

Would I dip again?
I believe.....

Offline ChristopherJ

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Re: Need support.
« Reply #58 on: February 17, 2015, 06:44:00 AM »
Quote from: Rawls
Im on day 91, I found this today from a young buck here on KTC.

Read this guest.. It's right on... Quiting is obtainable.

Come join us... Start an intro and tell us your story. 'Popcorn'

Day 26 and I have been in a bit of a funk these last couple days. I started thinking about this funk and began wondering what the hell it really was. I started some research about nicotine effects and withdrawals and I think I may have figured it out. This probably is nothing new to many of you and I'm sure some of our fellow MD quitters can shed more light on the subject, but for me it was sort of an Ah-Ha moment. I think the fog and funks set in during periods of reduced dopamine levels due to the reconditioning of the brain. It's the brains way of trying to induce a dopamine release that was typically always present but now is no longer there. Trying to fill the void of sorts.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that reinforces behavior that is essential to survival. It's the driving force behind our cravings for food, water, reproduction, physical activity, etc. For example, when someone is hungry dopamine levels will drop and cause a craving for food. Once the stomach is full, signals are sent to the brain and it releases dopamine to create that satisfaction/euphoria feeling. Nicotine itself has the ability to bind with dopamine release receptors in the brain and cause large amounts of dopamine to be released. Kind of makes sense now why it used to be so easy to go most of the day without eating. Also explains why the first few days of the quit are so difficult. The brain has been trained to think that nicotine, because it causes the release of dopamine, is a necessary component for survival. That's why the cravings are so intense at the beginning and why you feel like you can't live without it. Overtime, the brain adjusts and rewires and begins to release dopamine more appropriately. However, because we do have addict brains, there will always be an imprint/pathway that will always desire nicotine. A reminder to the brain that "nicotine is essential for surivival". That's why just one more, one time, one can, won't work. It instantly reinforces that imprint and it comes back to life.

It also explains why the KTC method works. Another instinct we have is to form groups for survival. When in a group, we feel stronger and more empowered to fight anything. Helping each other through these trying times strengthens our bonds and guess what else it does? Yup, it releases dopamine. That's why many of our users are so passionate about this site and what it stands for.

So in short, the secret to getting through the fogs and funks is to KTC it up, eat, drink water, workout, and quit like $#@! Proud to be quit with all you bad ass quitters!
You've got a great Intro thread going Rawls, thanks for sharing. And that's the best summary of the Nicotine 101 article that I have seen on here. Reading solid information that helps us break through the intentional misdirection and false logic that our addict brains use to keep the nicotine coming is like the sun burning away a fog and revealing a beautiful vista. Thanks for sharing.

Quit with you. It keeps getting better

Don't be afraid.  You are not alone.

Offline Rawls

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Re: Need support.
« Reply #57 on: February 16, 2015, 11:19:00 PM »
Im on day 91, I found this today from a young buck here on KTC.

Read this guest.. It's right on... Quiting is obtainable.

Come join us... Start an intro and tell us your story. 'Popcorn'

Day 26 and I have been in a bit of a funk these last couple days. I started thinking about this funk and began wondering what the hell it really was. I started some research about nicotine effects and withdrawals and I think I may have figured it out. This probably is nothing new to many of you and I'm sure some of our fellow MD quitters can shed more light on the subject, but for me it was sort of an Ah-Ha moment. I think the fog and funks set in during periods of reduced dopamine levels due to the reconditioning of the brain. It's the brains way of trying to induce a dopamine release that was typically always present but now is no longer there. Trying to fill the void of sorts.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that reinforces behavior that is essential to survival. It's the driving force behind our cravings for food, water, reproduction, physical activity, etc. For example, when someone is hungry dopamine levels will drop and cause a craving for food. Once the stomach is full, signals are sent to the brain and it releases dopamine to create that satisfaction/euphoria feeling. Nicotine itself has the ability to bind with dopamine release receptors in the brain and cause large amounts of dopamine to be released. Kind of makes sense now why it used to be so easy to go most of the day without eating. Also explains why the first few days of the quit are so difficult. The brain has been trained to think that nicotine, because it causes the release of dopamine, is a necessary component for survival. That's why the cravings are so intense at the beginning and why you feel like you can't live without it. Overtime, the brain adjusts and rewires and begins to release dopamine more appropriately. However, because we do have addict brains, there will always be an imprint/pathway that will always desire nicotine. A reminder to the brain that "nicotine is essential for surivival". That's why just one more, one time, one can, won't work. It instantly reinforces that imprint and it comes back to life.

It also explains why the KTC method works. Another instinct we have is to form groups for survival. When in a group, we feel stronger and more empowered to fight anything. Helping each other through these trying times strengthens our bonds and guess what else it does? Yup, it releases dopamine. That's why many of our users are so passionate about this site and what it stands for.

So in short, the secret to getting through the fogs and funks is to KTC it up, eat, drink water, workout, and quit like $#@! Proud to be quit with all you bad ass quitters!
I believe.....

Offline Rawls

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Re: Need support.
« Reply #56 on: February 15, 2015, 03:21:00 PM »
Quote from: trigerhapy
Then I looked in the mirror........ REAL HARD
My Suck is NOTHING...
Two cross the dunes...
Only one set of foot prints...

My Suck is NOTHING....
Preach it son..
Love me some quit with a Triger.

Bring on the suck....ODAAT

Day 90 here... It's worth every second of not being tied down.
I believe.....

Offline trigerhapy

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Re: Need support.
« Reply #55 on: February 15, 2015, 02:46:00 PM »
Then I looked in the mirror........ REAL HARD
My Suck is NOTHING...
Two cross the dunes...
Only one set of foot prints...

My Suck is NOTHING....

Offline redtrain14

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Re: Need support.
« Reply #54 on: February 03, 2015, 12:06:00 PM »
Quote from: Rawls
Thanks Blues.

Crazy long time ago........ we are so lucky to have lips.
Only have a couple teeth left.
Snuff ate off my Pinch fingers on both hands years ago!
Killed 4 bird dogs just breathing on them just before I quit.
And that whole time , I thought it was who I was, its was just part of the cards I was dealt.
I liked it.... was proud of it. It was my identity.... Oh and if you don't like me and my tobacco.. hit the road.

Then one day I am in the hospital with my father in law. The lump in his throat was cancer.
Within a week they had cut half his tongue out and were trying to replace it with a muscle from his forearm.
Radiation started soon after and burned his neck so bad he lost all saliva glands.
He is fed three times a day with a tube in his stomach.
His fight is by the second. This man truly understands the meaning of the words .... "going through SUCK".

Then I looked in the mirror........ REAL HARD
My Suck is NOTHING....

IM hear to endure this suffering of self..... and go without poison... and help any and everybody I can get off this S@%#T!

STOP NOW. IT.... IS...... NOT..... WORTH..... IT.....You will die.

Sorry, cant hold it back, still pissed off ... Nicotine is a lie.

77 days NEW Identity!

Rawls out
This is profound.

No chance you can be on the fence after reading this.

Best wishes to your FIL, Rawls.