Author Topic: Need support.  (Read 15695 times)

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Offline Rawls

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Re: Need support.
« Reply #38 on: January 25, 2015, 02:09:00 PM »
Day 69
Feeling crazy good. No Nic, no alcohol no coffee, no soda, no vice. Brain is learning how to live without it all ODAAT. You guest reading this need to get involved now.. You can't do it alone.
Engage Maverick..... Life is short.

Had to share how I feel below :

This is the avatar that belongs to a brother here on KTC. jwright

Nic B##h... is in Red! ... ction5.gif
I believe.....

Offline Rawls

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Re: Need support.
« Reply #37 on: January 21, 2015, 09:45:00 AM »
Somethiing I wanted on my intro page.
Some great words of wisdom from Redtrain14. - 2541

I remember it vividly to this dayÂ…..Day 75 quit. I was driving around in my truck during work, not really sure what I was doing. IÂ’m sure I had some work task that I was supposed to do but I found myself just driving aimlessly. I had two Gatorade bottles in my cup holders full of sunflower seeds, atomic fire ball wrappers all over the floor and I found myself fondling this pack of Extra gum like it was the last tin on Earth.

“What the hell is going on here?”

In my complete and total fog, I found myself thinking about my quit and this website. I was everywhere here and was just starting to find my voice. I hawked this place all day long waiting for the next new post and making sure all my quit buddies had posted for the day. I knew the posting patterns of at 6 different quit groups including all of the groups that had come after me. I knew who wasn’t there when they should be. I would send friendly notes saying, “hey…where you at”. Sometimes I would get a “oh…sorry, got sidetracked at work” or a “fuck off” or…..nothing. The nothings always bothered me. I just couldn’t understand how someone couldn’t be actively working on their quit.

At homeÂ….I was a big turd. At this point in my quit I was coming home and either spending my time on the computer in the basement on quit chat or, falling asleep about 6pm on the couch, waking up about 11pm then going to bed. No ambition for anything. I was a lazy piece of crap to be honest.

I was seriously fed up with everything do with quitting. Dip and this website were directly in my frontal lobe at all times. It consumed my every waking thought and entered my dreams at night. IÂ’d had enough. In addition, I was starting to grow tired of the BS on this site. Almost everything typed pissed me off. OhÂ….if I could only invent a keyboard that can convey tone and inflection on a computer screenÂ…but I digress.

Anyway, I was telling a veteran quitter all of this in chat one night and he made me realize something. I was tired, physically and emotionally drained. I spent so much time being consumed with trying to stay quit, I had exhausted myself. He pointed me to the very timeline that Frazzled posted earlier. Man, was that ever trueÂ…Â… times ten. He convinced me to pull back a bit and simply post roll until things leveled out for me. Best advice I ever received. Before long I was back at it picking up new quitters and sifting the most of the rest of the BS.

Well….I’m not really sure where I was going with this other than to say that this 70 – 90 period of time is a real bitch and proves itself to happen time and time again. Every quit group goes through this lull…..every quit group loses a few folks. If you have nothing to do on a weekend, go pick an old group and read it in its entirety. The pattern will reveal itself. What you will also see in that pattern is the healing.

Time some time to reflect, write your thoughts down and clear your heads. If you feel inclined, talk about what you are experiencing on the boards. If one of you is feeling it, chances are 10 others are too. Your one simple thought may be thought that turns the light bulb on for another quitter. Most of all continue to post your roll call daily and simply leave the rest if you need to. Once thing I do knowÂ…..this weird stretch will pass in time. I canÂ’t tell you when, but it willÂ….I promise.


Thank you Sir!
I believe.....

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Re: Need support.
« Reply #36 on: January 16, 2015, 11:41:00 AM »
Quote from: rdad
Rawls, man your efforts in helping other newbies has not gone unnoticed on my part. As b-loMatt would say, "I smell a quitter"
Good job Brother!
smells like teen quit 'oh yeah'

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Re: Need support.
« Reply #35 on: January 15, 2015, 10:22:00 PM »
Rawls, man your efforts in helping other newbies has not gone unnoticed on my part. As b-loMatt would say, "I smell a quitter"
Good job Brother!

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Re: Need support.
« Reply #34 on: January 13, 2015, 08:52:00 PM »
Thanks for helping me through my first few days! God bless! Glad to be quit with you friend!
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD

Offline Rawls

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Re: Need support.
« Reply #33 on: January 13, 2015, 08:39:00 PM »
Thanks spud....
Not what I could be, or should be, but better than what I used to be. ODAAT
I believe.....

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Re: Need support.
« Reply #32 on: January 13, 2015, 07:54:00 PM »
Rawls, love see you supporting new quitters! Proud to quit with you!

Offline Rawls

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Re: Need support.
« Reply #31 on: January 01, 2015, 07:27:00 PM »
Quote from: niwot
Well done Rawls! A big part of quitting for GOOD is you go thru all the pain and suffering and you come out the other side in great health, but you remember the struggle and NEVER want to go thru it again. Everyday you stay quit is followed by an even better day! Be well!
Thanks NIWOT,
Still S$#@s, Im really sick of talking about all the "First time I've done this without a dip." Last Night was huge! First NYE without alcohol and nicotine, probably for 40+years. Amazing how I felt this morning, actually started laughing about it. Then my wife told me this morning that there was no need for me to go to a scheduled sleep study. My snoring is gone! What the heck... Brother, I've been sick for 38 years! Every day is a new adventure...Still pissed off I ever started this crap... Just mad about all that time of deception.
I believe.....

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Re: Need support.
« Reply #30 on: January 01, 2015, 06:44:00 PM »
Well done Rawls! A big part of quitting for GOOD is you go thru all the pain and suffering and you come out the other side in great health, but you remember the struggle and NEVER want to go thru it again. Everyday you stay quit is followed by an even better day! Be well!
There are 2 types of pain: the pain of DISCIPLINE and the pain of REGRET.

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Re: Need support.
« Reply #29 on: January 01, 2015, 06:44:00 PM »
Well done Rawls! A big part of quitting for GOOD is you go thru all the pain and suffering and you come out the other side in great health, but you remember the struggle and NEVER want to go thru it again. Everyday you stay quit is followed by an even better day! Be well!
There are 2 types of pain: the pain of DISCIPLINE and the pain of REGRET.

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Re: Need support.
« Reply #28 on: December 31, 2014, 11:43:00 AM »
With a tag like Rawls, I figured you for a Lubbock area dude. Looks like your'e going in with the right mindset. I can relate. Look forward to putting this shit behind us ODAAT.

Suck it up Buttercup

"I Quit,..... alright, I Fucking Quit... " Crash Davis

Offline Rawls

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Re: Need support.
« Reply #27 on: December 29, 2014, 07:34:00 PM »
We're the same age and on the same page. Quitting with you tomorrow. I'll find your intro. Looking forward to one more day!
I believe.....

Offline paulx1

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Re: Need support.
« Reply #26 on: December 29, 2014, 07:03:00 PM »
Quote from: Rawls
With ya on Pre pollution days paulx1. Makes total since. I'm 50 years old... just learning who I really am. I remember that 10 year old little boy was pritty cool. Hell of a baseball player... ready to see what he can become now without poison. If I can go 40+ days so can you paulx1. Let's get er done.
We're the same age Rawls. Married 23 years to a woman way better than me. Between us quitters - I'm not making a big deal of this around the house - I'm just NOT chewing. If the wife or kids notice I'll just say I quit.

I'm done though. Period. If I have to bite down on a stick (like in the days they chopped off your leg without anesthesia) then that's what I'll do.

A couple of guys told me they use this site like a journal and now I get what they mean. If I'm having a close call I just come back here and read what I wrote for the world to see and wonder if one dip is worth going back on my word.

Well, there's that and I'm convinced that if I cave now some of my new March 2015 teammates will come over to my house and sock me in the head. haha

Offline Rawls

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Re: Need support.
« Reply #25 on: December 29, 2014, 06:22:00 PM »
With ya on Pre pollution days paulx1. Makes total since. I'm 50 years old... just learning who I really am. I remember that 10 year old little boy was pritty cool. Hell of a baseball player... ready to see what he can become now without poison. If I can go 40+ days so can you paulx1. Let's get er done.
I believe.....

Offline Rawls

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Re: Need support.
« Reply #24 on: December 29, 2014, 06:13:00 PM »
Thanks men, one day at a time.
Something NEW I learned last night. Never knew I was avoiding my wife or putting her second. You know that "I'll come to bed here in a bit, so I could get satisfied twice in one evening"... very selfish! Started thinking about it and every time I tried to quit before it was for her... after a couple days or weeks I was just Pissed off and mad at her for making me quit. I can remember one time thinking, if she doesn't like me dipping, she can go find another guy who doesn't . Holy Cow how screwed up is that. And if you saw my wife you would agree, she is gorgeous. Makes since kinda, I've only been married 25 years, been dipping for 38. Nic b#! $/^ was jeolous! New girl in the house! Two girls in the house at the same time, don't work!!
This time I quit for me....not for her, my kids, my parents, inlaws, coworkers, I knew deep down in side it was wrong. I knew I was going to die if I kept using it. Make sure your quiting for the right reason!
Rawls babbling, and out.
Quitting tomorrow with Bean, VCowboy and BAMF
I believe.....